The Hide

By moc.liamg@7inimegdemrahc

Published on Sep 30, 2013


The Hide - Part 1 By: Inanimate_Transformer

In retrospect I should have gone with the other guys to Jesse's house, but no I had to run home to change into my gear and go to the bar and get my freak on. Or should I have, it's so hard to think right now...UGH... "Please...please let me go, I won't tell anyone, just please...UGH...ugh"

Earlier that Night...

"Matt...HEY MATT! EARTH TO MATT...COME ON MAN LET'S GO!" the other guys chuckled while adding their own comments and annoyances to Dan's own. "What's the use Dan, at this rate we're never going to get back to the frat in time for the game to start." Scott grumbles leaning against the van before slapping the trunk, "DAMN IT! After all the time we put into getting the other guys out for the night just so we have the house all to ourselves, and it's a fucking waste...just a fucking waste...MATT, come on you fucking cumwad."

"Scott calm down, were recording the game, why do you think I never complain about the damn commercials, while the rest of you bitch and moan like little cunts." Zach smirks before lying down on the trunk of a random car parked beside us. "Hah, finally, come on man let's go!"

"Geez guys calm the fuck down; you know how hard it is to get by the damn coaches without getting bitched out for not showering after the match, damn tight asses." Just because I don't shower right after a little match, worried the alumni's might get offended smelling sweaty jock walking out of the arena. Hell doesn't bother me, I smell just fine, just like a jock is supposed to, like sweat and competition, 'sides might help later on when I get to the bar. " Letting out a little laugh, my eyes drift back my to my frat bro's, if only they weren't so damn straight the frat would be so much more fun! Fuck, got to be careful, it's hard enough keeping my cock down during the game, but seeing them all there, cocky after the win, standing there like a walking wet dream...well my wet dreams at least, man what I wouldn't give to get it on with them, even just for one night. All of them hot in their own ways: Zach lying there leg dangling off the end of that car, while his head is leaning back on the roof, 6'5 280lbs of solid linebacker build, red hair, and the deepest green eyes ever, damn to see those staring back at me, while he squats over my face, my tongue driving up inside that hot hole...Cody and Curtis standing there off in their own little world, twins can be so hot and obnoxious at the same time, their 5'4 height while helping them on the field, and making them look like fireplugs just causes me to leak more and more cock snot into my jock... Dan standing there with his arms crossed trying to stare me down, but with his boy next door look just makes him look like he's about to throw a fit, would make such a hot bottom, that face begging me to drill him harder and harder...Scott mirroring Dan's pissed off expression, but having no effect, while a beast on the field his large round body looks so jovial most of the time, all that junk food we got round the house, having added at least 40lbs over the past 3 years. Mostly on his huge round ass, hell all of us have gained there, all that exercising and squats have given us the roundest asses the university has ever seen, at least I think so.

"Don't know why you guys waited around anyway, told ya I packed my gear for tonight in my car, why do you think I drove here, I'll just head back to the locker room and change there, it's bound to be deserted at this time of night, not that I care if anyone sees me, I look fucking hot. " Scott looks like he's about to puke, like I said way to straight. "Matt lay off with the fag talk, were cool with ya, but just don't want to hear about it." They all grumble their agreement with Scott. "'sides Matt why can't you just come watch the game, you don't have to get laid every fucking weekend, dressing up like some village people biker, hell last week you told us about still wearing your jockstrap when you go, sick man!" Zach bitches loudly. "Heh, if only you got a whiff of it up close, would wipe that hetero bullshit right out."

"Guy's I told you, I'm going out, that's that, it's bad enough I have to go back to whoever's place to get it on, or find a back-room somewhere, not to mention listening to you talk about all the pussy you keep scoring. Get it through your thick skulls I'm going to the fucking bar, in my gear, to find some hot guy or guys to fuck or fuck me so hard I pass out from it all. Just go on back to the frat, I'll see ya later" Heading to my car I can hear them gagging a bit and spitting, at my comments, I just chuckle to myself loving every minute of it. Hoping into my jeep, I rev the engine and tear out of the parking lot, heading back towards the gym to get changed, sooner I get to the bar, sooner the fun begins.

