The Help: Rich and Brian

By Rob Hunter

Published on Dec 4, 2011



For the last ten years Brian Cooper has been doing yard work for his neighbor Mr. Jacobson. Even after he moved across town Brian still would go over to his old neighbor's house and do yard work for him. Mr. Jacobson always paid well, and even offered him some kind of food and drinks, as he got older the drink was usually beer. Three weeks after having turned twenty-six Brian went over to Mr. Jacobson's house to ask if any work needed to be done. It was a hot day, low 90s, with heat index in the early 100s. He was mowing the lawn shirtless; sweat was running down his hairless chest as he pushed the mower over the yard. Mr. Jacobson sat on the porch as he always did watching Brian mow the yard. A bulge formed as it had for the last ten years as he stared at that young man's ass and body move across his yard. With his crotch hidden from view he rubbed the front of his jeans as he drank a cold beer.

Brian finished mowing and put the mower into the bed of his truck. He walked up to the porch, his body covered in sweat, shirt draped over his shoulder. Mr. Jacobson handed him a beer which Brian took and drank almost in one swallow. Removing the bottle from his mouth he thanked Mr. Jacobson. He started to go back to his car but Mr. Jacobson called out to him.

"Why don't you come inside and cool off for a bit Brian?"

"I don't wanna intrude, Mr. Jacobson."

"Rich, call me Rich Brian, we're friends, no more of this Mr. Jaconson, it makes me feel older than I am."

"Are you sure Mr. Jacob...Are you sure I wouldn't be intruding Rich?"

"I am absolutely sure; it'd be my pleasure to have some company."

As Brian walked inside Rich took another look at Brian's ass, his bulge grew again. He was hoping he could get what he had been wanting since the boy started doing work for him. At least now he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it.

Brian went in and sat on the couch, Rich sat next to him and offered a second beer which he took and took a drink form it. Looking around Brian took in his surrounding then when his eyes stopped on Rich he looked away shyly for some reason. They talked about sports and weather and a girl Brian was talking to. All the while Rich was slowly moving himself closer and his hand closer to Brian's shoulder.

After a while Brian set his bottle down and began to get nervous, his foot started to tap and his heart raced a bit. Finally he asked what he had been wanting to ask for a while.

"Rich can I ask you a personal question?"

"Anything Brian?"

"Have, this is gonna be weird I know it will be."

"Don't be afraid to ask, I won't judge."


"Of course Brian."

Brian cleared his throat then said, "Have you ever been with a guy?"

Rich blinked and then said, "Like sexually?"

Looking away Brian said, "Yes."

"Yes I have. Why do you ask?"

"What's it like?"

"It's great Brian. I love it. Though I haven't been with a guy in a long time."


"Just haven't found one I want to be with," Rich took a drink then said, "Why are you asking about this?"

Blushing Brian said, "Well, to be honest I've been curious about being with a guy for a while now, since I turned twenty."

"And you've never done anything with a guy?"


"Why not?"

"I've been too scared to."

Rich placed wrapped his arm around Brian and said, "You don't need to be afraid. If you wanted I could help you."

"Help me?"

"I could let you do things to me and I could do things to you."

"I don't know Rich." Brian feeling awkward decided it was time to go so he stood up to leave.

"You are not going anywhere boy." Rich said as he pushed Brian back onto the couch. He held Brian down on the couch with one hand across his chest. With his free hand he unfastened and unzipped his jeans and reached in to find that Brian wasn't wear underwear. Pulling the jeans down was a struggle with Brian sitting but Rich managed and freed his young uncut cock. It was slightly hard and was already at 6 and a half inches long, looked like it was maybe 1 and half inches thick. It would grow to be a very nice cock when fully hard. He wrapped his hand around Brian's cock and started to stroke it. As he pulled down the foreskin moved down exposing the cock's head and then as he moved up it was covered again. He started in slow motions then quickened his pace. Soon Brian's cock was at its full hardest standing straight up at ten inches long and three inches thick. He had a massive cock. Releasing Brian's cock he undid his own pants and pushed them off his body and revealed his own cut cock. It was fully hard at eight inches and was two inches thick. Grabbing one of Brian's hands he put it on his cock and forced his fingers to wrap around it.

