The Heart of a Warrior

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Aug 5, 2011


The Heart of a Warrior


Daniel Running Water

This is the next part of my Heart Saga

Chapter One

List of characters:

Hawk 24 Strong Bear's son

Shadow 24 Twin brothers to Hawk

Kyle 40 Now senator from Montana

Jacob Mathews 22 Secretary to Kyle and also his lover

Flaming Arrow aka Clark 23 Married to Hawk

Moon Dancing 23 Married to Shadow

Moon Shadow 8 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Chapter One

Washington 1917 November

Having arrived in Washington a few months ago, Shadow, Moon Dancing and their son, Moon Shadow, were staying with Kyle, at his Alexandria mansion. Now living in the white community, they had all taken white names so that they could blend in with those that they now lived among.

Hawk and Flaming Arrow were at basic training for the Army, awaiting news if they were to be stationed, upon graduation from boot camp, in Washington DC. Hawk decided make his last name Hawk, and his first name Thomas.

"I understand that General, but I promised their fathers that I would do my best to keep them from going overseas," Kyle said to General Pershing over the telephone.

"You must understand Senator Cooper, that if I were to grant special privileges for your boys, then I would have to grant them for others," the general stated...cold and matter of fact to Kyle.

"Well can't you assign them to somewhere else here in the states?" he further inquired.

"Listen senator and this is the last time I am saying this, those two boys will be shipped out along with their boot camp graduation class. Now good day sir," the general said and hung up the phone.

Kyle slammed the phone into its cradle before turning to Jacob.

"I tried and God truly knows that I tried, but that damn man is so stubborn," Kyle said, standing in Jacob's embrace.

"That is all that their fathers can ask of you Kyle," Jacob said. "I am sure that their fathers will understand."

"Unless you grew up with Indians, you truly don't understand the value of your word, when you promise to do something. Your word is as good as signed in blood when you say that you are going to do this or that."

"Then you should not have promised to do this, before you knew if you could babe."

"Oh you're no help damn it," Kyle said, pushing away from Jacob and heading downstairs to join Shadow and his family.

Although it was late November, Kyle had had a Christmas tree put up to help cheer up Moon Shadow, who now went by the white name of Jason, and was missing his grandfathers in Montana. The tree was gaily decorated with various ornaments of red and gold.

"Uncle Kyle, what do you think of the tree," Moon Shadow asked excitedly.

"It's absolutely beautiful, Jason" Kyle said, using the boy's white name.

Kyle lacked an enthusiasm and Shadow was quick to notice it.

"What's wrong uncle," Shadow asked as he came to stand beside his uncle.

"I just got off of the telephone with General Pershing, and I am afraid that there's nothing that can be done about your brother and Clark, Trevor," he told Shadow, using his white man's name.

Moon Dancing gasped and put her hand to her throat in shock, while Jason gave him an alarmed look. Shadow knew that his fathers would worry if their son went to war, as well as would Abe and Swift Sparrow.

"Can't they at least stay in the states, Uncle Kyle?"

"Pershing told me that if made an exception for them, he'd have to do the same for others, and he just did not want to deal with all this bureaucracy."

"Have you telegrammed my brother yet," Shadow further inquired, causing Kyle to shake his head.

"Not yet, I am going to go see President Wilson tomorrow and see if he can help me before I upset Hawk and Flaming Arrow."

"I shall pray to the Great Spirit for acceptance of your request, uncle," Shadow said, his hand resting on Kyle's shoulder.

Kyle turned to leave the room and suddenly he grabbed his head with his hands, crying out in pain and dropping to the floor.

"Oh God no," Jacob cried out as he rushed to Kyle's aid, looking to Shadow for assistance. "Call the operator and have an ambulance sent," he demanded, holding Jacob's head in his lap.

"Will you hurry up before the guard catches us, Thom," Flaming Arrow whispered as he and Hawk stealthily stole away from their barracks.

"I don't like this Clark...someone is going to catch us," Hawk whispered back to Flaming Arrow.

"I just saw the guard go around the corner, so get a move on or we will get caught," he said moving across the field toward the mess hall.

Hawk and Flaming Arrow knew that the mess hall would be closed, so they stole away so they could make love. Ever since their arrival, they had not had a chance to be alone to make love.

