The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Aug 11, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

Editing by

Jim Running Bear

Chapter Three

List of characters:

Hawk aka Thomas Hawk 24 Strong Bear's son

Shadow aka Trevor Spenser 24 Twin brothers to Hawk

Jacob Mathews 22 Secretary to Kyle and also his lover

Flaming Arrow aka Clark 23 Married to Hawk

Moon Dancing aka Rebecca 23 Married to Shadow

Moon Shadow aka Jason 8 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Captain Bradley Anderson 30 Gay army doctor

Previously in chapter two:

Jacob sat at the bar in a saloon drinking, as he made his way west. He had decided to return to his mother and father's home there, knowing that no one would think to look for him there.

"Hey buddy, did you hear how some senator from Montana was accused of raping and killing this young boy?" a man said that was sitting beside Jacob.

"What was that that you said," Jacob asked as he turned to look at the man.

"It's right here on the front page of the gazette," he then pointed to the headline.

Jacob snatched the paper from the man's hands and began reading the story. He smiled when he read how Kyle had shot himself out of guilt for having raped and then killed a young boy name William Burke.

"Well I'll be damn, they blamed it on him," Jacob said as a smug smile inched across his lips. "That changes everything," he whispered. "Thanks," he said and handed the paper back to the man.

Jacob downed the last of his drink and hurriedly left the saloon. Untying his horse's reins, he mounted his steed and rode off, making his destination... Alexandria, Virginia.

Now chapter three:

December 1917

War had been declared against Austria and Hungary, thrusting the United States into World War One.

Hawk stood at the loading docks with hundreds of other soldiers, waiting to board the ship that would take them to Europe. His eyes looked about the crowd of civilians that had gathered to say goodbye to their loved ones.

"Have you no one here to bid you farewell Thomas," Andy Baker, his platoon mate asked.

"My parents returned last week to Montana, and my brother..." he paused when he saw Shadow's waving hand as he moved through the crowd.

"Hawk, I was afraid that I had missed you," Shadow said, calling him by his birth name and causing Andy's eyebrows to rise questioningly.

"Who... what did this man just call you...Hawk?" Andy asked.

"It's a nickname that I have always gone by," Hawk lied. "This is my brother Trevor," Hawk said in introduction.

"Damn guy, but if you were in uniform, I'd swear that you were your brother," Andy said, comparing Hawk to Shadow, and remarking on how identical they looked.

"We get that all the time," Shadow remarked, shaking hands with Andy. "I am happy to make your acquaintance..." he said, waiting to learn the man's name.

"Sorry about that...the name is Andy, well Andrew Baker really," he said, clutching Shadow's hand firmly in his.

"Well Andy, make sure that you keep a watchful eye on my brother. I want his sorry ass to come back home to me and our fathers," he said, again Andy looked at the two of them wondering.

"Fathers... as in more than one," he questioned.

"Uhhhh..." Shadow stammered as he looked to Hawk for help.

"Come on Andy... we have a real father and also a stepfather," Hawk lied, causing Andy to smile as he understood.

Hawk shot a look at his brother and then hugged him. "You had best watch what you say bro, because I am not out as I was in Montana," he whispered in Shadow's ear.

"I am serious Hawk, please be careful and don't be a damn hero," Shadow said, ignoring his brother's remark. "I love you Hawk and I do want you to come back home to me... to us," he added, fighting back his tears, fearing that this could well be the last time that he would ever see his brother again.

"Like you my brother, I too have the heart of a warrior, but I won't be doing anything foolish," Hawk said, drawing Shadow close to him. "Please watch over our fathers and tell them that I'll write to them," he whispered, still holding his brother. "I love you Shadow, and I will not forget that my heart and yours are one."

"Nor shall I my brother, because you are not only my brother but my friend, and we shall always be of one heart," he said, fighting back tears and swallowing the lump that was in his throat as they embraced.

"Thomas... Private Thomas Hawk," Bradley called out, waving wildly at Hawk as he made his way through the crowd and over to him.

