The Hitch Hiker

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Aug 22, 2011


The Hitch Hiker - Part 2 By: Whipp Livingston

Mike left the bedroom and grabbed his clothes as I was getting dressed. I asked him if he would like to go pick up his truck.

"I was just going to call for a cab," he stated.

I said. "Don't worry about it. I'll take you."

I drove to the gas station where he bought a can of gas and we headed for the interstate to his truck still parked along the side of the road. He filled the tank and was ready to go in a matter of minutes. Time seemed to go by so quickly. It was a short ride back to where he had left his car the night before. I liked being able to help him. In fact I liked being with him. I felt rather good about the moments we spent together. We talked about "guy stuff" and I knew I had found a new friend, maybe more.

I watched as Mike started his truck, pulled on to the Interstate and drove away.

A couple of days went by and Bull was still in my thoughts. I wondered if he would ever come back to see me again. I wondered about a lot of things and I thought about the great sex we had together.

I had just come out of the house to check the mailbox when a familiar looking truck pulled into my driveway. My heart did a complete turnaround. Oh my God, it was Bull. He hopped out of his truck and walked directly towards me.

"Hey Derek, remember me," he said with a broad smile and a sparkle in his eye.

I returned the smile, grinning broadly. "You bet your ass I do. You're my knight in shining armor, my sex buddy and the best fuck I'm sure I will ever have," I told him

He laughed and told me that he had been thinking of me. I looked at the swollen cock in his pants.

"So tell me, is that a gun in your pocket or you just happy to see me," I laughed and took the few steps towards him and rubbed the front of his crotch through his clothes.

"Yep, just as I thought, you're happy to see me," I chuckled. Then I unzipped my pants, took his hand into mine and guided it to my crotch as he reached inside. My cock was already hard.

"You are so bad," Bull chuckled, "and I think you're happy to see me also."

"Yeah I am and I have been thinking about you too."

I could feel some precum beginning to leak from the head of my cock and Bull could feel it thru my underwear as he squeezed my dick just a little. I can't explain it but my mouth was hungry for his cock and that was about all the small talk I could handle from this point on.

"C'mon," I said and led him into the house and straight to the bedroom.

After thirty minutes of hard pounding raw sex we crashed onto the bed, soaked with sweat and panting heavily. My heart was pounding so hard and fast that I felt it beating in my ears. I was definitely sure Bull was experiencing the same thing. It felt like we had been running for miles and were completely spent and out of breath, but no, it was not a marathon that was for sure. It was lust, plain simple emotions that we were feeling.

"Oh . . . oh . . . oh my God, Bull. You are so fucking good," I panted heavily, trying to regain my breath after an earth shattering, ecstatic, powerful orgasm.

"You aren't so bad yourself. You are so hot, it's why I just had to come back," Bull panted grinning broadly with his face covered in sweat.

We both were lying side by side, covered in sweat from head to toe. Eventually our heart rate slowed and our breathing evened. My mind raced as my thoughts went back to a couple days ago when early in the afternoon Bull had taken my cherry ass. It was at the end of three prior rounds of mad passionate lust and sex when my life had taken a dramatic turn for the better.

I turned on my side, leaning into Bull's chest and rested my head just beneath his chin. My fingers caressed his soft hairy chest curling the hair around the tips of my fingers. Lying in the crook of his arm, his hand moved up and down my arm. I loved how his big strong arm felt around me. It all felt strangely exciting for me and all so new. I never imagined myself having sex with a guy, but here I was, in bed with this big, burly, hairy guy, who happened to be a state policeman.

Bull turned to face me with his dark blue eyes sparkling at me. He brought his hand up and gently caressed my face with the back of his fingers.

"I know we only met recently and forcing myself on you seems wrong but . . ."

"Stop," I whispered, putting a finger to his lips. "It doesn't matter anymore. I told you earlier not to let that bother you. I wanted it just as much as you did. You helped me to realize what I wanted most. I know that now," I said.

"That's comforting to know but what I was going to say is that I was so damn horny today and needed to have sex, that I practically raped you. I'm not really like that. It's just not me."

