The Hide

By moc.liamg@7inimegdemrahc

Published on Oct 3, 2013


Feedback is greatly appreciated e-mail to This story will involve, transformations,domination, humiliation,ass play and other...topics. Enjoy!

Part 3

With the screams and yells of the two younger triplets, Butch could not get a word in edgewise, so with a flick of his hand, the tables they are on lean back and lower to a very specific height. Leting out a loud sharp whistle the dog men come running, slipping a bit on the slick floor. Be good little doggies and shut them up." Their tongues hanging down below their chin, rising up and down with their heaving muscled chests. With a deep lick of their master's ass crack, they set off to their next task. The screams became louder, as well as the violent movements, but the restraints held perfectly! Pup and Sean walk behind the boys and walk forward, their bodies straddling the wide table, they stop, with their asses in a perfect position...Cody and Curtis, gaze up in disgust but frozen slightly in fear...both pups look towards their beloved master, having only to wait less than a second before. "Alright my boys, SIT!" Butch laughs at the suddenly muffled screams and slight gags, accompanied by ever louder slurping sounds, louder and louder, as each boy fights and screams causing the tongue and mouth to strum the dog's assholes like a harpist plucking a string.

"There now, that's much better isn't it boys?" Butch asks each of the dogs current ass slave.

Turning to the oldest triplet, Butch takes a long moment to examine the fine short fireplug of a body, kept in just as perfect shape as his sports playing brothers. Skin shaved smooth and silky like a swimmer.

Unlike his brothers he only has a light tan, as most of his days are spent in a ensemble and private practice room. The strawberry blond hair off set by their hazel eyes, this one's though seem to have a richer stronger shine to them. As if showing his higher share of the IQ points in the womb. One weird quirk that Butch noticed first hand is the strange combination of slightly Irish body features, but with dark light brown nipples and as can be assume and coordinated hole. He runs his hand over the older triplet's body groping and squeezing all over. When he reaches between his legs and "tickles" the boy's hole, they guys dick shoots hard globs of pre-cum all over his other hand. Butch lifts it up takes a whiff and licks his hand clean.

"So my boy what is your name anyway?" Looking up with a forced sense of security yet still respectful voice "Name's Caiden, listen Bu....Sir, I don't know what my dumbasses did to get into this but I swear I won't tell, I swear, just please let me go...." He says as he trails off looking at the tattoo of Scott flailing but still slurping away. "You don't seem to certain you want to leave, besides that's not an option, like I said they brought you to my attention and I always claim and keep what and who I want...though normally the who becomes a what eventually HAHAHA" Butch lets out a uproarious laugh.

"I assume you brothers found out your secret desire and turned....let me guess, they wanted to do something, like fuck a set of sister triplets that had moved into town on their 15th birthday, and well no need to go into what probably happened next. But that's the past, future is coming, becoming the now, and then the past." Whistle "Okay boys, good job "scratches their ears and jerks their tails a bit, wiping off the flung pre from Sean's cock nub across the Youngers faces. Bitch walks over towards the tables, and nods at Rocky who starts the arm mechanism slowly lowering a slightly larger bag then Scotts. Butch leans over and whispers something in Rocky's ear, he gives a small chuckle, as do the dogs in their own canine way. The backing of the tables seem to slide away, leaving Cody and Curtis suspended by their arm and ankle restraints. All the sudden their bodies are moving twisting, contorting, until most of the people, aside from Dan and Zach, moan or pant in desire. The boys now find themselves curled around each other, with their faces buried as deep as possible in their brother's luscious ass. Trying to fight, gagging and such they struggle fruitlessly. After a few minutes watching the spectacle, the switches are flipped and they are maneuvered over the bag...BOTH of them. Without delay they are dropped inside...At first doing the same things Scott did. Watching as Butch twists Xanders nut sack once, twice, thrice, and then a long fourth, the hose opened fully Xander starts flowing in at an astounding rate. They slip around each other, when suddenly when they are almost up their waists, they freeze and look at each other with a horrified expression. Anyone watching could see what looks like abject horror flitting across their faces as they remembered what happened after xander filled the bag...and how Scott become the living ink. They renew theirs pleases and threats with much more voracious force! And like Scott, didn't notice the bag being sealed and the air sucked out then to be filled totally. They went through the trauma of breathing in xander, now having a much better understanding of what he tastes like. The bowl rinsed clean opens up and this time Butch strokes out a much larger load, the yells and screams and bellows cause almost every creature in the loft to almost explode. With the collection bowl filled to almost over flowing, it takes on a second before the suction kicks in and his form changing cum flows down the tube...with much stronger force and pressure. They barely have a chance to get their hands anywhere close enough to try and block the spewing cum. With these two, their brains most of the time follow their little head more than the other. As could explain why as the second they are even touched by the sperm, they spaced out and , as it was with Scott they to pull as much of the cum to themselves as possible, covering each other's and own bodies from toe to head. Leaving only their faces...just as they are about to seal their fates, it is like they are snapped back into reality out of their erotic orgasmic state, they stare at each other, as well as look around left to right, right to left, trying to find anyway, to escape....but even with their slightly below average brain power they realize that they are about to dissolve and become a thick molasses like pile of inky goo, merging. They both back as far away from each other as possible...which is barely a foot and a half...unable to hold off any longer, they slather their faces and heads with the xander butch sperm concoction. They reach down and start tugging on their matching 8 inch thick veiny cocks, jacking as always, looking at the two they look like exact reflections of each other, Matt and Caiden notice Butch adjusting his crotch and ass. Faster and faster, not even lasting a minute, before they scream out loud, the sound even penetrating though the thick soundproof walls...

