The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Aug 19, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

Edited by

Jim Running Bear

Chapter Five

List of characters:

Strong Bear 50s Chief

Yellow Hawk 40s Strong Bear's husband

Hawk aka Thomas Hawk 31 Strong Bear's son

Shadow aka Trevor Spenser 31 Twin brothers to Hawk

Jacob Mathews 28 Secretary to Kyle and also his lover

Flaming Arrow aka Clark 29 Married to Hawk

Moon Dancing aka Rebecca 29 Married to Shadow

Moon Shadow aka Jason 14 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Captain Bradley Anderson 36 Army doctor

Previously in chapter four:

Almost half way across the Atlantic, Hawk and Brad stood side by side, almost touching at the deck's rail and gazed out at the water. The way that the moon's light danced upon the waves captivated the two lovers.

"What a perfect night for making love," Brad whispered, being careful that others that stood close by would not hear him.

"Yes my love, it is perfect," Hawk softly replied, wondering silently if Flaming Arrow was also gazing at the moon, his mind lingering on Flaming Arrow.

The moon was full and the night unusually warm for this time of year. The water seemed as smooth as glass with a gentle breeze blowing softly over it. Hawk's mind reminisced to a time such as this, when he and Flaming Arrow had made love beside a river, when such a moon had cast its glow over the water and onto the entwined bodies of the two lovers.

"Hawk...did you hear what I asked," pulling Hawk back from his thoughts.

"No darling I didn't," he replied. "What did you ask?"

"I asked if you wanted to make love again," he said repeating his question and still noticing a far away look in Hawk's eyes. Where were you Hawk, for although your eyes look at me, they do not see me, but see another place or someone?"

"Don't be silly Brad, my eyes are only for you," he said softly, wishing that he believed his own words that he was speaking.

He still loved Flaming Arrow and always would, but knowing that Flaming Arrow, now remembering him and their love, it made doubt his relationship with Brad. He also loved Brad, he had grown to care for and then fall in love with the man. Oh, what am I going to do about them, he asked himself.

"Go on ahead and prepare for love making, I will be along shortly," he said, turning to gaze back out over the water.

"Don't be long babe, you do know how cold I get when I don't have you beside me to keep me warm," Brad whispered into Hawk's ear before leaving.

Brad got to the door that led inside and paused, looking over at Hawk, he wondered... wondered if he had already lost the man that he loved, not aware of the two sets of eyes that had been watching Hawk and Brad from the shadows. Brad sighed and left Hawk standing alone as he hurried on to their room.

Troy and Mike stepped from the shadows and followed Brad, hoping to finish what he had left undone back in Virginia.

"But Troy... he's a captain and if we get caught, they'll hang us for sure," Mike said, fearing being caught, but worse, the consequences.

"I am not getting caught and besides, I hate Thomas Hawk. The captain may not be the same man that we caught Hawk fucking that night, but he's as guilty for being a homosexual. Now move it before someone catches us.

Now chapter five:

Moon Dancing and Shadow rode along the river as they headed into Fort Powell for provisions and to see when the troops would be arriving back home. Ever since America had declared war on Germany, the fort was run by civilians... and not the most savory of them.

"Do you have much to buy today, sweetheart," Shadow asked when the fort came into view.

"Not much, but I do want to buy some cloth so that I can make a new dress for me and a shirt for you," she said smiling warmly at him.

"I do miss the clothes of the white people, they did feel softer and less restricting," he said as they pulled their horses to a stop before the general store.

Getting down and tying both of their horses to a rail, Shadow reached up, placed his hands about her waist, and helped her to the ground.

Moon Dancing slowly walked up and down each aisle, taking in everything that the store had to offer, oblivious of a stranger following her. Her list of goods today was short and she lingered at the racks that held the bolts of cloth, running her fingers over the soft material.

"Good morning ma'am, may I assist you," the store owner's daughter, Beth, asked.

