The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Aug 13, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

Edited by

Jim Running Bear

Chapter Four

List of characters:

Strong Bear 50s Chief

Yellow Hawk 40s Strong Bear's husband

Hawk aka Thomas Hawk 25 Strong Bear's son

Shadow aka Trevor Spenser 25 Twin brothers to Hawk

Jacob Mathews 23 Secretary to Kyle and also his lover

Flaming Arrow aka Clark 24 Married to Hawk

Moon Dancing aka Rebecca 24 Married to Shadow

Moon Shadow aka Jason 9 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Captain Bradley Anderson 31 Gay army doctor

Previously in chapter three:

"Can I talk with you two...please?" Clark asked, his face showing his shame and fear.

"As you talked to me earlier as if I were not your father, with your hands doing things that is wrong to do between father and son?" Swift Sparrow asked, moving to stand beside Abe.

"Alright father, I'm sorry for having done that, but I needed to know if what you told me about my sexuality was true," he confided, seeing how both men looked hard and long at him. "I'm not sure if what I am feeling is really true or if it's because I am suppose to feel this way because of what you have told me about my past.

Swift Sparrow and Abe relaxed and pulled Clark into their embrace, sensing his fears and questions. They heard a soft sigh and looked down at their son as he looked up into their eyes...

Now chapter four:

"Can I ask you and Abe something and I'll understand if you say no?" Clark said as his face reddened from embarrassment. "Could I go to bed with you two and experience this kind of love with you?" He lowered his head, ashamed that he had asked, shuddering when he heard a collective gasp.

"Wow, talk about catching one off guard!" Abe said, looking over at Swift Sparrow

"Listen I am sorry... please forget I asked," Clark said and moved away to leave. "I shall seek out someone from the village and do it with him," he added and turned to leave.

"No son, please don't do that. Give us a minute Clark; we need to discuss this between us. This is not a decision that only one of us should make lightly, because you need to understand, Clark, that we raised you like you were our own flesh and blood, so it does seem a bit like incestuous," Abe said and ushered Swift Sparrow back into their room.

"Swift Sparrow, what is your opinion about this babe?"

"I don't know Walking Tall. He's caught me completely off guard, first the kiss earlier and now he wants to have sex with us. I really don't know if I could get in the mood, not with him being our son."

"But that's the thing my love, Clark really isn't our son. He is not our flesh and blood and it would be no different than what we share together or for that matter, what he and Hawk had really."

"Do you think it wise Walking Tall, what would our people think?"

"Are you planning on telling them about the kiss that he gave you," Abe asked and Spirit Arrow shook his head. "Then why would you even mention this... that is, if we decide to do this with him? It might even help to bring back his memory, or better yet, reunite him and Hawk."

"Maybe you are right about this because to him, this would be like his first time."

"Exactly Swift Sparrow, his first time should be with someone that will take their time and be gentle with him, instead of some warrior or soldier who might take advantage of him and be cruel," Abe reasoned, his heart feeling the pain that Clark must be going through about this.

"It is your call, love, because I also think it should be with someone like us, who will be gentle and loving with him, since to him this is his first time." Swift Sparrow agreed, running his hand through his long black hair.

"I would hate to think that someone would be rough and uncaring by just using him. That could really scar him for life." Abe continued, more for himself, than to convince Swift Sparrow.

"So what do you think?" Swift Sparrow asked, gazing out into the other room where Clark sat waiting for their decision.

"Well maybe just this once and it will be this once, because we will not be doing it again Swift Sparrow. Our love is for each other and not for sharing, no matter that he's our son or not," Abe said kissing Swift Sparrow.

"I agree, my love. I too hate the thought of sharing you with anyone, but Clark is just not anyone, he's our adopted son. His first time should be special and a time that he will always remember in a positive light."

Abe walked to their bedroom door and looked out at Clark, who was sitting beside the fireplace, with his head resting in his hands.

"Clark, can you come in here please?" Abe called out.

