The Guy Across the Hall

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 13, 2004


DISCLAIMER: This is just a story. If it did happen, I don't know about it. There are real places mentioned in the story but that's all that's real about it. If you aren't allowed to read stories like this where you live - you should move.

This story is dedicated to three people who mean the world to me, each for different reasons and you each know what those reasons are: MIKEY, DAWN and BOB (In Illinois)

Copyright (c) 2004 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

THE GUY ACROSS THE HALL Part Three By RimPig 2004


It's Tommy again. You remember? Tommy Driscoll? I was telling you the story of how I met my partner Pete. Well, a lot of you guys out there didn't like that my story was so short and that it ended before I gave you any of the 'details' of what Pete and I did that night.

To be honest with you, I was gonna write about that but...well...I just didn't feel right about it until I talked to Pete. You see, Pete didn't know that I was writing the story. He was a little freaked out when I posted it because I didn't disguise who we are or where we are but he finally calmed down about it. After all, there's very little chance that anybody in Carroll reading it and, if they did, they had to be gay or bi to be reading on Nifty anyway. Plus, I'd done one other thing.

To keep it more anonymous, I didn't post the story myself. I asked one of the Nifty writers - RimPig - to post if for me. I'd been writing him off and on for about a year. I'd found a couple of his stories and liked them and had written him telling me about Pete and me. He was the one who urged me to write our story. He even helped me with the editing before it was posted. I really want to thank him, too. He's a real easy guy to talk to and loves hearing from people and sometimes helping them. He used to be a social worker so I guess it's like in his blood.

RimPig got the e-mails you guys sent in and forward them on to me. I was really shocked and very happy that so many of you wrote in. I shared all of them with Pete and he was really pleased, too - and very proud of me. You remember, Pete's a writer besides being a model. That's why I wanted to do this. I wanted to see what writing was like for him. I wanted to better understand what it was he goes through to write and what it feels like. I thought it was a way for me to better understand him. Funny thing is, in writing this, it's like I'm finding a better understanding of me!

Anyway, I asked Pete if it was okay for me to share with you all the more...uhh...intimate side of our relationship - especially the beginning. At first he wasn't for it at all. He said it would be like putting a web-cam in our bedroom and being exhibitionists for the voyeurs out there. I kind of understood this but I argued that he didn't have to 'perform' or anything - he didn't even have to ever read it. That calmed him down some. He finally said that if I really wanted to write it, it was okay with him only he didn't want to ever see it. (Wanna bet he sneaks onto the Nifty website when this is posted and reads it? HEY THERE, PETE! I LOVE YA, BABE! GOTCHA!)

Anyway, enough explanation. What follows is, to the best of my recollection, what happened next. I hope you all read it and enjoy it.


There I was, sitting naked on the black leather cover on Pete's bed, staring at what had to be the biggest, thickest cock I'd ever seen in my life! Not, mind you, that I'd seen all that many. In fact, the last time I'd seen another guy's cock hard had been in the locker room in White Mountains Regional High. Though I was somewhat intimidated by it (Fuck that! That thing scared the hell out of me! The idea of that goin' up my hole was just way too scary a thought!), I just sat the staring at it, it was so beautiful to me. I don't know if that's because it's really that beautiful or because it's a part of Pete who I was so in love with that every part of him was beautiful to me!

Now, Pete is really beautiful. Remember, he made his money as a male model and appeared on the cover or in the fashion spreads of some pretty major magazines around the world. And I'll be the first one to admit, the moment I first saw him I realized that he was the most beautiful male I'd ever seen in my life. I guess my lust for him started right there, though I didn't realize it at the time. Later, because of who he is and what he is as a man, I fell totally in love with him - and that's got not one fucking thing to do with how he looks.

"Hey! You look like you've never seen a hardon before!" Pete said, pulling my eyes and attention away from his cock and up to his face.

I blushed at him catching me so openly staring at his hardon. It would be a while before I got used to the fact that it was okay for me to do this and that Pete didn't mind at all.

"Not that big, I haven't!" I told him. "What fuckin' horse did you have the transplant from?"

He chuckled at this.

"It's not that big." he said. "I've seen bigger."

