The Guys on the Bus

By Brandon M

Published on Jan 1, 2019


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Sunday morning, I decided to look Evan up on Grindr again and, this time, send him a message. Why not? I knew he was gay, he didn't know I was gay, so maybe I could get a little insight. Not like I had a clue how to approach him directly anyway. This way, I could at least fanaticize.

I went to my account and sent him a message, telling him I liked what I saw and to email me at my bogus email account I kept for things like this. The message was short and to the point and I signed off quickly. I booted up my laptop, opened my special email account, and went in to take a shower.

In the bathroom, I took some time looking over my naked body. Smooth chest, lightly hairy legs, about six circumcised inches poking out from my crotch. All in all, not a bad body, not great. Typical year out of college guy, I thought. The question for me was, would Evan want to get his thirty-ish old hands on the twenty-three year old body. I prayed so.

Shower done, I checked my email and, surprisingly to me, Evan already answered. Like me, he didn't say much. Confirmed that I pegged his age right at thirty and told me he wanted to hear more about me. Great. I didn't have tons of experience to tell him about. Still, he sent me the email about five minutes earlier, so I had to say something. I wrote:

Hey Evan,

Thanks for answering so fast. You wanted to know more about me, so here goes. I'm just out of college, haven't done much sexually...yet. Not a virgin orally. Smooth body, blond hair, carpet matches the drapes. Hoping to find a hot, slightly older guy, to help break me in and show me the ropes. Hoping for a long-term relationship, not a one-nighter.

I deliberately didn't sign it. No reason for him to know it was me, yet. I hit send and went about having breakfast and my weekly cleanup of the apartment. Sunday mornings, or Sunday afternoons when I slept in later, were my boring hours, and other than the email, today was no exception. There wasn't much to do, but it kept me occupied. While I was dusting my bedroom, I heard the email indicator go off. Evan had answered:

Hey, Mystery Man,

Or should I call you mystery boy? Lol Either way, I'm interested so far. I'm more experienced than you, but I should be, being older. No virgin parts on me, though I am more of a top than a bottom. Your description is fantastic. I love younger and smoother. I'm hoping you're not going to just be an email fantasy, because I think I'd love to get my hands on your boyish body. And my mouth. And my cock. Tell me, you have any idea what kind of guy you're looking for. Anybody you see and jack off over? Got to know what I'm competing against.


Anybody I saw that I jacked off over? Hell, yeah, Evan. You. The raging hard-on in my shorts answered the question the same way. My response was going to have to wait. I had to think of the best way to answer the question to tell him he was my target without letting him know it's me. I decided to go to the complex's swimming pool and hot tub and soak off some sexual frustration, save the jacking off for later. I switched over to my real email account, read my mom's latest email and answered it, which killed the erection, then changed into my swim trunks and t-shirt, grabbed my keys, and headed for the pool.

On an impulse, I stopped and knocked at Evan's door. He answered fairly quickly. Shit, his hair was a wreck, he was wearing an old shirt and shorts, and he looked hotter than hell. I told him I was heading to the pool and asked him if he wanted to join me. He said sure and went into his bedroom to change. Unfortunately, he closed the door behind him. Fortunately, his laptop was sitting on his dining table. My email was right there. Evan had hit reply, but didn't type anything yet. Good. He was choosing his words carefully too.

When Evan came out of his bedroom, I was sitting on the couch far away from his laptop. No point in letting him think I even so much as glanced at it. He was wearing the same ratty t-shirt as before, but traded the shorts for trunks that looked good on him. Looked very good on him. To think, in just a few minutes, that shirt was going to be off and I was going to see him bare-chested for the first time.

There was no one in the pool when we got there, and Evan wasted no time in taking off the shirt. Oh holy fuck. I had to sit on one of the chairs because my erection was instantaneous. Patch of hair between his nipples, not too big, not too small. I could immediately imagine myself running my fingers through it after we drained each other's balls. Trailing my touch down his stomach and treasure trail to his tastiest parts.

"You coming in the water or what?"

Evan's voice broke my fantasy but left me with the problem of little Adam still wanting to poke out and say hello. I tried to remember the contents of my mother's email and that softened me enough to get my shirt off and my body into the water. Evan and I swam a little, but mostly we talked about nothing but bullshit, killing time the way guys do. We switched to the hot tub, keeping up the pointless chatter while I checked out his incredible body and he tolerated my skinny, hairless self.

After we'd been there about ninety minutes, Evan said he had to get back to his apartment. He had some work to catch up on so he wouldn't start his week at the job under a pile of pressure. We climbed out of the hot tub and, while I reluctantly watched him dry off and cover up that beautiful torso, I sunk back into the pool water and gave little Adam a shock of colder water to calm him down. We said our goodbyes and I watched him go, his still wet trunks clinging to his hot ass.

I figured on staying in the pool for about a half hour, enough time for him to answer my email, but some little girls came in about ten minutes later, squealing and giggling and little Adam went into hiding and my hearing tried to follow, so I got out. I went back to my own apartment, stripped down to naked, threw my wet stuff in my hamper, and went to my laptop. Amazingly, Evan already answered.