Clark entered their room, looking lost, his head tilted toward the floor as if in shame.

"Clark we are willing to do this with you this one time only. You must understand that it is only going to be a one time event. Do you understand me?" Abe asked.

"Yes sir...I understand." Clark's heart was racing as he anticipated what was about to happen.

"We both feel that even though this is not really your first time, to you because of your memory loss, it is. We also feel that your first time should be tender and loving and with someone that will be gentle with you," he said as he took Clark into his arms and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Abe's tongue softly touched Clark's lips and Clark opened, accepting Abe's tongue inside, as their kiss deepened.

Their tongues danced, and Clark gave a sigh of delight as Abe turned Clark to Swift Sparrow and their lips met as they kissed, but much more heatedly. Their passion built. They broke their kiss and stood back. Swift Sparrow and Abe slowly undressed Clark. The moonlight hit his body, highlighting Clark's muscular curves. His hair shimmered and his eyes sparkled as they reflected the moon's light, which was filtering in through the window.

They led him to the bed and laid him down and after discarding their clothes also, lay down on the bed with each taking a side of Clark. Both men gently caressed Clark's nipples, softly biting and suckling them to stiffness, filling Clark with feelings of unbridled ecstasy.

Clark moaned in pleasure as his entire nerve system became stimulated by their actions. Swift Sparrow kissed him, their tongues searching each other's mouth. Abe took Clark's cock and lavished the head with his tongue. Clark lifted his hips, urging Walking Tall to take his throbbing hardness. Abe ran his tongue around the base of the head, and then slowly moved down on the cock. He swallowed Clark's cock to the base and he smelled his son's scent, river water mixed with the scent of the pine needles that he has used to dry his body. Abe drank the scent in, letting its aroma intoxicate him... giving him a sensual headiness.

Swift Sparrow moved down and sucked the boy's balls one at a time, gently rolling them around in his mouth, causing Clark's head to rock, left to right uncontrollably as his passion grew. Harder and harder his heart beat, his lungs gasping for air as his nerve endings came under attack, and gripping Abe's head, to establish a point of stability.

Swift Sparrow lifted Clark's legs and buried his tongue deep into Clark's tender rosebud, sending the lad into a realm that he could not remember ever having such a feeling.

"Oh my God!" Clark cried out, his passion overwhelming him.

As Swift Sparrow continued to fuck him with his tongue, Abe could sense that Clark was getting close, so he pulled off his cock. He moved to Clark's lips and he gave him a kiss. Swift Sparrow inserted a finger in Clark; Clark moaned his pleasure as Abe sucked on his tongue...Swift Sparrow inserted another finger and then a third.

Clark was thrashing in ecstasy when Swift Sparrow reached for the ointment which he and Abe used for their love making and gently applied it to Clark's rosebud.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Abe whispered to Clark as Swift Sparrow readied Clark for his entrance into Clark's treasure.

"Yes please...take me. I need know what it feels like to have him inside me," He begged, his mind whirling with pleasure as he grabbed the blankets beneath him and fisted them tightly with his hands.

Swift Sparrow positioned himself for the thrust. He told Clark to push against him when he felt the start of his manhood entering him.

"It is going to hurt Clark, because you have not done this for quite some time, but Swift Sparrow will be gentle. He will stop and wait for you to adjust to the feeling if you need him to," Abe assured him and Clark looked up, eyes clouded with ecstasy as he nodded.

Swift Sparrow started to push in as Clark pushed out. His cock's head breached the ring and began moving inward.

"Oh fuck hurts so much father!" Clark screamed as he tried to get out from beneath Swift Sparrow. Swift Sparrow stopped, pinning Clark's body tightly to the bed and giving him time to adjust, while Abe continued kissing him passionately.

