The Hide

By moc.liamg@7inimegdemrahc

Published on Jan 4, 2014


This story will involve, transformations, domination, humiliation, ass play, vore and other...topics. Enjoy! Don't read if you are under 18. Special Thanks to Sam for a wonderful job proofing this chapter. Feedback is greatly appreciated e-mail to

Zach and Matt

"It seems we are almost done with the.... entertainment for the evening... you Zach are going to be particularly fun." Butch leans in and takes a long whiff of Zach's sweat and musk, before licking a large swipe from Zach's chest to his right pit. A sound of contentment rumbles out of his throat, while Zach struggles weakly the rigors of the day affecting his strength. After the dozen or so times his libido has been kicked into high gear, the amount of fear sweat, and just basic temperature sweat has left Zach with a plethora of scents. Butch leans back and looks deep into Zach's deep green eyes before smirking at the furious glint reflected in them. "Matt you were right in your apt description of your focused masturbation individual. Those eyes really are spectacular... and that scent... it does a man proud when his scent can cause even one such as myself to have to taste. Butch looks back at Zach and with a conspiratorial wink snaps his fingers and the table disappears. Zach only being held in place by his restraints. Giving Butch the opportunity to wipe his hand through Zach's ass trench and bringing it up to his face taking a whiff of the deepest of all male scents. He leans in to put his fingers into Zach's own mouth before he stops... gives a wink and reaches back down with both hands. Though Zach cannot see, Matt eyes go wide and his cock hardens as Butch pulls back Zach's substantial foreskin and gathering the smegma that has gathered there after the wrestling match and other days activities. Spreading it out over 2 fingers he tastes it again with a deeper satisfied moan. Only having tasted the tip of the finger he forces it both up Zach's nose and then into his mouth.....

Matt watches as Butch turns and steps towards him...and without even having to say a word opens his mouth wide as Butch does the same to Matt, only allowing him to pull all fingers into his mount. Sucking greedily like a newborn calf. Moaning louder than anyone else of the night so far. "See Zach, see what you have been missing all this time by your stupid homophobia, you could have had him servicing all of you... well after I started his modification of course. But then again you are not the brightest of the group, but yet you still have the deepest fear. Wonder why that is?" Butch gives Zach a wink and heads over to the dwarf twins. "Leaning down Matt and Zach can barely hear the whispered orders but from the few phrases and words they do hear..."scent... taste... yeah.., heat.... no permanent damage... separate...there ya go boys get to it." Zach starts screaming at Butch demanding what he meant by that as well as begging to at least have some idea... before the threats began once again. Butch just stands there seemingly totally oblivious to the screaming wrestling jock. The scratching of pencils stop and Butch looks over the finished drawing... and gives both twins and sharp twist of the nipples... almost causing them to fall out from the pleasure they receive. The jocks jump a bit as they hear a clang come the ceiling... as a glass tube descends and a small platform arises below it. Zach is carried over and held in position until fully ensconced in the container. "Now Zach you wanted to know...well here's a hint, what is the vice you worked hard to give up before college...?" Zach stares blank for a minute before his eyes go wide and starts screaming, his container not sound proof so those outside can hear and he can hear those outside. A small drop of brown liquid falls on his head... as he looks up a torrent of the brown fluid falls, coating him entirely before draining out the bottom. Matt looks sick as he assumes the liquid is shit... Butch just smirks taking a glance at him, letting him think what he wants. Zach tries to wipe the fluid from his eyes and face but to no avail, it just coats him more... a small heater from up above turns on and over a span of 2 minutes the liquid has formed a tight but flexible suit. Suddenly as Zach is feeling himself, trying his best not to breathe in or lick himself, the heater grows more intense. Hotter and hotter, until those in the loft can see smoke floating off from Zach's huge brown covered body. His screaming grows along with loud coughs and chokes until he finally stops fighting and lets the smoke do its work as it fills the container is also seems to meld with the skin... Zach though not coughing anymore still struggles banging and moving around... as the smoke finally fills the tube, loud moans and shouts can be heard and a large form can be seen through the smoke. Only now there is the sound.... like paper rustling. The sound grows as the voice begins to sound rougher, scratchier like a dry throat. The struggling stops... as loud inhalations and sniffs can be heard, watching over minutes the smoke decreases, as Zach inhales it back into his body. Once his head is free of smoke one can see that he seems to be doing it of his own free will... hehe right.

