The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Jul 17, 2023



Frank gasped as Pete's tongue lapped gently at his now solid nipples, moving his head between them and licking over his broad chest to get at both the swollen buds. Meanwhile, his hands reached up to grab a firm hold of Frank's head as Dave continued his slow wank of Frank's prick. Frank was biting his lip as Dave's rough fingers massaged his cock to a standing ovation. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying it, but...

Pete moved up the bed and pulled Frank's head towards him.

"Stick your tongue in my mouth, boy..." said Pete. Frank was shocked - he had never kissed another man, not even his Dad when he was a kid - and here was this chubby queer bastard wanting to snog him !

"Fuck off." he replied defiantly.

Suddenly he felt a firm hand on his bollocks, Dave's tight grip fast became a firm squeeze. He grimaced and gasped as the grip became uncomfortable as Pete stopped Frank from defending himself.

"He said, stick your tongue in his mouth, boy... now kiss him, Frank, or I'll squeeze these fuckers till they pop..." threatened Dave, who whilst crushing Frank's balls with one hand continued to slowly wank Frank's cock with the other. And Frank was still enjoying it...

Frank gulped and leaning forward, kissed Pete on the mouth.

"Yeah, that's it boys, you have some fun..." said the voice of Dave somewhere behind them, as Frank's mouth opened to allow Pete's tongue in. Pete's hands flicked over Frank's chest, gently rubbing the nipples again between his fingers, as his tongue explored the lorry driver's mouth. Frank wondered what was happening to him, was he becoming a queer or what, why was he allowing this to happen, and...

... why was his cock so hard... ?

He sighed, the sounds muffled as his tongue and Pete's wrapped around each other, as he found himself surprisingly playing with Pete's nipples. Dave's hand continued to slowly stroke his dick up and down, making him moan and groan. Pete was now pinching at Frank's nipples, just enough to make him gasp in a mixture of pleasure and pain, and Frank too was joining in, working over Pete's rock hard nipples as he savoured the taste of the beer on Pete's tongue, in much the same way as Pete too was enjoying the taste of Frank's mouth and the remnants of his and Dave's sperm.

Frank wasn't aware that he was writhing on the bed, trying to fuck Dave's fist, his rough strong fingers providing a tight grip around his throbbing cock. In a way, he didn't care.

"Hey Pete, why don't you show him what he missed that time he smacked you one... ?" said Dave, releasing his grip on Frank's cock. "Get your lips round his dick and suck him off..."

Pete suddenly stopped pulled away from Frank, looking down at the lorry driver's hard cock and almost licking his lips. Frank let out an audible 'ohh....' and then blushed in embarrassment.

"Yes SIR !" Pete cried, and moved down towards Frank's groin as Dave reached upwards and grabbed Frank's head to turn it in his direction. Frank guessed what he would be expected to do, opening his mouth to allow Dave to kiss him, the tastes now of beer and cigars. As he did so, Pete licked at the head of his cock, sending Frank into spasms of pleasure. Dave was now stroking Frank's chest, his touch was much more aggressive than the younger man's, and Frank tentatively reached over to touch Dave's big furry chest. Frank was surprised at how large and stiff Dave's nipples were.

Pete now had a good hold on Frank's balls in his right hand, pulling them down firmly as his tongue wrapped around Frank's dick, licking up and down the shaft and making Frank moan and groan in pleasure. Frank couldn't believe what was happening, that this queer fucker was sucking his cock better than anyone else had ever done ! He could feel his balls trying to tighten in Pete's grip as the younger of his two Masters bobbed up and down on his prick, sending waves of pleasure through his entire lower body.

Dave's beard scratched against Frank's moustache as the sex slave and his Master kissed and sucked at each other's tongues. Frank's moans started to get faster and faster as Pete's efforts on his blowjob increased...

Up and down, in and out...

Frank could feel the tingling in his balls as his cum churned deep inside them. His fingers clawed at Dave's chest as his orgasm drew closer. His panting got heavier and faster, his legs moving on the bed as Pete's very talented mouth worked on his cock...

Frank's moans started to become a scream of pleasure...

Pete buried his face in Frank's crotch as Dave pinched both of Frank's nipples with his fingers as hard as he could...

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHH !" cried Frank as his cock exploded and sprayed hot thick spunk into Pete's willing mouth, his cock juddering and shaking as the young Master swallowed his load. Frank was now sucking hard on Dave's tongue, in ecstasy as his balls emptied into Pete's mouth. Pete sucked at Frank's spasming prick to ensure every drop of cum was sucked from Frank's bollocks, until he felt his cock go limp in his mouth. He raised his head from Frank's crotch.