"Bet they weren't as pretty as yours." I said quietly, not knowing where I got the courage to actually say this.

He looked at me for a moment. I think I shocked him but then he smiled at me and walked closer until he was standing in between my legs and his cock was right in front of my face.

"You think it's pretty?" he asked, quietly, looking down at me.

I looked up into his crystalline blue eyes.

"No. I think it's beautiful. As beautiful as you are." I said, meaning every word.

And with this, I leaned forward slightly and began running my nose up and down it as well as into his dark pubic hair. The scent of him was strong - sweat, musk and that scent that comes from a male being in rut. I breathed it in deeply and my cock grew harder than it already was! Fuck! I loved the smell of this man!

"Mmm! And it smells really good, too!" I moaned.

His hand reached out and he gently placed it on my head, running his fingers through my hair.

"That's good. You just smell it all you want, babe. It belongs to you now." he said softly.

The thought went through my brain - 'Mine?! This is mine?! All mine!? Forever and ever?!' - and I couldn't help myself. I grabbed his hips and pulled him even closer so that my face was pressed up against his groin and I was nuzzling his body. I love it! I loved his smell! I loved the soft feel of his skin. I love the slight scratchiness of his pubic hair against my face. I loved the warmth of him. But above all, I loved HIM! This incredibly beautiful, warm, loving male! This guy who had befriended me when I didn't have anyone to turn to. This man who offered himself so simply and so openly. This male that opened me to the truth of who I really am. I loved HIM!

Suddenly, I felt wetness on my cheek. At first I thought I must be crying and not know it, but it wasn't me. I pulled back slightly and saw that it was his cock that was weeping pre-cum. So much of it, that it was flowing down the shaft of his cock and onto my cheek. I took my finger and wiped it off my cheek and then, without even thinking, stuck my finger in my mouth and tasted another guy's cock-honey for the first time in my life. I'd tasted my own. I guess every guy has - especially when we were young and just starting to shoot cum. But where mine was somewhat sweet but salty, Pete's lived completely up to the nickname for it - cock-honey! Sweet, thick, slick - it was delicious and I instantly wanted more! And I knew exactly where to get it!

I stuck out my tongue and began to lick up the shaft of his cock. I finally got to the head and licked across the piss-slit, gathering up all the cock-honey that was gushing out. But I no sooner slurped it away and more bubbled out. I opened my mouth and put my lips around the head of his cock, licking and sucking more of the delicious fluid from him. He groaned at this and grabbed my head in his hands, quickly pulling me off.

"Don't, Tommy! Please! I'm about to cum and I don't want to yet." he groaned.

I grinned. I was proud of myself! I'd hardly touched him and he was ready to cum!

He pulled away from me and walked around the bed. Then he crawled onto it and lay down on his side facing me. He patted the bed right next to him and I quickly got onto the bed and lay down on my side facing him. There was maybe six inches between us.

"You're too far away." he said grinning and his eyes twinkling.

I scooted over so that my body was pressed up against his, our hardons and our torso's touching. His arm came around me and he drew me even closer. So close, in fact, that to be any closer, I'd have to be inside him.

"There! That's better!" he sighed.

Then his hand came up, grabbed the back of my neck and brought his mouth to mine in a deep passionate kiss. I melted against him and lost all track of where I was and how long we kissed. I think if it had gone on any longer, I might have even forgotten who I was, the kiss was that intense. It was like no kiss I'd ever had in my life.

As we kissed, he slowly rolled me over onto my back and he moved over me until his body was covering mine. Now that was a completely new experience! Almost always during sex, I had been the one 'on top'. Even when my ex-wife would get on top of me to ride me 'cowgirl' style, she was a lot smaller than me so it never felt like she was 'covering' me or anything. But Pete, on the other hand, was bigger than me, not just taller but bigger in every way. Me being covered by him, at first, brought back feelings of wrestling in high school and began to bring out those competitive feelings to gain the upper advantage back. But I stopped. This wasn't a competition. Pete was making love to me, something no guy had ever done. It was interesting to watch him make the same exact moves I would make before.

For a moment, I freaked a little. After all, I was, for all intents and purposes, lying here in the same position as a woman. 'Is that how Pete sees me?' I wondered to myself. But that was silly! Pete didn't go for women. Why would he think of me as anything but the way I thought of him - as a man. But it was still weird, being in this position, feeling his body covering mine, feeling him moved against me, thrusting his cock against mine.

