The Hide

By moc.liamg@7inimegdemrahc

Published on Oct 19, 2013


This story will involve, transformations, domination, humiliation, ass play, vore and other...topics. Enjoy! Don't read if you are under 18.

Special Thanks to S. Grainger for a wonderful job editing this chapter.

Feedback is greatly appreciated e-mail to

Part 4: Dan

"Dan, Dan, Dan...You were quite the conundrum for me, as your laid- back, carefree nature, is something I like to see in my bar patrons. So figuring out what to do with you was quite the issue. That is until I did a little research, 'talked' to your past teachers going back to Junior High, and to your more recent ones... Most of them from that private Jr. High you went to give rave reviews... and considered you smart as anyone can be, what with your genius level IQ. It wasn't until I talked to a few teachers that didn't have you, and were out of the norm....personal wise. Not wanting to just judge you're much younger merits, I did the same with your high school, and there I found a that's not the right word...shit bowl of horrendous actions". "It must have been nice, manipulating you less than smart parents into forcing the officials to cover up your many violent indiscretions. There were 15 counts of harassment, with 12 of them resulting in E.R visits for your victims. A long line of broken hearts and hymens not to mention other bruised orifices... But it wasn't until I got into a restricted set of files, that I found your truly atrocious acts. Some so bad they sickened even me, was not surprised though to see a similarity in all your 39 victims, all gay. Using your group of mind deficient jocks to violate and destroy bodies, and healthy minds with your constant abuse. While yes, some smart people do use their gift of a high I.Q to manipulate and control people. You however, have gone way to far...even that isn't sufficient...gone worse than many dictators and religious extremist in the worst eras of human history".

"I have decided to take a different tactic with you. I want you to meet your new...owner as it were. Haha look at that hopeful glimmer in our eyes, thinking that dumb beast will be your owner. What you think you can force him with your strong intellect? Let me elaborate, you will always belong to me, no matter where you are, or how long u live, get use to that idea you fucking pissant. Bull here will be your...supervisor...". The crew chuckles at the smirk on Butches face. "Taking care of his new... periodically devoted pet", "Periodically my ass, no way in hell will I do ANYTHING that shithead moron wants me to do, I will have that mush like brain under my control in a matter of MINUTES! Do you KNOW HOW MANY SUPPOSED "STRONG" PEOPLE I CRUSHED, HE WILL BE NO BETTER! Hell give me 5 minutes alone with u in a room and your ass will be begging to clean up my snot covered Kleenex you faggot!" Butch snaps his fingers and out lumbers a monstrously buff and tall dead eyed beast of a man. A thick layer of fat covers the muscles. But what shocks the frat boys, including their now frat brothers is the rank musk emanating from his body. Dan looks in disgust also noticing slightly, that all the triplet hounds are at the closest piece of flesh "sniffing" as much they can. Eyes fixed and tongue panting, dog cocks slapping and leaking. Looking wide eyed and with a look of horror. He feels very nauseated and can feel the bile growing up his esophagus. A few steps more and Bull's entire body is bathed in bright white light. The moderate hair covering his body, seemingly moist due to his almost constant sweating, the large amount of sweat dripping from his arm pits give creed to that theory.

