The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Sep 1, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

Edited by

Jim Running Bear

Chapter Eight

List of characters:

Strong Bear 60 Chief

Yellow Hawk 40s Strong Bear's husband

Hawk aka Thomas Hawk 33 Strong Bear's son

Shadow aka Trevor Spenser 33 Twin brothers to Hawk

Flaming Arrow aka Clark 31 Married to Hawk

Moon Shadow aka Jason 16 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Captain Bradley Anderson 38 Army doctor

Kevin Hawkins 18 the man that Jason loves

Previously in chapter seven:

Now healed from his ordeal with Jacob, Kevin stood looking out of his bedroom window, thinking. It had been several weeks since the kiss that Jason had given him and Jason had confessed that he loved Kevin.

He had gone back to his father's house to recover, and more importantly to think. Although he knew that he was falling in love with Jason, he also knew that it could never work out between them.

Kevin's father hated Indians and Jason was definitely an Indian, his hair, eyes and skin spoke of it, so how would he ever explain Jason to his father. A soft knock on the door caused Kevin to turn... "Come in," he said thinking it to be Clara, his personal maid and when he turned, his face lit up when Jason stepped into the room.

"Jason... what are you doing here?" he asked, stunned to see the handsome young man standing there and smiling at him, with two dozen red roses in his hand.

Now chapter eight:

Jason had tried telephoning Kevin, but Kevin never took his call nor would he return it. So now here he was, in person, standing in Kevin's bedroom, roses in his hand and his heart pounding in anticipation of his answer to the question he was going to ask him.

"Did anyone see you except for the butler," Kevin asked, worried that his father might have seen him.

"No, but damn it Kevin... I have tried calling you everyday and you can't be bothered to take my calls, or for that matter, return them... why?" he said angrily, ignoring Kevin's question.

"Are those for me, Jason," Kevin asked of the flowers, hoping to avoid answering Jason's question.

"Yes Kevin, I bought them for you, hoping that you would at least see me and give me the answers that I need," Jason said, now standing before Kevin and thrusting the roses into his hands.

As Kevin took the roses into his hands, a thorn dug deep into a finger, causing it to bleed. Seeing the blood on Kevin's forefinger, Jason raised Kevin's hand up and took the bleeding finger into his mouth. He gently wiped away the blood with his tongue before sucking gently on it.

Kevin quickly pulled his hand away, having felt a surge of excitement rise from deep within him from the wet warmth of Jason's mouth.

"You must go Jason, before... come, I shall sneak you out," Kevin said, as panic rose through him, knowing that at any minute, his father could step into his room.

"Before what, Kevin... are you ashamed of me?" Jason asked, seeing the redness of a blush, flushing its deep redness on Kevin's cheeks.

"Noooo, but..." he paused, wondering just how to say it. "It's my father, he hates the sight of all Indians," he blurted out, reddening again.

"And what about you, Kevin, does my skin color offend you? Is that why you have avoided my calls?" Jason's patience was growing thin with Kevin's avoidance of his questions.

"Never Jason... how could you even think that I would be ashamed of you or of you being an Indian," Kevin quickly responded, raising a hand to Jason's face and softly caressing it. "I..." he turned away, afraid to say the three words that expressed what he was feeling in his heart.

"What Kevin... I love you, is that what you are feeling so difficult to say?"

Kevin turned to face Jason, Jason's eyes... his lips, they spoke of feelings that even Jason was hiding.

"I love you Jason... oh God how I have fallen in love with you, but its my father, he'll never accept you, not even as a friend of mine," he said and when Jason embraced him, he wrapped his arms about Jason's neck and leaned forward, the two of them joined in a kiss that even stole their very breath away.

Suddenly pulling apart, "Kevin, who on earth are you talking to?" his father asked from the other side of his bedroom door.

"Ahhhh... no one father...I'm just talking to myself," Kevin lied and his father only grunted as he moved on. "How am I going to get you out of here?" He whispered to Jason.

Jason felt like trash under the glare of Kevin's eyes as he looked at him.