The, all of a sudden, I had like this 'flashback' to when I was maybe 3 or 4 and I was in bed with my Dad. I remember that on Sunday mornings when I was real little, my Mom went to church but my Dad stayed home and looked after me. When I would wake up, I'd always go and crawl into bed with him and cuddle up to his large, warm, adult male body. I remembered his scent - a scent that I learned to associate with protection, security and love - in other words, Daddy. Feeling Pete's body covering mine like that same male love, protection and security suddenly made things feel very differently for me. Oh, I didn't think of Pete as my Dad but somehow those same warm feelings that I had then were streaming back to me now and I began to feel more comfortable and more loved than I had at any other time in my life except for maybe those early Sunday mornings with my Dad.

I sighed and Pete began nuzzling my neck, licking and nibbling at the skin, causing 'goose-bumps' to rise on me from the intense stimulation. I suddenly realized that I had never in my life really made love to someone - much less have someone make love to me. That's why this all felt so really different! But it was a difference that I loved! My hands began to explore Pete's body, running across his shoulders and upper arms, feeling the tautness of his muscles beneath the soft velvet of his warm skin. I did not expect his skin to be so soft! There was nothing 'feminine' about it, not with the hard steel of the muscles beneath it but it was so warm and so soft that I thrilled as my hand moved over it, sensing the softness and the power beneath at the same time.

Suddenly, Pete moved down and did something that totally shocked me and almost had me cumming! Never in my life had I, or anyone else for that matter, ever touched or played with my nipples. Sure, I'd done it to girls, but none of them had ever done it to me! Pete, however, moved down and started sucking and nipping at one of my tits and, except for the weight of his body on top of mine, holding me down to the bed, I would have come off it vertically! As it was, my back arched and drove my chest harder against Pete's sucking mouth. I groaned loudly at the intense feelings that shot through my body and straight to my dick! It was like my tit was directly connected to my cock - so intense were the feelings!

"AHH! FUCK!!!" I screamed out and clutched my hands tightly to Pete's body in the agony/ecstasy of feelings.

Pete stopped sucking my nipple and, pulling his face up, looked down into mine.

"You like that, I take it?" he grinned.

"What the fuck are you doing to me!?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sucking your nipple! Haven't you ever had that done?" he asked, looking at me curiously.

"Fuck no! I've sucked on girl's tits to get them hot but none of them ever did it to me!" I exclaimed.

"So, do you like it?" he grinned.

"Oh, fuck yeah! It's making my cock harder!" I told him.

"It's supposed to." he grinned again. "I get the feeling that there's a lot of stuff that you've never experience."

I blushed deeply, ashamed at my evident ignorance. Young guys all like to think of themselves as accomplished studs. To admit to another guy that you don't know shit about sex, really, is just not done!

"Hey! It's okay! I love the idea that I get to introduce you to things you've never experienced. It's a fucking turn on - almost like I'm making love to a virgin." he smiled.

"Well, at least where sex with another guy is, I guess I am a virgin, really. I mean, the stuff I did when I was a teenager wasn't all that much. Can I ask you something?" I said.

" you really think this is the time for questions?" he grinned.

"I got to know this, please?" I begged him.

"Okay. What do you want to know?" he asked.

"'re layin' on top of me and I'm like under you..." I said, stumbling over my words.

"Ohh! And you want to know if just because you're in the same position that you'd have a woman if I think of you like that it?" he asked, his voice low and tender.

"Uhh...yeah." I admitted.

"Tommy, you are definitely all man. That hard fucking cock shoving me in the gut would tell me that even if nothing else did. Women don't turn me on at all. Neither do effeminate guys. I only get turned on to guys who are masculine. Does my hard cock tell you how I feel about you?" he asked, shoving his hips forward and pressing his hard cock into my gut.

" does." I grinned. "It's just that it feels a little weird to have someone bigger than I am on top of me."

"Would you like to be on top?" he asked.

"No. It's cool. It feels weird, but it feels good, too. It kind of...uhh..." I faltered.

"It kind of what?" he asked.