"I'd like several yards of this material," she said while pointing to a bolt of soft blue cotton material.

"That material just arrived yesterday and already it's selling quickly," Beth told her as she began measuring out the needed length. "What amount did you say," she asked.

"I'll take six yards of the material, which should give me enough for a dress and also a shirt for my husband," she again ran her hand over the softness of the cloth.

Beth stopped measuring and pulled from underneath the table, a lovely bolt of material. It was a cream material with tiny blue and rose colored flowers on it.

"We also got this material in yesterday, oh wouldn't it make a lovely dress," Beth asked showing the material to Moon Dancing. "It's also the same price as this blue material. But look at the blue of the flowers here; it perfectly matches the shade of blue in this material."

"You talked me into it, give me two yards of the blue and four of the flowered material," she said smiling at Beth.

Moon Dancing felt someone's eyes staring at her, but when she turned, she did not see anyone. She shrugged her shoulders and returned to watching Beth as she cut the needed material to the lengths that she had requested.

"I'll take the material to the front and it'll be there waiting for you when you finish your shopping," Beth told her.

"Thank you Beth," Moon Dancing said, placing her hand over Beth's for a moment in thanks.

Moon Dancing moved on about her shopping, picking up several spools of thread and when she turned the corner of the aisle, she ran into the man that had been watching her. His arms went about her waist when she bumped into him, pulling her tightly to his body.

He was evidently a mountain man, for his hair was covered with a coon skin hat and his face, with a thick, red beard. He reeked of perspiration, causing Moon Shadow to gag when his scent drifted up her nose, and his clothes looked as if he had not washed them in months.

"Well aren't you quite the little thing," the stranger said, causing Moon Dancing to push against his chest, but his arms were like a vice about her. "What's the matter, to good to talk to ole Jack," he growled.

"Release my wife," Shadow growled, grabbing Jack's wrist and whirling him to face him.

"I don't see no ring on her finger, besides, what would a purty thing like her want with a savage," he said, shoving Shadow away and grabbing Moon Shadow buy the arm, pulling her to him.

Shadow lunged at the man and knocked him away from his wife, thrusting blow after blow at Jack. Jack fell to the floor, blood issuing from his nose and mouth, pure evil in his eyes as he glared up at Shadow.

Shadow took Moon Dancing by the elbow and eased her away; he shot a glance over his shoulder at Jack.

"You'll be sorry you did this to me," Jack growled, wiping away the blood with the sleeve of his shirt. "Damn sorry," he added, getting up and hurrying from the store, before Harvey, the owner threw him out.

Stopping at the counter, Moon Dancing placed her basket onto the counter, still trembling from the altercation and watched fearfully as Jack hurried out of the store. She sighed with relief when he closed the door behind him and glanced up at her handsome husband.

"That about do it ma'am," Harvey asked when he looked up at her, and noticed her shaking. "Are you all right ma'am?"

"Yes sir," she quietly replied, still glancing at the door, wondering if Jack will reappear, once they were outside.

"Some mountain man accosted my wife and she's still upset by the incident," Shadow said, wrapping his arm protectively about Moon Dancing's waist.

"Damn that Jack, I've never liked or trusted that man," Harvey growled. "I even had to come to my Beth's rescue once, when Jack tried to accost her in the back room."

"Well he won't forget me, I left him with blood running from his nose and mouth," Shadow proudly said, causing a smile to cross Harvey's face.

"That'll be one dollar and thirty-five cents," Harvey said and waited patiently as Moon Dancing counted out the money. "I'll make it clear to Jack that he's not allowed in my store again," he added.

"Thank you Mr. Reynolds," she said softly and grabbed her basket, cloth, and moved to the front door beside Shadow.

She almost hesitated opening it, but when another customer entered, she had no choice but to step outside. Cautiously she looked around her to see if Jack was still around as Shadow led her to their horses. She sighed softly when she did not see the man.