Dan, still looking wide eyed is having a difficult time ordering his thoughts. With a quick glance at the rest of his brothers, it is obvious that the musk emanating from Bulls Scent glands is affecting them, just like the faggot canine triplets. "Here Bull catch" Butch throws what looks to be a large piece of meat, just out of reach from Bulls mouth. As he bends over, Dan's eyes are fixed on him, quickly traveling down Bulls tall giant form, Feeling his bile almost escape as he sees what's is between the ass cheeks. Hair is sparse in there, but red and moist, The moans that emanate from the others in the room other than Butch, shows the now massive wave of scent washing over the room from that homemade ass chow. Dan's nose crinkles up as an enormous wave of ass musk slams into him, makes him almost immediately spew the biggest orgasm ever in his life. He twists in his bonds trying to pull away, his body seemingly disobeying the mind wanting more and more. Bull stands back up, as Butch tells him to sit down and play with the pups, while he deals with your new bunk-mate. With a loud grunt he slams into the ground shaking the floor a bit and gives a friendly growl at Sean and Pup. His gaze still fixed on Bull he barely has a second to flinch as Butch slaps his cock and nuts. With a whimper he quickly recovers his trademark sneer. "Now what was that you were saying, you wanted 5 minutes alone with me, well normally I don't give my pets the pleasure of servicing me till the second reward, but I guess I can make an exception for one as...deserving as you!" Dan's hopes soar in his chest, as the binds release and he lands on the ground, barely keeping himself from falling strait into Butch's cock as he kneels to relieve the pressure on his aching feet. Dan takes a few seconds too long as his nose catches the raunchy scent wafting from the sweaty nuts and cock hanging in front of him. He barely catches himself in time to retract his tongue, avoiding the hot moist skin. Dan cries out as Butch grabs the nape of his neck and drags him, kicking and screaming like a petulant child to a previously hidden door, at the back of the space. The door closes with a bang, and a loud thud is heard shaking the floor. Dan's raised but muffled voice can be heard screaming and yelling in anger and superiority. Butch's voice loud as well, just calm and confident, two minutes tick by, and the loud yelling suddenly grows quiet. That is until screams of horror and pleading begin to escape from Dan's raw throat. Butch's loud laugh fills the air. Dan's voice is muffled with a liquid sound to his screams. Butch's moans of sudden ecstasy rumble through the space, the low frequency vibrating the balls of everyone in the area. The moans stop as heavy steps sound right before the door opens. When Butch walks out, all of the frat men not on his body, gasp and shake in fear, even Matt, although his cock is bouncing and leaking. All eyes are focused on Butch as he walks out with an enormous thick shaking belly, thrashing around. Listening carefully one can hear the terror filled voice of Dan, as he fights the tight hot confines of Butch's merciless stomach. Butch looks annoyed for a moment and smacks the hell out of his stomach. "Calm down Dan, like I told you before the 5 minutes started, before we left that room I would have you curled in a ball and helpless. I think this proves my threat!". Zach and Matt notice that Scott has been moved to the front centre of Butch's stomach. Only now his hugely distorted face, chest and abs stretch to enormously stretched dimensions. "Mmmm, there is nothing quite as tasty as jocks, in whatever form, they struggle so hard and the surrender is so sweet. But he is so dry, guess I need something to chase it...hmm". Butch looks around a bit, before smiling and heading over to where Xander undulates. As he approaches, he looks down at the crotch faucet, and sees a tiny smug look on Xander's face, as if enjoying the fact that his tormentor will be giving him in essence a blow job. To the right of Xander's skin container, a small control panel appears. Everyone, not inked can see the frat presidents form shake and shiver in fear, as if recognizing the instrument of his form. Butch keys in a few sequences, and the faucet shrinks back into his glass skin...only to emerge 3 seconds later right on his forehead between his eyes, two inches above his eyebrows. The look of...what they guess is fear on the rippling face is very evident. Butch takes a nearby fleshy hose and attaches it to the faucet.

