The Guy's Club


Published on Jun 10, 2005



Disclaimer - this is purely a work of fiction. The characters are loosely based on men that I either know or have known but these are my fantasy versions of them. This is a story of sex between men so if that offends you please stop reading.

Notes on the "Guy's Club"

Jeff -- 6'1" 195lbs 32" waist. 30 Years old. He has light brown hair that always bleaches out to blond in the summer time. He loves the sun and is tan almost all year round. Jeff has a gym body for sure. He's not really strong but he is beautiful. His body fat is really low and he's amazingly cut. He looks like a lean version of a body builder -- at first glance he almost looks thin until you really look and then you notice how thick his chest and arms really are.

Jeff is in software sales for a major IT company but just lost his job of 9 years. He's a bit off kilter and is having a hard time finding a new job. He's having to rethink a lot of things and is in one of those states where he's not sure he's really happy and fulfilled in his work life.

Jeff is classically handsome in the boy next-door type of way. Blue eyes, light brown hair, straight nose, square jaw, and just all around very pleasant to look at (eye candy!).

Jeff is very athletic but more into sports like tennis and volleyball on the beach (where as Mike is more into Motorcycles and football and iron man competition type of sports).

John -- short and stocky, 5'9" 240 lbs of solid muscle. He has a 36" waist. He is naturally very muscular and has a really well developed upper body. He doesn't like to wear clothes so he's really tan all over. Since he lives in the city he can't go nude so he does have a snowy white bottom. He stays tan all year round. John is a landscape architect that owns his own company. He does a lot of the physical side of his job so he can stay in shape and to keep in touch with the business. He's 32 years old. John is very bright but he never went to college. Instead he was in the Marines for about 8 years right out of high school and got to travel a lot around the world.

John has a fair amount of chest hair but he has none on his back or shoulders and not too much on his legs. He's one of those physically beautiful men you can't help but stare at -- barrel chest, shoulders like granite, big bulging biceps, thick neck and back, large legs, and a visible six pack when he inhales. John's body hair enhances the contours of his muscles rather than covering them up.

John has medium length brown hair. His hair is rather fine so he keeps it short -- not a buzz cut. It's parted on the side. He keeps his sideburns a little long and keeps a really close cut goatee and mustache. His face is like his body -- stocky and rugged. He has a cute button/pug nose and blue eyes.

John used to lift weights a lot in the Marine Corp but now he just works out occasionally since his job is so physical. He's in super shape and eats right so he maintains his physique.

Mike -- 6'2" 225lbs. 34 Years old. He has thick dark brown (almost reddish) hair medium length, blue eyes, solid build, strongest but least bulky of the three. He is the most active athletically, and rides motorcycles all the time. He does lift weights and does a lot of cardio. He has a naturally thick frame and easily puts on muscle. He has a 38" waist and broad shoulders. He has strong facial features, just like his body is strong. His nose is wide and thick and he's ruggedly handsome. He's a man's man type of guy and exudes manhood and virility. He has a really high threshold for pain and doesn't like to let anyone know when he's hurting, either physically or emotionally.

Mike has a little bit of chest hair but that's about it. His body hair is very light blond to reddish so it's hard to see. He has a naturally pale complexion so he freckles a lot on his shoulders and face when he tans. He is normally tan in the summer and gets fairly pale in the wintertime.

Mike has a really deep speaking voice. Mike is an engineer for an IT company.

The "Guy's Club" - Special Rule Number One

Jeff had spent another day looking for a new job. He left the house early that morning for an interview that he had high hopes for. He had been called back for the third time and knew he was one of the final candidates. The personnel contact at this company called him shortly after his interview and left him a voice message that he didn't get the job.

He had a few other interviews after lunch that he went to, more out of keeping things moving than of any real interest. He wanted to land the sales job with the company he interviewed with first thing this morning. It really upset him that he didn't get the job.