Taking a different trail back to the village, Shadow and Moon Dancing followed the coolness of the river as they leisurely rode along; having relaxed once they were in the shadows of the forest.

A shot rang out, shattering the silence of the forest, causing Shadow to fall from his horse, blood flowing from a wound in his back.

"Shadow!" she cried out, dismounting and hurrying over to where her husband lay.

As she knelt down beside him, a sudden shadow cast itself over her. She turned with fear in her eyes and found Jack grinning smugly down at her.

"You...why did you do this," she cried out, grabbing a knife from beneath her skirt and lunging at him.

"I don't think so missy," Jack growled and slapped her hard across the face, causing her to fall to the ground and the knife to fly into the bushes.

Jack gave a kick to Shadow's side and when he got no response, pounced on Moon Shadow, ripping her dress wide open and exposing her large round breasts.

"Now where were we before your damn husband interrupted us sweetie?" Jack asked smiling down at her, with his large body straddling her and his stench coursing up her nose. "Oh yes, I remember, you were about to give ole Jack some loving," he said, lowering his breeches and freeing his manhood.

A knock on the door caused Brad to turn quickly, wondering why Hawk would bother knocking, especially when he had a key.

"Did you forget your..." but he was silenced when Troy and Mike charged into the room, pushing Brad backwards and causing Brad to fall to the floor.

Troy covered Brad's mouth while Mike closed the door. Brad's eyes were as large as a saucer with fear, seeing how evilly Troy was looking at him.

"I bet you never expected to find us on the other side of the door, now did you," Troy asked, pulling Brad up and moving him over to the bed, gagging him to keep him quiet, while Mike busily tied Brad's hands together behind him.

Brad knew that he was about to be raped, and being tied up, naked and now lying on his stomach, there was nothing that he could do about it. Watching, fear wracking every nerve his body, Brad turned his head from Troy, who was quickly removing his clothes.

"Don't just stand there watching me like some pervert, make sure that when this one's lover comes through the door you knock him out," Troy told Mike.

"Do I get to fuck the Indian, Troy," Mike asked, watching as Troy violently spread Brad's legs apart and climbed eagerly between, his manhood throbbing and resting in Troy's hand.

"Yeah, yeah, now stop watching me," Troy growled, and then thrust his cock fully into Brad's ass, causing Brad to moan against the gag.

Brad was impaled with Troy's manhood, and although Troy was not nearly as large as Hawk, he was painfully violent when he entered him. Troy fisted one hand in Brad's hair, while his other hand began slapping Brad's ass, leaving large red welts on his white skin as he began deep, violent thrusts.

Troy's thrusts were hard, deep and violent as he thrust his cock deep into Brad's ass, still hitting him hard on his ass. Troy was getting angry because Brad was just lying there, not thrusting upward to meet Troy's thrusts.

"You'd better co-operate and move that sweet ass of yours or else you'll never see the light of tomorrow," Troy threatened.

Brad knew that he was going to die, regardless of how he performed with Troy, so he remained lethargic beneath Troy.

"Someone is coming Troy," Mike whispered and moved to stand behind the door so that he'd be hidden when Hawk opened it, freeing him to strike him with butt of his rifle that he was now holding up.

Troy stopped fucking Brad, and he breathlessly watched the door, knowing that Hawk was on the other side. The sound of a key entering the lock caused Troy to smile sadistically, anticipating Hawk's arrival.

"The last thing your boyfriend is going to see is me fucking you," Troy whispered as he lowered his mouth to Brad's ear.

Suddenly the door burst open, slamming against Mike and causing the rifle to go off. A load moan had told Hawk that Mike had been shot, as he lunged at Troy, who was still balls deep in Brad's ass.

Hawk flew across the bed, grabbed Troy and tumbled to the floor with Troy, wrestling with him. Pinned between the bed and the wall and with Hawk now on top of him, Troy could not fight back.

