The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Jun 18, 2012



Issued with a dilemma by Dave - lose his erection and go free, or keep it and remain his and Pete's captive - Frank closed his eyes and tried to think of something, anything to make his stiff cock go away. He thought of long drives up the motorway, he thought of lorry drivers, he thought of car crashes and football and dogshit and politics and...

"... my sex slave..." Dave's words echoed around his head. Frank's cock twitched and got even stiffer. Fuck !

The butt plug stuffed in his ass wasn't helping, nor the fact that he knew, he just knew, that Dave and Pete were getting off watching him squirm.

"Fifty seconds to go..." Dave was looking at his watch, counting down the seconds. Frank didn't dare look. He thought of filling the lorry with diesel, with pumping up the tyres, with filling out the logbook, anything he could think of to make his erection go away...

His cock started to soften, very slowly.

"... my sex slave..."

Frank's cock sprang to attention once more. Bollocks !

"Forty seconds to go..."

That wasn't helping. Frank thought of licking Dave's sweaty ass, but that just made things worse. What the bloody hell could he do to make it go away ? He didn't dare try and touch it as he knew this would only make it stiffer, and he was determined to escape from these two queers...

"Thirty seconds. You sure don't seem too eager to leave us... Boy."

Frank's cock got an almight jolt from hearing that one word.

Frank thought of his HGV driver training, the specifications of his vehicle, it's length and width and weight, random numbers, disgusting things that would normally make him feel sick, just to get the blood out of his cock.

It began to soften again, thankfully.

"Twenty seconds to go..." Dave was almost singing this now, taking the mickey out of the lorry driver standing in from of him with an unwilling erection.

Frank was holding his breath as he fought to get his cock to go soft. His mind was racing as images of all sorts of things filled his head. His fists were clenching and unclenching.

"Fucking hell Dave, he's trying ain't he ?" said Pete's voice.

"Yeah," said Dave, "You have to give him credit... but he knows deep down what he is and what he wants..."

The tent in the front of Frank's trousers began to collapse. Thank God, thought Frank, and these bastards will let me go...

"...and we know he likes my cock up his ass." said Dave, to which Frank's cock stood to attention once again. "Ten seconds, cunt."

Frank was visibly sweating, desperate to try and make his cock go soft, but now it was too late, his cock became stiff in his underwear once more and he knew he had failed on his chance of freedom.

He opened his eyes to see Dave and Pete smiling at him.

"You failed, Boy, to get rid of your hardon... I'll punish you for that later... maybe use the stun gun on your balls like before..." threatened Dave.

"Please... please Master Dave, no, anything but that... please..."

As he said that, Frank noticed his cock becoming soft.

Fucking typical... he thought angrily.

The three men sat in the lorry as it drove to it's next destination. Pete was at the wheel, Dave sat at the other side next to the window, which he had cracked open so he could smoke another one of his cigars. Frank wondered how the guy didn't have lung cancer. He was sandwiched in between both of them, his legs spread open as he had been told to do by Dave. Frank had finally managed to get his erection to disappear, thankfully, and then Dave had fitted something around his cock and balls, something that Pete said he used to have to wear before he learned to control himself.

Dave had put a ring around Frank's big ballsac, then fitted what appeared to be a small transparent tube shaped like a dick and made of hard plastic around his cock. This was then padlocked to the ring so that Frank couldn't remove it. His cock was now stuffed into this tube and wouldn't... or couldn't get hard. And Dave had the only key...

So, at least he wasn't hard anymore, though Dave's right hand squeezing at his thigh wasn't making things any easier. Nor the buttplug jammed up his ass. Frank could feel his cock trying to swell up inside the device but without much success. Frank's hands balled into fists as he rested his hands on his knees, again as instructed by his new Masters.

"So, boy, who's cock is better - mine or Pete's ?" Dave asked, blowing cigar smoke into Frank's face.

"Ummm... " he looked over at Pete, then back at Dave. He knew what the answer had to be. "Yours, Master Dave, yours is better."

"So you love it then boy ?" Dave asked.

"Tell him, Frank, tell him..." interrupted Pete, taking the opportunity to reach across and squeeze Frank's other thigh.

Frank felt so humiliated telling this man, who was almost the same age as him, that he loved his cock. After all, he was straight... wasn't he ? Surely getting those blowjobs didn't count, he certainly didn't count them as he was looking at women in porn mags when they were sucking him off...

"Yes... Master Dave, I love your cock." Frank blushed at what he was saying.

"Knew you'd say that, bitch." Dave squeezed Frank's thigh hard, enough to make him wince.

"We're nearly here, Dave," said Pete, "What are we gonna do with Franky boy whilst we unload ?"

"Well," replied Dave, "He can either play ball or he can get hogtied and go in the back of the cab..." he turned to Frank. "What do you say, boy ?"