As most of the smoke has been consumed back into Zach, the tube lifts and the remaining whiffs and smoke flow out of the tube and into the loft... Matt being the farthest away watches as everyone in the loft sighs after the smell reaches them... worried it will affect him he closes his mouth and attempts to close his nose... um right.... After 30 Sec he is forced to either breathe or die... so he breaths out strong hoping to blow the haze away and suck in the clean air before it rushes back in. This obviously did not work. He braces himself for something weird, but is surprised when the sweet smell of cigar leaves fills his lungs.

Zach still stands then sniffing as some smoke still wafts off his cooling body...not even noticing that he has been released and is free from all restraints. After a few minutes he opens his eyes...seeing that he is now free tries to run...only stopping when he hears the leaf like rustling his body now makes... he looks down in horror and hornyness as he feels his skin... flinching as a small piece of skin flakes off of himself. Fear and anger rise up and he tries to run and attack Butch. Only to be grabbed by rocky and flinching as Pup latches onto his leg... Pup spits a bit as Zach can see part of his leg flake off. As Zach is being held still by Pup and Rocky. Butch walks over and leans close to take a long whiff of the now Tobacco made frat boy. "You truly do smell good; your musk really did transfer well into your new smokable self. But let's see how you taste... shall we. Butch reaches down and grasps Zach's cock, looking like he is pinching the skin at the base of his cock, only to reach back and Matt watches as Zach's cock looks like it is "skinned" as a thick layer of his shaft peels off into a single complete paper wrapping. Reaching up Butch holds it in front of Zach's face, grinning as Zach not only looks in a bit of pain from the skinning, but also frightened as he can still see the impression of his veins in the cock paper. Butch lowers the skin back down and holds it under Zach's cock, with a nod to Rocky who starts jacking off Zach's cock at a quick pace. Zach grimaces as he tries to hold on, but quickly loses control as the rough texture of his leafy cock adds more nerve areas to excite. Zach quickly reaches orgasm, but instead of the milky white cum he is used to, a small puff of tobacco puffs out, before a thick but short stream of thick tobacco is released, which Butch uses to cover a large portion of the cock paper. As it stops, Zach looks a bit drained as if having a large orgasm. The room watches as Butch licks the edge of the paper..., causing a moan from Zach, and slowly rolls it into a tight cylindrical shape... Matt slowly realizes Butch has made a cigar replica of Zach's cock. Rocky holds out a lighter and flicks it for Butch. Who leans close and lights the end of cock cigar. Zach screams as he thinks his cock is about to be burned. But instead gets a funny look on his face as strange feelings move inside his body. While he tries to figure them out "Hmmm not the best I have ever had, but still unique. " Taking a large puff and blowing it towards Matt. Who groans as he sniffs up the smoke as fast as possible. "Seems as though Matt likes your musk Zach, after all you are the one he has talked most about, wishing for a chance to get at that hole of yours, his tongue practically salivates at the thought of the taste. Walking quickly over to Matt he shoves Zach's cigar cock, into Matt's mouth. Sean tromps over, his dog form quickly switching back to that of the bearish bar tender. He grins at Matt... as he tries unconvincingly to spit out the cigar, yet Sean does not allow it. After a minute it is obvious he now has no intention of losing a molecule of his delicious new treat. Butch chuckles before moving back towards Zach. Seeing his look of confused pleasure and ache, as Matt, with puff after puff smokes his cock skin and cum. The burning sensation growing as the cigar gets smaller.

