The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Nov 1, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Fourteen

Previously in thirteen:

A sudden knock, a frantic knock on the cabin door brought the two lovers back to reality. Frustrated and angry for the interruption, Silver Cloud drew on his loincloth and hurried from the room. When he angrily opened his front door, he was shocked by who he saw standing there...

Now chapter fourteen:

"Strong Bear, Grey Wolf, what are you doing here," Silver Cloud asked as he stepped aside for the two men to enter.

"Lone Eagle, come out here," Strong Bear called out and within seconds, he sheepishly stepped into the room.

"Is there something wrong," he asked, looking at Strong Bear.

"Ay-uh much is wrong, you are not married and need to be before you share love together," he said looking at Lone Eagle and then Silver Cloud. "I have brought Grey Wolf, our village shaman to perform the marriage ceremony of our people," he said stepping back and allowing the shaman to come forward.

"Is it both of your wishes to be joined together for always," he asked them both.

"Ay-uh," they said in unison as they looked into each other's eyes.

"With this marriage, we unite what was once one proud nation became two and now will be one again," Grey Wolf said, fulfilling the prophecy that was given to Strong Bear many years ago.

He took the right hand of each, Lone Eagle and Silver Cloud, placing Lone Eagle's hand over that of Silver Cloud and tied them together with a leather rope. After lifting his eyes up toward the heavens and whispering something that only he heard and knew, he looked back at the two lovers and smiled.

"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice we hear in the wind, whose breath gives life to the entire world, hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. Let these two that now stand before you, walk in beauty, and make their eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make their hands respect the things you have made and their ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make them wise so that they may understand the things you have taught your people. Help them to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards them," he said and then took a deep breath before he continued. "Let them learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. Help them to seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping each other. Help them find compassion for each other without empathy overwhelming them. Let them seek strength, not to be greater than the other, but to fight their greatest enemy - themselves.

May they always be ready to come to you with clean hands, straight eyes and a pure heart, so when life fades as the fading sunset, their spirit may come to you without shame." He said finishing his blessing over them.

Grey Wolf turned them to face one another and asked them if they knew the seven step words to speak, concerning the way of marriage for their people. They both nodded as they looked deep into each other's eyes and began speaking their vows as Grey Wolf and Strong Bear looked on.

"My beloved husband, even though we have lived apart for years, our love has become firm by our walking one with each other in spirit. Together we will share the responsibilities of the lodge, food and someday, children. May the Creator bless us and may we live long," Lone Eagle said, gazing warmly into Silver Cloud's eyes, taking on the role of the dominate husband.

"This is my commitment to you, my husband. Together we will share the responsibility of the lodge, food and hopefully children. I promise that I shall discharge all my share of the responsibilities for the welfare of the family and home, doing my best to make you happy," Silver Cloud said, knowing that he was now yielding to Lone Eagle's domination as head of their family and taking on the role of wife, although he was a man.

"My beloved, now that you have walked with me the second step, may the Creator bless you. I will love you and you alone as my mate. I will fill your heart with strength and courage: this is my commitment and my pledge to you. May the Great Spirit protect our lodge and all that shall live within it."

"My husband, at all times I shall fill your heart with courage and strength. In your happiness I shall rejoice and may the Great Spirit bless you and our honorable lodge."

"My beloved, now since you have walked these three steps with me, our wealth and prosperity will grow. May the Great Spirit bless us and may we live long.

"My husband, I love you with single-minded devotion as my husband. I will treat all other men as my brothers. My devotion to you is pure and you are my joy. This is my commitment and pledge to you," Silver Cloud whispered, feeling the magic of what was happening there.

"My beloved mate, it is a great blessing that you have now walked these four steps with me. May the Creator bless you and bring you favor and sacredness in my life." Lone Eagle said and he too, he felt the power of the vows that he was speaking, knowing that it was for life that these vows bound them.