"Captain Anderson... what are you doing here?" Hawk questioned the man, looking at his duffle bag that he had over his shoulder. "I thought that you were assigned permanently to Walter Reed Hospital?"

"I just got my orders last night, I'm assigned to the medical troop and will be sailing with you for Europe," he said, excited to be close to Hawk once again. "How nice to see you again Trevor," he added, shaking hands with him.

"As it is to see you Brad," he said clasping hands with the doctor.

"Yes, it is good that you shall be with us, sir," Hawk said, making sure that he respected Bradley's rank. Do you think our rooms aboard ship will be as plush as this liner once was?"

"Maybe, but I doubt it," Bradley said.

The whistle blew and slowly the men began climbing the gangway as they made their way up to the ship.

"Well brother, I guess this is it," Hawk said, pulling his brother to him.

Hawk gave his brother a kiss firmly on the lips and then stepped back, his own eyes now watering.

"I love you Hawk and by damn, you come back home to me and our you hear?" he asked, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.

"I shall my brother...I surely shall," standing for a long moment the two brothers stared and then hugged, again parting with a manly kiss. "I love you Shadow," Hawk said, disregarding anyone that might hear.

Picking up his duffle bag he made his way toward the gangway.

"Don't worry Trevor, if I have anything to do with it, I'll make sure that he stays safe and comes back to you and your family," Brad said, taking up his own duffle bag and following Hawk.

Hawk and Brad boarded the transport ship for Europe, the crossing being the first step on their journey to the war that was raging in Europe. Brad wondered if Hawk had ever gotten over how Flaming Arrow had divorced him when Flaming Arrow arrived back in Montana. He wanted Hawk to have a level head when they entered the fighting of this savage war.

"Hawk, I know this is none of my business, but we have got to talk about what has gone on between you and Flaming Arrow, buddy."

"I know we do, but it hurts too much to talk about it Brad. My mind is still reeling and in a state of disbelief. How could Flaming Arrow just divorce me when he doesn't remember us having been married?"

"Hawk, Flaming Arrow is still your husband in your heart, but to him, you are but a stranger."

"But why did he have to divorce me? That makes my life a shame in the eyes of my people," he said trying to justify the reasons for the divorce to himself.

"I can't answer that Hawk, only Flaming Arrow can. He is dealing with a lot of pain, anger and emotions at the moment, so he is not thinking clearly. Look at what he's been through, and yes, he did survive the brutal beating, but at the cost of his memory. Hawk... could you or rather, would you not feel the same as he is?"

Hawk gave Brad a long, hard look, knowing that what he was saying was true, but nevertheless, it still hurt him.

"I need to think this through some more."

"Well, you need to do something fast Hawk, because I need your head on straight for this war. Remember, I am here for you." Brad said putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I know you are bud and I really appreciate that. I also appreciate how you stuck by me and Flaming Arrow at the trial for those that did this to us. I love you for that Brad." Hawk said looking straight in Brad's eyes.

The trip crossing the Atlantic was uneventful, their friendship grew stronger and when they arrived in Great Britain, they were soon shipped off to aid the Canadians in France.

The fighting had been intense and the casualties had been high. They found themselves in a foxhole one night as they waited for the next attack wave of the battle.

The moon hid itself behind the occasional cloud as the troops waited in the ever increasing chill.

"Brad. If I don't make it home, I want you to do me a favor."

"Don't talk that way, Hawk. We are both going to make it home."

Well if I don't, tell my Flaming Arrow that I forgive him and that I love him even if he doesn't remember me or our love. Would you do that for me?"

"Of course I will, but you will be able to tell him yourself buddy."

"There is something else I need to tell you, just in case we don't make through today," he softly said, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Tell me what?"

"I don't want you to freak out on me, but I have to tell you this. I know that Flaming Arrow no longer loves me, and I have made up my mind to accept this fact, just as I have accepted another fact."

Hawk paused yet again and took Brad's hands in his.

"I love you Brad and not just as a friend, but as a man that I have fallen in love with." he said as he leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss.