Butch snaps his fingers in Zach's face to get his attention, it takes twice before Zach shakes his head and focuses on Butch, who is reaching over to the tattoo bears as they hand him a two part pipe. Which he quickly joins the two pieces? Lifting it to Zach's face, though the haze of bliss and pain, Zach sees the grain move a bit as a very faint outline of a face surfaces, yelling for help... at least he thinks it is help. "Well Zach, since you were so kind as to let me use your essence to smoke, I think I will just have to take advantage of it once again. Only, well the tobacco I intend to use is a bit more... Dense. Butch reaches up to Zach's head. Purposely placing his pits on each side of the tobacco boys' face. Zach yelps as he feels as if Butch is yanking his "hair" out of his head. Though the sensation stops quickly. He feels the strangest feeling as if a strong wind is blowing over his head. Only the feeling comes from deeper than his scalp. Matt looks over and can be seen smoking and puffing faster with wide eyes and a purple straining cock, looking like it is almost cumming pre-cum. Zach gets a confused yet fearful look on his face, as he tries to break through the dual burning of pain and pleasure. He gasps in shock as what looks like his hair but is too thick "drawstring" type materiel made from his hair. Confusion fills him, before he feels what would be akin to what ice cream would feel like if it could feel as it is scooped out of the container. He feels like his brain is being assaulted. He watches as the drawstrings raise up, and the pulling feeling returns. Butch leans back down, holding the pipe that is now filled with a light colored tobacco. "Any guess my boy..."Zach just stares as the feelings are overloading him. Butch shrugs and grasps the lighter from Rocky and puffs the pipe into existence. Zach flinches as he is assaulted by images from his memory flashing forward the fading one after another. "Got a guess yet?" Butch chuckles as he takes a deeper draw. Zach's head tips back as he moans loudly.... not really listening. "Butch grabs his chin and pulls Zach to his face...." "Let me help you out... try and remember an awesome fuck session from one of your conquests..." Zach smirks as he pulls up a memory, but is fading out as quickly as he calls it up, one after another this keeps happening... he finally grasps the connection... the tobacco filling Butch's pipe... is his brain... or self... or whatever. Zach's face for going all feelings of pleasure and pain from the almost halfway smoked cigar cock, as he looks on in abject horror... as with each inhalation and exhalation, more and more of his sexual past is smoked away, literally. Zach winces as Matt bites down on the end of the cigar; wanting Zach's attention back on him and the pleasure his smoking is subjecting the object of his desire. Butch smirks and heads over towards Matt while still puffing on his pipe. "You seem to really enjoy smoking that Zach cock cigar, Matt... though I suspect I have a better way to smoke your friend.' Butch nods to rocky and Matt falls, the restraints giving way, allowing Matt to fall to the floor. Slowly Matt tries to stand, but is picked up by the arms, and held tight, facing Butch. For almost 5 whole seconds the two stare at each other, before Matts eyes fall to the floor, acknowledging Butches mastery over him and his brothers. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Scott moving slowly around to Butch's ass... without a second thought Matt joins him, crawling around his legs and burying his face in the ass. Before the plunge his mind realizes that he is having his.... dinner with 5 of his brothers. Well he always did want to fuck around with them... lol. Slowly Butch walks over to Zach, who is still held fast, but has gone back to taking stock of his new body, only now his eyes have a slightly vacant glazed look, as a chunk of his past has been... blown away so to speak. Matt crawls with him, doing his best to keep his face in deep, as if fighting with the tattoos for as much ass sweat juice and stank as he can get. Butch comes to a halt, causing Matt to smash his face even deeper; feeling like his nose is being sucked up into Butch's hole. Right before he feels a large hand grab the back of his head, and pull it out. "Now Matt I do believe there is one thing you have always wanted to do with your dear friend Zach wasn't there. Well here's your chance, I know you started smoking cigars just a half hour ago, but who cares time to throw you in the deepest end of the ocean. Matt suddenly fearful tries to escape the strong grasp the Butch has on him. He is forcibly lain down on his back. Face up... his eyes go wide when Zach is pulled over him, Matts face right between his legs... only able to look up right into Zach's still deep green eyes. "Hope your hungry boy!" Butch whispers in his ear as Zach's body moves of its own accord squatting down asshole to mouth, paperish like ball sack lying on his cheek off to the side. Matt struggles for a moment until his tongue snakes out and he gets a tangy musky taste of the tobacco laced raunchy ass of his conquest. Zach stares right down at him, his eyes in rage and pleasure, still with a bit of openness to them, like a subtle shift from normal to well... dumb. Butch lets them go at it for a good 5 minutes before taking his large lighter and "lighting" Zach's cock, who screams at the thought of a burning sensation, but in reality is feeling immense pleasure. Butch steps on Matt's stomach forcing him to suck in the air/gas/scent from his hole... sucking on it like a pro, only stopping for a second as smoke fills his lungs. Both pairs of eyes roll back, Matt from the taste of Zach, and Zach from the feel of Matt smoking his cock and hole. Neither notice as the length of Matts body begins to rise, forcing him deeper into Zach's tobacco flakes ass, as a long clear table raises the length of his body. Soon his face is totally smothered by Zach's ass as he is essentially being used as Zach's chair. A feeling that makes Matt shoot jets of pre all over himself and Zach's flaky bark. Butch, who has been watching, takes a look around, first in the mirror at his own now decorated body, watching the triplets "play" Caiden putting his brothers in place, fucking and knotting with one, while squatting over the face of the other the tongue of which is deep in his ass. Butch from just a glance can't tell the young ones apart, but then it doesn't Matter anyway. Below them, he can see the horrified pissed off face of Scott as he is forced to dive repeatedly between his cheeks, coating his ink self with Butch's dark scent, till permanently infused, his cock betraying his unwanted lust as it bobs and "drips" ink splotches of cum. Hearing grunting looking over and seeing Bull on his hands and knees crouching under Sean, sucking his doggy cock, watching the red as it slips in and out of Bulls dirty hairy lips. His body being forced forward and back as Pup grips his back with his dew claws as he fucks him from the back. His tongue hanging down and dripping all over a Spasming and struggling grunting Dan. Noting his stream of cum almost continually travelling into Bulls raunchy cleft. The struggling paying off as he moves down 6 inches, trying with all his might, and failing mental capacity, to retake what is "his".

