The Hitch Hiker

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Jul 21, 2011


THE HITCH HIKER By Whipp Livingston

I had been driving for over two hours and darkness was all around me. I was on my way home from my girlfriend's house. We were supposed to have dinner and a late night movie but when I walked into her apartment, I heard her in her bedroom. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what she was doing. I walked into her bedroom to see her with a mutual friend as he was fucking her brains out. We ended up having a huge fight and I stormed out of the apartment.

Needless to say I was pissed, fuming as I drove down the highway, but I kept my senses and drove the maximum speed. Although at times when I would glance at the speedometer it would be five or ten miles over the required limit. And not only that it was pouring down raining, so I really did not want to get into an accident with my navy blue 4x4 truck. I had it for a couple years and loved everything about it.

I was getting tired on the way home and the weather didn't help matters as the rain came down. I had my window down half-way as the fresh air blew in which made me even more drowsy. My high beams were on and I kept a nice grip on the wheel and had my eyes focused on the road and that was when I noticed a man walking along the highway in the pouring down rain towards town which was another ten more miles. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy so when I got closer, I pulled over and put my passenger side window down.

"Hey, buddy, you need a ride?" I yelled out the window.

"Awe man, I would appreciate it greatly if you don't mind?" the man obliged in a rough manly voice.

"Hop on in," I said with a smile and the guy opened the passenger door and got in.

I put my hand out. "Derek Collins," I said as I put my hand out and greeted him with a smile.

"Mike Bullaski," Mike said as he smiled back and shook my hand, showing his pearly whites as I noticed an attractive smile.

I quickly noticed his physique as he sat in my truck and he looked huge, very muscular. He had short dark hair and sharp blue eyes and a five o'clock shadow. Then he unzipped his coat and pulled it off and I noticed his huge biceps and tattoos on his arms. The guy must've worked out I guessed as I kept my eyes on the road.

We talked a good bit, about our lives, this and that as we got to know each other. I found out he was an off duty police officer heading home after working a three to eleven shift. He seemed really nice and finding out he was a police officer I didn't feel threatened by him at all. I have the utmost of respect for our law enforcement and all they do to protect and serve. He even told me I should be careful of those I give rides to. I told him he was my first hitch hiker. We laughed at some corny jokes and we felt at ease with each other as we continued a lengthy conversation.

"Where're you headed?"

"My car broke down and I never took notice I was low on fuel and before I knew it I ran out of gas. So I'm just gonna go to the next town and buy a can of gas to take back to my truck."

"Well Mike," I said meekly. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the only gas station in town is closed for the night, closed at eleven and its half past midnight already," I said, noticing the time on the dashboard.

"Damn, that sucks. I didn't realize it was so late. You know of a motel or some place I can stay for the night?"

"The closest one is in Millersville, and that's twenty miles in the opposite direction. Since it's just for one night, you can stay with me. I have an extra room."

"Oh, no I couldn't do that," he declined. "I don't want to put you out."

"Nonsense, I have plenty of room and I insist. You can get out of those wet clothes; get a hot shower and something warm to eat."

Mike nodded as he smiled. "That does sound good, thanks Derek."

"No problem, Mike."

A few miles more and I was pulling into the driveway that led to my house. It wasn't a huge house but it was enough for me and it was five miles out of town. It was a small ranch three bedroom house. I used one of those rooms for an office. It sat back out of the way and out of noise from the highway. It was home for me and I loved everything about it. I pulled the garage door remote from the middle console and pressed the button and waited for the doors to rise and then I slowly pulled it into park and out of the rain. Once in the house and the lights turned on, I noticed how soaked Mike really was.

"Mike you are soaked to the skin. How about you getting out of those wet clothes and I can find something for you to wear while I freshen up your clothes."

"Thanks man," Mike said shivering, his teeth chattering.

"Damn, you're cold as ice," I said as I helped him out of his coat. "Come on, I'll show where you can clean up," I said as I led the way to the bathroom and turned the water on to heat up.

"There ya go. I'll get you something to wear in the meantime."

"Thanks Derek, you're a great friend."

"Not a problem bud."

I left him in the bathroom and headed out into my bedroom for some clothes. When I came back into the bathroom, Mike was already in the shower. The shower door was steamed up but I was able to still see his silhouette. I couldn't help but to gawk at Mike's beautiful sculpted like tan body and size. He had to be at least six foot four and very muscular as muscles protruded everywhere on his body. My eyes went wide as my eyes went lower, catching sight of the huge cock between his legs and it wasn't even hard. Then he noticed me staring and I cleared my throat and headed for the door.

