The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on May 30, 2012



"This is for smacking my boy, cunt !" said Dave as he pulled the trigger on the stun gun.


To Frank, it all happened in slow motion. A bolt of whitish-blue light zapped across the two electrodes and around the base of his cock and suddenly a bolt of pain zapped through his groin. Frank bit hard into the underwear stuffed into his mouth and he struggled to escape as he turned bright red and his cock splatted spunk over his belly. It felt like he had been kicked in the balls.

He shook his head at the big man kneeling next to him.


"Well, I didn't think that would happen, boy..." said Dave, "But since you seemed to enjoy it..."


"MMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH !" Frank's body arched as his cock again spasmed and another load splashed over his beergut. The pain in his cock and balls was unbelievable !

"Cunt." said Dave, pulling the trigger once more. Frank shook his head as if to say 'NO !' but it was no use, he was at the mercy of the bigger man.


Frank's balls felt like they were on fire. His cock twitched and jumped, and thick gooey spunk bubbled out of his piss slit.


"Three more, then we're done, boy..."

Frank was crying with pain, trying to plead with this madman to leave him alone, to have mercy. It was no use.


Frank's belly was now covered in a sticky film of his cum, as his cock jolted out yet another load. Frank looked down at his groin and there were black marks on either side of the base of his cock. Please, oh please God make him stop, thought Frank.


Frank's cock jumped again, thought this time nothing more than a dribble came out, his balls well and truly emptied. Dave looked at his sore cock, and then at Frank. He moved the stun gun lower, onto Frank's balls.

"Last one."


Frank shuddered as the bolt of pain filled his senses. His cock jumped again but this time there was nothing left to come out.


Dave got to his feet and looked down at the wriggling, struggling man, who was in agony.

"Good boy, now, you will obey me and Pete, or I'll do this to you until your cock drops off. Understand ?" He held up the stun gun to reinforce his point.

Frank nodded his head violently. Dave reached down and pulled the briefs out of his mouth.

"Ahhh...please... Master Dave, I... I promise to obey you, please... don't use that thing again, please..." Frank pleaded.

"Obey us and we won't."

"Dave...?" came a voice from the shower, "You coming in here ? What was all that noise ?"

"Yep, coming Pete, just been teaching Frank a lesson." He winked at Frank. "Relax, we won't be long."

And with that, Dave turned away and walked to the shower and Pete, who was waiting for him.

Dave had been true to his word, both he and Pete were out fairly quickly, having cleaned themselves up. Frank look terrified as Dave came near him, but he gently unlocked the handcuffs as Pete undid the belt around his ankles. They helped him to his feet, and Pete took Frank to the toilet, where he showed him what the plastic bag contained. Pete told him how to use it, then assisted Frank to clean out his insides before letting him get into the shower.

The hot steamy water felt good on his big chunky body as he cleaned himself up, taking extra care on his sore backside and genitals. Thankfully the black marks on his cock washed off, replaced by two red marks, and his cock responded to the touch, thank God.

After a while, he brushed his teeth using his washkit, thankful to get the foul tastes out of his mouth, and then after drying got dressed in a fresh shirt and underwear whilst Pete and Dave looked on.

Click, click, click went the camera as Pete took pictures of Frank putting his uniform back on.

"He sure looks good in that, doesn't he ?" Dave asked Pete. "Maybe I should get you one of their uniforms, boy..."

Pete laughed and nodded his head.

Dave turned to Frank, who was just finishing. "You alright boy ?" He asked. His tone was more gentle than before, caring even. He knew he had hurt Frank badly.

"Um... yeah, Master Dave, a bit sore, but I'll live." came the reply. Frank's earlier defiance had diminished somewhat.

"Good... now, how about I take you two boys for a nice big fry-up ? I'm fucking starving !" He laughed.

Dave had been true to his word and treated both men to a hearty full English breakfast at a nearby transport cafe, which they all devoured, washed down with a few cups of tea. After purchasing some sandwiches and cans of Coke for later on, they all climbed back into the lorry. Dave told Frank that he was to drive whilst he gave Pete some 'attention' in the back of the cab, so Frank took the wheel and drove, guided by Dave's directions, as Pete got similar treatment to what Frank had received last night... Dave rubbed his crotch against Pete's chubby ass, whilst both his arms held his boy close to him, his right hand stroking Pete's cock through his jeans, the left inside Pete's shirt feeling his chest and belly. Dave kissed and bit at Pete's neck.

