The Heart of a Gigolo

By Van T Zboi (Robbie Robot) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Aug 3, 2020


HOLA PEEPS!! Another week, another story. Hope y'all enjoy it.

** I'm listed as a Prolific Author on Nifty. Just search for "Ryan White" and you'll find them xx

Stay safe, Ryan


"Tyler, there is someone called Julie on the line? Should I transfer the call? It's nearly five a clock!"

Julie? Nah. Didn't ring a bell.

But I had squat to do in the mere six minutes that was left of my working day and what the hell...well, maybe it was important after all.

"Put her through, Carol. I'll take the call."



My whole God damn life for just that, my life, to make sense. As my eyes fell onto the photo frame of my darling wife, whom I loved with all my heart, I closed my eyes and tried to will away my true feelings.

As I have had to do since high school.

The line peeped.

"Tyler? This is Julie, from next door."

I frowned.

Aaahhh, okay, now I knew who was calling.

That old deranged overweight bat who lived next to us, who always complained that me and Lara made too much noise when we held our weekly Bar-B-Que parties. Sure, we loved to turn the music up on high when our friends got together but who didn't? Especially on a Friday night!

Urgh, what did she have to complain about NOW?

Wasn't it only a month or so ago that she actually had the cops come out to our house, because she apparently couldn't sleep, with the noise we were making and I got slapped with a massive fine for disturbing the piece?

"Julie! Yes, this is Tyler. What can I do for you? It's not the weekend yet, the music can't be too loud already!" I said as sarcastically as I could.

Julie cleared her throat on the other side of the line and I winced as I heard clear evidence of her smokers cough.

Granted, she couldn't sleep because of the music noise every weekend, but surely that cough had to take some of the blame?

I digress.

"Well Tyler, this isn't easy for me, and you KNOW I don't like to mingle myself in other people's problems and lives..."

I inwardly snorted. Yeah fucking right.

Old witch had nothing to do all day except look and stare out of that giant window inside her living room all day. Gossip had to be her middle name.

"...but I couldn't help but notice that your wife had...well, shall we say, a visitor this afternoon? And Tyler, it's not the first time!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Julie, you know what, I wouldn't be surprised in the least. She is on the school board and everything! And she does have many friends! So, I don't quite understand why you're actually phoning me..."

"...not a female friend, Tyler! Your best friend! That man with the ponytail that always insults me when you lot hold your terrifying parties every weekend!"

To be fair, that rocked me a bit.

Harry was supposed to be at a conference all week. He specifically told us about it at the weekend when we last got together. I even phoned him this morning to make sure he went, because I wanted to invite him for a game if tennis after work, and he assured me, he had to was important for his merit rating at work...

"Uhm...Julie, listen, are you sure it was him you saw? Harry? The guy with the black long hair and red BMW?"

I heard Julie sigh and I also heard what sounded like a curtain being withdrawn from a window.

"He's still here, Tyler. I know, what I know. And the sheer sounds and the noises that has been coming from inside your house, is enough to make a prostitute proud!" Julie hissed under her breath, obviously embarrassed as hell to even as much as say those words.


Julie had hung up after a few minutes when she didn't hear anything from me, after her confession.

I couldn't speak. My body was numb.

Lara...and Harry?

I clenched my right hand into a solemn fist.

I didn't wanna believe this. Come on, this was Julie! Why would I believe anything that old fart told me?

My eyes caught a glimpse of the new intern what was just finishing up for the day. Alas to say, the new MALE intern.

I shook my head, and forced myself to get these thoughts out if my mind. Lara will NEVER cheat on me! Never! Not after EVERYTHING we had been through together!

The past few years, every month we had to scrape together money just to survive. When she had been retrenched at her job, and cried her eyes out, it was me who stood by her and told her everything would be okay.

When I got my big promotion after almost working myself into a coma for close to three years, being paid peanuts in the process, she was the one person who stood by me.

We might have had almost nothing. Zilch. Nada. But we had each other. That's what we always said.

Nevertheless, I made the cardinal mistake to think that marrying a woman, was going to remove these homosexual thoughts from my mind.

I might have been bisexual ever since high school, when I discovered just how good a teenage cock could feel in my mouth, and even better, with my own inside another boy's ass.