"I'm just laying some clothes and a towel here on the vanity for you. I'll give you some privacy and will freshen up your clothes," I said as I bent over and grabbed his wet clothes.

Mike threw that handsome smile at me again. "Thanks."

I darted out the door and headed to the laundry room and threw his clothes in the washer on low cycle and it was done within ten minutes and then I quickly threw them into the dryer. In the meantime, I was puttering around the kitchen to find something quick and easy to eat. I ended up finding a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup and placed it on the stove to heat up. It was nice and hot by the time Mike had came into the kitchen.

"Damn that shower felt good," he said as walked into the kitchen.

"I don't have much. I haven't gone to the store yet to stock up but I found a can of soup."

I sat a bowl of hot soup down on the table for him and offered him a seat and something to drink and he sat down to eat as I got him a glass of iced tea.

"You've done quite enough already. I can't thank you enough for taking me in like this. If there is anything I can do for you, just ask."

"Well," I said with a smirk. "You can make sure I don't get any speeding tickets from your colleagues." I chuckled.

He laughed a deep and hearty laugh and for a moment I thought I saw a sparkle in his eye as he winked at me and picked up his spoon. "I will definitely keep that in mind."

"You like being a cop, Mike?" I asked as I stood with my back against the counter and crossed my arms at my chest, watching him slowly eat.

"Yes I do," he nodded his head. "I enjoy it very much and take it very serious and please call me Bull. It's what my friends call me. You really didn't have to go to all this trouble for me," Bull stated showing that fabulous smile again.

What is wrong with me, I thought. I'm a straight guy and I am finding this guy irresistibly hot and sexy and all that good stuff and just can't keep my eyes off him. Then I began to wonder what it would be like to have sex with him. Then I thought about Melinda and what happened when I left her place and then running into Trooper Mike Bullaski, the hottest, sexiest cop I have ever seen.

"You ok?" Mike asked, noticing how distracted I was.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I was suppose to have a romantic evening with my girl tonight and when I showed up at her place, some guy was fucking the shit out of her. We got into a fight and I broke it off with her and stormed off."

"Sorry to hear that," Bull said as he looked up after taking a bite of his soup and I could tell he felt sorry for me. "You want to talk about it. Sometimes it helps."

"Naw, I'm all right." Then I pulled a chair out from the table and sat down across from him. "What about you? You have anyone special?" I said, changing the subject.

"No I don't actually," Bull said as he sipped on the hot chicken broth. "I'm widowed. Cancer. Died last year." His words short and to the point.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry," I said, noticing his expression had changed and feeling bad I had brought the subject up.

"It's all right. I have to get used to talking about it. I'm really tired now. Would you mind showing me where I will be sleeping?"

"Sure," I said low, as I felt bad for the guy.

I led the way to the guest room and said good night as Mike lay down on the bed. Within minutes, he was out like a light.

I stayed up long enough to check the dryer and fold his clothes and then I headed off to my room, took a shower and hopped into bed myself. Once my head hit the pillow, I drifted off to a sleep.

The next morning when I awoke, I realized I wasn't alone. Mike had his hairy chest pressed into my back and an arm draped over my side. I remembered him being in my room during the night but I thought he went back into the guest room. Surprisingly but strangely, it felt warm and comfortable. I didn't want to move, but then when Bull's hand began to move down my body. I gasped at the sudden move as Bull caressed my morning wood. I also felt his own wood stiffen against my ass. He had no clothes on as I felt his nakedness against my own.

"Mmmmm, 'bout time you woke up." Bull whispered as he kissed my ear and neck.

Fully awake now, I quickly sat up in bed. "Uh, what the fuck are you doing in my bed and why are you naked?"

"Babe, you came on to me last night and we ended up here."

"Uh, I'm not your babe and no I did not come onto you."

"Yeah you did. I saw you watching me in the shower." Bull smirked. "And then we kissed. Don't you remember?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I pulled a blanket around me and went to climb out of bed.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the bed, kissing me passionately and I felt his tongue entering my mouth and caressing my own. The feeling was incredible but I pushed him back.

"Get off me," I groaned feeling the weight of the man that was on top of me.

"Why are you fighting me? You know you want me."

Bull grabbed both my wrists and from out of nowhere two pair of handcuffs were in sight and he handcuffed me to the headboard. Then he wedged himself between my legs, forcing them open.