When Swift Sparrow felt Clark relax, he slowly continued the thrust. Finally, he had completely impaled him and Clark's eyes rolled back into his head as the pain slowly turned to an aching pleasure. He let out a comforting sigh when a sense of extreme pleasure coursed through his young body. Swift Sparrow slowly started fucking, methodically taking short gentle strokes, not wanting to cause Clark undo pain.

Clark began meeting Swift Sparrow's thrusts with his own and Swift Sparrow set a rhythm to his fucking and soon began fucking him with a faster pace. Clark met every thrust eagerly, with a thrust of his own, drowning in the depths of the ecstasy that he was experiencing.

"I want to taste you Walking Tall," Clark moaned, meeting Swift Sparrow thrust for thrust.

Abe moved and straddled Clark's arms, a knee on each side of the man, as he fed his cock into Clark's open mouth. Clark sucked hard on Abe's length, holding Abe by the hips as Abe began thrusting his manhood in and out of the wet, warmth of Clark's mouth.

Abe was moaning as was Clark, while Swift Sparrow thrust harder and deeper into Clark's love canal. Abe's head was tossed back, his eyes closed as the overwhelming feelings of ecstasy raged through him.

"I'm going to cum sweetheart," Abe said after many long and pleasurable minutes and began to pull away, but Clark's fingers dug deep into Abe's muscular ass, holding his cock deep within his mouth.

Clark buried his fingernails into the hard flesh of Abe's ass, pulling his body closer and his cock deeper into his mouth and then his throat. Abe moaned out in ecstasy as his climax burst forth, flooding Clark's throat with his seed.

Clark reached up and pinched Abe's nipples mercilessly as the man continued to shoot. Abe's hands held his son's head firmly, as he pummeled his cock inward, until his balls were spent.

Swift Sparrow felt the twinges of his own climax building, knowing that he was close to falling over its edge. He repositioned his cock and began massaging Clark's prostate with the head of his cock, soon causing Clark to fall over his edge and relinquishing his mouth's hold on Abe's manhood.

"I'm going to shoot," he cried out, causing Abe to turn quickly and move to Clark's throbbing cock.

Abe took Clark's cock into his mouth and swallowed it deeply, lodging it into his throat; again his mind became intoxicated with Clark's scent. Clark was completely out of control as his hips rose and fell with Swift Sparrow's thrusts. His body had never been so aroused, not that he could remember. He had never thought this at all possible as he thrashed in total abandonment, completely unaware of anything other than his body and the pleasure that Abe was giving his manhood.

"I'm cumming Abe...fuck me harder and faster Swift Sparrow!" he cried out. "Aaaaaggggghhhh fuck take it," he crowed as he held Abe's head to his groin and his cock spewing its seed.

His cock erupted with great spurts into Abe's waiting throat, shooting hot volleys of his sweet cum. He could not remember such ecstasy. His ass tightened around Swift Sparrow's cock, causing Swift Sparrow's cock to explode.

"Aaaiiiiieeeeee," Swift Sparrow growled as he shot his hot seed deep into Clark's ass, pounding it with all the force he could muster.

Swift Sparrow kept riding Clark, until he had drained himself and Clark had stopped shooting his load. Abe moved up to Clark, giving him a tender kiss, while Clark lay there feeling nothing but euphoria.

"I love you Hawk... oh how I love you my husband," Clark cried out against Abe's lips, suddenly Clark's eyes opened, remembering his love for Hawk.

Swift Sparrow and Abe sat up and looked down at Clark, seeing the shock that was filling his son's eyes.

"Father," he turned from Swift Sparrow to Abe and saw that he too was naked. "Oh what have I done," he cried out, turning over and burying his face in the pillow, crying hard as shame washed over him.

"You are remembering your husband, are you not," Swift Sparrow whispered against Clark's ear.

Clark turned to look into the wet eyes of Swift Sparrow and he could only nod.

"No father, do not look at me so," he said finally, able to grasp the situation and how he had wanted this. "My shame is too great, father...I just want to die because of what I have done," he cried out, against the pillow.