All these years, I pushed my gay side to the back of my life, knowing I had to be faithful to Lara. That's what society wanted. That's what my family, trump supporters, the lot of them, demanded. That's what was embedded into my brain, ever since I could remember.

A man shall not lie with another.

If it wasn't for my mom and her frail heart ...she'll never accept that what I really wanted was a EVERY sense of the word.

I clenched my teeth and stood up, closing my suitcase and storming out of my office. I caught the new intern when I was doing around the corner of the office to reach the elevator, and nearly bumped into him.

"Sorry, Mr Garrett. I didn't see you there," he said with the most beautiful smile, and eyes imaginable, knowing very well that I was the one who nearly ran HIM over, and he was taking the blame anyway.

Underneath his shirt you could clearly see that he worked out and that he took very good care of himself.

Even at five in the afternoon, he still smelled fresh, and so masculine...I craved that. I needed a man in my life so damn much, it was almost sickening to my stomach.

But I had never cheated. Never acted on my needs and feelings. Because I thought I owed it to Lara. For marrying her when my heart was not fully in it. It wasn't her fault that I was more attracted to men than women. But I did made the decision to marry her.

I did. No one else.

And that's why I had to stay faithful.

And now...and now Julie rings me up at damn five a clock in the afternoon and she tells me THIS?

I had to get home. I needed to talk to Lara.

My God.


As I unlocked the door, like I've been doing in the last two years that we had been living here, everything suddenly felt different.

Was there really another man inside MY house today?

Making love, having sex, whatever you wanted to call it, with MY wife? It felt surreal. It felt like I was entering a world which I did not belong to.

How did I not see this? If true, that is? How did I not realise Lara was unhappy? She never said, nor told me anything!

I found Lara in the middle of the kitchen, at the sideboard chopping potatoes for what looked like homemade French fries. She looked up, as my shadow revealed my presence, and she gave me a warm smile.

"Hey you!" she said softly and gave me an awkward hug, with her hand still being wet from peeling the potatoes.

"Had a good day?" I asked as I released her, grabbing an ice cold bear from the fridge and pouring nearly half the bottle's contents down my throat in one go, so much so, that it actually started to burn.

"I guess. I had tea with Lauren, renewed my books at the library, paid the accounts and finally, Julie came over with a bowel of jelly and custard that she made. I told her, I said, we didn't want anything from her, what with all the calls to the cops all the time, but she insisted. Horrible bitch of a woman," Lara said with a scowl on her face, as she continued with making dinner.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, you mind?" I asked, glancing my eyes towards the living-room and desperately wanting to get upstairs...I had to see with my own eyes if there was matter how small or detailed, that would tell and convince me that Julie was lying.

Or at least, making up stories. wouldn't cheat on me!

"Sure, baby. Gives me a chance to get these babies in the oven. Dinner be ready soon. You take your time."


As God is my witness, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Inside our bedroom, the cushions were stacked as they always were. The bed was neatly made. No strange smells or god forbid, any strange spills or marks anywhere.

I frowned.

Was Julie being spiteful? Her plan to report us to the cops for our weekend noise making was not working, so she had to resort to telling me my wife cheats on me?

She had enough time, believe me, to figure this out. She knew Harry drove a red BMW, because he was here every weekend. She could differ him, from my other male friends, as he had a pony tail.

I didn't know what to believe anymore.

As I took off my clothes inside the bathroom, I cast my eyes very carefully to see if there was anything suspicious going on...again, nothing I could see.

The soap wasn't used, since last night. The washing had been done. Everything was spotless, as it always was.

I'll get Julie for this, I thought as I turned open the hot water, which streamed onto my face and body like a waterfall.

Mark my words. This weekend, she and her interfering attitude wouldn't know what had hit it!


A knock at my office door the following day had me look up form my proposal I was busy typing out on my laptop.

"Mr Garrett, you busy?"

The new intern. My God. He was stunning...even more so than yesterday.

He was wearing a dark blue buttoned shirt, so tight, I could actually SEE his ribs. His black trousers, complete with a Nickelback belt, was shown off modestly. His black hair was gelled straight back, leaving his handsome face open and unblemished.

Once more, I felt a tug inside my own trousers.

