The Guild


Published on Mar 23, 2005


Hello folks... we are almost at the end. Hope y'all have enjoyed the ride for it is about to reach it's climax.


"Do I look fat to you?" Joshua asked his father as he circled the table that held his preserved body.

"It might seem that way considering how well defined Thomas was," Falcon chuckled.

"Do you think I will be able to get as muscular as Thomas?"

"If you work at it. I can help you with that."

"But you will be leaving after the wedding," Joshua sighed.

"Only if you drug and tie me down like you did Vard," Falcon warned.

"But you won't be safe here."

"I can take care of myself. It's you who needs looking after."

Joshua hugged himself tightly to Falcon. "I'm so scared, father."

"It's ok to be scared, son."

For a long while the two held each other until Joshua's sobs calmed down. "It's time, Joshua."

"But I don't want Thomas to die."

"He is already dead, Joshua... It's time to let his body go."

Eventually Joshua nodded his head. "Alright. What is going to happen now?"

"I am going to kiss you. You will then fall asleep. When you wake up you will be back in your old body."

"Ok." Joshua nodded.

"Looking down at his son lovingly, Falcon leaned down and kissed his lips, using the young man's total trust in him to take his soul into his own. For a brief moment their souls merged before Falcon sent Joshua back into his original body.

The first breath Joshua took was deep and long as he slowly stood up from the table. Falcon, picking up a robe from the table, brought it over to his son and covered him with it.

"That... that was amazing," Joshua exhaled.

"I enjoyed it as well," Falcon chuckled as he covered his son's brown hair with a baseball cap.

"A new hat?" Joshua said eagerly.

"Yep." Falcon nodded.

Joshua turned the hat backwards so that the brim was not in the way of the kiss he planted on Falcon's lips.

"You are going to be a married man soon... we should not be doing this," Falcon said even as the growing mound in his pants betrayed him.

"I don't care," Joshua said as he kissed his father again.

The two made love on the table believing it might be the very last time either would be free to do so. There was a passion... a sense of desperation with each kiss each man made. When Falcon buried his manhood inside Joshua, both men let out deep moans. And when Falcon gave Joshua his seed, both men feasted on the taste. Joshua then fell asleep underneath his father, a content smile on his face.

Falcon, feeling a calm he had never experienced in his life, had it disturbed when Gerick entered the room. "So you are to remain here." Gerick, wearing the body of the blond man, chuckled.

"I cannot leave Joshua." Falcon nodded.

"Nor did I ever think you would. I know Joshua does not love me... that makes your presence here required."

"I don't understand."

"Simple... with Vard gone there is nothing really holding Joshua here but his word. I'll feel more secure knowing that Joshua will be happier here so long as he still has you."

"You plan on using me?"

"I am willing to make it worth your while."

"What are you offering?" Falcon asked suspiciously.

"As Joshua's husband it will be my right to keep you away from him but as you have been a good mentor to the young man... and he trusts you. I am therefore willing to let the relationship between the two of you continue if you will grant me one favor."

"What is that?"

"You must convince Joshua that you are falling in love with me."

"What!" Falcon burst into laughter.

"If Joshua sees that you can love me... his heart might soften towards me."

"You want me to lie to him!"

"Not at all..." Gerick grinned as he moved in closer to Falcon, holding up a syringe.

"What is that?" Falcon said, his body suddenly shaking.

"What do you think it is?" Gerick chuckled.

"I'm clean... I'm free of your drugs."

"Then why are you shaking... why do I see longing in your eyes."

"Damn you, Gerick," Falcon cursed, more at his own weakness than anything else.

"You don't have to say a word... you can even tell Joshua I forced you back into the habit. But you will love me, Falcon... for only I can give you what your body craves."

Falcon knew this to be true... that is why he did not fight when Gerick took his arm and injected him with the drug. He did not fight Gerick's sexual advances. He did not fight when he saw Joshua wake up, a tear rolling down his face.

Austin had only one hope left in diverting Vard from his plan to fight Gerick, finding another counterpart for his oath brother to be in love with. This had led him to setting up a meeting between Vard and Felix's lover, Kentor... who was still recovering from the injuries he sustained from Gerick.

