The Hide

By moc.liamg@7inimegdemrahc

Published on Oct 1, 2013


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This story will involve, transformations,domination, humiliation,ass play and other...topics. Enjoy!

The Hide ( Part two):

(Sorry for the extremely long delay in this second chapter, personal things and professional hardships took me away from the community for a while, however I am back and ready to start altering people again. As I stated before most of the chapters will be stand alone with minuscule references to other chapters. This chapter being the exception as it is the closing to the beginning unveiling.) This story will involve, transformations, urination mentions, ass play and other...topics. Enjoy!

The bubbles rush to the top as each lick seems to agitate the now liquid frat president, whose self is filling the water bowl. The large open space is filed with the loud slurps and licks of the two quasi dogs, and the bubbling liquid voice of the once frat pres.

" Heh heh heh...seems like ours pets like the taste as much as you did matt, well I guess now you would classified as a pet to, all of you that is. So let's say we get started shall we. Now who goes first...." Master Butch chuckles with a thoughtful look on his face as the smaller bears work quickly removing the many piercings from his body. "Well, seeing as how you helped gather them here Matt I might as well let you get off while watching your 'brothers' meet their permanent new fate and for them...prison. "

Pacing back and forth in front of the row of bound and gagged fraternity men we can all hear Master Butch muttering to himself, figuring out which to take first. Stopping in front of Scott a small evil smile forms on his handsome yet hard looking face. Heading back to the twins, he bends down over the short bears and whispers into their ears, they both smile, at the same time and grab out a large gun like instrument, and load up tubes which run up and into the ceiling.

"Well Scott seems your up first, I figure that since a nipple piercing is the first step to a true man's man, you should be given the honor of first." Master Butch growls.

"Stay away from me you fucking faggot freak, when I get my hands on you I am going to kill your ass and the rest of your mother-fucking dick suckers too!!" Scott screams, vehemently. Spit splatters on the table around him. The amused look faded slightly as Scott ranted at Butch, all the other frat boys could see a dark shadow come over his face. Then as if nothing had happened butch got a smile on his face, talking with a ....cheerful expression.

"We'll just have to see about that now wont we. Let's see if we can accommodate your hands on me...shall we?" Master Butch replies. The sound of heavy machinery creaks overhead, along with a loud crinkle. From somewhere above, a large beam lowers down with what looks to be an enormous man sized zip lock bag, only seemingly shifting all colors on the outside.

"This being my first time trying this specific....entertainment transformation...I guess we should just start with a basic bland test." Looking back over towards Rocky, he nods and Matt watches as the upright table that Scott is on starts sliding up, moving across the room until it is right over the bag, hanging slightly to the right of the dwarf bears. Dan tears his eyes away from Scott, as he yells and curses not only Master Butch but Matt as well, blaming you for everything...looking around any place but on him. Matt's eyes fall on pup and Sean, panting while their doggie dicks hang only the ground rising and falling with the heavy heart beats. As his screams reach a new level, you see the dogs dicks jump in excitement...Butch notices Matt's look an looks over his shoulder at the two dog men hybrids, chuckles under his breath before, "It's ok boys, go ahead, feel free to have some fun...but if ya get into any trouble...well, you might have to join your chew toys during a visit to bulldogs kennel for a few months!"

They pant happily but shiver in fear and anticipation of being reduced to a soft rubbery chew toy held in the jaws of a massive bull dog or worse! Their first act is to wrestle around finally finding a perfect position to shove their quasi-muzzles as far in his brother's ass as it can go. Mat can almost hear the slurping and growling over the sound of Scott's annoying screams. Wait...annoying where the fuck did that come from, he is my frat bro I should be worried about what is going to happen, but all the same he is acting like an obnoxious bitch, obviously not man enough to even have some dignity. Matt comes to the conclusion like an epiphany, turning his head back towards Scott and smirking, his cock rising and drooling at the excitement of how Mater will put him in his place!

The table lowers just enough so that from the knees down, he is in the opening of the bag...we hear a loud CLICK! As his restraints open, allowing him to slide right off into the bag. He crumbles to his knees from the unexpected fall, slipping around as he tries to stand up on the slick plastic like surface, with the added difficulty of the sweat that he built up in fear and heat! He starts trying to jump up and grab the top of the bag and pull himself out, the top being only three feet above him, but with every failed attempt and landing, he falls once again on his ass. The room is filled with laughter from everyone amused at the uncoordinated jock...even some of the frats bros smile and chuckle a bit till they catch and stops themselves, It did not go unnoticed by Matt or Master Butch.