Back-room at The Hide Sitting behind his desk Butch Hammer leans back, blowing cigar smoke up into the already smoky air one hand behind his head the other below his waist, hand rising up and down as he forces his pups head to go faster on his substantial tool. Pup barely fits his large fireplug frame underneath, his fat muscled ass scooting the desk back every so often as he adjusts his cock, back between his masters boots, knowing that the more he gets on them the more he can clean them off. With loud grunts Butch fills his cheeks to bursting with his seed, grinning, wondering if that is the rest of last night's fun. Man he slipped in his cock so easily, even with his struggling.

Pup leans down to clean off his masters boots when they are pulled away from him, causing his face to smash into the ground, he looks up with a whine, worried that he has displeased his Master, but also thrilled at the punishment he might receive knowing how creative he can get. "Pup we're saving that for later, tonight we finally get that jock can't wait to see the look on his face. Now go on over to your bed and take care of your toys, their looking way to at ease for not being "played" with today." He starts salivating and romps over, grabbing the closest one he can and gnawing on it with his enlarged canines, before shoving the black leather butt plug tail up inside, whimpering as he feels it merge with his ass, feeling it wag as he grabs his stuffed cop toy... Heh heh heh he sure does like playing with his old partners, tonight though will be exquisite fun, thinks Butch as he puffs thick cigar smoke into the air. Hawkins University locker room After tying the last lace on his boots Matt stands up to get a good look at himself in the full length mirror. Getting hard with the smell of leather filling his nostrils, and the way his hairy chest stands out against his chest straps, leading down into his leather pouch barely containing his cock. Flexing his muscles feeling the straps give only slightly against his skin, before Scooting over feeling the cool air pour down his crack to his hole with his jeans slit down his crack. "Can't wait till I can get these jeans off, damn obscenity laws, I should charge a fee just to feel it, but then again I wouldn't get as much dick" Giving himself one last look he heaves his bag over his shoulder heading out to his jeep and off to the Hide.

The Hide

Matt heads over the bar watching all the potential playmates for tonight pass by, seems like the whole range of leather guys are here tonight: Daddies with their "sons", masters and their slaves/dog slaves/pigs, various uniforms , but all with at least 3 pieces of leather as per the bar rules.

"Hey Sean can I get some of the home brew, this shit is like addictive or something. After that first night when you convinced me to try it nothing else can compare with it." Sean gives Matt a friendly smile while filling his mug from the tap before handing it over.

As Matt takes a gulp and outs it back on the counter, Sean grabs Matt's chest straps pulling him close, licking out the remaining beer from his lips and mouth. Letting Matt go he stumbles back a few steps before looking back at Sean with a horny grin on his face, he walks back to the bar leaning in close, and growling at Sean "Tonight I want in that ass, don't care what with, tongue or cock."

"Sure matt, but how about both!" Sean replies with a grin. "Here Matt you might like this, the Owner just finished this new micro shot to go in the beer, were testing it tonight with a few guys, wanna give it a try?" Handing over a small shot glass filed with amber liquid, matt leans down and takes a whiff, almost drooling at the musky scent it gave off. He looks up at Sean with a salacious grin before dumping the shot into his glass, then licking out the rest from, the sides of the shot, before slamming it on the bar and doing the same with the beer, chugging it down in just a few gulps. "Fucking A! Another one, and keep um coming Sean." Grabbing his second one he turns back towards the rest of the bar taking in the sight and smells before him. Before he realizes it he has downed his fifth beer and shot.

"Be back in a sec Matt the boss wants a word, go ahead and take off those jean straps, and I'll keep um back here for tonight. To make sure you remember our date." Matt hands over the jeans before heading off into the crowd, never realizing how full his bladder is feeling.

Heading over to the back corner filling his lungs with the cigar smoke wafting over his face, approaching the back table he stops short hearing a growl coming from the floor. Glancing down he smirks at Pup, acting all protective of the Master. "It's ok Jare....I mean Pup, it's just me little fella" he lets the man dog sniff his out stretched hand before moving a few feet forward, shivering as he feels Pups cold wet nose between his crotch and his ass. For a second remembering how he was before, so arrogant and cocky, now just where he belongs down on the floor by his master's heels, same place Sean dreams of.