It brought back all those feelings he had been having lately. Feelings like doubt and anxiety about his life in general. Was he really happy? His career path had seemed so solid for so long, but the IT industry has changed so much in the last decade that looking back he could honestly hardly recognize it today versus ten years ago. Today is was so much more competitive. That alone wasn't a big deal -- he could handle honest competition. His customers seemed different. Not as nice. The pressures after the 'dot com' bust really changed things. His customers were overworked, underpaid, and generally stressed out. "Just like me," he had to admit when he thought about it.

The more he thought about it the more depressed he got. This mood had been coming over him a lot lately and it had him a bit worried. It seemed harder and harder to shake off. He even found himself getting teary eyed a few times for no apparent reason.

So after his last interview he went home and changed clothes and had a grueling workout. Mike and John weren't home yet so he had the place to himself for a few hours. He took a shower after he was done, and lay down for a few minutes. He didn't intend to fall asleep but he did.

When Mike got home from work he found Jeff asleep on their bed. He changed clothes quietly and succeeded in not waking him up. He then went into the kitchen downstairs to start some dinner. Unless one of them had specific plans to go out they all tried to eat together like a family as often as they could. The rule was whoever got home first started things moving and the other two would pitch in and help when they got home.

It was amazing how well the three of them fit together. Emotionally, physically, personality wise; in all the important ways they each seemed to be what the other two needed.

It seemed odd to Mike that Jeff was asleep. He thought about waking him up and asking him if everything was ok but for some reason he didn't. He figured Jeff wouldn't have fallen asleep if he didn't need the rest. Jeff had been under a lot of pressure lately in his job hunting and both Mike and John had noticed how it was affecting him. They were worried but didn't really know what to say or do other than be supportive.

When John got home he found Mike in the kitchen with dinner well underway.

"Hey bro. Damn it smells good in here. What'cha cooking?" asked John.

"Hey man," Mike smiled in greeting as he replied. "Drunken chicken and your favorite veggie casserole."

John moved over behind Mike and put both his hands on his shoulders and gave him a good hard squeeze of affection and a quick kiss on the back of his neck. "I hope you cooked enough for you and Jeff too cause I'm starving. Hey I saw Jeff's car outside, why isn't his sorry ass in here helping with dinner?" The smile on his face and the tone in his voice left no doubt that his words were teasing towards Jeff.

Mike looked a bit thoughtful as he replied," He was asleep when I got home and I didn't want to wake him up. I'm guessing he got bad news today on that job or he'd be wired and in here telling us all about his new company."

"Oh man I bet you're right. He's having a hard time of it. In fact I'm getting a bit worried about him. You may not have noticed cause you are a lot heavier sleeper than I am but I've heard him crying a few times over the last week in his sleep. At least I'm pretty sure he was asleep. He might have been awake and just thought we were both asleep."

"Holy shit bro why didn't you say something?" exclaimed Mike. "You know I don't notice stuff like that." Concern for Jeff was written all over Mikes face. "What do you think's going on?"

"Well," said John, "I wasn't sure if he was awake or not and I figured if he was awake he didn't want us to know what a hard time he's having. He's just like you and me in that respect... not wanting to ask for help and willing to die before we show any sign of weakness in front of another human being, let alone the people that we care about. He doesn't want to be a burden on us financially or emotionally and all that BS."

"Dammit," Mike laughed softly, "if he's getting depressed and doesn't lean on us for support I'll kick his ass."

John looked a bit thoughtful and said, "We need to get him to talk about this later tonight and see what's up. He needs to relax so he can think straight and not get all up tight. I say we put dinner in the oven to keep it warm and invoke special rule number one on him for starters."

Mike grinned and started getting hard immediately at the thought of that. "Ok man, I'll give you a couple minutes head start while I take care of dinner. I figure I can give us a good thirty or forty minutes before the vegetables disintegrate into mush."

