The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Sep 2, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Nine

List of characters:

Strong Bear 69 Chief

Yellow Hawk 50s Strong Bear's husband

Hawk aka Thomas Hawk 42 Strong Bear's son

Shadow aka Trevor Spenser 42 Twin brothers to Hawk

Flaming Arrow aka Clark 40 Married to Hawk

Moon Shadow aka Jason 25 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Captain Bradley Anderson 47 Army doctor

Eric Williamson 24 Married to Jason

Our story continues with the Roaring Twenties, a phrase used to describe the 1920s, principally in North America, but also in London, Berlin and Paris for a period of sustained economic prosperity.

The phrase was meant to emphasize the period's social, artistic, and cultural dynamism. 'Normalcy' returned to politics in the wake of World War I, jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood, Art Deco peaked, and finally the Wall Street Crash of 1929 served to punctuate the end of the era, as The Great Depression set in.

The era was further distinguished by several inventions and discoveries of far-reaching importance, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, and significant changes in lifestyle and culture.

The social and cultural features known as the Roaring Twenties began in leading metropolitan centers, especially Chicago, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Paris and London, and then spread widely in the aftermath of World War I.

The United States gained dominance in world finance. Thus when Germany could no longer afford war reparations to Britain, France and other Allies, the Americans came up with the Dawes Plan and Wall Street invested heavily in Germany, which repaid its reparations to nations that in turn used the dollars to pay off their war debts to Washington.

By the middle of the decade, prosperity was widespread with the second half of the decade becoming known as the "Golden Twenties". The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity associated with modernity, a break with traditions. Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, moving pictures and radio proliferated 'modernity' to a large part of the population. Formal decorative frills were shed in favor of practicality in both daily life and architecture.

At the same time, jazz and dancing rose in popularity, in opposition to the mood of the specter of World War I. As such, the period is also often referred to as the Jazz Age.

1920-1930 was the decade between the end of the World War I and the Depression following the Stock Market Crash. Film theaters and studios were not initially affected in this decade by the Crash in late 1929. The basic patterns and foundations of the film industry and its economic organization were established in the 1920s.

After World War I and into the early 1920s, America was the leading producer of films in the world - using Thomas Ince's "factory system" of production, although the system did limit the creativity of many directors, production was in the hands of the major studios that really flourished after 1927 for almost 20 years, and the star system was rapidly increasing.

Now chapter nine:

Hawk and Shadow were now living back in Montana with their husbands. Each of them had decided to give the house to Jason and Eric as well as a portion of their inheritance. Hawk was now Chief, because Strong Bear had stepped down when his health and age proved too much to keep up as chief.

In a private Choctaw ceremony, Jason and Eric were married when they accompanied Hawk and Shadow and their husbands, back to Montana, so that Jason could show Eric his boyhood village and state. Jason turned his wealth into a greater wealth, having invested in a fast growing industry called motion pictures, while Eric quickly rose to stardom, staring in most of Jason's film company's films. Majestic Films was one of the most lucrative companies in the film business, with Jason as owner.

October 1929

"Is Mr. Spenser busy," Eric asked Jason's secretary, Linda, a small pretty girl that Jason had hired when Rose, his first secretary had retired.

"No Mr. Williamson," she said. "I loved your last film, you looked so, sinfully handsome as that pirate," she said blushing.

"Thank you Linda, but could you ring Jason and let him know that I am here," Eric said, glancing at his watch, he was in a hurry because he had a casting call at two and it was now, just after twelve-thirty.

"He said to come right in," Linda said, hanging up the phone.

"Thank you Linda," he said and hurried into Jason's office.

"How are you, sweetheart," Jason said as he came around his desk and locked lips with his handsome husband.

"Tired babe, I've been up since four filming that last scenes of this movie and now I have a casting call for some western," he said, reveling in the strength of Jason's arms. "Do you ever miss how it used to be when we were living back in Virginia?" he blurted out, longing for the time when life seemed less hectic.

"Not really, why, are you feeling overwhelmed by your sudden rise to stardom?" Jason asked, kissing Eric on the tip of his nose.

