The Halloween Party

By David Whitmore

Published on Oct 6, 2018


Things had been pretty quiet since my last experience at the park and the weather had turned to the wet Fall and Winter months.The day after the last park visit, I got a phone call from Steven, the young man I shared the experience with.He wanted to make sure I didn't forget him and that he really wanted more experiences.

I had just finished up a meet for a burger and fries with Rick on my way to work at the Speed Shop.I filled Rick in on all that had been going on and he told me he had been talking to Daniel about another get together.We laughed that we had both hooked onto our own horny Twink boys.We talked about finding a time when we could get together with each other and maybe share our horny Twinks with each other.As we both headed off to work, we agreed to work on the possibilities to make that happen.

The afternoon at the Speed Shop was pretty normal.Lots of guys buying stuff to fix up their cars and just hangingaround telling each other stories about cars and girls.Since Butch was the President of the car club "The Coachmen", a lot of the guys who spent time at the shop were members.There was always a lot of "macho" and testosterone flowing around the shop and these guys, but I couldn't help but wonder if they had another side to them like the Burke boys did.Looking at Rick, Darrel, and Butch, you would never guess that they loved man on man sex.Of course, I'm sure they had sworn to secrecy anyone they had been involved with, just like they did with me.Their public "macho" masculine image was everything.

As I was working my way through shelve cleaning and product rearranging, I heard Butch call my name from the office.I stopped and headed to the office to see what he wanted.Entering his office, he told me to close the door behind me.He said he needed to talk to me privately.Butch said that he and Darrel decided to have a party at their apartment.The party was for men only who had the same likes and desires that they had.Butch invited me and said I could bring someone with me as long as they were like minded and would be open to participation in whatever developed at the party.I thanked him for the invite and said I had someone in mind.Butch said it would have a Halloween theme and everyone should dress accordingly.

After I got home and thought about it a while, I called Rick to see what he thought.He told me that Butch had invited him too.We both thought it funny that Butch and Darrel moved out from home to get away from their parent's sex parties, and were now having obviously a male sex party at their apartment.We decided that Rick would bring Daniel, and I would bring Steven.We would have to explain the circumstances to both of them so that they understood that man to man sex was a part of the party.Rick was sure Daniel would be OK with it since he and Daniel had been meeting up whenever possible to suck and fuck with each other.I knew Steven would be eager, but had only had the one experience at the park.

The evening of the party arrived and everyone had agreed to meet and my house and go together.We waited a bit so as to not be the first ones there.We got there at about 9:30 and there were plenty of cars in the complex parking lot.As we approached the apartment door, we could hear music coming from inside.Rick knocked on the door and got no answer.He knocked again and still got no answer.He tried the door and it was unlocked so he opened it and we stepped into sensory overload.The apartment had over 10 men inside, all without shirts on.Some of them had jeans on while others just wore jocks or Speedo type swimsuits.A few of the men had very tiny thong type underwear or skimpy gym shorts.

As we stood there adjusting to the scene before us, Darrel came up wearing a tiny pair of workout shorts that barely concealed his semi hard Latin cock and told us to strip down from the top to the waist and enjoy the party.Proceeding to take off our tops, we looked around at the men at the party.They were all very friendly and freely touching each other as they talked.I noticed that out of all those in attendance, myself, Daniel, and Steven were the only White men at the party.The rest of the men were all Latin or Black.Several of the men were familiar to me.I noticed Tim and Brian who were Butch and Darrel's neighbors in the complex.A couple of the Latin guys I noticed were friends of Butch from the car club.Everyone was drinking beer or had mixed drinks in their hands.

Turning to look at Daniel and Steven, I could see that their eyes were wide and taking the whole scene in.We wandered over to where the drinks were and all grabbed a beer.While getting our beer, Butch came up wearing just a jock and introduced himself to Daniel and Steven and smiled at Daniel saying, "so you are the one that Rick has been giving his seed to lately."Even in the subdued light I could tell that Daniel was blushing and managed to give a shy smile back to Butch.I looked down at Butch's jock and could see that his big Latin cock was semi hard and pushing out the front of the jock.We hadn't expected what we saw and were all wearing jeans and the site of all these men half naked and in various states of arousal was causing its own uncomfortable reaction in our bodies.

