The Hitch in My Plan

By Slade C

Published on Jun 6, 2018


The Hitch in my Plan

Part two

As I struggled to get up, the driver got out and came to help me. He was a tough looking guy about ten years older than me. He had a dark tan and the muscled build of a construction worker but he was also very handsome. I bet he was quite the ladies man. He came over and asked if I was okay.

"I'm fine but I sprained my ankle pretty bad and I need a ride to someplace where I can make a call." I explained.

"No problem, I can give you a lift. I'm just coming off the graveyard shift. Let me help you to the truck and then I'll come back for your stuff." He said.

He pulled me up and had me put my arm over his shoulders and then he walked me to his rig. He practically hoisted me up into the warm cab. Damn he was strong. I'd have to start hitting the gym when I got settled in Denver. I'd have my pick of women if I packed on some muscle like this dude.

He ran back and grabbed my backpack then stuck it in the seat between us and put the truck into gear.

"I'm Jake." I said and extended my hand over to him.

"Nice to meet you Jake. My momma had a nickname for me and it kind of stuck so you can just call me Trouble." He said with a grin.

"Okay Trouble, thanks for the help." I said.

He turned the heater up high even though it was plenty warm inside the cab of the truck. I took off the sweatshirt I had on and let the warm air heat up my aching body. I didn't even think about the fact that I hadn't showered in a while and had been sweating like a dog since I started my journey.

"Damn Jake, you're pretty ripe Bud. How long you been out on the road?" He said.

I was immediately embarrassed and realized I must have have gotten used to how I smelled so I didn't notice it as much. I raised one of my arms and lowered my nose to sniff my pit and see how ripe I was. The fumes hit me hard and I quickly moved to put the sweatshirt back on. He reached over and stopped me.

"Hey Bud, don't worry about it. We're both men here. I didn't mean to embarrass you, just makin' conversation. Leave your sweatshirt off and get warm so you don't get sick." He said.

"Fuck Dude, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't know how bad I stink. You kind of get used to it after a while I guess." I tried to explain with hurried words.

"Seriously Bro, don't worry about it. I'm no rose myself." He joked.

"I'd like to find someplace to take a shower and rest my leg." I said. "And I need to make a phone call to my friends in Denver to see if they can come get me."

"I don't know where you're gonna find a place to shower and rest up unless you get a motel room. You got money for that?" He asked.

"Not really." I said "I'm going to Denver to look for a job and I'm low on cash right now. That's why I was walking, cause I didn't want to pay for the bus."

"I'll tell you what, I just live up here a ways in Gunnison. I'm just coming off my shift and you can come back to my place to clean up and make arrangements with your friends. You can probably wait for them there if you want to but I'll be sleeping most of the morning so I won't be much company." He offered.

"I don't want to bother you especially if you're tired. You've been enough help already just giving me a ride." I said.

"It's no bother. I've got my own place and you're welcome to it. I'll even cook us some breakfast. I wouldn't feel right about dumping you off at a gas station with a messed up ankle." He stated.

"I would appreciate it. I guess it was pretty stupid of me to try and walk all the way to Denver on my own. I thought it sounded kind of fun and like a good challenge that I could brag about." I said.

"It ain't far. We'll be there in about twenty minutes." He said.

We chatted the rest of the way. I told him about the situation with my mom and grandma back in Montrose. He didn't say much and just listened to my biography.

It was still kind of dark out when e pulled into the driveway of his house. It was small but nice with a well kept yard. He lived on the outskirts of town in a sparse neighborhood. The closest house was about a block away.

"It ain't much but it's quiet and I've got it all to myself." He said.

He helped me out of the truck and practically carried me inside. He left me on the sofa and went out to get my pack.

He came back and said, "You'll probably want to take a bath with your foot like it is so that would be the bathroom in the master bedroom. I can help you back there." He said.

"Thanks man. Maybe your mom should have called you Helpful instead of Trouble." I said jokingly.