"Hello Felix... is it ok if I take Vard to see the counterpart?"

"Of course he may. I am still grateful for his help on Santor." Felix nodded as he let the two young men enter his quarters. "Kentor, we have guests."

Kentor, sitting in a large cushioned chair, held a child's book in his hands which he was looking at intently.

"Kentor... we have guests," Felix repeated calmly as he took the book out of his lover's hand.

It was only after Felix had put the book out of sight that Kentor looked up at Vard and Austin. "Well hello."

"Hello Lord Kentor." Vard bowed.

"What a nice tall young man you are," Kentor chuckled.

"Thank you," Vard replied.

Seeing that Vard was not warming up to the counterpart, Austin spoke up. "Lord Kentor... Vard is a Prelate."

"He is... good for him. My lover was a Prelate. I wonder whatever happened to him."

"You betrayed him," Vard said with disgust.

"I did... I don't remember. Felix says I have forgotten a lot of things lately. Maybe this is one of them," Kentor said in an unconcerned manner.

"We try and not talk about such things," Felix warned. "They tend to upset him."

"Well it was nice meeting you, Lord Kentor," Vard said as he made to leave the room.

"Wait... you said you were a Prelate?" Kentor asked.

"I am," Vard said not bothering to turn around.

"Well I `am' a counterpart and a counterpart should not be without a Prelate," Kentor said in a self-absorbed manner.

"You will never be bonded to another Prelate. Not even Gerick will have you," Vard said, his voiced controlled even as his face was red with anger.

On mention of Gerick's name Kentor jumped up from his chair and ran out of the room screaming. "Gerick!"

"I think you should both leave," Felix said, a tired weariness in his voice as he went to calm his lover.

"We were just going," Vard said as he gave Austin a hateful stare.

"Well, that could have gone better," Austin said to lighten the mood.

Vard however was in no mood for Austin's jokes. "What do you think you are doing!" he said as he pinned Austin to the wall of the ship.

"Please Vard... you're hurting me."

"Not as much as your actions are hurting me," Vard grunted as he let go of his oath brother before continuing down the hallway.

"Vard..." Austin called out as he tried to catch up.

"Just leave me alone!"

"But Vard I was only trying to..."

"You were trying to convince me that Kentor could replace Joshua. Once again you have tried to interfere in a matter that is none of your concern. I am starting to regret becoming your oath brother."

"Vard... I am only trying to save your life!" Austin wailed, feeling as if he had been slapped.

"I don't want my life to be saved... I want Joshua back!" Vard shouted as he headed further down the hall.

This time Austin did not run after him. He sunk against the wall of the ship and cried. He did not understand how things had gotten so bad between him and the man he loved with all his heart. Everything he tried to do to fix it only seemed to make matters worse.

He was deep in his sobs when a shadow fell over him. Looking up he saw Sparrow. "Well, don't we look like we just got our heart broken," Sparrow said as he offered Austin a hand up.

Taking it, Austin got back onto his feet. "I think Vard hates me now."

"No... he might be mad but he does not hate you," Sparrow said as he hugged Austin close to him.

"But he said he wished I was not his oath brother."

"Well, there is nothing he can do about that... oath brother's are bonded for life."

"He could always kill me," Austin said only half seriously.

"Kill someone as cute as you?" Sparrow laughed. "Do you know what your problem is Austin?"

"I fell in love with the wrong person?"

"Close... you fell in love with a person who is fated for another."



"But I thought Vard really loved me."

"And he does... he would not have asked you to become his oath brother if he did not care about you a great deal."

"Then why am I not enough for him?"

"I might as well ask myself the same question."

"Huh?" Austin said confused.

"You did know that Vard and I have been lovers."

"Yes... you, Broken Claw, and White Cloud are his best friends."

"We are... even though Vard does not spend as much time with us as he used to."

"What happened?"

"You showed up!" Sparrow laughed.

"I don't understand."

"Austin... you mean to tell me you did not notice how much time Vard has spent with you."

"I guess I haven't," Austin said guiltily. If there was one thing Sparrow and the others had never shown, it was an ounce of jealousy toward his relationship with Vard. Austin knew that he had not been so kind toward Vard's feelings for Joshua. Thinking about it filled him with guilt. "Will Vard ever forgive me?"