"That was nice, Frank... didn't take you long to cum though, must have been ready for it, all horny and locked up all day, unable to get a hardon..."

Frank pulled his tongue out of Dave's mouth. "Um... yes, Master Pete... uhhh... thank you, Master Pete."

"Good Boy !" said Pete, smiling up at the two larger men on the bed. "You remembered to thank me - you are learning fast ain't you ?"

Frank nodded his head and blushed at the thought of what he was doing. He was still panting and his heart was pounding as the after-effects of his orgasm slowly subsided.

"Yeah, but I bet he forgot something else, didn't you Frank ?" asked Dave, jabbing a stiff finger into Frank's side.

Frank looked over at him, then down at Pete, not knowing what he meant.

"Master Dave, I can't remember, what did I forget ?" he asked. Frank had gotten a view of Dave's cock when he looked down at Pete, and he could see it was getting stiff again. That worried Frank. A lot. It looked a whole lot bigger than before...

"You haven't paid the penalty for all your disobedience and fuck-ups Boy... I need to show you who's the boss around here, cos it ain't you..."

Frank gulped as he tried to get his breath back from the exertion of cumming.

"Let's put him in the stocks..." came the order from Dave, as both captors turned on their captive.

Shorty afterwards, Frank stood in the middle of the room, bent over at the waist, his wrists and his head secured in the stocks which were padlocked closed. His legs were also secured in the base of the stocks, spread wide so that his cock and balls hung down. He wriggled, trying to get free, which only served to heighten the sexual tension in the room as both his Masters watched his big beefy rump sway from side to side. He could feel himself sweating with fear and... excitement ?

His ass, cock and balls were now perilously exposed to whatever torments these two had in mind.

He craned his neck as best he could to see what was going on, but he could only see to the front and his left and right. He could hear various sounds behind him which filled him with dread. He wished he could see what was going on - or did he really want to know ?

"On the bed Boy, you can watch me work him over then suck my dick after." said Dave to Pete from behind where Frank stood.

"Yes SIR !" cried Pete in excitement, jumping onto the bed and making himself comfortable.

Dave walked over to just behind Frank's left hip, placing his big strong right hand on Frank's backside. He rubbed his hand over the two outstretched big fleshy melons, squeezing, pinching and kneading them whilst making grunting noises. Frank struggled in the stocks, trying to get his ass away from Dave's hand.

"Now boy, no gag for you now, you can make as much noise as you want... and you will I promise you."

"Please, Master Dave, I'm sorry, please..." begged Frank, "Please don't..."


Dave's hand slapped Frank on the ass, not too hard, but enough to make Frank gasp.




Frank's struggles increased as Dave continued to spank Frank's ass with his hand. He could feel his buttcheeks getting warmer.

"Please, Master Dave..."




"He's fucking loving it, Sir," said Pete from the bed. "He's gone hard again... and his cock is dribbling..."

Frank looked down at his cock, which indeed was stiff as a board and was leaking pre-cum in a sticky drip down to the floor beneath him. He felt disgusted with himself.


"Much like you then, ain't he ?" came the reply.


Frank was grimacing, not in pain but at the humiliation of being spanked like a naughty schoolboy and at getting aroused by it. He said nothing though, unwilling to give Dave the satisfaction of knowing how he was feeling.



"I fucking knew you would like this, you big fat slut..."




On and on the spanking continued, till Frank's asscheeks began to glow a healthy pink. Frank now was grunting as Dave's slaps were beginning to hurt him.




"You had enough yet, Boy ?" asked Dave, pausing from the spanking to rest his hand on the small of Frank's back. Frank could feel the cool air of the room on his warm buttocks and the heat coming from Dave's hand. He could just about smell the leather of Dave's chaps, and it made his cock twitch and drool.

"Yes, Master Dave, thank you..." he replied. Dave let out a booming laugh as he slapped Frank on the ass once more.

"That was a warm up you silly cunt. If you think that's all the punishment you're getting, you are in for one big fucking surprise, Frank...."

Dave walked over to the far wall and picked a large black leather paddle off one of the hooks hanging there.

"Frank, it's about time you realised just what you are and what you deserve..."

He walked to behind Frank's naked, exposed, quivering ass, and took aim at his target.

"Time to show you who's boss..."

Frank began to struggle.


Next: Chapter 12

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