Mike, Jeff, and John had all been living together for the last five years. They had all met through mutual friends who knew that they were gay but also knew they were really private about that part of their lives. After they knew each other for a few months and really hit it off well, the eventuality of incredibly hot sex between any two of them or even all three of them could not be stemmed off.

Over time the lust between them never tapered off, but a real growing bond of love and friendship grew between them. It got to the point where they all bought a big house and moved in together.

Each of them has the sex drive of a racehorse in heat, which is to say it's a rare day that goes buy without some bedroom activity. To keep things interesting and fresh they created what they call "The Guys Club." There are a bunch of different rules for various types of sex. Jeff wrote a little program to randomly generate a monthly schedule for two nights a week of some special activity that they could all partake in. They all knew each other well enough to know what to suggest and what lines not to cross. More importantly they now knew each other well enough to know how to get each other off.

Special Rule Number One was a rule that was not written down anywhere but they had created when special circumstances arose. Circumstances when someone needed extra attention, for whatever reason, from the other two guys. Basically it was a hot sex session with the only intent of getting the target of the rule to cum as powerfully and as hard as possible. The target wasn't allowed to reciprocate at all -- he is to lay there and let the other two do whatever they wanted to him to get him off. The concept sounds simple on the surface but the effect can be pretty strong. It forces the target to receive the attention of two amazing other guys with no guilt about not giving any pleasure back. The two guys are giving a gift of pleasure to their partner in need and he must accept it the way it's offered.

There are other special rules but right now number one was the only one on their mind.

John opened the bedroom door quietly and saw Jeff lying on the bed. It looks like he had fallen asleep before he even got dressed. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and that was it.

John grinned and thought to himself, "It will just make access all the easier." John looked at Jeff's body and soaked in how handsome and studly he is. He should have been a model with the body he has. All that tanned muscle lying there just waiting to be played with. While this train of thought got him going physically, John really remembered the hurt his buddy was going through and was intent on trying to lessen that hurt any way he could.

One thing John knew about himself that really turned Jeff on was his body hair. John never even thought about it but Jeff had told Mike once about how much it turned him on.

Jeff was lying on his side with his knees drawn up and slightly bent. His head was resting on one of his arms and the other arm was stuck straight out with his hand open and turned palm up.

John got quietly undressed and then slowly climbed onto the bed, trying to make as little movement as possible. He inched his way over and pressed his body against Jeff's, pushing his warm furry chest against the smooth skin of Jeff's back. John was already hard as a rock, and his thick 8" dick, curved slightly upwards, fit like a glove into the curve of the small of Jeff's back. John had his head propped up on one arm and he draped his other huge arm over Jeff and put his hand on Jeff's chest and gently but firmly pulled him into a tight full body spoon.

John leaned down and put a wet warm kiss on the back of Jeff's neck and said softly, "Time to wake up buddy roe."

Jeff had already started coming out of his deep sleep when he felt John's warm furry chest press against his back but the feeling was to good to do anything other than lay there and bask in it. The hot hard chest that turned him on so much, covered with just the right amount of hair, pressing into his back immediately started a tenting under the towel wrapped around his waist. Then that huge arm and strong hot hand on his own chest pulled him into a warm body length hug. Jeff always wondered about why John's body seemed so hot to the touch -- he even had this fantastical theory about John working in the sun all day at his job and storing up all that heat to keep him and Mike warm on cold nights. John's iron hot 8" erection pressed into the small of his back was just adding to the overall sensations.

As good as it felt, he started to try and sit up but John's huge arm tensed and his strong hand held him pinned against John's warm furry body.

"No way Jose. You are gonna lie here and soak up some good Guy's Club luvin. Me and Mike are invoking Special Rule Number One on your ass so lay back and enjoy."

"Rule Number One? Why?"

"Cause we want to bro, what other reason do you need? You are so damn special to us and this is one small way we can express just how special you are to us." John's voice almost cracked at the last but he tried to cover it up by just hugging Jeff harder against him.

