The Heart of a Gigolo

By Van T Zboi (Robbie Robot) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Aug 7, 2020



It's your boy Ryan with chapter two of his new story. THANK YOU for everyone who sent me feedback from chapter one. Y'all are awesome!

Please stay safe and healthy. And enjoy the chapter xx Love, Ryan


I opened my eyes and my first thoughts was of Dash.

Sexy Dash. Handsome Dash. Beautiful Dash.

I wonder where the hell he had found himself being all of last night. And maybe even into the early hours of the morning. I could imagine that he was very much in demand, with his looks.

Because a gigolo's work was never done.

I scratched my balls and suddenly remembered once more how good it felt to finally have been sexually active with a man. Another dude. Even if I did had to pay for his time.

You hear about this sorta stuff all the time but you never really think it's gonna happen to you.

If one of my friends would have hired a stripper and slept with her, I'd be the first to tell him, you have had your fun, now get on with your life and forget about her!

Wasn't so easy when it was YOU in the firing line, was it?

Gosh, I swear I could still SMELL Dash inside my hotel room. God, he was beautiful.

After years and years of being faithful to my wife, Lara, I had caught her fucking my best friend in our fucking kitchen of all places the day before. She still didn't know, that I knew. What a fucking disaster.

When I saw them in there, doing their disgusting deeds without a care in the world, not a care towards ME... something inside me broke.

Like all the gay feelings I had to keep hidden all these years. Because I had loved and respected her. I clenched my teeth and ran my fingers through my hair.

It was time that I did what was right for me. Not anyone else. Nor what society demanded.

I was gay. I couldn't change that. Being married to a woman didn't magically cure me. And I was going to damn well live my life as a gay man from now on, come hell or high water.


I paid for my hotel room at the front desk and got into my car, ready to go home and finally confront Lara head on. I couldn't wait to hear what her excuse was going to be for what I had seen.

As I parked in front of our driveway, and got out of the car, I once more saw our neighbour, Julie, stare at me from inside her own house. If there was a name for the local town gossip she would be it. She cracked a feeble smile at me with a slight wave and I faked one back. I didn't have the time or the energy for her right now.

As I entered the house, I found Lara doing the washing like she always did on a Saturday morning.

Normality. Seemed so far away now. Just the sight of her freaked me out. Knowing and relieving my best friends cock going in and out of her until he had the nerve to fucking cum inside her. God help me.

As she glanced at me, her face lit up with happiness. Oh sure...the live of luxury I had given her was the icing on the cake. She had to keep up appearances.

"Hey baby...I thought you said you're staying over somewhere for a conference?" she said as she leaned in to kiss me and immediately her demeanour changed as I pulled away from her, her kiss landing up in mid-air.

Stunned reaction from Lara. To put it mildly. I had never, ever done that to her before. And we had been through some tough times throughout the years.

She saw I was angry. She knew I was. My eyes had to be red as fuck from the next to nothing sleep I had gotten. After I had fucked Dash senseless.

"You''re angry? You're tired? What's wrong, baby?" Lara asked as she stepped closer to me and yet, I held my hand out to stop her.

"Please, Lara. Stop this baby crap. Didn't you get enough loving from Harry yesterday to last you a life time?"

Her eyes flashed dangerously. She took a few steps back. Majority of the colour in her cheeks were missing within seconds.

"I...don't quite understand...?"

"Don't you? Let me enlighten you. I came home yesterday because Julie next door, told me that Harry was here when he explicitly told us he was going away for the week, for work. Surprise, surprise, when I found my wife fucking my god damn best friend right here in our kitchen yesterday afternoon!"

I was so angry, Lord knows, if Lara was a man, she would have been lights out by now.

Lara focused her eyes on me and swallowed, slowly.

"Well, if you had seen us then I guess there is no reason to keep pretending, is there?"

Unbelievable. I was gobsmacked. She wasn't even gonna try and deny it?

"Wait...wait just a fucking minute're not even sorry? You have no explanation? No follow through? I thought we were happy, Lara! Why? Tell me!"

The Lara that I had known for most of my adult life, had vanished within a mere few seconds. Indeed, in her place, was now a vicious looking woman, who had suddenly taken a damn packet of cigarettes out of her purse and lightened one up.

Lara didn't even smoke! What the hell?

I stared at this person in sheer disbelief. It didn't just smoke. It also talked.

