The Guy Across the Hall

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 13, 2004


DISCLAIMER: This is just a story. If it did happen, I don't know about it. There are real places mentioned in the story but that's all that's real about it. If you aren't allowed to read stories like this where you live - you should move.

This story is dedicated to three people who mean the world to me, each for different reasons and you each know what those reasons are: MIKEY, DAWN and BOB (In Illinois)

Copyright (c) 2004 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

THE GUY ACROSS THE HALL Part Four By RimPig 2004

I was dreaming again. This time, it wasn't a garden. This time it was the bed in Pete's apartment and I was fucking his tight, wet, hot ass! I loved the feeling. It was so intense - so REAL! I didn't want to wake up but, as I did, the feelings, rather than diminishing, seemed to intensify! I didn't understand what the fuck was going on until my eyes opened. I was behind Pete, spooned to his back, my arms around him and my cock buried in his hot ass, fucking the shit out of him! I had no fucking idea how this had happened but I had to admit, it was the nicest 'wake-up' of my entire life!

"Oh fuck!" I groaned.

"Yeah! 'Bout time you woke up!" Pete laughed. "I been waitin' for you to start really fuckin' ramming my ass!"

Now, I ain't one for much talk first thing in the morning but if it's 'action' you want, I've got it for ya! I pushed Pete over until he was on his stomach and I was between his spread legs, my cock still buried to the hilt in his butt. I figured the lube I was feeling must be some of my cum still up his ass from last night. I just let go and began slamming in an out of his butt. He pushed back, meeting each thrust and making it that much harder. We were both too far gone at that point to care about the fine, romantic points of making love. We were fucking - flat out simple! And I loved it. Pete seemed to as well. We must have, because within five minutes we were both blowing out loads - me in his hot ass and him all over the bed.

I pulled out of his butthole, moved back and then buried my face in his fragrant ass crack, again eating my cum out of his just-fucked hole. I loved the taste of cum that was up his ass. But I wasn't selfish. I shared it all with him as we kissed passionately and then lay there in each other's arms.

"Lemme up!" Pete said after a few minutes. "I gotta piss!"

"Me, too!" I said.

We both went into the bathroom and I didn't quite know what to do. Pete took over. He threw his arm across my shoulders, pulling me close to his side and indicated that I should piss with him, at the same time. I watched as our two yellow streams hit the water of the bowl and foamed up. This was a type of intimacy I'd never imagined and one that could only be shared by two male lovers. Somehow, just the simple act of pissing became a bonding experience between us!

When we'd finished and shaken the last of our piss off our cock, Pete kissed my cheek, nuzzled my ear and asked, "You want some coffee?"

"Oh yeah!" I said. "I need coffee!"

Naked, we went to the kitchen and Pete fixed coffee for us. When it was done, he poured it into mugs and then led me back to the bedroom and into his big bed. We sat in the bed next to each other, sipping our coffee, our bodies resting against each other, not really saying anything. Finally, I spoke up.

"Pete, now what?" I asked.

"What?" he asked back.

"Well...I'm a little out of my depth here. What do we do now? I mean, I've never been in a situation like this with another guy." I said.

"I thought that was pretty clear, Tommy. I want us to go on as lovers, as partners. Isn't that what you want?" he asked.

"Oh, God! Yes! I just don't know how...I mean...what about my apartment? I don't want to sleep over there. I want to be with you." I said.

"And, trust me, babe. That's exactly where I want you - with me. Forever." he said a leaned over and kissed me gently. "As to the apartment, well...I've been thinking about that."


"I think that without too much in the way of work, we could turn these two apartments into one large apartment for the two of us. How does that sound?" he asked.

"That sounds great!" I said.

"Yeah, I want to call a friend of mine in New York who's an architect. I'm going to send him the blue prints of this place and see what he can come up with." Pete said. "And, of course, we're going to have to call my lawyer and get the deed changed."

"Get the deed changed?" I asked confused by this.

"Well, yeah. It's gotta get your name on it." he smiled.

