The Haircut


Published on Apr 14, 2018



I'm still in a bit of a state of shock and I'm hoping that writing this down helps me figure out what just happened. To give you a idea of where things went: I'm straight, but what just happened definitely wasn't.

I'm a 24 year old guy in med school. Pretty average. About 6', 170lbs. Normal looking. Other than some really mild experimenting when I was a teenager with one of my neighbours, I've never done anything with a guy. I'm turned on by enough different porn to have already discovered nifty by way of a mention in a literotica story, and have had what I assume are pretty vanilla erotic fantasies, but never do anything about them. The idea of having someone's cock to play with turns me on, but I could never imagine kissing or really falling in love with a guy.

At this point in our medical training we're expected to be pretty well practiced in physical examination so we do weekly practice sessions as a small group. For the past few months I have noticed lingering a little longer during the abdominal exams than I needed to, or pressing a little lower and intimately when I'm practicing with a couple of my guy classmates. In my regular practice group (two other guys and three girls) I seem to drift towards examining the guys, but even that is pretty normal. It's ever enough to cause anyone to say anything, but from time to time I can feel my dick paying attention, and a few times it's lasted long enough that even without getting properly hard I was left with pre-cum in my shorts. A few times I've found myself in the gym toilets next door to the practice clinics during a break in our sessions having a quick wank to try to manage the energy. Thankfully I don't think anyone's ever noticed.

I'm only writing this background for the sake of context. None of the sessions got weird, and no one called me out. To be honest, with how busy the rest of our study is, I hadn't really been paying this stuff much attention and when I did consider it, I just put it down to the fact that my schedule hadn't allowed a lot of other outlets and I was just horny. Considering how much time I spent learning about people's bodies, in my own life, outside of our practice sessions I hadn't had much recent contact with any.

Anyways, this catches you up to today. We started the morning with our regular Saturday group practice session and I had gotten a bit of a buzz that didn't ease, and because the group was smaller than normal today we didn't take a break so I had no chance to go away to rub one out. This left me a bit horny, with the typical pre-cum shorts that I just had to live with.

Why we were meant to be watching the others do an exam, Kevin, one of the other guys in my group, asked again about my summer job working in my dad's barber shop back home. He had asked me last week if I would consider giving him a trim. Money's tight for students so I figured it a $10 cut for him would do us both a favour. When I was getting ready this week I had brought my clippers and a pair of scissors that I had taken from the shop. Over the summers I would helped out when the shop was busy or one of the other guys was on vacation, so I knew that I could pull off a basic cut. Knowing that it would make a mess, we decided that the gym shower room (basic set-up, big open room with shower heads around three of the walls would be easy because we could just turn on the water and the hair would wash away.

I got a folding chair and put it in the middle of the floor and told Kevin to have a seat. Like I said, we were pretty used to being disrobed in front of each other by this point, and I didn't have a proper cape to put on him, so I suggested that he just take his shirt off to keep the hair off his cloths. He was fine with this as we got started. Even though I spent the summer helping out, I wasn't fast, and Kevin wasn't in a rush, so the haircut took longer than it would normally take, and, if I'm honest, I was enjoying holding his head and moving it around and pulling my fingers through his hair. It wasn't erotic, but maybe a bit sensual. He seemed to be enjoying it and was very relaxed. As I was cutting, Kevin was asking about the clippers and scissors and asked me if I ever cut my own hair. I joked that I never used them on my head, and we both laughed. He went quiet for a second and then asked what I did use them for. I felt a bit embarrassed, but I figured we were pretty honest about other stuff, so I mentioned that I sometimes used them to trim my pubic hair. Kevin seemed shocked that I did it and kept going on about how he didn't believe me so on a whim I hooked the elastic of my waistband and pulled my tracksuit bottoms down low enough that he could see my neatly trimmed bush, but not low enough for him to see my dick, which by this point was starting to chub up. Despite not showing him my dick, I could see his eyes studying my crotch as I continued to walk around him, finishing the haircut. He must have been able to notice my dick getting harder, even though he said nothing.

As the haircut was coming to an end, Kevin was still taking about trimming pubic hair, and how curious he was about it, and how he thought that the idea of it was pretty hot, but that he wouldn't know where to start, and was a bit afraid of messing it up and ending up shaved bald, or cutting himself. I stood their quietly tidying up his hair and not sure of what I was thinking when he asked if he could look at mine again to get a better idea of how it would look, and how short to make it. I figured `why not'. I knew that my dick was thickened up enough to put on a good appearance, and with my hair trimmed it would give it an even better view, so without overthinking it I stood in front of him as he sat on the chair and used both of my thumbs to hook the front of my waistband to show him. He had a good look at my pubes and my cock, and then I used one hand to scoop out my balls, which were pretty much shaved clean. I had forgotten about the pre-cum, so there was a little trail from my belly to the tip of my cock, but I brushed it away with my hand and he didn't mention it. He looked at my crotch like he was doing a clinical inspection. He was slow and deliberate. He looked curious and didn't give away any sense of being aroused, or disgusted, or anything. He just studied the scene. After a moment he said that it looked good and repeated his earlier statement that he would be worried that he would do it wrong and it would look stupid if he did his own.