Eric, over the past two years, had gone from an unknown extra to staring in feature films, thanks to Jason, who recognized his talent for acting, and took a chance, by staring him in a series of pirate films. The American public went wild over Eric's charm and looks, catapulting him to instant fame.

"Aren't you a bit overwhelmed? When was the last time that either of us had a vacation, sweetheart? Overwhelmed, not really Jason, just tired is more like it."

"Then skip this casting call and once I finalize the budget for this next film, you and I will take a vacation and go see my dad and then maybe a cruise. What do you think?" he asked, and then began nuzzling Eric's neck, causing a liquid fire to course through Eric's body.

"How can I concentrate on anything when you are igniting a raging fire in me darling," Eric asked, his fingers working feverishly as he undid Jason's pants. "I don't have much time sweetheart, so a quickie is all you will get," Eric said, falling to his knees as Jason's slacks fell along with him.

Eric loved finding Jason's manhood flaccid, because half the fun for Eric was getting it hard. He swallowed Jason's softness and within seconds, Jason's manhood was hard and throbbing as Eric's mouth worked his magic on it.

Jason's hands held Eric's head firmly as he thrust his cock in and out of his mouth. Eric's hand fondled Jason's balls as he quickly brought Jason to his edge.

"Aaaaggghhh fuck take it babe," Jason crooned, spewing his seed hard and fast down Eric's throat as he thrust his cock frantically in and out of Eric's mouth.

Wiping his mouth with a handkerchief that Jason handed him, Eric stood and straightened his clothes as he prepared to leave.

"So what do you say babe, how about that vacation?" Jason asked again.

"I'd love to Jason, but only if I didn't have to go over to Paramount Studios for this film," Eric said.

"Right, I forgot that we loaned you out for that picture, well after you finish shooting it we can take that vacation," Jason said and Eric only nodded, knowing that there would always be another film.

They kissed goodbye and Eric left, feeling tired and so not wanting to do this picture, because of who the casting director was. Gary Thompson was casting the film and Eric had heard of his reputation as a man that picked his leading ladies and also men, via his casting couch.

"Good afternoon Mr. Williamson, Mr. Thompson is expecting you," a charming young secretary said. "Just go right in," she added once she buzzed the door, unlocking it for Eric to enter.

"She's probably another of his sexual conquests," Eric thought, taking in her large bosom and petite waist.

"How are you Eric," Gary said, getting up from his desk and moving over to shake hands with Eric. "I must send a letter of thanks to Jason for loaning you out to us," he added as he pulled Eric into a strong embrace and Eric was quick to notice how Gary ground his cock against him.

"I'm tired but as they say in the business, the show must go on," Eric mused, taking in Gary's appearance.

Gary wore a casual pair of slacks today with his oxford shirt unbuttoned half way down the front and his thick carpet of black chest hair showing.

"What's your poison?" Gary asked as he poured himself a double shot of bourbon.

"Nothing, thank you Gary," Eric said, not daring any alcohol when he had to keep his wits about him around Gary.

"Oh come on, surely a bit of port wouldn't hurt," he said pouring the wine into a long stem glass and then handing it to Eric.

"Thank you," Eric said, took a sip and then sat the glass down on the table as he sat in the lone chair. "So tell me about this western you are doing," Eric said, hoping to get right down to business before Gary had a chance to make a pass.

Gary reputation preceded him as a man that liked to bed his stars, whether they are a woman or a man. Gary was very handsome for a man in his early forties, but he did nothing for Eric.

"It's called The Virginian and it's a classic western, that is an adaptation of Owen Wister's 1902 western play and original novel of the same name," Gary began and then drank down his drink in one gulp.

"So tell me some more about it, Gary," Eric said, cringing when Gary sat on the arm of his chair.

"Well the lead man in the film is a Wyoming ranch hand foreman, the Virginian as he is called. He confronts a band of outlaw cowboys, who are rustling cattle from his herd and changing brands. Catching some of the gang red-handed, the Virginian sees to their lynching. However, the villainous leader of the gang, a character named, Trampas, who by the way is being played by Walter Huston, is still free and..." Eric interrupts and get up from the chair, moving without considering the consequences to the sofa.

"You got Walter Huston to play a supporting actor role," Eric asked and rolled his eyes when Gary sat beside him.

