The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Jun 12, 2012



Frank kept his mouth closed as Dave pulled him towards his slick, slimy cock. Frank could smell his own assjuices on it.

Dave nodded to Pete.


"FUCK !" cried Frank. He hadn't expected Pete to hit him that hard. "Please, no... no more, Master Pete, Master"

"Then lick my prick tills it's clean..." said Dave, "Or Pete will blister your arse..."

"Come on, bitch," said Pete from behind him, "Let me belt your sexy ass and get it nice and red... I can take it, so a big fucker like you should be able to..."

Frank didn't want to find out if he could take it. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

Dave pulled him closer to his crotch. His sticky cock flopped onto Frank's tongue. Frank coughed as he fought the feeling of nausea. He had another man's cock in his mouth for Christ's sakes ! And it had been up his ass !

"Easy boy, don't be sick, just you lick it clean like a good boy does..." Dave's tone was less aggressive, more... loving perhaps ?

The feelings passed and Frank licked at Dave's tool, the taste of his own assjuices and Dave's sticky spunk filling his mouth as he cleaned his Master's cock. It felt weird, having another man's penis in your mouth. Frank didn't think though it tasted as bad as it could have done... and his cock was twitching as he licked clean Dave's cock.

After a few minutes, Dave released the hold on Frank's collar, and his cock plopped out of Frank's mouth. It was no longer slimy, though it was wet with Frank's saliva.

"Good boy, you did a good job of that," said Dave, inspecting his now clean cock. "Do you want to have a drink to take the taste away?"

"Yeah..." replied Frank. His mouth was dry having had the bitgag in for so long. He wondered how long Dave had been fucking him. "Yes please, Master Dave, can I have a drink please ?"

"Yes, boy, open wide, I need to take a piss..."

Frank's mouth fell open. It was bad enough being fucked, now he had to drink Dave's piss ?

"Please..." he began.


Pete smacked him across the ass with his belt.

"I won't ask you again..." said Dave, his tone changing once more to something cruel and merciless.

Frank opened his mouth.

"Now," said Dave, as he held onto his cock, "As it's your first time you can spill a bit, but in the future, you will drink every drop that comes out of my cock... spill any and..."

"The stun gun...?" replied Frank, eager not to piss Dave off.

Dave laughed. "Well, I wasn't thinking of that, but if you want the stun gun as punishment..."

"No, I mean, no Master Dave, please not that..."

"Then drink as much as you can, boy. Make me proud..." and with that, Dave wiggled his cock at Frank's open mouth. At first, nothing happened, then a few drips of yellow liquid spluttered from Dave's piss-slit... Frank stared at Dave's cock, horrified at what he was being asked to do... then the drips turned to a jet which splashed on the ground, then Dave took aim with his cock and sprayed hot acrid piss into Frank's unwilling mouth. Frank coughed at first as the foul tasting liquid splashed onto his tongue and down to the back of his throat, but he kept his mouth open as best he could, eager not to get punished. The scent of Dave's piss flooded his nose as it trickled down the back of his throat, tickling as it went down, so Frank swallowed and swallowed, disgusted and shamed at being used as some sort of human urinal. Some of Dave's piss dripped down his chin.

And yet his cock was still hard and his buttocks and anus clenched, determined not to let any of Dave's cum drip out of his sore asshole.

"Ahhhh... that's better..." said Dave, enjoying emptying his bladder into the freshly-raped man before him whilst his lover stood further back, ready to belt Frank across the ass if instructed.

Frank coughed and spluttered as Dave's stream of piss finally trickled to a halt. He shook the drops off, some of which landed on Frank's face, then grabbed hold of Frank's shirt collar once more. Frank knew what was expected of him, so he licked the last of Dave's piss from his spent cock.

"Ah, well done Boy, you're learning fast. Now, what do you say ?" Dave asked as he tucked his cock back into his jeans.

"Thank you, Master Dave..." Frank couldn't believe what he was saying. He was thanking this bastard for pissing in his mouth, for raping him without mercy. Frank blushed again. He looked down at the ground dejectedly.

