The Hanson Apartment

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 27, 2023


Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction.

The character(s) in this story are not based on any known events/person.

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The Hanson Apartment 02 -- 04

"It seems that Maine is working out for you so far. Let's hope the momentum continues forward. I'm on my way over to Rene's tonight for cocktails. I think she's in line for a promotion at work and wants to tell me all about it. She sends her love by the way."

"Give her a hug for me, Bo. Have fun and I'll talk to you later in the week."

"Call me as soon as you hear something about the apartment."

"I will; I promise you'll be the first to know."

For the next several days, I toured around town and got the lay of the land and my bearings. I was tempted to call Ty about the apartment but I didn't want to be too pushy. He did tell me that he would call me when I could see the unit. I wasn't overly concerned since I still had my rental for a little more than a week. Still, I didn't want to push the envelope too far and get caught with my pants down so to speak.

As I toured around town somewhat aimlessly, I made notes on the neighborhoods I drove through. If I saw a rental sign and I liked the surroundings, I jotted down the address, name, and contact number in my phone so I could inquire about it later on. In truth, I was hoping and praying that Ty would call me soon. If it was meant to be it would happen; the universe has provided so far.

I passed a little mop & pop looking burger joint and decided to make a U-turn and try it out. I just love little hole-in-the-wall eateries. "How bad could it be?" I said to myself. It reminded me of a kind of place that would be located out in the middle of nowhere. The kind of spot that would be located at a cross roads with a sign that reads "Last chance for food for the next 150 miles."

I pulled into the gravel parking lot and turned the engine off. As soon as I opened the car door, I got a healthy whiff of burgers on the grill. It smelled so good. I hurried to the door and entered the place. It looked as if it had been there for decades; again, a single-story structure. It had a wooden floor which surprised me for a restaurant. It sort of reminded me of an old saloon in a western movie. There were a few tables scattered about but not many.

Down the center of the place were two long rows of bar-height tables with wooden stools. The stools were free-style and not attached to the floor. At the far end of the room, were more of these bar-height tables that appeared to be attached to the wall. It was without a doubt a bit on the rustic side, but it was clean. One the other side of these long tables, I noticed the diner-like counter. I walked up to the counter and took a seat on the stool. Not unlike a diner, the menus were on the counter in one of those ringed, metal holders, right next to the container that held those, thin, flimsy napkins.

"Well, welcome handsome," the waitress said with a southern accent. She had blonde hair done up high with a pencil sticking out of her hair. She was a full-figured woman who I would guess was in her mid-sixties. She had a tie-dye t-shirt on and tight, blue jeans. She scurried down the bar, arms up, bent at the elbow, bobbing her hands up and down as she walked towards me in a very girly fashion. She stopped directly in front of me, gave me a big smile, and placed her hands on her hips.

"What can I get cha, darling?" she asked. "I haven't seen you around these parts. Ya just passin thru?" she asked not waiting for me to answer her first question.

"Hi, I'm Roman. I just moved here," answering her second question first. "What would you suggest, Lou Lou?" I asked reading her name tag.

"If I were thirty years younger, me," she giggled. "You sure are one handsome man, Roman. You are gonna have all the girls around here in a dither. Count my words, darling?"

"Thank you, Lou Lou, that's very kind of you to say."

"Kind! Hell, that's the truth! Where ya from?"

"Philadelphia," I answered.

"Haven't been there. Me, I'm from Tennessee; born and raised. I miss it somethin awful. I'm only here cause my husband's family lives here. A bunch of fishermen no less," she said as she stuck her finger in her hair and scratched her head. There was a brief pause while she looked as if she was deep in thought. Suddenly, she snapped out of it and using just her knuckles, knocked on the counter top.

"I'm gonna bring you the special today, handsome. You can thank me later," she said and started to walk away.

"Um, Lou Lou, excuse me, but would you mind telling me what the special is?" I asked having no clue what she was about to order for me.

"The same thing it is every Thursday handsome. You like jalapenos?" she asked.

"I do," I responded.

"Good. Let it be a surprise, honey. If ya don't like it, I'll get ya something ya do like. It won't go to waste around here," she said as she walked away.

I was having my morning coffee on the front porch when my phone rang. I have to admit, I am really liking having coffee in the morning in the fresh, cool air. Living in an apartment in Philly, I couldn't do that; I didn't have a patio or a balcony. "This is Roman," I said answering the phone not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hey Ro", it's Craig. What are you doing today?" he asked.

"I don't have anything planned. I was just going to drive around some more and continue to familiarize myself with the area. I'm also waiting on a call back about an apartment. Other than that, I'm free. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, Tom is back in town and I thought we could take you to lunch; give you two a chance to meet other than at the bar. How does that sound?"

"Sure, I'd love that. Thanks for thinking of me."

"It's not like I'm going to forget you anytime soon, Ro; not after such a pleasant time we had together," he giggled. I know this little burger-joint called Gloria's. It's a hole-in-the-wall but the food is really good. Tom and I like go there from time-to-time; we love it. The main waitress there is a hoot. She kind of reminds of that waitress on the TV show Alice. You remember her? Her character name was Flo. She was famous for saying "Kiss my grits! Perhaps it's a little before your time."

"Oh my gosh! I was there yesterday; her name is Lou Lou. I had their Thursday special; it was fantastic. Their potato salad is the best I think I've ever had."

"Oh, OK, we can go someplace else then; no problem."

"No, no, I'd love to go back; Gloria's is fine with me."

"Great, just text me your address and we'll pick you up about 11:45."

"Perfect, see you guys at 11:45."

I had just finished drying my hair when the doorbell rang. I quickly glanced at the clock and it was only 11:30. "Shit! They're early," I said to myself. I grabbed the bathrobe from the walk-in and slipped it on. If Craig was alone, I would have answered the door naked. But since I haven't met his husband yet, I thought I would be polite and cover myself up. I hurried to the front door, adjusted the robe, and opened the door.

It was good to see Craig's handsome self again and it brought a smile to my face. "Welcome, welcome," I said and ushered them into the house.

"Sorry, Ro we're a bit early. I was hoping we'd catch you naked," Craig giggled. "I'm not far from it," I responded tugging at my robe. "Ro, this is my husband, Tom. Tom, this is Roman." Craig said introducing us.

"I extended my hand in greeting and Tom accepted it with a smile. "It's so nice to meet you, Tom. Craig told me you were out-of-town."

"Yes, it's always good to come home though," he answered as he shook my hand firmly. "Craig has told me all about you. I'm glad you two had the opportunity to enjoy each other's company the other night. I look forward to perhaps a future time that we can all enjoy each other's company."

"I look forward to it, Tom," I responded with a big smile. "Come on in guys and have a seat. I'll just throw some clothes on and we can get going. I won't be but a minute."

As I quickly got dressed, I was favorably impressed that Tom was sure a tall, lean, sexy glass of water. He was about an inch taller than me, brown hair, brown eyes, and a little scruff on his face. He had beautiful, long eye lashes which I noticed immediately. I'm not much for the scruffy look, but on him, it looked really good. He had the kind of face that can pull off a look like that without looking sloppy. It did not reduce his handsomeness in the least. But I'd bet he'd look much better clean-shaven.

I threw on a fresh, clean pair of 501's and a button-down, white-cotton shirt. I quickly cuffed the short sleeves so they would accentuate my biceps, slipped into my pair of huaraches, and walked out of the bedroom.

Craig and Tom looked over and watched me as I approached. I could see the smile on Craig's face and he scanned his eyes up and down my body. "You look great!" he said. Don't you think so, Tom?"

"I do, indeed," Tom answered as he looked into my eyes, then down to my crotch.

"Well, I'm glad you both think so," I smiled. "Shall we go?"

"I'll drive," Craig volunteered. "I'm so glad you didn't make plans today, Ro. So, you've been exploring the area I take it since you're already familiar with Gloria's?" he asked as we left the house.

"Yes, I've been trying to get a feel for the lay of the land around here and learn where things are. I found Gloria's simply by happenstance. I was just driving around and stumbled upon it. I have made a few notes as I've been driving around. Perhaps you guys could fill me in on some of the addresses that I have jotted down. I thought about driving over to the rental place that manages the property where I'm staying now, but I'd prefer to hear your thoughts instead."

"Sure, we'd be happy to help anyway we can. Tom here is in the insurance business, perhaps he can shed some light on the property's particulars when you find something you're interested in."