That's, I think, when it truly hit me! What was happening here was that, for all intents and purposes - maybe not in the strictly legal sense but every way else - Pete and I were getting 'married'. I hadn't even gone completely through the divorce yet and here I was getting 'married' again.

"Uhh...maybe we better wait in that deed thing. At least for a few months." I said.

Pete looked at me strangely. "You having second thoughts?" he asked.

"No! It's just that I'm going through the divorce right now. I don't think I need to go owning anything new until that's over with." I said.

"Oh! I didn't think of that! You're right! Thanks for mentioning that. But we can go ahead with the remodeling. After all, we don't have to change this side much so we won't have to put up with a lot of mess from it. That is, as long as you don't mind sleeping with me every night." he smiled.

"Mind! Try and stop me!" I laughed, throwing my arms around him and kissing him passionately.

"I take it you slept well last night?" he grinned.

"After that workout? Who wouldn't! I slept like a baby! By the way, how did I end up fucking you this morning? I was dreaming it and then I woke up and it was real!" I asked.

"You woke me up with your cock poking me in the butt so I figured I just put that big hard thing where it could do the most good. I knew you weren't awake but I figured you wake up eventually. I didn't realize that once you got in my ass, you'd start fucking me in your sleep! Quite a performance, stud!" he laughed.

I laughed with him.

"Well, I gotta say, that was the best fucking wake-up call I've ever had in my whole life!" I told him.

"Yeah, I kind of liked that big hard cock knocking at my backdoor, waking me up!" he grinned.

"Maybe yours will wake me up tomorrow?" I asked.

"You never know! You just never know!" he laughed.

We spent the rest of that day, it was a Sunday, just lazing around the apartment, making love, eating, watching football on TV. I felt 'married' in the best sense of that word. That next morning, Monday, I didn't wake up with his cock in my butt - but with my cock in his mouth. What a mind-blowing way to wake up, with somebody giving you head! It didn't take long for me to cum either and then I went down on him, something he'd showed me how to do the previous day. Pete then made me breakfast and I went off to work at the garage.

I guess some of my happiness showed because the guys all remarked about it. Even Marty, my boss, the owner of the garage, noticed. But his take on things was different.

"You know, Tommy, I've known a lot of guys get divorced and some of them were happy, but nothing like you! I swear, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd gone and gotten yourself involved with another woman!" Marty said.

"No way, Marty! Trust me - never again will I marry a woman!" I swore to him.

Nothing was ever said again, but as time went by, I got the feeling that Marty was aware that my relationship with Pete was more than just 'good friends' but he never said anything and didn't seem to be bothered by it.

There was, after a few months, however, something bothering me. My folks. I'd been avoiding them because I didn't know how I was going to tell them about me and about me and Pete. I finally decided, however that I couldn't just keep quiet. I prayed they would understand but, no matter what, I wasn't about to leave Pete. He was the only true love and happiness I'd ever known - except for them. I told Pete that I was going to have a talk with my Dad. He was all for it. He knew how much it bothered me not being able to talk to my folks because of trying to hide our relationship from them. I called Dad and asked me to meet me for a beer after work the next day. That morning, as I left, Pete handed me an envelop.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a check for your Dad." Pete said.

"A check? What for?" I asked, completely confused by this.

"It's the money they gave me when they rented the apartment for you. I don't feel right about keeping it. After all, it's not like you were ever really a 'tenant'." he smiled.

"No, I guess I wasn't." I grinned back. "Thanks, Pete. I'm sure that they'll appreciate this."

That afternoon, I met Dad in the same little bar where we'd talked about my divorce - a divorce that had become final about three weeks previous. I saw Dad sitting in the same booth in the back when I walked in and ordered us two beers on my way back.

"So what's up, son? Where you been hiding yourself?" he asked.

"I've been home." I said. "I haven't been getting out much lately."

"Well, you sure look happy enough! If I'd known that the divorce would make you this happy, I'd have given you the money a long time ago!" Dad laughed.