"Do not worry Kevin, I got myself into your house and life, I will find my way out," he snarled and moved to the French doors that led onto a balcony.

Kevin was at a loss for words, having felt the sting of Jason's bitterness that filled his words, and before he could reply, Jason was on the balcony. Kevin hurried to the door and before he could speak of how he truly felt, Jason was over the railing and moving down the trellis. Standing on the balcony and leaning over the railing, Kevin watched as Jason stealthily moved across the large expanse of lawn and disappeared into a thick stand of oaks.

"He hates me," Kevin turned and went back into his bedroom, where he threw himself across his bed and cried.

"Damn it boy, why must you behave like such a sissy," he father growled when he burst into the bedroom, having heard Kevin's sobs.

"I'm sorry father... I was in pain," Kevin lied, sitting up and wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.

"Toughen up boy and become a man, you infuriate me with your feminine behavior," he shouted and left the room angrily, slamming the door behind him.

Kevin buried his face into his pillows and cried again. He knew that his father disliked him, or was it that he only tolerated him he thought. Even though Kevin was eighteen and a man, his physique resembled that of a woman more than a man, for it was sleek and slender and had no real hint of muscle.

Kevin rose from his bed and went to stand before his full length mirror. He took in the sight of his body, with its slender waist and hips, and arms that seem void of muscles.

"You are more woman than man in appearance," he whispered, hating the sight of his body.

Jason moved along the streets of Alexandria, his anger still urging him on. He was now in the seedier part of the city, where saloons and even a brothel were common place among its buildings.

Jason gazed up at the balconies that ran around the second floor level and was shocked when he saw a handsome boy gazing down at him, a smile coursed across the boy's lips.

His golden blond curls seemed to frame a face that held the deepest blue eyes that Jason had ever seen, and lips, plump and full, that whispered sensuousness.

"Want a good time handsome," the boy called down to Jason, urging Jason to come inside.

Jason looked for several moments at the blond haired boy with the ice blue eyes and decided that he needed a diversion from his anger, so he nodded and stepped inside.

Jason looked around the room; it was boldly decorated with gold and red wallpaper and had a gaudy chandelier hanging in the center of the room.

"Hello, I'm Eric," the boy said, coming up to Jason and wrapping his arms about Jason's waist, pulling him into a warm embrace.

"Jason," he replied and pulled away from the scantily clad boy.

Eric wore a weird kind of pants that had been cut off at the legs, allowing all of his slender legs to show. They were tightly fitting, hugging his hard, round ass and accenting his manhood.

"How can I help you young man," a large black woman with bleached blond hair asked, evidently the proprietor of this brothel. "Run along Eric, the gentleman evidently prefers a young lady," she growled, dismissing Eric with the wave of her hand.

Eric looked into Jason's eyes, as if pleading with him with his own eyes to be the one that Jason desired.

"No ma'am, Eric will do just fine," Jason adamantly said, and almost laughed when her face showed her surprise.

"Very well... but I will nevah understand why a man would desire sex with a boy. That'll be ten dollars for an hour with Eric," she was quick to demand, holding out her hand as Jason dug into his front pocket for the cash. He crossed her palm with two five dollar bills and when Eric took him by the hand, Jason willingly followed.

"I will make your every fantasy come true, Jason," Eric whispered once he had closed and locked the door, stepping over to a table and turning an hour glass over to measure out the hour that had been secured by Jason.

Eric wasted no time as his fingers hurried Jason from his clothes. Standing back to see what Jason had to offer him, Eric let his eyes roam seductively over Jason's body, taking in his broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs and an abdomen that rippled with more muscles than Eric had ever seen on a man. When his eyes fell upon Jason's manhood, which hung flaccid down his leg, he gasped, when he saw the length and girth of the boy's manhood.

"My word Jason, do all Indians have such a manhood?" Eric asked, lifting Jason's cock with a hand and when he wrapped his fingers firmly around it, he began gently stoking it to its full glory of ten inches.