"I realize that, Mike," I said, calling him by his first name and not by his nickname. "Yes it seemed rough and hardcore at first, but this time, I felt a change. You were tenderer more loving and I felt that we were not just having sex, we were making love. Or at least I hoped we were."

"Derek, it looks to me that we are doing things backwards here. I would really like to get know you better. How about having dinner with me? I'd like to show you that I can actually be a gentleman. I really am, you know." Mike said to me.

I gave him a coy little smile. "I'd like that, Mike. I really would like that. But you don't have to go to all that trouble, really," I said to him.

"I want to," Bull replied, leaning in a little more with our noses touching as he kissed me tenderly. "I want to take you some place really nice if I can get a last minute reservation, you know, dress up a bit, casual like at least." - Bull explained"

"I'm going to jump into the shower, you want to join me?" I asked him.

"There is nothing better I would rather do than to shower with you babe," he said.

We went into the bathroom and I turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. We stepped into the spacious shower together and closed the door. The shower was big enough to fit three people and had three showerheads coming from different directions, two coming from opposite directions on the wall and third showering down over us from the ceiling.

I was in sheer heaven as I rubbed the warm sudsy soap across his strong back and shoulders. He then returned the favor as I stood with my back to his furry chest and his hands slowly moved over the front of my body. I felt his stiff cock nestle in the crack of my ass and I gave a soft moan and tilted my head back onto his shoulder as he washed the front of my body. I felt the touch of his tender lips to my neck as he slowly moved towards my ear and gently nibbled on my earlobe, causing me to gasp from the pleasure he was giving me. I turned in his arms and we shared a deep long kiss.

He pushed me against the shower wall, deepening the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist. I felt his hard, stiff member at my love chute and he gave a slight push and he was in me and we moaned deeply through our kiss as the warm water cascaded down over us.

I tore my lips from his and tilted my head back against the shower wall, panting heavily. His lips moved slowly from my chin and along my jaw line till I felt his breath at my ear and he seized the moment as his tongue probed my ear, causing me to cry out.

"Oh my God," I panted. "Oh Mike, oh yes."

"Oh baby, you're so hot, so beautiful," he said throatily in a husky lover's voice.

My arms wrapped around him tighter gripping his shoulders and pulling him into me. He took his hands and held my head still, pushing my wet hair back and planting his lips back over mine again, our tongues dueling for dominance.

It wasn't long till his cock exploded and planted his seed deep inside me, causing my cock to erupt between us and our cries of passion filled the bathroom.

After we came back down from our most high, we stood there in the shower, his chest against mine and our foreheads connected. We stared long into each other's eyes and he kissed me tenderly on the lips.

"We should clean up," I whispered against his lips, "before we prune and get all wrinkly."

"You got it babe," he replied softly.

We cleaned up, turned off the shower and got out and dried each other off. Then we went back out into the bedroom and collected our clothes off the floor and got dressed.

"Honey, are we still on for dinner?" He asked.

"Of course, you know I wouldn't miss that," I replied and chuckled to myself at being called honey.

"Great," he smiled broadly, showing his pearly whites. "I'll see what I can do about tonight. I don't have to be at the station today but I do have to call in. What about you, you have plans?" he asked.

"I do now," I smiled into his eyes like a love struck teen-age girl.

"I better run and check in with the station. I'll be back tonight babe and I'm going to take you out on the town and spoil you rotten." He gave me a wink, pinched my ass, and a peck on the lips and left.

I watched as his truck headed down the road and disappeared at the first intersection.

Just as he said he would, that evening he returned dressed in black slacks and a light blue button up shirt that contoured to his perfect blue eyes. The top two buttons were undone and a wisp of his dark chest hair peeked out from the opening.

"Wow! Don't you look awesome," I said upon answering the door and seeing him standing there cleaned shaven and smelling like Stetson cologne.

"Yeah but you look delicious," he said with a cute little wink and smile. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, let's go stud," I said.

I locked the door and Mike put his arm around me. Together we headed for his truck.

We had been talking the whole time he was driving as we shared mutual beliefs and interests and finding out we had a lot in common. We both loved history and traveling and enjoyed the outdoors. I also learned he had been on the force for sixteen years and was up for a promotion soon.