"Yes we did, but he didn't want the leading role. I must tell you Eric, Gary Cooper is being considered also for the part of the Virginian," Gary said, placing his hand on Eric's leg and gently squeezing it.

Eric knew the draw that Gary Cooper had with the public and felt totally out of his league. Eric also knew why Gary had mentioned the actor to him; he would use it to get Eric to consent to his sexual advances in hopes that he could secure the role.

"He's bigger box office draw than I am at the moment," Eric said and then drained his glass of wine, holding it out to Gary for a refill.

Eric figured that if he got Gary up and away from him, he too could get up and leave them to talk while standing, so he followed Gary over to the bar.

"What is the climax about," Eric asked, accepting the glass of wine from Gary, but refusing to move, so Gary rests his hand against the wall, pinning Eric between it and Gary.

"The film comes to a final climactic showdown in a shoot-out on a dusty western street between Trampas and the Virginian. Trampas is shot down by the Virginian's fast-drawn gun," he said and then began laughing as he remembered something more about the script.

"What's so funny about a shootout, Gary," Eric asked, not seeing the humor.

"It's not the shootout that so funny, it's something else," Gary said still laughing. "The most memorable scene is the card-playing poker scene. The Virginian is insulted by the words, 'When I want to know anything from you, I'll tell you, you long-legged son of a bitch.' The Virginian responds by laying his gun out on the table and threatening the gambler If you wanna call me that, smile and then Trampas responds with `With a gun against my belly, I-I always smile', now isn't that a hoot?" Gary asked, now resting his hand on Eric's shoulder.

Eric begins to walk away and just as he turns toward the sofa, Gary pulls him into his arms, kissing him heatedly on the mouth.

"Gary, get your fucking hands off me. Now if you want to discuss the part fine, but if this is just a way for you to bed another actor, forget it because I am married," he blurted out, realizing that no one in Hollywood knew about his and Jason's marriage.

"Married... when the fuck did you get married," Gary asked, stunned by what Eric just told him. "I thought you and Jason just lived together to save money," he guessed.

Gary could tell by the look on Eric's face, that there was much more to his and Jason's relationship than just friends and he was going to use this information to his benefit.

Eric did not know how to reply, but stood there silently blushing.

"I now get it, you and Jason are a couple... as in sexually involved in a covert love affair," Gary said smugly, pulling Eric back into his arms. "You do realize that if word of this ever got out to the public, it would destroy your career as well as Jason's," he smugly reminded Eric.

"If you breathe one word of this to anyone... so help me God, I'll kill you," Eric said pushing Gary away and moving toward the door.

"I wouldn't be so fast to walk away Eric," Gary said, stepping between Eric and the door. "I know how to keep a secret...but," he said, stepping closer to Eric and resting his hands on Eric's waist.

"But what...are you blackmailing me, Gary?" Eric's eyes showed his anger, but Gary was an expert at getting what he wanted.

"You can call it what you wish, but I really don't think that you want Jason's reputation, and for that matter yours also, dragged through the mud," Gary said adamantly, lowering his hand to Eric's crotch and gently fondling him.

"So what are you saying, if I give you the sex that you want this one time, you'll keep your mouth shut?"

"This one time...I hardly think so Eric. You are going to be my new boy toy," Gary said, as his fingers began to unbutton Eric's shirt. "Now kindly undress while I tell my secretary to hold my calls," he demanded, leaving a stunned Eric standing there as he walked over to his desk.

Eric knew what a sex scandal would do to his and Jason's career and shivered as his hands began to remove his clothes.

"Oh please don't let Jason ever find out," he whispered as he undid his pants and lowered them.

Eric's heart was racing with frightening anticipation of what was about to happen as he stepped from his pants, leaving himself naked.

Gary hurried from his clothes and when he pulled Eric into his embrace, his mouth covered Eric's in a kiss that was long and hard. Once he had broken their kiss, Gary pushed Eric to his knees and smiled when his manhood was but a breath away from Eric's mouth.

"You evidently know what to do with what is before you, Eric," Gary groaned, feeling Eric's quickened breaths on his cock as Eric's breaths came fast and shallow.