Hawk pummeled Troy's face with his fists and when Troy went still, Hawk got up and went to Brad who was lying still on the bed. Several MPs came rushing into the room, alerted by the gunfire and pulled their weapons up.

"Don't move soldier," one MP said, aiming his rifle at Hawk while the other hurried to Mike's body, seeing a bullet hole between his eyes.

"This one's dead George," he said, while George continued to keep his rifle trained on Hawk. "Go untie the captain, Henry; he'll be able to tell us what the fuck was going on. Now you soldier, slowly move away from Captain Anderson," George said, recognizing Brad.

Henry hurried over to the bed, sat his rifle at the bottom of the bed, and began untying Brad. Once Brad's hands were free, he pulled the gag from his mouth and grabbed a blanket to cover his nakedness.

"Release Corporal Hawk, soldier," Brad ordered, climbing as best he could from the bed. "The dead guy and his partner over there are..." he was interrupted when George's rifle fired, causing Brad to suddenly turn around, fearing that he had shot Hawk.

Troy, who had hurriedly rose from the floor and grabbed Henry's rifle, now lay dead across the bed, shot by George. Brad rushed to Hawk, but both men refused to hug, knowing that it would raise questions with the MPs.

"Will someone please tell me what just happened here," George asked, now having two dead men to account for.

Brad still wrapped in the blanket, told George and Henry every detail of the evening up to their arrival. George stood there with his mouth agape and listened closely to every word.

"I always knew that he was trouble," George said pointing with his rifle at Troy. "And this one was just too damn stupid to know better," referring to Mike.

"We'll have to keep this room closed off until an official investigation is completed," Henry informed Brad and Hawk.

"I'll see the ship's captain about quarters for you sir," George said. "I'll give you a moment to get dressed, but then I have to lock up the room sir," George and Henry stood quietly, waiting for Brad to dress.

"Would you mind giving me some privacy soldier?" Brad asked, causing the two MPs to turn away from Brad.

Brad dressed while Hawk gave his statement to George, having told him how he heard a painful moan coming from the room and that was when he kicked open the door. It was evident that the door hitting Mike is what caused Mike to discharge his rifle and thus killing him.

"I'll write up the reports and statements sir, and then have you both read and sign them," George informed Brad.

Shadow moaned, when he felt a stabbing pain in his back, wracked his brain to remember, and then everything slowly came back to him.

'Moon Dancing and I were riding back to the... "Moon Dancing!" he cried out, turning his head when he did not see her.

His eyes immediately found his wife; she lay lifeless beside him, and her eyes looking at him. Her dress torn to shreds and her blood covered pink breasts showing, this was evidence of her rape and murder. Shadow slowly moved his shaking hand to hers and covered it, feeling how cool it was.

"Noooooo," he screamed out, his voice echoing through the forest, just before a void of darkness overtook him, his hand still resting on hers.

"Did you hear that scream," Strong Bear asked Swift Sparrow, as the two men rode through the forest, having been out hunting.

"Ay-uh, it was a man's voice and one filled with great pain," Swift Sparrow acknowledged, causing both men to kick their heels again the flank of their horse and rode off toward the sound.

"My son...Moon Dancing," Strong Bear cried out when he saw Shadow and his wife's body lying still on the ground.

"My daughter," Swift Sparrow cried out when he saw her lying lifeless beside her husband.

Swift Sparrow was the first to dismount and run to their aid, kneeling beside Moon Dancing he felt for a pulse, and upon finding none, he cried out as loss and pain enveloped him.

Strong Bear knelt beside his son and cried out in pain, wondering when this evil was ever going to stop as he lifted his son's head unto his lap. His heart leapt when a soft moan came from Shadow and his eyes opened, causing Strong Bear to lower his ear close to Shadow's mouth.

"Who did this to you, my son," Strong Bear asked his son, his ear still close to Shadow's mouth.

"Mountain Jack..." Shadow moaned and then surrendered to the void again.