Tyler, stop this. You have a wife. You made a choice. You have to live with it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" I said as I tried my very best to seem casual and to not let it be revealed that he had such a strong effect on me.

"Mark, Sir. Mark Kennedy. I just came to hear if you wanted some coffee or tea? It's my job to look after you, as you know."

Are you fucking kidding me?

I could have sworn he was flirting with me. Right here in my bloody office!

I kept my mind and my heart rate calm, which wasn't easy, considering how hot he was, and nodded.

"Coffee will be good, thanks. Are you still enjoying it around here, Mark?"

His eyes lit up at the hearing of my question.

"I am! I'm really learning a lot. And I'd...really like to learn more. Much, much more..."

If I was confused before, it was clear as day now. He had a thing for me.

Lara's picture once more caught my eye and a torrent of guilty feelings flooded through me. She did NOT deserve this!

"Thanks, Mark. That coffee will be good. Off you go."

His face fell just a little. My heart sank.

It was for the best.


"Tyler, it's Julie on the line for you. Again."

Fuck sake.

"Put her through."

That bitch has now exploited my last bit of decency I had left in me for her. When I was done with her now, she was REALLY gonna need the cops.


"Julie. Now you listen to me. One more word, from you, or anyone, saying that my wife is cheating on me, and I'll have your ass in court so quick, your head will spin. I've had with you. Come near me or Lara again, and you'll end up in custody. Got it?"


Then a sigh.

"If you don't believe me, Tyler, come home. Now. He always leaves before four."

Click...she had ended the call.

I clenched my teeth.

What now?

Something in her voice. Something was...not quite right.

I grabbed my keys.

I trusted Lara. I loved her.

But this...This was gonna damn well eat me alive if I didn't go and check it out.

If only to prove that old bat wrong, once and for all.



No, please.

Oh God.

Sure as Sam...the red BMW that belonged to my supposed best friend was parked in my drive way, the very same spot where I usually parked my own.

I parked in the street, and I saw that Julie had her window wide open next door. No wonder she could see everything that was going on.

Her eyes widened as she saw me. She frantically pointed in the direction of my house, with a sad kook on her face.

My heart was besting so fast, it might as well have belonged to a rodent. I saw the car. I still didn't believe it.

But then as I came closer to the front door, I heard it.

It wasn't the sounds that a husband wanted to hear his wife make when he was outside the fucking house.

Like I was in a virtual reality, I held my front door keys in my hand and unlocked the door.

The shouts and screams of sheer ecstasy got even louder.

And it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.

Oh my wonder she was so calm and relaxed about me coming home last night...the one place I didn't think to check for clues of her possible affair, was the kitchen, because Lara had been busy making dinner.

I needed to see it. I needed to see her with my own two eyes.

Softly, gently and as quietly as I possibly could, I peeped around the corner, so I could see directly into the kitchen.

I would have been turned on by the sight, no question, if it wasn't my wife underneath him.

Harry was naked, his muscular body facing me as he thrusted into my wife at blistering speed. His sic pack abs contracted with every pump, it was ripped as hell. His cock, I couldn't see clearly but from the noises that Lara was making, I could only assume Harry was bigger than me.

Sweat spread and was slowly running down from his neck towards his stunning torso as his eyes rolled back into his sockets and with a alarming roar, my best friend had climaxed inside my wife.

Lara, in turn, slumped her entire body in vertical position onto the counter and pulled Harry's head towards her, as they made out in utter post orgasmic glory.

I had to get outta there. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know if they could hear me, in the afterglow of all THAT, but I took my keys and quietly left the house.

As I reached the car, no one came running after me. Lara wasn't coming after me, begging me to understand that it was a mistake, or anything like that.

They didn't hear or even see me.

Julie's sad face, inside her home, was the last thing I saw, before getting inside my car, and driving off.


I had enough cash left on my credit card for at least, a few nights at the hotel. I just couldn't go home. Not yet. That house was in my name, so Lara would have to be the one to go, but not before I drew up a plan of action. She didn't know that I had seen them, and I preferred it that way.

Once inside the room, I sunk onto the soft bed with my head inside my hands.

How DARE she? How DARE SHE when I had to suppress my OWN feelings all these years!