"Dad, it's not the divorce." I said. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh, no! You haven't gotten yourself into another relationship have you?" Dad asked. "I don't think you need another woman this soon, son!"

"I don't think I do either, Dad. That's what I need to talk about. I am in love - for the first time in my life. I'm happier than I've ever been. But I don't know how you and Mom are going to deal with it." I said.

"Well, son, I guess you know what you're doing. At least you're in love this time. I'm sure your Mom and me will love her, whoever she is." Dad smiled.

"Uhh...that's just it, Dad. I don't know how to tell you this isn't a 'her', Dad. It's a him. I'm in love with another guy." I said.

Dad was quiet for a few moments. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.

"Well, this is a surprise, son. Who is he? Where did you meet him?" Dad asked.

"It's the guy that was living right across the hall from me, Dad. His name is Pete." I said.

"Maybe you ought to tell me about him, son." Dad said.

Dad didn't seem too upset about the news that his son was gay, so I told him about Pete. I told him about his modeling career and his writing career. I told him about how Pete was actually the owner of the building and then I gave Dad the envelop with the check inside that Pete had given me for him. I told him about Pete remodeling the two apartments and making them one. I especially told Dad how much I loved Pete and how much he loved me. I told Dad about how Pete made me feel - how happy I was being loved by him. Dad listened to it all and never said a word until I was done.

"Well, this is not something I ever expected but if this is what makes you happy, Tommy, than I'm happy for you. What you've told me doesn't change a thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm your Dad and I love you. No matter what, nothing will ever change that. I'll be honest with you, you ending up with another guy is not anything I ever expected but I can see how happy and how much in love you are and that's all that really matters to me - that you're happy. I know your Mom feels the same way. Your our son and we love you." Dad said.

"Thanks, Dad." I said quietly. "The only thing I was afraid of was losing you."

"Tommy, that's nothing you need ever worry about. I guess I'll go home now and have a talk with your Mom. About the only problem I can see that she'd gonna have with this is that there won't be any grandchildren. But hell! The way things were going with your ex-wife, there wasn't going to be any anyway!" Dad grinned.

"No, there sure weren't!" I grinned back.

"You do know that your Mom and me are gonna want to meet him." Dad said.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that." I said, hesitantly.

"That's not going to be a problem, is it?" Dad asked.

" It'll just make Pete a nervous wreck!" I grinned.

"You just tell him he's got nothin' to worry about. We don't bite." Dad chuckled.

When I told Pete about this conversation that night, he wasn't chuckling. In fact, I don't think I'd ever seen Pete quite that upset before. He was really nervous about the idea of meeting my parents. I tried to reassure him that they would love him but he somehow got it into his head that if they didn't like him, they'd try to break us up - just like they'd paid for my divorce. I told him that them paying for my divorce had nothing to do with them not liking my ex-wife (though, truth be told, they didn't care much for her) but everything to do with seeing me so unhappy. I wasn't unhappy with him! In fact, I'd never been happier in my whole life and even my Dad could see that.

That seemed to calm Pete down somewhat and I thought it had all been smoothed out until I got home from work the next night. I walked in from work and Pete was sitting on the couch, looking very unhappy. I asked him what was wrong.

"You'll never guess who called today." he said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Your mother." Pete announced in about the same way you'd announce an IRS audit!

"She did? Why?" I asked.

"To invite us to dinner tomorrow night." he said.

"So what did you tell her?"

"What could I tell her?! That may have sounded like a request but I knew it was a 'Command Performance'! Show up or else! So I told her we would be there." Pete said, miserably.

"Pete, Mom's not like that! You'll see! She's going to love you. Hell! With your looks, there's hardly a woman on earth that can resist you!" I laughed. "Or guys either, for that matter!"

"Somehow I don't think my looks are going to impress your Dad." Pete sulked.

I was shocked! I'd never seen him like this before! And here I thought I was the one without any self-confidence!

"Dad will be very impressed! He look at you for who you are. My Dad is a fair man. He gives everybody a chance." I said.

"Even guys who fuck his son?" Pete asked.