"That was not too bright of Sergeant Williams to leave his keys lying around on the desk," Flaming Arrow said as he fumbled with the keys to find the right one which would unlock the door. "I got it," he said and opened the door and both of them scurried inside, closing the door softly behind them.

"I really don't know about this babe, if we get caught our asses are in deep shit," Hawk warned as he looked about the room, which was filled with tables and chairs.

When he turned to look at Flaming Arrow, Flaming Arrow was completely naked and moving down to his knees.

"My, aren't you the anxious one," Hawk mused, pulling his tee shirt over his head.

"I'm so in need for you sweetheart that I cannot go another minute," Flaming Arrow said, working his fingers frantically to undo Hawk's pants.

Flaming Arrow helped him from his boots and then grabbing his pants, boxers and all, Flaming Arrow lowered Hawk's pants, pulling them off of him.

Hawk moaned when he felt the warmth of Flaming Arrow's mouth as it descended down his cock, surrounding it with its wet warmth. Winding his fingers through Flaming Arrow's hair, Hawk's hips drove his cock slowly in and out of his husband's mouth, until he could feel his need for release begin to rise.

"Stop...I'm about to come," Hawk whispered as he lowered Flaming Arrow down to the floor.

"Damn, this cement is cold," Flaming Arrow gasped out, when his back touched the cold cement.

"Here, put our clothes under you," Hawk said, fitting their shirts beneath Flaming Arrow.

Needing to release, Hawk lowered his body to cover his husband's and with a powerful thrust, buried his manhood deep into Flaming Arrow's ass. Hawk kissed his husband heatedly, their lips trembling with desire, while Flaming Arrow's hips rose and fell in unison with Hawk's.

Flaming Arrow lifted and wrapped his legs around Hawk's waist, pulling more of Hawk's cock into him.

"Fuck me Hawk... you have no idea how much I have missed you in me," he moaned, holding Hawk by the hips as Hawk pummeled Flaming Arrow's ass.

"No more than I've missed your heat babe," he groaned and then crushed his mouth to Flaming Arrow's, giving him a long, sweltering kiss, his ass driving his throbbing cock in deeper and harder into his husband's velvet sheath.

"What's that noise," Flaming Arrow whispered, training his ear to listen for any noise that should not be. "Will you stop for a minute Hawk?" he asked, but Hawk could not because his rhythm had taken over his body.

"I can't...oh shit I'm gonna come babe," he groaned and thrust his cock in deep, stopped and spewed his seed once...twice and then three thick bursts before resuming his feverish thrusts.

"Well, well, well, what have we here...I'd say a couple of fairies Mike," one guard said to the other.

"It sure looks that way Troy," Mike agreed. "What do ya'll reckon we do with them?"

Hawk was now standing protectively in front of Flaming Arrow, his hands hiding his manhood while Flaming Arrow scrambled to gather up their clothes. Hawk knew that they were in deep trouble, and might even be discharged dishonorably, and that was something he did not need. He knew that a scandal like this could destroy his uncle's career, and more so, totally devastate his fathers.

"How long has it been since you had a piece of ass, Mike," Troy asked as he ran the tip of his rifle's barrel up and down Hawk's torso, teasing him when he lifted Hawk's spent cock with the gun barrel's tip.

"What say we have a little fun and get us laid, because it's been weeks since my last visit into town," Mike asked, slipping his shirt off over his head. "Take you pick Troy, but I am kinda fond of this one that seems to be protecting the dainty one.

"I'll take the dainty one, I think he's kinda cute," Troy said, pulling Flaming Arrow from behind Hawk.

"Let him can both have your fun with me," Hawk said, pulling Flaming Arrow back behind him.

"Well you know what boy... neither of us wants to share, and as I see it you two are facing a court-martial if we decide to turn your sorry asses in," Mike said leaning into Hawk's face. "Cuff their hands behind them," he said, tossing handcuffs to Troy.

Flaming Arrow gave Hawk an apologetic glance, for it was his fault that he and Hawk were about to be raped. If he hadn't been so horny, neither of them would be in the predicament.

"Can't we work something out here guys," Hawk asked as he was shoved down to the floor. "How about a blowjob and we'll be on our way," he suggested over his shoulder, but that only got him a shove as Troy cuffed his hands and then turned to Flaming Arrow and repeated the same.