Butch grins and laughs as the looks back at his two active experiments, the living tobacco, and the... well no need to spoil it "Well Matt it seems as though we have reached the end of our fun tonight, well almost, as you are the one loose end." Matt tries to yell something but is muffled by the cheeks and asshole surrounding everything below his eyes. "Heh heh heh, seems you are just as excited and eager as I am, seeing as how I have had the patience to not take ownership of your little existence. As of now though, my patience is gone, and just the eagerness of what is to come that is clawing at myself." As Butch walks past the two frat brothers he slides his hand up Zach's chest before running down his back and down Matt's chest, to the tip of his cock. Pulling it down, and letting it pop back up, running down his legs, to his toes. Butch grasps Mats legs and lifts them to his shoulders. Before leaning down a bit and digging into Matt's once tight jock hole. Now eager to invite anything in, as it has been "trained" to do. Butch takes his time, going at it for a good 5 minutes enjoying the sounds of the two frat brothers as a result of the intense pleasure to Matt who then sucks and eats harder smoking and licking Zach all the faster. Zach's cock, almost down halfway as it were. Butch leans back, smirking as gobs of his own spit leaks out, before standing up. His cock, rock hard... a good 13in long 6 in wide. Incredibly veiny, but with a liberal soft outer coating and foreskin, making it look soft and... friendly as it were. Until one grasp it or experiences it. His pre-cum burbling out as he lowers his dick to the entrance of Matts inviting gaping hole. Butch begins moving his hips back and forth, slowly at first, not causing much movement besides Matts ass and pelvis. Still Matts moans grow... well assuming they are moaning. Butch grins a trickster's smirk, looks over at Rocky, and with a grunt, and buries all 13in deep into Matt's hole, all in one swipe. The sound of Matts muffled yelps drowns out every other sound in the Loft. Appprrbt sound be heard slightly as his breath finds a way out... while the rest goes the only place it can... right up into Zach. Those watching... if they still have the mental capacity see Zach's ass bulge a bit. Zach moans loudly as a larger puff of smoke forces its way out of his throat. Before gasping for air to fill his empty... lungs. The sound of his body expanding and collapsing have filled the immediate vicinity with the cracking rustling of tobacco leaves. He looks down as he feels his groin moving quickly, feeling Matt's stubbly face and mouth, eating as much as he can while grunting from the fullness of Butch's slightly expanding cock. Butch however has closed his eyes a bit as his hands are rubbing all over Matt's lower body and legs. Grasping and massaging as much as he can. Matt begins to moan/scream all the louder, as if you were watching, his ass and lower body seem to grow, bulging out. Butch's thrusts however seem to be shorter and shorter, as if keeping his dick deep and pummeling his upper bowels. However, soon even those thrusts seem to shorten, as his legs seem to collapse and absorb into his pelvis, as his lower body starts to round out. Starting at Butch's cock root, long thick veins snake out, slowly moving farther and farther up his body. Mats moans seem loose the sharpness of the fullness aches, but grow in strength and tone as he feels as if his body has become a live nerve ending. It is not until his arm pits begin to slowly fuse and his hands that have been grasping and massaging Zach's cheeks are forced away and forced at his sides... his face shows his confusion as he not only can't move them, but also can't seem to get them out of whatever covering Butch has slid over them. He begins struggling, focusing everything he as, trying to move his arms... Butch smirking and moaning as the shaft where his arms were slightly bulging... until even that goes away. Matts face showed utter confusion as he cannot feel his arms, and the inability to move them... but the feeling or presence they still remain. He gasps as he feels his chest and neck constrict, slowly as Butch starts thrusting faster and faster, taking his body with the thrusts with the strength of his thrusts. Zach moans and smoke pours out of his ass as Matts face is dragged all through his crack. His leafy sack rustling as it falls then lifts with the forehead of his friend. Matt feels his body fold up as