"That would be terrific. I'd appreciate all the help I can get," I said as we jumped into the car. I jumped in the back seat, behind the driver's side. Tom, of course, rode shotgun. From the back seat, I got an opportunity to kind of study Tom's face. He looked to be a little younger than Craig, perhaps mid 40's or so. I'm 6 feet tall and he was a bit taller than me. As Craig backed down the driveway, Tom slid sideways in the seat so he could see me as well as Craig.

"May I ask, Roman what you do for a living?" Tom asked.

"I'm in graphic design. At least, that's what I have been doing for the past nine or ten years. I learned through trial and error. I found that I have an aptitude for it. When I was in Philadelphia, I worked for an ad agency. I was always working on a different campaign for the Account Executives in the firm. It kept it fresh and new for me. I really like it," I answered him.

"So, are you planning to stay in the same field here?" he asked next.

"To be honest, that would probably be the easiest for me I think, however, having said that, at this point in my life, everything has changed. Perhaps it's time for a career change too. I mean, why not, right? Onward and upward as the expression goes. But until I get my housing situation sorted, finding a job is not at the top of my list right now."

The conversation flowed nicely without pause the entire ride to Gloria's. Craig pulled into the graveled parking lot and we exited the vehicle at the same time. Craig and I waited at the back of the car for Tom to come around and join us. As soon as he approached us, he slipped his hand in Craig's back pocket, in essence, palming his butt-cheek. It wasn't until we walked halfway across the parking lot, he withdrew his hand from Craig's pocket.

There weren't too many people sitting at the counter so we selected three seats at the end. Somehow, I wound up in the middle of Tom and Craig. In seconds, Lou Lou came out from the kitchen with her hands full of plated burgers. She sat the plates down on the counter before the customers and wiped her hands on a towel below the counter. "Enjoy boys," she said in her southern twang. "Y'all just let me know if ya need anything else; ya hear."

"Lou Lou, you big sexy thang!" Craig called down the counter. "Get your ass over here and show me some love, girl!" Craig called out.

Lou Lou twisted around and looked down to the end of the counter. When she recognized Craig, she let out this ear-piercing squeal that could have shattered glass.

"Dear God! Here we go again!" Tom announced as he hopped off the stool and stood back from the counter a few inches. Lou Lou came running down the counter as she continued to squeal, her arms out before her open wide. Craig stood up and leaned across the counter and Lou Lou grabbed him so hard she nearly lifted him off his feet. She hugged him tight and rocked him side to side with a certain degree of force. As I mentioned, she's a full-figured girl and apparently, she has a lot of upper-body strength to man-handle Craig like that. After Craig's body impacted me on the right side, I totally understood shy Tom got off his stool and stood back.

I had no desire to get wacked again so, I too, got off my stool until their little display of affection for one another was over. Tom looked at me and just smiled as if to say, "This is what I have to deal with every time we come here."

Tom reached up, placed his hand on the small of Craig's back and he started to pull back from Lou Lou's embrace. "It's so good to see you Craigy. How the hell are ya, stud?" she asked. Before she released Craig, she kissed him smack on the lips and stood back.

"Hey, Tommy, nice to see you too, baby. And look who's with y'all, the Philadelphia pretty-boy. Welcome back, baby. Damn, if you boys don't make my old heart get to pitter-pattering. All of this manly beauty is too much for this old girl! Sit, sit; take a load off guys. What can I get for y'all?"

As we walked across the parking lot back to the car, I said, "Thank you so much for lunch guys. It was really good. That place would be a gold-mine in Philadelphia and packed 24/7. Lou Lou is quite the character, isn't she?"

"She is a total character; that's why I love her so much. She cracks me up," Craig responded. "If Tom is out of town and I'm having a rough day, I come over here and Lou Lou always makes me feel better."

"What are you doing the rest of the day, Roman?" Tom asked.

As soon as I began to answer, my phone rang. "Go ahead, Roman, take it," Tom said.

I grabbed my phone and glanced at the caller ID. I did not recognize the number other than it was a Maine area code. "I think it's the apartment complex," I said excitedly.

"Answer it, Ro. Answer it," Craig said urgently.

"This is Roman," I answered the phone and hit the speaker button so Craig and Tom could hear.

"Mr. Teale, my name is Wilson Hanson. I'm calling from the Hanson Apartments. My brother Ty informed me that you are interested in unit 4 we will soon have available. Are you still interested, Mr. Teale?"

"Yes, Wilson; I'm very interested, however, I have not actually seen the unit yet," I answered him.

"That can easily be arranged Mr. Teale. The current tenant has just informed me that he will be out-of-town for the next two days. He has purchased a house and has been spending much of his time there. I informed him that I have someone interested in renting the unit and he gave us permission to show the unit in his absence. Are you free this afternoon, Mr. Teale? I can have my brother, Ty, show you the unit since I am out-of-town at the moment. I suspect Ty will be able to answer any questions you may have. If not, please feel free to call me personally. You can reach me at the number I'm calling you from."

"Yes, I am free today. You just give me a time and I'll be there Mr. Hanson."

"Please, call me Will, Mr. Teale. Anytime this afternoon before 5:00 PM will be fine Mr. Teale. I will call Ty and let him know you will be stopping by this afternoon to inspect the unit. Just let Ty know if you want the unit. Ty will then call me and I will send you the lease agreement. It's a fillable PDF document. Just fill it out and email it back to me. I will need about five days once I receive the document. I will do a background check and a credit check and if everything pans out, I will sign the agreement and send it back to you. Of course, one way or the other, I will notify you by phone also. Is that acceptable, Mr. Teale?"

"Yes, that's perfect. May I ask how often do you have units become available, Will?

"Honestly, it's rare; we do not have a lot of turn over. In fact, this is the first one in two years and only because he bought a house. May I ask how you found out about the unit, Mr. Teale?

"Online; my best friend actually found it for me. He was looking at rental properties on my behalf and found your place. He called me immediately and told me about it. I brought your property up online and decided to drive over there to inquire about it personally. That was when I met Ty and spoke with him about it. I've just been waiting to hear back from him so I'm very pleased that you called. And, please, Will, call me Roman."

"Thank you; Roman, it is then. I do hope that the background and credit check come back good, Roman. Ty was quite fond of you I must say. We want good, hassle-free, long-term tenants so I truly hope this works out well for both of us. I have to get to class, so if you have no more questions, I have to run, literally."

"Thank you, Will. I'm good at the moment. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your call. I'll be in touch soon." I hung up the phone and looked at Craig and Tom. You guys heard all of that. What do you think?" I asked.

"I think we should trot over there right now and take a look at the place. Why not seize the moment," Craig said. "Do you mind if Tom and I tag along?"

"No, please do. I'd really like your input on this and on the neighborhood. If the place is nice, which, I'm pretty sure it is, that would only leave the price as a major deciding factor."

"Come on then; let's go check it out," Tom said.

"Awesome, just let me bring it up in my GPS. I don't know how to get there from here," I confessed.

"No worries, Roman. I know the place; Craig can drive and I'll navigate," Tom smiled.

Thanks to Tom, we arrived at the complex in about twenty minutes.

"This looks nice," Craig commented at he parked the car on the street in front of the complex.

"Just wait until you see the grounds and how it's landscaped. It's really, nice I think," I added. Not as nice as Ty, though; just wait until you see him. He's going to knock your socks off; the kid is fucking gorgeous; you'll see."

Together, we walked up to the front gate. I swung it open and stepped thru and stood behind the gate holding it open so Craig and Tom could pass through.

"Wow, it certainly appears to be maintained nicely, Craig commented. The lawn is beautiful."

"Just wait until you see the walkways through the buildings; they are so well done. I love this place," I bubbled. "I almost don't care what the unit looks like."

"Um, perhaps that has something to do with Ty," Tom giggled softly.

"God, he's so beautiful," I smiled as I closed the gate gently.

As we stepped up to the building, Craig said, "Boy, it's really quiet around here, isn't it?"

"It sure is," I responded, "very different than what I'm used to in Philly. "Come on guys, let's see if we can find Ty." We ambled around the main walkways in search of Ty. While we walked the property, they guys were whispering to themselves and occasionally I heard a positive comment. I don't know why, but it was important to me that they liked the complex. I guess it reinforced my very positive opinion of the place and that I was not just blinded because of my attraction to Ty. We looked around for a few minutes and Ty was nowhere to be seen.