"Well, it kind of feels like when I was a little kid and would be in bed with my Dad." I said quietly, my eyes looking away, afraid to meet his.

"Tommy, look at me." he said softly and I did. "Do you mean that you have feelings of being safe and protected and loved right now?"

"Yeah. It's all that and a lot more." I said softly to him.

"That's the way it's supposed to be." he smiled gently. "We can talk about this later and I'll explain it to you. Right now, I want to make love to you and I think you want me to, right?"

"Oh, fuck yeah!" I grinned.

"Good!" he grinned back and the next thing I knew, he was sucking on my other tit and I was groaning and writhing beneath him.

Once he had that tit hard and standing up, Pete did something that totally blew me away. He reached up and grabbed my arms from around him and pushed them up above my head. I lay there like I was being arrested or something but on my back. He moved over to where he started running his nose up and down my exposed armpit, his soft breath and the movement of my underarm hair making it somewhat tickle and cause my cock to harden more at the same time. He was breathing deep and I could tell from the moans and soft growls coming from him that my sweaty scent was really turning him on - just as his did me! As if that wasn't enough to drive me straight up the wall, his tongue started licking through my pit hair and then his mouth covered my pit and started softly sucking on the skin while his tongue continued to lick and taste my sweat.

I was in heaven! This felt WAY better than I would have ever expected it to! I had no fucking idea that my pits were sexually sensitive. Like most straight guys, the only fucking 'erogenous' I knew that I had were my cock, my balls and maybe my ass (I found out from Pete later that a lot of straight guys stroke and finger their butts while they jack off but will never, ever admit it because of the implications of being a 'fag' and wanting to get their ass fucked.). I had no idea that places like my tits and my pits could be just as erotic!

When my pit was soaked in Pete's saliva, he moved to go after the other one. On the way, he leaned down and kissed me passionately. I could taste my sweat and funk on his mouth and it turned me on all to hell! I was really loving this! Everything that Pete did just made things get better and better. He went after my other pit then, soaking it with his spit so that there I lay, my arms above my head, totally submissive to him in a way I could have never dreamed of being submissive to another guy. And the funny thing about it was, I loved the feeling! I didn't feel effeminate or anything. I just felt safe and loved! I just knew that Pete would never do anything to hurt me and that all he wanted to do was make me feel really good - and he was doing that!

He moved down from my pits and began licking down the center of my body, stopping to lick through the ridges of my abs before heading further south on my body. For some reason, I left my arms above my head. It felt good that way for reasons I couldn't begin to understand but decided not to question. I had decided to just 'go with the flow' and allow this all to happen to me. I seemed to enjoy it more that way.

Pete got down to my groin and shoved his nose in my pubic hair. I could hear him taking deep breaths of my musky scent there, just as I'd done to him. I thought he would go after my cock next, but I was wrong. Instead, he moved down to where he was between my now spread legs, laying flat on the bed with his nose shoved right up against my sweaty ball. I against heard his deep breaths as he snorted my nuts and then felt his tongue licking them. I groaned in ecstasy! This felt so fucking good! Sure, I'd played with my nuts when I jacked off. Most guys do. But nobody had ever taken a tongue to them before! Fuck! What a great feeling! I was almost cumming from it!

I didn't think things could get any better...well...that's not true. I'd hoped that eventually Pete would get around to sucking my cock. This was something that I loved but could only get my ex- wife to do on very rare occasions. I figured that Pete would not be quite so adverse to doing it and I also figured that he had to be better than my ex-wife at it! Even the couple of blowjobs I traded with other guys in high school had been better than my ex-wife could do!

I expected that Pete would probably stop licking my balls and maybe head upwards for my cock but I got the shock of my life. Instead of moving up - he moved down! He started by moving down and licking the back of my nut-sack which also was incredible and then moved down to where he was licking that little patch of skin between the nuts and the ass (the perineum, I learned later). That felt incredibly good as well. I figured, naturally that he'd stop there so imagine my shock when he took my legs in his hands and pushed them up and back so that my knees were practically wresting on my chest and my entire groin and ass were spread and exposed to him!

"Hold them there for me." Pete said, and I quickly grabbed behind my knees with my hands.