"My husband, in all acts of righteousness, in material prosperity, in every form of enjoyment, and in those divine acts such as fire sacrifice, worship and charity, I promise you that I shall participate and I will always be with you as if we are one."

"My beloved, now you have walked five steps with me. May the Creator make us prosperous and bless us. May he open a path so that we will be blessed with children, which is our inheritance."

"My husband, I will share both in your joys and sorrows. Your love will make me very happy."

The power that was in the room was so overwhelming that both Lone Eagle and Silver Cloud found it hard to stand as they finished the last of the seven steps together.

"My beloved, by walking six steps with me; you have filled my heart with happiness. May I fill your heart with great joy and peace, time and time again and may the Creator bless you."

"My husband, the Creator blesses you. May I fill your heart with great joy and peace and I promise that I will always be with you."

"My beloved mate, as you have walked the seven steps with me, our love and friendship has become inseparable and firm. We have experienced spiritual union before and in the Great Spirit. Now you have become completely mine. I offer my total self to you and may our marriage last forever."

"My husband, by the law of the Creator, our Great Spirit, and the spirits of our honorable ancestors, I have become your mate. Whatever promises I gave you I have spoken them with a pure heart. All the spirits are witnesses to this fact. I shall never deceive you, nor will I let you down. I shall love you, and only you, forever," Silver Cloud said as tears of pure joy flooded his eyes and they looked to a nodding Grey Wolf for approval.

"Ay-uh, you may kiss to seal your marriage," he said to Lone Eagle as he undid the tie that bound them and now freeing them to embrace.

Lone Eagle wrapped his arms protectively around Silver Cloud and lowered his mouth to his in a kiss. At first they barely let their lips touch, a simple brush of his lips against his husbands, but the power of their love and that of the moment, drew them deeper into the kiss. Lone Eagle nudged Silver Cloud's lips with his tongue and Silver Cloud opened his mouth, letting their tongues dance together in his mouth.

"Ay-uh, for now you are joined together for all time as husbands," Grey Wolf whispered and then, along with Strong Bear, slipped silently from their cabin.

"We are now married," Lone Eagle stated proudly, as he gently ran his fingers through Silver Cloud's hair.

"Ay-uh and I am now your mate and yield to your wisdom and ways, my husband," Silver Cloud said, lowering his head in submission.

"Gah-ween, we are one and I shall not ever see you as less than my equal," he said after he placed a hand to his husband's chin and raised it up so that their eyes could meet.

"Ay-uh, we are one and equal," Silver Cloud whispered and surrendered to the power of Lone Eagle's kiss as Lone Eagle lifted his new husband into his arms and carried him back to their bedroom.

Silver Cloud clung to his husband, his arms wrapped tightly around his neck as his head rested against the hardness of his chest.

"I love you Lone Eagle, I love you with everything that is in me," he cooed after he was laid gently on the bed.

Lone Eagle first removed Silver Cloud's loincloth and then his own, lowering his body down to lay beside his husband.

"I love you my husband, for you are the greatest gift that I have ever been given," Lone Eagle purred back and moved his body atop of his mate.

Lone Eagle wrapped him in his love and arms as he lowered his body tightly against that of Silver Cloud's, their cocks nestling next to each other, while they kissed, and his fingers tangled gently in his long, silky black hair. Silver Cloud moaned softly as he surrendered to the ecstasy that was washing over them.

Lone Eagle eased his hand from his hair, slipping it down to let his palm gently rub over Silver Cloud's taut nipple. He closed his fingers gently around the hardened nub and pinched it until it was standing tall and hard, lowering his mouth to where his hand had just been, he suckled it, and bit it gently causing Silver Cloud to moan louder as the sweet ecstasy of pain overtook his senses and he was crying out for mercy.

"Surely you are a demon cast from the flames of hell or else I have been cast into its fire, for the pain is sweet and delicious," Silver Cloud moaned when Lone Eagle refused to relinquish his mouth from the tender nub.