"Now we can start, ok rocky, let's add the final ingredient...." Butch says with eagerness as rocky heads over to the bag and puts a large hose on top securing it in a small attachment. Master Butch heads over to Xander, rubbing his hand over the Xander's glass container that was once Xander's skin and gives the nut-sack a large TWIST! No one had noticed that rocky and already attached the other end of the hose to the liquid presidents dick....the room is filled with the moans and burbling screams as the feeling of massive orgasm, and painful extraction fills his senses. Turning to look at Scott, the hose starts burbling out the liq...well Xander. Scott sputters and spits as he gets a mouth full of his president's ...body, and a smell fills the room with unwashed male body parts, sweat, and other rancid body excretions.

Butch raises his voice so Scott can hear him over the torrent of fluid raining down on him, "He has been in that glass body of his for 3 weeks now, even liquid people get ripe!" He says with a loud chuckle, eliciting the same from his men and Matt as well. Watching both Xander and Scott, it seems that only a small amount of Xander has flowed out as he seems to be only slightly down. Then Matt realizes it must be wider behind the front body

As the bag fills up it begins to sag down with the weight of Scott and Xander, the machinery jumps to life and grinds away, raising the bag up, now suspended 3 feet off the ground. It forces Scott to either grasp and hang on in a standing position, or sit down, with Xander almost covering the top of his head. As the bag fills almost to the top, Scott begins thrashing about, while the brothers and even Matt are worried he might drown, loud complaints and threats and pleads for mercy echo in the large open space. When it seems to be all over, his body finally inhales, pulling Xander into his lungs...only to find that he can breathe in some weird way. He tries talking and blowing out but since there is no air in his lungs there are no air bubbles, but the faint sound of his voice can be heard throughout the room. While Scott is testing out his new breathing and finally realizing he is tasting and ... smelling pure ripe Xander and as the realization hit him his facial features showed it in spades. So focused on trying and failing to find some way to keep the taste and smell out, he never noticed a heated press moving down over the top of the "bag." The bag opening is pulled taught, and a hiss is heard as the bag is sealed air tight at the top. A small bit of Xander is pumped in to fill in the wrinkled airless areas, until the bag is full to bursting. Only when the hiss is heard does Scott finally look up, but too late as he tied to float/swim to the top and exit.

The brothers a staring wide eyed, but look away hearing the deep chuckle rumbling out of Master Butch's thick chest. A bit of shuffling and cleaning can be heard at the twin dwarf table as they seem to be clearing it off and moving it right next to the reclining table nearby, almost directly under Scott. Once they seem to have stopped, as they finished, they turn around and give a nod to Butch, who with a smirk, hauls out his massive 12 in, and thick as a beer can cock already hard and dripping. Butch walks over to the desk and proceeds to jerk it. The large foreskin rubbing up and down, the strong scent of pure male musk permeates the entire room, you can hear his men snorting and sniffing as much as they can, even the frat bros start after a min or to, their eyes glazing over and their cock hard and dripping. Scott in the bag, however, looks confused and scared, as no one seems to be paying any attention to him besides Master Butch who seems to be ginning more and more as his breath speeds up. The faster he jacks the more the scent flows, thick and thicker, until after a good 6 minutes of powerful exquisite masturbating, Master Butch triggers his own orgasm, which he shoots into what looks to be a large collection bowl. After 14 ropes of white thick bum fills the bowl, Butch wipes the head on the bowls rim, and drops his still half hard cock, not really looking over, snaps his fingers and pup and Sean cum forth and clean the cock and any exposed pieces of flesh they can see.

Tearing their eyes away from the slobbering ecstatic mutts, the brothers suddenly jump as the sound of suction fills the room, the bowl of cum seems to be emptying being sucked out of the container to somewhere. Following the tube with their eyes, they see it merge into the tube carrying Xander's essence into Scott's ...bag. Since he cannot see that side of the room, he watches in worrisome fear at what his frat bros are looking at, back at him, then back at the tube that poured Xander all over him. His eyes widen as he sees a tube joining into the liquid tube already attached to his bag. The clear tube begins filling with thick white pulses of Master Butch's cum. Slowly it moves closer, Scott tries to float up and manages to try and block the pipe entrance...pressing his hand as hard as he could to block this newest liquid terror. The cum hits his hand...and surprised at the pressure, slowly oozes out around his hand, causing his hand to slip...making him be blasted in his face, into his open mouth and nose with a huge does of Butch's cum, he tries to spit it out, anything he can to get it away, only to look around and see it slowly mixing with the frat brothers liquid body. As stares in disbelief and horror, he sees a tiny bit of bubbles wherever the chunks of cum are floating, followed by the smaller pieces and larger ropes still oozing out of the pipe. He looks at one clump as close as he can and watch as the clump and fluid seem to merge and thicken...and floating towards him!