"What?" Wow! Talk about not seeing that coming. Well they say confession is good for the soul, so here goes it. I have loved you since boot camp Hawk, when I first saw you after having been beaten." Brad confessed as he wrapped his free arm around Hawk and kissed him passionately.

Now content that they had confessed to each other, their love, they were about to move from the protection of the sandbag observation wall, Hawk leading the way when the bullets started flying.

Mayhem erupted.

The tenderness and silence of the former part of the evening was shattered with the all too familiar sounds of the war. The ferocity of the attack took them all by surprise as shells lobbed into their position, explosions detonating around them with devastating results. One landed not twenty feet from their trench hole. Hawk jumped on top of Brad as it exploded. Dirt and shrapnel flew at lightening speed across the area, and Hawk screamed in pain. Brad rolled Hawk off of him, suddenly feeling a wet warmness. Two soldiers arrived in response to Brad's frantic call for help, jumping into the hole as another shell detonated.

"He doesn't look good. We need to get him out of here ... and fast!" Brad ordered the two soldiers.

Brad and the soldiers carried Hawk to safety while trying to avoid further damage from the barrage. He was taken back to the field hospital and Brad returned to the battle front when another team of doctors took over, because he was the only doctor available on the front line.

The Canadians and Americans had succeeded in holding their ground as they prepared for the push that would win them Vimy Ridge. As they counter-attacked over the next few days, Brad's mind was not on the battle as much as it was on Hawk.

Finally, the battle was won and Brad was able to go back to the field hospital, where he hoped to find Hawk alive. After being filled in about Hawk's condition, Brad made his way over to the tent that Hawk was recovering in. Stepping into the tent, his heart sighed when he saw Hawk sitting up, eating his dinner.

"Hawk buddy are you all right?" Brad knelt at the bedside, anxious for his Hawk.

"Yes Brad, the doctor said that it was just a flesh wound. I should be back in action in a couple days." Brad's relief was evident.

"We're won the ridge today and the General hopes to gain all the way to Paris soon."

Brad looked deep into Hawk's eyes, trying to gather the courage to ask Hawk about what they had revealed that night in their fox hole.

"Hawk, about the other night, you know when we were afraid we might die and we both made confessions, I..." Hawk placed his finger to Brad's lips to quiet him.

"No Brad, if you are going to take back what you said, I don't think my heart can take another rejection," Hawk confessed.

"Rejection... oh my God Hawk, I thought I had only imagined what you said about loving me. Take it back, never, I love you Hawk more than life," Brad said and wished that he could kiss Hawk.

"I love you Brad, just as I said, I know that Flaming Arrow and I are no more. I would like us to begin building our life together, that is once this blasted war is over and we can go home. Could you... would you, marry me and be my husband," Hawk asked, fighting the lump that was lodged in his throat.

"Yes Hawk, I would be proud and honored to be your husband," Brad said and gave a quick look around.

When he saw that he had enough privacy to kiss Hawk, he thrust his mouth against Hawk's, kissing him hard and long.

"Well keep my future husband safe." Hawk told him, wishing that he could kiss him again, but with the sudden arrival of a doctor, he couldn't.

"I will and I love you Hawk." Brad whispered in his ear.

"Same back at you." Hawk said as the doctor came over to check him.

"He should be back with you by day after tomorrow Dr. Anderson. Is he your friend?"

"Yes sir, we've known each other for some years," he lied, "and also we are best buds."

"Well he was a very lucky man; the shrapnel missed his vital organs and mainly caused him just a series of flesh wounds.

"So he'll be good to go back into battle?" he asked and the doctor nodded his head.

Two days later they were back together, and the action proved to be just as fierce as the soldiers moved on toward Paris. The combined forces fought hard for weeks, trying to gain ground and eventually Paris. It proved to be a successful sortie and finally, Paris' liberation was in sight.

"I can't wait to liberate Paris." Brad said, sitting beside Hawk in their fox hole.

"You are in a hurry for another battle Brad, but why?" he asked, hating everything about this war.

