The Historian

By Smoke Pup

Published on Feb 13, 2021


His age.

It was weird, going back to my normal routine after meeting Richard. Somehow, everything seemed like it clicked into place when I was with him the day before. He was rough on me, yes. But I felt like I needed that somehow. That I needed to be controlled. My appartement felt foreign to me. Quiet. My roommate was out, probably sleeping at some girl's place, So I had all the time to reminisce on what happened. I couldn't help but take out my dick and stroke it... The cigars... The way he gripped my hair as he pounded the living crap out of me... The burn mark on my shoulder... Yes, it didn't take long for me to cum after remembering all that. It didn't take me long to fall asleep either apparently because next thing I remember was the sound of my alarm to get ready for school. I didn't even clean up after myself the day before!

The longer the day dreaded on, the more it felt like a dream. With the only reminder I got that it was real sending random jolts of pain through my shoulder all day. I wished my roommate would be home when I was done with school that day, so I could tell him all about Richard as I assumed the Man would be busy with work this week. However, as soon as my history class started, my phone buzzed. I picked it out of my pocket and placed it on the corner of my table before I saw a glimpse of who texted me and I quickly picked up my phone again to read it. "Hey Faggot. I expect you at my door right after school to start your training. Be sure to sign in that paper! - Master."

I gulped audibly and felt my cheeks heat up, quickly putting the phone back in my pocket which made the girl next to me chuckle. Luckily, she didn't say anything. I really struggled between just skipping class after this, or finish with classes and go to Master Richard. But my desire to submit was far greater than the obligation to school. It was only 1 pm when the history class ended and I texted back that I was on my way.

The door was open when I arrived, so I let myself in. The smell of cigars immediately invading my nostrils, so I took a deep breath and a smile instantly painted my face. When I closed the door, Richard stepped out from the living-room, smoking a big cigar. I gawked as I looked at him. He was fully dressed in leather, wearing knee-high boots. Around his belt, I noticed numerous equipment like handcuffs and a paddle.

"Wow, you were fast, boy." He said while smiling around his cigar. "Get naked and join me in the living-room."

"Yes Master." I blushed and did what I was told, leaving my belongings at the door. When I walked into the room, I hesitated for a minute. He told me the day before that I should smoke whenever he did, but I didn't want to be rude to just get a cigar from one of his humidors, so I decided to ask instead. "Should I grab a cigar for myself too, Master?"

He held up another cigar in response which he grabbed from his breast pocket and we both smiled. I made my way up to him, but seen as he was seated in a big leather chair, I shyly sat on my knees in front of him. He growled around his cigar and moved a boot between my legs, tapping the floor softly. Although confused, I leaned down and kissed his boot. "mmmh, damn boy. You might be a true submissive. Didn't even have to say anything... Just the way I like it."

I grinned as I started licking the boot, my feet wiggling. I don't know why, but I always wiggle my feet when I'm feeling happy. "Fuck. I really hope I can collar you soon." He said, which confused me. I looked up with a puzzled look on my face, where he switched feet in the meantime.


"Yes boy. If after the training we both still want to continue this relationship, I'll collar you. A sign that you belong to me. I'll put a nice, big chain around your neck and lock it. Just like I might do with your little dicklet there." He grinned and tapped my balls with the toe of his boot, making my member stir in excitement. I wanted to continue the licking, but not before I made another statement. "I'll definitely want to continue being your slave, Master. No matter what you throw at me."

"We'll see about that, bitch." He smirked and kicked me hard in my balls, making me topple over slightly, facing his boot again. So, I started licking after I was done groaning.

I kept licking for a little while until he moved his boot back and patted the chair between his legs. I moved closer until I felt his gloved fingers tilt my head up. He moved the burning end of the cigar closer to my face, so I quickly opened my mouth. The ashes dropped on my tongue and his grip loosened so I could start chewing. I made a disgusted face, but swallowed the ashes nonetheless. "Show me your tongue, boy." He said, so I opened my mouth again to show him I swallowed it all. Master Richard grinned and took his cigar, placing the wet end in my mouth this time for me to smoke as he took out the other cigar again and prepared to light it.

"Are your classes always done this early, boy?"

"uh, well..." the way I started it made Master raise an eyebrow as he was lighting up his cigar with great expertise and I got a little distracted by the flame dancing on the end of his cigar before I decided to just tell the truth. "I actually skipped a few classes to be here early, Master." I said as I looked down, too shy to look him in the eyes when I said this. The smoke of my own cigar drafted upwards into my eyes however and I felt them start to tear up. When the cigar was lit, Master Richard took a big draw on it and lifted up my chin with a finger, removed the cigar and blew smoke right in my face, making me tear up to the point I felt tears rolling down my cheek when I blinked.

"Didn't I text you to meet me AFTER school?"

"Yes Master."

"And you decided to show up DURING school, thereby disobeying my orders?"

This made my heart skip a beat. I didn't think he would take it as such an offense. "I never meant to disobey your orders, Master. I just thought that the sooner I saw you, the better."