Gary seemed mesmerized by Eric, as his mouth lowered toward his aching manhood. As Eric lowered his mouth around Gary's sex, his breath felt trapped inside him. Gary fisted his hands in Eric's hair, thrust his cock fully into Eric's mouth and began fucking his face.

Eric gagged and tried to push Gary away, but the man had to firm a hold on Eric. Eric could feel the head of Gary's cock working its way further down his throat until Eric's nose was buried deep in Gary's pubic hair.

"My God man... you suck a cock better than any woman does," Gary crooned as his thrusts became more urgent. "Aaaaaggggghhhhh fuck I'm coming," Gary howled and blasted his seed hard and fast down Eric's throat, causing Eric to gag.

Gary eased back some and allowed his cock to spew its seed in Eric's mouth, letting Eric taste the tartness of Gary's offering. Spent and pulling away, Gary extended a hand toward Eric, helping him to stand.

"Damn that was one hell of a blowjob, Eric," Gary said as he wrapped his arms around Eric's waist and pulled Eric to him.

"Now that you had your fun Gary, I'll be going," Eric said and tried to push away from Gary.

"Had my fun... why I have just begun to have fun with that hot body of yours," Gary said, leading Eric over to the couch and pushing him down onto it. "That my dear boy was just an appetizer," Gary said, his cock still hard and throbbing as he covered Eric's body with his and forced Eric's legs apart with his knee. "Now I plan to enjoy the main course," he said and thrust his cock hard and deep into Eric's ass, causing Eric to flinch from the pain.

"You could have been gentler, it's not like I'm one of your whores, Gary," Eric scolded, causing Gary to roar with laughter.

"My whores... don't flatter yourself Eric, you are much lower than any one of my whores," Gary mused and then nuzzled Eric's neck as he began his thrusts, deep and hard into Eric's velvet sheath.

Eric turned his head away and closed his eyes while Gary used his body to obtain his sexual satisfaction. Gary pulled Eric's leg up and had it wrapped them around his waist as his own hips drove without mercy, his cock deep into Eric. Tears flowed from Eric's eyes as he endured this sexual abuse and the only thing that kept his sanity was that he was doing it to spare Jason.

"If you want me to keep my mouth shut, you'd better start cooperating with me here," Gary ordered, causing Eric to meet each thrust that Gary gave him.

Gary lowered his mouth to one of Eric's taut nipples and bit it, causing Eric to shriek from the pain. Eric laid there and gave just enough of himself to make Gary happy, wishing that the man would soon come and end his shame.

"Aaaaagggghhhhh ride my cock you slut," Gary moaned out, thrusting harder and deeper into Eric. "I'm coming... aaaaaggggghhhhh fuck take it," Gary thrust one more time deeply, stopped and began blasting his seed.

After shooting several forceful blasts, Gary quickly resumed his thrusts until he was spent.

"Now you can get dressed and leave," Gary said coldly, pulling his spent cock from Eric's ass and walking over to where his clothes laid on the floor.

Eric felt like he did when he was working for Josephine's brothel back in Virginia as he and degraded. He hurriedly dressed, not saying a word until his gazed into the mirror to comb his hair.

"What the hell did you do to me," Eric gasped, running his fingers over the mark that Gary had made on Eric's neck.

"Oh that... it's my personal stamp of approval," Gary said, chuckling as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Jason is going to flip when he sees it," Eric said, looking at the quarter size mark that was a deep purple.

"Just go to makeup and have them cover it up for you," he mused as he returned to his chair at the desk. "By the way kid, I'll see you tomorrow," Gary reminded him.

"For what, are we shooting the Virginian already," Eric asked, causing Gary to roar with laughter.

"Did you really think that you stood a chance of getting that role," Gary asked laughing. "I already signed Cooper for the part," he added, causing rage to build up inside of Eric. "But I am sure that we can find some other film for you to do," he laughed, finally pushing Eric beyond his limit.

Eric lunged toward Gary, but the man quickly pulled a pearl handled gun from his desk drawer, stopping Eric in his tracks as he aimed it at him.

"Like I said, tomorrow, same time, same place, boy," Gary demanded, still holding the pistol aimed at Eric as his lips moved to a sadistic smile.