It had been an hour since he was driving and then finally he pulled into a parking lot outside of an Italian Restaurant and put in park and turned off the engine. I unbuckled my seatbelt and went to get out.

"Hold up for a sec ok," Mike smiled.

"Ok?" I said, giving a questionable look.

I watched as he jumped down out of his truck and came around to my door. Oh my God, he is opening the door for me, I say to myself. Could this guy be any more of a gentleman? How the hell did I get so lucky meeting someone like Michael "Bull" Bullaski, I thought. I smiled at the chivalry and demeanor he was presenting at being the gentleman he was.

We went inside and were greeted with a smile by a lovely young hostess and it was quite obvious she was flirting with him and he ignored her advances as she escorted us to the dining area and to our table and given menus.

We enjoyed a pleasant conversation the whole time and the meal was absolutely excellent. The evening was wonderful and I was actually having a great time with him. I was totally in awe and knew I was falling head over heels with this guy as he brought out the best in me and I in him as we enjoyed each other's company.

After the meal he took me to a park several miles away and we walked around. As we walked side by side, I felt him slip his hand into mine and we laced our fingers together. We walked and talked for about an hour, then stopping in the midst of footbridge and stared at the water that was sparkling from the bright fullness of the moon.

An hour and a half later, we were pulling into my driveway and then standing at my front door. He took my keys and unlocked the door for me and swung it softly open and we stepped inside.

I turned towards Mike just as he pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I really had a wonderful time with you tonight."

"I had a wonderful time with you too," I said. "The night doesn't have to be over yet," I stated.

"Yeah it does, I have to be at work in the morning."

Bull dropped his hands from my waist and went to the door.

"I'll call you sometime this week okay," he said as he opened the door.

"Yeah sure," I said, feeling a little disappointed.


"Bye," I said.

Bull left and I watched him pull his truck out of my drive.

Four days went by and it was the middle of the week. It was a Thursday night and I was feeling kind of horny but I refused to pleasure myself. I was becoming well aware of my feelings for the hot cop and wanted to save myself for another hot tryst with him. I was hard as a rock and decided to take a cold shower and headed to bed early.

Around midnight, I was awakened by a noise. Half asleep as I was, I instantly thought someone was in the house. I threw on a pair of shorts and grabbed my baseball bat from under the bed and went from room to room. I crept slowly, ready to swing the baseball bat at anything that would cross my path when my phone rang and scared the shit out of me. I answered it on the first ring.

"Hello," I whispered into the receiver.

"Derek, its Bull. Did I wake you?"

"No you didn't," I whispered back. "What's up Bull?"

"Why are you whispering?" Bull asked in a peculiar tone.

"I was in bed sleeping when a noise woke me. Now I'm checking the place out."

"I'm not that far away. I'll be there in a few minutes," Bull stated in a worried tone and clapped his phone shut. "Hang on babe, I'm on my way," he said to himself and pressed his foot harder to the accelerator.

I hung up the phone and walked to the sliding glass door, glancing out and noticed where the noise was coming from. There was deer in the backyard and once they heard Bull pulling into my drive and the headlights hit them square on, they ran off into the woods not far from the house.

Bull breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the deer in the backyard and knew then where the noise was coming from.

"Hey babe, looks like you found the culprit," he grinned.

I noticed he hadn't changed into civilian clothes and it was the first time I seen him dressed in his uniform and he was so damn hot looking. And there I was, wearing only a pair of boxers.

"Yeah," I scoffed. "Damn deer," I said as I was watching them running off into the distance. "I haven't seen any for a long time they must've been looking for food. Did you see how many there were, there was four of them."

"Yeah I saw them."

He came up behind me and pressed his chest into my back, wrapped his arms around me. His hands moved over the front of my boxers and my cock instantly reacted to his touch and he was nuzzling my neck.

"You look so hot in those boxers baby. It's been four days since I nutted baby, since I was with you. What do you say we go into the bedroom and have some fun?"

"But officer, aren't you on duty?" I grinned.

"I was on my way home when I called you," he softly whispered into my ear and then kissing it and working his lips down my neck and a hand slipping inside my boxers and grasping my growing cock.

"Do you know how much I missed this?" I whispered as my back pressed into his hard chest.