All those times I would see a hot guy at the gym, and I desperately would YEARN with EVERYTHING in me to touch him, to kiss him, to feel him inside me, or vice versa...but every time I would stop myself.

All because I loved and respected Lara.

I quickly grabbed my phone and send Lara a text message, saying that I had been called away to an emergency conference at work and I wouldn't be back until at least the weekend.

The same lame ass excuse that Harry told us, the last time we got together. Hopefully she'll see the resemblance. I really couldn't care less.

After ordering and receiving room service, I proceeded to check out the complementary business cards which came with said room service.

Some of them were of some places to visit whilst here, if you were a tourist of course. Some were of popular dining places. Some were of pubs nearby.


Two though...caught my eye.

The first, was a business card for a popular escort agency here in Cape Town.

Lolita, Queens of Love.

Urgh. Please. No, thanks.

The second that...looked WAY more interesting. Especially for someone like me who had been harbouring gay feelings for years and had just discovered that his wife had been cheating on him.

"PlayBoyz. The right man, at the right time!" was displayed on the card.

Certain, shall we say, images, on the card gave away that it was a gay escort agency.

Damn...if the men on this card looked anything like this in real life, that agency must be billionaires by now. Holy shit. They all were breathtakingly beautiful.

Even if I wasn't married to a woman...even if I was an openly gay man I would have NEVER thought remotely of doing anything like this.

Seeing Harry and Lara getting it on, on MY damn kitchen table threw all that out the window right then.

I wanted to hurt her, like she hurt me. I wanted to feel what I had been craving my entire life...a man inside my arms.

Even if I had to pay for him to be with me.

Yeah. I was THAT desperate.


Before I knew it, my phone was inside my hand and I had dialled the number.

"PlayBoyz, what's your need?"

For a moment, I was stunned.

Was I really about to pay for sex? seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that I was actually on the phone to legs started to tremble.

"Anyone there? Totally understand if you're afraid, darling. Take your time," came the voice over the phone, yet again.

The wallpaper on my phone was of a picture of me and Lara. Taken only two weeks ago. She looked so happy. So did I.

Was it all just one big fat lie?


I gripped my phone tight.

"Uhm yes, I'm here. I would like...well, to hire one of your...what's the word...?"

"Don't worry, darling. I know exactly what you want and need. Relax! Now, I'm just gonna ask you a few questions. Just say or yes. Okay?"

"Okay," I heard myself say. It literally didn't sound anything like me.

"Awesome! Now...tall, or short?"

"Tall, most definitely."

"Great! Caucasian, Black, Coloured, Indian or Chinese?"

Was that supposed to be thing? A man was a man, right? As long as he had a fucking dick, I wasn't exactly bothered.

"I don't care ...white I guess?" I stumbled over my words, remembering the myth of black guys and the size of their cocks. Probably wasn't a good idea for a first time.

"Fabulous! Blonde, dark, reddish, ginger or brown?"

I immediately saw Mark, the intern before my eyes.


"Nice! And finally...skinny, sporty, muscled or bear?"

"Skinny. No! I mean, sporty but with muscle...god...if that's okay," I whispered, my face as red as it had ever been.

"There you go! Wasn't so bad now was it? Sir, I'll need your current address as well as your credit card number, so we can withdraw our fee."

This just turned very, very real. With bated breath, I have her the info she wanted.

"I see you're booked in at the Fountain! You're in luck, that's one of our usual hangouts. Your guy will be there in about twenty minutes."

I ended the call without saying goodbye. What exactly was the point continuing the convo anyway?

I shuddered. My whole life I wanted this. To have sex with a man. My whole god damned life.


There it was.

The knock on the door.


I should open it, I suppose. I had just spent about a week's salary on this guy who was now waiting outside.

I also didn't want to have the entire hotel seeing that I had an escort waiting outside my door.

I checked myself in the mirror, as I had done for like a million times the last twenty and a half minutes, before slowly waling over to the door.

I reached out and took one final breath, for courage, before opening it.

Before me stood...well, I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but certainly not the most beautiful man I had ever seen in all my life!

He literally took my breath away! What do you say to a guy you have hired to have sex with anyway...?

"Hey man! You're Tyler, I hope? Man, I hoped you looked as good as you do!" came the first words from the Hercules inside my door step.