"Sorry? Of course I'm not sorry! Look, as a husband, you're cool. You're swell. I'd give you that. But I'm sick and tired of living on a budget every month. I was genuinely convinced that when you got your big ass promotion, that you would be able to splash some cash finally after all these years of poverty we had. Harry, earns triple what you do. And he wants me. Like HELL am I gonna say no!"

Lara puffed out her cigarette smoke, while looking me dead in my eyes. She didn't even care that she was blowing the smoke straight at me. She knew full well I suffered with asthma.

That's how much she truly cared.

This woman had no shame. No moral values. She had conned me, plain and simple, for years. Yes, we had had some pretty rough times over the years when it came to finances but I always, always made sure she cake first when anything was needed at home.

I bent over backwards to satisfy her, because I loved her and I wanted her to have a good life.

And she goes and does this? Acts like THIS?

When I had to hide being GAY because of her!?


"Go and pack your bags. I want you out. You're disgusting. I can't even look at you!" I hissed towards her. All that achieved was an evil smile and pointed to two suitcases in the doorway, behind the washing machine.

"Been ready for that for years. Harry, can take care of me. He always does. Literally and figuratively. Because unlike fucking loser, he knows how to take care of his woman!"

"Just...just get out of here!" I whispered in agony. I couldn't believe how much she was actually enjoying to hurt ne. It was like a lifetime of memories and good times we had shared had just been wiped clean from this earth.

As I heard her call Harry on her phone...who else come and collect her, I closed the bedroom door behind me and sunk down on the bed with my head inside my hands.

Once more, my mind travelled back to when Dash and I had been in bed, back at the hotel. How he had kissed me. Showed me how a man makes love to another. It had been perfect.

I wanted more. I wanted it again. I couldn't wait until it was after dark. I had to see him. Now.

The pain had gotten too much. Way too much. I needed release.

I needed Dash.

In my haste to get the PlayBoyz business card that he had left behind, my wallet fell out of my hands. I scurried around to pick it up, grabbing the card with both my hands as if I was Gollom in Lord of the Rings.

I dialled the number, and waited for the lovely woman of yesterday to answer me one more time.

"PlayBoyz, what's your need?"

"Hi, uhm it's Tyler. From yesterday. You sent a gigolo over to me at the Fountain hotel?"

"The shy one! I remember you! Did you like who we picked out for you? Dash does come highly recommended," she laughed, her voice humming like a sheer church choir inside my ears.

"Yeah! Yeah, and thanks for that. I was wondering...could I book Dash again? Not for tonight, though. For this afternoon. Do you guys do that?"

"Of course! That's what we're here for! Its gonna be the same fee we charged last time, and that's gonna be for a full hour of his time. We still have your credit card details on file, so there's no problem. What time would you like us to assist you with him?"

Right fucking now would have been perfect but I knew it was impossible.

I still needed time to get rid of everything in the house that belonged to Lara. God knows, I had to.

I didn't even as much as recognise her anymore. If she wanted to be with Harry so bad I wasn't gonna stop her. They deserved each other.

I just hoped Harry understood what he was letting himself in for. Once the money dries up, seemingly, so did Lara.

"I think about four a clock should be okay if he isn't booked in for that time with someone else?"

The idea of Dash fucking another bloke or having sex with someone else really ate at me. It was his job, I knew that.

Damn, why couldn't I have just gotten one of my work mates to have gay sex with me for the first time?


Stupid old me, had to order a gigolo and get somewhat attached to him. Go figure.

"You're in luck! He has a client booked in at 14:30 but then, Dash is free. He'll be there at four. I just need your home address. You can email me that later. You boys have fun now!"

Does she have to be so damn ice all the time?


I heard a car honking outside, and I needlessly stood up to have a look.

Fucking Harry and his expensive BMW. I saw, as if inside a nightmare, how Lara ran towards the car, with two bags and more suitcases of her stuff in tow.

Harry, gentleman that he was, actually got out of the car and HELPED her with her luggage. Finally when they were done, they also actually had the sheer nerve to hug and kiss in front of the house...where EVERYONE, including the charming Julie could see them.

...but not before Harry turned towards the front door and shouted...

"I'll take good care of her, buddy!"

I had to restrain myself not to march downstairs and punching the living shit out of him.

Fucking bastard.

Now long has this been going in for? All those parties we held every weekend, and Harry was a frequent visitor, as my supposed best friend. And clearly, all this time they had been laughing at me behind my back!