"Nah, Trouble has always fit me best." He said and winked at me.

He reached down and picked me up. He carried me all the way to the bathroom while I hung on kind of awkwardly. Up close, I could smell his own BO and I didn't feel quite as embarrassed about how dirty I was.

"I hope you don't mind me carrying you. I figured it would be easier and you ought to keep the weight off that ankle until you get it wrapped and get a crutch." He said.

"Its cool man. I sure appreciate the help." I said.

He sat me on the toilet and started running the bath.

"You need help getting your clothes off?" He asked.

"No, I think I can handle it." I said.

"Okay, you take your time and I'll go clean up in the kitchen and get breakfast ready."

"Sounds good man. Thank you so much." I said appreciatively.

As he walked back into the bedroom, he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the bed. He also left the door to the bathroom open which I was sure was just a habit from living by himself.

I managed to get undressed and then maneuvered myself into the tub. The hot water felt good but I had a hard time finding a comfortable position for my ankle.

Soon afterward I heard him come back into the bedroom and then he shouted, "Coming in bud." He walked in, still shirtless and grabbed my clothes. "I'll throw these in the washer for you cause I'm going to wash my work clothes. You don't mind do you?" He asked.

I was startled and tried to cover myself but your hands don't cover a lot when your totally naked.

"Yeah. That would be great. Thanks." I said hoping to get rid of him quick. He stood there with my dirty clothes in his hands and asked what I wanted for breakfast and if I wanted coffee or juice. I said anything he fixed your be great and coffee with cream and sugar. As he left, I thought it was a little odd that he didn't stop to get his own dirty shirt off the bed. Maybe he just forgot about it.

After washing the stink and grime off myself, I drained the tub and refilled it with clean, hot water. It was about ten or fifteen minutes before he came back with a plate of food and a mug of coffee. He sat them on the floor and said, "Holler if you need anything else. I have a little reading to do in the other room."

"Sounds good. I'm gonna soak in the tub awhile longer if that's okay." I replied.

"Make yourself at home bud. There's no need to rush." He said and left.

I ate the hash browns, eggs and sausage quickly. Happy to have a hot meal. I laid back in the tub and drank the coffee. I started to feel pretty tired and when I tried to sit up, I noticed my arms felt heavy and weak. I felt a little dizzy so I laid back down again. I heard him come back into the bathroom and turned my head to see he had stripped down to his briefs and his cock was so big it looked like he had a hard on. He looked at me and smiled. "Looks like you're feeling pretty good." He said standing right next to the tub. My vision was getting blurry and I had a hard time thinking about what I wanted to stay. I noticed he had one of my notebooks in his hand. He starred at me awhile and then raised the notebook and opened it.

"Did you write this shit Bud?" He asked.

All I could manage was to nod my head. I wanted to tell him I felt funny and maybe I was sick or something but I couldn't stay focused and couldn't seem to get any words out. I should have been mad that he had gone through my bag and invaded my privacy by reading my notebook.

He sat the notebook down on the toilet and to my surprise, he pulled his cock out of his underwear. "After reading some of your stories, I have a feeling you and I are going to get along just fine." He said. Then he started to piss into the bathtub.

I wanted to protest. To jump out of the tub and shove him away from me but I couldn't even move my arms anymore. They sort of floated in the bath beside me just below the surface of the water. His piss hit the water over my chest and I clenched my eyes shut as it splashed liquid onto my face. He maneuvered the stream so he was now pissing directly onto my face and head. It seemed like time went slower and slower so it felt like he was pissing on me for a very long time. When he finally stopped, I kept my eyes closed and tried to get control of what i was feeling. I guess that was when I blacked out.

My final coherent thought was that I would drown if I fell asleep in the tub. After that, everything went dark.

(To be continued...)

If you read the story and enjoyed it, I would appreciate your feedback. If you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know. I am interested in conversations with others who have the same interests.

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Next: Chapter 3

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