Eric nodded, turned and hurried from the office. He didn't bother acknowledging Linda's goodbyes as he left the outer office and hurried to step into the elevator, just before the doors closed.

"Ground floor, Mr. Williamson," the elevator operator asked.

"Yes... thanks," he said, holding back his tears until he was outside the building and sitting in his car.

Resting his head against the steering wheel, Eric cried until he had no more tears left.

"What am I going to do," he asked quietly to himself, seeing the purplish hickey on his neck as he gazed into the rear view mirror, and again he lowered his face and cried.

"Flaming Arrow, have I told you today how much I love," Hawk whispered as he held his husband in his strong arms.

"Several times darling, but tell me again, because I can never hear you say it enough," Flaming Arrow whispered, resting his cheek against the hardness of Hawk's muscular chest.

Flaming Arrow's heart pounded wildly as he awaited Hawk's lips to take his. Nothing told Flaming Arrow of Hawk's love more than Hawk's kiss. Hawk put every ounce of his being into his kiss when he kissed his Flaming Arrow.

"I love you more than the air that I breathe, Flaming Arrow," Hawk said, his eyes misting, because his love of his husband was so strong.

Again, he pressed his mouth to Flaming Arrow's in an all consuming kiss. Tossing his shirt aside once he had it unbuttoned, Flaming Arrow slipped out of his breeches and stood naked before Hawk.

Against the alabaster whiteness of his skin, Flaming Arrow's nipples were a deep brown as they stiffened in the building anticipation of what was to come.

"Flaming Arrow," Hawk whispered against his husband's lips before he lowered his mouth into a deeper kiss, thrusting his tongue deep into the warm wetness of Flaming Arrow's mouth, holding his husband tightly to him.

Feeling the need... the heat rising in his loins, Hawk circled Flaming Arrow's nipples with his thumbs, urging them to a greater tautness and lowering his mouth to them, he tenderly suckled them. He suckled and nibbled on each nub until Flaming Arrow was beside himself with erotic pleasure, crying out as waves of pure ecstasy flooded through him.

"No more... oh Hawk I cannot stand it any longer," he cried out, urging Hawk's mouth away from the overly sensitive nubs. "Take me... oh how I want to feel your heat in me," he added as Hawk kissed and licked his way down to Flaming Arrow's manhood.

Flaming Arrow gasped and grabbed Hawk by the head when he felt Hawk's mouth surround his manhood. He thrust his hips up as Hawk lowered further down onto Flaming Arrow's shaft. As it was each time that they made love, Hawk would always bring Flaming Arrow to the edge and keep him dangling as he worked Flaming Arrow's body with his tongue.

Hawk gazed his eyes upward and he could see how delirious with passion, Flaming Arrow was and swallowed his lover's manhood, leaving his nose nestled in the softness of the curls that surrounded his sex.

"Mercy... oh Hawk I'm coming," Flaming Arrow cried out in total abandon, spewing his seed into the warmth of Hawk's mouth.

Hawk swallowed quickly as his mouth... his throat captured each drop of his husband's elixir, savoring its salty sweetness as if it were a fine wine. Spent and his body still quivering with the afterglow of his climax, Flaming Arrow turned over and presented his ass to Hawk, as his head rested contently on his arms.

Hawk placed his hands on Flaming Arrow's hips, pulled him up and slid his throbbing manhood deeply into him, not stopping until Flaming Arrow was fully impaled.

"Yes... now make us one my darling," Flaming Arrow purred over his shoulder to Hawk.

Flaming Arrow was drifting away on a cloud of ecstasy, having first been taken to paradise by his climax and now by the fullness of Hawk's presence in him. Hawk held Flaming Arrow by the hips as he drove his length hard, deep and fast into the wet warmth that now surrounded his cock. Flaming Arrow met each thrust, lifting his hips to meet Hawk's thrusts.

"Harder... oh fuck yes... faster," Flaming Arrow cried out as his loins became emblazed with another climax as his balls emptied of their seed.

Hawk wanted this moment, as all the moments before, to last forever, but when he felt Flaming Arrow's ass tighten, he could not hold back. He tossed his head back, closed his eyes tightly as he surrendered to the ecstasy of the moment.