"We must hurry back to the village with Shadow, he still clings to life," Strong Bear commanded, rising and together with Swift Sparrow, they made travois' to carry Moon Dancing and Shadow on.

Abe was just leaving his cabin when he stopped and saw the sadness on the faces of Swift Sparrow and Strong Bear, as they rode quickly as possible into the village. He saw Shadow's body covered to his neck with a blanket, but when he saw that another body lay hidden by a blanket, he knew just who lay beneath it.

"Do not look upon our daughter," Swift Sparrow warned, not wanting his husband to see the atrocity that had been done to their daughter.

"What happened to them, Swift Sparrow?" Abe questioned, tears were now flowing from his eyes.

"All I know is that someone raped and mutilated Moon Dancing, leaving Shadow for dead beside her," he answered and allowed his own pain to turn to anger and a need for vengeance.

Spotted Wolf met Strong Bear's approach and held the cabin door open so that Strong Bear could carry his son into the cabin.

"Bring him in here and set him on the bed face down," Spotted Wolf said, seeing the blood stain on Shadow's back.

Strong Bear stood back momentarily and watched, as Spotted Wolf cut away Shadow's buckskin shirt, and when he saw the blood around the wound, it caused anger and bitterness to rise in his heart.

"Spotted Wolf save my son, I shall return once I have found the one that did this," Strong Bear said, rushing from the room before Spotted Wolf could reply.

Strong Bear gathered his warriors around him and instructed them. Yellow Hawk stood there, Strong Bear could tell that his heart was aching for Shadow, so Strong Bear pulled his husband away, speaking privately to him.

"You stay with Shadow, Yellow Hawk," he instructed and Yellow Hawk nodded as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Jack sat beside a fire eating a roasted rabbit, feeling smug about what he had done, and also feeling quite safe. He knew that the woman had been killed, because he strangled her once he had raped her several times.

"I'm sure that the savage was dead, he never moved or moaned," he reasoned in his mind.

With his belly full, Jack settled down in his blankets and fell asleep.

"See how content he rests," Strong Bear whispered to Swift Sparrow, as they knelt quietly behind a tree watching Jack.

"Let me be the first to plunge my knife into his chest," Swift Sparrow asked, pleased when Strong Bear nodded.

Stealthily, the two men crept toward the sleeping man, while the other warriors stood watching and protecting their approach. When they were but a breath away from Jack, he suddenly rose up, aiming his pistol at Strong Bear.

"Thought you pretty clever eh?" he remarked, as he rose from his blankets, still holding them captive with his gun.

"You may get one of us, but my warriors will get you," Strong Bear said, motioning with his head toward the warriors that now stepped from their cover.

"That may be true Strong Bear, but I'll at least kill you," he said laughing and then his face went pale, when Abe came up behind and thrust his arm around his throat.

"This is for my daughter," Abe said and then plunged his knife into Jack's chest, causing Jack to drop his gun.

Swift Sparrow lunged at Jack and also plunged his knife into the man; both he and Abe stepped back and watched as Jack dropped to his knees, his hands covering his wound.

"Just think on this, you savage... just imagine what I will do when I next see your savage daughter," he said laughing and fell forward, still gasping for his breath.

"My daughter won't be where you are going," Abe said, thrusting his knife once again into Jack's chest. "Say hello to the devil when you arrive, because he's the only one that you'll be seeing," he added and watched as Jack struggled once more to breathe before surrendering up his spirit.

The three men stood and spit on Jack before leaving, leaving Jack's body for the wolves to eat. Mounting their horses, they rode silently back to the village.

Strong Bear was still worrying about Shadow as he rode into village, and pull up hard on the reins when he saw Yellow Hawk standing on Spotted Wolf's porch, his face drawn with sadness, with trails of tears on his cheeks.

Happy that Troy and Mike had finally got their true reward, Hawk and Brad walked back to the new room that they had been given. Once inside the room, Hawk held Brad close to him, feeling Brad's heart rapidly beating.