"Even guys who...well, I'm not exactly sure that Dad would necessarily be all that interested in who fucked who." I smiled at my lover. "Hey! Get up off that couch and come work out with me! You need to work off some of that anxiety you've got building up for no reason!"

He grumped about it, but he worked out with me and, just as I'd predicted, he did feel better afterwards. There was, however, somewhat of a feeling of 'desperation' when he made love to me that night. I didn't say anything. I just figured that things would all work out the next night.

When I got home from work, I expected that Pete would be ready to go to my parents house. Instead, I found him naked, in the middle of the bedroom and about half his closet full of clothes strewn all over the place!

"I can't find anything to wear!" he practically screamed.

"Pete! Sit down!" I finally took over.

He looked at me funny. I'd never raised my voice to him before. But he did what I told him to and sat on the bed. I looked around the room and then walked over to the closet. I pulled out a simple, navy blue polo shirt in a mesh cotton fabric from Lands End and then went to one of his drawers and pulled out a pair of Levi 501 jeans. I tossed them to him.

"Here. Put these on." I said.

"No! These are too casual! I need to find the right suit!" he exclaimed.

"Like fuck you do! This ain't New York! My parents are not going to be dressed any fancier than that! Trust me! Besides, you put on one of those Armani suits and all you'll do is intimidate the hell out of them! Is that what you want?" I asked.

"No. It's not." he said, quietly, hanging his head.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. You can come with me or you can sit here and stew in your juices. What's it gonna be?" I asked.

Without an answer, Pete got up off the bed and walked quietly behind me into the bathroom. I set the water and then pulled him into the shower. I put my arms around him and kissed him. It took a moment but then his arms went around me and he was hanging onto me like I was the last lifeboat on the Titanic! What really got to me was when we broke the kiss and Pete kind of collapsed against me, his forehead resting against my shoulder and he started crying! I'd never seen Pete cry!

"Come on, Pete! It's gonna be okay! I promise! They're gonna love you!" I told him.

"But what if they don't?!" he sniffed, refusing to lift his head or look at me.

"Then they don't. It's not going to change a thing between us! I love you. I'm not going to leave you no matter who objects to us being together! Would you leave me if your parents told you to?"" I asked.

"Fuck no!" he said.

"So why do you think I'm any different?" I asked. "Is it still the 'straight' thing? The fact that I was married?"

Pete wouldn't answer so I pretty much figured that's what it was. For some stupid reason, Pete had this idea that I was going to go back to straight life, marry a woman and have kids because that was so much easier than being gay! I don't know where the fuck he got this idea from. I've been married to a guy and a girl. Trust me! A guy is about 1,000 times easier to take and understand! But I just couldn't get Pete to believe this!

"Look, you stubborn jackass! For the 100th time! I am NOT going to leave you for a woman! I am not going to go back to straight life! I can't! I'm too fucking addicted to that ass and horse-cock of yours! I don't want a woman! I don't even want another guy. The ONLY person in this whole fucking world I want is YOU! Even if you do make me nuts at times!" I growled.

Pete finally looked up from my shoulder. There were tears streaming down his face but a huge grin across it at the same time. I grabbed hold of him and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. Then we finished showering, touching and stroking each other all over. One of the things that Pete had done when he remodeled the apartments was to double the size of the boiler system to create much more hot water. It was a good thing! The way we took showers, spending a lot of time in the doing things OTHER than getting clean, we'd be taking a lot of cold showers otherwise!

We finally made it over to my folks house. Pete was still such a nervous wreck I insisted upon driving. I also insisted on driving because I made him take two or three shots of vodka on the rocks before we left the apartment in an attempt to get him to calm down! It did take the edge off him - but no by much.

I will admit, that when we got to my folks house, it was a little awkward for a couple of minutes. My parents both were staring at Pete and I think he was getting the feeling that they were judging him as fit material for their son. Finally, Pete couldn't take it any more.

"Is there something wrong?" Pete blurted out.

Both my parents blushed in embarrassment.