"Open wide..." came the order. Frank looked up, wondering what indignity he would be expected to perform next, to see Dave with the bitgag held in his hand.

Frank did as he was told, and Dave strapped the gag around his mouth. Finally, Dave sat in front of him on the oil drum and patted him on the head.

"Good boy, you made me proud, you took all of my dick in your ass..." Dave was leaning forward, cradling Frank's chin in his big palm.

Frank wanted to say 'but I had no fucking choice', but knew his words would be illegible behind the gag.

Dave looked up to behind where Frank was tied.

"Fuck him Pete." he said.

Frank gulped as he realised what was about to happen. Dave stroked his thumb across Frank's chin.

"Pete here likes to fuck, but nobody fucks me, and as he's been a real good boy lately..."

Frank's eyes pleaded with Dave for him to stop this, anything, he didn't want to go through it again...

He heard Pete drop the belt, unzip his jeans and move closer towards him. He felt Pete's hands on his hips, in the same places that Dave had hold of not so long ago.

"Thank you Sir," said Pete, "Now, bitch, ready or not, here I come..."

Dave looked down and smiled as Frank's buttocks were forced apart once more by Pete's cock, which homed in on Frank's anus and burst forth through the sore, bruised opening, pushing forward into Frank's ass till he was buried up to his balls.

Frank screamed into the gag as his asshole was filled once more with rapist cock. The pain from Dave's fuck was reignited again as his delicate asshole was stretched over Pete's cock, though thankfully Pete's dick was not as large as Dave's and it was well-lubricated from the cum dumped in his ass by the bigger man.

"Oh yeah, fucking hell Sir, this is unbelievable..." Pete slapped Frank on the ass with his right hand.

"It is ain't it, now, you enjoy yourself and claim your reward for being a good boy..." said Dave, rubbing Frank on his head.

"Thank you Sir !" said Pete, and he began to fuck the helpless lorry driver as he swung there, tied to the swing and unable to escape, gagged and held prisoner by these two...

Frank's eyes watered once more as Pete began to move his cock in and out of his ass, each move rubbing against his prostate and making his cock twitch. He couldn't see it, but a thick drip of pre-cum was hanging from his erection underneath him.

He moaned involuntarily as a wave of pleasure swept through his body, and he blushed as he looked up at Dave, who was smiling down at him.

"Good Boy, I know you loved my cock in your arse, and I can see from your hardon that you enjoy being fucked by Pete too, though it's a special treat for him..."

Frank was brutally shoved forward as Pete's thrusts in and out became faster and harder. He moaned again as Pete grunted behind him.

"Ohh, fuckk... yeah Boy you're ass is... ooohhh..."

Dave continued to rub Frank on the top of his head, reassuring him, comforting him, talking gently to him as Pete hammered away at his aching and well-fucked butt. On and on it went, Pete grunting and slapping at Frank's ass as he claimed his reward, shouting obscenities as his cock slid in and out of Frank's cum-lubed asschannel.

And Frank could do nothing but lay there moaning, his balls getting tighter in their sac as he was stimulated by Pete's long prick pistoning in and out of his ass.

In and out... in and out... in and out...

Between gasps Pete managed to say "Per... permission to cum, Sir...? Please...?" to his lover and his Master, his balls slapping against Frank's tortured rump as he drove forward.

"Go on boy, cum for me..." said Dave calmly, his grin widening as he watched his boy reach his goal. "And tighten your ass Frank like a good bitch..."

Frank clenched his anus around Pete's invading shaft...

"CUMMMING !" Pete screamed as he shot his wad of sticky hot spunk into Frank's sore hole, his cock shuddering inside the tightly clenched anal muscles, the thick liquid congealing with the remnants of Dave's earlier orgasm. Pete pulled Frank backwards onto his cock, getting as much of it inside him as his balls too emptied their contents into the guts of the bound captive laying helpless before him.

As with Dave, Pete waited till his cock was spent and soft before he pulled out.

"Plug him before you come here, Boy." came the order from Dave.