Brad still clung to the blanket that he had worn about him, when he first got up and covered his nakedness with it. He gazed into Hawk's eyes and let the blanket drop to the floor, revealing he had once again removed his clothes while waiting for his man as he wrapped his arms around Hawk's neck.

"I thought that I was going to lose you Hawk," Brad whispered against Hawk's lips.

"But you didn't and now all is well my love," Hawk whispered in reply.

"But..." Brad began, but Hawk placed a finger to Brad's lips.

"Must we talk about it now, sweetheart, because I have been waiting all evening for this very moment," he whispered and replaced his finger with his lips, kissing Brad zealously as he drew him close.

Hawk left a trail of kisses down Brad's neck, stopping when he came to a taut nipple. Brad threw his head back, moaning as waves of ecstasy overtook his senses, and wove his fingers through Hawk's hair, pressing Hawk against his chest.

While Hawk's mouth made love to Brad's nipples, Brad hurriedly removed Hawk's clothing. Hawk stood back and both men studied each other's body momentarily, and then Hawk pulled Brad's mouth to his, and with fierceness he kissed him.

Hawk ran his fingers through the thickness of Brad's chest hair, nibbled and sucked on a nipple before he lifted Brad into his arms and carried him to the bed. Lying him down gently on the bed, Hawk covered Brad's body with his, parting Brad's legs with his knee.

Hawk rose up, placed his arms beneath Brad's legs, lifting them on to his shoulders before thrusting his manhood deep into Brad's velvet softness. Brad gasped as Hawk's cock became fully seated deep inside of him.

"Love me darling... make love to me now," Brad sighed and then their lips met.

Hawk wanted this moment to last, so he began with slow gentle strokes. He rode Brad's ass for many minutes and when he felt his heat rising in his groin, Hawk pulled his cock from Brad.

"Roll over," he whispered and helped Brad to move onto his stomach, Hawk then re-entered Brad.

Brad's face was buried in a pillow so that he could stifle his cries of pleasure, not wanting others that may pass by their door to hear. Hawk had a hand on Brad's shoulder and another holding his hip, as his hips pummeled his throbbing cock deep into Brad's love canal.

Brad thrust his ass up and met each thrust that Hawk was giving, loving this position the best. Hawk's manhood was in so deep, that Brad thought its head was jabbing his stomach.

"Fuck me Hawk... oh God yes... fuck me harder... deeper," Brad called out over his shoulder, wanting more of Hawk's sex in him.

Hawk held Brad by his hips, lifted him, and then plunged deeper and harder into his tight ass. Hawk fucked him for what felt an eternity, and when his heat began to rise, he pulled his manhood from Brad, turned him over and shot his seed onto Brad's chest, covering his lover's nipples with the seed.

"Aaaaaggggghhhhh fuck I'm cumming," Brad howled, fisting his cock rapidly as he shot his seed onto his chest, mixing it with Hawk's. Once he was spent, Hawk lowered his tongue and licked the mixture of seed from Brad's body, before he moved to Brad's mouth for a kiss.

"Mmmmm," Brad moaned when he tasted the saltiness of their seed on Hawk's tongue.

Their tongues dueled within Brad's mouth, each tasting the remnants of their lovemaking.

"That has to be the best lovemaking that we have ever had," Brad said, wiping the sweat from Hawk's brow with his hand.

"Yes darling... that was surely the best."

Hawk lay down beside Brad and pulled him tightly to him, contented now from their lovemaking. Hawk's eyes held that far away look in them, and Brad was quick to see it.

"Come back to me darling," Brad whispered, lying on his stomach which was partially on Hawk's chest.

He lazily traced circles around Hawk's exposed nipple, still seeing that Hawk was deep in thought.

"Sweetheart, where have you gone?" he asked, causing Hawk to drift back from his thoughts... thoughts that were solely on Flaming Arrow.