Frank wanted to turn on the radio to drown out the sounds that were coming from the back, Dave was telling Pete that he was a 'good cub' and that if he was very good he would be able to play with Frank. Frank didn't like the sound of that. He could see just what sort of relationship these two had, that Pete was Dave's plaything to be used and abused, and Pete loved it... and more worryingly, both of these two were planning on using Frank as their next one.

And more worringly that that, Frank could feel a stirring down below...

After a few hours, Dave had climbed down into the passenger seat, leaving and gave Frank more directions, this time off the motorway and onto a quiet country road. The roads were winding and hilly, but Frank had been a lorry driver for too long to have any trouble manouvreing the big lorry. Dave pointed to a small layby next to a wood and told him to park up there as he needed a rest. With a hiss from the airbrakes, the lorry stopped and Frank switched off the engine.

"Lean forward and put your arms behind your back." said Dave. Frank thought about escaping, but where would he run to ? He could just about see through the trees to what appeared to be the motorway. He could hear the cars speeding past. Could he run to the motorway ? He was sure he could outrun Dave, but maybe not Pete...

Reluctantly, he leant forward as best he could, the steering wheel getting in his way somewhat. From behind, Pete tied his wrists behind his back, then handed something to Dave.

"Open your mouth, bitch." came the order.

"What are you gonna do...?" asked Frank. "I mean, Master Dave, what are you gonna do ?" Frank was learning fast.

"Something for you, one of Pete's toys... he likes it and so will you." Dave held up the item, which consisted of a six-inch long cylinder made out of rubber with straps at each end. Frank could see teeth marks in the rubber.

Frank had seen something similar once in a porn video he had been leant by one of his mates, some weird S&M thing. This girl had it strapped around her mouth...

And now this was strapped around his, just like a horse's bit.

Frank mumbled from behind the bitgag as Dave tied it securely.

"Whhhmmmtt are ymmm gonnnmmma dmmmm ?" It was very difficult to speak properly with this thing jammed in his mouth. And it tasted awful. Frank could just imagine Pete with this thing in his mouth, wriggling in ecstasy as Dave did pervy things to him.

This made his cock twitch, and he blushed.

Dave opened the cab door and climbed out, walked around to Frank's door and opened it. As he did so, Pete climbed into the passenger seat. Frank looked down at Dave and then up and over at Pete.

"Get out." they said simultaneously. Frank looked out the windscreen, hoping to see a passing car, but there was nothing. He shifted his body out of the seat as Dave reached up and helped him climb out, which was quite difficult when your arms were tied behind your back. Frank almost fell into the arms of his abductor, who had a big grin on his face.

"Easy now boy, don't want you to go getting yourself all dirty, do we?" said Dave. "Pete, get the stuff out the back will ya ?"

"Yeah..." came the reply.

Dave shut the door and looked at his captive, stroking his beard. "Now, you hungry ?" he asked. Frank wondered how on earth he was going to eat with his hands tied behind his back and the gag in his mouth.

"Mmmyyyssssffff" he replied, or tried to.

"Good, I've got something to fill you up... now shift your arse, fatboy." Dave pointed to the other side of the lorry, towards the woods. Frank thought once more about trying to run away, but he then remembered the pain from the stun gun on hisw cock... there wasn't any way he wanted to experience that again, so reluctantly he nodded and walked around the front of the cab.

Pete was just climbing out, carrying what looked like a blanket with something stuffed in it. Frank wondered what it was.

"You heard the man, boy, shift your fat arse or we'll shift it for you." said Pete, menacingly.

Frank mumbled into the bitgag and walked over to the barbed wired fence.

"Over there," said Pete, pointing at where the fence had been bent down a bit. "And don't snag your clothes, we want you looking nice and tidy..."