He lay down flat on the bed and I heard him taking deep breaths. This confused me because the only thing that he could be smelling down there was my butt! I just couldn't believe that's what he was doing but when I felt his wet, rough, raspy tongue gliding up my butt-crack, I had no reason to disbelieve anymore! I groaned in ecstasy and shock at the feelings that were emanating from my butt!

"AHH! FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I screamed out.

He looked up from between my legs, grinning at me.

"Licking your ass, what's it feel like?" he asked, his voice conveying that this was probably one of the most stupid questions he'd ever heard.

"It feels incredible! But...well...isn't that nasty?" I asked, embarrassed because I didn't know how I smelled down there.

"No! It's hot!" he said and went back to licking me.

I groaned again and just lay back and experienced the sensations of something I had never even dreamed of! I had no idea that somebody would do this to another person! But I could sure feel why somebody would want to have it done! It was the most intense feeling! And when he started sucking on my actual hole and trying to drive his tongue inside me, I thought I'd go out of my mind! I started to babble - not really knowing what I was saying - just reacting to the feelings.

"Fuck yeah! Eat my butt! Shove that fuckin' tongue in me! Fuck me with your tongue! Fuck me!" I exclaimed.

And then it hit me what I was saying. I'd just asked him to fuck me! Did I mean that? I mean, I figured that eventually we'd get around to fucking but, frankly, it wasn't me that I was picturing getting fucked when I thought about it! After all, I'd seen his cock! I didn't think there was any way he could fuck me with that thing without killin' me! But the more he ate my ass, the more relaxed I became. I felt his tongue slow slide all the way inside me and groaned at the feeling. Then he started moving his tongue in and out of my hole like a little wet cock, tongue-fucking me. This felt SO good! So good, in fact, that I relaxed more and felt my hole opening up more.

The next thing I knew, he was taking his tongue out of my hole and replacing it with a finger. It burned a little at first but then he got it all the way in and it started feeling good, too! He moved his finger in and out of my ass and I started groaning with pleasure. My ass opened up more and I started to get this feeling that maybe it was possible for something like his cock to fit inside me.

Now, there are guys who will tell you that all guys wonder what it would feel like to be fucked by another guy's cock. BULLSHIT! I never wondered about that, at least not until Pete started playing around with my ass. I'd never had any thought about it and maybe that's best. Coming as a complete shock, as it did, may have been for the best, because if I'd had time to really think about it, what came next may never have happened.

Pete got off the bed for a moment, telling me to stay exactly like I was. He opened the drawer of one of the bedside tables and pulled out this bottle of clear liquid called Astroglide . He got back on the bed and began to coat my butt with it. I jumped a little when he first put it on me because it was cold but it gradually got warmer as he began to lube my hole with it. It made putting his finger in my ass much easier than just his spit did. Within a short time, he was sliding two fingers up my hole without me feeling any pain at all. In fact, Pete was pushing around up inside me and hit something that almost made me cum and made me cry out in rapture!

"Fuck! What the fuck did you do?!" I exclaimed.

Pete chuckled.

"That's your prostate! It's sometimes called a "Guy's G Spot". When it gets stroked it can make you cum without touching yourself." he grinned.

"Yeah! I almost did!" I replied.

Pete kept working on my butt, relaxing it, opening it, getting more fingers inside until there were either 3 or 4 - I lost count. It was feeling so good finally, what with the stimulation of my prostate that I was finally opening begging for something that just about blew me away!

"Pete! Please! Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Use your cock man! Shove it in me!" I babbled.

I just couldn't believe it! I mean, here I was - the first time I ever really make love with another guy and I'm beggin' him to shove his fucking horse-cock up my ass! I had to be out of my mind!

Pete took me at my word and began lubing up that big boy of his. He added more lube to my very open hole and then rose up on the bed, kneeling with my legs thrown over his shoulders while I was laying on my back looking up at him.

"I'm going to take this very slow and easy. I just want you to push out with your muscles like you're going to the bathroom. That will help loosen you. Let me know if it's too much for you. I don't want to hurt you. Remember, we don't have to do this. There are other things we can do." Pete said, his voice calm and steady giving me a lot of confidence in him.