Once he attaches the hose Scott is being forcibly moved down, moaning as his image collapses back to its original dimensions, looking around he silently pleads when he goes near the cock, not to be down there and when he passes by he seems relieved, not understanding where his true destination lies. Only when he feels his lower body getting warmer and sweatier, does it break through his barriers. For a short time Butch allows his speech to be seen in thought bubbles...until his head follows his body. Butch spreads his cheeks and bends over slightly, giving all those around him a view of his deep crack and hole. The triplets can be seen doing their best trying to climb down there, but are held off. Scott's body can be seen slowly being sucked up Butch's tan brown large anus. His face showing fear and disgust, when his body first starts to enter the hole, Butch flinches a bit, moaning just slightly, as if being tattooed in there is very sensitive. Everyone watches as more and more of Scott sinks inside, until just his head is left outside, before it to sinks in. Moans fill the room as the ordeal causes a massive orgasm from all those around, even Zach could not hold off the orgasm, that exploded from his large cock, feeling as if he would cum his balls out. Looking in surprise the large stomach hanging down containing Dan jerks a bit, causing the thought that even he shot his load. Butch still has his ass cheeks spread, even though it seems to be over, that is until a massive fart explodes from his hole...lasting longer and longer, at about the 8 second mark the sound begins to change, still the normal sound but an underlying moan and scream...watching closely, Zach and Xander watch open mouthed and drained of all color as they go pale in fear. Slowly Butch's hole contorts and shifts until what looked like a normal male asshole, larger than most, but still normal looking. Has been replaced by the face of Butch's first Tattoo, Scott's upper face is tattooed just above the hole, while his now larger mouth encompasses the entire hole actually moving as he tries to speak, which most of the time comes out as little farts. Butch starts chuckling as he stands up allowing his cheeks to slam shut, trapping his new "man" whole in his new home. Butch walks around, making sure to clench his cheeks, really rubbing and suffocating his new hole. With a slight moan, he rubs the triplets as if petting them, before stroking his ass, as if telling his hole good job for pleasuring its master. "Hmmm well, you brother does seem to fit his new role quite well, and my idea of my prostate merging with his tongue was brilliant and I must say....damn pleasurable. Now though I think it's time to deal with this gut of mine" says butch with a sly sardonic grin.

Butch heads over to the Xander filled tank and flicks the new head faucet, causing flinches on the president's face. "Now Xander, I believe we had a deal didn't we, you help me obtain your frat brothers/friends, and I make sure you never have to worry about porn or masturbation for the rest of your life 'A life of constant sex and a warm cosy living'. Well as many of my friends and...creations will attest, I always keep my deals/promises. You're taking up so much room, let's see if I can....fix...that." Heading back to the panel, butch keys in a long sequence and slowly the room watches as Xander's skin starts forming back from glass/plastic shell to regular skin, till the president is back standing as a man, shackled into the space he has occupied for weeks. Though his body looking decidedly deflated due to the amount of himself used to mutate his brothers. Xander looks up and while a smile of relief had started to form. Once he sees the spout still coming from his forehead, he grows pale and starts shaking, begging and pleading to be let out of the deal. "Time to live up to my end of the bargain..." Butch chuckles as he strokes his belly and nuts. Placing the tube in his mouth, he twists the nozzle and along with the pressure from the hose, his cheeks sink in as he sucks hard, drawing Xander in at an amazing speed. The sounds of Xander's moans and screams fill the room, as do the sounds of liquid and mush squishing up through skin, emptying hanging loose from the bottom, slowly draining upward. While draining, his voice gets dumber and dumber, words slurring, and sentences shorter less complex... simpler... until after only a couple minutes dumb guffaws are the only things emitting from his throat, until even his head is drained, and his empty skin slides to the floor. Though focusing on Xander, Zach and Matt had not seen Butch's stomach growing only slightly larger. Now though they can see the movement inside start to cause bucks and sloshes and jerks and shifts as Dan and Xander are assumed to be merging into ink. Butches belly begins to sag heavily, causing him to moan in pleasure and a bit in strain due to the massive weight. "What a good meal, pity my digestion is so high as of late, had hoped to let them stew together for a while, but what's done is done....BULL come here". The lumbering Giant gets up from where he was playing with Pup and Sean and heads over to his Master...Eyes open and filled with loyalty and horniness, but not much else. Butch reaches up and strokes his head... "Got you a new toy Bull, You did such a good job with that asshole the other night...bend over and spread those massive nasty cheeks!" Bull turns a bit and leans forward grabbing the edge of the table, adjusting himself so that his ass is at the perfect height for butch to pummel his hole.

Stroking his nuts and stomach, Butch walks over to bulls open ass. His cock once again hard and erect, so hard in fact it is supporting the middle of the sagging man filled belly, while the sides drape down to either side. Hefting his huge sloshing belly up onto bulls back he slides in with one long hard stroke...Getting a loud low moan...somewhat reminiscent of a Real bulls mooo.