Frank could hear Dave laugh as Pete passed the blanket to him, then assisted Frank to climb over the barbed wire. Pete then climbed over, followed by Dave, who handed the blanket back to him. They both pointed into the woods, to what appeared to be a slightly overgrown path.

The noise from the motorway was getting louder as the three men walked into the woods, further away from the layby. Frank was getting concerned now as to what was going to happen. He kept looking back but each time he did, Pete pushed him forwards.

Finally, the trees parted to reveal a run-down old house. Most of the roof was missing and all the windows were broken. As they walked towards it, Frank saw a rusty old children's swing made up of a tyre attached by chains to a frame. An old garden bench had been dragged in front of it, whilst on the other side stood a large oil drum, which again appeared to have been dragged to that position. Beer bottles were littering the ground.

"Me and Pete have come here on many occasions, ain't we boy ?" said Dave.

"Yeah, yes Sir, this is our nice spot for us to play..." replied the younger man. "Nice and undisturbed."

"Put the blanket over the swing boy, don't want Frank here to get a dirty uniform do we ?"

"Yes Sir." Pete moved in front of Frank and undid the blanket, throwing it over the tyre that hung in front of them. He then turned to Frank. "Bend over that." He was still holding whatever had been hidden in the blanket, which Frank wanted to get a better look at.

Frank looked at him. What had this got to do with being hungry ?

"I said, bend over that tyre, you fat bastard !" shouted Pete. Dave was normally giving the orders, so this was quite a surprise to Frank. He shuffled forward and bent over, but the tyre was lower than he was. Pete gave him a push and he fell onto the tyre. Frank mumbled a cry as the chains rattled under his weight. He bent his knees slightly to put his feet on the ground.

Pete then dropped the contents of the blanket onto the ground and picked out some ropes. With these, he tied Frank's arms to the tyre, put a loose noose around his neck and attached that to the tyre at the front, and spread each of Frank's ankles, tying these to the frame of the swing. Frank was now secured tightly to the swing, his legs spread, his ass stuck out.

Dave sat down on the bench and lit up a cigar, looking directly at his ass.

"Fucking lovely view, that." he said to Pete. "How about you try and make him moan for me, boy ?"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir." came the reply from the younger man, who moved to Frank's side and crouched down.

"If you can make him moan, I'll give you that reward I told you about... remember ?"

"Oh yeah, yes Sir !" said Pete, excited at the thought.

Frank could see through the trees the cars and trucks going past on the motorway, but here he was, bound and gagged, helpless and exposed, waiting for these two queers to do God knows what...

Pete put his hand onto Frank's crotch and started to rub his cock through his trousers.

Frank started to struggle, but he could only move forwards and backwards, and couldn't get away from the hand playing with his groin. He bit into the gag as his cock began to harden.

"You gonna moan for me bitch ?" asked Dave, "Show me what a right slut you are..."

Frank shook his head. He had no intention of being anyone's slut, especially these two faggots. His definance was coming back... and Dave had noticed. Dave was enjoying having a rebellious boy to play with.

Frank's mind raced once more as Pete's hand tickled his cock. He could feel it getting stiff but he had no way of stopping Pete's touch. He fought to prevent himself from moaning as the pleasure built up.

"You should really see his ass shifting from side to side as you do that Pete, it's fucking lovely, making me all nice and hard..."

"He does have a nice arse, Sir, doesn't he ?"

"Yep, and if you can make him moan, I'll let you have it... after I've broken him in..."

Frank gulped. He didn't want that !

"Yes Sir !" cried Pete triumphantly as he increased his efforts on the bound man's cock, whilst also stroking his own. Dave too was playing with the large mound in the crotch of his jeans, though Frank was unable to see this. He continued to puff on his cigar.

Frank fought valiantly to escape the hand touching him up, whilst also remaining silent. The only sound apart from the traffic on the motorway was the rattling of the chains as he swung about.

"You fucking love this, bitch." whispered Pete into his ear. Pete's finger rubbed over Frank's cockhead...

"mmmmmmm...." Frank moaned.

"We have a winner !" shouted Dave, standing up. "Well done Boy, you shall have your reward for making this slut moan. but first..."


Next: Chapter 5

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