"Stroke my cock."

Brian did nothing so Rich wrapped his hand around Brian's and started to move it up and down. After a while he stopped and noticed Brian was doing it himself. He looked at Brian and smiled. Brian wasn't sure what to feel. It did feel good. Rich went back to stroking Brian and then leaned over and placed his lips against Brian, who at first back away but then fell into the kissing. Rich removed his hand from Brian's chest and placed it around his neck and gently stroked his neck as they kissed and jacked each other.

As they got near to cumming Rich stopped and told Brian to stop. Brian looked at Rich with a look of half fear and half pleasure on his face. Rich then moved off the couch and got on the ground, he removed Brian's shoes and pants then did the same to himself and spread Brian's legs apart, and placed his hand at the base of his shaft. Looking up at Brian he slipped his cock into mouth. Brian leaned back and gasped as he felt his cock enter the warm wet mouth of his old neighbor. As Rich began to suck him he twitched as his sensitive head touched the roof of his mouth. Instinctively as it got better he placed hand on the back of Rich's head. Rich swallowed the whole shaft. He was about to cum and told Rich this; why he did not know, Rich pulled the dick out of his mouth and told Brian to jack off on his face. Brian started to jack off and not long afterwards shot his hot sticky cum all over Rich's face, covering a lot of it. Rich got onto the couch, spread his legs then looked at Brian.

"Your turn." Brian didn't want to. Rich could see this so he grabbed Brian by the arm and forced him to the floor and then told him to get between his legs. Brian did and Rich told him to suck him. Brian didn't want to so Rich Placed a hand on his cock to hold it straight up and another behind Brian's head and forced his dick into his mouth. He then held his hand on the back of Brian's head and forced his down and up. After a while Brian began to do this himself, so Rich let go and just watched as Brian sucked his cock. Brian looked up at Rich, and the look on his eyes made Rich even hornier. It was so sexy seeing this boy look approvingly up at him. He was close to cumming but could not warn Brian in time and shot his load into Brian's mouth. Surprisingly Brian swallowed it all. When he had stopped cumming he pulled his dick out, raised Brian up and kissed him. Brian's cum was still on his face and some on his lips giving Brian a taste of his own cum.

Brian was the first to use tongue. And soon the two were making out. Brian climbed on top of Rich, making sure Rich's cock was in front of him rubbing against his own. He wrapped his arms around Rich's neck and they made out quite heavily. Rich reached between them and wrapped a hand as much as he could around both cocks and stroked them both. With his other hand he placed it on Brian's ass which he squeezed from time to time. Both were moaning into each other's mouth. Before long they each shot a load onto each other's stomach. Brian stopped kissing and began to kiss down Rich's body, licking and sucking on his nipples on his way down. When he got to his stomach he licked up their combined cum then licked down to his cock and started to lick around it like a Popsicle.

Brian stopped when Rich was hard again and went to kiss him but Rich stopped him, got off the couch and walked behind Brian. Brian looked over his shoulder at Rich. Rich grabbed Brian's arms and placed them on the back of the couch, causing him to lean forward a bit, then he grabbed one of Brian's legs and bent it at the knee and placed it on the couch. Brian knew what was about to happen. The jacking and sucking and kissing were as far as he wanted to go.

"Can't we just do what we were doing Rich."


With his dick recently licked and sucked it was lubed up perfectly for what he was about to do. He placed his cock at Brian's opening then leaned over with a hand on Brian's shoulder, another wrapped around his waist and he slowly slid his cock into Brian's ass. Brian gasped and whimpered a bit feeling something that thick enter a hole that had never been entered before. With half his cock in Brian's virgin ass Rich began to slowly thrust into Brian, using his hands to pull him into him until Brain began to do it himself. As he fucked, he felt Brian's ass loosen and more of his cock slipped in. Soon, just as Brian began to moan and move in synch with Rich his whole cock was in him and that's when Rich really let him have it. He began to pound hard into Brian's ass. His balls smacking against him as his cock hit hard and deep. Brian moaned loud. As Brian was being fucked he reached down and started to jack himself off. He never knew it would feel this good.