"Ahhh fuck yeah, so tight, so good, I put your ass back together real good didn't I dumb shit! So much more useful now... ahhhmmmm." Butch groans as his strokes speed up. Both his and Bulls body starts dripping with sweat, their bodies heating up... are getting hotter. "What do you think Rocky, isn't the world a better place with this giant dunce sex beast, instead of a brainwashed sheep making those disgusting video commentary's raving about the good works of the looney hate spewing bat shit crazy conservative talk show hosts... you know now that making a video slamming MY bar and myself wasn't the smartest thing now don't you!" Bull screams and moos as Butch fucks his ass with all his strength. "Course now the smartest you could ever do is remember which hole you piss from and which you shit from... and even that you forget most of the time... Haha... oooh fuck yeah... draining that head of yours... watching it as I swallowed it down, your last thought knowing that all your knowledge is going to be nothing but digested goop in a few seconds. FUCK... FUCK... FUCK... FUCKING YEAAAAAAAAAH!"

As Butch's moans get louder and louder, so do Bulls, his back end and Butches balls, belly and thighs shaking with the fast piston like thrusts. The sweat was building up causing his pets to run about getting as much as they can. Finally with one loud monstrous orgasmic roar, Butch reaches orgasm; one can almost hear the sound of rushing victims as they pour into Bull. As they watch Butch's belly gets smaller and smaller, Bulls body growing slightly all over, as if absorbing some of the attributes. After 4 minutes of rushing orgasmic orgasm, it is clear butch has finished, he pulls his cock out, while it is the same length his balls have grown considerably larger, and vibrate a bit...but what draws the attention is a brand new sound mixing with Bulls moans of post orgasm, his own having oozed out all over the floor, with a nod from Butch the two dogs run to slurp it up. Watching everyone sees Bull flinching, his back muscles spasm as a large intricate tattoo begins to form, only taking a moment to realize it is Dan, in exact detail, but with huge balls, and a slightly smaller head, not enough to look like a freak, but just enough to be noticeable. As it appears his creation is finished, 5 new items appear on his body, leather spiked wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, and a thick spiked leather collar form. Almost instantaneously Dan's cock rises up, beet red/purple, the hardest it has ever been. Unable to resist he puts his inky hands on his cock and starts jerking it. Recovered from his panting after the large orgasm, Butch comes closer, examining his work, one hand running over Dan, the other stroking his still moving nut sack. Each pass of his finger causing moans from both creatures. With a heavy slap on the ass, Bull stands up, his cock already back to full salute. "Well Dan welcome home, you are welcome to try and take over bulls mind, but I really believe that will be the least of your....desires soon. As I explained before, Bull here has a sex drive that rivals the horniest nymphomaniac sex addicted men that have ever existed, almost anything can get him off, for example..."Butch leans forward raising Bulls left arm and takes a long lick of the sweaty raunchy pit. Bull shakes and moans as he shoots another large load, right on the two dog cleaners. Though as Bull orgasms, so does Dan, and a much larger amount than ever before...The feeling afterwards though, in addition to the post orgasmic bliss, is a slight fuzzy feeling in his mind. Looking down at the cum that has splattered all over the "under-skin" of bulls back, he gasps as it all begins to move down before seeping into his current owners hole. Butch has been watching with a smirk, and with a chuckle takes another lick, bringing forth another equal orgasm. Dan similarly mirroring orgasm for orgasm as Butch causes 4 more in a row before lowering Bulls arm, leaving the large beast man moaning and panting, salivating over the cum coated man dogs in front of him. Bull's very limited mind wanting to squat down and start helping the clean-up process.