I slowly walked downstairs after the BMW was gone, and took a beer from the fridge, taking two huge sips before I then proceeded to gather every piece left of Lara that I could possibly find and placed it inside a black rubbish bag.

Every photo, every trinket, every piece of clothing of hers that remained. I wanted it all gone.

Throwing said black bag outside in my yard, I proceeded to pour petrol over all the junk, and setting it on fire.

Having watched the flames burn everything of hers to a crisp, having the smoke dangle and fly over the roof of the house, was kinda symbolic for everything that has happened these past two days.

Only yesterday, I was still happily married. And if it wasn't for poor Julie from next door, Lara would have probably continued this charade for a long time.

I was finally free. I was single again.

I could literally do what I want. And who I want.

Which is exactly what I had in mind, with Dash.


A minute before four a clock, I heard my doorbell ring.

I was dead nervous. Dead! Last night, I could still hide behind a hotel room which I had no control over. This time, we were meeting at my own house. This was ten times as different.

I wanted to make a good impression. This guy had given me what I had craved for, for my entire life. He had literally changed my whole persona, my whole outlook.

Calm down, Tyler. You're gonna scare him off. The last thing I wanted to do.

I took a deep breath, and unlocked the front door.

"Hey sexy! Didn't think I'd be seeing you this soon!" Dash said as he smiled...oh god...that beautiful smile that had been torturing my thoughts since last night...the one I couldn't get out of my bloody mind.

I had literally tasted the so called forbidden fruit and there was no way I had gotten enough.

"Hey! Yeah...I just...I hope you don't mind. I...well, I confronted my wife today and she...lets just say she didn't even try to deny it. She's gone. Happily left to be with my former, yes, former best friend. I..."

I was tripping. And it showed.

Dash placed his left hand on my shoulder. I breathed in, and out. Slowly but surely, my focus returned to normal and I could see the care behind his stunningly perfect turquoise eyes.

I was momentarily silent at how truly beautiful this man was, even more so in the day light.

He had short black hair, that looked like it had been outgrown from a buzz cut. He was wearing a tank top, white, which looked stunning against his golden brown skin. He obviously did a lot of outdoors.

Finally, skinny black ripped jeans, complete with a silver chain around his neck. I could understand why he was such a damn popular addition to the PlayBoyz. For some reason, I didn't even wanna think how many clients he has.

For now, he belonged to me. This was the hurt talking, from what Lara and Harry had done to me, that I knew.

I wanted to hurt her as much as she hurt me!


We only had fifty minutes remaining.

"You wanna go through to the bedroom? Or just do stuff here? Because whatever you want is okay?" I mumbled on and on.

Dash smiled. He knew what was going on with me, and he understood.

He realised in how much pain I was and that he was here to make it all go away. God, I sounded like a right prat then.

"Tyler. We're gonna have a good time. Yeah? But I need you to relax. If you can. Breathe. I ain't going any where. So stop worrying about how much time you got left. Focus on me, on us. Okay? Can you do that for me?"

It felt like I was in a trance. I couldn't get any words out. I could only nod, yes, with my mouth halfway open.

Dash took the lead, and stood behind me. He carefully placed his hands on top of both my shoulders and started to give me a massage.

I groaned inwardly at the magic of what he was going, god I needed some tender love and care at that moment.

As his fingers continued to make love to my shoulders, I felt something wet and warm on the inside of my neck...Dash had leaned down and he was busy nuzzling and kissing my skin...

"Oh dude...oh sweet fuck..." I moaned and leaned into him, he smelled as good as he did the previous evening.

His hands eventually left my shoulders as he enveloped me in a passionate hug from behind, his fingers all over my upper chest and caressing my torso.

The nerves and fibres on my body was standing on end. Dash kept kissing my neck, and then he started to dive down my chin, tracing the hooks of my face all over with his wet tongue.

I closed my eyes in sheer pleasure. I felt like the most special guy on this earth inside the hands of this gigolo.

Dash. My gigolo.

I felt how his fingers had slowly creeped lower, to grab the bottom of my shirt. He slowly kissed my temple and then my hair as he started to lift up the piece of clothing he had his paws on, and I sighed...raising my arms towards the heavens to allow him to remove my shirt.

The warm summer's air felt like an old friend on my semi naked body. Dash finally released me and came to a stand still right in front of me.