"Neither am I a demon nor have you been cast into hell's fire," Lone Eagle assured him.

"Ay-uh... but you might as well be a demon, because what you are doing to me is surely not of this earth," Silver Cloud responded and yet, he held Lone Eagle's mouth to his nipple.

Lone Eagle sat up and surveyed the handsomeness of the man, his husband, which lay before and he smiled. All through their years apart, he had imagined what Silver Cloud might look like grown, but never in all his dreams or in his imagination did he imagine him as he was now, handsome beyond a fault.

"Why does my husband look at me so," Silver Cloud asked and suddenly a chill ran through him. "Are you disappointed in what I give you?"

Lone Eagle covered Silver Clouds body with his. "Husband, I am simply in awe of what I have found in you and of your handsomeness," he whispered against his husband's lips and then kissed him.

Once he broke their kiss, he moved slowly down to Silver Cloud's sex, kissing and nibbling his way until he fully took his cock into his eager mouth. Silver Cloud thrust his hips upward as Lone Eagle took every sweet inch of his cock into his mouth, sucking it hard.

"Pull off my love, I am close and want this last long into the night," Silver Cloud warned of his impending climax, but Lone Eagle kept on sucking.

Silver Cloud held Lone Eagle's head in his hands as he thrust upward, spewing his cum into his husband's mouth. It was the first time that Lone Eagle had ever tasted such a treat, and he savored it as if it were a fine wine.

"Mmmmm," he moaned as Silver Cloud kept shooting and Lone Eagle continued to swallow each precious drop.

Once Silver Cloud was drained, Lone Eagle kissed his way up to his lips and kissed him heatedly.

"That was absolutely fabulous, my husband," Silver Cloud whispered.

"You taste like honey, sweet and thick," Lone Eagle replied, still licking his lips as he lowered his mouth for a kiss.

He lifted his lips, gazed momentarily into his dark eyes, and then lowered his mouth to Silver Cloud's neck, caressing the length of his throat with his tongue before licking his way down to a nipple.

"Gah-ween, my husband, I cannot take your mouth any longer on my nipples," Silver Cloud moaned, remembering how painfully delicious it was.

Lone Eagle ignored this complaint and clamped his lips around the still tender nub, sucking and biting it until Silver Cloud was delirious with the painful pleasure, moaning as if in another world, arching his back to Lone Eagle's mouth.

Lone Eagle sat up and placed Silver Cloud's legs on his shoulders before lowering his mouth to his sweet pucker. Silver Cloud moaned loudly and heaved his hips upward when Lone Eagle thrust his tongue deep into his rosebud.

"Aaaiiieeeeee," Silver Cloud screamed as delirium claimed him and nearly passed out from the ecstasy of the pleasure that he was feeling.

Never in his life had he ever felt such pleasure, not even when he used his own hand to relieve himself. He gasped when he felt a finger moved into him, and held his breath when a second... a third then entered. His head was thrashing to and fro as Lone Eagle fucked his ass with his fingers in preparation.

"No more husband... fuck me...I need you now," he cried out in pure ecstasy.

Lone Eagle moved up to Silver Cloud's mouth, he touched his lips lightly with his own, circled their shape with his tongue, before he plunged within the fullness of his mouth, his cock thrusting deep into his velvet sheath.

"Gah-ween stop... please wait my husband, for the pain is too great," Silver Cloud cried out against Lone Eagle's mouth, fighting back the urge to cry as his eyes welled up with them.

Lone Eagle possessively kissed Silver Cloud, thrusting his tongue deep inside as he slowly began his strokes, short at first and then lengthening them when he felt Silver Cloud relaxing.

It was the most powerful feeling that Lone Eagle had ever felt, as his swollen manhood glided in and out of Silver Eagle. He knew that it would not take long before his climax won out and he would be shooting his seed deep into his husband.