Jeff had been having a bad dream about being trapped down a dark well that he couldn't escape from. It was an image he had thought about a lot when he got depressed. That dark abyss that he was at the bottom of and he was in danger of being dragged down forever into the blackness. But this time something happened that was different. A silver ladder made of rope was thrown down from somewhere up above in the darkness. The rope shimmered with it's own light and as soon as he grabbed onto it he woke up with John holding him.

"Ok amigo, let's get rearranged a little here and we'll get started. Mike will be up in a few minutes as soon as he gets dinner on hold."

Jeff felt his eyes start to mist over again from the powerful emotions he was feeling. His friends were pulling him out of a dark place and he realized that in addition to the love he felt for his two partners, he was starting to cry almost more out of relief and a feeling of freedom from that dark place in his mind. He knew that his two best friends and lovers recognized that he was in trouble and were there to hold him up.

John removed his hand and arm from around Jeff and allowed him to set up briefly, just long enough for John to arrange the pillows against the headboard of the large king-size bed. He leaned back against the pillows and spread his legs out a bit and beckoned Jeff to come back over. "Take that towel off and lie back here bro. Put your head here on my chest and lie down on me."

Jeff did as he was told and snuggled his body back against John. John curled his legs in a bit and had his arms wrapped around Jeff's torso almost like a cocoon. Jeff laid his head back on John's chest and relaxed, feeling like John was a shield protecting him from whatever might be after him. He just lay there for a few minutes quietly. He didn't say anything because he wasn't even sure he could talk without totally breaking down.

John moved one is his hands up and started gently caressing Jeff's forehead and running his fingers through Jeff's hair. His other hand was caressing Jeff's strong chest, tracing the contours of his pecs. He leaned over and whispered in Jeff's ear, "Oh my god, Jeff, I love you so much. Me and Mike both do man. And in case you somehow forgot we are gonna prove it to you again, even if we have to pound it into that thick skull of yours." John's voice was thick with emotion too and Jeff could sense that John was actually a little afraid. That amazed and shocked Jeff because of his image of John -- just like a rock, so solid and supportive. He had never seen John afraid of anything and couldn't imagine anything that could scare him. Just feeling the strength of the body he was laying reinforced that image.

John took a deep breath and took in the clean smell of Jeff's body. His dick got even harder and flexed of its own accord and leaked out a huge drop of pre-cum against Jeff's back. John unconsciously pressed his hips forward to rub his dick against the small of Jeff's back. "You are so fucking hot Jeff. Feeling you against me has me about ready to explode right now."

Jeff could feel the truth of this because John's steel hard dick was like a hot poker against Jeff's back and he could feel the slippery pre-cum leaking out of the end of Johns hardon making a wet spot on his back. Jeff's dick was hard as a rock also and throbbing in the air. He unconsciously arched his back a little to push his chest out, loving the feel of John's hand on his chest.

John grabbed Jeff's wrists and pulled his arms up over his head causing Jeff's lats to flare out. John continued to whisper in Jeff's ear, "Close your eyes man. I want to talk you through this until you explode. I want you to cum so hard your wad will hit the ceiling. There you go bro, I can see you throbbing. You want someone to touch your dick," John laughed softly into Jeff's ear. "But not yet bro. We are just getting started man." John's deep voice was having a strong effect on Jeff as he relinquished control of his body to whatever John and Mike had in store for him.

John moved his hands down and used feather light touches to start tracing the contours of Jeff's lats up and around his armpits, and running his fingers through the hair under his arms just light enough to cause a slight sensation. About every other round in his tracing he would move his fingers over and trace a circle around Jeff's nipples and across his pecs. Jeff loved to have his nipples played with and every time John's fingers traced a circle around them he would arch his back and push out his chest a little more in pleasure.

"Man I love touching you Jeff. You have a beautiful body bro, a real work of art. All that time in the gym is so well spent." John kept up his monologue, hoping to keep Jeff's fires stoked and keep him rising towards a new high in his trip towards shooting off.