"Most do, so show me what you can do with such a thing as this," Jason mused, as his cock reached its full glory.

Eric smiled and dropped to his knees before Jason, taking his cock into his hand and gently running his tongue around the bulbous head. Jason's head flew back, and his eyes closed in ecstasy when Eric wrapped his lips around his manhood and slowly descended its length.

"Damn... damn Eric, your mouth is so magical," Jason moaned, running his fingers through the golden locks of the boy. "How old are you Eric," he asked.

Eric moved away from Jason's manhood long enough to say fifteen, and then resumed sucking. Jason used his hands on Eric's head to gingerly glide him up and down his shaft until he felt the longings of release approaching.

Stepping away from the boy, Jason helped him up from his knees, and by the hand, Jason led him to the bed. Eric wrapped his arms around Jason's neck and kissed him heatedly, before he laid his slender young body, stomach down, on the bed. Lifting his hard round ass upward to entice Jason, Eric watched as Jason climbed onto the bed.

"Damn... you really get down to business," Jason said as he climbed on top of Eric, resting his harden length against the softness of the boy's ass and his hairless chest against the boy's back.

"You've paid for an hour of pleasure, so I'm making sure that you get every minute of it so that you will return to me," Eric said over his shoulder.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jason knelt up between Eric's spread legs and once he had placed the head of his cock to Eric's rosebud, gave a hard thrust inward, burying his cock fully inside of Eric's love tunnel.

Eric gasped and buried his face into a pillow when he was impaled fully by the throbbing hardness of Jason's manhood. The pain was the worse pain that Eric had ever felt, because Jason was the first man that Eric had given himself to.

Jason heard the painful gasp as it escaped from Eric, and it tore at his heart to have been the one to cause the boy such pain.

"I'm sorry Eric, but I just thought that you were accustomed to having a cock in you," Jason said apologetically.

"Truthfully Jason, you are my first," he said over his shoulders with tears flooding his eyes. "Now enjoy yourself handsome," he added, turning back to the pillow and burying his face into it.

"I cannot," Jason said, pulling his sex from the boy's ass and rising from the bed to stand looking down at Eric. "Why didn't you tell me that I was your first, Eric," he asked, once Eric had turned to face him.

"Would it have really mattered?" he asked, rising to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Yes it would have mattered, I am not some evil person that takes great pleasure from the pain of others," Jason said, sitting down beside Eric and placing an arm about the boy's waist, pulling him snuggly to him. "Why are you even here doing this Eric?"

"I've got to survive and Josephine was the only person that would hire me," he told him, referring to the madam. "Now before you time runs out, come Jason and find heaven with me and my body," he added, lying back down on the bed.

"No Eric I can't... I will not be the cause of your pain," Jason said adamantly and went over to his clothes.

He pulled his breeches on and as he fastened them, Eric placed his hands on the waistband and eased Jason's breeches down again, falling along with them to his knees.

"Please don't Eric, do not degrade yourself in such a way. Not for me," Jason said, easing the boy to his feet.

"You've paid your ten dollars for my body, I must see that you get the pleasure that you paid for," he said, and when he began to ease again to his knees, Jason stopped him.

"I have well over thirty minutes left, so let's talk, handsome," Jason said, stepping from his breeches and lying beside Eric on the bed.

Lying face to face, Jason ran his fingers through that softness of Eric's golden hair and when they came to the nape of Eric's neck, he pulled the boy's lips to his in a tenderly long kiss, feeling warmth surrounding his heart as their kiss deepened.

"Wow, no one has ever kissed me like that," Eric said tenderly, his eyes began filling with tears as he looked into the midnight black of Jason's.

"No one has ever touched my heart as you just have," Jason purred against Eric's lips. "Now tell me why you are here?" he said tenderly, yet forcefully.

"My mother died two weeks ago, and never having known my pa, I was left to fend for myself. I tried place after place, looking for work, but it was always the same, I was either to young or had no experience. So when I met this girl at a market that I was stealing some fruit from, she urged me to come back here with her and work for Miss Josephine," he confessed, brushing a stray lock of hair from Jason's brow. "Do you know how sinfully handsome you are, Jason?" he asked, leaning back some to take a full look at his face.