Like Scott before them, their cocks begin to shoot, in exact precision and rhythm. As each rope of cum flies out, it collides and entangles itself with the others, slowly but surely, their extremities, abdomen, chest, neck and ass. Till just their heads and cocks are left. Unlike with Scott, when these two meatheads shoot out their brains, it is by far the smallest load out of any orgasms so far. Finally the cocks dissolve and the liquid settles down, mixing and undulating itself, moving as if alive, which of course it is. Butch heads toward the table, only this time, lying flat on his stomach, his ass presented in all its hairy glory.

The dwarfs each take one cheek and start to work, this time taking quite a bit long, as they seem to be making dramatic alterations to their new looks.

Just as the needles are about to start the ink insertion, butch calls a halt, after taking a glimpse of Caiden. He rolls over and gets up, stretching his massive frame a bit. Looking him right in the face, "what is that for?" He points directly down, indicating Caiden's Rock hard almost purple throbbing cock and the large dribbles of pre-cum "It seems someone liked watching you brothers melting down into nothing but inky goo. Here I though triplets were supposed to be close, yet here you are an outcast, cut off as it were from two other sides of your personality. Or just the other half of your personality split between the two.

"butch questions Caiden who just looks at him with a indifferent yet horny look in his eye. A look that does not go unseen by Butch/ Raises up his hands "Ok Ok, won't force anything out of ya, I can be patient

Lying back down on the chair ass up, each bear twin takes a different cheek, the humming fills the room as they go to work...Butch's full huge hairy ass cheeks twitch and shake every now and then.

Looking over at Rocky for a moment, he gives the high sign, and with a push of a button, Caiden's table slides up, and over the new bag just delivered. Almost all eyes are on him as a thick clear leak of pre-cum, he does his best trying to move his hips getting his cock to hit something...anything. A loud CLANK is heard and his restraints break open and he slides down into his bag enclosure. Rocky systematically attaches xanders tube into the bag, and starts the flow...stronger than before, it seems to fill up the bag faster and faster. Caiden's hand is moving like a blurs, jacking his cock as much and as fast as possible.

The humming stops as the twins move back away from Butchs ass cheeks. Going over to the stand alone mirror, he turns and checks out his new tats, before walking to the group of fearful frat boys...well all but Caiden, who is still jacking, not having paused even as he moved from air breathing to breathing in Xanders essence; The new overwhelming taste only makes his excitement grow. Butch stands in front of the still ensnared boys. "Well I can tell you all must very anxious to see what I have done to your two little fireplug buff look a likes. Well take a look!"

Butch slowly turns, and the first thing heard is a wet slap sound, as both Pup and Sean's cocks slap against there now soaked belly fur. The gasp that comes next, is music to Butches ears. On each cheek is a Hybrid representation, of both twins looking like a mix between their old fireplug muscular selves and a Shorthaired golden retriever. Their inky tongues hanging down to below their second pair of man nipples. The overall body shape resembles Pup and Sean's, only the twins eyes show a glazed over obedience, while having the gleam of anger and fear underneath. They both are big enough that their paws are right above the ass cheek fold at the bottom. Stretched to about 2 inches below the start of the lower back. Butch makes a weird gesture and all the sudden the twins come to life. Barking and yipping happily, stuck in that one area, but able to turn around and jump a bit. "Well boy....I mean mutts how do you like your new HOME". As the last words come out of the question the change in the mutts is instant.

All can see them snarling and growling. Doing their best to try and escape while at the same time trying to stop themselves from licking and feasting on the many drops of sweat leaking down Butches back.

Suddenly they can be heard clear as day. As they yell and bite, whines, barks and woofs settle into between their words, unable to stop.

"Heh seems like you two need to learn some obedience, something you obviously never had before. While I work on that, how about you be good mutts and do what doggies do, and sniff and clean my ass crack and hole. Though much smaller than their original size their expressions are easy to see.