if he legs and ass are being curled up on his stomach... the sensation of his body confusing him. Butch starts groaning. "Zach are you enjoying Matts feasting on your leafy musky holes. Feeling the vaporized cock seep out and into his lungs, then expelled and dissipating into the air. Look at that cock, only a few inches left, if it goes down much further I don't know if it will grow back, as the root will be gone... well we can always puncture the skin to a hole and shove pipes and cigars in there... but no.... aww yeah.... might need to stop the suction.... Would you like that Zach, keeping your cock, even as small as it is...?" OMFG PLEASE PLEASE GIVE IT BACK, IT FEEL S SO GOOD AS IT BURNS.... but if it burns much more I will never feel this again. I swear I will find a way to get you fucks.... ... me... god....!" Butch laughs a sinister laugh. "God has no place in this building or anywhere I go... It knows better than that!" Butch groans more, Matt's voice getting clearer as he is thrust more forward, his head now coming almost 8 inches from Zach's ass... Zach who looks down, and his face gets a harsh look of confusion... Matt through his feeling and pleasure and worry, screams at him ..."WHAT, WHAT DO YOU SEE... WHAT DID HE DO... ZACH, PLEASE BRO TALK TO MEEE!!!!" Zach takes a deep gulp as he watches the now thick ring of wrinkled flesh that most replaces Matt's neck... as well as seeing the beginning of thick vein like objects seeming to go down. "Matt... um... you might want to look..." "Fuck you guys are so fucking busy, you should know by now... just ask." Butch looks to rocky who flips yet another switch as a mirror comes down on the ceiling right above the area of the table... Matt sees nothing amiss at first, just his face... gets a look of dread... as he is trust farther and farther past Zach's string leafy thighs.... watching as his neck bunches up slightly with flesh that encircles it... thrust more and veins that trail down. Matt starts muttering and babbling incoherently. As thrust after thrust pushes more of him through the thighs, until almost the entire length of his 6'1 body, is out... only his body is not as it was... all he sees is his head.... topping a giant thick pulsating glistening dick!. While he still mumbles, Butch's arm reaches around Zach's throat and whispers loudly into his ear. "I think your brother has done a fine job of eating that hole of yours... if you still have the memories of any encounter left... what does eating a pussy or ass generally come before..." Zach's face scrunches up as he digs into his own memories... struggling to find one flash of his straight fuck sessions... it is a memory of his teenage years of his older brother telling him, how he hates the taste of pussy, but that sometimes it's the only way to loosen them up bef.... be.. befor... before... His face goes white if still possible and he starts screaming... the force startling everyone in the room... except Dan whose grunts are louder as more of his intelligence spurts its way down to Bulls ass... Matt stops mumbling at the yell... only just now registering what he has become... and the soon to be happenings. Butch's frat cock, starts to stiffen, as Matt gets fearful and excited... his and Zach's eyes go wide as he is slowly pulled back between Zach's cheeks, slowly but surely... Zach's screams grow in strength and fear as Matts now hairless head can barely be seen past his nutsack... He can barely hear Butch and Matt over his own screams... "Well Matt, time to go for a ride..." Butch laughs "Oh eating is one thing... please... please... don't... shove me up.... oh fuck... that feeling... shit... NO...please don't please... please do... do it .... shove me as far up his fucking straight ass as I can go... drive me up and into his leafy brain if you can... just fuck him... PLEASE.... FUCK ME INN..MPPHHH..." Matt's voice is muffled as his head pierces Zach's now un-virgin asshole... the farting sounds of the smoke and breathe he had previously put in there rushes out is drowned out by the loud moaning vibrations of Matts cock self... and the painful yet still moaning sound of Zach's wails fill the entire block. Zach's screams die out as Butch shoves Matt another good 10 inches up Zach's hole, before pulling back slightly and shoving in deeper. The air having been driven from Zach's lungs by the shock slowly returns as he gasps, not just at the jerking shoving motion, but also at the intense pain and now eclipsing