The Guy On The 11th Floor

By Mitch West

Published on Feb 14, 2016



My boyfriend and I moved into a new building on the other side of town. We didn't really know anyone, and with me working from home, it became apparent we needed to make friends fast. There had been a few nice people in the building we would give a cordial "Hello!" to on elevator rides.

I often went to the gym during my allowed lunch time to burn off steam, but also just for a change of scenery. It wasn't a large gym, it had three treadmills and some free weights, but was sufficient enough for me.

I'd often run into people in similar situations as me, and so I became good friends with a girl named Kelly on the 3rd floor. She was a cute bubbly brunette, she had a rocking body, was 28 like me, and I mostly only saw her in Lulu Lemons since we always saw each other at the gym. I'm not too bad looking myself, no adonis, but I've got a swimmers build, a little treasure trail and most women tried to flirt with me when they first met me.

One day I went down to the gym at my usual time, stressed out form work, and was looking forward to telling Kelly all about a difficult client I was dealing with, but when I walked into the gym she wasn't there. Instead a fairly muscular man, looking a bit over 6 feet which made him taller than me, was running on the treadmill I normally ran on. He had beautiful reddish-brown hair that I wanted to run my hands through. Since he was on the treadmill in the middle, I had no choice but to run next to him.

I walked up to the treadmill on his right and gave him a friendly smile as I started my jog. As I was in the middle of my run, I noticed he took it down to a slow walk and soon was off the treadmill. In my head I was considering changing treadmills, till I heard a murmur from behind me. As I turned it was the runner from next to me, smiling a beautiful smile.

"Sorry to bug you," He started "I was just hoping you could spot me whenever you were done your run. No rush though!" He gave a bigger smiler that made it impossible for me to say no, so I just nodded and said "of course" and ran another 5 mins.

We chatted a bit while he lifted weights, he even spotted me for a few reps which let me take a great look at his cock, which looked pretty sizeable. I wasn't sure, but it looked like he wasn't wearing any underwear, just the liner of his shorts. I found out his name was Jordan, and he had also just moved into the building from across town with his girlfriend. He was 32 and owned his own company so had a lot of control with his hours of work.

We both took the same elevator, I pushed 10 and he pushed 11.

"It was great to meet you Jordan, see you around!" I said leaving the elevator trying not to sound too desperate.

"You too Mitch!" He said with a smile.

I went back to my apartment, got into a warm shower and let my mind race with the things I wanted to do with that cock.

After I got clean, I was a bit peckish so I went to grab a bite of food. Impatiently waiting for the elevator I contemplated the stairs but knew it was an empty threat. As it arrived I walked in and was surprised to see Jordan in a dress shirt and peacoat, his hair quaffed and looking perfectly styled.

"Well look who it is" Jordan said with a chuckle. "Off to grab a bite?" he asked.

"Yeah, I don't normally lift weight, or that weight truth be told. Worked up an appetite" I said giving my abs a pat.

"Well you looked like you were doing just fine! What's good to eat around here, I was looking to grab something as well." Jordan asked.

"There's a nice sushi place half a block away, I go there most days. I can show you where it is if you want." I was trying to genuinely be nice.

"That sounds great!"

Together we walked and grabbed some food for take out and walked it back, it turned out that the unit he bought in the building was the same unit as the one I had bought as well, so it gave us something to talk about, like the weird corner where nothing fits so you're forced to put a plant or something just to take up the space.

"Do you want to come eat this up at mine?" He offered. I felt my cock jump in anticipation, but knew it was for nothing. The invite took my by surprise, and I guess I paused too long because his face gave an awkward flash. "No pressure man, just thought you'd like to see how we placed our furniture and stuff."

"Sorry, yeah, of course!" I spat out "I was thinking about my afternoon, if I had any meetings but it's pretty quiet for me. Sure I'll pop up."

So together we went to his place, and it looked beautiful. The walls were painted a deep charcoal, and he had a great burgundy leather couch with raw tree end tables. The place looked like a cut out from a magazine.

"You'll catch a fly in there if you keep your mouth open like that" He laughed at my awe-struck face.

"Holy shit! You're place is stunning! I'm glad we didn't go to mine, and now I have time to paint and refurnish knowing what I'm up against." I said, half kidding.

We got into talking about work, our lives, what brought us to the building and it turned out we had a lot in common. We grew up in the same area and knew a few of the same people, and had actually been at the same house parties when we were teens.

"So how do you know you're gay?" He bluntly asked

"Well how do you know you aren't?" I retorted back with a chuckle.

"Good point!" He said. "I've let a few guys suck me off before. It does the job but it's no pussy."

At this I instantly felt my cock jolt up. "Yeah, I've heard that before. I just never liked pussy that much, guess that's why we're both with who we're with!" we both gave a little laugh and there was a bit of a lull in the conversation as we finished eating.

"So you want to try sucking my cock?" Jordan asked so nonchalantly, I wasn't sure if it was just in my head. "I saw you looking at it in the gym. You probably know what your doing, and my girlfriends been out of town for the past week so.."

Without even saying a word he stood up and dropped his pants to show himself sporting a semi hard cock contained by white CK briefs. As he did this I instantly got on my knees in front of him and started mouthing his dick through the underwear. He grunted in pleasure.

"Take it in your mouth." He demanded. I pulled his underwear down and his uncut throbbing cock popped out and slapped me across my face. I started licking the head and pulling the foreskin all the way back as it grew bigger.

He placed his hand on the back of my head and guided my his cock all the way down my throat. I gagged a little as he said "Yeah, fucking choke on it" easing his grip a little to let me breath before shoving it back in. My nose was buried in his pubes and I could smell the musty mixture of his cock and his body wash. I was so turned on that I was worried about premium leaking through my pants.

"I want you to take your cock out as well" he ordered. I gladly obliged, not taking my mouth off his junk. "Yeah, now stroke it while you take my cock." Again I did as he said.

I could feel his cock tighten and his breath pick up. I was rubbing my cock, premium oozing out of my cock.

"You want my load down your throat?" He grunted with short breath. I nodded and looked up at him, staring at the ceiling with his eyes shut pulsing his hips into my mouth like he was fucking it hard.

I could feel my cock begging to be released, and just as I was about to cum I heard him scream out that we cumin and felt him shoot three huge loads down my throat. A little bit of it oozing out the sides of my mouth as I shot my load all over my shirt and cock. I kept sucking on his cock as it started to go flaccid and I felt his hand wipe the corners of my mouth and looked up to see him eating his own seed.

"That was hot dude." He said pulling his cock out of my mouth. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself as well" he said looking down at my cock. As he pulled his pants up, mentioned he had a meeting to get to soon and needed to prep for it, which I took as a sign to leave. As I pulled my pants up and my sweater over my cum stained shirt, he pushed a napkin toward me with his number on it. "Can't wait to see what your ass can do" he said with a smile.

As I left, I took the stairs down to my apartment and took another shower washing myself and thinking about the guy from the 11th floor.

Please feel free to send me a message at if you liked this story, I'm just starting out so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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