"No! I want to do this! I want to give myself to you this way! I want to feel you inside me and know that you are a part of me." I insisted.

At least that's about what I remember saying. My mind wasn't tool clear at that point. It's what I was feeling, anyway. I did want him inside me. I did want to feel like we were 'one'. I wanted all those emotional/mystical/spiritual sides to love that people are always talking about. I wanted what I knew I'd never had. And I wanted it all with Pete.

And I got it. In spades!

I felt the large head of his cock nosing it's way into my hole, spreading me, making my chute 2- way for the first time. The feeling was like nothing I'd ever felt in my life. It wasn't painful - that was a shock in itself. I felt 'full', I felt 'spread' but I didn't hurt. Quite frankly I felt like I had a telephone pole growing out of my butt - but I felt fine! Then his cock shoved far enough inside to graze over my prostate. FUCK! That was WAY more than fine! That was AWESOME!!! Even his fingers hadn't done the job that his thick, long cock could do!

Pete moved slowly but solidly on. He didn't stop until his whole cock was buried in my hole and his pubic hair was resting against the opening to my butt. Then he just stopped. I couldn't figure out why. I didn't know what the fuck he was waiting for?!

"Pete! Fuck me!" I begged.

"Not yet." he said quietly, leaning down over me so that his face was above mine.

"Why not?" I asked, confused.

"You've never fucked anybody in the ass, have you?" he asked.

"" I answered.

"This ain't like pussy, babe. You've got to let the muscles relax and get used to having something so big coming in and out. Okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Okay." I said, figuring that made sense.

Then I stated to feel exactly what he was talking about. While his sliding inside of me didn't hurt, I could still feel my ass relaxing and opening more while he waited. That made having his cock inside me feel better and better. I still felt full, but not uncomfortably so. He felt it too and began slowly sliding his huge cock out of my ass. Just a few inches and then he slowly shoved it back in. I moaned at the feeling as his huge cock slid over my very sensitive prostate. This was feeling REALLY GOOD!

"Like that?" he grinned down at me.

"Oh, fuck yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me, Pete!" I moaned.

He grinned again and began to fuck me. He started out slow but steadily built to a faster speed. His cock was sliding faster and faster in and out of my ass. It was feeling so good! I loved the power of his body as he fucked mine! It quickly went through my head that this must be what a woman felt when I fucked her. No wonder they loved being fucked! I couldn't believe how good it felt! What I really couldn't believe was my cock - harder than hell, dripping cock-honey in huge amounts and I could feel that something was about to happen which, if you'd told me could happen I would have told you that you were crazy! I was going to cum! Without touching myself! For the first time in my life - other than wet dreams - I was going to cum without anything touching my cock - just from Pete fucking me!

"Oh FUCK! YEAH! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARDER!" I heard myself begging Pete.

He assented to my demands and began slamming his cock into my butt like a piledriver! Faster and faster, he was fucking and I was getting closer to cumming. Then he did something I never expected. He reached down with one hand and grabbed hold of one of my tits and twisted it! That's all it took!

"FUCK ME!!!" I screamed as my cock shot load after load of cum.

The first shot literally went over my head! That hadn't happened since I was a fucking teenager. The rest covered my face, neck, chest and finally my gut. I had almost stopped shooting finally when, all of a sudden, I heard Pete yell.

"YEAH! FUCK! UP YOUR ASS!" he screamed and I could feel his cock throbbing in my butt as he unloaded inside me.

His orgasm was incredible - at least what I could see of it. The look on his face, the jerking of his body, the trembling of his cock in my ass - all of it was the most exciting thing I'd ever seen. I'd never seen another guy get off before and had no idea how exciting it could be. More - it was a man that I loved and he was getting off on me! I was overwhelmed with feelings at being the reason for his cumming.

When he finally finished, he collapsed over me - sweaty, panting and exhausted. He had every right to be. He'd done all the work and I'd laid there and enjoyed it all! I reached up and wrapped my arms around his sweaty body, loving the feeling of him. He licked at my neck as he slowly came down from the high of cumming. I could still feel the twitches of his cock in my ass as the 'after-quakes' of his orgasm hit him.

Finally, he relaxed on top of me and his mouth sought mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss. I returned it with all the love that was in me. Never had I ever thought that sex could be like this! Never did I realize what another male could do for me or how being with someone that you truly loved could change things.