I felt my nipples get rock hard and start aching and my cock harden in my jeans as I watched all the men start to loosen up from the drinks and start rubbing, touching, and exploring each other as they talked and moved around the room.Looking over at Rick, I could tell he was getting just as turned on as I was.His puffy nipples looked swollen and stuck out on his muscular chest and there was an obvious big bulge in his jeans.The air in the room was hot and the smell of horny man was becoming overpowering.Many of the men were starting to show a sheen of sweat on their bodies from the full apartment and the heat from all the bodies.

Steven leaned over and asked, "do you know many of these men?""I have never seen so many hot men in one place before."I looked at him and told him that I knew Rick's brothers and pointed out Tim and Brian who were their neighbors.Several of the others looked familiar but I didn't know them personally.As we talked, Tim and Brian walked up and smiled.They were both just wearing tiny white workout shorts that looked extra bright against their black skin.Both of their big cocks were barely contained in the shorts and as they stood there I could see them flexing and twitching as they talked to us and admired Daniel and Steven.I assumed they had a thing for smooth, Twinkie men.

I introduced Daniel and Steven to Tim and Brian and they moved forward and hugged them each, taking the time to casually grind their big cocks against them.As they back off from their hug, Tim reached out and flicked my nipples and said, "I miss playing with those.""Maybe later, huh?"I smiled and told him to come find me.As they walked away, Steven asked me if I had been with Tim before.I told him that I had been with Tim and Brian at the same time.He just looked at me with his mouth hanging open and said, "I want that so bad."Looking at him and then at Rick, I told him to just hang loose and roll with the evening.

Looking around us, I could see that the alcohol and the heat of the apartment was having its affect.The men were openly groping each other, grinding against each other, and some even kissing.Semi hard cocks were pushing out jocks and skimpy shorts and swimsuits.The smell in the apartment was become that of hot, horny men.I suggested we move around and socialize.We all headed off to see what we could find.

I headed for the couch where I could sit, nurse my beer and watch all the developing action, being the voyeur that I am.As I sat there watching the changing room dynamics, a very muscular, smooth, Latin man in his 20's sat next to me and smiled.I recognized him as one of the mechanics from the Speed Shop.He introduced himself as Raphael and said he had seen me at the Speed Shop.I told him that Butch and his brothers were friends of mine and he asked about Butch's brothers.I looked around the room and pointed out Darrel and Rick to him.As he looked at Rick and Darrel, I told him that Rick was my best friend and that Darrel and Butch were his older brothers.

Raphael had a questioning look on his face and said, "Do you know what this party is about?"Thinking about how to diplomatically put it, I told him that it was a party for like minded men to get together and share experiences.By this time, things in the apartment had definitely changed.Men were starting to take off their clothes and naked men were appearing all over the apartment.Looking around, I could see semi to rock hard cocks sticking out, many of them shiny and drooling cock juice as they were casually stroked while kissing and grinding on other men.

Looking from the room to Raphael, I asked him if he felt uncomfortable.He nodded and said that he had been interested in men for a long time, but this was the first time he had ever acted on those desires.He was starring across the room as he spoke and I looked to see what he was watching.On the opposite side of the room, Tim and Brian were standing naked with their big black cocks hard as rocks as Steven, also naked and rock hard was on his knees licking first one drooling cock head and then the other.

Turning back to Raphael, I noticed that his breathing had become more rapid, his quarter sized dark nipples were puckered and hard, and he had a huge bulge in his jeans and a wet spot starting to form on his right upper leg.I put my hand on his leg just below the wet spot and asked him if he liked what he was seeing.He looked at me with pure lust in his eyes and said, "I've only seen these things in magazines and it really excited me.""To see actual men naked and touching each other has me very hot."

Raphael was locked on what was going on in the room.Steven was now going from big black cock to big black cock sucking both Tim and Brian as he stroked his own rock hard cock.Tim and Brian were kissing and teasing each other's stiff black nipples.More and more men were getting naked and watching the action develop as they stroked their cocks.