"I am not . . . mmmmmm . . ." my words were muffled when Bull kissed me fully on the mouth once more and I couldn't help but kiss him back. I wanted more from him as he was grinding his cock against my own.

When the kiss broke, Bull slowly began kissing, licking, caressing his way down my neck. Every ounce of my being was saying that I didn't want this but the feeling it gave me was so incredibly hot and intense. He continued his way down my smooth chest to my nubs, sucking, licking, gently biting them and sending me into a whirlwind of passion.

"Oh God," I moaned, enjoying the pleasure. As much as I did not want to have sex with Mike or Bull whatever the hell his name was, I couldn't help but fall into the lust and desire of his entrapment and being pleasured.

Bull's lips and tongue traveled quickly down my middle and then suddenly I felt my already swollen cock being engulfed into his mouth.

"Ohhhhhhhh fuuuuck," I moaned out loud.

I gasped with the pleasure I was enduring. Melinda had never sucked my cock this good, I thought. This was far better than any blow job I had ever gotten and loved every minute of it. His head bobbed up and down, sucking, licking my seven inch cock. I was in sheer ecstasy and knew I wasn't going to last much longer and began to move my hips and began to fuck his mouth.

"Awwww fuck. I'm gonna cum," I shouted as Bull kept on sucking. "Uuunnnggghhh, ffffuuuuck."

My cock erupted as he swallowed a hefty load of my hot milky load down his throat. Then he sucked the last bit of cum from my cock, letting it slip from his mouth as he moved back up and kissed me deep, forcing my mouth open with his tongue as I tasted the remnants of my cum on his lips and found it to be tasty and satisfying.

He pulled his lips from mine and straddled my chest, pinning my shoulders to the mattress. His huge pole of a cock was right in my face as it was leaking cum profusely. Now I knew why his friends called him Bull, he was fucking huge and thick.

Without giving it another thought, I lifted my head off the pillow to take his cock into my mouth. At first the thought of it turned my stomach but once I tasted his sweet nectar, I found the taste of his cum very delightful and savory.

Suddenly, my mind just stopped thinking and all I could focus on was this marvelous cock that was sinking deeper into my mouth and the incredible feeling of the stiff texture of his skin on my tongue as I was sucking and licking on his cock. I didn't even know if I was doing right, but I must have with the moans of pleasure coming from this guy.

"Oh yeahhhhh," Bull moaned with a satisfied sigh. "That's it baby, suck my cock."

I started to take more of it as he pushed his cock further into my mouth and hit the back of my throat causing my gag reflex to kick in. He pulled back some and gave another harder push as I was choking and gagging on his huge pecker.

"Come on now, open that throat up," he ordered me as he gave another push.

I was choking and gagging, gasping for air as he began to fuck my mouth with his oversize cock. My cheeks puffed out, my face was red and felt hot as I was starting to sweat. I was getting more into it as I gave it my all as I was sucking on this huge delicious cock that filled my mouth.

"Awww fuck! Yeahhhh baby!" he shouted. "I knew you were a natural cock sucker. Suck it baby, suck my big cock! That's it. Yeahhhhh, ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhh. Awww fuck! I'm gonna blow. I'm gonna fucking blow in your mouth."

I felt his cock thicken in my mouth and then a sudden burst of hot semen began coating my throat. Oh my fucking gawd, I was swallowing his hot cum and it was deliciously tasteful. I sucked and milked his cock for all its worth. I moaned with instant pleasure as his cock throbbed inside, flooding my mouth with copious loads of his hot man seed and I was swallowing it all with the exception of some that was dripping out of the corners of my mouth.

Bull fell forward as my face was buried in the hollow of his hairy stomach and then moving down as we came eye to eye and our cocks were rubbing against each other. His weight heavier than mine rested comfortably on top of me as we kissed with a fiery passion. He moaned with desire as he tasted his own seed on my lips, our tongues dueling for dominance.

Bull pulled his lips from mine and slowly began kissing my throat and neck. I lay there with my eyes closed as I was in total exquisite gratifying ecstasy as he was making love to my body. I never felt anything like it before and I never wanted it to end. His hot breath and tongue moved softly, cascading over my hot sweaty chest, sucking and nibbling on my already hard nipples. Then thrusting his tongue into my naval, I cried out, causing a burst of pleasurable moans to come from me as he continued to move downward.