John started moving his legs a bit, causing even more body contact, using his feet to stroke Jeff's shins up to the low part of his thighs. He kept lightly kissing the back of Jeff's neck and nibbling on his ears when he wasn't keeping up his running monologue.

After about ten minutes of this Jeff was a taut sexual wire just on the verge of snapping into a huge orgasm. His dick was freely leaking pre-cum and so hard it could cut diamonds. His balls were drawn up tight against the base of his dick. All of this and no one had even touched his erection yet.

This is how Mike found them when he came into the room. Jeff's eyes were shut and he was lying back on top of John, his body was quivering, while John's hands roamed in a pattern over his chest, over his armpits, down his sides, and back across his chest, occasionally circling his nipples. His dick looked like it was already about to explode.

John looked up and saw Mike come into the bedroom. Mike must have already undressed in the spare bedroom down the hall since he was standing there naked. John wasn't sure if Jeff had even noticed that Mike was in the room yet, he was so far out of it.

Mike moved over to the side of the bed and looked down at his two lovers, thinking to himself how beautiful they both were, how incredibly handsome. His own dick got hard immediately as soon as he saw how hard and throbbing Jeff's dick was. Man it looked so hard it had to be almost painful.

Mike moved his hands down and with a butterfly light touch began to caress the inside of Jeff's thighs. Jeff's whole body arched immediately at the touch and John had to quickly wrap his arms back around Jeff's chest and hold onto him. "Whoa there big guy, don't shoot yet. We got company now. Two extra hands and a mouth just for you man. You think you are feeling good now?" John chuckled deep in his chest. "You ain't seen nothing yet bro we are just getting started." John stopped his hands roaming over Jeff and now just held him close and tight. He needed to let Jeff cool down just a tad or he'd go ahead and shoot his load a little sooner than John wanted him to.

Mike's fingers started their playful path inside Jeff's thighs and every other time Mike would run his fingers ever so lightly across Jeff's taught balls. Just enough to make his back arch and whimper in pleasure and his dick to throb and leak even more pre-cum.

"Mmmmm, you are really leaking dude. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were enjoying this." Mike's voice was really deep and soothing. "Get ready Jeff cause I'm about to touch your dick and I don't want you to shoot yet."

Mike reached down and with one of his fingers he smeared a big drop of pre-cum off Jeff's dickhead and very lightly ran his finger down the length of Jeff's dick to the base of his balls. Immediately at the contact John had to excerpt a lot of strength to hold Jeff down. You would have thought an electrical current just passed through his body.

"There you go man, that's good, "John whispered into his ear. "Get used to the feeling so we can build up a bit." As he was saying this John moved his hands down so each hand was palming one of Jeff's pecs. He made sure that he always had a fingertip over one of Jeff's nipples so he could continue to rub them gently. If Jeff's nipples got to hard he'd just press his finger down on it to soften it back up a little and then start rubbing it again.

Mikes finger continued its trail up and down Jeff's throbbing dick, very slow and with a light touch. His other hand went back to gently running his fingers over the hair of Jeff's taught ball sack. These sensations were getting to be too much and Jeff let out a sound that was a combination of a moan of pleasure and a whimper.

"Man you have got to be getting close now. Feel his finger on your dick bro just running up and down around the head and back down. Your own juice is making it slick man. And I bet you can't think straight with my fingers playing with your nipples like that, huh? Yeah I'm gonna start playing them like a banjo here in a minute. Go ahead Mikey, stick the head of his dick in your mouth bro. Get ready for it Jeff, it's gonna feel un- fucking believable man."

Mike knelt down at the foot of the bed and leaned over. He had to spread his arms on either side of Jeff and John to support himself. John was looking down in lust at Mike and getting off on how handsome he was too and was overwhelmed again with how lucky he was to have these two studs in his life.