He walks a bit forward and feels a fingers leather glove reach out seemingly to grope his pouch, jolting up on his toes as he feels Master Butch's grip tighten painfully around his nuts "If I have to remind you one more time about those verbal slips of yours, you'll be spending some time behind the bar, on the floor like last time, Got it!"

Sean's stomach falls out as he feels the fear and disappointment of fucking up in front of his master, fearing going back as the floor matt for another two months. He lowers his eyes down and n a slightly higher voice "Yes Sir, sorry Sir, it won't happen again Sir!" Sean relaxes a bit as he feels the fist lighten but remain around his nuts.

"You better Sean, now did he take the shots?" Sean's heads bobs

"Yes Sir, he has had five so far, he must he ready to burst, he also mentioned wanting to get up my hole later tonight..." Sean's eyes gleam a bit at that thought, then glazing over as he feels Master Butch's finger tips trail up and down over his belly and treasure trail.

"We will see if we can accommodate him then, after I get done with him that is...Now head back over there and tell him I would like a word with him, it's been a while since that jock and I talked, well...without my cock drilling out his hole that is." They both get large grins as Sean heads back over to the bar. He feels his dick leak a bit as he hears Pup bark from behind him, as Butch pets his head.

Sean watches as Matt mingles with some lager bears over near the restrooms, finally catching his eyes he waves him back over towards the bar. "What's up Sean, oh hey can I get another one of those drinks, and it's got me buzzing pretty good so far." Sean just grins handing over another mug, but putting two shots in it this time, getting an even bigger grin from Matt.

"Oh, hey Matt, before you give that a taste, Master Butch wants to talk to ya over by his table, probably about the drinks..." There's a strange gleam in Sean's eye, as Matt nods and after grabbing his mug, he heads over to the corner area. "Oh hey Matt, ya might want to take it slow, Pup is in a weird mood tonight."

Matt feels his jock fill even more as he remembers last weekend's fun with Pup. Heeding Sean's caution he watches his step before hearing a small growl, automatically lifting a hand to pups nose. Moving closer to the table, almost tripping over the chain leash connection pup to Master Butch's leather. Feeling a strong grip as Butch steady's you leading you to a seat on the opposite side of the table. Matt looks up giving an appreciative grin to Butch. "Thanks Butch...I mean Master Butch, guess I'm a little unsteady on my feet, this new drink is really potent, but damn good..." Butch just nods and raises his glass taking a swig of his beer, watching as Matt does the same only downing half the drink before placing it unsteadily back on the table.

"Thanks Matt, glad you're enjoying it, so tell me, how did that match you had go, you seemed pretty pumped about it this week, seeing as you came in on Wednesday for a good time, when you hardly ever venture down this way except on the weekends." Seeing the cocky grin spread across Matts face, he can guess where this is headed, reaching down he gives Pup a good scratch behind his ears as Matt describes his team winning all three matches. His smirk gets a bit bigger as he hears the slightly slurred speech now emanating from matt.

"But damn was it a great time, worked up quite a sweat..." seeing Butch raise his eyebrow with his smirk causes a deep blush to travel over his face, as he stutters a bit, thinking again of how the bar owner has a way of making guys just want to please him. "..I mean at the game, Umm well the other night to, just...yeah." "Had to get some of that anticipation off, and since my porn is to "loud" for the rest of the frat, I figured why not come down here and see what was happening, though I was a bit worried Rocky wasn't going to let me in, since all I could get on without comments were my boots."

"Yes, yes, you have mentioned your fraternity brothers before; those are the guys that make up the rest of your team right?"

"Uh yeah...I mean yes sir." Matt adds at the end, not even realizing it.

"Too bad, we could always use some more meat to choose from, you sure they wouldn't come down, just for a bit, for the free drinks for new customers?" Butch's deep voce seems to cause Matts body to quake, strait down to his nuts. Letting out a small groan as he feels his nuts slip in his jock as his dick stretches out even more, while also feeling as If for the first time tonight his rather full bladder.

Matt continues to chat with Butch as his need to piss grows with every second...till he feels like he's about to burst. "Um not to interrupt ya Master Butch...Sir but I really need to piss; else Sean will have more stuff to mop up later on."