"Here Mike, stuff their underwear into their mouths, that'll shut them up while we are having our fun," he suggested and Mike did as he was told, shoving Hawk and Flaming Arrow's boxers into the mouths.

Hawk's eyes were filled with anger, while Flaming Arrow's eyes showed the fear that he felt.

"I am so going to enjoy this," Troy said as he quickly stripped. "Do you think their asses are better than a woman's," he asked looking down at Flaming Arrow's ass.

"How the hell do I know, I've never fucked a guy before," Mike said as he knelt between Hawk's spread legs, and this being his first time that Troy was allowing him to fuck a guy, having always been the one that Troy would fuck. "I can't even get it hard, damn it."

"That's because you are looking at him like a man, try pretending that its Margie's pussy and you're going to plow it good," Troy suggested and almost immediately, Mike's cock grew hard.

"Damn Troy, that worked," Mike said as he lowered his cock to Hawk's rosebud.

"Oooommmm," Hawk moaned in pain as Mike thrust his cock fully into Hawk's ass.

The pain was excruciating for Hawk, as Mike thrust his cock hard, deep and fast into his ravaged sheath, showing no mercy to Hawk. Hawk turned his eyes toward Flaming Arrow and he could see that he too felt pain, for tears were rolling down Flaming Arrow's cheeks.

Flaming Arrow laid there still, while Troy ravaged his ass, remembering back to when his mother had been raped. He was remembering each scream that his mother cried out as man after man took her savagely, not caring that they were hurting her.

Suddenly he felt a hand creeping beneath him and Troy twisted painfully on Flaming Arrow's nipple, causing extreme pain to surge through him, while the other hand pulled his hair and caused Flaming Arrow's head to bend backward.

"How's that feel sweetie pie," Troy asked as he leaned low and whispered into Flaming Arrow's ear. "I bet that lover boy of yours never fucked you this did he," he tormented as he pounded sadistically into Flaming Arrow's heat, slamming Flaming Arrow's face to the floor.

Hawk looked at Troy and was memorizing his face, if he ever lived through this he was going to get revenge on Troy and also on Mike, if it was the last thing that he ever did in life.

"I'm gonna blow... aaaaahhhhhggggg fuck," Mike screamed and then shoved his cock deeper and stopped, blowing his seed deep into Hawk.

After his initial blasts, Mike resumed his urgent thrusts, sending more of his seed into Hawk's ass.

"Aaaagggghhhhh take it boy...take a real man's seed," Troy called out, tossing his head back and blasting his seed deep into Flaming Arrow's ass.

With both of them spent and sweat covered, they pulled their spent cocks from Hawk and Flaming Arrow's ass.

"What do you suppose we should do with them now," Mike asked Troy, as he quickly dressed.

"Let's give them a thrashing that they'll not soon forget." Troy said as he knelt down to Flaming Arrow, grabbing him by the hair and after lifting his head up again, slammed it violently to the floor, repeatedly he did this until Flaming Arrow was unconscious.

Hawk watched helplessly, also taking blows to his body from Mike.

"Grab our cuffs and let's get out of here before someone notices we aren't at our posts," Troy said, tucking in his shirt into his pants, himself having just finished beating Flaming Arrow.

After they finished dressing and had uncuffed the two, Mike and Troy savagely beat Hawk and Flaming Arrow, yet again, before leaving them there to die.

His face cut and bleeding, Hawk crawled painfully over to Flaming Arrow, whose face was bloody beyond recognition and cried softly as he tried to get a response from him.

"Talk to me, my heart...oh please don't die on me Flaming Arrow," Hawk cried, cuddling up to him as he fought off the darkness that threatened to envelope him.

Suddenly the lights turned on and Hawk turned slowly, painfully to find two more guards standing at the door and looking down at him.

"I told you that I heard someone moaning, Joshua," Kevin Johnson said as he rushed to where Hawk and Flaming Arrow lay bleeding.

"My God Kevin, will you look at them," Joshua Adams said as he set his rifle down and hurried over to Hawk. "Who did this to you," he asked, but Hawk stared stoically up at him, refusing to say a word.

"This one's unconscious Josh, we'd better call for a medic and quick before he dies," Kevin said as he looked down at Flaming Arrow, wondering if he was on the brink of death.

"Please save him...I'll live, but please save Clark," Hawk begged, remembering to use Flaming Arrow's white name.