My eyes remained closed and I felt him shift between my legs as I felt his hot breath and tongue gliding over my sensitive cock to my balls. Then I felt him placing my legs over his shoulders with his head remaining in my crotch.

My eyes flew open at the sudden touch of his tongue licking at my tight puckered ass ring and pushing his tongue inside.

"Awwwww fuuuck! Oh sweet Jesus," I panted as I felt a jolt of electricity soar through my body and the feeling it gave was like nothing I had ever felt before. I could not believe what was happening as he began to eat out my ass.

Bull just licked and probed his tongue at my hole, making it wet and slimy and began pushing a finger into me and oh God it felt wonderful and causing me to moan even more. I felt his finger moving in deeper as he pushed it in and out. Then I felt another finger in my ass and then a third. He was not wasting time and I knew without any doubt what was on his mind. As good as it felt, I actually began to worry. Never In my life had I ever fucked around with a guy and now here I was, terrified that taking anything quite this large up my ass would tear me in two. But damn! I had gotten this far and it was just too good to turn down! I had to try it once.

He lifted himself up onto his knees between my open legs and then raising them over his shoulders. I felt the rubbery head of his rigid cock at my ass, then feeling the pressure as he slowly moved his cock into me. I felt my ass ring begin to open up and then . . . pop . . . the head went in and my sphincter closed tightly behind its ridged head.

"Uggghhhh fuck, oh Christ, take it out," I pleaded, but my words went unheeded as I stifled back my cries of pain, clenching my teeth, wincing and breathing deeply.

He began to push deeper and all I could do was moan. I threw my head back arching my throat, feeling him stretching my hole wider. I gripped the headboard which my hands were handcuffed to in tight fists.

"Fuuuuck! Your ass is so fucking tight. Shit man, I am going to have fun breaking you in," Bull shouts, grinning at the same time. "If I last that long," he says low, as if talking to himself.

"Awwww fucking shit, man! It fucking hurts!" I screamed through clenched teeth.

"Don't worry babe, the pain won't last long. Soon you'll be begging for more," he panted.

Deeper and deeper he went, pushing, stretching my hole wide and with a few mere inches, he gave a hard thrust and his cock was completely buried.

"Awwww fuck baby, you got all me in you now."

Finally, as he had said, the pain had dissipated and the only thing I felt was an overwhelming fullness inside me. He managed to push deeper and all I could do was moan. Finally I got two words out.

"Fuck me," I panted deeply.

"Damn baby, you're nice and tight," Bull grunted through his panting, thrusting harder each time. "Gonna fuck your ass good baby."

He leaned forward, hovering above me and he began a steady rhythm. I felt the pushing and prodding of the muscles in my ass moving with his cock. It damn near felt like he was pulling my insides out when he would pull back and then would thrust it deep back inside me again. His movements caused his head to bang against the headboard and he tuck his head under, taking the blows to his shoulders instead.

"Awwwww fuck Mike, your huge," I panted through breaths. " Just how big are you."

"Baby you got a full twelve inches of cop meat deep inside you."

"Damn,' was all I could say as I felt the muscles in my ass pushing and pulling on his huge piece of cop meat and I moaned deeply.

"You like that, Derek!? You like feeling my bull cock deep inside you?!"

"Yes," I said through clenched teeth.

The gentle strokes were gone and he was using me for all I was worth. He would pull out, leaving the head of his cock intact than slamming it in with all his strength. He did this over and over and the pain came back. My ass was on fire from the pain, yet all I wanted was for it to end quickly. He started angling his thrusts hitting something inside him that made me cry out in extreme pleasure and literally causing me to see stars.

"That's where your love nut is," Bull panted throatily through his thrusts.

He kept fucking me at the same angle, hitting that same spot he called the love nut every time. I was moaning and groaning feeling the intense pressure. My eyes were tightly closed and my body was tensing from the ecstasy his cock was giving me.

"Oh fuck," I screamed out, "yeah fuck my ass, Bull. Ohhhhhh God yessssss! I want it! Give it to me. I want it fucking bad! Ohhh fucking yeahhhh!"

"With pleasure my little treasure," Bull thrust harder, slamming his cock in and out.

He would pull all the way out and slam it back in, hard, over and over. I locked my legs around his muscular build, my arms above my head as my hands were still handcuffed to the headboard. His hairy chest tickled my smooth one and was causing friction to my already stiff and leaking cock.

