The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Aug 31, 2023



Frank opened his mouth wide to allow Dave's sticky - and still hard - rod access, pushing out his tongue to lick and clean off the remains of two big loads and his own assjuices. He tried hard not to retch as Dave placed a hand on the top of his head and pushed forward with his hips, stuffing more of his still oozing cock into his mouth, and yet that familiar scent coming from Dave's groin began to make his head spin once again. Without thinking, he opened his mouth as wide as he could and wrapped his tongue around the sticky, cum-covered tool, devouring the remnants of Dave's two orgasms, making slight moaning noises... matched by those of Dave, who was clearly enjoying the experience of having his captive lick and clean his prick.

"Yeah, he fucking cleans that good..." muttered Dave towards Pete, who had now climbed off the bed and was moving around the room. Frank didn't notice him move close behind his exposed ass.

But he did notice when Pete shoved his cock into his bruised and sore hole. His eyes widened in shock and pain as he tried to cry out, but Dave's cock was buried too far in his mouth for him to make much more than mewling noises, as Pete grabbed hold of Frank's hips and slammed his cock all the way in.

"Fuck, yeah... Christ his ass is still tight, Sir..." he groaned, as his cock was held tightly in the vicelike grip of Frank's asshole. "I can't believe it !"

"Me neither, but ain't we lucky to have such a juicy tight ass to fuck ?" replied Dave, who was now starting to thrust gently into Frank's dribbling mouth. Frank's eyes were watering and he was having trouble catching his breath.

Pete also began to thrust in and out, matching the speed of his lover.

"Let's play a little game, shall we...?" said Dave. "One cock in your ass, the other in your mouth. If I can cum in your mouth before Pete can shoot his load up your ass, then we'll wank you off..."

Frank didn't like where this was going.

"...But if Pete cum's first, then you'll get the belt again... after you have taken my load of course..."

Frank began to wriggle in the stocks as both men began to increase their pace, each of them carefully matching each other. Frank could do nothing but try and suck on Dave's cock as it pushed abruptly between his lips and rubbed against the back of his throat, eager to make him cum first so that he would be rewarded. His own cock bobbed around uselessly beneath him, drooling pre-cum, ready for action but receiving none. Each thrust of Pete's cock in his ass made his cock judder as it glided over his now swollen prostate gland. God he wanted to cum !

Pete slapped at both of Frank's buttocks as he ground his dick deep into the lorry driver's backside, beginning to race away from matching the pace of his partner as he sought to get to his orgasm first, enjoying the tight grip of Frank's ass and the thought of Dave belting the chunky fat ass of their captive whilst he watched. This thought alone was almost enough to push him over the edge.

Dave looked up from Frank's bobbing head towards his partner, then cracked a smile as he guessed what he was doing. So he in turn increased his thrusts in and out of Frank's mouth, his cock slick with Frank's spit.

"Come on Frank, suck that dick, Pete's close to cumming !" barked Dave at the helpless lorry driver. This made Frank increase his efforts on the cock in his mouth, but he unwillingly clenched his buttocks and asshole as he did this, much to Pete's pleasure.

Dave, of course, knew this would happen.

He wanted Pete to cum first too. He wanted to belt Frank's fat ass. But he was enjoying the attention Frank was devoting to his stiff cock too.

"Yeah, that's my boy, make me shoot, Boy, a nice thick load down your throat..." he cried between thrusts and grunts of pure obscene pleasure, only matched by those of the younger man plowing away at the other end of Frank's beefy body.

Frank was somewhere in between heaven and hell, the scent of Dave's crotch and his leather chaps mixing with the taste of his spunk and his dick and Pete's cock pistoning in and out of his arse over his prostate gland, contrasting with the stinging from his thrashed buttocks and his sore asshole and aching jaw and the thought that if he didn't do his best, he would end up with another thrashing...

He didn't know whether he wanted it to end or to carry on...

"...yes... yes... yes... yes..." from behind Frank came the sound of Pete's voice. Frank's eyes widened at the realisation that the younger of his two masters was close to cumming, and he knew very well what that meant, so he sucked and licked and tried to get as much of Dave's thick cock inside his mouth and down his throat as he could in a valiant effort to try and make him cum before his partner.

"...yes...yes...Yes... YES..." almost in response came Dave's voice as his own orgasm approached. Frank almost breathed a sigh of relief.

"YESSS ! YESSS ! YEEAAAAAHHHHHSSSSS !" came a cry of victory, except Frank couldn't feel the cock in his mouth throbbing and convulsing, filling him with hot sticky goo.

But the one in his ass was.

Oh fuck, though Frank, as he realised that he had failed.

He felt a sharp tap on the side of his head.

"Oi, cunt, did I tell you to fucking stop ?" shouted Dave angrily. "Suck me off or I'll blister your backside, Boy..."

So Frank continued to suck on the meat stuffed into his mouth, eager to please his master but dreading what was going to happen next, whilst Pete's balls emptied deep inside his ass.

And yet, Frank's cock was still stiff - what the hell was up with him ?

Sometime later, Frank lay awkwardly on the floor, face down on a rubber mat, his wrists handcuffed behind his back, his buttocks reddened and covered in welts from the belting Dave had given him some time earlier, and his asshole filled with yet more loads after repeated rapes by Dave and Pete - mostly Dave to be honest as he had been utterly insatiable. The buttplug he had worn earlier on was stuffed firmly in his asshole, with orders to "keep that in there Boy, or you'll lick it clean tomorrow morning and any drips on the mat... and then get the belt again". Frank feared the belt now, having received it more than enough times.

A legcuff had been placed around one ankle and this was attached to the stocks, so he couldn't escape. Somewhat thoughtfully, Dave had placed a pillow under Frank's head and he had been told to "get some kip". Though the stinging of his punished ass and the cuffs prevented this somewhat.

Dave and Pete, meanwhile, were fast asleep in each other's arms on the bed, snoring as they slept and recharged their batteries.

Frank lay there, wondering what new torments Dave had in store for him, his cock stiff as a board beneath him, leaving a snail's trail of pre-cum on the rubber mat. Dave had cuffed his wrists so that he couldn't wank himself off and so would have to spend the night with an erection, and as a final gesture of sadism, had fitted a cockring to Frank's cock. This consisted of a large ring that fitted snugly around the base of his ballsac, another slightly smaller ring around the base of his cock, and a final even smaller one around the head of his prick. After it had been fitted, Dave pressed a button on the side of the largest ring, and it began to vibrate gently, sending teasing waves of tingling pleasure through Frank's cock and balls, yet denying him the pleasure and relief of an orgasm.

"Sleep tight, Boy." was the last thing Dave said before he fell asleep.

Bastard, thought Frank.

Frank wriggled about trying to find a comfortable position, but his cock kept getting in the way. Finally he managed to sandwich it between his big belly and the mat...

And it felt kind of good.

He wiggled his hips.

That felt even better.

Maybe... maybe if I just rub my dick against the mat... he thought.

Oh yeah, that felt nice. Real nice. Perhaps...

He ground his hips against the mat and began to dribble as waves of pleasure swept through his groin.

Maybe I can fuck the mat, he thought.

I'm going to fuck the mat, he thought. I'm gonna shoot my load whether Dave likes it or not, he thought.

He began to hump the floor.


Next: Chapter 15

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