"This way guys," I announced, "I know which unit he and his grandmother live it. We'll just go straight to the horse's mouth."

We abled up to the front door of Ty's unit. The front door was open but the screen door was closed to let in the fresh air. We could hear the music playing inside at a respectable volume. I have to admit, I was impressed that it wasn't hip-hop playing. I reached up and rang the doorbell.

In just a few seconds, I saw a shadowy figure walking towards us. I could not see thru the screen into the unit but I assumed it was Ty. The figure did not move like an elderly woman. "Mr. Teale," Ty said through the screen. "Will told me you'd be stopping by. I just didn't expect to see you so soon. He just called me about twenty minutes ago."

"Yes, well, I figured I'd come right over. We were out and about so there was no need to wait. I'm sorry if we're interrupting anything. Is now a good time to see the unit?" I asked, the screen door still separating us.

"Sure, no problem," Ty responded as he slowly opened the screen door. "Come on in guys. My grandmother is still at physical therapy. I was just getting ready to jump in the shower. I've been working out in the garden."

I was the first to step through the door; Craig and Tom were right behind me. Ty closed the screen door as soon as Tom passed through and turned to face us. The only thing he had on was a pair of short, cut-off sweat-pants. They were light gray in color and fit his glorious, slim body perfectly. I must have been slobbering all over myself or something because Ty gave me the biggest smile yet.

"I'll be right back guys, just let me throw a shirt on and I'll show you the unit," he calmly said. "Oh, you're fine Ty. You don't need a shirt unless it will make you feel more comfortable," I quickly responded. "You're perfectly fine just like that," I smiled. "Isn't, that right guys?" I asked Tom and Craig. "Oh, God, yes!" Tom immediately answered.

"OK, then," Ty smiled. Just let me fetch the key and I'll be right back," he smiled knowing full well I'm sure that we were all about to pop a vein just looking at him. As he turned to walk away, the cut-offs he was wearing hugged his firm, round, little butt perfectly. As he disappeared down the hall, I looked at the guys and said, "Didn't I tell you? He's fucking exquisite isn't he. He could so easily be a model he's that gorgeous!"

Before the guys had a chance to respond, we heard him call out, "Found it guys!" and immediately heard him coming back down the hall. We all turned towards him and watched him approach. Of course, being the horn-dog that I am, my eyes immediately went to his crotch. I could see his dick head bob about as he walked. As he approached us, he looked directly in my eyes and a little smile formed at the corner of his mouth. I knew right then and there that he knew I was lusting after him.

"Right this way guys," he said as he opened the screen door and stepped outside.

We stepped outside onto the walkway and I said, "Please, forgive me for being so rude, Ty; these gentlemen are my friends, Craig, and Tom. I guess all of this excitement has got the better of me and I temporarily forgot my manners. My apologies, gentlemen."

Tom was the first to raise his hand. "It's so nice to meet you Ty, I'm Tom. This is my husband, Craig. We are pleased to meet you. This complex is really, quite beautiful, Ty. You guys do a beautiful job maintaining it. It's lovely."

Ty gave him a big smile hearing his kind words. "Thanks, Tom. We work hard to keep it nice. We want our tenants to stick around for a while."

"Well, it shows, Ty," Craig chimed in giving him a big smile.

Ty looked at Craig and slightly bowed his head in thanks. "Right this way guys, it's the last unit on the right," he said softly.

Ty led the way to the unit and I could not resist keeping my eyes on his perfect, round, little butt. How I longed to bury my face between those two perfect globes. He stepped up to the front door, inserted the key, and opened the door. "Keep in mind guys, the previous tenant just vacated and I have not had a chance to clean the unit yet. Fortunately, the previous tenant kept a clean house. Ty opened the door and stepped back on the walkway. I was the first to enter the unit. Craig and Tom were right behind me. Craig placed his hands on my waist, anxious to enter, as he we stepped into the unit.

I was immediately surprised to see that the unit was completely modernized. The kitchen was to the left, a rather long, gally style kind of setup. The appliances were black, stainless steel in color, white cabinets, and the counters were of a white, black, and gray granite. It was very nicely done and not overly busy like so much of the granites are. The cabinets went right to the ceiling with a nice, grown molding.

I also noticed that the kitchen had can lights in the ceiling. With the exception of the kitchen counter separating the dining room, and a pony wall that separated the living room from the dining room, it was completely open. The other thing that I really liked that Ty pointed out about the kitchen is that it had over-the-counter lighting on a dimmer-switch. "How cool is that!" I said out loud, "the counter is illuminated but you can't see the lights."

The dining area which was located directly across from the kitchen, had a very nice, iron chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was perfectly proportioned for the space and size of the room. The unit only had one window. It was in the dining room area but it was large and had custom-made louvers. The living room area was nicely sized, not too cramped with a very nice ceiling fan mounted on the ceiling. Again, the dining room and living room had can lights installed in the ceiling. Ty pointed out that the ceiling fan was operated by a remote control which was currently housed in its mount on the wall.

The floors looked like stone; they were of a plank-like style but I'm sure it was a laminate. It was so nicely done. We walked down the small hallway off the living room. The bathroom was in the middle of the hallway, and a linen closet directly across from the bathroom. The bathroom had two pocket-doors, one of which led into the bedroom. We went thru the bathroom into the bedroom to see that there was a relatively large window that had built-in louvered, shutters, just like the dining room, and a ceiling fan mounted to the ceiling. It was quite nice.

I left Tom and Craig in the bedroom talking among themselves. I stepped out into the living room to see Ty standing propped up against the counter, he had his legs crossed forcing his bulge forward. He was quite the sight to behold. I suddenly stopped about five feet from him. He looked up into my eyes and smiled.

"What?" he asked. "Is something wrong? I did warn you that I haven't cleaned the place yet."

"Oh no, Ty. The place is absolutely perfect. In fact, I just love it. It's so, so nice. You guys did an awesome job remodeling it.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. What's the problem then?" he asked softly.

"There's no problem, Ty. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. That was not my intent. It's just that you are so damn beautiful. When I saw you standing there I kind of lost my head for a second."

"Oh, please; seriously?" he giggled softly.

"Yeah, seriously, Ty. You are so fucking gorgeous! I bet you could have anyone you want on the planet. Have you ever thought of modeling?"

"Yeah, right; me, a model. I don't think so, Mr. Teale. But thanks for the compliment."

"Please, Ty; call me Roman. "Mr. Teale makes me feel old. I'm not that old you know. Older than you, yes, but I'm not that old. Do I look like an old man to you?"

"Honestly, no," he immediately answered. Since we're being honest here, I think you are very handsome," he said softly with a smile. "I can't believe I just said that. If Wilson found out he would womp me good."

"Well, don't worry, gorgeous, your secret is safe with me," I smiled back. "Does Wilson know you're bi?" I asked.

"Of course. Will and I are very close; we have no secrets."

For some reason, perhaps it was my imagination, but, I kind of gleaned that there was an underlining meaning to his response. "Good, I'm glad to hear that. I look forward to meeting him soon. Is he as handsome as you are?" I asked as I stepped closer to him. He smiled and looked into my eyes intently. "I'll let you be the judge of that," he whispered not taking his eyes off me.

The way he looked into my eyes took my breath away. Without thinking, I reached up and ran my fingers through his locks and boldly, but softly cupped his package in my other hand. As soon as he felt me touch him, he jumped slightly in surprise.

Realizing what I had just done, I immediately released him and took a step back. "Oh, God, Ty! I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. That was totally inappropriate of me. I'm so sorry; please forgive me, Ty."

"Ro!" I heard my name being called from the hallway as Craig and Tom stepped into the living room area. "We love this place. It's perfect for you. Are you going to take it?" Craig asked.

"Yes, I love it too, but the decision is up to this gorgeous, young man standing before me. What do you say, Ty. Can I have the unit?" I asked.

"Actually, that's not my decision to make," he said as he leaned back against the kitchen counter. My brother, Will, will make that decision. However, I will put a good word in for you; not that it would really matter much. But I'll do it just the same. Will is going to look at your credit report and make his final decision. As long as that looks good, I have no doubt the unit is yours Mr. Teale; I mean, Roman."

"Thank you, Ty; I really appreciate that. Should I call Will to let him know that I'm very, favorably impressed?" I asked with a big smile just for Ty. I think he understood my underlining meaning due to the big smile on his face.