With each orgasm, Hell with each shot of cum that shot out of his dick, his mind gets fuzzier, and...duller, harder and harder to grasp an idea. Let alone keep it, after taking a while to process the new problem, Dan notices that the feeling of fuzziness is not coming from his head like one would expect, but from his enlarged nut sack. Wide-eyed he reaches down and feels the wrinkled ribbed texture of what should be in his head...his brains. He can feel it as if he was massaging his temple. Slowly another thought bubbled up from the muck....taking longer as with each shot of cum, it becomes just a tad bit harder. His eyes go wide and he starts screaming, "NO....NO!, PLEASE NO, BUTCH NOT THAT!" Dan screams from his tattooed prison. Butch just stares at him with a sneer and a stoic glint in his eyes. "Listen you mother fucking cock sucking faggot licking dog fucking ass wipe....person....ummm yeah...what was I...oh... Give it back now....!" As a flicker of thought breaks through the fog he dives after the knowledge/cum he has spewed out, trying to catch it and maybe consume it back into himself. But he is just not quick enough as it moves quickly to Bulls hole. Even as new shots shoot out, they just leak through his fingers. Slower and slower...duller and duller, only thing never decreasing is his fear and absolute shame at being bested by some fag freak in leather. A shadow falls over his skin prison and he looks to see Butch's massive face just inches away. "How does it feel, having your mind literally blown out your cock? In just these last 15 minutes your IQ has gone from 189 down to a lowly 124. To most humans that is an above average IQ. But for you, you probably would call someone an intelligent retard...actually you have from what I found, on numerous occasions. Just think of what it will be like hours from now, as with every ounce of cum, more and more Points drain away. Bull here averages 39-50 orgasms a day, how long do you think you will last until your just a dumb sex minded beast of a man? Just like your home owner, well not just like, seeing as how you will be even duller, and more stupid... and certainly hornier than him". The look on Dan's face, one of fear, hatred, loathing and self-pity, falters every now and then as he shoots another jet of IQ. His mind is spinning, however, unlike the perfectly balanced spinning top it used to be, it is now a wobbling weaving at a slower speed. In the fear which is pounding his mind, something occurs to him...Once he is worse than Bull, at least he won't have to suffer through this as "he" will die along with his higher brain functions. Sighing a bit, his fear spikes just remembering Butch is staring right at him...and with the knowing smirk already on his face, Dan realizes his one hope was just hopeless. "I see you finally worked that out, and NO, I will not allow you to 'drift off' you don't deserve even the slightest bit of pity or hope. As your mind spews out of your cock, faster and faster, your baser instincts will emerge, and with just a bit of tweaking while you were stewing in my big ole pot here, those instincts will now have a decidedly...raunchy priority. By the time your IQ has reach below 90, you will find you cannot control yourself at all, merely along for the ride, but still fighting for all you can. The instincts will draw you to the muskiness rankest part of Bulls body.....which just happens to be where that mind of yours has been milked to....Just think of it as putting yourself to bed in your new sleeping bag so to speak. Every day, you will experience this, not always the same way, as like I said, I don't plan on letting any of you stay.....static for very long, I have some interesting ideas I want to try, and you will be a perfect guin.....well pig. And I know Bull won't mind...Will you Bull?" Butch asks while running his large hand over the man beast's smooth domed head. Butch lets loose a sharp whistle, calling the mutts and rocky over....he whispers something to them, and steps out of the way, as all three pounce on Bull, Intent of pulling as much cum out of him as possible, there by slowly draining away Dan's intelligence till he is of the same mind- set...or lower....of theirs, and they can watch Dan journey into his new bed. Looking over at Matt, Butch smirks at his beet red cock, and cum splattered chest...beside him even Zach has a few straw shots on his massive chest, some hanging just above his lips. Through the panting Matt, realizes he didn't see Xander emerge on Bulls body....fearing...yet hoping for the worst for Xander he asks Butch with he is Matts master now...right...or is hard to think. "Where is Xander, Master?" Matt asks with his eyes slightly lowered. Butch smirks and lowers his hands and cups his massive nut sack. "Why right where I promised he would be...all curled up nice and cosy, he is still fighting the fact I merged him with my own nuts, but that doesn't really matter, the more he squirms the better it feels Ahhh... Dropping his sac, letting it swing free, Butch walks up to Zach "Are you ready?" After seeing what has happened thus far, aren't u just dying to know your fate...well wait no more...let's get to it.....

Final Part coming soon: Kyle and Matt

Next: Chapter 5

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