The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Jun 25, 2012



Frank lay there in the back of the cab, the ropes tied around his wrists and his ankles holding him securely, the bitgag once more strapped around his face, as the lorry made two more stops. There had been a small break for Pete to go and get some drinks and snacks, but Frank wasn't allowed any, he had to lay there, helpless, whilst they ate hot sausage rolls and drank lovely-smelling hot coffee. Frank noticed that Dave had two cups, which was a bit unusual.

His big belly rumbled.

"Nothing for you, boy, not yet anyway... give it half an hour for that coffee to start working..."

Frank worked out what that meant. Sure enough, half an hour later, the lorry stopped, both the hijackers climbed into the back of the cab and Frank's gag was removed.

"Thank you, Master Dave, I'm sorry about earlier on..."

"Shut the fuck up," replied the big man, who was moving towards him with an empty drinks bottle with a funnel stuck in the top. Pete moved behind Frank and lifted him to his knees, then reached around and unzipped his flies, pulling his cock - still trapped in the plastic device - free. Pete aimed the plastic-sheathed cock towards the funnel.

"Piss in the bottle, fill it up to the top or else..." said Pete.

"But I can't Master Pete, I don't need to go..." he replied.

Dave punched Frank in the belly. "That was a fucking order bitch, now piss in the fucking bottle !"

Frank bent over as he was winded, but he was prevented from falling by Pete holding him up.

"Yes... uhh... yes Masters, I will, I will..."

Frank thought of waterfalls and rainstorms and dripping taps and...

His bladder released it's contents and a stream of hot piss poured from the slit in the end of the plastic tube, into the funnel and into the bottle, which filled up quite quickly. Frank hoped that his bladder was holding enough liquid to fill the bottle, as he was already in these two's bad books for trying to call for help earlier. God knows what they had in store for him, though he pretty much guessed where the contents of the bottle were going...

Finally the stream of piss ended and Pete tucked Frank's cock away, with a wipe of his fingers across the slit to coat them with the last drops of Frank's piss. He then raised his hand to Frank's face, pushing the piss-soaked fingers into his mouth.

"Lick 'em clean, boy..." said Pete, rubbing his fingers onto Frank's tongue. Frank sucked and licked the piss off Pete's fingers as he watched Dave remove the funnel and hold the bottle up to inspect it. Pete was grinding his crotch into Frank's ass.

"Well done boy, you filled it up to the top - that wasn't too difficult was it ?" said Dave, a wry smile on his face.

"No, no Master Dave." Frank replied, eager not to get punched again.

Dave turned and pulled another gag out of a side locker, though this one was different to the bitgag. A cylindrical tube was in the middle of it, open at both ends, with the larger end on the side that went inside Frank's mouth as Dave strapped it in place. The tube pressed Frank's tongue down.

"Lay him on his back." Dave told Pete, and the younger man did so, then knelt down so that Frank's head was sandwiched firmly between his thighs. Frank struggled as Dave straddled him, squatting down till he was knelt on his chest. Frank found it hard to breathe with Dave's weight pinning him down.

Dave popped the funnel into the open end of the tube as Frank began to mumble about how he was so sorry for earlier on, though his attempts to speak were confounded by the pissgag.

Dave held up the bottle of Frank's fresh piss above the funnel, and began to pour.

"Miss a drop and I'll use the stun gun on your balls..." came the threat.

Frank coughed as the first drops of his own hot stinking piss hit the back of his throat, but he was careful not to miss a drop, fearful of the punishment should he fail. He swallowed and swallowed, trying to breathe through his nose as best he could as the foul liquid coated his tongue and trickled down his throat. The scent of his piss filled his nostrils as he fought to stop himself being sick, but pinned and motionless, he had no choice but to drink the warm piss. He was vaguely aware that his cock was trying to get hard in it's confinement.

At last the bottle became empty, so Dave screwed the top back on and put it into the side locker where the pissgag had been.

"I do think recycling is a good thing, don't you...?" said Dave, as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock, "Now, you just think about what you are, boy as you drink my piss..."

Frank moaned behind the gag as Dave pissed into the funnel, his fresh hot piss dribbling over Frank's tongue, stimulating his taste buds as it trickled down his throat, the stream of piss getting stronger and faster as Dave's bladder emptied the two cups of coffee into his mouth. Frank had no choice but to accept and drink the disgusting piss from his Master. trying his best not to spill any. Dave occasionally would pinch Frank's nose shut to ensure that he swallowed every drop of his foul piss.

"Enjoying it, boy, being used as my urinal ?" Dave asked, smirking down at the helpless lorry driver being forced to drink his piss.