"I suggest you do, Mr., uh, Roman. Since he hasn't met you yet, I have no doubt he will call me and inquire about you before he makes his final decision; that is, unless your credit report comes back unfavorable. He's a fair man, Roman, but his decision is final."

"Good, then I have nothing to be concerned about; my credit score is excellent," I said as I happily stepped forward and hugged Ty. To my pleasant surprise, Ty wrapped his arms around me a hugged me back. He made no attempt to pull away from me."

"Ro, you have to meet Tom and I at the bar tonight to celebrate. No excuses!" Craig said joyfully.

I somewhat reluctantly released my hold on Ty and looked over at Tom & Craig. "That sounds like an excellent idea. I'd love too. I just wish this handsome, young man could join us. We could all celebrate together."

"Ty, do you mind if I take a few pictures of the unit? I want to send them to my friend, Bo, in Philadelphia. Without him, I may have never found this place. I owe him big-time."

"Sure, go right ahead," Ty immediately answered as Tom's phone started to ring.

Tom glanced at the caller ID. "I'm sorry guys but I have to take this; it's a client of mine.," he said as he walked towards the front door to step outside.

"And, I have to pee," Craig added. "Do you mind Ty, if I use the bathroom in the hallway?" Craig asked.

"Go ahead," Ty said, "you know where it is."

Craig nodded his head in thanks, turned, and walked away. I looked at Ty and gave him a smile. I stepped up to him and ran my fingers through his thick hair. "Thanks for everything, Ty. I can't tell you how much this means to me. It's a special treat that I may get the chance to see you every day. Just know that if I get this unit, you can stop by whenever you want; day or night, no matter what time."

Slowly, a smile spread across his handsome face. "You really like me don't you Roman?" he whispered softly, the smile still on his face.

"I do, I guess that is pretty obvious; isn't it? There is something about you Ty that just presses all of my buttons. I mean, other than the fact that I think you are drop dead gorgeous. There is just something about you that I really like. You have a lot of responsibility for a young man. I respect you so much for that. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. Listen though, I am fully aware that my attraction towards you can never go anywhere. What I did a little while ago will never happen again, Ty; I promise."

"You mean when you grabbed my dick?" he smiled.

"Yeah, um, that. I won't let that happen again. I'm sorry about that, Ty."

Ty started to say something just as Craig stepped back into the room. "Ro, I'm going to go find Tom. Take your time. I'll wait for you outside."

"Ok, Craig, I won't be too long," I answered him, "I just want to take a couple of photos to send to Bo."

As Craig stepped out of the door, I took my phone out of my pocket and started to snap some pictures of the place. I started in the living room taking two shots, one from each end of the living room. I stepped out to the kitchen and snapped a couple more of the dining room area, and then some of the kitchen. I made sure that Ty was in at least one of the pictures.

On my way towards the bedroom, I stopped and said, "I just want to get a couple of shots of the bathroom and the bedroom, Ty, and then I'll be out of your hair. Just give me two more minutes."

"No problem, Roman. Take your time. I'm free until my grandmother gets back from physical therapy later this afternoon. She won't be back at least until 4 o'clock this afternoon. That is unless she stops by the senior center on the way back to play cards."

I nodded at him with a smile and headed back to the bedroom. I opened the louvers on the window, which illuminated the room nicely, and took a couple of photos. When I turned to walk out of the room, Ty was standing in the doorway, propped up against the door jam. Once again, he had his beautiful legs crossed which pushed his crotch slightly forward. He had one arm hanging down at his side, and the other hand on his hip.

I had all I could do to maintain my composure. "God, he is so beautiful and just too sexy for words," I said to myself. I felt my dick stir in my pants and tried to force myself to think of something else. I must have been quite obvious in my attraction towards him because he gave me a smile that suggested, "I know you want me."

I snapped myself out of my stupor-like trance and smiled at him questionably still standing in the center of the bedroom. "Ty, are you teasing me?" I asked.

"I don't mean to," he answered softly. "I just thought that you might like to take my picture?" he said somewhat bashfully almost as if he were asking a question.

"Do you want me to take your picture, Ty?" I asked wanting to jump him where he stood. I felt my cock jerk in my pants. My dick was growing by the second.

He smiled at me, pushed off of the door-jam, took his stance and slightly spread his legs. He smiled at me and placed his hands behind his head exposing those sexy armpits of his. "Go ahead, Roman. I know you want to; just do it," he said not so bashfully this time.

Without hesitation, I aimed the camera on my phone and snapped photo after photo. "Now sideways; turn sideways," I instructed him. He complied immediately. The bulge in the front of his cut-offs was noticeably growing. I had all I could do not to pounce on him and ravish him right there. "Turn around, show me that sweet, glorious ass of yours, stud," I ordered.

He looked over at me and smiled before he turned and bent forward slightly forcing his perky, little butt out and back towards me. "Pull your shorts down halfway stud. Show me a little of that perfect, little butt of yours!"

Immediately, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and slowly lowered them half way over his ass. I literally gasped when I saw his exposed butt flesh. It looked so incredibly smooth and firm. I so badly wanted to drop to my knees behind him and eat his sweet ass for days.

I took several shots of his yummy ass. My dick was so fucking hard at this point, it hurt within the confines of my shorts. Without instruction, Ty continued and lowered his shorts the rest of the way down his ass and stood up. He placed his hands on his hips and stood there in silence. "Oh, my fucking, God, Ty. You are so fucking exquisite! Turn around, Ty," I said as if I were out of breath.

Slowly, Ty started to turn towards me. I quickly hit the video button on my phone and dropped to my knees. As he turned, I said, "Stop, Ty, let me look at you." I panted gazing upon him as he stood sideways, his beautiful cock pointing straight out. He was circumcised and I could see his dick throbbing to his heartbeat. Immediately he complied, his hands still on his hips. I inched myself across the floor on my knees to get closer to him.

"Keep going beautiful; face me," I said hoarsely.

As he turned to face me, he let his shorts fall to his ankles. Slowly, he stepped out of them and gave me a big smile. He waved his hardon through the air side to side, his beautiful, smooth, pink balls swinging along. I could not contain myself any longer. I jumped to my feet, rushed over to him, took him in my arms, and kissed him passionately.

To my extreme pleasure, he wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed me hard. I was moaning profusely as we explored each other's mouth. After about thirty seconds, he suddenly broke our kiss and pulled back away from me.

"What's wrong, Ty?" I asked urgently.

"I'm, I'm sorry, Roman. I want this Roman, but not here and not now. I shouldn't have started this right now. I'm sorry, but after the things you said to me, I just couldn't help it. I've been thinking about this since I first met you."

I stepped up to him quickly and took his beautiful face in my hands. "Are you serious, Ty? You really want this too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," he responded softly. "I've probably jerked off thinking about you at least ten times already," he confessed.

"Ro, I'm sorry, but Tom needs to be getting back for work; are you ready yet?" Craig called loudly from the doorway.

"Yeah, coming, be right there, Craigy!"

"Shit! I completely forgot that they were waiting outside. Look Ty, whatever happens from here forward is entirely your decision. I want to continue this with you, but I'm going to leave the ball in your court. If you want to continue this with me, just let me know. If you don't want to, that's OK too. All you have to do is tell me that you don't want to go any farther and that will be the end of this. It's OK, but I have to let you make the decision. Do you understand what I'm saying, Ty?"

"Yeah, I understand, Roman," he answered and kissed me before stepping into the bathroom out of sight. I can't let them see me like this," he said before he closed the bathroom door.

I hurried out the door to meet up with Craig and Tom. When Craig heard me coming down the walkway, he turned to face me. He looked me up and down as I approached him. "Will you look at that! Are you that happy to see me again or was something else going on between you and that beautiful boy?" Craig asked staring at my obvious hardon bulging out the front of my pants.

"I swear that boy is going to make me lose my mind," I giggled.

"When Tom sees you in this condition, you're going to make him lose his mind. Don't be surprised if he offers to take care of that monster in your pants in the car. I know for a fact he can't wait to suck you off. Come on, Tom's waiting out front." Craig wrapped his arm around my shoulders and walked me down the path to meet up with Tom.

It was a nice, crisp, cool evening so I decided to wear a pair of cargo shorts, a polo shirt, and my huaraches to the bar to meet up with the guys. I told them I'd be there around 11 or shortly thereafter.

When I walked into the bar, I spotted Craig across the room talking with a few folks not too far from the dance floor. He was in conversation and didn't notice me walk in. I made my way to the bar and ordered a Michelob from the bartender. She was a woman I would guess to be in her forties; a bit on the butch side.