"Because once Paris is liberated, we'll have a chance to rest. I heard the General telling us officers, that he wants to spend a week or two in Paris, so that we doctors can get the wounded moved back to the states."

"Do you think that we'll have time to spend together...alone?" Hawk asked.

"I'm sure that I can find the time, would it matter where it was?"

"Frankly I don't care where we can be together, as long as we are together privately."

Brad grew cautious and quiet when he asked Hawk if he had written home lately.

"No, I haven't had time. Even when I do have time, I'm too darn tired. Besides, other than my fathers, there is no one there to write me back, why, have you?"

"Yes several times, just after we landed in England, my mother died."

"God Brad, I didn't know! I am so sorry. I know that I had never met her, but just from knowing her son, I know that she must have been one sweet woman. Hell babe, that's rotten and I'm really sorry."

"Thanks Hawk. You have to be the tenderest and most caring man that I have ever known. I wish I could kiss you right now."

"You can't imagine how much I want to hold you and make love to you Brad." Hawk said as his voice husky with earnest want.

Just then a soldier came crouch running and jumped into their hole.

"Andy, what the fuck you doing here," Hawk asked, completely mystified at his actions.

"I just got word that we're moving out and was sent to pass the word," he said to Brad and Hawk. Good luck guys and be safe," he said holding out his hand and shaking hands with each of them.

"Sure Andy, and you stay safe also," Brad said, knowing how at any moment, any one of them could be killed.

As darkness started to fall, they started to pull out, but the bullets flew again, halting their movement. They crawled through the mud, making their way towards the predetermined assembly area. Suddenly a shot hit close to them. Andy lay still in the mud.

Hawk took up a cover fire position while Brad hurried over to aid Andy.

"Andy buddy, are you hit?"

"Yes sir, my chest I think. Hey sir, can you get this to my folks, and tell them that I love them?" he said very weakly as he pulled out a letter from his coat.

"I'll see that they get it buddy, but hang in there." Andy let out a rattling final breath and his eyes took their last view.

Brad felt for a pulse.

"He's dead, Hawk," he said shaking his head.

"We can't leave him here, Brad."

They dragged Andy's body back to where he was placed with the other dead.

They pulled out later that night.

Their war continued, and finally Paris was liberated. Finally they got two weeks to relax and get some private time together.

"Where do you want to go for our privacy?" Brad asked Hawk.

"Anywhere that I can go to bed with you," Hawk said his voice thick with sexual need for Brad.

They got a room at one of the finest hotels in Paris, where they were brought a bottle of champagne and two glasses. They stripped off the clothes on their backs then sent them to be cleaned, knowing that clothes would not be needed until it was time to leave. They got into bed, raising their glasses in a toast.

"Here is to our love Brad." Hawk said looking into Brad's eyes.

"To us Hawk, and to our love." he said and they both took a sip.

Their impatience took its toll. They put down their glasses and embraced.

"I love you." Hawk whispered repeatedly to Brad, as he kissed him erratically over every inch of bared skin, before taking his mouth by storm and kissing him passionately.

Their tongues started the passion of their love making, eliciting guttural moans of satisfaction. They had waited an eternity for this moment ... a lifetime it seemed for this time of bliss.

"I didn't think we would ever make it to this moment. Each day that I was beside you in that hell hole of a place, I yearned for this very moment. Oh, how I've yearned for this." Brad whispered.

Hawk rolled him over and got on top, as he slowly and passionately kissed him. Brad's fingers roamed through Hawk's hair, as their tongues continued their dance of passion.

Hawk slowly kissed his way down to Brad's hard round nipples. He bit them gently, then took them, sucking on them tenderly while swirling his tongue rapidly around the areole making Brad moan in un-silenced euphoria. Hawk moved down to Brad's hard cock and took it in his hand. He ran his tongue around the fat head and then swallowed it to the root, savoring the scent of his man.

Hawk's throat accepted his lover's manhood as he made love to it. It was as if his throat knew that this was the very first moment of a life-long love affair.