"What happened here soldier?" Joshua asked, looking around for Hawk's clothes. "This looks like their work again Kevin," he added to the man.

"We were jumped as we were walking back to our barracks and that is all I remember until I woke and saw you standing there," he lied, thinking that he would be the one to seek revenge, the Choctaw way, once he and Flaming Arrow were well enough to seek it.

"It looks like they are still playing Cowboys and Indians," Kevin said bitterly, before hurrying out of the building to get medical help.

"It was nothing like that, was it soldier? I suspect that while you two were having sex together, Mike and Troy came upon you, Those two have been nothing but trouble ever since they were transferred here," Josh said, surprising Hawk with his assumption.

"Don't worry bud about your sexuality, for I'm just like you and so is Kevin. We were heading over here to do the same thing that you were probably doing when we came across you. Now just make sure that you stick to your story about being jumped and I'll back you up bud."

Hawk instantly liked this man and nodded, letting his eyes drift back to Flaming Arrow.

"He'll make it, and do you know why he'll make it," Josh softly asked, now holding Hawk's head in his lap. "He's going to make it because of the love that you two have. I've seen you around camp and I could tell that your friendship went way beyond that of mere friends. Kevin and I were going to approach you soon about joining our private club, whose members are men that love other men, sexually."

"Help's on the way Josh," Kevin said as he knelt down beside Flaming Arrow.

"Kevin, they are like us, lovers," Josh whispered and Kevin nodded. "I think that the best thing we can do is to get their clothes on them before help arrives. Also Kevin, make sure to remove any semen that may be left around his... well make sure to remove it," he added and both men hurried, finishing dressing them just as the medics arrived.

"It looks like a case of someone hating them just because they're Indians," Joshua suggested to Kevin, so that he was on board with the story. "They were heading back to their barracks when someone jumped them from behind and beat them senseless, and decided to dump them in here," he added, glancing down at Hawk, Hawk knew that he had a friend in this man.

"Whoever did this to you, surely had a hatred deeply embedded within them and was hoping to kill the two of you," Joshua whispered to Hawk, looking over his shoulder as two orderlies and a doctor came rushing in, carrying a stretcher.

Hawk heard a great intake of breath and knew that whoever was now in the room had gasped at their bloody sight.

"What happened here Lieutenant Adams," the captain and also a doctor asked.

"From what this soldier told me before losing consciousness sir, he and the other soldier were accosted as they walked back to the barracks," he lied, hoping that Hawk would verify his story and remain with his eyes closed. "We came upon them while making our rounds, sir."

"Step aside soldier, I'll take over now," the captain, Dr. Bradley Anderson said, giving one last look at Hawk and Flaming Arrow before leaving the mess hall. "When are people ever going to learn that Indians are just as human as whites," he muttered out loud for the benefit of the orderlies if they were within hearing distance.

"They are like minded, sir, but neither know about you yet," Joshua whispered to Bradley, who merely nodded.

"Be very careful with them, they may have broken ribs and I do not what a lung or other vital organ, pierced," Bradley cautioned the orderlies as they carefully lifted Flaming Arrow onto the stretcher and carried him away.

"Now that we are alone... what is your name, soldier?" Bradley whispered to Hawk. "And do not worry about anything, for I am also of like mind, just as Joshua and Kevin are," he whispered quickly.

"I go by Thomas Hawk, but Hawk is the name that my father gave me upon my birth," he confided to this compassionate doctor. "My husband is called Flaming Arrow, but is known here as Clark Wilson."

"Husband," he gasped, surprised to hear that these to men were married and that he spoke so freely about it.

"Ay-uh, for among my people, those of two spirits often marry."

"Well then Hawk, let me assure you that those responsible will in no way be able to harm you again. Joshua and Kevin are going to arrest them as we speak," he assured him.

"Ay-uh, but once I am strong again, Hawk will surely seek them out and kill them, Choctaw style... slowly and with much pain," he promised as he lowered his eyelids, faking unconsciousness upon hearing the orderlies re-entering the room.

Several weeks have gone by and although Hawk was better and could go back to his barracks, Bradley made sure that he stayed until Flaming Arrow got better or died. Although Flaming Arrow's injuries were healing, he remained in a coma, his head injury having been greater than Hawk's.