Swift Sparrow stretched out beside Clark, wrapping his arms around him, while Abe gently rubbed his back.

"My son, there is no shame in what just happened, and if there was, it would be on us, your fathers, for having allowed this to happen," Swift Sparrow said, resting his face but a breath from Clark's.

"But it was me that asked you to do this," he said, turning to look at Swift Sparrow and then Abe.

"Ay-uh it was Flaming Arrow, but you did not remember Hawk then, nor did you truly look at us as your fathers. It was not us that had made love with you, but your husband when your memory returned from having made love many times before with Hawk," he said, reasoning with the boy.

"Oh no...Hawk, how he must hate me," Clark said, sitting up and still sobbing as he remembered his divorce.

"He does not hate you my son, Hawk loves you deeply. Ay-uh, he was hurt when you awoke in the hospital and did not know him, but he understood that you were not you, but another because of your brain injury."

"Where is my Hawk...I need to go to him," Clark said and rose quickly from the bed.

"He has gone off to fight the white man's war in this place called Europe," Swift Sparrow explained, coming to Clark's side and hugging him close.

Clark shook as a cold chill ran down his spine when their naked bodies touched and tried to escape the strength of Swift Sparrow's arms. He looked up into the midnight black eyes of Swift Sparrow and sighed, knowing how hard this had been for him, because, of his two fathers, Clark was especially close to Swift Sparrow.

"Can you forgive me father?" he asked, still trembling.

"There is nothing to forgive my son," Swift Sparrow said, lowering his mouth to Clark's, in a tender deep kiss. "That kiss is because I love you my son, now from this time forth... what we did...never happened, so wash it from your memory," he assured him and released him from his arms.

"Father...what about you, can you also forgive..." Abe's lips sealed further words as he too kissed Clark, passionately and long.

"Now as Swift Sparrow said, nothing ever happened between us," Abe said, going to stand beside his husband.

"I don't deserve such fathers as you," he cried, stepping into their outstretched arms and letting them hug him.

September 1918

The war was quickly coming to an end, with Germany finally realizing that it had lost the war. Meanwhile, news of Germany's impending military defeat spread throughout the German armed forces. The threat of mutiny was rife amongst the German army as the war drew to a close, making victory over Germany certain.

With their time up, Hawk and Brad's division had boarded a transport home. Strolling along the deck so that they could get some much needed fresh air and exercise, they looked out over the deep greenish-blue depths of the Atlantic.

"Finally I shall see my father again," Hawk said as he and Brad stood against a railing, taking in the salty scent of the water.

"Will your fathers accept me Hawk, especially after all what you and Flaming Arrow have gone through?" Brad asked, showing his concern for their upcoming marriage once they arrived back in Montana.

"I have chosen you for my husband, not my fathers," he adamantly said, pulling Brad into the shadows of the upper deck and away from the eyes of those who would not understand their love. "They love me and so, they shall love you sweetheart," he assured Brad and then kissed him.

"I love you Hawk, but I still worry about Flaming Arrow. What if he's regained his memory and wants you back? Can you...will you be able to walk away from the love you two had and into my arms?"

"I have already told you Brad, my heart has accepted the fact that we are divorced and that he does not remember me. You are now my life... and soon you shall be my husband when we return to Montana."

"Attention! Attention! Mail is now being handed out below in the dining area," a soldier said as he gingerly walked the deck, making his announcement.

"Excuse me... but what mail?" Brad asked.

"Due to the rapid movement of our forces, mail was not able to be delivered. So it's been accumulating in England, awaiting delivery. If you head downstairs, you may find that you have mail. Just look for the letter that represents the first letter of your last name," he instructed and went about his duty.

"Let's see if we have any mail Hawk," Brad said, leading the way to where the mail was being handed out.

Hawk found the H' that represented his last name, while Brad stood in the A' line, patiently waiting their turn. When Hawk stepped up to the table, he looked down at Troy and his heart began to pound within his chest.