"I'm sorry babe, what were you saying?" Hawk asked and then kissed the tip of Brad's nose.

"Talk to me Hawk, what is so pressing on your mind that it keeps you from me?"

"Huh... oh that... nothing really, I was just thinking about how happy it will be to see my family again is all," he lied, not wanting to hurt Brad's feelings.

But Hawk knew that, sooner or later, he would have to either break Brad's or Flaming Arrow's heart, because he had to choose one from between them to spend his life with.

"It's still Flaming Arrow, isn't it Hawk?" Brad asked, wishing that he was wrong.

"No babe... I..." Hawk kissed him, for lack of words to respond to Brad's question.

"Even your kiss betrays your heart Hawk," Brad said, rolling over and placing his back to Hawk.

"Oh come on babe, you know that you're the only man for me," Hawk said huskily, leaning against Brad's shoulder.

"Do I Hawk, are you sure that I'm the only man for you?" Brad replied, looking over his shoulder at Hawk. "Because right now I'm not even sure," he added.

"Turn and look at me Brad," Hawk asked, turning Brad over so that their eyes could meet. "Yes, I do still love Flaming Arrow, but in a different way from how I love you. But then you knew that from the beginning of our relationship, when my marriage ended with Flaming Arrow, over two years ago. But I told you many times that I had fallen in love with you, so why the doubts?"

"Why Hawk, because ever since you got Flaming Arrow's letter, I have felt his presence coming between us, as if he were physically present in the room with us. Please Hawk, do not play me to be a fool, I know that you still love him, after all, you two have been together like forever," he added, as his eyes clouded up with tears.

"What must I do to prove my love for you Brad?"

"Marry me... right now Hawk... tonight," he said, sitting up and locking eyes with Hawk.

Hawk laughed nervously, as he looked at a very serious Brad, who was now up and getting dressed. Hawk felt like a trapped animal, because Brad was forcing him to choose and he was not ready.

"And just who do you expect to marry us... huh?" thinking that he had found a way to postpone the inevitable.

"The captain of the ship can marry us, after all, he's homosexual also and has the power to marry anyone while out at sea. It's a maritime law that is recognized as legal."

Hawk was indeed trapped. Hawk was even feeling the noose as it slipped around his neck, forcing him into a decision that he did not want make just yet. It was then that the idea hit him; he would call Brad's bluff and marry him.

"Fine... you want to get married, well then damn it Brad lets do it," Hawk demandingly said, flying from the bed and dressing before Brad had a chance to respond. "Well? He paused a moment, hoping that Brad would drop the conversation. "Well, are you coming or not?"

Now it was Brad that was having the doubts. If he married Hawk and found out when they arrived back in Montana, where Flaming Arrow lived, that Hawk had not wanted to marry him, but was feeling forced to do so, they could end up divorced, and that was not what Brad wanted.

"No babe, it was just a fleeting thought I had, but I'd rather wait until we can be married in the ways of your people," Brad lied and stepped into Hawk's arms, resting his cheek against Hawk's cheek. "I guess that I was feeling insecure and needed to be reassured that it was me that you wanted and loved."

"Alright darling, if that is what you truly prefer," Hawk said, feeling happy that Brad wanted to wait. "Please don't ever doubt my love for you again...alright sweetheart?" Brad nodded.

"Are you still planning on stopping in Virginia, to see your uncle and brother?" Brad asked, feeling an excitement course through him when he remembered the handsomeness of Shadow.

Brad, for a fleeting moment, wondered what it would be like to have two Hawks in bed and making love with him.

"Now whose mind has drifted off," he mused, causing Brad's mind to the present. "And to answer your question, yes, I was hoping to talk Shadow into coming with us when we go to Montana," he told him, not knowing the events that had transpired since his last time there. "I know that my fathers would love to see him and his family," he added, kissing Brad on the cheek.

