The Heart of Tarzan

By Cullen Coleman

Published on Jun 3, 2024


The Heart of Tarzan, Part 5

This work is entirely fictional and all characters, including Tarzan, are not based on any real people or events. While the character of Tarzan, originally created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, is in the public domain, it should be noted that the Tarzan name and related trademarks are owned by the Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. corporation. This narrative is a creative,

independent interpretation and not affiliated with the corporation. I appreciate feedback or constructive criticism of my writing directly at Also if you can, please support Nifty and all their endeavors. Please use this link to donate:

Sorry for the extremely long wait! Life has been hectic for me as I have bought my own home and am moving. I thought I would take time and write another chapter; here is the long awaited part 5!

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in strokes of fiery orange and crimson, James emerged from the shimmering waters. The day's escapades had left his heart racing--a wild symphony of jungle acrobatics and the intoxicating thrill of forbidden love with Tarzan. Clad only in his loincloth, he stood on the shore, the fading light casting long shadows that danced with the evening breeze. The jungle's nocturnal chorus was tuning up, a prelude to the night's mystique. James knew better than to disobey his Lord and fastened his loincloth and grabbed a vine and swung away from the lagoon that he and Tarzan made love near.

Unknown to him, an enemy was afoot and was keeping a close eye on James. Mkuu, the leader of the nearby Waziri tribe was waiting in the nearby distance. This chief had enough of this so-called "King of the jungle" and sought to make an example of him by kidnapping the frail James. As James swung towards his treetop home, he took in his surroundings and saw something strange ahead-it looked like a loose piece of rope and before he realized he was entangled into the rope itself, dozens of Waziri tribesmen lowered themselves from the canopy. Frantically, James began to holler his special yodel taught to him by Tarzan- in case of danger. "AH-ahh! Ahh-ahh!" he loudly yelled. Before he knew it, he was lowered in chains of rope to the ground. Chief Mkuu stepped forward and looked over his new captive. He grabbed James' small little face and squeezed on his rosy cheeks. James' sapphire eyes were filled with tears as he continued to squirm. Mkuu then slapped James unconscious and ordered his men to tie the captive and head toward their village. He knew his plan was coming into fruition and that Tarzan would come for his mate-right into his trap..

The animals of the jungle alerted their Lord directly and Tarzan was fleeting away from the treehouse back to the lagoon. He keenly observed the scene. James was nowhere to be seen-all that remained was his glasses and loincloth. This made Tarzan feel anything beyond rage. He dug his heels into the ground and let out the most massive yell and beat ferociously on his chest. The whole jungle heard him. The animals and inhabitants knew better than to disobey their King. Tarzan then began to investigate and see if he could see any special footprints or scents he could pick up. He climbed up the tree where a lone rope was hanging-unknown to him that a mere 30 minutes ago his beloved James was being hogtied together by Waziri tribesmen. Tarzan looked at the rope very carefully-he noticed a small special knot on the end of the rope; only this specific knot could be made by a special group of people-the nomadic Waziri tribe. In a blink of a flash, Tarzan then began to swing towards the east to the Zaire riverlands where the Waziri are known to camp.

On the surface he was as strong as an elephant but deep inside he was afraid for James. He did not want to lose the only person who had shown him what it meant to be more than an animal-what it meant to truly be human.

As he gripped the vine in front of him and swung down towards the jungle floor, he let out a thunderous holler-hoping that his sweet James could hear him.

Part 6 will come sooner than you think! Let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 6

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