As Matt goes to get up, Butch reaches over, forcing him back down. "No need to get up, pup needs a drink anyhow, just lean back and he'll take care of ya." Matt looks back between Master Butch and Pup, both with grins, but pups, tongue lolling out, his saliva dropping off as it bobs up and down inches below his chin, causing Matts cock to stick straight up against his ripped belly, his hair soaking up the globs of pre-cum leaking out.

"Umm I haven't really done that much piss play before, umm, you sure he...I mean you won't mind me using him like this...Sir!"

"Not at all, it's what he lives for, he loves being my dog boy, don't cha pup, don't cha!" Pup bounces on his front paw mitts looking between Master Butch and Matt. "Well, Matt, just lean back and let my pup take care of ya" Matt looks a bit hesitant, then just leans back a bit in his chair. His eyes widen a bit as Pup charges for his crotch, snorting, and lapping at the leather coated crotch, before using his teeth to pull it slightly aside allowing Matt's cock to spring free. Matt groans out as his dick slaps back up into his stomach and his balls fall out, landing on pup's slightly stubbled chin, the scratching sensation beginning to drive Matt a bit crazy, until Pup swallows Matts entire 10 inches down his thick muscled throat. His hands reach down, one grabbing the back of pups head and the other holding onto his leather straps. Matt moans out as he feels pups throat start to pulse, as if it was trying to milk the piss right out of him. Finally his bladder relaxed enough and he emptied himself down the man dogs pulsating throat, Matt thought he could hear his piss splashing against the back of his throat between each gulp. Matt started to feel his balls churn, and tried to warn pup, but it was too late, with a yell, he unloaded the last bit of piss forced out before his cum coated pups throat...Matt got a sideways smile on his face, before passing out.

Butch rubbed is boot up and down through pup's ass-crack, smiling as he signaled Sean to come over and help him with their new accusation.

Master Butch's apartment above The Hide Leaning back against the wall, Butch watches as Sean and Rocky finish securing Matt to the large standing table, before shifting it up, putting Matt into a standing position. With the lopsided smile still on his face, his head bobs forward a bit, moaning as a large tube like device is attached over his still bulging cock. Still unconscious from his orgasm, and the mystery shots, his only response for the last 2 hours...just moans. After securing the tube, Sean rubs his hand up Matt's chest to his nipples, grasping them harshly for a moment, before heading back over to the controls by his Master, and flipping the first in a series of green switches. Above Mats unconscious body, an intense white light illuminates in a 2 foot circle on the floor just around him, the heat causing sweat to start coalescing on his body. Over in the darkness are sounds of struggling and other strange noises.

Out of the dark a short stocky bear, pierced and covered with tattoos, gives thumbs up sign to Butch, as another nearly identical bear mimics his actions. Butch pushes himself off the wall with a grin "Finally, we can get started, Rocky any problems picking up the new gear?" "The large Bouncer looks over, shaking his head with a grunt before turning back to a lighted screen. Pressing a series of commands into the touchscreen, two more lights illuminate 2 large tattooing chairs, with a large rack with numerous rings, spacers and bars of different sizes and shapes. "Okay Pup, go ahead and wake him up, the sooner we get going the sooner the real fun can start." Master Butch gives pup a slap on the ass, sending him scrambling towards the unconscious jock. Pup starts using his tongue on Matts feet, slowly moving up, licking at the crease between his groin and his thighs, snaking his tongue under the nuts for a better taste. With the new attention being lavished on his groin Matt begins to come around. For moment he tries to reach down to push whosever head it was down onto his cock, only to realize his arms are strapped to his sides, and his legs are similarly tied down but spread as to allow access.

"Wha...what the hell, how did...hey get me out of this damn chair!" Looking down he recognizes Pup immediately, causing him to quickly glance around to find Master Butch. Finding a pair of deep grey eyes staring back at him, causes his some elation, even though he doesn't know why, along with the fear and anger. "Master Butch, please, let me up, I'm not really into bondage, besides I already promised Sean ..."Gasping a bit as Sean walks out from behind Master Butch, but now with a full collar and leash, and a tongue hanging out of his mouth much like Pup. "Sean! What's going on, will one of you tell me SOMETHING!"