"Thank you, but I'm not really all that," Jason said, blushing and turning onto his back, wondering about Eric, and also comparing him to Kevin.

Jason gasped, when Eric straddled him, and after reaching back to stroke Jason's cock back to its full glory, he eased his ass down around it. Now fully impaled and with the pain, minimal, Eric slowly lifted, descended again and once he was accustomed to the fullness of Jason's cock in him, found a rhythm as he rode Jason's manhood.

Their eyes locked and held, Jason's hands gently holding Eric's hips as the boy made love with him. Never did Jason feel such pleasure... such heat within him, as he was feeling here with Eric.

Feeling his need close, Jason pulled Eric down on him, rolled them over and when Jason was now atop Eric, lifted the boy's legs and began fucking him earnestly. Eric met Jason, thrust for thrust, his lithe hips lifting as Jason pounded his sex deeper and with more urgency into him.

"I'm close Eric... do I pull out or stay," Jason asked, feeling his edge approaching rapidly.

"Stay and fill me with your love seeds," Eric moaned and then rose to meet Jason's lips in a heated kiss.

Breaking their kiss, Jason rose up and began pounding deep and hard into Eric's heat, filling the boy's love canal with his seeds.

"Aaaagggghhhhh fuck... ride me... take that cock baby," Jason crowed, pummeling deeper and faster as his seeds spewed forth, with Eric riding Jason's cock with all he was worth.

Gasping and their hearts pounding, Jason pulled his shrinking manhood from Eric and fell on the bed beside him, their fingers entwined together, panting for breath.

"I am glad that my first man sexually was you, Jason," Eric gasped out, as he too struggled for normalcy in his breathing.

"Well I have a confession to make Eric, you were my first also," he admitted, causing Eric to turn to him, his chest resting against Jason's as their eyes met.

"Truly Jason... I was also your first?" Eric asked as he gazed into Jason's eyes.

"Yes handsome, we were each other's first," he replied and then grew silent when the truth of what Eric was, hit him.

Jason was not bothered so much that his first time had been with a male whore, but more so by what Eric would have to endure once Jason left, at the hands of other men, that may not be as tender as he was.

"Did I not please you?" Eric worried when he saw how Jason's face suddenly turned serious.

Jason turned to gaze into the beauty of Eric's eyes, running a hand softly, caressing his cheek, and opening his heart to this boy.

"Please me... Eric you more than pleased me," Jason purred, pulling Eric to him in a kiss. "Now, why didn't you spew your seeds?" he asked, breaking the tenderness of the moment.

"I held them back and concentrated on pleasuring only you, Jason," he said and looked strangely at Jason when he rose and knelt between Eric's legs.

Thinking that Jason wanted another round of lovemaking before his hour was up, Eric spread his legs to give room to Jason. But when Jason lowered his face toward Eric's manhood, Eric pushed him away.

"What are you doing Jason," Eric asked, he knew what he was doing but he didn't know why.

"It's my turn to pleasure you," Jason said, knowing that once his hour was up, Eric would be leaving with him.

"I can't Eric, you are a gentleman and I am but a whore," he said and Jason could hear the shame in Eric's voice. "It would not be right for someone like you to pleasure someone as lowly as me."

"Damn it Eric, I am going to do this whether or not you like it, and once my hour is up, you are coming home to live with me," he said adamantly, shocking Eric by the demand... and by the insistence of his statement. "Now damn it Eric, make love to me," Jason said, rolling them over until Eric was now on top of Jason.

Jason lifted his legs in surrender to what would be his first time for having a man... or for that matter anything inside him, and he wanted it to be Eric. Eric knew that Jason meant what he said and after stroking his cock to hardness, Eric eased it into Jason's ass.

"Wait... oh fuck it hurts," Jason gasped, feeling the surging of extreme pain when the head breached his anal ring. "Did it hurt this much for you?" he asked and Eric nodded.