Frank wondered what that could possibly mean, till something else hard pushed between his buttocks. This was harder though... not a cock... or was it...?

His defenseless assring opened up and Pete shoved this new invader inside with an audible 'slurp'. It felt wider than Pete's dick but not as wide as Dave's... and nowhere near as long... kind of stubby. His cock twitched and drooled as this thing slid into his asshole and he felt his assring clamp shut on the other end. He could feel some of it between his buttocks.

"Buttplug for you boy, something to stop you feeling empty." said Dave, letting go of Frank's head and moving off the oil drum to let Pete take his place.

Frank knew what he would have to do as Dave undid the bitgag once more. He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and prepared to clean Pete's dick. This time, the tastes were different, there was Pete's spunk, his own assjuices and Dave's spunk, all mixed together... the flavours filling his mouth as he licked Pete's tool clean.

And he stayed there, his mouth held open, as Pete too pissed in his mouth. He didn't have to be told. He was learning fast.

His cock was still hard, stimulated, as Pete's hot foul piss splashed over his face and into his mouth, Frank trying his best to swallow the liquid, trying to get used to it just in case there was a next time where he would be expected to swallow every drop without spilling it.

Dave moved round to his sore backside, rubbing his big rough hands over the welts on Frank's big fleshy buttocks. He played with the buttplug inserted firmly in Frank's ass, then reached underneath him to his hard cock, which he began to wank very slowly.

Frank moaned between his coughs and splutters as Dave's hand stimulated his cock even further.

"Don't you fucking cum you bastard, you shot your load earlier on so you fucking dare..." the threat was thinly veiled but Frank knew not to disobey. He focussed as best he could at preventing himself from cumming in Dave's hand, even though he was on the edge...

Pete's piss stream finally stopped and he held his cock out to Frank for the final cleaning of the last few drops.

"Thank you, Master Pete." said Frank, blushing.

Dave let go of Frank's cock, loving teasing him and watching him strain to prevent himself from cumming... but that would wait for another time. He motioned to Pete to go back to the truck, then began the process of freeing Frank from the roped and the swing.

Helping him carefully to his feet, Dave told Frank to pull up his trousers and underpants, then pointed at the old garden bench. Frank was unsteady on his feet, the buttplug in his ass making it uncomfortable but possible to walk, but he got to the bench and sat down carefully, rubbing at the rope marks on his wrists. His hardon tented the front of his trousers. Pete returned shortly after with the sandwiches and cans of Coke they had bought earlier and they all sat down to eat. Frank was glad to get the taste of cock and piss out of his mouth.

"Well boy, that was your first time being fucked... how was it, you enjoy it ?" asked Dave, biting into his sandwich.

"... fucking... Master Dave..." Frank felt like crying, ashamed at being asked the question. "It bloody hurt, you bastards..."

Dave laughed and nearly choked on his mouthful of sandwich. "Tell him, Pete..."

Pete smiled at Frank. "Fucking hurt when he did me the first time too... and it usually does every time 'cos he likes to give it rough to me, but I love it."

"Sure fucking does," replied Dave, "and you will too..."

"I fucking doubt it, you bastards." said Frank, his face reddening with anger.

"Relax boy, you were hard all the time we were fucking you, so you enjoyed it as much as we did. Now..." said Dave, you be a good boy and maybe I'll let you fuck Pete here in the ass... would you like that ?"

"No I fucking wouldn't, I ain't no queer !" shouted Frank, getting to his feet. He left like punching Dave... except he knew Dave would punch him back... or worse use the stun gun on him.

"Then get rid of that." Dave pointed at Frank's hardon as he swigged from his can of Coke. "Tell you what, Frank, I'll give you one minute to get rid of that stiff cock... if you do, you've proved to me that you don't enjoy all this, and we'll let you go. That's my promise, and I don't break my word."

Frank swallowed hard, seeing a way out of all this, finally.

"But..." Dave continued, "If that stiffy is still there in one minute, then you have proved to me that you want to be my property... my sex slave." Dave stroked his beard.

"That minute starts now !"


Next: Chapter 7

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