Hawk now sat beside Flaming Arrow's bunk and looked at the man that he loved with all of his heart, tears fighting to escape from his eyes. Even though Flaming Arrow's broken bones and ribs were nicely healing, he still had not regained consciousness, due to his severe head trauma.

"How is he doing Hawk," Bradley asked as he quietly slipped into the room. "Is he moaning or showing signs of discomfort?"

Surprised by Bradley's sudden appearance, Hawk leapt to his feet, facing the handsome doctor, whose eyes were as black as his own.

"Still he sleeps and that causes me much worry," Hawk said, turning back to gaze at Flaming Arrow.

"As I had told you earlier Hawk, Flaming Arrow sustained a severe head injury from his beating."

"I wish our Shaman was here, he'd know how to help him," he said, then remembering that Bradley was a doctor, he felt guilty for having allowed doubt about his ability to heal to slip from his lips. "I'm sorry Bradley, for I let my anger toward whites speak words that cause you harm."

"Don't be sorry about wanting your Shaman Hawk, for I, still Shaman to my people's village," he confided and again, Hawk was surprised by this man. "Yes Hawk, I am half Cherokee, and was Shaman to my people before I decided that medical school was what I wanted."

"That does not surprise that you are of Cherokee blood," Hawk said looking more closely at the man. "For your eyes and hair speak of your ancestry."

"My mother was white, but my father was also a Cherokee Shaman," he told Hawk proudly. "But I knew that I needed more than the simple herbs and roots to heal my people. So I, being white in appearance, went to Yale's medical school to be a doctor, so that I could further help my people."

"But you are here in the white eye's army," Hawk questioned.

"Yes that is true, but I was drafted quickly upon finishing my internship, because I was a doctor."

Flaming Arrow moaned softly from his bunk, causing Hawk to drop to a knee beside him, taking Flaming Arrow's hand in his.

"Come back to me, my husband," Hawk whispered softly into his husband's ear.

When he neither awoke nor moaned again, Hawk sighed, worried that he was losing him forever. Bradley drew near the bed and examined Flaming Arrow, looking for any signs that he may be awakening from his deep sleep.

"At least he's moaning, that means he's feeling discomfort, which is a good sign Hawk. He will soon be waking up and I just hope that he's not suffered any lasting affects to his brain," he said cautiously, not wishing to alarm Hawk, but also not wanting to give him any false hope.

Hawk looked up at Bradley, with concern and anger in his eyes.

"This you say...why?" he asked looking perplexingly at Bradley.

"He could very well come out of his coma and not know you or worse, he could be as a child also."

"What is General Donaldson going to do to the men that did this to us?" he asked, his jaw set and his lips now straight and tight as he gazed up into the midnight eyes of Bradley. "These men must be made to pay for what they did to my Flaming Arrow."

"A court martial is set for them, soon, but they are still claiming that you and Flaming Arrow accosted them first and that they were only defending themselves," he said, his hand resting softly on Hawk's shoulder. "Neither of them mentioned any kind of sexual activity, either between you and Flaming Arrow or after, when they raped you both."

"They lie," he shouted and rose quickly to gaze into Bradley's eyes.

"I know that Hawk, and so does the captain, but he's waiting until the trial to speak his peace about it, when he's under oath. Kevin has offered to testify about his rape by them also."

"I too shall speak my peace," Hawk said determinedly, his arms folded stubbornly across his chest.

"Yes you will also be summoned to testify, and we need to go over what you are going to say. I want to make sure that those two men are never able to do this to others again."

"I know why I hate them Bradley, but why do you?" Hawk asked.

"My lover was accosted by them one evening when he first came here for basic training and he died of his injuries. Although many surmised that Troy was involved, we could never prove it. Mike and Troy may act all masculine, but both are in denial of their true hunger in sex."

"And what is their true sexual hunger?" Hawk dared to ask.

"They're sadists Hawk, men whose only purpose in life to inflict dominance and pain on the men, which they sexually desire. They, or rather Troy, have this deeply embedded need to dominate men sexually with his masculinity. Even Mike is afraid of and obedient to Troy, and I feel that somewhere along the line, Troy may have brought Mike under his dominance, because Mike only does what he's told to do by Troy."

"Ay-uh, this could be true sir, for it was Troy that seemed to be giving the orders that night."

Both men turned abruptly when Abe and Swift Sparrow entered the room, both men rushing over to stand beside Flaming Arrow, oblivious of anyone else in the room.