Deciding to push the situation a bit, I moved my hand from Raphael's leg to his muscular, smooth chest and flicked my finger over first one and then the other nipple.His chest muscles flexed and he pushed his chest toward my hand.His nipples swelled even more after being touched.I used both of my hands and flicked, pinched, and pulled on his now swollen nipples.He just laid his head back on the couch and moaned as I worked on his nipples.I finally asked him if he liked what I was doing.Raphael almost moaned and whispered the answer, "Oh yes.......I play with my nipples all the time, but to have another man do it is just so good."

Taking the next step, I moved one of my hands to the front of his jeans and unbuttoned them one button at a time.As they opened up, the skin was nice and smooth.Getting to the last button, I pulled them open to expose the fat root of very large Latin cock.As if he knew what was next, he lifted his hips and I pushed his jeans down over his knees, which allowed his very large, fat uncut Latin cock to flop up against his rippled stomach.The foreskin was still mostly over the head and was full of white, creamy cock juice that had been drooling out.I stood up and pulled his jeans down all the way, pulled off his boots and socks and he was now naked on the couch in front of me.His big cock was now rock hard and cock juice was running out of the foreskin onto the ripples of his muscular stomach.While I was standing, I kicked off my shoes, unbuttoned my jeans and stripped them off.My rock hard cock twitched from side to side and a stream of cock juice dripped off the end.

Sitting down next to Raphael, I noticed his cock twitching up and down in the puddle of cock juice on his abs.I stuck my finger in the puddle and scooped up as much of the juice as I could and sucked it off my fingers.He looked at me and his hands went to my nipples, flicking and pulling on them.He let loose with a guttural moan and said, "your big nipples are so hot.""do you like them played with like I do?"I told him that I loved nipple play and my hands went to his nipples and started rolling, pinching, and pulling on them as our cocks jumped and drooled all over our stomachs.

Seeing that big uncut Latin cock laying in a pool of cock juice, jumping and twitching as his nipples were worked was just too much of a pull.I leaned over and ran my tongue across the hooded head of his cock, scooping up as much of the cock juice as I could.I then licked the puddle accumulated on his washboard abs.It taste salty and semi sweet.Wrapping my lips around the head, I ran my tongue under the foreskin and around the head.Raphael lifted his hips to meet my mouth and moaned, "yes, yes, yes."

With his reaction, I decided to give the attention the situation deserved.Slipping off the couch and up between his legs, I grabbed the root of his big cock in one hand and pulled it up to standing tall.I slid my hand up the length of it and pinched the foreskin covered head, causing a large amount of creamy white cock juice to ooze out and run down the shaft.I could hear Raphael's moans as I took a quick glance around the room.Everyone was now naked, cocks hard and twitching, and in various stages of grinding, groping, kissing, stroking, and sucking.Both Daniel and Steven were naked and on their knees surrounded by big cocked Latin and Black men stroking and waiting for their turn at some attention.Both of their hands were full and they were taking turns sucking on the many cocks that surrounded them. The Twinks were the highlight of the party.

Returning my attention to the big cock in hand, I wrapped my lips around the big skinned head at the same time pulling the foreskin back as I swirled my tongue around the wet, slick head.My mouth slid down over the thick, veiney shaft and started to give Raphael his first cocksucking from a man.As my mouth slid up and down his fat cock, my free hand went to his now swollen quarter sized dark nipples and proceeded to going from one to the other and flicking them.With every flick, his body would flinch and hump his hips upward trying to fuck my mouth.The harder I sucked and flicked, the more he moaned and thrashed.I could feel his cock swelling in my mouth and knew he wasn't long to blast off.I was determined to make his first man delivered suck off one he would never forget.

Being so dedicated to the pleasure I was delivering and Raphael's loud moaning and thrashing, I wasn't aware that we had drawn an audience.Looking up over Raphael's rippling abs and swollen nipples, I could see two handsome, smooth, muscular Black men with big uncut cocks, bright pink heads exposed and wet, standing behind the couch on either side of Raphael's head casually stroking and teasing their hard nipples while they watched me deliver Raphael's first man on man sex.