Their words and threats die down and woofs and sniffs come to the forefront. They try to fight it, but they both turn towards the crack. Lean down on their front paws' with their back legs ready to jump. Butch gives a sharp whistle, and everyone can see the Mutts "leap" towards the crack, and begin to bury their faces in, deeper and deeper. The sound of their ravenous hunger fills the room, causing all in the vicinity to drip copious amounts of pre-cum. All except for their older brother Caiden. All eyes turn to him as a huge moan, loud enough to escape the near soundproof bag, filled to the brim with Xander, as he lets loose what could only be described as the biggest orgasm he has ever had. Huge globs of cum float around. Which he tries to eat up. Butch and his men let out booming laughter and snickers at the happy expression on the older triplets face. He motions to Rocky who grabs the bowl and holds it below his cock. Butch turns his head a bit "Sean, PUP! Get your asses over hear and show these two how to properly clean an ass!" The clicks and scrapes can be heard as both dog men rush towards their master...carefully coming to a halt before slamming into the large round asscheeks. Their faces smashed together, they begin to ravenously clean out their beloved master's musk and juices. In their limited Puppy minds they noticed a different taste that tastes decidedly canine. As each time they lick one of the tat dogs, it is like sniffing another dog's dirty hole. As each tat dogs hole and back end is lick by the rough tongues there is a visible vibration as their bodies vibrate the area of flesh that they reside on at that moment. A low vibration sound fills the room as the attention on his ass brings Butch closer and closer to orgasm, he sees Caiden still trying his best to eat his own cum while at the same time thrusting his tongue every which way as if to taste every minute amount of the rancid liquid president in which he now floats.

The combined stimulus pushes him over the edge and shoots into the large white bowl, this time enough comes out as to continually refill the bowl two times as it is quickly sucked in and drained.

As soon as the milky white thick cum begins to exit the spout Caiden is already there, his legs kicking madly to keep himself afloat those few feet, so he can gulp down and grab handful after handful of Butches cum as it flows. The instant the cum hits him, his moans resume, the top of the bag looks to be at a high boil with the sound vibrations coming from him. In no time Caiden has covered his whole body and is already cumming himself out. It appears with his desire, the cum is shooting out of his cock in a thick continual stream, in a matter of seconds his head is shooting out through his pisslit as the final coagulation starts. When the final mixture finally settles it easily seen that there is almost twice the amount there was that the tat pups. The mixture undulating, thrashing around, as though still in the throes of an orgasm.

Butch heads back to the chair and once again lays down chest first. The twins get to work, this time taking decidedly longer to finish the older triplet. They step away and Butch goes over to the mirror.

Nods his head, and walks over to the three remaining, brothers. Nearly half as big, taking up almost all of butch's lower back, is a larger version of the younger two. Coloration exactly the same, only the eyes show a natural shine of Obedience/pleasure/need. Caiden comes along, automatically in his natural mindset, "looks" out at the brothers who can see the much more vivid deep hazel eye color. Butch makes a high sign and the tat pups gain their mental selves fully and yank themselves out of the crack as best they can. Kicking and wiggling with all their might. When they finally pull themselves out they fall backwards, and almost immediately try wiping the residue off on the skin around them or using their paws. Not even noticing their now bigger big brother triplet as he watches them. Only after they stop and go to speak to each other, do they notice his presence. They look "up" and see him sitting there, tongue hanging out, a weird smirk on his doglike face.

Caiden quickly grows bored with his brothers boring pedantic dialogue, and heads "forward" and grabs both of them by their asses with the front of his teeth. After dropping them on the right side of butches back. The pups' growl, looking as if they are about to try and double team their now much bigger older triplet. "Caiden my pet, time to give them that obedience they are sorely in need of...."

Cody and Curtis look at each other, and slightly nod, then jump the short "distance" using the space of Butchs back, who seems to be enjoying the sensations...unbeknownst to the others, Chris is being slowly pulled from his armpit dinner slightly dazed, heading around to the shoulders. Caiden raises a paw and smacks them back down, tongue hanging out panting with a smug smirk on his man dog face.

The two smaller triplets can be heard whining and growling, as they slowly pull themselves back up.

They seem ready to go again, as they lean down to jump Caiden turns slightly, raises a muscular leg and pissed a long "stream' of piss all over the pups while they are in the air. The force of which causes them to fall flat on their backs. As they get up, we can see as their faces show the anger and humiliation of having their older brother, who they have always seen as inferior in their eyes, have the nerve to piss on them. All of the sudden Cody lets forth a bark, followed by Curtis, finding themselves un able to stop themselves, followed by sniffing each other rapidly, licking their brothers piss off of each other. Caiden lets a little growl laugh go, before turning around a bit, and laying down on his side. Slowly we can all see as his dog/human penis, slides out of his semi attach foreskin, beet red yet still mushroom headed. As it lengthens, Cody and Curtis can be seen sniffing the air...they look over finding the source of the wondrous odor. Slowly their bodies start to crawl over towards their older brother's large thick mutt penis. Their faces rapidly shifting from terror/disgust to need/desire the closer they come the more the latter wins out. Within four seconds they are both standing next to the beet red penis of their brother.

Tentatively at first being licking slowly, picking up speed....

Turning around, the boys don't get to watch their friends try to clean every inch of their bigger brother.

"So Dan, Zach, and Matt, just you three how time goes by so fast when your. Well I'm having fun.

Next: Chapter 4

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