"My son, awaken," Swift Sparrow ordered as he looked down at the face of his only son, as if his voice alone could make it so.

"My husband cannot yet awaken," Hawk said as he stepped between Abe and Swift Sparrow. "His brain has sustained a great injury and needs deep sleep to heal it," he added, turning to look at Swift Sparrow.

Hawk had not expected Abe and Swift Sparrow to arrive so soon after receiving the telegram that Kyle had sent them, alerting them to Flaming Arrow's injury. What he wanted now were his own fathers to lend him their support and strength.

"Hawk, what happened to him, all Kyle said in his telegram was that you and our son were badly injured and to come quickly. But when we arrived at the train station, some man called Jacob, met us there and told us nothing except that Golden Hawk was not well." Abe said and then suddenly noticed movement out of the corner of his eye.

Abe suddenly turned, now aware of Bradley's presence and regretted having said that Flaming Arrow was his son also, giving away the fact that he and Swift Sparrow were married. His eyes took in the doctor, trying to assess the kind of man that he was.

"Do not fear this man, Walking Tall, for he too is like us," Hawk assured Abe, pulling Bradley close to introduce him. "This is Dr. Bradley Anderson, Walking Tall," he said, his hand resting on Bradley's shoulder.

"I'm sure that under different circumstances it would be a pleasure to meet you doctor, but at the moment, my...our only concern is for our son's recovery."

"I totally understand sir, and as his doctor and also a Cherokee Shaman, I can assure you that we are doing everything possible to ensure your son's recovery."

"You are of Cherokee blood, and a Shaman?" Swift Sparrow asked surprised by his revelation.

"Yes sir," he said and then briefly explained his life history to them.

"Now I feel much better about my son being here, knowing that he's a Shaman first and a doctor second," Swift Sparrow said to Abe. "But does it not give you cause to hate us because we are of two spirits?"

"No sir," Bradley turned to Hawk before continuing and when he saw his nod of approval, continued. "You see sir, I too am of two spirits," he said, lifting his chin proudly as he looked at Flaming Arrow's dads.

"Gah-ween... how can this be and you being white as well as a white man's doctor," Swift Sparrow questioned. "For surely you must be hated, as are we amongst the white community."

"My sexuality is kept well hidden, Swift Sparrow, as I am sure yours is also."

"Our people both know about us and accept it," he said proudly, "to bad that we cannot say the same for Walking Tall's people."

Bradley looked at the well tanned Abe, seeing how he looked more Indian, than he did white.

"I was sure that Walking Tall was also an Indian," he said surprised to hear differently.

"I was called Abraham before I was given my Choctaw name of Walking Tall, and now I no longer consider myself white but Choctaw," Abe proudly said. "Now doctor, will our son live or die," he persisted.

"The longer he's alive, the more hopeful I am of his recovery, but..."

"But...but what doctor?" Abe asked, frowning at the sudden `but'.

"But I do not know if he'll come through without any brain damage, for he took extensive abuse to his head and thus his brain."

Angered by these words, both men turned to Hawk, their anger and need for revenge was evident in their eyes.

"Tell us son...tell us the names of those that did this to you, so that we can avenge our son's injuries." Swift Sparrow demanded.

"Do not worry a..." Hawk stopped when his fathers suddenly came into the room. "Father...I did not know that you too were coming here," a surprised Hawk said, rushing into Strong Bear's arms.

Hawk broke down crying when his father's arms wrapped about him, both out of pain for what he and Flaming Arrow had endured and from seeing him again.

"Cry my son, for it is not a sign of weakness, not with what you and your husband have been through," Yellow Hawk urged, softly caressing Hawk's back as his tears flowed freely down Strong Bear's chest.

"A father's love for a son is reason enough for him to come to him, but when he's injured and may die, nothing keeps me from him," Strong Bear assured him.

"I'll leave you so that you can have some privacy," Bradley whispered to Hawk.

"No, please stay... please Bradley," Hawk said, holding out his hand to the man.

Bradley took Hawk's hand in his and gently squeezed it, nodding to Hawk.

"Fathers...this is the Shaman that has been working to save Flaming Arrow's life," Hawk said, still being held in Strong Bear's arms.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, oh great Chief of the mighty Choctaw," he said in perfect Choctaw language to Strong Bear whose eyes showed his surprise.