"That's mistake number one, boy. That's why I'm your master. I think FOR you." He placed the cigar back in his jaw and again blew the smoke in my face, so I closed my eyes, soon after I felt his gloved hand grip my throat. "Look at me boy, don't you dare look away from me when I'm lecturing you." He obviously knew what he was doing and saw how much the smoke irritated my eyes, but I opened them again, just to be met with another thick cloud of smoke. "You do realise that you need to be punished, don't you boy?"

"Yes Master. I'm so sorry I disobeyed your orders." I managed to say around the cigar, croaking because of the choking hold and sounding like a toddler for trying to talk around the cigar like he did. How did he do it? And why did it sound so natural?

"Save your pretty words boy. Prove it instead." He let go of my throat and scooted forward, patting his lap with an evil smirk. "Lay over my lap, boy. Time for a good old-fashioned spanking." He said as he unclipped the paddle and took off his gloves as I took the cigar in hand and sprawled over his lap. I heard him chuckle when I felt his hand rub my butt-cheeks... He didn't seem that angry to me. "Let's make this a little game." He started. Yeah, definitely not angry. "Do you know how old I am?"

"No, Master." I responded truthfully as I was enjoying the rubs for as much as I could before he would start to hit me.

"Well, I'm going to spank you as much as my age is. So, you better count them, boy. Because I will start over when you get it wrong until you get it right." He said and gave me a light swat on my right cheek. "Understood?"

"Y-yes Master."

"Look up and keep the cigar in your jaw. Drop it, and I'll double it." My eyes widened, but I complied and took the cigar in my jaw. As soon as I did, however, He started wailing away. And he wasn't gentle either. I couldn't scream too loudly or otherwise the cigar would fall out of my mouth. And every time I tried to take a deep breath, I took a big mouth or at times lung-full of cigar smoke.

I could manage it alright for about the first 20 swats, but after that, when my butt was already glowing hotter than a stove, it became more and more unbearable. At spank 24, I almost dropped my cigar as I was yelling a little too hard, feeling tears fill my eyes again, but this time it wasn't because of the smoke... Hell started when he switched to the paddle at spank 38 however. Luckily, I only had to endure that for another 10 spanks until he stopped. "Well?" He asked.

"F-forty eight, Master?" I asked, before I heard him click his tongue.

"Wrong!" He said as he spanked me again. "Again!"

`Oh, god, please not again!' I thought. Until I heard him snicker. I squirmed around on his lap, wanting to get away, but that is when I felt the unmistakable bulge of his boner through his leather pants. I froze and blushed deeply as I was counting the agonising strokes. He was really enjoying this.

Ashes fell off my cigar as I was clenching it so tight between my teeth, the cherry getting closer and closer to my face, burning my already teary eyes which made tears roll down my face at spank number 30. This is also when he switched back to his bare hand. "phew, your ass is getting pretty bruised up, boy. Maybe we should switch over to your balls after this round." My eyes widened and I squirmed again, audibly sobbing around my cigar, but his grip on my neck to hold me still was too strong. Eventually, he stopped however and took the cigar butt from my mouth, placing it in the ashtray next to his. I actually smoked it so fast that I was done at the same time as Master. "Well?" He asked again.

It didn't make sense to me. I admit that I almost lost count in the thirties, but I'm pretty sure it was 48 again... However, this is where I started to remember that before he started this all, he gave me a tiny swat on my butt... Did that count as one? He did it again the second time, right after he told me I was wrong before ordering me to count again. He was setting me up for failure if I was right about this!

"Forty-nine?" I asked and noticed his hand move up again for a swat, so I braced myself by clenching my eyes shut. Then I felt him loosen his grip and stroke my butt instead. "Good boy." He said before he pulled me off him and I struggled on my shaky legs. He looked me in the eyes and with a grin, pulled me closer to kiss me. I moaned in the kiss, tasting of cigars before he pulled away again and grinned. "Now, that wasn't so bad was it?"

"N-no, Master." I lied... But I really didn't want to disappoint him as he was stroking his bulge as he looked at me. As a matter of fact, when I saw him that excited, I couldn't help but say: "If you want, you can work on my balls as well." which erupted a loud laugh out of him.

"Trust me, boy. I'm planning on it... You skipping school actually worked greatly in my benefit today as I was going to tell you that you're not leaving this place till next week."

"What?" I asked, confused mostly but also definitely wondering if I'd survive a week of this right away.

"It's part of your training. We can get to connect better and you'll be able to learn what I like. We'll mainly work on your cigar intake, ash eating and you'll be tasting lots of my cum and piss." My jaw dropped slightly when he said piss. "And not to mention, I can really work and find out your pain limits this way. So, first thing tomorrow, you'll call in sick, make me a coffee, prepare a cigar and wake me up with a blowjob. But right now, I really need to pump a load in that tight, hot, little hole of yours." "Fetch us two more cigars, Asylums this time. There are a few in the humidor next to the couch. Prepare them and get on the floor, legs in the air."

"Yes Master." I didn't know what the hell asylums were and not expecting them to be this HUGE, but I immediately did what I was told. However, was this really the right choice?

Next: Chapter 4

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