"Ha! Wow. I bet you say that to everyone ..." I said, immediately regretting it.

What was up with me? Why couldn't I get out a dingle word all of a sudden?

My hired helped smiled...his white teeth stunning as the rest of him as he glanced at me, up and down.

"Mind if I come in? Unless you wanna do it out here..."

"No! God, no! Come on, I mean. I'm sorry. It's the first time I've ever...well, you know..."

"Don't sweat it. I'm Dash. It's very, very nice to meet you. Very," he said as he reached out his hand. I solemnly took it into mine.

He clearly wasn't nervous. It was quite understandable. He did this for a living.

Dash walked straight to the mini bar and instead of grabbing a beer or some alcohol like I would have thought, he grabbed a bottle of water.

"Can I?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face, yet again. I nodded, smiling back.

He took a few sips and placed the bottle down onto the mini bar.

"Thanks. It's scorching outside and now with you here before me, it's even hotter..."

This guy tho! My God!

"Look, Dash, I've never...I mean..."

Dash took a few step closer to me, and took both of my hands inside his.

He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Hey, I get it. I understand. If you have changed your mind, that's up to you. It will be a shame though. Like I said, you're really hot. I have to be here for an hour, that's what you've paid me for. Everything's gonna be okay, you'll see."

It was like an animal had been awaken inside me, hearing those words.

I really, really needed someone to tell me, right then, with Lara cheating on me and everything, that things was going to be okay.

I just never thought, in my wildest dreams, that it would come from a hired gigolo.


His hands still in mine, I stepped forward, closing the distance between us. His face went from shocked, to excited in less than ten seconds.

I could feel his warm, fresh minty breath on mine. As I'm sure he could feel mine.

This was it. I've only waited twenty-seven years for this.

Our lips touched simultaneously. I seriously moaned under his touch. I reached out before me, to touch, to grab, to feel that man's skin under my touch.

It was a man's. A MAN'S. Jesus, it felt like a dream come true.

Dash deepened our kiss, and he placed both his arms around my neck, caressing the back of my hair as he did so. We continued kissing as if nothing else mattered, only me and him.

I tried my best at how many mouths and lips has kissed his, as I enjoyed the kiss immensely and wanted nothing to spoil it.

Dash couldn't have been much younger than me, I reckoned about twenty-three or four, but he shocked me by actually picking me up inside his strong arms, as his lips finally left mine.

"You okay? You wanna go on?" he asked, way out of breath, and staring hungrily into my eyes.

"Fuck yeah...God, I want you..." I heard myself say.

He leaned down and kiss my again, before walking with me, still in his arms over to the bed, placing me down carefully, before pushing me back onto the bed.

"Let's just get these off, shall we?" he smirked as he took hold of my trousers and unclipped my belt. Once the front of lose, he felt up my cock inside my underwear.

"Big boy, aren't you..." he whispered, before leaning down and closing his lips around the still clothed organ.

I hissed out my approval. My fingers automatically got strangled inside his short hair, as he continued to tongue and caress my cock through my boxers.

When he had finally had enough, he pulled me up by my shirt and once more PLUNGED his lips onto mine, and at the same time, starting to unbutton my shirt.

One by one, he released all of them until my shirt was hanging loose from my shoulders. He tenderly removed it from my body, and I was stunned at his reaction.

Was he really attracted to me?

I knew I had a decent body but not even Lara ever had a look such as THIS in her eyes when we were in bed.

I didn't wanna think about Lara right now.

Dash leaned down and latched his lips and tongue onto my right nipple. I nearly screamed out loud in sheer ecstasy. He nibbled, sucked and teased the little nubbin with his experienced gullet, before latching onto the other one, giving it the exact same treatment.

He continued to move down towards my stomach, and he started to actually...kiss my abs.

My God. I never thought it would feel this good...

"You okay? Shall I go on?" he asked, as he finally looked up at me, his hand appreciatively rubbing and caressing my upper chest.

I reached down and took hold of his hand inside mine. It felt like the right thing to do. I had no idea why that was necessary. I wanted to.

He took THAT, as a resounding YES.


Dash kissed his way down my stomach, making sure to bathe each and every one of my pectorals in his warm saliva.