"Name," Troy asked, without looking up at Hawk.

"Thomas Hawk," he replied coldly, causing Troy's head to suddenly turn up and let his eyes lock with those of Hawk.

"I don't want any trouble here," Troy cautiously said, moving his chair back slowly to put distance between him and Hawk.

"You might have thought of that that night that you jumped and beat us, leaving us for dead," Hawk said quietly, leaning down into Troy's face.

"Mike and I were acquitted of any wrong doing," Troy smugly said, regaining his courage.

"Mail... is that not why you are here? Look and see if I have any and I shall be on my way," Hawk dryly stated, knowing that he would have his revenge.

Troy nervously shuffled his fingers through the letters and finally pulled one letter from the pile. He handed it upward, but pulled it back when Hawk reached for it, smiling at Hawk.

"As I said soldier, I don't want any trouble. Just take the letter and get the fuck out of it?" Troy demanded and thrust the letter forward, causing Hawk to roughly snatch it from his hand.

"Remember this," again Hawk leaned forward. "Sleep with one eye opened and always watch your back. For I shall be watching...waiting for that time when I catch you asleep or by yourself. When I do, I promise you that it will be your last breaths that you take and my face the last face that you'll see," Hawk threatened and turned, leaving a paling Troy staring at him.

Still shaking from the encounter, Hawk looked for Brad, finding him still waiting in a long line for his turn. Moving over to a quiet table and away from prying eyes, Hawk sat, opened his letter, and began reading.

Dearest Hawk,

I hope that when this letter finds you, it finds you well and safe. There is so much that I wish to tell you my love and how I wish that it could be face to face.

I have regained my memory and I am so sorry for the pain and suffering that I have caused you. More so my love, I am sorry for having ever divorced you when I did not even remember you or our marriage.

How I regained my memory is not important darling, but what is, is the fact that I have and I want, no, I need you in my arms, telling me how deeply you love me. I know that you are busy there just trying to stay alive, much less having time to write letters. So my darling man, stay safe and please come back home to me.

Yours truly and forever,

Flaming Arrow

Hawk's face was ashen as he read and re-read the letter. His heart leapt when he found out that not only did Flaming Arrow remember, but that he still wanted him. He was deep in thought and did not notice when Brad took a seat beside him.

"Hawk...what's wrong my love? You look as though you have seen a ghost." Brad said, his heart fearing what he would hear Hawk tell him.

Hawk was still speechless when he slid the letter over to Brad and let him read it. Brad looked with questioning eyes, first at Hawk and then the letter before picking it up to read it.

Hawk watched as Brad's eyes moved rapidly across each line of the letter, and his expression remained constant, never wavering as Brad's heart began to ache, knowing that this could possibly be the end of him and Hawk.

"So what are you going to do Hawk," Brad cautiously asked as he handed the letter back to Hawk.

"This is not the place or time to discuss this Brad," Hawk said as he quickly stood and hurried from the room with Brad following him. They ignored others as they walked quickly back to their room.

"Hawk...please...I have to know babe, what are you going to do about Flaming Arrow?" Brad obstinately asked, turning Hawk to face him, once they stood in the privacy of their room.

"This," he simply said and pulled Brad's mouth to his in a crushing kiss.

Hawk's tongue thrust deep into Brad's mouth and took their kiss deeper, but the kiss was not enough. Brad pushed against Hawk's chest and moved away.

"Hawk please, I need to hear you say it... please say that it is me that you want and not Flaming Arrow," Brad said and then froze when he saw anger in Hawk's eyes.

"Have you not felt my love in my kisses and even now do you not feel how strong my love is for you... and still you must have words?" Hawk said thickly, keeping his gaze locked with Brad.

"Call me insecure, but yes, I do need to hear you say that I am the one that you want, Hawk."

"Come my love, let me show you the depths of my love for you," Hawk said as he led Brad over to the bed, hand in hand. "Flaming Arrow is my past, you are my present and future," he whispered against Brad's lips.