"Aaaaiiiieeee, I'm coming... ride my cock," Hawk crowed, spewing his seed into his husband, feeling it's over abundance dripping from Flaming Arrow's ass and running down his shaft as Flaming Arrow's ass met each thrust.

Spent and exhausted, Hawk pulled his flaccid cock from Flaming Arrow, turned his husband onto his back and collapsed on him, their mouths meeting in a frenzied kiss.

"I love you Hawk... you are my only reason for living," Flaming Arrow cried, as pure joy flooded through him.

"I love you more, my darling," Hawk whispered against Flaming Arrow's lips. "Oh how I love you more... so, so much more."

A knock on their cabin door quickly drew them apart. Hawk hurried into his breeches and angrily hurried to the door, ready to yell at whoever had disturbed their moment of loving.

"What!" he screamed angrily as he pulled the door open, seeing a young brave standing there trembling. "Well... are you going to tell me why you have disturbed your chief at this hour," he asked and then calmed when he saw a deep pain in the brave's dark eyes.

"Your father, Strong Bear, he has need of you," was all that brave said and turned, running away quickly.

"What's wrong darling," Flaming Arrow asked when Hawk returned to their bedroom.

"My father has summoned me," Hawk angrily said, looking over at Flaming Arrow, who was now getting up from the bed. "You stay here and warm my bed," Hawk said, going to his husband and kissing him. "It is probably another dream that he's had and wants to talk about it," he added, kissing him again before leaving.

Stepping out into the soft moonlight of the night, Hawk shivered as he walked hurriedly toward his fathers' cabin. As he stepped onto the small porch, Hawk heard a great wailing of pain.

"Gah-ween," he shouted and burst through the door, running as fast as he could toward their bedroom.

He face showed the shock of what he was seeing; when his eyes took in the sight of Strong Bear holding the lifeless body of Yellow Hawk.

"Again I lose my heart," Strong Bear said, his voice void of all emotion as he looked up at Hawk.

"Father...what happened," Hawk asked, sitting now beside his father.

"He just gasped and died, his hands clutching his chest as if something painful was tearing at it," Strong Bear said and Hawk knew that Yellow Hawk had suffered a heart attack.

Together they cried, with Hawk clinging to Strong Bear as he rocked softly with Yellow Hawk in his arms. Several minutes later, Flaming Arrow came running into the bedroom, having heard the cries of his husband and Strong Bear. He stood looking at the two men with his hand covering his mouth, knowing that Yellow Hawk was dead.

"I'm so sorry, my husband," Flaming Arrow softly whispered as he took Hawk into his arms.

"He's gone, Flaming Arrow... my dear father is gone," Hawk said almost hypnotically as he gazed over Flaming Arrow's shoulder to the scene on the bed. "I shall never again hear his sweet voice when he speaks of his love for me," he added and cried hard, deep sobs tearing at his chest.

Flaming Arrow just held him tightly and gently rubbed his back, not knowing what else he could do.

Jason sat in their bed, his back resting against the headboard as he waited for Eric to join him. Suddenly the lights went out and then Eric slid into the bed beside Jason, snuggling up against Jason's hard body.

"Why did you turn out the know how I love to watch you undressing," Jason asked, lowering himself down into the warmth of the bed and pulling Eric to him.

"I just wanted to try lovemaking in the dark babe," Eric lied, knowing that no matter how hard he tried; makeup could not hide the mark on his neck.

"But you know how much your nakedness turns me on Eric," Jason said as he reached over to the lamp beside the bed and switched it on.

Eric hurriedly pulled Jason to him, kissing him heatedly. When they broke their kiss, Eric moved Jason to his neck and sighed, feeling the heat of Jason's lips as he sucked on the very spot that Gary had left his mark on.

Sitting up and gazing down at Eric, Jason ran his fingers over the mark that he'd just made. "I'm afraid that you'll have to go to makeup tomorrow babe, for I left my mark on your neck."

"I don't mind your mark darling," Eric sighed softly with relief. "It just shows that I am loved," he added, relaxing as Jason began his lovemaking to Eric's body with his tongue.

Jason's hands cradled Eric's face as he showered his face with soft kisses over his brow...his cheeks and then finally meeting his lips with an all consuming kiss.