Rich pulled out told Brian to get on the ground on his hands and knees. Brian did as he was told. Kneeling behind him Rich slipped his cock into him, much easier this time, and began to fuck him harder than before. Brian's cock swung back and forth like a pendulum as he was fucked hard and deep. Rich felt himself about to cum so he pulled out, told Brian to lie on his back. Rich then leaned over Brian and shot his load on his face. Brian immediately started to wipe it off and eat it. Rich leaned over him and kissed him, using his tongue first this time. Brian reached around and wrapped an arm around Rich's neck and his other arm moved to Rich's ass which he rubbed and squeezed.

Rich got off Brian and then had Brian sit back on the couch. His cock was hard as a rock and standing straight up. Rich walked over to Brian, climbed onto the couch, but got on his knees and placed each leg on the outside of Brian's legs. Brian knew what was coming next and smiled. Rich lowered himself onto Brian's thick long hard uncut cock. Half of it went in with no problem; the rest would need worked in. Rich didn't need to say anything to Brian. Brian started to fuck Rich's ass thrusting hard and deep into him. Rich gasped a she felt the dick widen his hole that hadn't been used by something that thick in years, but he liked that feeling. His cock bobbed up down smacking Brian's stomach and his own. Soon the whole ten inches was buried deep within his ass and Brian was no where near stopping.

As he fucked Rich he leaned in and grabbed him by the neck and kissed him slipping his tongue into his mouth. Rich accepted the kiss and they kiss while he was fucked. Rich ended up cumming onto Brian's stomach as they were kissing and he was fucked. Brian still had yet to cum. Brian then pushed Rich off of him then told him to lean against the wall. Rich went over to the wall, placed his hands against the wall and leaned outwards. Brian approached him and slipped his dick easily into his ass and started to fuck him hard. So hard he ended up pinning Rich to the wall. Rich started to feel his legs buckle and soon he felt like he was going to fall. Brian pulled out and grabbed a cushion from the couch and placed it on the floor then without saying anything slammed Rich's upper body into it and causing his ass to point up, Brian then started to fuck him while he still stood, with each leg on either side of Rich it was like he was a construction worker using a jackhammer. Before he could pull out he shot his load deep into Rich who moaned in ecstasy.

Pulling out of him he collapsed next to Rich who was lying on his back now. They looked at each other and moved to their sides and started to kiss and stroke each other. They ended up close to shooting and stopped, Rich had Brian sit on the ground and he shot his load into Brian's mouth but told him not to swallow, then asked him to do the same to him. With the other's cum in their mouth Rich leaned in and kissed Brian disposing the cum into his mouth. They passed it back and forth a bit until at last Rich pulled away and then told Brian to swallow. He did, swallowing both of their loads. Afterwards he had a look of satisfaction and pleasure on his face that matched Rich's.

Rich led Brian to the bathroom and said he could wash up in there. As he was cleaning himself up Rich slipped in behind him and kissed his neck. Brian felt his cock harden at just the touch of Rich's hands on his side. Turning to kiss him they held each other and kissed as the hot water beat down on their bodies. After they cleaned off they got dressed and Rich went to hand Brian his usual payment.

"You gave me more than enough today Rich." He said with a smile as he walked towards the door. "I might just have to make more than a monthly visit now." Rich watched as the young man he had wanted to fuck since he was sixteen climbed into his truck and pulled away. He would eagerly wait for those visits now.

Two hours after Brian left Rich's doorbell rang and he went to the door and saw Travis standing there with his cleaning kit. Smiling he let the twenty-three year old boy into his. Rich sat at his table sipping a coffee as he watched him clean. Would he get two in one day he wondered as he saw Travis bend over to dust a lower shelf. A bulge formed and he knew he would definitely get a second serving, just in time for dinner too.

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