"But darling, what if..." Hawk placed his finger to Brad's lips and silenced them.

"Brad, you have much to learn about my people's ways," he said, kissing him softly on the brow before continuing. "We do not live in `what ifs' we live in the present, for this is all that we have. The past is just that...past and all but forgotten as is Flaming Arrow," he said, more for himself than for Brad's doubts.

"But darling..." Brad began to say once again, but Hawk's kiss ended his words of doubt.

"My heart and yours are one, my husband, and I love you with the very depths of my soul," Hawk confessed, pulling Brad tightly to his body and pressing his mouth in a sensuous kiss against Brad's.

"I love you Hawk, more than words can express," Brad said, standing wrapped in Hawk's arms and gazing lovingly up into the midnight black eyes of his lover.

Hawk could almost hear and he felt Brad's heartbeats, knowing that it was not only lingering doubts but also from anticipation of what was surely about to transpire between them.

Brad knew that they were about to make love and he wanted, no, he needed it for reassurance that Hawk still was his.

Hawk pulled Brad into his arms and kissed him long and demandingly, their tongues dancing to the beat of their hearts. Hawk's eyes were burning with the passion that he was feeling for Brad, who clung to him as he lowered Brad down onto their bed.

Deep in his heart, Brad knew that he should be worried about their future, but inside he was trembling with an ecstasy so deep it threatened his sanity, it was so intense.


"Shhhh, now is not the time for words but a time for loving," Hawk interrupted, covering Brad's mouth with his.

Brad sighed deeply when Hawk's lips trailed kisses from his lips, down to his exposed chest, seeking out a nipple. Hawk ran his tongue seductively around the taut nub before he gently bit it, causing another gasp to escape from Brad.

"Oh me me now," Brad sighed, unable to wait to be taken by the only man that he would love.

Once Hawk had them both naked and Brad once again on the bed, he straddled Brad. Brad clung tightly to Hawk's hips and eased him forward, taking his manhood into his waiting mouth.

Hawk gasped when he felt the wet warmness of Brad's mouth surrounding his throbbing sex. He rose up on his knees and turned, bending and taking Brad's cock into his own mouth, inhaling the sweetness of his lover's scent. A maddening headiness engulfed them as the sucked... teased and finally reached the precipice of their edge. Not wanting to release in this fashion, Hawk relinquished his hold on Brad's manhood, pulled his from Brad's mouth and turned, kissing Brad heatedly as he almost violently thrust his manhood deep into Brad's heat.

Brad, enamored in the moment, wrapped his legs around Hawk's waist and met thrust with thrust.

"Fuck me darling... oh yessssss fuck me," Brad screamed out, his hips thrusting upward as Hawk pummeled downward, burying his cock deeper...harder into his lover's sheath.

Totally engulfed in the blissful state of ecstasy, both men moved rhythmically together as if of one mind and one body and their climax overtook them, sending their senses to paradise.

"Don't stop sweetheart... I need more of your cock in me," Brad bellowed as he continued to spew his seed between their sweat covered bodies.

Lifting up on his hands, Hawk pounded deeper and harder into Brad, even though his climax was ebbing. He needed to prove to Brad that he loved him, but more so, he needed to prove it to himself.

Gasping and their hearts pounding furiously, Hawk rolled away and fell beside Brad, turning and pulling Brad's muscular frame to his as they kissed.

Flaming Arrow rode into the Choctaw village screaming, "its over...the war is over and our men are coming home," he called out, causing everyone to stand and watch as he pulled his horse to an abrupt halt before his fathers' cabin.

"He's coming home father," Flaming Arrow cried out as he rushed into Swift Sparrow's arms.

"Who is coming home son," he asked, holding his son out from him, seeing the excitement in his eyes.

"Hawk, he'll soon be home and back in my arms," he said, not bothering to stop the tears that were flowing, as Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk came running over toward them to see why he was so excited.