Silver Cloud's hips rose and fell along with the rhythm of Lone Eagle's thrusts, meeting him thrust for thrust and feeling another release imminent. Both men were in sexual paradise as their bodies moved in harmony, each bringing the other along with him as they moved closer to that precipice and fell over it in blissful ecstasy.

"Aaaaggghhhhh, fuck, shooting," Silver Cloud moaned as his second climax spewed forth more powerful than his previous. "More my love... I have so much more to give you," he cried out as another wave of cum spewed out his throbbing cock, soaking their chests and stomach with its stickiness. It was what Lone Eagle needed as Silver Cloud's ass muscles constricted on his cock and milked him of his seed.

"Oooooooh fuck, take me," Lone Eagle howled and shot one, two and then a third hard blast of cum deep into Silver Cloud's ass, resuming his urgent thrusts and shooting more as his cock erupted like a volcano.

His ass was like a pile driver, thrusting his cock harder, faster and deeper into Silver Cloud's ass until long after his cum was spent, the sensation unlike any he'd ever imagined or felt and he didn't want the sensation to end.

"I love you Lone Eagle and I pray that you are happy with me as your mate," Silver Cloud worried, worried that his crying out from Lone Eagle's cock invasion would disappoint him.

"I am more than happy with you, my husband," he whispered against Silver Cloud's neck.

He sucked and bit for quite awhile and when he lifted his mouth from the silken column of Silver Cloud's neck, he marveled at the purplish mark he had left behind.

"I have given you my mark, my husband. Now all that see you will know that you are mine and I am yours," Lone Eagle said proudly, gazing down into the eyes of his husband.

"Are you happy, my love, for marriage was thrust on us before we even had a chance to discuss it," Silver Cloud asked.

"What is this? My husband is having doubts about having married me?"

"Gah-ween my love, I am most happy with having married you, but I worry that maybe you were not ready yet to join our lives together as one," he replied.

"Sweetheart, I was ready at eight years old when I had my vision to marry you," Lone Eagle assured him. "Come, I am famished and want you to eat what I made for us," Lone Eagle said, pulling his shrunken cock from his husband and getting up.

"Where did you toss our loincloths," Silver Cloud asked as he looked around the room for them.

"Leave them, I like you better naked," he remarked, pulling his husband into his strong arms.

Together they walked hand in hand to the kitchen and when looking into the pot of stew he'd been preparing, he wasn't sure if he'd even eat it. Silver Cloud grabbed a wooden spoon and after dipping it into the stew, sampled it and quickly spit it out.

"Go and sit while I prepare us something to eat, for from now on it will be my duty to prepare that which you bring home," Silver Cloud adamantly said, pushing his husband from the room before setting about cooking.

Lone Eagle shrugged as he left the room, happy to give this chore over to his new husband. He never could cook so he happily took a seat by the fireplace. Suddenly the front door flew open and there stood Jason and Eric, gazing at their son and gasping when they noticed his nakedness.

"What is this that grandfather tells me, that you married Silver Cloud tonight?" Jason asked angrily, ignoring the fact that his son stood there naked before him.

"Sweetheart, can you..." Silver Cloud froze mid-sentence, seeing Jason and Eric standing in his living room as Jason fought with Lone Eagle.

"That's right father, we were married just over an hour ago," Lone Eagle proudly said and hurried over to an embarrassed, Silver Cloud, taking him into his arms.

"Honey, we are totally naked," Silver Cloud whispered into Lone Eagle's ear.

"Ay-uh, and its nothing that neither of them have ever seen before," he remarked back, but he felt his husband's uneasiness. "If you will excuse us, we'll throw something on, but why I haven't a clue," he was quick to add before taking Silver Cloud's hand and leading him away.

"When they come back sweetheart, I want you to congratulate them," Eric insisted, standing firm against Jason.

"But his education, his..."

"I said congratulate them and I meant it," a stern looking Eric said with his fists now resting on his hips as he stood there defiantly.

"Fine, I'll congratulate them, but I don't have to mean or like it," he bitterly said, knowing better than to piss off his own husband, for he knew his wrath.