"You speak the tongue of my people well white Shaman, but is your heart Choctaw also?" Strong Bear asked.

"Gah-ween great Chief, because I am of the Cherokee nation," Bradley proudly said proudly, holding his chin high with pride. "Although I am a Shaman, I was once a great warrior and have the heart of a warrior beating in me."

"Then Strong Bear is pleased to know you, Shaman of the Cherokee," Strong Bear said, releasing Hawk and warmly hugging Bradley. "So tell Strong Bear, by what name do you go by," he asked.

"Although I go by the name of Bradley Anderson while I am living amongst the white community, I was raised with the name of Rising Sun."

"Dr. Anderson...Dr. Bradley Anderson, please come to the emergency room, stat... code one," the woman's voice said over the loud speaker, causing Bradley to take immediately notice.

"Code one, that means someone of extreme importance has been brought into the emergency room," he said just before dashing from the room.

When Bradley entered the emergency room, he was directed to a cubical that was used for those of importance in Washington, and he gasped when he saw Senator Cooper lying there, with Rebecca standing beside him.

"I'm Dr. Anderson and you are..." Bradley asked Rebecca.

"I'm his niece, Rebecca Spenser," she said. "My uncle just suddenly collapsed on us, after complaining about his head aching," she told him, while Bradley examined Kyle.

"Did he strike his head when he fell," he asked, and Rebecca shook her head.

"When he fell, he fell backward on onto the sofa."

"Has he been complaining about headaches before today, miss?"

"No doctor, but his family has noticed his sudden mood swings and..." she paused, not sure if she should continue. "First he's pleasant and agreeable, and then he is snapping at you as if you were his worse enemy," she said. "Even his personal secretary is at odds over his mood swings. I have also noticed that he seems to have bouts with confusion," she added.

As they further talked, Kyle suddenly regained consciousness and demanded to know where he was and why.

"Calm down Senator Cooper, you are at Walter Reed Hospital," Bradley calmly told Kyle. "It appears that you had some kind of seizure sir," he added.

"Nonsense, I had a headache earlier, but I feel just fine now," Kyle adamantly stated. "I insist on going home... immediately," he said demandingly.

"Seeing how you are here sir, why not let us see what caused you to collapse," Bradley suggested.

"Listen young man, I am going home and that's the end of this here discussion," Kyle said, rising to a sitting position. "And where is," he paused, turning toward Rebecca, as if trying to remember something or someone. "Shouldn't Roaring Thunder be here instead of you, young lady" he demanded. "And just who in hell are you," he asked looking closely at Rebecca as if a total stranger.

"I'm your niece Rebecca, and surely you remember that Roaring Thunder has been dead for some time now, uncle," she whispered, giving Bradley a cautious look.

"Nonsense...I just spoke to him earlier today," he bitterly said, standing and grabbing quickly for the bed to steady him.

"I really should insist that you let me run some tests senator," Bradley offered, grabbing Kyle before he fell. "It shouldn't take more than a day or so," he added.

"Listen you damn upstart, I'll have your license if you do not release me," Kyle snapped, staring the young doctor in the eyes. And where did you say that this place is?"

"Walter Reed Army hospital, senator," he reminded Kyle.

"It really doesn't matter," he turned, "so whoever you claim to be, release," he insisted. "If you do not release me immediately, I'll see that you do not practice medicine here or at any other hospital."

"Very well sir, I'll get the paper for you to sign, releasing the hospital of any responsibilities," Bradley said dryly to Kyle, turning on a heel and leaving the room.

"Uncle Kyle, why not let the nice doctor and let him run some tests, this way if there is something wrong with you, he could fix it?"

"Thank you Rebecca for caring," he said now suddenly knowing her. "But truly, I am feeling like my old self," he quietly said, caressing her cheek with his hand. "Now why don't you go find Roaring Thunder and tell him that I wish to go home, like a good little girl," he began and suddenly, Kyle dropped unto the bed.

"Help! Oh God, will someone help me," she screamed out, causing nurses and Bradley to come rushing in.

To be continued...

There is chapter one of `The Heart of a Warrior'. This story is going to be packed with more excitement and romance, as our characters move into the twentieth century. Your comments are welcomed at

Thank you my faithful readers,


Next: Chapter 2

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