As if almost by subliminal message, Brad lifted his hips in an effort to strengthen the union, as if not wanting to lax a second of the bonding they were experiencing ... the creation of their love...but...reality painted a different shade.

Brad's ecstasy overtook any sense of demeanor. Moans echoed endlessly. Sounds of love seemed to emanate from an unknown source. "

"Fuck! Awwww fuck lover! God! I love ... Awwww babe ...I love you. Lover, please slow down. It's too good. Please lover. Make it last. God I love you! Oh how I love you Hawk!"

Brad's voice seemed to come from an area encompassed in rapture... far off ... from another world. His head thrashed in wild abandon.

Although Hawk slowed, Brad's balls told him that he was about to empty.

"Not yet babe, I don't want this to ever stop. I don't want to cum yet."

Hawk pulled off his cock. He lifted Brad's legs and he ran his tongue, all around his treasure. Brad squirmed and took on another area of concentration, relieved that his climax was now subsiding, well for a moment. Hawk's tongue catapulted Brad back into ecstasy ... back into the haze of delirium.

"Oh fuck babe, don't stop. Fuck me! Please fuck me because I can't take anymore. I want you in me."

Hawk recoiled, retrieved the petroleum jelly and readied Brad's rosebud. He positioned himself at the tender spot and began the journey of love for his man.

"Aaaaaggggghhhh fuck stop!" Brad cried out, breathing heavily and trying to figure out how to save the moment. His mind raced. "Hold .... Hold it babe and give me just a sec."

Hawk looked down on his lover and felt nothing but love for him. He wanted the union. Their union and he was more than willing to bide his time.

He loved this man ... the one with whom he ... they ... had come through this war so far and were still alive and were now about to consummate their love in the ultimate act. He wanted to make his lover feel the intensity of all he had to give. Everything Hawk was, he wanted to give to his lover. He was not prepared to throw it away so he waited.

Brad suddenly surrendered and Hawk felt it. Realizing that within seconds they would be complete, he slowly, gently pushed forward in one smooth movement. He paused, overcome with passion. "Lover, I'm fully inside you." His lips swept Brad with a myriad of light kisses, until capturing his waiting mouth with his.

Instinctively, Hawk's hips started small gyrations, and then seemed to find a thrusting rhythm. Hawk lifted himself to his knees and adjusted Brad's legs to his shoulders. He withdrew then re-entered. Slowly, ever so slowly, repeating the act over and over as he prepared Brad for what was to come, his urgent thrusts of need.

Hawk's mind stopped its concentration and both were now making love, free of any constraints. Sensations that Brad had ever imagined overtook him, lifting his hips to meet thrust for thrust. Instinct drove him, freeing their joined bodies to revel in the pure, physical wonder of ecstasy as they made love.

Time and the physical world about them disappeared as their urgency built. Hawk's rhythm increased and the aura of passion and fervor about them grew until it reached fever pitch.

Hawk felt Brad's cock spasm and so did his.

Insanity, complete mental shutdown hit Hawk and Brad. They fell into a bliss filled chasm as their bodies delivered every ounce of their being. Hawk into his lover and Brad between their sweat covered bodies. Nerve shocks racked their senses, sending their minds skyward, screaming out their love.

They were complete and the bond had been made absolute. A union had been created that would last them the rest of their lives. They were lovers and in their hearts... married.

After months of no sign of Jacob, Shadow felt secure that his uncle's estate was now his. He arrived back at Kyle's house, from legal business with Kyle's lawyer, to find his wife crying. He rushed to her, fearing that something had happened to one of his fathers, or worse, to his son, Moon Shadow. When Moon Dancing saw her husband enter the room, she hurried into his arms, still crying.

"What has happened to cause these tears," he asked, holding her out from him, but before she could reply, a voice from behind him caused him to turn with a start. "Jacob... you have a lot of nerve showing up here?" he said, shocked to see the man standing there.