Master Butch walks closer towards Matt, letting the light bathe his huge nude body, the light gleaming off the sweat. "It's really quite simple, for some time I've wanted you for my own, to own, totally and fully. From the first time Rocky brought you to my attention. And while it has been fun altering you and your personality, taking away your hetero nature, and replacing it with the makings of a total sex pig. However it's time to finish your changes, you are going to be my newest toy, for the entire world to see, well that's not quite accurate, all of you will be my newest toys."

Matt raises an eyebrow "all of who?"

"Well ya see Matt, all those descriptions of your frat buddies; well I just had to look them up. While it would have been easier if you got them in here and drunk off our home "brew", but you seemed fine with jacking off to them from afar. Well I figured since you were having such a great time after your...alterations we should include your buddies as well, of course Rocky did has some trouble "convincing" them to join us here tonight but thanks to some carefully filled beer bottles, and a little visit before they got back made things go a lot smoother.

"Wait, if Rocky is here then where are my bros, you can't have left them there, and some of the other brothers must have come back by now...and they sure would have noticed them smashed out of their skulls.

"It's like this Matt, what I have planned for you, well, let's just say it's unique...something I have yet to try, and for me to say that I haven't tried something is well, let's say it doesn't happen often. I believe that since you and you..."brothers" have such a strong bond, that you should all experience it together, but being my...initial choice for this will grant you some perks; but we can go into that after a while, right now though I would like you to say hello to my new guests and future adornments."

For a moment Matt is blinded by the intense bright light that has illuminated all but one intensely dark spot on the opposite middle side of the room. As the spots clear from Matt's eyes he Is dumbfounded, on each side of him are 4 of his fraternity brothers....with the added addition of the what could only possibly be Cody and Curtis's ...triplet!?! If that had been the only surprise of the night, it would have been enough, but as he looked side to side, he saw 8 pairs of eyes trained on him, in some pleas for others looks of condemnation. All of them were similarly restrained just as he except they all had a tube coming from between their ass cheeks...mentally the sight of all his brothers restrained in such a ways excited him enough for an erection to grow hard and fast, which caused all the looks to change to the latter.

While Matt and Butch have been talking the two tattooed bears have been rapidly drawing, while looking at each brother one by one...each takes a different side Butch heads over and takes a look over their short shoulders getting a sly smirk on his face. "Good job lads, looks like you've got them all down pat pretty well...though let's make those three truly a litter, similar looks, maybe just some different colorations" he looks up and walks over to the triplets, "How's about it boys, feel like getting even closer, seems like two of you are as close as you can get...even double fucking the same cunts. Did you ever let on to your fraternity brothers that you aren't just twins, buts triplets? Wouldn't they be surprised to know your other brother chose to skip the fraternity life, choosing instead to excel in his music? At the same college but never socializing, even scorning him. Isn't it amazing you grow up together but you are closer to your fake brothers then your own older brother." Butch walks over to the oldest brother, and pets his head, like he would pup's, I would say I would let ya go, but I won't. You as well can thank matt for bringing you to my attention, but I think your mental creativity should be taken into consideration, even if only a bit." Passing by the other two without a word Butch heads to Scott at the other end of the lighted space. He reaches up and tweaks both of Scott's nipples hard, causing Scott to groan in discomfort and a bit of fear as his cock starts growing. "What's with the hostile glare Scott, I would have thought that you of all people would enjoy a bit nipple play." At word nipple Master Butch tightens his grip exponentially, causing Scott to come fully erect and cry out at the same time. "This is what you like your bitches to do right, even begging them to rip the off, well I wouldn't go that far....yet." Butch gives Scott a pat on the cheek, before moving over toward Dan whose eyes looked fearful.

"Dan is it not? Matt wasn't kidding when he called you an angry looking teddy bear; I doubt you could scare a baby. Hmm that might work..." Butch turns his head at the same time the other twin bears turn theirs "Got it lads?"