His hand grazed over Eric's chest and as his palm moved softly over a nipple, the mere touch of it caused the nipple to harden. He lowered his mouth to the sensitive nub and ran his tongue around it, teasing it before he began to gently nibble it.

"Yes... oh fuck yes," Eric cried out, holding Jason's mouth to his taut nipple while Jason's hand worked Eric's other nipple to hardness.

As he trailed kisses over to the other nipple, Jason's lips teased the sensitive nub where his fingers had pinched. He suckled it hard, nibbling it even harder, and when Eric had succumbed to the erotic pleasure of it, he cried out when he could no longer take it anymore.

Eric felt Jason's lips as they moved downward, leaving a trail of fire behind them. Eric's head was thrashing left and right with ecstasy as Jason paid homage to his husband's muscular body. His tongue was like a torch, leaving Eric on fire wherever his tongue touched.

Eric gasped hard when the heat and wetness of Jason's mouth surrounded his manhood and eased its warmth down his shaft, and sighed when he felt Jason's nose resting in his soft curls that surrounded his sex.

"Oh God Jason... what you are doing to me is pure sin," Eric cried out while Jason moved slowly up and down on Eric's throbbing length.

Jason sucked hard but slowly, savoring Eric's taste and when he had Eric in a state of ecstasy, he thrust a finger deep into Eric's ass. Eric's climax erupted almost as quickly as Jason's finger had invaded, spewing its elixir into Jason's mouth. Eric's hips thrust upward fast, feeding his cock and seed into Jason's throat.

"More...oh fuck I can't stop coming," Eric yelled as he held tightly to Jason's head, heaving upward until his seed was spent.

Jason spit Eric's seed into his palm and gingerly rubbed on his own cock before thrusting it deep into Eric's heat. Eric's eyes closed and his hips rose upward as he sought to gain more of Jason's cock inside him.

"I love you darling," Jason whispered, his cock fully impaling Eric.

"I love you Jason... oh God there are no words to express how much I love you," he cried, tears rolling down his cheek, causing Jason to stop mid stroke and gaze down at him.

"Tears... but why are you crying," he asked, fearing that he had maybe hurt Eric with the voracity of his entrance. "Did I hurt you sweetheart," he asked, Eric only shook his head, unable to tell him that it was guilt that was causing his tears.

"I am so much in love with you Jason," he said and pulled Jason's mouth to his in a kiss of heated fury.

Jason's thrusts became urgent as he kissed his husband just as urgently. Their bodies rose and fell in unison as Jason's cock quickly took them to paradise.

"That was the best fuck we have ever had," Jason said panting and his heart pounding as he lay on his back beside Eric.

Eric just cuddled closer and cried, alarming Jason by his odd behavior.

"Eric... why are you still crying," Jason asked, placing his hand below Eric's chin and lifting his head up so their eyes could meet. "Why?"

"Oh Jason you are going to hate me," Eric blurted out as the shame and guilt of what had happened earlier in Gary's office overwhelmed him.

"I won't hate you darling, why would you ever think such a thing," Jason asked.

"Gary raped me today in his office when I went for the casting call," Eric confessed and turning his eyes from Jason's.

"He what?" an angry Jason asked, rising from the bed to look down at Eric.

Eric knew that he had to tell Jason everything or else he would never be able to live with himself. So he told Jason every word, threat and even what Gary had done to him.

"Do you hate me Jason... oh God please don't hate me," Eric begged, now kneeling at Jason's feet.

Jason pulled Eric to his feet and embraced him tightly, kissing away each tear that he found.

"Hate you; do you think me to be that shallow, Eric?" Eric shook his head softly. "I love you sweetheart, you weren't at fault for what that man did to you?" he added.

"But I should have told you when it happened babe, but I was too ashamed," he said and then went quiet again. "I even led your mouth to my neck, hoping that your mark would cover the one that Gary had made.

"Is that why you chose to close the lights?" again, Eric nodded. "Yes Eric, you should have told me earlier, but I do understand why you didn't," he said comfortingly and kissing Eric's face softly, while anger grew in his heart toward Gary.