Sparrow wrapped his arms around Austin's waist, pulling the man closer to him. "I'm sure he already has."

Austin felt a strong hand slip into the back of his pants and take hold of his ass. He looked up at Sparrow, confusion in his eyes.

"Vard will get Joshua back... Broken Claw is married to my sister... that leaves you and me unhitched."

"Yeah... I guess it does." Austin nodded, as he felt his pants being pulled down.

"I am not saying you and I are going to fall madly in love with each other but I think we both need something more than what Vard can give us."

Austin only nodded his head as his underwear joined his pants on the floor before Sparrow's mouth wrapped around his manhood. Austin ran his finger through the clan man's wild platinum blond hair. Feeling his knees almost buckle, Austin was soon on the floor, his own mouth around Sparrow's sex and the two men orally pleasured each other.

That was how Vard found them, the two men sucking away. Not able to stay angry at Austin he had come back to apologize. He had not expected to find his oath brother and best friend sexually engaged ... but it did not anger him. Letting out a deep laugh Vard pulled down his own pants, offering his manhood to the two men's worshiping mouths.

As the three of them made love, Austin thought he saw Sparrow give him a wink. Laughing Austin gave one back just as Vard penetrated him, sending his eyes wide. While Vard fucked him Sparrow fed Austin his seed, whispering such promises into the his ear that it sent Austin red with excitement. That is why it was to Sparrow's bedroom, not Vard's that Austin followed that night.

Joshua watched with great concern as his father bent over so that Gerick could claim him. He did not know what had happened between the two but ever since the day he had returned to his old body, his father and Gerick had acted the best of friends... if not lovers.

As Falcon let out a deep moan when Gerick penetrated him, Joshua could not stand it any longer and left the bedroom. As Gerick no longer worried about Joshua escaping, the guards did not stop him as he ran out of the palace to the gardens below into a hedge maze.

It was when near the middle of the maze that he was suddenly tackled. "Clive!" Joshua shouted when he saw the familiar red hair.

"Joshua..." Clive nodded. "It's good to see that you're alright."

"Likewise," Joshua agreed, pulled Clive down on top of him in a hug.

"Are the others all right?" Clive asked when Joshua let him go.

"Vard is safe... but Falcon is acting strange."

"How so?"

"He and Gerick are friends now... I don't understand it."

"I see... maybe Falcon is doing that so he can remain close to you?"

"Maybe..." Joshua nodded. "But why is Falcon trying so hard to get me closer to Gerick."

"You don't think he is under Gerick's control?"

"No... I would know if Gerick had taken over. What Falcon is doing is of his own free will."

"I see... I think I should come back with you then."

"No... I want you to get away so you will be safe."

"Joshua... how many times do I have to tell you this... I am your servant for life. You can't get rid of me that easily."

"But Clive..."

Clive looked down on Joshua. "I like your new body... it suits you better."

"It makes me look like a dumb lug," Joshua sighed.

"I like my men big... strong... and sexy."

"Well I want to lose some weight." Joshua blushed knowing Clive was trying to distract him by flirting.

"I think I know of a way to burn off some excess weight." Clive chuckled as he unzipped Joshua's pants, freeing his manhood.

"Clive... you're not safe here," Joshua weakly protested as the man took hold of his sex.

"I know... any moment Gerick can come around the corner and catch us making passionate love," the redhead chuckled.

"You know that is not what I mean."

"Come on, Joshua... let us forget about Gerick and Falcon for just a moment. For now there is only you and I and our two hard cocks."

Taking his friend's words to heart, Joshua rolled both of them over so he was on top. He felt Clive pull down his pants and underwear in one go before ripping off the buttons of his shirt.

"Boy, you miners are big." Clive salivated on seeing Joshua's broad chest, putting his mouth directly on a nipple, nibbling it with his teeth.


"Yes beloved." He giggled.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"You can start by putting this wonderful piece of flesh of yours deep inside me." Clive grinned wickedly as he gave Joshua's sex a tight squeeze.

Only three more chps after this one!

The final chps, a character and term index, and a preview of "The Son", the sequel to "The Guild" are now posted on the yahoo group.

Next: Chapter 34

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