"No, son." Dad said. "I guess it's just that we've never seen a man quite as handsome as you are, up close and in person."

"Oh, my, yes!" my Mom exclaimed. "You could easily be a movie star!"

Now it was Pete's turn to blush and I was having the damned time not rolling on the floor, I wanted to crack up laughing so hard!

"Thank you. I don't really think of myself that way." Pete said humbly.

"I guess I can see in some way why Tommy would be drawn to you." Dad said.

"But you have to understand - I'm very drawn to Tommy. It isn't one sided. Not at all!" Pete insisted.

"That's good, dear. That's the sign of a good relationship - when you each are strongly drawn to one another. And you two do look so very much in love." Mom said.

Now it was time for both of us to blush.

"Why don't we just lay our cards out on the table." Dad, never one to 'beat around the bush' said. "Look, Pete. It's true that we had no idea that Tommy was attracted to other guys - though it does explain a lot about his previous marriage. And I'll also admit that it sort of threw me when Tommy told me about you and him the other day. But I told him then, and I'll say it again - he's our son and we love him. Period. We don't care that he prefers other men. All we want to see is him happy. When I saw him the other day and he started telling me about you - that was the happiest I'd ever seen him. Happier even than when I got him that 10 speed bike for his birthday!" Dad chuckled and so did we all. "You make him happy like that, Pete, and trust me! You've got our blessing."

Pete just sat there. I think he was stunned. He just couldn't believe it was that easy. All his fear and anxiety for nothing!

"The only thing I want to do in this world is make him happy!" Pete swore to my Dad and Mom.

I really didn't plan it as a 'political statement' or something. I didn't even think about what I was doing, it was so natural. I reached over, put my arm around Pete and kissed him gently on the mouth - completely forgetting that I was doing this RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS!!!

Pete blushed and I looked over, realizing what I'd just done. But Mom and Dad were just sitting there smiling! Like this was just a common every day occurrence - to have two guys kiss in their living room! My mom was the one to break the silence this time.

"I didn't expect that!" Mom said.

"I'm sorry, Mom! I got carried away! I won't..."

I was about to say I wouldn't do it again when she put up her hand and stopped me.

"No, Tommy! I wasn't talking about that. I just wasn't expecting it to be so beautiful! I couldn't picture in my mind what it would be like to see two males kiss! Now I know! I just didn't expect it to be so beautiful! I can really see how much in love you two are!" she said.

I looked at Pete and he was blushing as deep a shade of red as I was.

"I'm getting hungry!" Dad said, taking charge and ending the awkwardness of the situation.

Mom's dinner was excellent and Pete must have told her that at least 20 times. He regaled my folks with stories of his modeling career and his travels all over the world. They were fascinated by him. More importantly, they really liked him - I could tell. But in case there were any doubts about it, when Mom brought out her all-time-family-favorite rum cake for dessert, Dad brought out a chilled bottle of champagne with four champagne glasses. He poured each one of us a glass and then stood up and raised his glass.

"This toast is for all the happiness in the world for my son Tommy and his friend Pete. May you both have many happy years together and, Pete, welcome to the family!" Dad said.

For once in his life, Pete was speechless. I could tell he was having a great deal of trouble not crying. I could see the tears glistening in his eyes. We all 'clinked' glasses and then Pete got to experience Mom's rum cake. He went so nuts over it, Mom gave him the rest of it for us to take home.

When we went to go home that night, Mom hugged and kissed me and then did the same to Pete. Dad hugged me and then, much to Pete and my surprise, hugged Pete as well. There was not question now that my parents liked and accept Pete and our relationship.

Would we have been successful all these years without their acceptance and support? I like to think that we would have but it was thousands of times easier with it. As I said in the first part of this story, we're still together, still happy. I love Pete more and more each day and he says the same thing to me. I know I can't even imagine life without him.


This really is the end, this time. I want to thank all of the readers who wrote begging me to continue this. Here is what you asked for, what the beginning of Tommy and Pete's relationship was like. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you liked the story, please write me at

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