He gripped the rims of my trousers and signalled to me, without messing around, that he wanted me to lift my legs up. I did as I was told.

My trousers came off, and suddenly I was in my boxers in front of this handsome stranger.

Dash smiled, licking his lips.

"I'm glad you didn't chicken out. I've had some ugly fuckers this week. You, my friend, are just what I needed..." he whispered, touching my ball sack.

My eyes had to be rolling back in my sockets at his touch... just like Harry's was when he climaxed inside my wife hours ago.

He took hold of my boxers and slowly slid them off my pelvic area and allowed it to fall on my ankles, before ripping it off in totality.

My naked cock was now well and truly exposed to the hotel room and of course, to Dash. Talking about him, he looked like he had just gotten the kiddie toy inside of a lucky packet.

"I need this in me..." he said before he literally and lethally DOVE onto my dick.

"Shit! Holy fucking shit!" I cried in sheer glorious joy and utter disbelief. Never, ever before did I have my dick sucked quite like this.

Dash moved his lips up and down my length, his tongue fluttering against the hard flesh. The tip of my dick had probably never leaked so much pre cum ever before.

He twisted the palm of his hand into my cock head, eliciting another desperate, needy groan from myself.

He took his head away from my dick, allowing my stiff organ to simply stand and dangle inside mid hard as steel, harder than it had ever gotten.

"You're so, oh're fucking perfect..." Dash whispered as he took my dick inside his hands, massaging it with both.

Double the touch, double the pleasure.

His mouth opened wide as he took my hard phallus into his wet beak. His tongue darted around my cockhead as he stretched his mouth down, down and even more down until he reached my pubic area.

I wasn't huge, by any means, but I was a decent 6.5 inches. Dash was making love to that cock like it was the last lollypop on earth.

He took my cock out of his mouth and I was just about to pull him towards me, before I suddenly felt my left ball being sucked into a warm crevice.

"Jesus! What the hell..."

"Should I stop?" he asked, concern spalshed on his face.

"Don't you dare! Please..." I moaned, stretching my arms around behind me on the bed, giving my entire lower body to him and to his trust.

Dash expertly, slurped on my ball, bathing it inside his warm mouth, before letting it POP out, as he attacked the other one. Never, in the short time his mouth was on my ball sack, I felt he was hurting me.

It was the greatest pleasure I have ever felt.

My cock wad still wet, as he greased it up again with his mouth as I saw the drips of spit rolling down my hard length. It was as wet, as it could possibly get.

Dash released my cock, letting it bob rock hard in the air.

He then stood back and ripped off his shirt, buttons flying and scattered everywhere. His body was like nothing I had ever seen. The man clearly worked out, I mean, so did I but I didn't look like this!

He had a fucking eight pack going on. His chest was heaving. His mouth was open, as he looked at me, on the bed, naked.

He unzipped his own trousers, and brought them down to his knees. Fucking hell he had been going commando this whole time...

His cock was bigger, much bigger. I was 6.5 inches. He had to, HAD to be at least about 8 inches. He jacked off his cock a fair few times before walking over to me.

"You ready to fuck this home boy?" he asked, never taking his eyes off mine.

I swallowed. Hard.

My cock answered for me.

"Look at you. God. What gay guy would say no? Hell with that, what PERSON would say no?" I said, my head shaking as I spoke.

I thought I had seen some beautiful men in my lifetime. Dash just overtook them all.

Dash smiled, before turning around, slowly revealed his bubble butt. Muscled. Strong. Insanely hot.

"You just lay there. I'll do all the work. Okay?" he asked, his voice soft and tender.

"Anything...anything you want..." I hissed yet again, my chest burning with sheer desire.

He reached out to his trousers, laying thrown out onto the floor, and took out his wallet. Inside, was four condoms, each a different size, it seemed, and finally he decided on one, that he opened and ripped up.

"Medium should be okay," he whispered and bent down and with his soft, yet, masculine fingers, he gloved up my hard cock.

Dash moved with the speed of a ninja, and held my stiff dick inside his hands. He maneuvered himself on top of me, and positioned his hole directly above my dick.

I sucked in my breath. God. Twenty-seven years.


"Dude!! Ooooh my gooddd!"