"So how was that?" he murmured, nibbling on my earlobe.

"So incredible that I don't have words for it!" I groaned.

"You have the most amazing butt!" he chuckled. " I don't think I've ever gotten off that hard with anybody."

"Was it just my butt?" I asked quietly.

"You know it wasn't. I love you, Tommy. Making love to you is so moving. I guess I don't have the words either." he said.

"Is it always like this?" I asked.

"I have no idea! I've never made love to someone before. I can't see it ever being bad!" he chuckled. "I can't wait to feel you making love to me!"

Mmm! That sounded really good to me! I'd wanted to feel what he'd felt fucking me. I wanted to know what it was like to make love to this incredible male.

"I think I need some rest before I can do that - at least do it as well as I'd like to." I said.

"I agree. I don't know about you, but I'm starved!" he grinned down at me.

"Yeah! Food sounds really good!" I grinned back.

"Well, just let me finish here and let's go out to the kitchen and see what's available!" he said.

Finish? What did he mean 'Finish'? We'd fucked, we'd both gotten off, what was there to finish? I felt him gently pull his still somewhat hard cock from my butt and then move down on the bed, still holding my legs up until he moved down far enough to reach my butt. Then his mouth went to my butt-trench and I could feel him licking and sucking at my hole again! GOD! Did THAT feel good! He was sucking his cum from my butt and his tongue was soothing the sore opening. I groaned at this very intimate act.

He finally lowered my legs and again climbed up over me and his mouth came down on me. I opened my mouth to him, expecting his tongue. Instead, his cum began to slide from his mouth to mine! He was sharing his load from my ass with me! I guess if I'd thought about it, this would have seemed a little gross to me but it was just too intimate, too loving, too exciting to think about. I loved it!

He broke the kiss and got up off the bed. He reached out his hand to me and pulled me up from the bed and into his loving, warm, strong arms. we stood there hugging and I knew that this was what I had been missing all of my life. This love, this affection, this strong, masculine feeling from another guy. I looked up into his eyes.

"I love you. I never thought I could feel this way about anybody - especially not another guy! I can't even begin to tell you how happy you make me." I said.

"That's good because I feel exactly the same way about you." he said softly and then gently kissed the very tip of my nose, pulled back and grinned at me. "Now let's go eat!"

"Yeah!" I grinned back.

Pete made sandwiches for us and we each had a beer before retiring back to the bedroom. We got onto the bed again but this time, I got on top of Pete. As exciting as it was, it was still strange to me to feel his large, hard muscular body beneath me. But it was a difference that I loved! I attacked his body with my tongue and mouth, just as he'd done mine. I loved burying my face in his pits and smelling his strong, masculine, sweaty scent. I loved worrying his small nipples and having him moaning and squirming beneath me as I did. I loved burying my nose in his pubic hair and licking the cock-honey from his cock. I loved smelling his raunchy balls and tasting the salty muskiness of them. I loved it all, but I didn't expect one thing.

I loved his butt! Until he'd done it to me, I never thought about eating anybody's ass. But when I licked Pete's balls and he raised his legs, pulling them back and giving me access to his butt, I dove into his trench, my nose running up and down the hairless cleft. The heavy, musky masculine scent drove me crazy! I couldn't keep from tasting him. I dragged my tongue through is crevice and tasted the tangy sweatiness of him. My tongue could feel the soft, smoothness of his hole and I was soon licking and sucking at it. I pushed against it with my tongue and slowly it began to slide inside him as he groaned out his love of what I was doing to his ass.

The taste of his butt, especially inside was driving me crazy - that, and the thought of my tongue actually being inside of him! I licked out his hole, reveling in the tangy taste of the smooth walls of his anus. As I did, his hole seemed to open more and more, flowering open like the petals of a rose. As it became easier and easier for me to shove my tongue in and out of him, I began fucking his ass with my tongue. This got him moaning louder.

"Yeah! Eat my ass! Come on, Tommy! Fuck me! Shove you're fucking cock in my butt!" he begged.

I was all for it! I finally pulled my face out of his fragrant and tasty butt and he handed me the bottle of lube.