Bull kept up a steady pace, slamming his cock in and out. The feelings I was having was sensational as his bull cock pushed in and out, stretching and opening my chute. I was in ecstasy. Every thrust he gave massaged my prostate and I thought I was going to rocket right off the bed and through the roof! I knew I was close to cumming.

"Ughhhhh fuuuuck! I'm gonna cum! I'm fuuuucking cumming," I announced, arching my trembling body and caught in an intense orgasm. My cock erupted shooting long streams of cum between our sweaty bodies. I was shocked and surprised I was able to cum without touching my cock. Every time I came, the muscles in my ass tensed up and clasped around his cock.

His breathing became more labored and intense as he was grunting and panting. He was pounding into my ass like he was trying to pile drive my head through the headboard. All I could do was lie there and focus on that bull cock pistoning in and out of my ass. It was beyond incredible.

"I'm gonna cum baby. I'm gonna breed your fucking ass. You want that baby, you want me to fill that tight ass of yours?"

"Fuck yeah, breed my ass. Fill me up," I begged.

"Here it comes. Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuck! I'm cummmmingggg," he shouted out.

His back arched. His head went back. His eyes tightly shut and his jaw locked and his teeth clenched tightly together as he exploded deep inside my ass.

"Fuck, I can feel you shooting in me," I panted.

I felt his cock twitch inside me every time it spewed its hot seed into me. Six times I felt his bull cock blasting off inside me, filling my ass to overflowing. Then his tense muscles relaxed and he fell heavily on to me as his cock kept twitching and jerking inside of me.

"Can you take these off now, Mike? They're cutting into my wrists," I pleaded.

"Sure thing babe." And he reached for his key and I heard the click as they came lose.

"What the hell is this?" Melinda shouted as she stood in the doorway of my bedroom. She startled the pair of us as we both whipped our heads in her direction.

"You couldn't wait to get rid of me and now I find out you're gay? You know I could hear you all the way outside shouting and now I know why. You disgust me."

"Get the fuck out of my house," I yelled. "Get out!"

I pushed Bull off me and jumped out of bed, not even throwing any clothes on and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the front door. Bull wasn't that far behind as he followed us and he too hadn't thrown any clothes on either.

"Let go of my arm," she hissed.

"I don't want you're lying, cheating, ass in my house. You're no longer welcome in my home," I angrily said as I opened the door. "Now get the fuck out of my house."

"You know something ironic, I came here this morning to apologize and ask you to come back but now I see you don't need me. You just wait Derek. I am going to let everyone of your friends know that I caught you in bed getting fucked by another guy."

"Go ahead bitch, I don't care. I have nothing to hide. Least I get better head from him than I ever got from you."

"You bastard," Melinda screeched, slapping me across my face. The anger I felt didn't compare to the slap to the face I just received.

Bull grabbed Melinda by the arm. "That is the last time you ever hit him. Now get out."

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"A friend," Bull replied. "Now it's time for you to leave."

Melinda stormed out the door and into her car and sped away.

"I'm sorry about that but when I saw her slap you, I had to step in."

"It's all right Mike. I never realized what I actually was dealing with when I met her. She is a lost cause and means nothing to me anymore."

Mike smiled and pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry I forced myself on you like I did. I shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah, well, I kinda liked it," I said, grinning wide. "I never thought having a cock up my ass would feel that great. Come on, I want some more of that fantastic cock of yours."

A big smile lit up his entire face. "Yeah!"


We made our way back to my bedroom, kissing and pawing at each other. We were standing at the foot of my bed and he had his arms around me, holding me close as I leaned into his hard and hairy chest, kissing wildly.

His lips then left mine and I tilted my head as he kissed and sucked on my neck. I reached down and took hold of his huge cock, feeling it in the grasp of my hand for the first time. I wrapped my fingers around it and began stroking it.

I went to my knees and became eye level with his cock. It was leaking profusely and I stuck my tongue out and licked it up. I smacked my lips at the taste of it and then I opened my mouth and closed my lips around the head of it as it stretched my mouth open. I stroked his cock with my hand and was sucking on it at the same time, causing him to moan his pleasure.

"Oh baby, that feels soooo good. Suck that cock," he moaned.

It didn't take long till he was rock hard in my mouth and he started to rock his hips back and forth as he was fucking my mouth. I began bobbing my head back and forth taking more of it as it hit the back of my throat. The muscles in my throat suddenly relaxed and opened, allowing entry as his cock moved down into gullet.

"Oh shit . . . for a first timer you're really getting good at this!" he complimented as he placed his hand on the back of my head, forcing me to take more. Soon I was taking his cock deeper into my throat, my lips firmly wrapped around his cock and sucking harder and faster.