Frank's eyes were watering as the acrid urine stench and taste filled his head. He couldn't speak as Dave's piss was still going strong... on and on it went, Frank wondering if it would ever stop, the two coffees having their diuretic effect on Dave's bladder and making him piss more than usual.

Frank had no idea how long Dave's piss was taking, it felt like a good few minutes before the stream became weaker and then finally settling down to drops, which Dave shook into the funnel.

"Good boy..." he said, rubbing Frank on the chin as the last of his piss drained away down into the helpless lorry driver's belly. He tucked his cock away in his jeans and then looked up at Pete.

Pete unzipped his flies as Frank got himself mentally ready for this third ordeal. His belly was no longer rumbling, fed with two loads of hot piss and about to be fed yet again...

Pete moved the funnel so he could get a better shot, then let free with his piss, taking care not to splash anywhere. Frank began to swallow again, wondering if Pete too was under some kind of order not to spill a drop... maybe the fat bastard would end up getting punished too if he fucked up...

Thankfully Pete's piss was nowhere near as long as Dave's, him having just the one cup of coffee instead of two, but to Frank it couldn't end soon enough. His belly felt bloated from three loads and his head was full of the stench and taste of piss. He felt humiliated at what he had done, yet why did his cock want to get stiff again...?

After Pete had emptied his bladder, the two hijackers removed the pissgag and replaced it again with the bitgag, leaving Frank in the back of the cab in the sleeping area as they resumed their places in the driver's and passenger seats.

"One more drop to go, Franky boy." said Pete, who looked across at Dave and winked as he started up the engine and drove off to the next destination.

Frank had laid there for some time, even drifting off for a nap as he drooled around the bitgag strapped firmly in his mouth. He dreamed of riding Dave's cock, the big piece of thick meat pistoning in and out of his ass as his own cock dribbled...

He woke up with a start as he heard the lorry door slam shut. By now, it was night, and the cab of the lorry was in darkness as the curtains had been closed. Frank heard the door being locked and wondered where he was. He flexed his wrists and ankles, trying to loosen the ropes tying him up, but he had been secured too well by his abductors. This just made the buttplug move in and out of his ass.

He wriggled to a sitting position then looked around the dim glow of the cab, trying to see if there was something to use to cut himself loose, but everything had been neatly stowed away. Frank looked towards the door, hoping to see if the mobile phone was still there, but it had gone, no doubt moved to somewhere out of his reach - even though with his wrists bound behind his back and his ankles bound, he had no way of getting into the front of the cab and reaching into the door pocket.

He bit into the bitgag, trying to lick his dry lips as he struggled to get free. Where had they gone, were they leaving him here for the night or what ? Were they maybe leaving him here full stop - maybe they had enough of him, maybe they were letting him go... yes, maybe that was it. All he had to do was try and get someone to come and rescue him.

He shouted from behind the bitgag, and whilst the words were not clear, he did at least make a lot of noise, banging against the floor of the cab's sleeping area, desperate for someone to come and set him loose so that this ordeal would finally be over...

"Help ! Help Me !" he shouted, though the bitgag made the sounds somewhat different.

For a good while he continued to try and be heard, but nothing. Maybe Dave and Pete had dumped him in the middle of nowhere whilst he was asleep. Maybe...

Frank looked around the cabin and saw the steering wheel. If he could hit the middle of it, the horn would go off...

He shifted his legs and shuffled towards the front of the cab, trying to get himself closer to the steering wheel so that he could put his legs on it. Each shuffle made the buttplug rub against the inside of his ass, and made his cock twitch inside it's cage. This made him wince in discomfort... and maybe some pleasure too ?

His saliva dribbled down his chin as he worked himself into a decent position. All he had to do now was swing his legs around and hit the centre boss of the steering wheel, and the horn would go off and someone would come and cut him loose.

He moved his bound ankles to where they were hanging off the raised sleeping area, then lifted them up with all his strength...

He heard the door unlock and the interior light came on.

"Well, well, what have we here...?" said Pete. "I only came back to get Dave his cigar lighter, and look what you're up to." Pete climbed in the vehicle and grabbed hold of Frank's ankles, pushing him backwards into the sleeping area, and climbing in behind him.

"Gonna have to secure you a bit better aren't I ?" asked Pete to the now frustrated lorry driver, as he shoved him onto his belly and attached his wrists to his ankles, hogtying him as he had been before.

With a final slap on Frank's backside, Pete climbed back out of the cab.

"I'll let Dave know you were trying to call for help... he's gonna be so pissed off with you, can't wait to see him work your ass over later on... boy."

With that final remark, he slammed the door shut and locked it. The interior light went out, and Frank was alone again in the darkness, helpless, powerless, and at the mercy of his two hijackers.

And Frank's cock was going crazy trying to get hard in it's cage...


Next: Chapter 9

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