"Oh God Jason... I'll pull it out because it is not right that you should be feeling pain when you paid for pleasure," Eric cried and when he started to pull away, Jason dug his fingers into the flesh of Eric's ass, pulling his tightly to him and burying Eric's sex deeply in him. "Oh fuck... yes... yes, fuck me," Jason said, pretending pleasure when all along he was feeling pain.

"Truly... you wish me to fuck you?" Eric asked, looking down at Jason.

"No Eric, do not fuck me, but make love to me as if you loved me, because I am falling in love with you," Jason confessed and no longer wanting Kevin, as he pulled Eric's mouth to his in a kiss that was deep and all consuming.

Eric too felt the twang of Cupid's arrow as it pieced his heart for Jason, and began slow, rhythmic strokes into the soft tightness of Jason's sheath, which surrounded his length with warmth.

Soon the two were rocking and moving in unison as their bodies took them to paradise within each other's arms, their joint climaxes totally overwhelming them.

Clinging and panting from the afterglow of their lovemaking, Eric's cheek rested against Jason's.

"I love you Jason," he softly whispered, his breath tickling Jason's ear, and Jason tightened his hold on Eric.

"I love you also, Eric, come live with me," he urged, his voice thick with desire.

"And you would not be ashamed of having a whore as your mate?" Eric asked, lifting up so that he could study the truth of Jason's answer in his eyes.

"A whore... you have never been a whore, Eric. And why would I be ashamed, because we are each other's first," he reasoned and when Eric saw not only the truth of Jason's words in his eyes, but also the love that was growing within his heart, he lowered his face into the crook of Jason's neck and cried.

Jason pushed Eric, partially away and framed the boy's face with his hands, showering his face with a frenzy of kisses.

"No one has ever treated me as tenderly and with such respect as you have, Jason," Eric admitted.

"No one has ever touched my heart as you have, and you are so deserving of so much more darling," he softly said, kissing Eric tenderly. "So does this mean yes, that you will come and be my mate?" Eric could only nod, fearing that if he spoke, he'd wake up and discover that this was just a dream.

When Jason and Eric approached the front steps of the mansion that Jason now lived at, Eric stopped and stepped back.

"Tell me that you are but a worker here and that this is not your home?" Eric said, as he gazed at the splendor of the Victorian mansion.

"Well it's not really mine, but it does belong to my father and his brother," Jason admitted.

"Then they will not allow you to bring a whore as your mate into such a beautiful place as this," again Jason cringed at how belittling Eric was of himself.

"I am the only one that lives here, well except for the staff, and if I ever hear you referring to you as a whore, I'll horse whip you," he said sternly as he looked determinedly into Eric's eyes.

"I'm sorry Jason, really I am. But you must understand that it was as a whore when you met me. No one, not even when my mother was alive, did anyone ever look at us but as white trash."

Jason's heart was aching over how anyone could treat this beautiful boy as anything but the treasure that he was.

"I am so going to make you into what you deserve to be, a fine gentleman of worth and prominent standing in the community," Jason told him. "Now when it comes to being degraded and held by others as worthless, I too know the pain of it. I am Choctaw Indian, my father is Choctaw and my mother was white, but as a breed, I too know the pain of words that whites can bestow on ones that they deem less."

Jason pulled Eric close and as he gazed into the deep blue depths of Eric's eyes, he became lost.

"Now that you know of my ancestry, does it bother you that I am not wholly white but also Choctaw?" he asked, and now it was Jason's turn to judge the truth of Eric's answer in the boy's eyes.

"I don't care what you are Jason, your heart is what shows through to me, and no one can be as gentle and caring as you have been to me, my handsome Choctaw warrior."

Standing on the front porch, they joined together in a kiss, and when a sudden clearing of one's throat was heard, they quickly separated.

"Kevin... whatever are you doing here?" Jason asked, seeing Kevin looking at him with discuss in his eyes.

"I might ask you the same about him," Kevin bitterly said.