Looking around in a panic he watches as clump after clump and rope after rope of cum liquid mixture slowly oozes its way towards himself, Scot tries to push them away, creating a current with his waving hands, but the concoction is now thicker than the existing fluid. Closing in on him, each clump attaches itself to his skin, spreads out a bit, covering an area equivalent to the clumps size. As it contacts his skin, the bubble reaction begins a new, only combining itself with Scott himself! He tries to wipe it off, but his actions seem a bit slowed in the now thicker fluid. With the thickening of the liquid with the cum, it combines together, the bag loosening a little bit, now having a good amount of space. The more that attaches the more he tries a little less, his "screams" lessen as his cock grows red and rock hard. Anyone looking at him can see the look of extreme ecstasy he is experiencing. The others watch with confusion as he starts pulling the globs to him spreading it out all over his body, helping it to cover him, till all that is left uncovered is his head. He pauses for a second, looking out at us a look of fear and ecstasy on his face, like he is trying to fight the feelings and stop before it is to late...his hands move on their own, scooping up the last larger glob of the cum, and as his resistance fades away, he slams it into his face, rubbing it as fast as he can, his moans are so loud they can now be heard by everyone in the area.

With all eyes on Scotts body, Matt looks around to see Master Butch has started unbuckling the leather straps, and letting the leather fall to the floor. It seems to try to get back on him, only to start balling its self-up, oozing and melting, into a large round solid leather and metal ball. Which soon reforms into a 2ft living leather police officer, and tries to run as soon as he sees what is happening, his steps cause little squeaks on the floor catching pups attention...with a nudge at Sean, they both tear off after it, it barely makes it 4ft before the dogmen pounce on it. They both take an end, and start gnawing and tugging...the creaking and leather sounds remind Matt of a police officer he use to see cruising the area a few years back. He shakes his head and turns back to Scott. In a Conversation mentally between pup and Sean Pup: "This cop tastes so good, don't it? Watching it squirm and run in fear as you, a fellow officer repeatedly "plays and tortures" himself and the rest of the undercover unit." Pup looks at Sean with a perplexed expression, before going back to his enjoyment gnawing on the living leather officer. Sean realizes what he just said, and flinches hoping his thoughts weren't picked up by His Master's powerful mind. Trying not to look guilty, he renews his efforts, and pulls his human bartender self-down as he lets his wilder dogman side take control.

Master Butch walks over and lays his massive nude body on the chair next to the dwarf bears, looking over the papers one last time. All eyes shoot to Scott as the screams reach a new pitch, almost as loud as a normal yell. His hands are seemingly yanking his cock, and thrusting his groin into his hand, faster and harder. Even in the much thicker liquid the currents and waves are still noticeable, yet much slower. As the screams hit a new pitch, a loud GASP gasp is heard, as sound like waves move from his mouth, as with everyone watching, his bubble cum/Xander coated cock, starts spewing forth, rope after rope of his own thick white cum. His orgasm continues, 20sec/30sec/ a minute .Watching with fascination the brothers see something that makes their dicks shrink and start shaking in unbridles fear! With each thrust and glob of cum, more and more of his body seems to break apart, chunks of his arms, chest, feet, legs...all seemingly shooting out of his dick. His body becomes smaller as it is drawn in, until all that seems left, is Scott's head above his cock and balls...which still have not stopped orgasming. Finally opening his eyes, he sees what is becoming of him. With a scream, he feels his mind pulled out of his head and shot into the thick milky fluid, followed by his head, till all that's left is a white bubbly penis floating around, slightly whiter than the liquid it floats in until with one final spasm it to breaks apart, becoming nothing but a part of the liquid. A liquid that is part Scott, part Xander, and Master Butch.

The room is silent, save for the sound of the undulating mixture filled bag as it jolts and wiggles this way and that. The brothers stare in a state of abject horror, having just watched their friend and brother dissolved before their very eyes. All of them that is except for Matt, who, while Scott's brain was being shot away, had the biggest orgasm of his adult life. One by one the fraternity men scream, threaten, and beg, and plead, to be let go, to bring Scott back, or at least kill Matt.

Master Butch lays on the table non-plussed, nodding his head to rocky, who moves over to the bag and starts shaking and squeezing it, seemingly mixing it all together. At the same time, Matt see's one of the dwarf bears, connect the two gun like devices back tubing into a double tube that has been hanging down loosely.

The sound of a small air compressor like device fills the area, as the rest of the brothers focus on the dwarfs next to butch, shaving a portion of his massive chest ,while Butch hold a paper with what seems to be a drawing of a man on it. He puts the drawing down and looks up making sure the tubes are properly attached and sealed, also checking the mixture in the bag, Inside the bag, the liquid has thicken and condensed to the point that the bag only seems to be filled at the very bottom 1/3, though the thick viscous molasses like substance still moves and bubbles, the sound of moans and screams barely heard sometimes.