"He is expecting me to come back tomorrow or else he'll leak it out to the press that we are lovers."

Jason thought about what Eric had said and then he got a rather sadistic smile, a smile that told Eric that he really didn't want to know what Jason was thinking.

"I want you to keep that appointment tomorrow babe and act as if you were happy to be there with Gary," Jason said, sliding into the bed next to Eric.

"Are you insane... he'll rape my ass for sure," Eric said, so disappointed with Jason's suggestion.

"No babe, I am not insane," he said and then told Eric of his plan to put the shoe on the other foot.

Eric smiled and snuggled in closer to Jason, pulling his husband on top of him.

"You do know babe," Jason began, staring down into Eric's eyes. "You will have to go as far as letting Gary fuck you some," Eric's eyes grew as large as a saucer when Jason had said this.

"Now I know you are insane, because there is no way I want that man to fuck me again," he shouted, squirming to get out from under Jason.

"Listen to me babe, this is the only way that you'll get your revenge," Jason said, parting Eric's legs with his knee and sliding his manhood into him.

"You don't fight fair babe... how I can argue with you when you have your cock in me, is beyond comprehension," he said, lifting to meet Jason's thrusts while Jason nibbled on his ear.

"Shhhh, make love not arguments sweetheart," Jason whispered and then took Eric's mouth captive.

Then next day, precisely as two o'clock, Eric walked into Gary's outer office. He found it strange that Linda was not at her desk and that Gary's office door was opened.

"Just come right in Eric, I have been expecting you," Gary called out from his own office.

Eric walked into the room and found Gary lying naked on the sofa, sipping a glass of wine.

"You seem to be pretty sure that I was going to come," Eric said, standing just inside the office door.

"I knew you would come Eric, because you wouldn't want your precious Jason's reputation blown all to hell," Gary smugly said. "Now close the door and get those clothes off," he demanded.

Eric closed the door and reluctantly began to strip off his clothes.

"Slowly... remove them slowly, I want you to seduce me as you remove them," Gary ordered.

Eric rolled his eyes, "this had better work," he thought as he began to seductively remove his clothes, imagining that it was Jason lying on the sofa and not Gary.

"Damn, you certainly missed your calling handsome," Gary said, moving to a sitting position on the sofa. "You should have gone into burlesque," he added, motioning with his hands for Eric to come closer. "I don't usually do this, but for you I am making an exception," he said and lowered his mouth down to Eric's cock, swallowing it until his nose rested in the soft curls that surrounded it.

Suddenly the office door flew open and a photographer started snapping pictures of Eric and Gary. Eric held Gary to his groin so that the photographer could get a clear shot.

Gary shoved Eric from him and got up from the sofa, but stumbled over Eric's foot as he tried to run after the photographer.

"You are sick Gary... fucking sick," an enraged Eric said. "Isn't it bad enough that you blackmailed me into having sex with you, but now you wanted photos of us doing it," he yelled.

"Photos of us having sex... are you insane? I had nothing to do with that man or with him being here," Gary shouted as he grabbed for his pants.

"Then who else would knew that you and I would be here doing this?"

"I haven't a clue, I thought that you had something to do with it," Gary said, looking closely at Eric, to see if he were lying.

"Also, where is Linda today, huh... she is always at her desk and today of all days she's not," Eric asked, fully dressed, his hands fisted and resting on his hips.

"I gave her the afternoon off, besides, she is too dumb to think of something like this," he shouted, worried now what would become of the photos.

"I am done here Gary, not only with your blackmailing schemes, but also with doing a film with your studio," Eric said, pausing at the door and then slamming the door behind him and smiling as he left.

"Don't be so fast there sweetie, for you and I had an agreement," Gary said angrily. "I still can destroy Jason and your career, now get that sweet ass of yours back in here," he demanded.

Eric knew that Gary still held the cards that could destroy him and also Jason, so he reluctantly closed the door. Eric was about to strip when a knock on Gary's door caused him to stop and Gary to hurriedly dress.

"You just stay right where you are and let me take care of whoever is knocking," Gary ordered as he walked to his office door.

When Gary opened the door his mouth dropped in surprise...

To be continued...

Comments at are much appreciated. Daniel

Next: Chapter 10

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