"This is Eric... my boyfriend," Jason said, wrapping an arm about Eric's waist and pulling his body closer to him.

Kevin felt the pangs of jealousy as his eyes took in how possessively Jason was holding this... this Eric. He had recognized Eric, remembering him as his father's gardener and Eric had recognized Kevin, as the spoiled brat that kept trying to sexually seduce him.

"Do you have any idea as to who this... this trash is? He was my father's gardener, and I might add, not a good one at that, because my father discharged him," he lied, knowing that it was his unwanted advances toward Eric that had caused Eric to quit. "Why he's probably a thief also... why just look at him Jason, surely even you can see how pitifully worthless he is."

"Even I' Kevin, what do you mean by even you can see'?" he asked, still holding Eric who had remained quiet as he wished that he was anywhere else but here at the moment.

"Well come on Jason, after all you are an Indian and not accustomed to wealth, much less knowing what is right and wrong when it comes to breeding, being a half breed yourself."

"A snob... you are nothing but a snob, Kevin, and I feel nothing but pity for you," Jason angrily said, releasing his hold on Eric and stepping forward to place his face but a breath away from Kevin's. "Now kindly remove your worthless skinny ass from my father's property," he shouted, stepping even closer to his face.

"I may not always agree with my father, but this time I will, because he was right when he said... `that the only good Indian was a dead one'," he added before turning away.

Jason grabbed Kevin by the wrist and turned him angrily to face him.

"You have no idea how I am regretting now having saved your skinny white backside from the clutches of Jacob," Jason laughed when he saw how his words had deeply hurt Kevin. "I should have stood there hidden and watched him rape you over and over, because you truly deserved it," he adamantly said, causing even himself to flinch at the bitterness of his words.

Kevin was at a loss for words as he stood there momentarily looking at Jason before rushing away as tears rolled down his face.

"I'm sorry Kevin," Jason blurted out as he stepped down a few stairs after him.

"I'll just say goodbye and leave." Eric said, extending his hand toward Jason so that he could shake it in thanks before leaving.

"Why Eric... why are you leaving me?" Jason asked, fearing that somehow he had done something to gravely hurt the boy. "Whatever I did that has offended you, I am so sorry. Please don't leave me."

"I must Jason, because if I were to stay, you would always be defending me and your decision to take me as your mate. It's bad enough that people look at me as white trash, but just imagine how they would react to learn that we are lovers also."

Jason grabbed the extended hand by the wrist and pulled Eric through the front door and slammed it closed once they were inside. He marched heatedly into the parlor and thrust Eric into a chair.

"Now you listen to me mister, because this is the last time that I am going to say this," he shouted and didn't bother looking at Bessie when she stepped into the room.

Her attention was drawn by the slamming of the door, but she could tell that she had stumbled into something that did not concern her. She quietly tried to back out of the room, but Jason turned and glowered at her, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Miss Bessie, take a seat please," he said and the woman came and sat on the sofa.

He drew a deep breath and looked from Eric to Bessie and then back to Eric before he continued.

"All my life I have had to deal with the prejudice of white people that saw only my skin color and never my worth and it taught me one thing," he began and saw how uncomfortable, Bessie was. "I know that you know what I am saying is true, Miss Bessie, because you also dealt with it. But what I am saying here is this," and he fell to one knee before Eric, took his hand in his and looked up with glossy eyes into Eric's.

The silence before Jason resumed speaking was deafening.

"Eric, I do not care if you are the world's richest man or it's poorest, I love you and if you can accept this humble Choctaw warrior's love, I would be honored if you would be my husband," he said tenderly, and smiled when Bessie placed a hand to her mouth, knowing that she too accepted him.

Eric looked down at this handsome man that was kneeling before him with great humbleness and nodded, before lunging into Jason's arms, their mouths meeting in a frenzy of kisses.

"Miss Bessie will leave yous young lovers to your devices," she said chuckling as he slowly walked away, knowing that she would rather work her life away for Jason, than live freely anywhere else.