"You're hot. You're sexy. You're kind. You're mine..." he whispered. With that, I think my cock hardened in about two seconds.

Dash pulled my face towards his and once more kissed me like I had never been kissed before.

He smelled and tasted just a like man should. With the rawest of raw emotion I grabbed his lower half and pulled him towards me, all the time snogging his face off.

Not that he seemed to care or mind as he moaned inside my mouth, our cocks a virtual sea storm inside both our trousers.

He leaned down and took my nipple inside his mouth, teasing and caressing the little nubbin just like he had done last night. I once more pulled at his head and devoured his mouth, holding him tight against me. This was animal sex at its most primitive and I LOVED IT!

I pushed Dash backwards onto the couch, and proceeded to do what I didn't get a chance to, back at the hotel. I unclasped his belt, removing his trousers, so that he was only sitting before me, in his tank top and boxers.

"Take it off. Rip it!" I hissed and he did what he was told.

I watched in awe as Dash told took of his shirt and just like the previous evening, rip it off into pieces, his almighty eight pack once more before my hungry eyes, making a more than welcome return.

I sank to my knees faster than the Titanic. I buried my face desperately inside his stomach and ripped muscles, kissing, licking, even as far as biting every orbit of flesh I could get hold of.

His stomach muscles was like tree trunks...hard and solid. He had to work out like crazy...I kissed, slurped and worshipped his abs until I got lower and lower by the second.

My lips was at his groin, and his boxers was separating me from what I wanted most in the world.

"Can I?" I whispered, just so that he could hear me.

Dash reached down and ran his fingers through my hair. I took that as a yes.

I removed his boxers, kissing his skin as I continued my trek down to the ultimate prize.

Firstly, his pubes appeared. He had shaved before coming to me, I could tell. They were neatly trimmed and well looked after, as a gigolo should.

Finally, I removed the final bit of clothing from this gorgeous hunk of a man, and finally allowing his anaconda to do the talking.

He was as big as he looked last night.

Easily eight inches give or take. I reached out and took hold of his phallus ...jesus, it felt as good as it looked.

Dash shivered I as touch his organ. He closed his eyes and his cock seemed to warm up by the second. It was as hard as hard could het. Throbbing in front of me as I allowed it to snap back onto his stomach.

I gently took hold of his hand, squeezing it, smiling up at him, a smile which was returned, even though his eyes were closed.

I kept his hand inside my own as I pulled his cock towards me. I had to taste it. The first cock I had ever, ever tasted...

Dash shook with pleasure as I licked at his length. It was like tonging a fucking steel pipe. He gripped my hand, still inside his, even tighter as he rolled his head back on the couch in sexual dynasty.

Fluttering my tongue as I had always seen in gay porn, I felt him hiss and swear under his breath as I continued to bathe his dick in my saliva.

His cockhead was oozing what had to be a torrent of pre cum, it was literally slithering all the way down to his balls. Getting his big cock out of the way, I lapped at those marvellous tennis balls sized orbs, and that got an even bigger shudder out of him...

"Tyler, for real, you don't have to do that... you paid for me to pleasure you..." he groaned, his stomach heaving up and down at me having his balks for lunch and supper.

Hearing those words, I just kept rolling his balls inside my mouth even more. His legs was trembling a shit storm next to me, as I released his left testicle and attacked the other, giving it the exact same love and care I did the god...was it my sheer horny imagination, or did they feel and taste incredibly full?

Hung, young an full of cum? Fuck yeah!

His cock was hovering over my head like no man's business. Letting his ball drop from my mouth with a POP, I hardly gave him the chance to recover as I glided upwards and devoured his big ass cockhead between my lips.

"Tyler ...Tyler ...Tyleeeeeer!" he screamed in what I hoped was sheer ecstasy at what I was doing. My lips were clamped solidly over his dick and I wasn't about to let it go, not for shit.

If his stomach was heaving before, it was going like clockwork now.

Up, down, up, down, I glided with my thirsty tongue until I could taste his sweet and sour pre cum. This must have been what heaven tasted like.

With my hand I continued to jack off the lower half of his dick, and to make sure that the organ remained as hard as ever. It seemed to become ALIVE every time I swiped my tongue across his piss slit, drawing more and more moans from him, his hand nearly crushing mine, which he was still holding on to.

I released his wet dick, and knew what I was about to have happen. I kissed his hand, that was holding mine and dropped it.