"You will mean it and mister if you know what is good for you, you'll make them see that you are happy for them," Eric adamantly stated, tapping his finger against Jason's chest.

"I was so embarrassed, Lone Eagle, standing there naked in front of your fathers," Silver Cloud said, his face still red from the blush.

"Don't worry about it, I highly doubt that either of them noticed, what with Jason's rage going on and on at me."

"He does not like me, does he?"

"It's not that he doesn't like you, it's that I do not wish to go to college that is bothering him. I've had enough of the white man's schooling and being called names. This is the fucking twentieth century and still our people are hated."

"I guess we had better join them and face the music," Lone Eagle said and taking his husband by the hand, led him back out to their living room.

"Before you say..." Lone Eagle began and Jason held up his hand to stop him.

"No son let me say this one thing and then you can say what you will," Jason began and, giving a quick glance at Eric, continued. "I didn't mean to sound like I hated the thought that you are married, I am pleased, and I want to wish you both a long life filled with love. But I am still bothered by the fact that you can just throw away a college education," he started to say and held up his hand to quiet Lone Wolf. "but I also understand that it is your life and you are entitled to live as you wish."

"Really dad, you aren't going to scream and make a big scene with me?"

"No son, I think we both know how each of us feels and I can live with it as long as you are happy. Now having seen you and this husband of yours in the buff, damn it son, I do hope that he can handle you," he said causing Silver Cloud to blush. "because I didn't know that you were that endowed," he added looking at Silver Cloud, knowing that he had felt the length and girth of his son's cock by the way that he walked.

"Daaaad, now that is getting rather personal don't you think," a blushing Lone Eagle said, holding his husband tightly in his hands.

"Son, just be happy that you and your father have come to terms here, and congratulations on your marriage," Eric said smiling at the two men and then gave them each a hug. "I bet he screamed so loud that the whole village heard him when you thrust that monster into him," he whispered into Lone Eagle's ear, causing Lone Eagle to smile.

"Ay-uh," was all that he whispered back.

Silver Cloud didn't hear what Eric had said, but he blushed just the same when he heard Lone Eagle say yes to his father, for he knew it had to do something with sex.

"Dad," he said when he had turned back to Jason, "I promised father that I would think over the summer about college and a promise is a promise, I will give it much thought," he said, causing Jason to smile.

"That is all that I could ask son, give it some serious thought," he said, giving the two men his hugs.

"Welcome to the family...son," Jason said holding Silver Eagle in a warm embrace and before he released him, he gave the lad's ass a good squeeze. "A warm bath after sex will help relieve any discomfort that you may have," he whispered his advice, and yet again, Silver Eagle blushed.

"Now we shall leave you two newlyweds to your imagination and join Strong Bear at his cabin. I do hope that he and Swift Sparrow are not still engaged," Eric said and it was now his turn to blush, having come in earlier on the two men in the throws of sex before the fire.

"Ewwww, but is he not to old for such antics," Lone Eagle asked, picturing his great-grandfather fucking with Swift Sparrow.

"Love knows no age son, and sex is sex at any age. Now if you'll excuse us, I have some loving that needs the attention of your father here," he added,

"You are most welcomed to our guest room," Silver Cloud said, and he had no sooner offered the room, he caught the shaking of Lone Eagle's head behind his dad's backs.

"That would be great, because this way grandfather and Swift Sparrow will have their privacy, and I know that dad and Brad will be going at it like a sailor on leave.

"Oh my God Jay, I still remember that night we had stayed at your father's house," Eric said, remembering it like it was only yesterday.

"Ah yes, and I remember how embarrassed you were by the incident," Jason said, laughing as he recalled that time of several years ago.

"What incident dad, I don't remember you telling me about something happening?" Lone Eagle said.

"You had just gone back to school... I think you were in the tenth grade then, and we came back to see your grandfathers before winter set in. Your grandfather, Shadow and I had gone hunting that day and having had such good luck, we got a later start heading home than we had planned."