"Oh babe, I'm getting close!" he warned. "Baby, I want to fuck your ass again. Bend over the bed for me please."

I did as he asked and I bent over the bed, placing my hands on the mattress and spread my legs for him and he began to finger my ass.

"Yep, you're still wet, babe."

He placed his cock at my hole and began pushing its way inside as it opened me wide.

"Awwwwww, fuck," I moaned feeling the cock stretching my hole and inching its way inside me again. In one quick move, he shoved the remainder deep inside me causing me to shout out as I thought my eyes were going to bug out of my head as he slammed it in hard.

"Give it to me, Bull, just like that," I chanted.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," he grinned.

"Just fuck my ass deep and hard, let me feel it."

He tightened his grip onto my hips, pressing inwardly until his crotch was nestled tight up against my ass, grinding his pelvis. I started bucking back against him as the muscles in my ass squeezed and choked his lengthy cock as it embedded itself deep inside me.

"Damn baby, you're still so tight!" he gleefully smiled. He reached up, gripping my shoulders as he pulled me back into him and began slamming in and out with full strokes, causing me to shout out each time.

I felt his cock opening me wider and slamming into my prostate. Each thrust became harder as his hips slapped loudly against my rear end from behind. I could feel his long thick shaft sliding in and out of my already cum slicked hole, as it moved through me with more ease. We were both really enjoying the pounding rhythm as I steadfastly met his thrusts.

"Arrrggghhh! Arrrggghhh! Arrrggghhh!" I yelled with every pull, every thrust. "Yeahhh! Fuck that ass Bull, show me what you're really made of."

He started slamming into me really hard then, our bodies covered with sweat in a matter of minutes as he worked his cock in and out of me with deep hard thrusts as we moaned in ecstasy. He wrapped his arms around my middle and pushed me down onto the bed as he rested on top of me with his cock still embedded deep in my ass. He held himself up, locking his elbows and began slamming even harder into me.

"Uggghhhh, fuck," I shouted, wanting, needing more of his cock inside me as I pushed my ass up and started to meet his thrusts.

"Ugh, baby." Bull panted. "I love your sweet tight ass."

"My ass loves your big cock," I panted back, smiling as sweat covered my face.

Now lying on the bed on my stomach, he ravaged my ass even more, pounding away furiously and speedily. He slammed into me one more time and lodged his cock into me and I felt it swell and throb as it started shooting thick gobs of hot molten seed deep into me.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!" he yelled, coming hard as he sent his second load deep into my gut.

"Can you turn over for me baby without me pulling out?"

"I can try," I answered.

His cock felt like a cork screw as I turned and flipped my legs over and then to my back. Instantly, Bull came down on me and we kissed as our tongues dueled for dominance. He slipped his arms beneath me, pulling me into his chest and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. My fingers raked his burly back and I felt the muscles in his back tensing and relaxing. My own cock was dripping profusely between our stomachs and the friction was too unbearable. We panted and moaned through our kisses, his cock still moving in and out of me and pressing agonizingly on my prostate.

"Ohhhhhh!! Oh Bull, I'm cumming. I'm AHHHHHH!!" I couldn't finish my words as my cock had a mind of its own as I came between us and coating our stomachs as it mixed in with our sweat.

"Oh fuck babe, I'm cumming again!!" cried Bull as the muscles in my ass tightened around his deeply embedded cock each time I came. He slammed his pelvis home and exploded deep inside me, cumming buckets as he flooded my chute with his thick milky white load.

Bull collapsed onto me panting heavily. "Oh wow!" I heard him whisper at my ear.

He lifted his head and our eyes met and I smiled, looking into his eyes. Then he lowered his head and tenderly kissed me.

"You ok?" he asked. "I didn't hurt you?"

I shook my head. "No you didn't. I loved it."

"I did too," he smiled and tenderly kissed me. "I never came twice with one hard on like that before. It damned near killed me. That's three big loads you took up in there. If it was possible you'd be preggers by now babe."

"Yeah, I would think so," I giggled.

I, me, giggled. I felt like a giddy teenager at my first make out session. Well, yeah I guess it was my first. And with a guy at that, no less. Who would have thought that a straight guy like me would like man on man sex. I knew now what I had been missing all this time, and it sure as hell wasn't my ex girlfriend.

How did I do guys? You like it? Let me know at

Next: Chapter 2

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