Hawk became excited when he saw the grandness of his uncle's house as the automobile turned onto the street where it stood. It'd been to many years since he and Shadow has seen each other, and he longed to be reacquainted with his brother.

"It's still as grand as I remember," Hawk whispered, turning to Brad, whose eyes were wide with wonder, as he took in the many mansions that lined this well treed street.

"I cannot imagine the wealth that resides on this street Hawk, just look at the size of these homes," Brad said, his eyes wide as he first looked left and then right, not wanting to miss one single mansion.

"Do you see that three story Victorian at the end of the street?" Brad nodded in affirmation, "That's my Uncle Kyle's house," Hawk said, causing Brad's mouth to drop.

"My God Hawk, it's got to be the grandest of all," he said, gazing at the beauty of the structure.

The car slowed at the large iron gate where a uniformed guard stood watching its approach.

"What's your business here," the guard rudely asked to the driver.

"My passengers are here to see family," he stated, and the guard gave a quick glance at Hawk and Brad, who were still in the dress uniform.

"Is he expecting you?" he questioned, again looking into the back seat at Hawk and Brad.

"No sir, but I am sure that he'll be excited to see me," Hawk said, leaning forward so that he could look directly at the man.

"Wait here and I'll call up to the house," he said and then hurried into a small wooden structure, where Hawk watched as he picked up a telephone before turning his back to the car.

"My God Hawk, why all the secrecy and security," Brad whispered.

"My uncle is a senator, so I guess it's required for his safety," he surmised, not having seen such security before when he had last been there.

"Move along, he's waiting for you," the guard grumbled as the gates separated and swung back, allowing the car to move slowly forward.

"There's Jacob... he's my Uncle Kyle's boyfriend," Hawk cautiously whispered, not wanting the driver to hear.

"My but he's extremely handsome and young," Brad stated, remembering how old Hawk had told him, his uncle was.

"My uncle must be damn good in bed to have kept Jacob satisfied all these years," Hawk whispered, also noticing how striking Jacob was.

The car drove beneath the portico and stopped, and before Hawk could get out of the car, Jacob had hurriedly descended the stairs and was there at the door of the car, opening it.

"What are you doing here Hawk, and just who might that man be?" he asked, giving both Hawk and Brad a cold stare.

"Jacob... why are you acting this way, I've come to see my uncle and Shadow," Hawk said, causing Jacob to nervously laugh.

"Where in hell have you been all these years Hawk, on some other planet?" he asked. "Your uncle has been dead for well over two years," he added, shocking Hawk with the news.

"And Shadow, surely he's still here," Hawk inquired.

"Shadow and I had a falling out and now if you do not mind, would you just turn around and go back where you came from," he abruptly said, causing Hawk to gasp at the rudeness and coldness of Jacob's remark.

"But this house and my uncle's money must have gone to my brother and me," Hawk threateningly demanded.

", not one red cent and neither did the house go to either of you, but solely to me," he sarcastically said, his mind flashing back to the day that he had changed Kyle's will, leaving him the sole heir to Kyle's fortune.

"I do not know what has transpired between you and my brother, but you can rest assured that I shall find out Jacob, and return. If I find out that something is amiss here, you will not like my revenge," he said just as rudely, motioning to the driver to leave.

"Do not threaten me Hawk, I'll have you arrested for trespassing, now leave," he ordered, turned abruptly and moved up the steps just as quickly.

As the car drove away, Hawk turned and saw the coldness in Jacob's eyes as he stood there defiantly, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't know that man, Hawk, but I do know that I do not like him," Brad whispered, glancing back and seeing Jacob as he glared back at them. "His eyes looked like those of the devil, himself," he added as a shiver ran down his spine.

"I intend on finding out what's happened here while I have been away, and I promise you, if Jacob is in anyway involved with my uncle's death, he'll regret the day that he met me and my family," he promised as the car drove through the iron gate and onto the main thoroughfare.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 6

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