Hey Mystery Man,

Just got back from my apartment pool. Went with my neighbor, a smooth boy like you. If you're half as hot as him, then you're twice as hot as I deserve. I'd love to get you in the pool, or in my apartment, or anywhere. He looks like he needs an older guy to take control of him, and I have a feeling you're pretty much the same way.

Tell me, will I get to learn your name?


Oh, Evan, you'll get to learn my name, I thought. Take control of me? Yeah, okay, you can take control. Sounds like a plan. Take control, take my virginity, do what needs to be done.

Little Adam wasn't going to wait anymore. I was naked, hard, and in need. But first, I had to answer the man who wanted someone like me.

Hey Evan,

Sounds like you found a hottie and won't need me. Just kidding. We'll have to hook up sometime. You could have control. You could have whatever you want. Can you give me some specifics of what you want? Like I said, I don't have much experience and don't know if I'm ready for anything too extreme.

I added that last part in case Evan was kinkier than I expected. I was willing to experiment, but just in case. And with my message sent, I went to my room and took care of my near six inches. And did so again a little later. And twice more that Sunday.

Monday morning on the bus, it was like nothing happened over the weekend. Evan and I chatted and chatted about nothing and went to and from work. The rest of the week was pretty much the same and I thought maybe he'd lost interest. There wasn't any response to my email and I hoped I hadn't bored him away. By Friday afternoon, I figured there was no interest there and I'd have to find a way and be bolder to get his attention.

When I got home on Friday, I made supper before checking my email, figuring there'd be nothing from him. That was a mistake, because I finally had an answer from Evan.

Mystery Man,

What do I want? Your body, your dick, your mouth, and your ass, not necessarily in that order. I'm not one who is like crazy authoritarian, but yes, I'd be willing to take control to teach you more than you've done. Would you like that? One thing. You said you aren't an oral virgin. Does that mean you're an anal virgin? If so, your cherry is mine. In your next email, tell me that you agree to that condition and we'll make it happen. Anal is too important a part of male-male sex not to experience it, and a young guy like you is just too tasty a bottom target to resist.

I'm hoping to spend some quality time with my hot neighbor and imagining it's you. If he wasn't straight, we wouldn't be talking right now. But I'm afraid he is, so he's just very tasty eye candy.

In your next email, I will need one of three things from you to continue this correspondence—your name, a face picture, or some body pics. Up to you what you send.


Now there was something for me to think about. I didn't want him to have my name yet. I liked having the mystery involved. For the same reason, I couldn't give him a face pic. Left me one choice. I'd never taken nude pics before, let alone sent them to someone, but what choice did I have here. I decided to let it go for a little while, let me talk myself into doing it.

A few hours later, another message appeared in my inbox.

Mystery Man,

I don't plan on waiting forever. I get that giving your name might make you nervous, but I have to call you something. Face pic? I'd like it, but you clearly are still nervous and don't quite trust me. So body pics it is. Within the next couple hours or say goodbye.


So now I had to do the pics or my chance was gone forever. I stripped down, gave little Adam a few strokes since he was already out to play, and went into the bathroom with my phone. I took closeups of my dick, a chest shot, armpits, and neck to dick body shot. Before I could talk myself out of it, I uploaded the pictures to an email and sent it off.

About an hour later, the reply came.

Mystery Man,

You didn't give me your name, but the pics are hot enough to make up for it. Like I figured, you are a man in a boy's smooth body, and I really, really like that. I'm thinking we really need to meet up so I can show you a thing or two about what men can do with each other's naked bodies. I'm thinking you're probably pretty tight, maybe even cherry—hey, I can hope, right? Your ass, and the rest of you, is going to be mine. Busy tonight?


I read Evan's email about twenty times. I so wanted to answer him by telling him I didn't have a damn thing to do, but the truth was, I was too nervous, so I answered with Busy tonight. Maybe tomorrow? I needed some time to ready myself for this. What little experience I had with guys wasn't going to get me through a full-on night of passion with the hottest guy on the planet.

Still, I wanted to see him, so I changed into my swim trunks and headed to the pool, stopping at his apartment to see if he was up for a swim. He was, so he quickly changed—behind closed doors again, dammit—and we headed to the pool. It was still fairly early, so there were kids and teens and parents. We stripped off our shirts and took a couple of loungers by the deeper end of the pool. As we did on the bus, we talked about nothing while we waited for the crowd to think out. After about an hour, it was down to just a handful of people and we headed for the water.

Bobbing in the deep end, we kept talking and, very occasionally, swimming a lap or two. When the crowd was down to just us, Evan challenged me to a race, far end to shallow and back. I took him up on the challenge and we were off. Neither of us were great swimmers, so no Olympians were in danger of losing their spot on the team, and we finished pretty much dead even. Back at the far end of the pool, we held onto the side of the pool and caught our breath. Then, with me in the corner of the pool, Evan turned to me and smiled.

"So, Mystery Man, are we going to keep playing this high school game of email tag or are we going to have sex tonight?"

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