Mike gently blew up and down on Jeff's dick once and then very gently took just the head into his mouth. Very gently, ever so gently, he sucked on the head using the softest touch he could manage. Once again Jeff arched his back and John had to hold him tight, which dug his fingers into Jeff's nipples a bit harder than before.

Mike could instinctively feel the hardening of Jeff's dick that happens just before a man is about to shoot. He backed off just enough to keep Jeff on that brink of crossing the line into the inevitable road to orgasm. John could tell what was going on by looking at Jeff's body and his reaction.

"Ok Jeff, let's ride this out for a little while longer bro. Let Mike keep you going bro. Stay on the edge as long as you can man."

Mike's mouth continued its magic on Jeff's dickhead and John slowly increased the speed at which his fingers kept up their rubbing and circling of Jeff's nipples. Jeff was arching his back more and more, pushing his chest out and into John's twirling fingers. His whole body was squirming quivering in pleasure. At the same time he was attempting to push his dick further into Mikes amazingly warm and wet mouth. Mike continued his feather light assault on Jeff's balls.

About a minute more of this was all Jeff could take. He was shaking all over, lost in the sensations his two lovers were bringing to him. John and Mike knew Jeff very well and they knew when he had crossed the line and couldn't hold back his orgasm any longer.

Mike plunged Jeff's steel hard dick down his throat so that his dickhead was back in Mike's throat and he swallowed once causing his throat to contract tightly around Jeff's dick. At the same time he stuck out his tongue as far as he could and licked that small sensitive area at the back and base of Jeff's balls. John's fingers were flying over Jeff's nipples, adding to the intensity of his sensations. The feeling of John's hot hairy muscular body underneath him and his hard 8" dick pressing into his back, Mike's mouth on his dick and fingers and tongue on his balls, and John's fingers on his nipples were to much for him to hold off any more.

Jeff's body exploded with the force of his orgasm and he let out a huge gasp of relief, "Ahhhhhh!" Every muscle in his body was tensed. After his first contraction and volley of cum into Mike's throat, Mike swallowed again to cause the tight constriction and more sensation to Jeff's shooting dick. "Ahhhhhhhh!"

John and Mike both continued to keep up the sensations for a few more seconds until Jeff collapsed and lay back down on top of John completely drained and exhausted. Mike took his mouth off Jeff's dick and he crawled up along side his other two lovers.

Jeff couldn't even talk at first, he was so lost in the aftermath of one of the strongest orgasms he had ever had in his entire life. John continued to gently stroke his shoulders and chest and gave him light kisses on his neck and shoulders. Mike brushed the hair back from Jeff's forehead and ran the back of his finger up and down Jeff's cheek.

After a few minutes of simply cuddling, Mike said softly, "Hey guys I'm sorry I was a bit late in getting up here but I was on the phone. Normally I wouldn't have answered it but when I saw the caller ID I figured I'd better take it."

"I didn't hear the phone at all, man we must have been a little pre-occupied," said John with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I turned the ringer off up here when I got home. I didn't feel like talking to anyone especially telemarketers," said Jeff quietly.

Mike had a mischievous gleam in his eye when he cupped Jeff's chin and turned his head to look up at Mike, "Then you better be glad that I got your back bro. The company you interviewed with called and was trying to find you. I told them you were asleep but the lady on the phone was really nice and told me not to wake you up. She just asked me to pass on the good news though, that they think they made a mistake this morning in passing over you for that sales position. They couldn't retract the offer they made to the other guy but as it turns out the area manager over the local sales reps decided to retire early and they think you'd be perfect for that job based on your experience and interview. I told them I'd let you know and they want you to call them first thing in the morning to let them know if you are interested."

Jeff looked totally stunned and after a second his eyes swelled over with tears. This time it was tears of happiness and relief and not sadness. John and Mike didn't say anything, they just continued to hold him and support him until he was ready to get up and eat dinner.

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