"I have every right to be here Trevor. Besides, I've been away on business if you must know, and what do I find when I return, my man is dead and apparently from suicide," he said, but then paused to take a breath. "But then I couldn't blame him for taking his own life, not after what he did to Billy."

Shadow cringed and wanted to kill Jacob, having accused Kyle of such a crime, when Shadow knew in his heart that Jacob was the guilty one.

"We both know that my uncle never raped and killed Billy," he paused, "but I would not put it past you to have done this evil crime."

"Me... now Trevor, how could I have possibly done such a thing when I have been away from the area," Jacob said as he pulled a cigar from his pocket. "Besides, such talk as this could leave you open to a libel lawsuit."

"Please do not light that in my house," Shadow said angrily.

"Your house... surely you are forgetting that this is my house is now mine, now that I have returned."

Shadow paled when he heard the words that Jacob has said and knew that they were true.

"Yes Trevor, I have been to Kyle's lawyer also, and he showed me the will, but more so, the part where all of Kyle's worldly possessions have been left to me," he snidely said, striking a match and putting it close to his cigar, puffing furiously on it and filling the room with its smoke. "I'm afraid that your claim to is now void," he said, laughing hard, causing Shadow to tighten his fists behind his back.

"You can't possibly think that I am going to let you get away with this, Jacob," Shadow yelled, standing but a breath from Jacob's face.

"Get away with what? This house, its furnishing and all of your uncle's money is now mine dear man. But so you don't think of me cold and uncaring, I'll give you a week to move you and your family out," he coldly said, a smug smirk crossing his lips.

"A week...why I ought to..." Jacob interrupted him.

"I could always summon the law and have you arrested for trespassing, and then what would you do from jail? Think of your family Trevor, and be a good boy...and get the hell out of my house," he yelled his neck purple with rage as he stood face to face with Shadow.

"Moon Dancing, please get our belongings together," he said, turning to his tearful wife. "We shall be gone within the hour," he promised Jacob, turning back to face him. "Just pray that we never meet where we are alone, for I shall surely kill you," Shadow promised and then ushered his wife from the room, leaving a very scared Jacob standing there.

"BANG!" Shadow yelled, sticking his head back into the room and making Jacob fall to the floor in fear, Shadow walked away laughing... angry, but still laughing.

Flaming Arrow paced back and forth in his room, in the cabin that he and Hawk had shared. It had been a trying day for him, as he tried to force his mind to remember. He had spent it looking around the cabin that he'd shared with Hawk, hoping to remember. Although he did not remember having been there, he still felt the warmth that being there seemed to give him.

His mind was concentrating on the divorce that he had sought and won, after he had moved back to Montana. He had been told that although their marriage was not recognized by the white community, it was by the Choctaws.

"Was I too hasty to have sought a divorce, even though our marriage was not accepted in the eyes of the law?" he asked himself, not hearing his cabin door open.

"How has you day gone, my son," Swift Sparrow asked, from where he stood at the door, his presence was commanding when he stepped into the room.

"I did not hear you come in... father," he said hesitantly as he referred to Swift Sparrow as father, still not recollecting him and Abe either.

"I'm sorry if I startled you Flaming Arrow, but I brought you some things that might help you remember.

"I have asked you several times to please refer to me as Clark and not as Flaming Arrow," he said bitterly, his eyes filled with anger.

"Ay-uh son, I am sorry," Swift Sparrow said sadly, hating these men more for what they had done to his son. "Clark, these are photographs that were taken by a traveling photographer that came to our village, many months before you two left for Virginia. You and Hawk loved the idea of having your pictures taken so..." he stopped and thrust several sepia colored photos into his hands.

Clark gazed at the two men in the photos and saw how in love they seemed to be. He felt a tug at his heart, recognizing both he and Hawk, with Hawk standing behind him in the picture, with Hawk's arms encircling Clark's waist and his handsome face lay cheek to cheek with Clark's.

"Do you remember that day Clark... or if not the day, the pose," Swift Sparrow asked, hoping against hope that his son would remember.

"No sir, but thank you for trying," he said and held out the photos to Swift Sparrow.