"Are you, Roman?" she asked.

"Um, yes," I answered her a bit bewildered. "How do you know who I am?" I asked.

She looked at me and gave me a big smile. "Don't worry, stud," she smiled, "Craig told me you would be in and described you to me. He told me to put your cocktails on his tab. Are you OK with that?"

"I see, yes, thank you," I answered her. "May I ask your name?"

"Ruby; pleased to meet you," she answered and offered her hand in greeting over the bar.

"It's nice to meet you, Ruby. I'll be sure to thank Craig for his kindness."

"Yeah, you do that, stud; be right back with your beer," she said with a quirky smile as if she knew a secret about Craig and I. Just the way she said it made me wonder if she knew that Craig and I have had sex. Was he a kiss & teller? I don't much care one way or the other, but I was certainly curious.

She placed my beer on the bar, gave me a wink, turned, and walked away. I took my beer and headed out to mingle around the crowd. It was only about ten minutes later when I felt a hand on my back. I turned to face the individual and saw Tom standing there with a big smile on his face. "Hey sexy," he said softly. "Glad you made it. Come on, I want to introduce you to a couple of our friends."

Throughout the course of the next couple of hours, I met several people. A couple of them I looked forward to perhaps developing a friendship with, and others, perhaps just a bar friend to chat with when we see each other around. Of course, Wally was there too. From time-to-time, he'd look in my direction and give me a quick wink. The thought of pissing in his mouth again made my dick twitch.

I was getting a bit tired of making the rounds and just wanted to sit down to be by myself and recoup, so I took a seat at the end of the bar. Ruby suddenly appeared and sat a fresh, cold, beer on the bar in front of me.

"Thanks, Ruby," I said; she nodded and walked away. I took a sip of the fresh, cold brew and sat the bottle back on the bar. Suddenly, I felt a pair or arms wrap around my waist. Although I wasn't even close to being drunk, I did have a very subtle buzz going on. I reached down and placed my hands over the hands around my waist and moaned softly, leaning back into the pair of arms around me.

"You are a hot, sexy man, Roman!" a voice whispered in my ear. Immediately, I knew it was Tom.

"As are you, Tom," I answered him. He released his grip on me and slowly spun me around to face him. He placed his hands just above my knee caps and spread my legs. He gave me a sexy smile and took a step forward, standing between my legs.

"You know, you drove me a bit crazy today when you and Craig met me out front of your new apartment. Your dick was so hard I could see the outline of your cock through the fabric. Sorry to be so blunt; but it's the truth. I had all I could do not to drop to my knees and beg you to fuck my face and feed me your load right there on the spot."

"Do you want me to feed you, Tommy? Do you want me to shoot my sweet load down your throat? What if I want to piss in your mouth first? How do you feel about that?" I whispered looking right in his eyes.

"Fuck, Ro, you can do whatever you want to me; I love it all. Craig told me how much fun you two guys had together last week. We jerked off together over the phone as he was telling me what happened before I got back. It was so hot. Just thinking about what he told me makes my dick hard!"

"What would Craig say or feel if I shot my load down your throat?" I whispered.

"He's the one who told me I should tell you that I want you," he answered as he reached down, took my hand, and placed it on his erection. I moaned softly when I felt his hard cock. He was definitely a bit bigger than Craig but smaller than me. It was something to be worshipped for sure. I squeezed his cock gently and groaned so only he could hear. "You feel good, Tommy. I'd love to swallow that baby too; we could feed each other."

I pulled down his zipper and inserted my index finger running it down the length of his shaft. The fabric of his underwear was super-smooth and soft. I couldn't quite feel his full length because he was packed in there so tight. He moaned softly as I ran my finger over his shaft. I so badly wanted to pull his dick out and drop to my knees right there at the bar and suck him off.

"My turn," he whispered. He reached down and unzipped me. He spread the zipper open as wide as possible and stuck his finger inside. "Fuck!" he groaned, "you're not wearing underwear" he growled softly. "Fuck, Roman, I want you! I want it now!"

"That's going to me a bit challenging don't you think?" I whispered.

"Nah, no problem. Just meet me out back by the dumpster. It's totally secluded. Craig and I have been back there many times. We go back there just to spice it up. It's fun. I'm just going to let Craig know we'll be a few minutes. Is that OK with you?"

"Um, I don't know, Tommy. I mean, it sounds a little risky. I have no desire to get arrested," I answered but also intrigued by the idea.

"Don't worry, Ro. Nobody goes back there. Even the bar staff won't go back there until after they close up for the night. It will just be the two of us. So, what do you say? I want your cock now!"

I thought about it for a few seconds and whispered, "OK, then," feeling my cock twitch in my pants. Since I have arrived here in Maine, I have never felt sexier and more desirable in my life. It must be the cool, fresh Maine air. What else could it be?"

I zipped up Tom, then myself, and waited for Tom to step back so I could dismount the bar stool.

"I'll meet you out there," I said softly.

I left my beer on the bar and ambled across the floor towards the front door. I walked at a bit of an angle in an attempt to camouflage my bulging boner hoping it wasn't so obvious to the eye in the dim bar light. I exited the bar, took a quick look around, and decided to go to the right. When I came around the corner of the building, it was pretty dark. I almost couldn't see where I was walking. I turned right at the back corner of the building and spotted the dumpster that Tom had mentioned. It had a block wall surrounding it with two, green metal gates that swung open.

I quickly made my way to the dumpster and noticed that the left side gate was slightly ajar. As I swung the gate open and stepped through, I said to myself, "I can't believe I'm doing this. I need to have my head examined!"

I closed the gate behind me and noticed that there was only about two feet of clearance on the side of the dumpster. I cautiously stepped to the back of the enclosure along the side of the dumpster. I was extremely grateful that there was almost no detectable stench other than stale beer.

I slowly closed the plastic lid on the dumpster as quietly as I could and waited for Tom's arrival. As I waited for him, I pondered in my head what he had told me in the bar and my dick started coming back to life. I reached down and gently squeezed my growing cock and felt a bit of moisture leak out from the tip. I unbuttoned my cargo shorts, unzipped, letting the pants flap open, and leaned back against the wall. I waited less than two minutes before I heard the gate swing open.

Tom stepped inside the enclosure and quickly closed the gate. It was pretty dark within the enclosure, so he stopped to let his eyes adjust to the dark. I really could not see his face, but I could clearly see his silhouette in the dark. He stepped towards me and paused for just a second before he reached out and pulled me to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me tight against him, and kissed me hard. As he kissed me, he started to unfasten my pants and found them already open. He groaned lowly, slipped his thumbs under my waistband, and forced them down below my ass. He grabbed my ass cheeks in both hands and pulled me tight against him as he kissed me. He pulled back from his kiss, panting hard and in a low growl, said, "Fuck! I have wanted to do this since I laid eyes on you!"

He pulled my polo up and off of my body, and tossed my shirt on top of the block wall behind us. He then lifted my right arm and buried his face in my pits. I grabbed the back of his head and forced his face hard into my pit. "Taste it fucker!" I hissed as I pressed his face in my pit. After a few seconds, I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him out of my pit.

With a fistful of his hair, I forced him to his knees before me and pressed his face into my crotch. "Take a good whiff, stud! Is this what you want so bad. You want that big, man-cock so bad, fucking take it! I pulled his head back, grabbed my cock and smacked him across the face with it.

"Show me how much you want my cock!" I growled down at him.

He groaned louder than I would have wanted; it made me feel exposed. He grabbed my ass in his hands and swallowed as much of my cock as he could. I released his hair and placed my hands on either side of his head as I began to skull fuck him. "You love that big fucking cock, don't ya, stud?" I whispered to him. "Show me how much you love my big cock!"

He squeezed my ass so hard it almost hurt. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him back so only about a third of my cock was in his mouth. I felt him try to go back down on my cock but I held him steadfast where he was. "Not just yet, stud. I have something else in mind for you first!"

"I held his head stationary and released a strong stream of recycled beer in his mouth. He started to moan continuously between swallows loving my hot stream. "You love that fucking man piss, don't ya pig? Swallow it all fucker! Don't you waste a single drop or you'll never get it again and I fucking know you want it! Don't you, pig?"

His moans got a little louder between gulps as he squeezed and kneaded my ass. "You better be quiet, pig or I'll take it away," I threatened.