"Okay men, let's get to it, enough of the show, let's get him done." The dwarfs each take a side of his chest, and start what finally devised, tattooing! The left bear starting his side on the center side of Butch's massive left pec, while the right bear takes the side nearest the arm pit.. All watch as slowly but surely, the fluid is forced down the tubes, into and then out of the tattoo guns, forced under Master Butches skin. The brothers was wide eyed as they see a portrait of their now dead friend forming on his chest. Far faster than a normal tattooing session, it's almost done in around 24 minutes. From the top of his pec, down to the second abdominal muscle from the top, centered on the left side of his chest, is a perfect replica of Scott, save the last few details of the face. As they all watch, the dwarfs finally and in the eyes nose and complete the mouth, completing the portrait fully. They step back, and using a towel, wipe off any of the minuscule drops of ink-filled sweat and nod towards Butch that he can get up now.

With a hearty stretch, where the image of Scott is stretched along his chest, Butches left nipple having been tattooed as his mouth. "What so boys what do ya think, I think my boys did a excellent job catching the.....essence" here butch and the others in his posse give a low chuckle, even pup and Sean 'Why so shocked boys, I told you it was something quite strange, though I guess I could have given you some warning, but Scott here was a very good Guinea pig..." Looking down at his new tattoo, he takes him thumb and pointer finger and saying " Well Scott do ya like your new Home?" He flicks his nipple, aka Scotts face, like a slap to the face. To the shock of all of the fraternity brothers, the tattooed image of their friend, jerk to life, moving, around under the skin, trying to figure out where and what he is...his words never heard...but with a smirk, a mental aura allows Scotts vocal cry outs to be heard.

"Would ya like to see what you are now Scott?" Scott still cannot figure out why he is looking up to what appears to be a massive version of Butches face, or the fact that he seems to be covered in reeking sweat, and hair all over his body. Butch takes a few steps to the side as rocky pulls a full length mirror over to his nude painted boss, and turning it around quickly, Scott finally sees his new fate!. There on Butch's skin is himself, drawn like someone's tattoo, nothing more than particles of ink below his skin, now understanding the taste and smell covering him. Scott stares wide eyed at the mirror, before what seems to be a panic attack over takes him, his tattoo ink body seems to fear and panic. But Butch takes his massive hand and strokes gently down the tattooed image of his newest pet. Amazingly Scott almost immediately calms down.

Addressing him mentally, "Well Scott, how do ya like your new life, from now till I die or get bored with you, you are nothing but a living breathing body decoration for me to show off, and use for my pleasure, just like my others.." some of the nearby tribal tats move under his skin, wrapping themselves around Scott, forming constricting leather hardness and boots. Butch pinches the flesh where Scotts head is, and with slow movements drag Scott up his body, Scotts entire body is slid up, so that his upper chest is now covering Butch's left nipple. His head and neck covers Butch's pec and start of the lower neck.

"Now Scott what was it that you seemed to enjoy before..." Butch asks as he thumps and caresses his own nipple, the image of Scott gasps and jolts, screaming at the immense pleasure and pain of having his entire chest feeling like the feeling his nipple once felt while being abused, only not it is magnified taking up his entire chest. His mental voice grows louder with each scream, until with a satisfied sigh, butch removes his hand from his own nipple.

"This is your fate my fraternity pets, each and every one of you will soon adorn my body in different places, though not permanent in any one location..." Butch closes his eyes with a smirk, and Scott can feel his body "walking" up Butches sweaty under skin, towards his arm. Butch lifts his arm up, exposing the hot wet musky hairy depth of his hot arm pit. Scott's body, of its own accord, kneels down and without his control lays "face" down in the center of the arm pit. Gags and sniffs and snorts can be heard as Scott's entire senses are overloaded with that one area feeling and smell. Butch shivers at the feeling before lowering his arm, there by sealing Scotts head and upper chest in his now enclosed arm pit, looking like a body laying down with its face dug under an arm pit. With eyes on him, everyone sees Butchs smile as he takes a moment to revel in the ministrations of his now living armpit licker, feeling the tongue cleaning rapidly with no stop in sight, just the thought cause a jets of pre to shoot from his cock , part of which lands on Zach's foot. He cringes and tried to wiggle his foot just enough to wipe it off...though not nearly successful

After a couple of minutes Master Butch opens his eyes and looks at the triplets with a sly smile and a gleam in his eyes." Well now boys, I think its time we had some fun with you...." The two frat twins start going off, screaming loudly begging for mercy and threatening all at the same time. The oldest triplet however isn't saying a word, just looking at his brothers, a look of fear yet acceptance on his face. Gazing at the older brother Butch walks over, and tries to talk to the older brother, but with the other two screaming obscenities, and threats to let them go, both butch and the brother realize they are talking about each other, no mention about their older sibling.

Next: Chapter 3

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