Frank had visions of being tied up and gagged in the back with Pete... or even worse, Dave keeping him company, doing undecent things to him. "I'll co-operate, Master Dave, I don't want to go in the back, please."

"Good Boy." the hand squeezed once more - whether it was some sort of reward or an incentive, Frank didn't know. He just didn't fancy another buttfucking.

The lorry pulled into what appeared to be a small industrial estate with a couple of workshops and a warehouse. Pete pulled the lorry in next to the warehouse and reversed it up to the doors as Dave climbed out. Frank stayed in the vehicle.

Two men walked up to Dave, talking and laughing with him as they handed over a wad of notes - his payment for the delivery. Then one of them turned and climbed onto a forklift truck, driving past Dave and the other man to the driver's side of the lorry.

"Wait here and don't do anything..." ordered Pete, opening the door to climb out and assist the forklift truck driver to empty their portion of the now diminished load.

"I won't, Master Pete, I won't."

"Good boy."

Pete shut the door behind him, leaving Frank alone in the vehicle. He instinctively looked to the ignition lock to see if Pete had left the keys in... he had ! Could he get into the driver's seat and drive off ? Would he be able to ?

Frank's mind raced as he worked out the odds of being successful. Yeah, he could try and drive off, but a lorry isn't the quickest thing and Pete or Dave would have no trouble climbing on board and stopping him... and maybe these other two men at the warehouse were in cahoots with them, maybe then he'd have four men stopping him...

Frank looked around the cab, desperate for some way to escape. His eyes caught sight of something in the passenger side door pocket.

Fucking hell, he thought, a mobile phone !

He bent to one side, careful not to be noticed by Dave and the other man as he reached into the door and pulled out the phone. It wasn't switched on, so Frank found the on-off switch and pressed it down hard.

Come on... come on...

The screen flickered to life...

Come on... come on...

The NOKIA logo appeared - thankfully the annoying start-up tone wasn't switched on !

Come on... come on...

"ENTER SECURITY CODE" appeared on the screen.

Bollocks ! said Frank under his breath. He couldn't use it. He pressed the on-off switch again till the screen went dark, then he put the phone back where he found it and sat back up again.

Dave was looking into the cab at him.

Frank smiled. It was the only thing he could think of in the circumstances.

Dave smiled back at him then turned to continue to talk with the other man.

Phew ! thought Frank, got away with it. He picked up the newspaper laying on the dashboard and started to read, even though it was yesterday's, then all of sudden a thought popped into his head.

I don't need to know the security code to call 999 - damn !

Frank threw the newspaper onto the seat beside him and then reached over once more to grab the mobile phone, taking care not to be seen by Dave.

He pulled it out of the door pocket and thumbed the on-off switch once more...

Come on... come on...

The screen flickered to life...

Come on... come on...Frank was desperate for the thing to switch on.

The NOKIA logo appeared once more.

Come on... come on...

"ENTER SECURITY CODE" appeared on the screen again.

Hope this works, thought Frank, as he pressed 9-9-9-9.

He went to press the 'Call' button.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing ?" came a voice from behind him.

Frank dropped the phone on the floor as he turned to see Dave standing behind him.

"I... I..." he started.

"You're in trouble now, boy..."

The lorry headed towards it's next destination, with Pete driving once more and Dave in the passenger seat. Frank was now in the back of the cab, bound and gagged. Dave had dragged him away from the mobile phone and had zapped him with the stun gun, knocking him out, then he and Pete had put him in the back of the cab where he wouldn't be any trouble.

Dave waited for Frank to come round.

"You fucking disappointed me, boy, doing that, really fucking did. If I can't trust you, then you'll have to stay tied up and gagged until I can... was gonna let you suck my cock later as a treat but I reckon you'd bite my dick... what do you reckon Pete ?"

"I'll suck it for you Sir, you know I will." replied the younger man, eager to please his Master.

"I know, boy, and I love it when you do, but this fucker needs to learn to respect and obey me... was gonna leave his sore ass alone tonight but if I can't get him to worship my cock with his mouth then he's getting it up the ass whether he wants it or not..."

Frank swallowed hard and tried to get free of the ropes.

"Mmmmppphhh... mppph !" he mumbled into the gag. He didn't want to suck Dave's big cock, but nor did he want it anywhere near his arse !

"Please sir, you can have my arse or my mouth..." Pete almost pleaded. It made Frank feel sick hearing him say it.

"Well... maybe I'll have some fun with you tonight instead, cos I know you respect me... Frank here can watch after I punish him for his disobedience..."

Dave turned and held the stun gun towards Frank, waving it about. Frank's eyes followed the device, terrified of where it would zap him.

"Mmmppphh.... mmpppfff....mmmmpppph..."

"Shut the fuck up !" shouted Dave angrily, as he pushed the stun gun into Frank's beer belly and pulled the trigger.



Next: Chapter 8

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