After about 30 seconds, my stream started to diminish and I slowly started to push back into his mouth. "Good job, stud. You're a good piss-guzzler. You didn't waste a drop. Good man. Now, suck the sweet cum-juice out of the big cock you love so much. "You want my load, don't you?"

Immediately, he started sucking my dick with a passion, he'd deepthroat me until his nose was buried in my pubes and then pull all the way back up just to go all the way back down again.

"That's my boy. Suck my cock, baby. Your mouth feels so fucking good. Keep going, that's my boy. You keep sucking my cock like that and I'll give you want you want!"

I started to feel the churn in my balls. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled him down hard on my cock. "Here it comes, stud! You ready?" He moaned from deep within as I pulled back on his head and exploded in his mouth. "Eat it, baby. Swallow it all down like the good cum-stud you are. Show me how much you love that sauce!"

I felt him swallow shot after shot. When I finally stopped shooting, he held my dick lovingly in his mouth as it wilted. He ran his hands lovingly up and down my back as he softly suckled, moaning almost continuously, but softly this time. Just before I pulled out, I let my stream go again. There wasn't much, but I could tell how much Tom enjoyed it.

The next morning, I didn't get out of bed until almost 10:30. I walked out into the kitchen, my hardon leading the way and got the Keurig going. I walked into the bathroom to pee and heard my phone going off. I cut off my flow and hurried to the phone. I couldn't remember where I left it so I had to follow the sound by ear. "This is Roman, I answered just in time before it went to voicemail.

"Mr. Teale, this is Wilson Hanson, calling. Is now a good time to chat?" he asked.

"Good morning, yes, I'm just making coffee Will. I trust you have good news for me?" I asked friendly; "and please call me Roman."

"Yes, I believe so, Roman. When I got back to my dorm last night, the results of your credit report were waiting for me in my e-mail. May I assume you are still interested in the unit?" he asked.

"Oh, yes; very much so," I immediately answered him. In fact, I did as you suggested and went to look at it yesterday. Your brother Ty, was most accommodating. You should be very proud of him, Will. He's a fine, young man."

"Thank you, Roman; I appreciate that. Perhaps I'm biased, but I totally agree. Ty is my rock and very, very important to me. We look out for each other. As I mentioned, your credit report came back but what I didn't mention yet is that it came back with flying colors."

"Awesome! That's great news. So, are you telling me that I can have the unit?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry, yes; it's yours if you want it. However, Roman, I want to be perfectly clear here, I need you to understand that I am fully aware of, let's call them your feelings, regarding my brother, Ty. I just want to say that if you hurt him, Roman, that will have a very definite and detrimental effect on our landlord & tenant relationship. Do I make myself clear, Roman.

My brother and I have had to grow up fast; as a result, he's very mature considering his young age. However, he's still my little brother; I love him more than anything on this planet and it's my job to look after him and protect him. That is something that I will continue to do for the rest of my life. I truly believe in honesty and transparency so I wanted you to understand where I stand. So, having said all of that, if you haven't changed your mind about the unit, it's yours."

"I totally understand, Will. I just want you to understand that I have never before been attracted to such a younger person in my life as I am Ty. Yes, in my personal opinion, I think Ty is probably the most physically beautiful person I have ever met in my life. I am very, very smitten with him; I won't lie. But, in addition to that, Ty has confided in me about some of his personal life and he has made a very favorable impression on me. I have nothing but respect for him, and frankly, you too even though we have never met.

Personally, I think that the two of you have had to take on responsibilities in life that should not have to be undertaken at such a tender age. Looking at your situation from the outside, it appears to me that both of you have accepted such a responsibility without hesitation. For the lack of a better term, I personally find that absolutely incredible and impressive. We all have our crosses to bear in life, however, you two young-men have had to bear that kind of weight far too early. Seriously, I commend you both.

With regard to Ty, know that I have no desire to harm him in anyway. In fact, I told him yesterday that the choice is entirely his and his alone. I will comply with whatever he wants to do, Will. Being his older brother, perhaps you can help guide him when he decides what path he wants to take. Just know that I am not interested in painting him in a corner. He's young as you are; you guys have your entire life a head of you. You both have to do what you think is best for you as individuals; I understand that."

"Thank you, Roman. That's very kind of you to say. I'm just concerned for Ty's feelings. I will say this without breaking any confidences he and I have; Ty is very taken with you, Roman. He has always been more attracted to people older than him, however, with all due respect, never a man of your age. He has shared with me some of the things you have said to him. You make him feel very good about himself in a way that I don't believe I could ever make him feel. He speaks very highly of you, Roman."

"You don't know how happy that makes me to hear you say that, Wilson. To be honest, I am somewhat unsure about how I should handle my feelings about Ty. I mean, part of me says that I should nip this in the bud and walk away strictly for his benefit. On the other hand, I find myself thinking of him and wanting to see him all the time. And I know for a fact that my uncomfortability factor with Ty, is strictly based on our age difference. But I only feel that way when I'm not in his presence. When I'm with him, the age thing, for the most part, doesn't come into play. I see Ty as Ty; not a young boy even though I know intellectively that he is. I know that probably sound ludicrous to you but that's how I feel. When I'm with him, Ty makes me feel that he is older than his chronical years."

"Believe it or not, Roman, I totally understand what you are saying. I feel that way all of the time with Ty. I get it; trust me. Sorry Roman, but I have to go. I have a part-time job here and I have to get ready for my shift this afternoon. I usually don't do this, but you can sign the rental agreement when I get back into town next week. The unit will be ready as soon as Ty does the turnover clean. You can move in anytime, after that. When I see you, I will need a check for the first month's rent and one month's rent as a security deposit. Or, you can just give the check to Ty. That will work too; whatever works for you. I look forward to meeting you, Roman."

"Thanks, Will, I look forward to meeting you too; see you soon."

I hung up the phone and went back to the bathroom to finish peeing. I stepped back out into the kitchen and went to the Keurig. I took a sip and the coffee had gone warm, so I made a fresh coffee and headed into the bedroom to get my robe.

I took a seat out on the front porch and checked my email while enjoying my hot coffee. Now that I had the apartment taken care of, my next project was to find a job. I quickly brought up the Indeed website on my laptop and started my search. I uploaded my resume and decided to see what was available in my own field. As I was started searching the ads, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and immediately recognized the number.

"This is Roman," I answered the phone already knowing who was calling.

"Hi, Roman, it's Linda Simms calling. Do you have a minute to talk?" she asked.

"Oh, hi Linda, how are you?" I asked. "How is everything at the office?"

"Well, it's normal; crazy-busy as usual," she answered. "You know how crazy it is all of the time around here. You haven't forgotten already, have you? It's only been about two weeks since you've been gone," she giggled.

"Look, Roman, I'm just going to get right to the point of my call. The gal that we hired to replace you is just not working out. I have to let her go; she just can't keep up with the timelines we are dealing with and frankly, her work is just, well, she's just not going to work out for us. Would you consider coming back to the firm?" she asked.

"Linda, thank you so much for the offer; I really appreciate it. I really liked my job and enjoyed it, but I have started a new life. I'm living in Maine now. I moved out of Philly. I just got a new apartment here that I absolutely love. I can't move back to Philly; I'm sorry."

"Oh, I see, that makes it a bit more challenging, but not impossible. What if I said you could work remotely from Maine. Would you consider doing that?" she asked. "All you need is a VPN and that can be easily arranged with I.T. You already know our systems, procedures, and protocols. You'd become a remote employee and therefor, paid hourly. The system will log your hours.

We could zoom for meetings or do the google thing. The hours that you would work would be variable based on the firm's needs, but other than that, it would be business as usual. I would oversee everything just like before. I'm not sure about benefits; you would have to speak with HR about that. Would that be acceptable to you?"

"When would you need me to start?" I asked. "As soon as possible, please. I'm in a tough spot right now and behind schedule. I really need you as soon as I can get you. I know you can get us back on schedule."

"I appreciate your confidence in my abilities. I am moving into the new place tomorrow. I have to call and arrange internet installation, but first, I have to find out who services this area. I honestly have no idea how long that will take up here. However, I'll get that done ASAP and get back to you. That's the best I can do right now. I'll be in touch as soon as I know more."

"Thanks, Roman, I really appreciate this. Just keep me in the loop as soon as you know anything. Thanks again, Ro, I'm so glad you are back on board with us."

"Thanks, Linda; me too. I'll be in touch."