They both nod. "Good, now the next, ah yes Zach." Butch grips here and there on all the brothers, but when he got to Zach he paid much more attention. " Almost immediately Butch starts groping and feeling all over, even to reach behind to tap Zach's Tight jock hole; all the while Zach is thrashing about trying to get out of his bonds, screaming into the dildo shaped tube going into his mouth, his green eyes flaring at the dual groping and humiliation.

"Whistle "Here pup!" Pup goes running at his masters beckoning "Stay!" pup comes to a grinding halt right in the center of the room, in perfect viewing range. "Now sit like the dog you are pup!" Pup rears his head back and lets out an excited howl, there is a faint cracking, and when the brothers fully view pup, and they all go wide eyed. In front of them, where once there was a man dog, on his hands and knees begging for a treat, every mannerism that of a loyal dog, but still very much human, or should I say was once human. Pup lets out a series of grunts and yelps as his legs fold in on themselves. Pups human feet sink into his substantial ass cheeks making them all the bigger, while his knees grow 5 large digits. Rough pads cover the bottom of his knees to help him get a grip on the floor, while thick nails extend well past 3 inches perfect for gripping onto to potential partners, especially his extra thick dewclaw. Pups ears begin to elongate as his coloration begins to darken, using his hind foot to scratch his new ears, his body grows black and tan hair, only a thin layer, but enough to make him look more like a true Rottweiler. Above his new dog hole a small stubby tail about 5 inches long grows out...the end glistening as it is now pups new cock tail nub....he beings to pant as he tests his appendage by driving it deep within his own hole. He tucks his head down to lick the doggy pre of his cock, as his face extends into a quasi- muzzle, with his new thick 12 inch tongue flopping out doggy drool leaking all over the hard wood floor . "Hey pup, come on over here and give Zach a nice licking while I talk to Matt." Pup romps over, his feet slipping a bit on the floor, before his muzzle lands squarely in Zach's crotch crease, slathering as fast as possible, smelling Zach's scent and tasting his sweaty skin. Butch walks past Pup, gives him a scratch on his head as he walks past, barely feeling as pup gives him a long lick up his leg. Zach however is squirming as much as possible, though whether to get away or get more of himself licked is not clear.

"Well Matt, I think we're ready to get started, you and your brothers are going to be quite fun over the next few hundred years or so. After all there are so many things to do, places to put you, or things to do to you. Just remember, you will be able to order them around as you see fit, over time their personality changes will cement and force their old ways out of their heads. It is time to test out our new device, now remember boys enjoy these changes they are the start to your new lives." Butch gives Matt a pat on the cheek bringing out a bright blush as everyone notices that his cock has stayed rock solid throughout this whole scene.

"One thing I did forget Matt, didn't you ever wonder how you came to my attention...well someone very close to you and your brothers gave us the information, what to do and who to take first. That person provided us with everything we could have possibly needed, all so that he could get in good with if betraying one's friends is something I look upon as worthy. Well it is not, so I believe his new role in all of this will be especially fitting."

Rocky flips another switch and suspended on the wall is a large glass container filled with....Xander, the frat president, though he has been missing for a couple of weeks. Butch walks over and hits the container....HARD. A large ripple can be seen, causing Xander's image to distort. "Those new shots really made an impact tonight, 8 new acquisitions, and I still have plenty of the ingredients left, thanks to Xander here. He was fortunate enough to be the first one to stumble into my little club here. And by the time he figured it out, I had already taken a liking to him ... well me and pup that is. " Butch reaches down and pats pup on the head...before leaning down and picking up a large metal bowl, and placing it under what looks to be Xander's erect penis, but when Butch reaches down and give Xander's nut-sack a hard TWIST...not only does Xander's liquid body give a sharp yelp in the form on a stream of bubbles, but bubbles form from his groin as a thick fast rush of...well...Xander flows down quickly filling the bowl.

Butch gives a whistle and pup and Sean run quickly back over to Butch's side, both slathering Butch's crotch and ass will loving licks. As soon as Butch twists off the Xander faucet, the bowl is placed on the floor for his pets to gulp down. More bubbles stream out as Xander looks to be rippling and moaning with each lick and slurp Sean and Pup make. As the two quasi dogs drink their fill, the brother's watch all the while fearing yet aroused of what is to come.

Next: Chapter 2

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