"Just grease up my hole and your cock and then shove it in! You've got me already prepared." he told me.

Following his directions, I lubed up his ass and then my cock. I rose up and placing his legs over my shoulders as he'd done mine, I put my cock at the entrance to his body a pushed. There was some slight resistance from his sphincter and then I felt my cock slowly sliding into his ass. I couldn't believe how tight, hot and wet it was! He was right! This was NO pussy! No pussy had ever clung so tightly to my cock - not even my ex-wife when I had taken her virginity. The feeling was so intense, I was afraid that I would cum before I even got all my cock inside him. I concentrated on other things, however - football stats and other sports esoterica - until I could feel my pubic bone pushing against the outside of his hole and knew my cock was completely buried in him.

Like he had done, I rested there, letting him get used to the size of me. While not his 'horse-cock' my dick was of substantial enough length and girth to let him know that he was well and truly skewered on a man's cock! I looked down at him and he looked up at me with such a grin of pleasure and satisfaction at the feeling of being fucked by me that I almost lost it again!

"Fuck! You feel so good inside!" I groaned.

"Yeah! You're cock feel so good! Like it was made for my ass!" he groaned back.

"Or maybe your ass was made for my cock?!" I grinned.

"I'd say that we were made for each other." he said, smiling gently at me.

"I really believe that!" I assured him.

I could feel his hole relaxing and the demand to cum backed off so that I knew I could fuck him. He knew it, too.

"Yeah! Fuck me, stud! Gimme that cock! Make me feel it!" Pete growled.

And, taking him at his word, I did just that. I began somewhat slowly but soon attained full ramming speed. I fucked him as hard as I dared. You see, I'd only fucked women in my life and most of them can't take being really pounded by a guy - the way a guy was meant to fuck. I was quickly disavowed of any notions like this where Pete was concerned.

"Come on! Fuck me! Fuck me HARD! Really SLAM my ass!" Pete exclaimed.

Okay! If that's what he wanted, I'd make him sorry he ever asked!

I slammed his butt with everything I had, over and over again. All Pete did was groan in ecstasy and urge me on to greater and greater feats of brutal fucking! I fucked the way I'd never been able to before! I took his hole and made it my own! But that kind of fucking can't last long - the feeling is too intense for both partners. I could feel the tingle in my balls that told me I was gonna cum any moment when all of a sudden, Pete started crying out and I could feel his ass-chute grabbing at my cock and his cock began shooting hot, white sperm everywhere! All of him, all over me and all over the bedcover.

"FUCK YEAH! FUCK ME! FUCK MY ASS!!!" Pete screamed out as he came.

That's all it took for me! I started unloading all of my hot baby-batter deep in his clutching butthole!

"FUCK! I'M CUMMIN'!! TAKE MY LOAD!!!" I screamed as I shot load after load deep in his ass until it started to shoot back out around my cock.

I collapsed on top of him and he held me in his arms just as I had held him. For a while, my mind was totally gone. All I could do was react to sensory perceptions; the heat of his ass surrounding my cock, the wetness of his hole, the scent of our sweat and the scent of our fucking. I lay there, totally spent as Pete crooned in my ear and gently kissed me.

"Oh, fuck! That was great!" I finally murmured.

"You are quite a fucking stud, aren't you?" Pete murmured back.

"You think so?" I asked, surprised at this compliment.

"Well, considering the fact that no man has ever gotten me off just by fucking me before, I'd say you are!" he chuckled.

"Really?! Never?!" I was amazed.

"Never. Of course, I've never been fucked my a guy I was in love with before." he said.

"Me either." I replied.

Gradually, my cock, sated by two orgasms, softened and fell out of his butt. Remembering what he had done to me, I moved down his body until I could get my face in his ass. I began licking at his swollen and well-used hole, drawing out all of my cum that I could find. Then I moved back up over him, capturing his mouth with mine and kissing him passionately, allowing my sperm to flow from my mouth to his. He groaned and sucked it all down. I then moved off him and, laying my head on his muscular chest and putting my arm around him, drifted off into deep sleep - in a man's arms for the first time since I was a little kid.

The End of Part 3 of THE GUY ACROSS THE HALL

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Next: Chapter 4

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