I hung up the phone and had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. What good fortune I am having. The universe is really looking out for me; thank you God. Everything has worked out so incredibly well since I left Philadelphia. It suddenly dawned on me that perhaps it has nothing to do with Philadelphia, perhaps it was my reward for learning to put my own needs at the top of the list as opposed to somebody else's needs, namely Peter's. Whatever the reason, I was incredibly grateful and appreciative of the awesome things that were now happening in my life.

An hour later, I was on my way over to the Hanson Apartments. I parked on the street as usual and started my search for Ty. I took a look around the grounds and didn't see him anywhere so I went to his unit. I gently knocked on the front door and waited patiently but excited to see him again. "May I help you?" an older voice asked from the other side of the screen door.

"Yes, good morning, my name is Roman Teale; I'm the new tenant in unit number four. May I speak with Ty, please?" I asked politely.

"I'm sorry Mr. Teale, but Ty is in class at the moment. Perhaps I can be of assistance. Please, come in Mr. Teale. I just made a fresh pot of tea; would you like some?" she offered. "I'm Betty, Ty's grandmother," she said introducing herself.

"Pleased to meet you, Betty, and yes; I'd love a cup of tea if it's not too much trouble; just plain, thanks. Ty has mentioned you on a number of occasions since I inquired about the unit. He is quite a mature young man for his years; I have no doubt that you must be very proud of him.

"Indeed, I am Mr. Teale. I am very proud of both of my grandsons; they are my entire world. They have had to grow up faster than most children. I am eternally grateful for all that they do; they are good boys; both of them," she smiled as she slowly made her way into the kitchen. Their unit looked very similar to mine except that they have two bedrooms where I only have one. I only know that because Ty told me.

"Please, Mr. Teale, won't you have a seat," she said as she gestured to a chair at the dining room table. I noticed her hand trembling a bit as she started to pull the chair away from the table.

"If I can be of assistance, Betty, please let me know, and, please, call me Roman. Ty and Will do; your boys and I have set to the side all formalities between us," I laughed slightly.

"Thank you, Roman," she said as she returned with a large mug and sat it gently on the table before me. I couldn't help but notice her hands shaking a bit so I reached out and gently assisted her.

"Thank you, kindly, Roman. If memory serves correct, Ty told me that you are from Philadelphia; is that correct?" she asked as she slowly made her way back into the kitchen.

"Yes mam, that is correct," I answered her. "My relationship of eight years ended abruptly and I needed to make some changes in my life. I chose Maine because it's very different than Philadelphia and I wanted a fresh start; a new beginning if you will."

"So, how has it been working out for you so far?" she asked.

"With all honesty, Betty, I think it was the best decision that I have ever made in my life. Since I have moved up here, it's as if the stars have aligned and there has been nothing but blue skies. Everything has just fallen into place for me here. I am so eternally grateful to the powers that be for my good fortune. In fact, just this morning, I got a call from my previous employer offering me my old job back; working remotely. I couldn't ask for anything more."

"That is truly good news. May I ask what you do for a living, Roman?"

"I have been in the marketing/advertising field for the last ten years or more. I'm basically a graphic artist but I sub-manage various campaigns when it comes to implementing the artistic components of the campaign."

"Oh dear, I must confess, Roman, I haven't a clue about what you just said, but, I'm happy for you that you got your job back. I assume you must work a lot with computers. That's a foreign world to me, but my boys, they are quite savvy when it comes to computers. So, how may I be of assistance?"

"I was hoping you could recommend an internet provider so I can contact them and schedule my service. I need an internet connection for my job. Since I'm new around here, I have no idea what's available. I would also like to leave a check with Ty for the first month's rent and the security deposit. Will said I could leave the check with Ty. I was also wondering how soon I can take occupancy?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not able to answer your question with regard to the internet thing; that would be a question that Ty could answer, however. I can tell you that Ty was going to do the turnover clean when he finishes school for the day. That will be done this afternoon I suspect.

With regard to you taking occupancy, I would guess that you could move in tomorrow if that works for you. Today, Ty will be done with school around 1:30. I will have him call you when he has finished cleaning the unit. He will be able to help you with the internet issue. Is that OK with you?" she asked.

"Absolutely, that will be fine. The only other question I have right now is, I noticed a laundry facility not too far from my unit, I assume it takes coins; is that correct?" I asked.

"Um, no; the washers and dryers are provided to our tenants free of charge. We are on the honor system around here, Roman; all we ask is that you don't abuse the privilege. Ty will give you a unique number to punch in when using the machines. Will gets a monthly report that tells him the number of times our tenants have used the machines. If he sees that you have exceeded the normal guidelines of use, he will most likely append a supplemental charge to your rent. If it happens frequently, your lease can be terminated."

"That's fantastic, Betty. You guys really look out for your tenants here."

"We want our tenants to stay as long as possible. We have good people here as tenants; we do what we can to make it as convenient and pleasurable for everyone. That is why our rental rates are more than fair in comparison to other properties. We are not interested in gauging anyone. Will keeps a close eye on rental rates in this area. We also have a tenant parking lot in the back. The same unique number that Ty will assign you for the laundry room will work on the back gate."

Betty and I sat at her table for at least another hour just chatting. I found her to be a very nice person and I rather enjoyed chatting with her. I found out that she and her husband bought the place back in the seventies. I also found out that they had remodeled the place about two years ago. It was entirely her idea to bring the units up to code and modernize them. I wanted to ask her how she handled renovating the units with them already occupied but I didn't want to be too nosey. Perhaps, Ty will satisfy my curiosity about that at some point in future.

"I have most likely taken up a considerable amount of your time, Betty. I should probably be on my way and leave you to enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you so much for the tea and conversation, it was so nice to meet you."

As I started to stand up, I saw Betty look up at the clock on the wall. "Roman, it's now a little after one o'clock. Ty will be finished with school shortly; you are very welcome to stay until he comes out of his room. He goes to school online. I just think that is incredible that kids can go to school online these days. It just amazes me, but Ty has been doing it for quite some time now. I sometimes worry about that boy."

I sat back down at the table. "What specifically concerns you, Betty?" I asked sticking my nose in where it probably doesn't belong.

"Well, my primary concern is that he doesn't really get to socialize with other kids his own age. I worry that he is too secluded. He goes to school online, and when he's not doing school work, he is working here at the complex or taking care of me. I want him to go out and have fun. I want him to make friends in the real world, not just his online friends. I want him to enjoy his youth.

When I talk to him about these things, he just tells me that his brother and I are his only concern and that he is perfectly fine. He and his brother have had to grow up so fast because of circumstances beyond their control or mine. He's a bright boy; he's so smart, Roman, I just don't think that this is psychologically healthy for him. I just want what is best for both of my grandsons.

My husband, God rest his soul, and I have worked diligently all of our lives; we had a good life together. I want nothing less for my boys. I apologize, Roman, I do not mean to bend your ear about my problems; please forgive me."

"No apology necessary, Betty. I understand. You know, Ty has confided in me a little about his mother's legal issues. Perhaps Ty is hesitant to venture out because he is concerned about losing you. Perhaps it's something that he, himself, is not consciously aware of. Perhaps he is and doesn't want to admit his fear to you. I don't know, Betty, it's just a guess from someone on the outside looking in."

"Yes, I'm sure you are right, Roman. For the life of me, I don't know how to set his mind at ease. I know that my age and my health doesn't help the situation. However, without nagging him, I am going to continue to talk with him about this."

"May I ask if you have discussed this with Will. Perhaps he could be of help," I suggested.

"Yes, to a lesser degree, I have mentioned this to Will. Perhaps when he comes home this time, I will attempt to talk to him again. He has so much on his plate with school and managing this place, I hate to place any more burden on him than he already has. Thank you, Roman, for listening to an old woman's problems."

"My pleasure, Betty, we all need someone to talk to occasionally. Even without resolution, it always feels better to say what's troubling you out loud. I truly believe that it has a purging effect, at least temporarily. Just recently, I have learned some very prudent things about myself, thanks in part to a good friend of mine. Sometimes, all we need is a swift kick in the bottom to open our eyes."

"Hopefully, we never stop learning about ourselves, Roman. There is always room for growth," she commented as she attempted to get up out of her chair and winced.

"Are you OK, Betty?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, thank you. I zigged when I should have zagged; damn arthritis. I was going to get some more tea."

"Here, let me get it for you," I offered.

"Thank you, Roman. I accept your kind offer," she smiled.