He stared at me, like he had never met me before. Like I was a stranger. Well technically, I still was. His eyes were as wide and as beautiful as I had ever seen them.

I ripped my trousers from my body, including my underwear, to stand before Dash wearing nothing but my birthday suit.

Nude as the day I was born. Dash had his eyes glazed over at the sight of my more, much more, modest body, as he reached out and placed the palm of his hand onto my chest.

He solidly moved his fingers downwards until he touched my stomach and finally, my smaller 6.5 inch dick.

"I want you inside me..." I whispered as I leaned in and kissed him.

He shivered underneath my kiss and draw my face even closer. At some point I got the idea he was trying his best for us to merge... if that was at all possible.

"I usually let clients fuck me...only once before did I fuck another guy on duty ...are you sure?" he breathed, kissing my hand, looking at me with those beautiful turquoise eyes.

I leaned in once more and kissed his forehead, his eyes, his nose, down to his cheeks and finally, his lips as yet again, it melted with mine.

"I trust you. You have protection?" I asked as I started to slowly masturbate his still hard dick. To a few seconds I'd have this bad boy deep inside my guts...

Dash seemed like he was still in some kind of trance, before taking control over his body and getting up, his hard cock leading the way. He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom. It was a large. Figures. That dick of his was big as fuck.

He ripped the packet open and carefully covered his cock up. Inside the condom, it looked even more huge and god like.

"You sure? You absolutely sure about this?" he asked, hard dick at the ready.

To answer him, I pulled him to me what seemed like the millionth time, and laid my lips on his. It was a soft, gentle kiss. Nothing like the raw passion we had displayed earlier.

I wanted to treat him like a fucking human being, as an equal, because to me, that's what he was. I wasn't sure all his other clients saw him the same way.

I think even he was surprised at the intimacy and the intensity of the kiss. His eyes wandered over my face and upper chest, and he gave me one more desperate taste of his lips.

"Come with me..." I said softly as I lead him to what was formally, well, until this morning rather, me and Lara's bedroom.


Dash laid down on the bed, with his penis on red alert. I stared at it like a small child would a piece of candy. It was a thing of beauty, like the rest of him. And pretty soon that hard tool would be inside me.

I still had the opportunity to back out.

Dahs would understand. Whether he fucks me or not, he had already been paid for his time. He can walk outta here and still have a smile on his face knowing he earned a small packet. He didn't have to do this.

I knelt down and grabbed his cockhead, eliciting another hiss from him.

He was getting underneath my fucking skin. And I didn't know whether that was a good thing, to be honest.

I masturbated him a little, before getting on top of him. I knew this was going to hurt like hell. The closest thing I ever had to having something up my ass was some cucumbers I practised with as a young teenager of seventeen.

I had never had up there.

"Go slow. I'm big. Not to brag, but you know what I mean," Dash said, ever the concerned hired help.

I positioned myself above him, and I felt hon caressing my hairy kegs. I smiled ...why was this mysterious guy so close to fucking perfect as I had ever seen?

I felt the top of his cock against the hole of my ass. It already felt humongous and it hasn't even gone in yet.

"Aaah god..." I hissed as the few first inches had slipped inside, and if it was painful for me, Dash had to be a virtual zombie having his cock inside something so bad ass tight.

Inch by inch, I clenched my teeth until my lip started to bleed. It was all a matter of willpower. I had to have his cock inside me. I craved it. I needed it.


"Jesus, how are you doing this?" Dash groaned in sheer disbelief as his chest was heaving with every inch my ass travelled down his awesome length.

"I don't care...I need this..." I moaned as I sank down the final few inches. Oh my god. He was balls deep. Inside me.

"'re a fucking trooper!" Dash screamed at the top of his voice.

His dick was enveloped in something resembling that he had never felt. His usual clients weren't exactly pure virgins such as me.

The pain inside me was so near damn excruciating that I almost, almost lifted myself right off him. I knew it would eventually get better but it sure didn't feel like it. It felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed over and over inside my guts.

"Fuck me. Make it go away. Make the pain better ..." I croaked out to him, and sank myself down fully onto his groin.

Dash got a determined look inside his beautiful turquoise eyes and carefully started thrusting himself in me. The god. If you had ever had a virgin ass on a eight inch dick you'd know exactly what I was now experiencing.

"You okay, baby?" I heard Dash ask. Not even bothering to notice what exactly he had called me.