"Then why are we standing here and not doing anything about it?"

"You look damn fucking hot in that uniform," I said as I turned in his arms.

His lips instantly met mine and he kissed me hard and deep, our tongues dueling for each other's mouths. My fingers worked fast as they hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

We worked our way to my bedroom, stumbling, kissing, and pawing at each other. At the foot of the bed, I instantly went to my knees and unfastened his pants and let them drop along with his boxers allowing Bull's fat ten and half inch cock to plop out and stick straight out in front of him.

I took in the sight of this long, fat cock that was mere inches of my face and I opened my mouth and engulfed it into my waiting hot mouth and began sucking on it, causing Bull to cry out. My lips wrapped around the thick shaft I inhaled and began to piston my head back and forth as I pushed more into my mouth as it hit the back of my throat.

"Oh fuck babe!" he moaned. "Ughh! Ahhh! Oh fuck!" he groaned.

He placed his hands on the back of my head and began fucking my face and my gag reflex kicked in when he pounded the back of my throat. I let him attack my throat and I drooled heavily as my spit coated his cock. I grabbed my own hard cock and began stroking it slowly.

Then I shifted and I felt something cold at my knee, Keeping my focus on his cock as I sucked on it and bringing him pleasure I let my right hand do the searching till my fingers located the object and I knew they were his handcuffs and instantly devised a plan, hoping it would work.

With his back towards the bed, I gave him a shove and he fell onto the bed. I pounced on top of him, kissing him as we panted and moaned through our kiss. I slipped the handcuffs beneath a pillow unseen and allowed my hands to roam his beefy, hairy body and enjoying the sexual gratification. We kissed hard and deep and he took my hand into his and we linked our fingers together. I raised his arms above his head as we kept our lips locked and our tongues dueling for dominance.

In an instance, I had his wrists handcuffed to the headboard.

"What the fuck!?" he exclaimed and then gave me a sly grin. "Oh I see payback is hell isn't it."

"Just wait and see Bull, just wait and see."

I leaned over and grabbed some lube from the bedside table and applied a generous amount to my ass and his cock. I straddled him and eased his cock into my ass and then sat all the way down in one thrust.

"Ughhh fuck!" I shouted as I felt my ass open up to his huge cock.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Bull grunted deep.

I just sat still on Bull's cock and leaned down and kissed him deeply. My fingers slowly moved over his bulky hairy body and then to his huge biceps as they flexed from my touch.

I slowly rose up, almost all the way off and then back down, feeling the enormity of his size embedded inside me as I took him balls deep again. I was in sheer heaven as his cock filled me completely. I repeated this maneuver over and over taking it slow as I wanted this feeling of fullness to last.

"Ughhh fuck!" Bull groaned. "Fuck babe, you are so fucking hot and tight!"

Bull grinned, as his throbbing hard cock was feeling the tightness and slow moving thrusts up and down in my hot and tight ass. He lies there beneath me and begins to thrust his hips up to meet my down thrust and I let out a groan of pleasure.

"AH!" I gasped. "Oh fuck that cock feels so ... ahhhh ... fucking good in my ahhhh ... ass."

"Mmmm," Bull replied as our eyes met and enjoying the intense feelings we were sharing.

He groaned and was breathing heavily as I rode his cock up and down as my tight clenching ass muscles were working on his throbbing hard cock. I angled my thrusts as his cock was now hitting my prostate and causing me to see stars and to cry out with pleasure. My pace changed and I began riding him harder with quicker thrusts.

"Yeah baby, ride that fucking cock!" Bull groaned as he moved his hips up.

"Ah! Uh! Ohhhh!" I gasped as his huge cock felt bigger inside me now as I was riding him with quicker strides now. I was riding him like a bucking bronco. You know, save a horse ride a cowboy, well my cowboy was a big, strapping, hairy muscled state trooper.

"Ahhh fuck! Baby ride that cock. I'm gonna fucking cum," Bull cried out.

Bull's sweaty, hot, tanned, hairy body trembled beneath me and I watched as the veins pulsed in his biceps as he grasped the headboard in tight fists and threw his head back and thrust his hips up.

"Ahhhhhhh fuuuuuuck!!" he yelled as his powerful strong body became lost in an intense and uncontrollable orgasm.