"Gah-ween son, they are yours to keep," Swift Sparrow said sadly, turning on a heel and walking away.

"Father, wait," Clark said, hurrying over to the handsome warrior. "I'm sorry father for not remembering... but mostly for hurting you," Clark said, lunging into Swift Sparrow's arms and hugging him.

"You never hurt me son, I only hurt because you do not remember Walking Tall and I. I know that you have accepted the fact that Walking Tall and I raised both you and your sister Rebecca, but what hurts is that you do not remember the love we gave you," letting a tear fall, Swift Sparrow turned, not wanting to look less the man to his son.

"Father, please don't do that to me," Swift Sparrow turned quickly to his son. "Don't feel that you must hide your emotions from me," Clark said and again stepped into Swift Sparrow's arms. "I need your strength father."

"What else bothers my son?"

"I am not even sure if what Hawk and I shared as so called husbands, is what I still want. I do not recall having made love with Hawk, nor with any other man. Even now, I do not feel attracted toward another man."

Instead of hugging the proud warrior, Clark raised a hand to Swift Sparrow's cheek and softly caressed it before he wrapped his arm around Swift Sparrow's neck and kissed him, while his other arm lowered; his hand slipped inside Swift Sparrow's loincloth and massaged Swift Sparrow's manhood.

Swift Sparrow angrily pushed Clark away, glared down into his son's eyes and then dashed from the cabin. Clark stood there stunned, with his fingers brushing softly across his own lips, as he savored the taste of where Swift Sparrow's lips had just been... hoping to remember something...anything.

"Honey what's wrong," Abe asked when Swift Sparrow charged into their cabin and stopped, looking down at Abe with anger still in his eyes. "Will you please sit down and tell me what has you so upset?" Abe demanded and continued his gaze while Swift Sparrow pulled out a chair and sat.

"Our son is what's wrong, he kissed me as you would kiss me," Swift Sparrow said, causing Abe's mouth to gape open in shock.

"Well he's used to kissing Hawk like that, so he probably figured that was how we kiss also," Abe reasoned.

"If you believe that, then how would you explain it when he placed his hand into my loincloth and began massaging my manhood?"

"Gah-ween, for surely he did not do such a thing, my husband," Abe said, standing up quickly.

He moved around the table and embraced his husband, because he now realized why he was so upset. "What did you do?"

"I pushed him away from me and left him standing there, is what I did," Swift Sparrow said, now holding Abe tightly in his arms.

"Sweetheart, Clark is very confused about his life and I would suspect, even his sexuality," Abe suggested as a reason for Clark's behavior.

"I know that I am not his true father, but I am the man that found and raised him, as I did his sister," Swift Sparrow said. "If he doubts his sexuality, then he should choose a warrior from the village that also shares two spirits."

"Would you really want him to chance that with some warrior, or worse a soldier from the fort?" Swift Sparrow shook his head, lowering his gaze toward the floor.

"He is in all respects my son, and I will not take him to bed as if he were you, I just won't do it, Walking Tall," Swift Sparrow adamantly said. "Even if it meant sparing him much trouble with a warrior or a soldier," he added and turned quickly when Clark entered their cabin.

"Can I talk with you two...please?" Clark asked, his face showing his shame and fear.

"As you talked to me earlier as if I were not your father, with your hands doing things that is wrong to do between father and son?" Swift Sparrow asked, moving to stand beside Abe.

"Alright father, I'm sorry for having done that, but I needed to know if what you told me about my sexuality was true," he confided, seeing how both men looked hard and long at him. "I'm not sure if what I am feeling is really true or if it's because I am suppose to feel this way because of what you have told me about my past.

Swift Sparrow and Abe relaxed and pulled Clark into their embrace, sensing his fears and questions. They heard a soft sigh and looked down at their son as he looked up into their eyes...

To be continued...

There you go, one twist that I bet you never saw coming. Please take a moment to let me know what you think at because I would like to know if my stories are being read and enjoyed.

Thank you, Daniel

Next: Chapter 4

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