The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Jul 3, 2012



Frank laid there, bound, gagged and hogtied in the sleeping area of the cab, a buttplug stuffed in his anus and his cock locked into a chastity device, waiting for either of his Masters, Pete or Dave, to open the door and subject him to further abuses...

He struggled with his bonds, but Dave was too good with his ropework and Frank's struggles had no effect whatsoever. Beneath his head, the bedding was damp where he was drooling uncontrollably from the bitgag strapped around his head, and he could also feel that the material of his underwear was damp too... and why was his cock trying to get hard ? It felt so damn uncomfortable trapped inside it's cage, not able to stiffen or give Frank any relief.

Frank laid there for what seemed like hours, drifting in and out of sleep, the tastes of Dave's, Pete's and his own piss in his mouth, dreaming of Dave's big cock plowing his ass over and over again...

"Wakey wakey Franky boy !"

Frank opened his eyes to see Dave climbing into the vehicle, his big frame filling the cab as he got in. He reached over to Frank and began to loosen the ropes, untying the lorry driver.

"Pete told me you were trying to call for help... so I'm gonna have to punish you for that and for using the mobile earlier... and just cos you fucking deserve it..."

Frank, his hands now untied, unstrapped the bitgag and spat it out.

"Please... Master Dave, I won't cause you any trouble, please..." It humiliated him to beg for mercy like this, him a big hard tough man, reduced to a snivelling bitch...

"No you won't. Now, Pete is having a nap... he's worked his ass off..." Frank guessed at just how his ass had been worked off - on the end of Dave's big cock no doubt... "You can choose to come into the hotel with me and get a decent night's kip." Dave pointed to his left where presumably there was a hotel - the curtains of the cab had been closed so Frank had no idea where they were. "Unless you like being left here of course...?"

"No Master Dave, I'd like to go inside the hotel, please."

"Good boy." Dave climbed out of the cab and Frank followed him out, rubbing at his sore wrists.

Dave had shown Frank where the room was and then followed him in, staring intently at Frank's beefy behind as he walked down the corridors to the far end. Dave told him that he was a good friend of the owner, who had some 'special' rooms at the end which Frank would love... Frank wasn't quite so sure.

Frank went to the room at the far end, unlocked the door with the key Dave gave him, and then switched on the light. The room lit up, though was rather dim for some reason...

"Bloody hell..." he said.

The room was filled with all sorts of implements hanging from hooks on the walls, some of which Frank could recognise, some of which he didn't. Some of them looked very daunting indeed... A very large bed sat in the corner, whilst there appeared to be a set of stocks and chains with manacles hanging from the ceiling. He couldn't see Pete though.

"Get your fat arse in there..." said Dave, with a smirk. "The walls are soundproofed, so you can make as much noise as you want... and you will..."

Dave had locked the door behind them and climbed onto the bed, lighting up a cigar. Frank thought it best not to tell Dave that it was illegal to smoke indoors nowadays.

Frank was ordered to strip, nice and slow so that Dave could watch, then he had to remove the buttplug and go into the bathroom where he would find the equipment he had used earlier that morning, which seemed so long ago. He cleaned himself out once again, then had a good wash in the shower before exiting the bathroom.

Dave was now sat on a chair, naked to the waist, wearing nothing but a pair of leather chaps and sporting a massive erection. He was still smoking the cigar.

"Where are my clothes, Master Dave ?" Frank asked, looking at where he had left them.

"Laundry service - they'll come back all nice and neat and tidy for you. Now, get on your hands and knees and crawl over here..."

"Yes Master Dave..." Frank blushed as he knelt down and then crawled over to the big man, whose cock was glistening in the dim light of the room. As he got closer to the chair, he noticed what appeared to be straps on the arms.

"I changed my mind boy - I think you need to suck my cock, to show me how much you really want to commit to being my sex toy, so get over here and you can serve me... if you do well I'll take that cage off your cock..."

"Yes, Master Dave," began Frank, though the thought of sucking Dave's monster cock was filling him with dread. At least if he sucked it, then maybe, just maybe Dave wouldn't use it to fuck him with, thank God.

He crawled over to Dave and kept his head bowed. Dave lifted each arm up and strapped each of Frank's wrists to the chair arms, securing him in place. Frank looked up to see the massive cock and balls of his captor in the foreground, then his powerfully built hairy belly and barrel chest.

"Get stuck in, Boy, nice and slow..." Dave took hold of the back of Frank's head, pulling him towards his ballsac. "Lick 'em first... and no funny ideas - if I feel your teeth at any point, I'll pull 'em out with pliers."

"Yes Master..." he replied meekly. He shuddered at the thought of what he was about to do, and also at Dave's cold threat, yet somehow he found this new situation rather exciting. God knows why...

He could smell the manly musk emanating from Dave's crotch as his head was pulled closer and closer still, filling his head with further sensations. It made him feel dizzy... it made him feel strange...