"So what happened dad," Lone Eagle asked, turning to Eric, "because I can tell that it must have happened to you, seeing how you are blushing now from the memory."

"Tell him, I think the boys will get a real kick out of it," Jason said, urging Eric to tell the story.

"Well, like you father said we had come for a visit and I didn't feel like hunting, so Brad said that he would stay behind and keep me company, giving your father time alone with his dad."

He began and took a deep breath before continuing on with his story. The four of them had each taken a seat and the boys were all ears as Eric continued his story.

"Well Brad and I had left for a while to go sit by the central fire and of course there had been drinking going on when we got there. I am not a drinker; or rather I should say that I cannot hold my liquor well. So there we were listening to the elders telling their stories of days gone by and drinking whiskey, which I never drink, and suddenly I felt way too tipsy."

"You gotta understand my dad, Silver Cloud, when he says he's not a drinker, you can't fill a pint jar with the amount he has drank in a year's time," Lone Eagle added, needing to make it clear to his husband how true Eric's statement was about his drinking habit.

"Anyways, I excused myself and left Brad sitting there and staggered back to the cabin and bed. I had been sleeping for a while when I was awoken by a warm body climbing in the bed beside me. Of course I thought it was your dad so I turned and cuddled up to him, still well under the influence of the whiskey. I began nibbling on his earlobe and soon I was pulling him atop of me kissing him heatedly."

"I should have realized when he started kissing me and moving down my body to nibble my nipples that it was not your dad, but Brad. Your father never does nipples but goes directly for my cock and only after that, does he like to stimulate me by way of my nipples."

"You were in bed with Brad?" Lone Eagle asked, his mouth hanging open from the revelation.

"Yes, I had staggered into the house so drunk, that I wandered into Shadow and Brad's room unknowingly. Well Brad was feeling no pain either when he returned to the cabin, so thinking it was Shadow in bed, he just climbed in beside me."

"This is getting really good now dad," Lone Eagle said smiling from ear to ear.

"Anyways, Brad climbs on me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and while we are kissing, he thrusts his cock fully into me. My eyes flew open, the pain of his size ripped through me, and I couldn't understand why it was."

"So are you saying that Brad is bigger in the cock department than dad is," Lone Eagle asked amusingly, glancing over at his father.

"Well a tad longer, but quite a bit fatter around," he corrected and smiled over at Jason who was not amused now. "Well it was you that insisted on telling them the story," he added.

"Well you didn't have to say that I am smaller than Brad," Jason grumpily said.

"Sorry babe," he said, got up and walked over to Jason, and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"Ok dad... you were telling a story here and you two can do that stuff when I am not around," Lone Eagle said, causing the two men to pull apart.

"Sorry about that, so where was I," he asked as he tried to remember where he had left off.

"Brad had just impaled you with his monster cock," Lone Eagle crudely said, getting a stern look from his father.

"Oh right, well there we are fucking hard and oblivious to anything or anyone. Brad was thrusting hard and fast into me and I was thrusting upward to get as much of him in me, when I felt his cock swelling and his breathing getting faster."

"He was ready to blast your insides with his sperm, wasn't he," Lone Eagle asked and Eric nodded.

"Aaaagggghhhhh fuck, shooting, Shadow, take it babe," Brad shouted and it was then that I realized that it was Brad fucking me and not Jason. "It was way too late to stop the man, because he was filling my insides and I was ready to shoot my seed myself.

"Oh fuck... oh my God I'm cumming," I cried out and it was then that Brad recognized my voice.

"Shadow?" he asked as his ass still propelled his spewing cock into me.

"No... it's Eric," I sheepishly replied, still shooting also. "And to make matters worse, Jason and Shadow show up at the bedroom door with a damn lantern in Jason's hand, watching us finishing our love making.

"It's not what it looks like, babe," Brad said as he pulled his still shooting cock from my ass.