Sucking away, I suddenly felt hands cover my rock hard nipples and felt a hard cock rest into the cheeks of my ass.I pulled my mouth off of Raphael's cock long enough to look over my shoulder to see who was making this contact with me.I recognized him as the hot big cocked Latin guy who was fucked and mouth filled on the picnic table by the two Black guys in the park on my last visit.He smiled and rubbed his cock up and down my ass crack as one hand dropped to my cock and stroked it while the other hand started pinching and pulling on my aching nipples.As I turned back to Raphael's throbbing cock, I noticed that the two Black men behind the couch were the two that were fucking the Latin guy on the picnic table.It was weird that so many of the men seemed to be interconnected.

Going back to sucking, I noticed that the Black guys were now rubbing their wet cocks against Raphael's cheeks.He had pushed his head back to look at them and was now turning his head from side to side licking the heads of their cocks.He was licking his lips from probably tasting the first cock juice that wasn't his own.I went back to attacking Raphael's thick, twitching cock with my mouth.As my mouth went up and down, I felt the Latin guys body lay against my back as he continued to grind his big cock up and down my ass crack.He put his mouth close to my ear and whispered, "my name is Jesse, and I want to fuck you."After telling me that, he nibbled on my ear, stuck his tongue in my ear, and pinched both of my rock hard nipples.

Still sucking Raphael, I could feel the cock juice running out of Jesse's cock as he smeared it up and down my ass and on my twitching hole.At this point, I figured I was going to be the first one fucked at the party, which was OK with me.As Jesse started to rub his cockhead on my hole, I noticed the two black guys moving around the couch and climbing on the couch, standing on either side of Raphael.They started hanging their big cocks in his face.He took the hint and started sucking first one and then the other while they teased his nipples.

Jesse started pushing against my tight hole and I pushed back, letting him know that I wanted him in me.I was plenty slick and wet from all the cock juice he had drooled on my ass crack.My pucker opened up and the head of his cock slid inside.He stopped to allow my hole to adjust to his big Latin cock.I pushed back and grunted around Raphael's big cock filling my mouth.Jesse got the message and started to push more of his cock into me until he was buried in my ass.I now had my mouth and ass full of big Latin cock.Looking up, I could see Raphael, lost in sucking the two big Black cocks.Both cocks were covered with Raphael's saliva as he sucked one while he stroked the other.

As my mouth slid up and down on Raphael's cock, Jesse was now pumping his big cock in and out of me.All of us were moaning and grunting as the sucking and fucking went on.After several minutes of being lost in the situation, I started to feel Raphael's cock twitching and swelling in my mouth and Jesse was moaning loudly as he was pounding away at my ass.I felt Jesse's body go stiff as he buried himself in me, feeling his big cock throb and twitch as he shot his cock juice in me.I glanced up just in time to see the black cock that Raphael was stroking, start shooting long streams of white cock juice all over his cheek and chest.His cheeks were puffed out and I could tell that the other black cock was shooting in his mouth and he was swallowing the juice as fast as he could, but some was running down his chin and dripping on his chest.Jesse was laying forward on my back and reaching under me to tease my rock hard nipples as I felt Raphael's cock twitch, swell, and I felt the first shot hit the back of my mouth.I sucked hard and swallowed as he gave up his first cock juice to another man.

As everyone relaxed and came down from their cock juice explosion, I realized I had been so busy sucking and being fucked that I hadn't even thought about the state of my cock which was rock hard with a stream of juice running off the head to the floor.I felt Jesse's cock slide out of my ass and then I let Raphael's cock slip out of my mouth and slap against his rippled, sweaty abs.Raphael had a big smile on his face, cock juice on his face and chest, and the black cocks were being stroked as the remainder of their cock juice dripped on his chest.Jesse stood up behind me and offered a hand to help me up.He pressed his muscular, sweaty, smooth body against me and gave me a nice kiss.With that, the night was still young and I needed to get some relief for my throbbing cock.Off I went through the sweaty bodies to find my next connection................

Next: Chapter 2

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