I sat down hard and felt every blast, every torrent of his hot seed fill my insides. Bull grunted and groaned, yelling out in pure lustful passion as he came hard and deep coating my insides with thick loads of cum.

"Ahhhh, ohhhhh, fuck, Bull, I'm coming!" I grunted and groaned as I starting shooting a huge load of hot cum all over his hairy chest and stomach. I was moaning loudly and panting as my orgasm took over my entire being.

"Fuck that was hot. Now get these damn cuffs off me," Bull demanded.

"Where's the key?" I said quickly.

"In my pants pocket, right side," he said.

I rose from him and leaped from the bed and grabbed his pants off the floor and fished the key out of the pocket and took the cuffs off him.

"Damn baby, that was fucking intense," Bull said sitting up and rubbing his wrists.

"It was wasn't it," I grinned.

"Oh I'm not done with you yet," he grinned. "I think I may have another load or two for ya."

He wrapped both his arms around me, threw me down on my back and rested on top of me, kissing me hard and deep. I cupped the back of his head into both my hands, pulling him in for a deeper kiss, and with one quick move he pushed his cock back inside my ass again and we moaned with desire.

He was pounding my ass good as we moaned through the deep tongue bashing hot kiss. My hands cascaded down his muscular back to his ass and kneaded his hairy ass cheeks with my fingers.

Then he lifted his weight from mine and held my legs up and out, holding them by the ankles and began slamming even harder into me, pulling all the way out and then shoving his cock deep inside over and over again.

"Oh! Oh! Oh fuck yeah! Give it to me, shove that fucking cock in my ass," I yelled, feeling the brunt of it hitting my prostate every time.

"Oh fuck babe, your ass feels so good," he panted hard and rough.

"Awww fuck! I'm not gonna last if you keep that up," I chanted.

"Me either babe," he grunted.

I threw my head back, feeling the orgasm sweeping over me and I cried out as my cock erupted and sent streams of cum across my chest and stomach, some of it even hitting the headboard above me.

"Awww fuck! Here it comes!" he shouted. He barely had the words out when his cock erupted deep inside me once again.

The muscles in my ass constricted around his cock, squeezing, milking his cock for all its worth as he dumped a hefty load and coating my insides with his hot milky seed.

Then his sweaty hairy body collapsed on me and I held him close as our hearts were beating as one and our breathing finally slowed. He lifted himself off me and rested comfortably beside me as we face each other. We kissed tenderly as we held each other and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning I was the first to awaken. I stretched my stiff limbs and turned to my side, facing him. He was on his back and I inched closer and rested my head on his chest and softly caressed his furry chest with my fingers.

He stirred in his sleep and let out a groan. "Good morning," he said sleepily with his eyes still closed.

"Good morning."

"How long have you been staring at me?" he asked.

"Not long," I answered.

He shifted and I was in the crook of his arm. His hand slowly moving up and down my arm.

"I like this," he whispered. "I like waking up beside you."

"Me too," I said. "How about I make us breakfast and we can talk."

"Okay," he said. "I'll go get a shower a while."

I got up, slipped on a pair of boxers and went to the kitchen while he went to take a shower. I was setting the table when he walked in wearing only a pair of my boxers.

"I hope you don't mind, but I put a pair of your boxers on."

"That's okay." I turned towards him. God, he was so hot, so gorgeous and I was in love.

We sat down to breakfast and started eating.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I was thinking about your commute to work. Doesn't it take you longer to get to work from where you live?"

"Yeah about an hour and a half, why you ask?"

"Well I was thinking about that extra room I have. And it would be closer to work for you too."

Bull gave me a look of surprise. "Are you serious? Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"As serious as I ever will be. Look, it's pretty obvious how we feel about each other but if you think it's too soon I understand."

"All I can say Derek is that I can be myself whenever I am around you and I haven't been this happy with someone in a long time. You make me happy and I am in love with you. I would love to move in here with you."

A few weeks later Bull moved in with me and well we've been together for over ten years now. I guess you can say that's the end of the story of how I met a hot state trooper who was hitch hiking through the pouring down rain one night along an interstate highway and ended up becoming lovers.

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