The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Aug 6, 2023



Frank swallowed hard at the thought of being fucked yet again by Dave's rock hard cock, which was jammed firmly and deeply in his tight ass. It made his own cock shudder. He looked over to his side to see Pete climbing off the bed and moving towards him.

"Think he should suck my cock, Sir...?" asked Pete towards Dave, smiling at the sight of him with his dick buried in Franks' backside. Frank could see Pete's cock was now stiff and dripping, much like his own was.

"Yeah..." came the reply between grunts of pure animal pleasure from Dave, whose cock was still dribbling the last of his spunk into Frank's ass. "Make him swallow your load... will turn me on and I'll fuck him again after..."

"Yes SIR !" cried Pete, almost delirious with pleasure.

Pete moved to in front of Frank's head, standing in front of him. He grabbed under his chin and pulled his head upwards, tugging at the filthy jockstrap stuffed in Frank's mouth to remove it and allow him access.

"Now..." said Pete as his cock bobbed towards Frank's face, a thick dribble of pre-cum dripping from the head. "Open wide, Frankyboy, time to show me what a good cocksucker you are..."

Frank began to wriggle. "Fuck off, you fat bastard, I ain't doing it....!"

He felt Dave's arm swing underneath him and grab onto his ballsac... and squeeze them hard. Hard enough to make Frank wince.

"Suck his cock, boy, and you'd better suck it good, or I'll pop these fuckers and you'll never cum again..." threatened Dave. Frank could feel Dave's cock shudder inside him as he said this. Dave obviously found this a turn on. And somehow, God knows how or why... so did Frank.

He opened his mouth to allow Pete access, as Pete shuffled forward to push his cock deep into Frank's mouth, leaving a snail trail of pre-cum over his chin, his lower lip and his tongue until it was gently rubbing against the back of his throat. Frank coughed and spluttered as Pete now held his head firm with both hands, beginning to pump Frank's unwilling hot wet mouth with his dick. Impaled at both ends, he had no choice but to endure what was happening to him, fucked in the ass and now in the mouth by his two Masters. Dave continued to squeeze Frank's balls as an incentive.

Frank's cock was ready to shoot it's load, and his balls were churning with hot semen...

"Ohh fuck, he's got a good mouth... ohhhh..." moaned Pete, thrusting his tool in and out of the captive's face, half closing his eyes in pleasure as he looked over at Dave, who was very slowly and gently grinding his hips against Frank's backside. Frank unwillingly responded by clenching his buttocks and anus around the invading cock, making Dave drool with pleasure into his beard and also from his cock, trapped deeply within the lorry driver's asshole...

"You fucking like that, don't you, Boy..." moaned Dave, as he deliberately shifted his dick inside Frank's ass so it would rub over his prostate gland and make him shudder. Frank gasped as he did this, his sighs of pleasure stifled by Petes big slimy piece of meat sliding back and forth over his tongue and rubbing against the back of his throat.

"Yeah, fucking bitch loves being fucked at both ends... don't ya ?" came the reply from Pete, who was now holding Frank's ears firmly with both hands as he slid his pole in and out of Frank's mouth. Frank couldn't answer, silenced by Pete's prong and also reeling in the different sensations of having a cock both up his ass and down his throat. He knew his own cock was ready to shoot, if only he could wank himself off to give himself some relief, or maybe if Dave could...

He could taste the pre-cum dripping from Pete's dick on his tongue as Dave lowered himself onto Frank's back, releasing the grip he had on his hips to grab obscenely at Frank's big soft round belly, rubbing and caressing the spitroasted captive till his hands grabbed each of Frank's tits, pinching and rubbing at his now swollen nipples. And to top it off, he gently wiggled his cock again inside Frank's ass, making Frank's cock dribble yet again onto the floor.

Pete was alternating his strokes between deep and slow and short and fast, ensuring that all of Frank's mouth enjoyed (was that the right word?) the taste and feel of his prick moving in and out. Frank was dribbling, his mouth watering helplessly around the invading cock as his ass muscles clenched involuntarily around the one stuffed into his rump.

Suddenly, Dave's cock began to pull out, slowly and carefully, till just the head of his cock remained stuck into Frank's ass.

And then he slammed it back in. Hard.

Frank would have screamed but Pete responded by pushing his cock deep towards the back of Frank's throat, making him cough and splutter. Dave pulled out again and then slammed it in again, releasing the holds on his tits to slap at the lorry driver's asscheeks.

It seemed that Dave had got his breath back. Oh dear God, thought Frank, as the big man took a form hold of his hips and began his second anal assault on the captive's helpless rump.

In and out, in and out, Dave showed no mercy as he increased his thrusts into Frank's ass to match the speed to those of Pete's thrusts into his mouth. Frank's jaw was aching and he was finding it difficult to breathe, the air he could get into his lungs being almost pushed out by Dave's vicious pounding in his butt. He wished for it just to be over... or did he ?

In and out, in and out...

Frank's mind raced, overwhelmed with sensations and thoughts as his big chunky body was used by his two hijackers, the smells and tastes and sounds of flesh upon flesh filling his head, his balls tightening up beneath him yet denied release or relief by Dave and Pete whilst they enjoyed using his front and rear fuckholes.

In and out, in and out...

Frank was so close to shooting his load, all it would take would be just a touch of his hand... or Dave's...

In and out, in and out...

"Ohhh.... FUUUCKKK !"

Suddenly Pete was holding firmly onto Frank's ears, pushing his cock deep towards the back of his throat as his balls relented and his cock spasmed into life, sending thick volleys of hot cum onto the back of Frank's tongue and throat, dribbling down and making him gag once again. Pete's cum tasted extra salty for some reason, the taste and texture of the sticky, sloppy, gloopy liquid making Frank want to vomit, yet also, unknown to him, the contraction of Pete's dick in his mouth making him clench his ass muscles yet again around the hot invading cock jammed tight in his ass like a huge red hot poker.

That was all it took to take Dave to the edge.

"Ohhhh... yeah, fucking... yeah...fuck....YES ! YES ! YES ! YEEEEAHHHHHHH !" came the cry from Dave as his own cock exploded, sending a second wave of spunk deep into Frank's ass to join the first sticky load dumped there not so long ago. He continued to pound at Frank's ass, depositing his seed, as Pete held onto Frank's nose, forcing him to swallow his. Frank had no choice but to accept the spunk of these two men, secured firmly in the stocks with a cock up his ass and in his mouth.

After what seemed like an age, Dave stopped fucking, pulling his cock out as Pete did the same. Dave smiled as he saw Frank's asshole clench tight one more, sealing his load deep inside his ass. He walked round to position himself in front of Frank's red face and cupped his chin with his hand, lifting his head upwards. With his other free hand, he waved his cock at him, covered in spunk and Frank's own assjuices.

"Clean it, Boy, then maybe I'll let you cum..." came the order.

Frank had no choice.

"Yes, Master Dave..."

Disgusted as he was, blushing with shame and embarrassment, he opened his mouth, ready to clean his Master's prick.


Next: Chapter 14

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