The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on May 13, 2012



The journey had been an ordeal for Frank. Bound and helpless in the cab of a lorry, held firm by his balls and the big strong arm around his neck. Dave rubbed his erection against the other big man's ass as he spooned against him.

He whispered in the ear of his captive how he was gonna be their plaything, their sex toy, and and he was gonna love it, his stiff cock told Dave he was gonna... all the while Dave rubbed at Frank's crotch, his captive's cock hardening in his grasp, whilst his other hand rubbed over his cropped head. Frank couldn't get free, he had no choice but to wiggle his ass as he was ordered to, and agree with what Dave was saying even though he didn't want to do these queer things. He had no way of escaping.

Dave's hand on his cock was making him moan, and he blushed in embarrassment.

A bit later on, Dave had unzipped his jeans and put a condom on his cock, then placed it against Frank's ass. He humped him, holding Frank tight to him as he rubbed his cock against Frank's fat rump, his right hand clamped tight over Frank's mouth. Pete was laughing from the front seat. Dave ordered Frank to grind his ass into Dave's lap.

The ordeal had lasted for a good while, Dave moaning and groaning till finally with some savage grunts he came inside the condom, filling it with his sticky goo. Then he rolled Frank onto his back, had pulled the off the end of his dick whilst straddling his chest, and told Frank to open his mouth.

"Fuck off !" said Frank, defiantly.

Dave laughed, and so did Pete.

Dave slapped Frank hard round the face.

"That's not a request, bitch. Open your mouth or I'll crush your balls. Now !" He shouted the last word.

Frank looked over towards Pete, who was smiling but shuddered at the sound of Dave's command. "Better do what he says, cunt..." said Pete.

"Yes Master... Master Dave." Frank closed his eyes and opened his mouth unwillingly. He had a feeling he knew what was coming next, and he had a feeling he wasn't going to like it.

Dave held the condom over Frank's opened mouth, and tipped the contents onto his tongue.

Frank heaved as he tasted the cum of his captor, then coughed and spluttered as Dave dropped the condom in his mouth. Frank couldn't avoid it, being pinned down to the floor of the sleeping area.

"Chew it, Boy, get used to the taste, cos from now on you get it from the source." Dave leaned forward and wiped his slimy dick on Frank's cheek as Frank began to chew on the spunk-filled rubber. "That bushy moustache of his looks really good, can't wait to feel that tickle me..." said Dave, turning to Pete for a second, then looking back down at the captive lorry driver.

Frank was aware that his cock was stiff in his trousers. And it was damp too.

When Dave was satisfied, he reached behind Frank and held up a roll of gaffer tape. Tearing off a strip, he slapped it over Frank's mouth, sealing the condom in as a makeshift gag.

He looked down at Frank as he pushed his dick back into his jeans and smiled.

"Good Boy." he said with an evil grin.

It had been a good half hour before the lorry had finally come to a rest outside some sort of industrial units. No lights were on so Frank thought it must be really late. He glanced over at the dashboard to see '02:47' on the digital display. He did some mental calculations and worked out that he had been abducted about 5 hours ago. He wished he could get that condom out of his mouth, it was chewy and rubbery and tasted salty and sticky and disgusting.

"No one around, Dave," said Pete, turning towards Dave, who had spent the remainder of the journey in the passenger seat smoking a cigar.

"Yeah, they won't be here till dawn, then we can get Franky boy here all cleaned up... whatcha reckon, shall we let him grow a beard or just let him keep that moustache... he looks like a walrus." He pointed at Frank.

"Well, I think we should keep him looking like that... short cropped hair and a bushy 'tache. Wouldn't be right if all three of us to have beards would it?." Peter rubbed his goatee to reinforce the point. "I'm tired, Dave, are we gonna get some kip?" He pointed in the back of the cab. Frank wondered how all 3 of them would sleep in the sleeping area, as it had been a squeeze for him and Dave earlier.

"Yeah, time for bed..." said Dave.

And so Frank lay there, bound and gagged, sandwiched between the two hijackers - Dave behind him, Pete in front of him, both of them cuddled up to the helpless lorry driver. Dave's cock was again rubbing against his ass, but more worryingly, Pete's ass was rubbing against his cock... which was rock hard. Every time he moved backwards to get away from it, he grinded his buttocks against Dave's cock. Both the hijackers slept well... which was more than could be said for Frank. His arms ached from being tied behind him, and the tape gag made it difficult to breathe. And Dave snored loudly behind him.

"Wakey wakey, rise and shine you fat bastard !" came a voice as Frank awoke, slapped on his thigh by Dave. Pete moved out of the sleeping area down to the driver's seat so he could open the cab's curtains, whilst Dave got up and sat next to the prone captive. "Now, I'm gonna untie you so you can come and freshen up with us in Zac's place, but don't go getting any ideas..."

Pete turned to Frank and held the stun gun towards his face. He pulled the trigger and a whitish-blue spark jumped between the two contact points.

"Any funny business and we'll zap you... maybe somewhere nasty..." said Pete, as he moved the stun gun to hover above Frank's crotch.

Frank nodded his head as he felt the ropes loosen around his wrists. Dave helped him to a sitting position and told him to untie his ankles and remove his gag, the latter of which he was very happy to do. He rubbed his wrists to get the circulation back and stretched his arms.