it, pleasure. It seems the farther Matt goes, and the longer he stays the pleasure increases Zach's eyes start rolling in the back of his eyelids. The pleasure hitting points his young slow mind had never even realized were possible. If one were watching, the outside of his squinted up eyelids are being dusted by a clear brownish dusting, as his eyes roll and flutter in his leafy eye sockets, the friction smoothing out the leaves there... the feeling of discomfort one would assume Zach would feel from the grinding sensation of his leafy tobacco flesh. The moans and volume of the various noises filling the room continue to grow, getting louder and louder, everyone enthralled by their pleasure and for some the fear of what that pleasure will do to them... namely their minds. If one were watching the scene however, two lone figures are standing off to one corner of the loft, seemingly just watching, no emotion on their identical faces, however as they watch, they both seem to be doing something on their paper, not being able to tell what it is, or in particular who it might be. Butch's moans took up a much louder pitch, his eyes opened wide, given a quick nod towards Rocky, his thrusts started picking up speed and depth... Rocky walks over to the twins, and glances over their shoulders, pausing for a moment before nodding twice at Butch, whose face took on a salacious grin, and his moans began to reach a fever pitch. "Fuck yeah, can you feel it you fucking frat fucks, this is what you always wanted isn't it, hanging together, getting all the pussy you could ever want except you never dreamed it would be your own man-pussies instead of those on the rancid bitches you so liked to fuck! Butch's voice grows louder, gasping for more air as his orgasm grew ever closer, the feeling of Zach's rough skin and his frat cocks own moan and own individual pleasure combined with his new cock pleasure cascading into the overloading pleasure centers throughout his body. Slowly but surely their groans begin to merge, syncing up if you will as each experiences their own specific feelings but in time with the others. Watching Zach it seems as though there is some smoke coming from his ass crack, as the friction from Matts ouch veiny cock body combined with that of the speed he is driven inside is causing Zach's ass to heat up and smoke. The entire loft groans and pants as they are all under the sexual heat that has been going on all night. The groans finally get to a fever pitch, when with a loud "Take him you fucking frat BITCH!" One can see as Butches cum pulses up Matts cock shaft body, flowing into Zach's already packed hall. Each pulse stretching his ass that much more. The cum flies out of every capable cock, if anyone had been able to pay attention, Dan's nuts have shriveled to almost nothing... loud grunts and cries can be heard if listening hard... as he is seconds away from crawling up to his new "apartment". Butch lasting the longest keeps it flowing, slowly though Zach's body becomes more defined, muscles hardening growing ever bigger, while at the same time a moderate layer of fat giving him the look of a gigantic linebacker, who will have immense difficulty doing even the most common tasks on his own. His face also seems to frown as his ass begins to feel empty, his mind both happy and sad as Butch's cock.... he means Matt... slowly deflates, though that is not truly the case. Rocky and the other employees still pant as they have watched with pulse after pulse Matts cock body has shrunk, slower and slower, until with a final loud gasp, and a flood of ass juice and some cum, Matt is fully out of Zach's ass... now only a measly 15in long 9 inch wide cock, the same as his giant self, only smaller. After a good 3 minutes while the room seems to recover from the explosion of raw masculine sexuality... Butch reaches down and lifts Matts face towards him...." Wasn't there a promise you made earlier... well I wouldn't want to cause you to be rude now would I?" Butch Rumbling laugh vibrates through Matt who is just now grasping the full reality of his situation... Butch lets him go and he flops down, the world goes dark flesh colored as his foreskin engulfs his head... the cock tattooed to look as it really is... a hot young frat boy as if he were changed into a cock... As Matt flops around Butch still tugs a bit at him, as he flops around hitting his master's legs.... trying to ignore the cries and moans of his masters conscious balls...