"Guys always say that when they get caught," Lone Eagle whispered to Silver Cloud.

"Do not worry, my husband, I will never let either of us make such a mistake," Silver Cloud said insistently.

"So what happened dad," he asked looking over to Jason.

"What happened? Well let me tell you son, I looked at my father and he looked at me and we could both tell that they had been drinking and were wasted. We started laughing so hard and your dad and Brad got so angry."

"Why would you get angry dad, you and grandpa were the two fucking," he asked, causing Eric to blush deeper.

"I felt humiliated by your father and grandfather standing there watching us fuck is why, it's not everyday that you get fucked by your father-in-law and in front of your husband," he added.

"But dad, it was an innocent enough mistake that you two made. You were both drunk and assumed that each were someone else."

"Like you white men say, when you assume you make an ass out of you and me," Silver Cloud just had to add.

"And to think that I liked you," Eric said, giving the lad a hard look before smiling at him. "Yes son, I did make an ass out of the two of us."

"Well dad had a hand in it, because he just assumed that you were his husband," Lone Eagle added, hoping to ease the embarrassment that Eric was feeling.

"Enough already, it's a beautiful night out there so why don't you two go for a walk," Eric said quickly, standing and ushering the two lovers out the door.

It was a beautifully warm summer evening and the two lovers strolled down to the river's shore in the light of the full moon. The evening was alive with the smells of the flowers and the gentle slapping of the water against the shore. Fireflies moved about, casting off their little lights, hoping to attract a mate.

"Hey my little firefly, are you looking to mate," Lone Eagle asked, pulling his husband into his arms and gazing lovingly into his eyes.

"Ay-uh, I shall always want to mate with you, my love," Silver Cloud said seductively, "but where can we be where eyes of others will not see us?"

"Come, I know just the place and you should remember also... the waterfall," Lone Eagle said, leading the way as he held hands with his husband.

Soon the two men were standing beside the falls, marveling at how the moon's light cast such a glow on the falls as if millions of diamonds were cascading down into the water, were its light danced upon the rippling water. Lone Eagle set about quickly to build a fire, adding atmosphere to the setting for when they made love.

"Let's swim a while," Silver Cloud suggested and after they removed their loincloths, dove into the cool, spring fed water.

They splashed around like two young boys frolicking on a summer day, each of them taking turns dunking one another, until they had finally cooled down enough from the humidity of the night.

Lone Eagle rose, taking Silver Cloud with him. He stepped from the water and laid Silver Cloud down on a soft bed of moss beside the fire. Silver Cloud looked up at his husband; he saw the dark heated passion within his eyes as he lowered his body onto Silver Cloud's. Lone Eagle could see the hunger and aching need that was in his husband's eyes.

It was a desperate ache and longing, he created in Silver Cloud that needed to be soothed. The mist from the falls, along with the clean sweet scent of his husband's body, only added to hunger that was consuming Silver Cloud.

"I need you, my husband, I need you deep within me," Silver Cloud whispered softly, hungrily against Lone Eagle's lips.

Lone Eagle too needed release, because Silver Cloud's scent was intoxicating to him, he licked every drop of water from his husband's body until he had Silver Cloud screaming for penetration.

"No more, my husband, please take me now," Silver Cloud begged as he wrapped his legs around Lone Eagle's waist, locking them together at the ankles.

The firelight played softly over their bodies, laps of flames rising to coat them with golden light. Silver Cloud longed to touch his husband, to reach out and press his fingers against the hard-muscled, living wall of his chest.

Lone Eagle was on fire, a liquid fire coursed its way through him, threatening to consume him. He dared not gaze down at the taut, lean hardness of his husband's waist and the long sinewed power of his legs; down upon his aroused cock, grown hard and fat as it rose from his groin. He leaned down and wove his fingers into the thickness of his lover's hair. Silver Cloud could not move: he dare not breathe, for he was afraid that he would explode with rapture.