"Now," said Dave, "Zac is our first delivery, he's gonna take some of this booze of our hands... for a big wodge of cash of course, and he's allowing us to use his changing rooms to have a shower and stuff." He pointed out of the cab to the building next to it. "As far as he's concerned, you are our willing accomplice, so he won't think any different unless you wanna cause trouble..."

Pete activated the stun gun again to reinforce Dave's point.

"No..." Frank raised his hand, then remembered just who he was talking to. "No, Master Dave and Master Pete, I won't cause trouble. Please don't use that thing on me..."

"That's a good boy, Frank, now you just remember to be a good boy for me and Master Pete and we can have a great time." Said Dave with a grin.

Frank didn't like the sound of that. And he didn't like the fact his cock was still hard.

Pete opened the door of the cab and climbed out, then beckoned to Frank to exit the lorry. Frank noticed that he still had the stun gun.

"Nice..." said Pete as Frank climbed out of the cab, reaching up to grab at the older man's ass. Frank bit his lip. Maybe if he just did as they said they'd let him go... maybe they might do that humping thing to him... at least he wouldn't have to get fucked. Maybe.

Pete opened up a side compartment to the cab and pulled out two holdalls as Dave climbed out carrying another. Frank recognised that one as his own. At least he could get a change of shirt and underwear, and brush his teeth. The taste of the rubbery condom and Dave's spunk filled his mouth.

"We'll get cleaned up and then we'll buy you some breakfast, boy, something to fill that big fat belly of yours." said Dave, as he locked the cab and pointed towards the building. "Move."

Frank had walked towards the building, closely followed by his two captors. He noticed a couple of men in forklift trucks moving towards the lorry to empty some of the load. Could he tell them what was going on ? Would Dave and Pete try and stop him ? The thought crossed his mind to try and escape, but too soon he was at the door of the building. Dave moved up behind him and unlocked the door.

"Get in." came the order. Frank obeyed and walked into the changing room, which was clean although looked like it had come out of the 1970s. Pete followed him in, and then Dave, who locked the door behind him and put the keys in his shirt pocket. Frank turned to face the two men.

"Look fellas," he began, "I mean, you've had your fun and stuff, why not just let me go and we won't say anything more, eh?"

Dave put the holdall down next to a bench and sat down.

"Shut up. That's earnt you a punishment boy, I already told you what you are to call me and Pete, and I don't want to have to tell you again..." Dave's tone was firmer, more menacing. He pulled a cigar out of his shirt pocket and lit it. "Now, How about you come here Pete and sit next to me..." He patted the bench next to him. Pete placed the two other holdalls on the floor and sat next to Dave.

Dave's free hand reached over into Pete's lap and began rubbing at his crotch.

"Thank you, Sir," Pete moaned. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out something small and black. It took a while before Frank realised what it was.

"Hey, you're not going to take any photos of me are you?" Frank asked, blushing.

"Shut up boy... seems you've forgotten how to address me and Pete..." Dave's tone had changed again to something very nasty. Frank gulped.

"Look, Master Dave, I'm sorry but I don't want you taking photos -"


"Hey !"

"Turn around, bitch." said Pete, "Wanna get a good one of your arse in those trousers."

Frank reluctantly turned around, facing away from the other men.




So they had some photos of his backside, probably for wanking purposes, Frank thought. If that was as bad as it got, then he was OK with that.

"Turn around and take your shirt off, bitch." Pete gave the order this time.

"Yes...yes Master Pete." Frank turned to face the two men and unbuttoned his shirt, then took it off.

"Hand behind your head."



"You're a real horny fucker ain't you boy?" said Dave, taking a long drag on his cigar. "You've got a hard-on just by posing for us two."

"No...I mean no, Master Dave, it's not like that..." Frank replied, eager to let the two hijackers know that he wasn't enjoying this.

"Don't fucking lie to me..." Another drag on the cigar.

Pete leaned to one side and switched on the radio, turning up the music.

"I'm not lying, Master Dave, please..."

"Take your trousers off and hand me the belt."

Frank blushed as he undid his trousers and took them off, as Pete took yet more photos.

"Nice undies !" laughed Dave as he pointed at Frank's now obvious erection in the front of his briefs, the material damp and see-through at his cockhead.

Pete took yet more pictures.

"Take 'em off, boy, shove 'em in your mouth like the pig you know you are..." came the order.

"But..." started Frank. He didn't want to be naked in front of these two. Definitely not with a camera present.

"You'll do it or I'll make you do it..." said Dave. "And you'll be missing some teeth if I make you do it." His voice was calm but Frank could tell that Dave was not messing about. He reluctantly took off his briefs and stuffed them in his mouth, the taste of his own pre-cum now in his mouth.




"Now then boy, you play with your dick for us, show us what a slut you are..."

Frank noticed that Pete had put the camera down. Thank God, he didn't want this going on film.

Dave stood up and moved behind Frank, his belt in his hand. Frank didn't like the way this was going.

"You got a ten second head start, then I'm gonna belt your ass for not addressing me and Pete in the right way." Dave waved the belt around. "The moment you shoot your load, I'll stop... so you'd better get ready to cum for us, bitch."

Frank looked at Pete, who was now rubbing his crotch hungrily.

"Better get started, Franky boy..." he said with a grin.


Next: Chapter 3

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