Matt thinks back to the end of the match... taking great effort as the feelings rush and override his mind at times. Maybe a football game would have been better..."OHHH Fuck that feels so damn... wait what was I just thinking" his thoughts race "this is so damn hot, but I have a life... had a life, I want to go BA... or do I... I can't... OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH" His mental discussion ends as Butch retracts his thick long foreskin, the velvety sensation stimulating Matts new body... as the intensity of even the smallest movement still amazes and scares him. Butch is once again holing him looking straight up... smirking at the young frat face looking back at him as his foreskin retracts. Matt tries to overcome the pleasure sensations and beg..."Please... please let me go, I won't tell anyone, just please... UGH... ugh" Butch just smirks and strokes him causing his first true erection for the frat cock... still babbling on, only to stop as he lays his.... eyes... on Sean's grinning panting face... turning around, Matt is hit with the realization of just what promise Master Butch was referring to... as his face is smashed against the pucker... kissing Sean's hairless hole... does his mind snap, and all doubts fade, only wanting the pleasure that only serving his master can provide... that last thought fades for a time as he is thrust up Sean's tight hot juicy hole, It knows for certain, this is only the beginning


The music beat pounds the room as dozens upon dozens of men of all different types and fetishes gather at the Hide for a night of hot fun and fucking. Butch is standing over by the bar watching with a grin. If one were to pay attention and look close they might see the projects Butch has worked on in the recent past. A long tongue there, a cock turned vibrator there, the rubber covered slave, not just an outfit but a true rubber, with a false flesh head, all encasing the fearful mind of the 32 year old middle manager who once made his daddy's life hell, now only serves his daddy's every twisted whim. Slowly over the past year his mind has given way bit by bit, Butch estimates a couple more months before it is gone forever, at least gone from any sort of control. The body heat from all the hot horny men has raised the overall temperature a good bit, Butch wipes his forehead a bit, before placing it back on the bar, smiling as Pup "jumps" up and with Sean's help devours every scent coated drop. He looks down when he hears Pup growl slightly, catching a glimpse of two tattoo's twin dog men, being drawn towards the stank, running around to every major sweat point on the body. Butch feels a twinge in his lower back, moving forward a bit and turning slightly, he grins wide as he sees a much larger dog man tattoo grabbing a 23 year old frat boy by the scruff of his neck, and dragging him into Butchs deep ass trench, the frat boy struggling with all his might, until half his body is in and on the cheeks... his legs stop kicking and start trying to push in deeper. Butch revels in the feeling, giving slight groans as his balls twinge, smiling as he can feel the disgust of the involuntary action they are forced to submit to. Smiling a bit as he looks down and see's what looks to be a cylindrical man turned cock seemingly coughing up glob after glob of clear shiny pre. Moving around to the best of its ability, trying to dislodge his bodies filth... only succeeding to draw the head cheese to his piss slit mouth, tasting it fully as it merges with the pre... and coats the inside of the mouth. Catching the Pups eye, he smirks as the obedient hybrid canine literally dives for the frat cock, dreading losing another drop of his masters beautiful essence.