"Take me darling... now," Silver Cloud begged insistently, using his muscled legs to pull Lone Eagle's body, his thick, throbbing cock, closer to his sheath that burned to be filled.

With one swift and mighty thrust, Lone Eagle impaled Silver Cloud with his cock, causing his husband's head to toss back and his back to arch. A gasp of ecstasy escaped Silver Cloud's mouth as he thrust his hips upward to meet Lone Eagle's first thrust, which was hard and deep, filling his inner most region completely.

"Ay-uh my husband... now make love slow and long to me," Silver Cloud purred.

Lone Eagle lifted up with his arms, Silver Cloud's hand grasped each bicep with his hands as his husband took long slow strokes in and out of him, causing warmth to slowly burn within him.

Silver Cloud's lips found those of Lone Eagle and he drank passionately, deeply as their tongues danced in each other's mouth. They kissed sensuously, their hips rose and fell in unison, as they took their time to make love beneath the silvery light of the moon.

Minutes seem to fleet by all too quickly and soon those slow gentle strokes became franticly urgent as Lone Eagle's need to release became unbearable.

"I'm going to cum... I cannot hold back any longer," he cried out as his hips drove his aching cock deeper and faster into the velvet softness of Silver Cloud's heat.

He gave one last thrust, stopped and began shooting torrid blasts of cum deep into his lover. He quickly resumed his urgent thrusts after his initial blasts, spewing his seed until he knew that he had long spent his balls.

He was still bathing in the rich afterglow of his climax, when he pulled his cock from its warmth, sat up and impaled his ass on Silver Cloud's cock. He threw his head back in sweet agony, as the pain of the penetration coursed through him. He did not care about the pain, his only concern was Silver Cloud's need as he lifted and moved urgently up and down on his husband's aching cock.

Silver Cloud's senses were reeling; he had never before felt such ecstasy, such heat as he was feeling now that his cock was buried in his husband's ass. He grabbed Lone Eagle around the waist, turned them over until he was looking down into his husband's eyes. He thrust his cock back fully into Lone Eagle's heat and began pumping his cock urgently, feverishly, in and out until he was consumed with a burning rapture.

"Aaaiiiieeeee," he screamed aloud as his cock erupted with a volcanic force, filling his husband's burning ass with the warmth of his seed.

Lone Eagle's hips met thrust for thrust as he once again shot his cum, covering his chest with the sweet thickness of his seed. Silver Cloud collapsed onto Lone Eagle, their mouths meeting in a fiery kiss.

"I love you Lone Eagle, and I love how we made love," Silver Cloud whispered but a breath away from Lone Eagle's mouth.

"Ay-uh my husband, for it was right to share this way of love making with you, for why should you be the only one to bare the sweet pain of love," he said and gasped when Silver Cloud pulled his shrinking cock from his ass.

Spent but far from exhausted, they lay side by side and looked up into the heavens. Minutes passed into hours and soon the soft glow of the morning sun was breaking the horizon.

"Do you think we shall always be this happy, my husband," Silver Cloud asked after he turned and cuddled close to the warmth of his husband's body.

"Ay-uh, because we shall have each other to make sure that we are."

They cuddled and kissed a while longer and then stood, dressed and headed back to the village. Life was just waking up as the two lovers strolled into the village, nodding hello to those that they met.

"I have decided that I am not going to go back to school, because I do not want to lose this life I have found here with you, darling," Lone Eagle said, "for I know in my heart that this is where I long to live and someday die, for this is now home to me because of you, Silver Cloud."

"Wherever you are my love, there is where I shall find my home and happiness," Silver Cloud whispered back, snuggling close as the walked on to their home.

The End

That my faithful readers, closes out the story of the mighty Choctaw people and its two-spirited people. I do hope that you have enjoyed my story and I am taking a little rest before starting another story. I wish to thank you all that took the time to not only read my story, but to share with me how much you enjoyed it. Thank you again for your kindness in reading it. Daniel

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