His tongue made contact with Dave's ballsac. It was sweaty and musty and slightly salty, yet as his tongue became used to these new flavours, Frank began to want to savour more of that salty yet intriguing taste. He licked at the sweaty bollocks, his saliva dribbling over the big hanging balls as he lapped at them, the moaning from Dave telling Frank that this was what he wanted. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all, he thought. He knew that his cock would be hard if it was released from it's prison. He wanted to wank himself off...

Yet he couldn't believe what he was doing, and that he was enjoying doing it. Was this what all those queers felt when they were sucking his dick ?

"Fuck yeah, that's a good boy, get your tongue in there and make my balls make lots of cum for you..." moaned Dave, as he blew a ring of cigar smoke towards the other man licking at his sweaty bollocks. He no longer had a hold on the back of Frank's head, as Frank was now really getting into it...

Frank could feel the rough pubic hair on Dave's balls against his tongue as he continued to lap at the big sweaty eggs, becoming intoxicated by the taste. As he rubbed his soft tongue over them, a dribble of pre-cum bubbled from Dave's piss-slit and slowly dripped down his thick shaft towards his balls, to be licked up and savoured by the restrained and now horny Frank. Dave looked down at the man at his feet, his head buried in Dave's crotch, his bushy moustache tickling the base of his prick, and down his beefy body to his round fleshy ass, which was swaying ever so gently from side to side. Dave was gonna enjoy riding that arse later, he had taken a Viagra earlier on just so that his cock would be nice and rock hard for his new boy to play with...

Dave moaned at his captive. "Lick the shaft boy, get it nice and wet..."

Between licks Frank said "...yes...mmmyes Master..." as he turned his attention from Dave's big balls to his big rock-hard cock. This was more like it ! Frank traced his tongue up the thick throbbing shaft of Dave's prick nice and slow, hearing Dave's moans of ecstasy as he was pleasured, Frank knowing exactly how this had felt when he had been on the receiving end. He kissed and sucked and lapped at the meaty prong, tasting Dave's pre-cum as it now oozed almost uncontrollably from Dave's cockhead, savouring the taste, wondering why he hadn't experienced this earlier... was he beginning to get off on this, being restrained and being used by Dave...

"Suck it boy." came the order. Frank didn't need to be told twice, his head filled with the taste of Dave's prick and the smell of his groin, he licked up and over the cockhead and then tried to devour all of Dave's thick meat, gagging and choking in the process.

"Easy, boy, nice and slow, go nice and gentle... learn to love having that cock in your mouth... and no fucking teeth or else..."

Frank tried to reply but his mouth was full of Dave's cock. His sounds came out mumbled and muffled, the saliva dribbling from his mouth over the throbbing prick as he worked on the tip, very gently suckling on it, sucking and licking and lapping and taking the purple headed beast into his mouth, going deeper and deeper towards the back of his throat each time, trying to draw breaths in between strokes.

"Oh... fuck yeah... good boy, you are... really...fucking good..." groaned Dave, who had put out the cigar to concentrate on the blowjob he was receiving from his new plaything. "Fucking cocksucker..."

Frank tried his best not to gag on the throbbing piece of meat stuck in his mouth, rubbing against the back of his throat, but it was big and it was his first time. He wondered what Dave's cum would taste like, what it would feel like to have Dave's load shooting over his tongue and down his throat...

His cock felt like it was going to explode if it couldn't get free of the chastity device it was trapped in...

Frank took a deep breath and swallowed as much of Dave's cock as he could. He began to gag as the cockhead passed the top of his throat, then pushed further in, his throat muscles gripping it tightly...

"Fuck yeah !" cried Dave as he suddenly reached forward and grabbed at the back of Frank's head with both hands. This was too good to be true ! He began to move Frank's head back and forth, fucking his cock into the helpless lorry driver's mouth, making him cough and splutter as he gasped for air, unable to free himself as his throat clenched and unclenched on the fleshy battering ram trapped in his hot wet mouth...

Dave pulled Frank's head from his cock, allowing him to suck in a lungful of air, then pulled him back down all the way till Frank's nose was buried in his pubic hair... Frank tried his best not to get his teeth caught on Dave's big cock, fearful of Dave's threat, yet somehow thrilled by it. What was going on ?

Each thrust was becoming more violent as Frank's bruised throat became sore and his jaw began to ache, stretched open as wide as he could to allow Dave's prick access. He wasn't sure he could take much more of this.

Yet Dave continued his assault on his defenceless captive's hot mouth, forcing his cock in and out, his breaths becoming ragged and faster and his big beefy body glistening with sweat, his balls tightening up as his orgasm drew closer and closer...

He released his hold on Frank's head, not wanting to cum just yet. He was enjoying the attention too much.

Frank heard something moved close behind him, then all of a sudden something hot and wet brushed over his asshole...


Next: Chapter 10

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