My heart was pounding. Here I was, semi-hard, standing with my shorts down and my dick in my hand, definitely feeling horny, and I was pretty sure that the guy sitting half naked in front of me was round-about asking me if I would shave his pubes. I think it must have been the headiness of the moment because I just went ahead and asked him if he wanted me to keep going with the haircut, down below. I think this was the first time that he actually looked me in the eye since the haircut started and he had this sort of are you sure' look on his face. I just said it's no bit deal, but you'll have to stand up because I won't be able to reach if you're sitting down'.

It was as if we were back in one of our practice sessions and he followed my instruction as if I were asking him to follow my light with his eyes. He stood up off the chair and I told him to take off his pants and shorts, and he did. There was no fussing or weirdness. He had a modest amount of pubic hair, with no sign of ever having been managed. His dick was poking through and was maybe 5" and thick enough to be obviously hardening up. I stopped so briefly, almost not believing what was happening, or what I was going to do. I could feel my mouth getting dry and my stomach flipping around, so I figured I either needed to do it now or I was going to chicken out. Before I could convince myself not to I squatted down so that I was eye level with his dick and grabbed it in my left hand to move it off to the side. I used the same guard that was already on the clippers and just started trimming away some of the bulk of the hair. I tried to focus on what I was doing, but I couldn't not notice that his dick was getting harder in my hand. I kept it in my left hand and pushed it to the other side to finish the first pass with the clippers.

It was bizarre. I was squatting down in front of my friend, with his hardening dick in my hand, and we're both not saying anything to acknowledge what was happening. I thought maybe this is just nothing, and I should just play it cool, but I was so horny that my nuts felt like they would explode.

I kept going like this for a few minutes until the crouching was making my knees hurt so I switched to kneeling on my knees in front of him. The trimmer everything was getting, the harder he got. By the time I switched to trim his balls he had obvious pre-cum leaking from the end of his cock and his foreskin was pulled right back off the end of his knob. To hold his balls in a way that would let me keep the skin tight enough to shave them without the risk of nicking them needed both hands so I sort of used my left forearm to hold his dick out of the way. I got in close enough to see what I was doing and was focused on the shaving so I guess either he moved or I did and the angle changed, causing his dick to slip and jerk straight in front of my face.

I was so charged up that I wouldn't have noticed if he was talking, or even if there were anyone else there. Everything in me wanted to grab the head and sick it into my mouth. Something stopped me doing that, but I was operating on some other energy by then. I didn't start sucking his dick, but I did grab it again in my hand and I just held it. I gave it a little bit of a squeeze, just enough pressure that it wouldn't have been confused for holding it to the side. I could feel the response in his dick in my hand. It bulged and I could feel him thrust forward into my hand. By this point he was dripping in pre-cum and his dick slid smoothly through my hand under his effort. It was like I was intoxicated. I knelt there, in the shower room, holding the throbbing dick of my friend inches away from my mouth. He kept the thrust moving forward in a single push and the closer he brought to to my face, the move I could smell him, and feel the heat off his body. I don't think that there would have been anything that would have stopped me taking his dick into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around him and sucked him as deeply as I could. At first my mouth was a bit dry but he had so much lube coming out of the tip that it eased him in until I started making enough saliva that he moved back and forth freely. I wanted to feel all of his cock in my mouth and couldn't seem to get enough in to tell me to stop, but he pulled off a bit and I eased the sucking. He put his hands on the side of my head and started to fuck my face. The whole time he controlled the pacing, but it was me pulling him deeper in. I tried pulling off for a second so that I could suck along the length of his shaft but it wasn't the same for me so I went back over the head and after quickly lashing it around with my tongue, I went back over the end and brought him all the way inside my mouth and to the back of my throat. I could feel him pulsing his cock as hit pacing increased. I tried to control the sucking, but he took over and fucked my mouth furiously. He seemed to slow down for a second and I got into his rhythm, so I managed to suck hard on his while cradling his cock in my tongue until his built up the force one final rally, finally holding me on his cock as I felt hit after hit of his cum fill my mouth. I think I must have known it was about to happen, but still choked on his cum, and didn't swallow it.

He held my head on his dick for what seemed like a minute. I was exhausted and he sat back down into the chair with one hand still on my head and the other resting softly on my back. When he eased the hand on my head I lifted off the end of his cock, paying attention to how it looked against the now closely trimmed pubic hair. After a short sign he stood up and pulled on his pants. I don't actually know what he said as he was leaving. I was in a daze. I was so horny that I thought I would cum without even touching myself, but just sat there in silence. I think I was just stunned. At some point I stood back up and started putting away the chair and my gear. I turned the shower on and rinsed his hair and cum off the floor, wiping my face and washing my hands at the same time.

All of this happened about an hour ago. I don't know what to make of it. It was the hottest thing I've ever done. I've not masterbated yet, but am bursting to nut and will as soon as I finish this record. I still think I'm straight, but the feeling I got from having that cock in my hand and mouth is impossible to describe. I don't know what it all means, but I know that I loved it, and hope to be asked to give Kevin another haircut again soon.

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