"I am honored Jason that you asked me to marry you, but even you must know that it could never be. Two men are just not allowed to marry each other, no more than a white man can marry woman of a different race," he said.

Jason knew that Eric was not trying to leave him, but that he was stating fact as it was in the white community.

"I know what you say is true darling, but amongst the Indians of this nation, we have what is called two spirits, and those of us that are of two spirits do marry and live as husbands or as wives, if the two be women." Jason explained, watching Eric's reaction as his words sank in.

Again, Jason knelt on one knee and placed Eric's hand in his as he re-asked his question. "Would you darling, would you marry me and forsake all others but me, as I will also?"

"Oh Jason yes...yes, yes, I will marry you," he said happily, tears flowing down his cheeks as their lips met in a kiss. "I love you Jason and I too pledge my love and fidelity to you," he vowed.

"Then I pronounce you husbands," a voice said from the shadows, and when the two boys turned, there was Hawk and Shadow smiling at them.

"Father... Uncle Hawk," Jason shouted and rushed into Shadow's arms, embracing him. "Why didn't you wire me and tell me that you were coming," he asked, now hugging Hawk.

"And miss my son proposing to such a handsome one as this man is," Shadow asked, walking with his arm around Jason's shoulder. "Now introduce my new son to us," he added, causing Eric to blush.

"Father, Uncle Hawk, this is Eric, my intended," he said and Eric gasped when Shadow pulled the boy into his arms.

"Welcome, Eric, to our family," Shadow said, kissing the boy on the lips as even Jason had kissed Eric.

"Father... what is this?" Jason asked, wondering why his father, who he knew to love but women, would be kissing his lover in such a way.

"My son, much has changed for your father since you suddenly disappeared from our village," Shadow said, reaching out a hand and Jason gasped when Brad stepped forward and took Shadow's hand in his. "This is Brad and he is now my husband," he proudly said, looking into Brad's eyes with much love.

"Really father... you have taken a man as your mate?"

"Ay-uh my son, but does it bother you that I have taken another to fill my heart, after having loved your mother for so long?"

"No father, my only wish has always been for your happiness, and if it's this man that makes you happy, well then I am happy also."

"What about your uncle, don't I get a hug," Hawk asked, pulling Jason into his arms and warmly hugging the boy.

Hawk pulled Eric into his arms and gave him a kiss as Shadow had done. He even thrust his tongue deep into the boy's mouth as his hands gently squeezed Eric's ass, causing Eric to blush profusely.

"Hey, hey, Uncle Hawk, just remember that he's mine," Jason said, pulling Eric away from Hawk and into his arms. "Now what about you Uncle Hawk, because when I left our village, you and Brad were going to be married?"

"Flaming Arrow and I are going to be re-married. I determined that my heart still loved him," he said and turned with sad eyes toward Brad,

"I'm all right with your decision Hawk, for I got two men in one," Brad said happily, turning his gaze upon Shadow. "I got a man just as handsome as you and one that loves me completely," he added.

"Surely you are not taking me just because Hawk and I are identical?" Shadow asked, pouting his lip.

"Identical babe, hell you are much greater endowed then Hawk is," he whispered so that only he would hear.

"What was that that you whispered to my brother," Hawk asked, now wishing to hear his answer to Shadow's question.

"Nothing that concerns you Hawk, it is something that is to stay between this handsome warrior and me," he replied as Flaming Arrow came noisily into the room, chased by Bessie and her broom.

"Will you tell this mad woman that I belong here... someone please," Flaming Arrow shouted, cowering behind Hawk.

"It's fine Miss Bessie... he's my uncle," Jason said, and the room erupted into laughter when Bessie stood stoically with her hands on her hips.

"Then why didn't you's just says so," she remarked at Flaming Arrow before stomping off, again they all burst out in laughter.

To be continued...

This felt like the best place to end this chapter. I would love to hear from you, your comments at  HYPERLINK ""

Thank you and I do hope that you are enjoying my story. Daniel

Next: Chapter 9

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