I had to keep thinking of my nanny naked in order not to cum straight away.

His ass felt like red velvet around my dick. Dash smiled, and with all his experience, moved his ass muscles up and down my dick, milking my organ every second that I was inside him.

Dash leaned down and his upper body fell on top of mine. His ass never, NEVER stopped gyrating on my cock. My hormones was on fire. I gripped Dash's arms and chest and he looked deeply into my eyes as I fucked him.

I took the plunge...not because I paid for him, but because I wanted to. I pulled his beautiful ass face towards my own and I kissed him.

Dash moaned inwardly as his tongue joined mine in seeking its mate. Game, set and match. He reached out and held my face inside his hands, as he kissed the sheer crap out of me.

My whole soul yearned towards him. This kind, beautiful, handsome stranger had made me feel more like a man than over four years with Lara.

I felt my balls tighten.

"I'm...I'm close. You want me to pull out?" I whispered in his ear, as I bit his bottom lip in return.

He was silent for a little while, never stopping bouncing on my dick, before he placed his head inside the crook of my neck.

"You're gloved up. Cum in me..." he moaned as I slammed balls deep inside him.

I latched my lips on his one more time, his hands never stopping caressing my face.

My balls were boiling. I felt that animalistic need to cum inside him.

I moaned inside his mouth whilst he released me and kissed my neck, my collarbone as well as my cheek, my eyes and my nose.

I spurted my sperm inside him.

I fucking filled that condom like no man's business.

Dash clamped his ass on my dick, willing out more and more sperm. Even though I was gloved up, he could feel my spurts inside him.

Eventually he gripped his dick and with a raw demeanour, he blasted my upper chest and chin with his own virile, potent baby makers.

Dash breathed deeply and sunk down on top of me. He wasn't moving at first. Only reason why I didn't worry, was that I could feel his heartbeat against mine.


We both got dressed in silence.

I didn't need to be awkward and pay him after, that was already done online before. Which I was terribly grateful for.

"Yo, thanks man. Damn, we have been busy for more than an hour! Fuck, I need to get going!" he said as he frantically searched for his phone.

"Oh...of course, you have other clients," I said, my voice suddenly thick with emotion.

Dash smirked towards me and suddenly I cringed inwardly.

Now, why the hell did the sheer idea of him getting outta here and giving himself up to other man, just like me, why was it making me physically Ill?

"You gonna be okay out there?" I whispered. I didn't wanna come forth as obsessive, which I wasn't.

But how, how were you supposed to just FORGET the first man you had ever been with?

Aahh, a small voice told me inside my one told you to go and hire a gigolo to be your first, did they?

Dash was finally ready and he walked slowly over to me.

"Course. Been doing this for years. I'm cool. Question is ...are YOU gonna be okay?"

I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

Dash was so beautiful, especially when he smiled.

"No, I was just wondering. You said I was your first. Hello? I'm a gigolo. One of the PlayBoyz. Dash, isn't even my real name. I can't help wondering if something drastic happened in your life, for you to make this decision."

Damn. Handsome and smart. Deadly combination.

Well, I was probably never gonna see him again...

"My... my wife, cheated on me. I guess I'd...I've wanted to be with a dude ever since I could remember. And I have been. I can't thank you enough. Really."

Dash came closer.

He placed the palm of his hand onto my cheek, and held it there. He slowly leaned in and kissed me, one last time. He tasted as good as he did all night even after our magical sex session.

"You're a special guy. I can tell. Feel free to call me again. Mate's rates. I'll talk to my boss. Would you like that?"

No words were needed. I nodded, and smiled.


Long after Dash had left, I still couldn't believe what I had just done.

I slept with a man. An escort. A gigolo if you will.

It had been out of this world.

So many men out there, who craved a man...who needed a male figure in their bed, but didn't have the gits to do anything about it...I mean, look at me!

My wife had to cheat on me in order for me to man up, and fulfil a lifelong desire.

I picked up the business card Dash left at my bedside table.

I don't think was ever gonna forget him.

I just hope he's safe.

I hoped...I would see him, again.



Should I write a second chapter and DID Y'ALL LIKE THE STORY?? ;)

Lemme know xx

Next: Chapter 2

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