Gradually, although it felt like a centurion, the pain evolved into something ...something really damn special.

His cock felt changed from feeling like a damn chainsaw in my ass to a power tool worthy of pounding my prostrate.

"Fuck me...fuck me you sexy bastard! You hear? FUCK...ME!"

Dash lunged upwards and threw me onto the bottom of the bed. His cock never left my hole. No, he kept on pounding the life outta me. The look on his face said it all. He was having the fucking time of his life.

His length was digging holes in me. I felt every fibre of his being. He leaned down and grabbed my neck between both his hands. He caressed my lips and kissed me like he had never have before.

Something changed between us.

It wasn't like we were client and hired gigolo any longer. We both felt it. We both allowed it to happen, although it felt so wrong. So terribly wrong.

Dash buried his face inside my neck as he kept pounding my hole. His dick body slammed my ass like a fucking jackhammer. His balls drilled against me. Those full, potent balls that I had felt inside my mouth earlier. I tasted them. I knew they were massive.

Dash groaned inside my neck. His body was on fire, warm as hell. His breathing intensified. He gripped the sides of my shoulders and a cry of roar damaged his throat.

"I'm cumming. I'm cumming..." he whispered.

He didn't look up from inside my neck. If anything, he buried it there even more, kissing every piece of skin he could find.

Grabbing his back, caressing his body against mine, I kissed his shoulders.

"Inside me...finish in me...I want your cum..."

A lion roar as loud as the Kalahari dessert escaped him as he kept on pounding and drilling me. His ass was pumping. The man's need to sperm his seed was incredible.

The moment he clamped his arms around me and cried out his urges, and that's when his essence was poured into me.

Part of me actually at that moment wished the condom broke. So that he would truly be a part of me.

This man was incredible. I needed him. He had given me so much.

His cock spasming inside me, pushed my over the edge as well. I blasted my white baby makers straight onto his ripped stomach. White glazes and sheers of wetness everywhere. The smell of cum in the air was massive.

Dash let out another raw ounce of passion inside my neck, and held me so tight I'd really thought I was being choked.

It was magic. It was beautiful. It was what life was mean to be like.

His body still shook, and his arms trembled, as he collapsed on top of me.


Dash carefully released me and I immediately saw that he had concern on his face.

"Did I...did I hurt you?" he asked, his hand cradling my face.

"I don't think you can ever hurt me..." I whispered, once more, in awe at his beauty.

Dash smiled, and leaned down his head onto my chest. I held his body in my arms. It felt right. It felt so damn real.

"I gotta go soon..." he said, whispering his words against my skin.

"I know. It's your job," I whispered back, stroking his short hair.

We both knew, neither wanted to move.

Things suddenly had gotten very, very real.


Five days had past.

I was so busy at work, I didn't have time to think about Dash during the day. Life simply flew past me. And when I got home in the evenings, I was literally too tired to even do the dishes, what more to say, to phone PlayBoyz for an escort. Not even to mention my lawyer fighting Lara's for our divorce.

Eventually it was Friday night, and I was determined to have some fun. I missed Dash. It was only then, when I had finally had time to relax, that I realised how much.

What was WRONG with me?

Every fibre of my being was telling me that feeling this strongly over a male gigolo was gonna get up in sheer heartbreak!

I dialled the number. It was like, it was out of my control. I had to...HAD to see him.

"PlayBoyz, what's your need?" came the charming lady's voice as it always did.

"Evening. It's Tyler. How are you?"

"Hey you! Always good to hear from you! Lemme guess, you want some pleasuring tonight?"

I smirked.

God, she was infuriating. But in a funny way I'd actually come to like her way of being and saying stuff. It was really kinda sweet.

"Yeah, I mean, I was wondering if Dash was available?"

"Oooh, I'm sorry. He's been booked out for the entire weekend. That's not gonna be possible."

What? The entire weekend? How was that even possible?

God. What now?

I never had foreseen the possibility that Dash might have been snapped up by another client...he was too damn sexy, for his own good, that man. Damn, should have seen this coming. He was obviously a very popular PlayBoy.

"Can I interest you in one of our other members? Each one fitting your description you gave when you ordered the first time?"

It took me about two seconds to mull that over.

"No thanks."



Is poor Tyler getting too attached to Dash??

He was his first ever gay fuck...and he clearly means a lot to him.

Wanna read more? Lemme know!!

Stay safe, everyone Xx

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