Butch glances at the curiously shaped clock on the wall over the bar, and moves through the crowd, smirking even more as Bull is led out on a lead, the latch of which is attached to his huge thick nose ring. Causing each breathe a snort. He willingly leans down getting into a tannish sling on his belly, head and ass hanging off, perfect for collecting cum for his insatiable cumdump appetite. Though Butch's attention is solely on the large tattooed man on his back... looking out in fear, and yet unable to wait for the pleasure that is to come. As Dan looks out over the crowd of what he thinks as disgusting amoral freaks, he catches Butchs eye, and starts ranting and pleasing, as loudly as his silent self can, Butch walks over, leans down and rums a huge glob of pre and smegma all over him, staring Bulls first orgasm of the night, which in turn starts Dan off, watching yet again as his self-leaks out and slowly heads to the ass... his home... on his current torturer.

While enjoying the feeling of Bulls rough back hair scratching his cock, he gets a whiff of an intoxicating odor. With one last look at Dan, shooting his 8th orgasm, eyes already a bit dull, heads towards the bar, but veering to the right, to large open space with a thick haze of cigar/pipe smoke filling the air. Dozens of men and their boys occupy and large lounge type space, smoking on the club's signature brand of tobacco. Those patrons who only come a few times a month or so, go up to a prefilled humidor, and take out their cigars, wrap their own, or scoop it into their pipes, never noticing that those more regular men, call over a short stocky bearish waiter, who leads a tall very tanned jock out by a lead. The faint rustling sound is ignored by most of the patrons, as is the missing height/ body mass during the night and day. Depending on the request, Zach is made to kneel, crawl, or even open his own knotted head pouch, giving access to his potent ad very aromatic intoxicating mind grain. The regulars always get a hard on watching his eyes roll back in his head, and during the evening how more and more drool falls out of his mouth. The only attempted resistance was when his sack is slit open and its contents scooped out and into a large thick pipe, the daddy lighting it even before his sack seals closed as if nothing had happened...though noticeably smaller. He waves his hand in front of his face, trying to shift his own body smoke away from his vision. As with every heated fiery puff of his tobacco flesh, his body heat rises, instead of sweat, his body emits small haze of smoke. He feels his ear and head yanked down, and as his master whispers in his ear, his face goes to one of pain and disgust, glancing around and seeing a huge fat hairy bear of a daddy, and his obviously newly acquired furry cub. His master leads him over to the two, having to drag him part of the few steps, as this is his most feared and hated harvest. The cub is staring at Zach wide eyed... a glimmer of recognition.... causing a spark of the same to come to the surface of his segmented smoked brain. The face on the short chubby cub, is a younger version of his old coaches face... the exchange lasting a mere few seconds, before Zach is forced down on his hands and knees, his chest resting on the floor as he reaches back and stretches his hole as wide as he can... the cub coaches daddy reached his forearm deeply up Zach's leafy moist hole... twisting his arm this way and that for a good few minutes before withdrawing. As he withdraws, the cub shutters as he sees a moist thick musky layer of tobacco coating his daddy's arm. The master gives Zach a slap on his ass, scratching a bit letting the leafy residue flake off. Shoving his arm in front of the cub, he grabs with his other hand the smaller man's head forcing him to smash face on to the coated surface of his hairy tobacco coated arm...finally after struggling he takes a tentative first taste...and starts to get hot, his saliva increasing, cock hard purple and dripping like a faucet. The taste and scent not shit as he assumed, but the most concentrated combination of male musk, sweat, piss, smegma, and any other male disgusting build up's scent ever secreted. His eyes dilate a bit and he starts licking and chewing his daddy's arm, with each lick and chew he packs more and more of the essence into his cheek, fuller and fuller, until there is no more on his daddy's arm, except for the scent. He moans and moans, his daddy forcing him down on his cock, before pissing down his throat mixing his own with that of Zach's stench. Zach already being pulled away, his ass stinging and throbbing at the deep fisting, toward his next customer waiting to consume or smoke his body away.... Hours later, as the Hide has started to close for the night/day, a light comes on in a large room, an immense pile of disgusting soiled raunchy combination of jocks, briefs boxers socks and underclothes one had ever seen. A large glass container, and large leather and furry objects, one would guess seems like dog toys... Sean crawls in, slowly forming into his dog man self, followed by a sweaty disgusting cum piss and other fluid coated Bull, letting loose farts every few steps, from the breath of his ass's tenant as it breathes in and out. The short Fireplug bear walks in, carrying a weirdly shaped leafy object... only after setting it down on the table, and position it, would one see that it is Zach, or at least what is left of Zach after his night serving in the cigar lounge, dark brown drool escaping his mouth, arms gone at different points, legs gone as well, from his forehead up is nothing but a sunken in the empty bag like pouch, the drawstring hair laying haphazard in his face. His right ass cheek was hanging onto his body by the barest leaf, after one bear decided he want to see how ass muscle tasted. His master closes the glass lid and turns on a pump... immediately it is filled with smoke... pulling in the residual smoke left all over the bar, solidifying back into Zach, for the next night, and forever. Butch lies back in bed, lying on Pup's soft body, his short muzzled face, where it is every night, embedded in his master's ass, as with every other canine around. He clicks off the flat screen tv, and smiles before lazing off to a pleasure filled sleep, the sounds of soft moans from around the mood acting like a calming soothing song to recharge his amazing abilities.....

This Concludes Chapter 1 of The Hide series.

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