I got up and walked into the kitchen spotting the tea pot immediately. I picked up the pot and as I walked back to the table, Ty walked into the living room and spotted me straight away.

"Ro, he called out, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Having tea with your grandmother. It's good to see you, Ty. Are you done with school for the day?" "Um, yeah; finished for the day," he answered surprised to see me standing in his dining room. I poured Betty's tea and asked Ty if he would like a cup."

"Um, no thanks," he answered, "I prefer my tea iced," he said as he walked over to the table.

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "I'm so glad to see you, Ty," I said as I released him. "Your grandmother and I have been having a very delightful conversation while you have been in class." I gave him a big smile and took my seat at the table.

As soon as I got back to my rental, I called Spectrum, the internet provider that Ty told me about. I rang up straight-away, thanking my lucky stars that someone answered the phone at 5:00 PM.

I made all of the necessary arrangements for installation and breathed a sigh of relief. I had to wait three days for the installation, but very relieved that the wait wasn't a week or more. I'd call Linda in the morning to let her know.

My next thought was, "Fuck! I have no furniture! I have to buy some furniture. I called Craig to ask him for a referral. While I was on the phone with Craig, Tom picked up the other extension. I was really surprised to hear his voice too. "Am I on speaker?" I asked.

"No, my cell phone was almost dead, so I forwarded all of my calls to the land line," Craig answered. "What's up, sexy?" Tom asked. "Why don't you come on over?" he suggested.

"I would, but I need to buy some furniture and quick. Tomorrow is my last day in this place; my new apartment will be ready tomorrow for me to move in, but I have no furniture. Where would you guys suggest I go to buy furniture?" I asked.

They mentioned a couple of different places but I did not want to schlep all over the place looking for furniture. "Isn't there a one-stop place around here where I can buy everything; you know, dining room, living room and bedroom?" I asked hopefully.

"Let me think for a second," Tom responded. "Yeah, there is. It's a bit of a drive though; it's not too far from I-95. We can take you over there, but I think they close at 7PM if memory serves correct. It's going to take us about thirty minutes, maybe a little more to get there. Can we do it in ninety minutes?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out," Craig answered. "We are on our way."

Without as much as a goodbye, the line went dead.

We walked into the building; it was enormous like a warehouse. There was a very nicely attired guy standing about twenty feet ahead of us; obviously a salesman. "Ut-oh, get ready, incoming," Craig giggled softly. "Incoming indeed, I wouldn't mind making him cum that's for sure," I whispered back.

"Gentlemen, welcome, if I can be of assistance, just let me know. My name is David," he said with a smile as he extended his hand in greeting to all three of us.

"Nice to meet you, David. My name is Roman, this is Tom, and this is Craig. I'm the one in the market for furniture. I'm going to be honest with you, David. I need furniture and I need it fast. I have a living room, dining room, and bedroom to furnish. What can you do for me?" I asked.

"OK, great. I can definitely help you with that, Roman. For starters, we have a promotion going on this week; If you spend at least two thousand dollars with us, you will get twenty percent off your entire purchase, plus free delivery. Delivery is usually a $65.00 fee. This week, delivery is free of charge as long as you spend two thousand dollars."

"Fantastic," I responded. Let's get started then. I think I would me mostly interested in a contemporary look. Let's start with the dining room," I suggested.

"This way gentlemen," David smiled as he pivoted and led the way down the center aisle.

"Maybe we can all make him cum," Tom whispered.

As David turned and started to walk away, I got a good look at his bum; it looked quite perky and round. He was a slender guy, sandy blonde hair, about 6' 1" I guessed and probably about 180 pounds. He was a tall, handsome glass of water for sure. As I watched his ass jiggle down the aisle, my dick twitched. "God, I'd love to see him naked," I said to myself. "I wonder what his dick tastes like?"

I was so focused on his ass I didn't hear what he said. When I didn't respond, he suddenly stopped and turned around; I nearly collided in him. He raised his hands to bumper himself placing them squarely on my chest. It woke me up. "I'm so sorry, David, I wasn't looking where I was walking.

"No worries, Roman. I myself, have done the same thing numerous times. I asked if you just bought a new house?" he repeated himself.

"Um, no, it's just an apartment. I just moved here from Philadelphia," I answered him feeling foolish for almost knocking him over.

"Welcome. What area did you move to?" he asked next.

"Ogunquit," I answered him.

"Really, there is a bar there called, um, what is the name of that place?" he asked himself trying to remember. "Oh, yes, it's called the Front Porch. I love piano bars and they have live entertainment. I've been there a couple of times now; I just learned about it recently."

"Yeah, I know the place, in fact, my friend, Craig here, tends bar there part-time." I smiled.

"Wow, is that right?" It's a small world isn't it, Roman?" he smiled as he turned and continued his way down the aisle.

We finally got thru the dining room sets and with Craig and Tom's input, I made my selection. As we were making our way to the next section, and announcement came over the P.A. system that the store would be closing in twenty minutes.

"Shit!", I said out loud subconsciously.

"Don't worry, Roman," David smiled. It's not a problem. We have plenty of time. This way," he said as he guided us.

Once again, I found myself staring at his yummy looking ass as he walked ahead of us. We approached the living room sets and he stopped. "Here we are gentlemen. I'm going to let you guys look around on your own. I'll wait here for you. Just let me know if you have any questions."

"Thanks, David. We will try to be quick about it," I said.

"No problem, Roman, take your time," he responded.

The guys and I strolled around and thru the living room sets looking at every single set on the floor closest to David. Finding nothing that suited my fancy, we continued further back into the store. The guys went on ahead of me and as I looked over at David, still standing where we left him. I couldn't help but notice that he had his right hand over his crotch. Suddenly, he looked up and saw me watching him. He was not that far away that I couldn't see the smile on his handsome face. I reached down and cupped my crotch. I wasn't sure, due to the distance away from him, but I thought that I saw him casually reach under his balls and cup his package.

Feeling rather bold, I tossed caution aside and blatantly, grabbed my cock. I stood there looking at him as I manipulated myself without shame. Now, I was sure that I saw him moving his hand on his crotch. He was definitely doing something to himself; no doubt about it. My dick started to grow quickly as I fondled myself shamelessly. He nodded his head while looking directly at me. He gave me a big smile, very visible this time from where I was standing, and tilted his head sideways pointing to the right. He then clasped his hands together in front of his crotch and ambled in the directed he alluded to with a nod of his head.

Quickly, but casually, I followed him navigating through the living room sets on the floor. I saw him step out of the aisle and into the lazy boy chair section. I arrived shortly where I saw him step into the displays and noticed several room dividers stationed throughout the display depicting various room configurations, however, he disappeared; I did not see him anywhere. I stepped through the displays towards the back of the store. As I stepped into the fourth lazy boy display, there he was, sitting back in a leather lazy boy, his legs spread wide, and his cock standing at attention.

I stopped dead in my tracks and took a good look at him, my dick twitching in my pants. I didn't say a single word nor did he. I walked over to him and dropped to my knees. I placed my hands on his thighs, bent forward, and swallowed his cock whole. He groaned softly and grabbed my head in his hands. Immediately, I started bobbing up and down on his cock. "Fuck, yeah! Make me cum!" he growled softly.

"I have every intention of doing just that," I said to myself as I vigorously sucked his sweet cock. In about thirty seconds, he started to moan softly. I felt his thigh muscles tighten and I could tell that he was squeezing his butt cheeks together. Without delay, I felt the first volley fire off in my mouth. He filled my mouth to capacity before I swallowed his gift down. When he stopped shooting, I came up slowly on his cock, draining anything left in the tube, and released him. I stood up, and smiled down at him. "I want to eat that beautiful, round ass of yours too!" I told him. He smiled up at me as he ran his finger over his piss slit and stuck it in his mouth.

"That will have to wait until next time," he whispered. "We probably should go find your friends before we get busted," he suggested.

I took a step back and let him stand up. I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him into me. I placed my other hand on the back of his head and kissed him, slipping him a little tongue. I'm sure he could taste his own load on my tongue. I released him and started to make my way back to the guys. I felt my dick oozing in my pants as I walked smiling from ear-to-ear.

I found the guys rather quickly and joined them. "There you are," Craig said, "you disappeared on us."

"Oh, just looking around and doing my thing," I responded.

"Come on, we found a set that's perfect for you, Ro," Tom said with a big smile on his face.

Next: Chapter 3

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