"What is this that you are saying," Strong Bear asked once he and Yellow Hawk, as well as Shadow came to stand beside him.

"The war is over and Hawk is coming home to us," Flaming Arrow said excitedly, causing Strong Bear to glance with apprehension at Yellow Hawk, wondering if his son would truly want Flaming Arrow again.

Strong Bear did not want to spoil the excitement that Flaming Arrow was feeling, because it had been so long since he had seen Flaming Arrow so alive with a positive emotion.

"When he arrives, the village shall celebrate my son's return," Strong Bear announced. "Please Flaming Arrow, read me the letter that he sent you," he asked, looking anxiously at Flaming Arrow.

"What letter... I have yet to receive a letter from Hawk," he sadly said, casting his eyes downward.

Flaming Arrow not only wondered if Hawk had ever received his letter, but if this silence from him meant that he no longer wanted him.

"Then how do you know that Hawk is coming home," Strong Bear asked.

"He's got to come home, after all, his fathers are here as well as..." he stopped short of saying `me'.

"Ay-uh, then he will surely come home, for he will want to once again be with those that he loves and love him." Yellow Hawk interjected, also wondering if Hawk and Flaming Arrow would reunite in marriage.

Yellow Hawk thought back to that day many moons ago, when Flaming Arrow had cast Hawk's belonging out of their cabin, thus signifying that he had divorced Hawk in the way of the Choctaws.

"He will still want me...won't he father?" Flaming Arrow asked as he looked up into the black eyes of Swift Sparrow.

"Who could not want such a loving and handsome man as you, my son," Swift Sparrow replied, holding his son tightly to him. "Please oh Great Spirit, stir the flames of love in Hawk's heart for Flaming Arrow," Swift Sparrow mentally prayed as he looked up into the heavens.

Almost half way across the Atlantic, Hawk and Brad stood side by side, almost touching at the deck's rail and gazed out at the water. The way that the moon's light danced upon the waves captivated the two lovers.

"What a perfect night for making love," Brad whispered, being careful that others that stood close by would not hear him.

"Yes my love, it is perfect," Hawk softly replied, wondering silently if Flaming Arrow was also gazing at the moon, his mind lingering on Flaming Arrow.

The moon was full and the night unusually warm for this time of year. The water seemed as smooth as glass with a gentle breeze blowing softly over it. Hawk's mind reminisced to a time such as this, when he and Flaming Arrow had made love beside a river, when such a moon had cast its glow over the water and onto the entwined bodies of the two lovers.

"Hawk...did you hear what I asked," pulling Hawk back from his thoughts.

"No darling I didn't," he replied. "What did you ask?"

"I asked if you wanted to make love again," he said repeating his question and still noticing a far away look in Hawk's eyes. Where were you Hawk, for although your eyes look at me, they do not see me, but see another place or someone?"

"Don't be silly Brad, my eyes are only for you," he said softly, wishing that he believed his own words that he was speaking. "Go on ahead and prepare for love making, I will be along shortly," he said, turning to gaze back out over the water.

"Don't be long babe, you do know how cold I get when I don't have you beside me to keep me warm," Brad whispered into Hawk's ear before leaving.

Brad got to the door that led inside and paused, looking over at Hawk, he wondered... wondered if he had already lost the man that he loved, not aware of the two sets of eyes that had been watching Hawk and Brad from the shadows. Brad sighed and left Hawk standing alone as he hurried on to their room.

Troy and Mike stepped from the shadows and followed Brad, hoping to finish what he had left undone back in Virginia.

"But Troy... he's a captain and if we get caught, they'll hang us for sure," Mike said, fearing being caught, but worse, the consequences.

"I am not getting caught and besides, I hate Thomas Hawk. The captain may not be the same man that we caught Hawk fucking that night, but he's as guilty for being a homosexual. Now move it before someone catches us.

To be continued...

Comments would be welcomed at Thank You, Daniel.

Next: Chapter 5

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