The Guild


Published on Mar 19, 2005


Well folks we're now up to chp 29. Only seven chps left. Enjoy.


Vard walked onto the white shores of Sparta Island, not even winded, his eyes immediately falling onto a thatch roof bungalow. "Joshua!" he called out in his deep voice... filled with his longing.

The only response Vard got however was the sound of a hand clapping, coming from a grove of palm trees. Out from those trees stepped Gerick. "What a tragedy... for you to come so close to your goal only for it to be snatched away."

"Don't stand in my way, Gerick," Vard warned.

"Tsk tsk tsk... and here I was going to make you an offer that would help us avoid any unnecessary blood shed."

"I doubt I would like any offer you have."

"But you are curious... are you not?"

"Tell me... what is your offer?"

"Simple... you are powerful... but so am I. The death of either one of us would result in such a storm that it might tear apart the Void... destroy human civilization itself. I know I don't want the lives of billons on my conscience... do you?"

"No..." Vard grunted.

"Then you can agree that it would be better if we reached an agreement... a sharing of power?"

"I did not know you would share with anyone."

"But I am... with a man who is my equal," Gerick said with a slight bow.

"How would we share power?"

"I will rule the Assembly while you... you may have the dark worlds, including Santor."

"What about Joshua?" Vard demanded.

"Can we not share him... can we not all be the closest of lovers?"

"Take you into my bed?" Vard laughed. "You who are not birth kin! You who have so terrorized the man who is my mate!"

Infuriated, Gerick gathered his will and using it as a hammer he struck Vard with it, knocking the man down into the sand. He then hit him again and again.

"I offered my hand in friendship and you slap it away! It would have been better if I had killed you when I had the chance. I will spare you for Joshua's sake... lest the pain of your death harm him. I will break you of your insolence, however, but do not fear, Vard... soon you will love me like a father, and when the time comes, be a worthy successor to me."

"Never," Vard gasped, spitting out blood. "Come closer, Gerick... just a little closer."

"But you will, my son," Gerick said as he took a step toward his rival.

"Just a little closer..." Vard begged as he tried to keep Gerick out of his head.

"Give yourself to me, Vard... you did it once before. Remember how happy it had made you?"

Vard look up at Gerick and saw he was now standing right over him, right where Vard wanted him. He formed the image of a sword in his mind... shaping it with his will even as Gerick was draining his will away. Vard knew he needed to strike and strike quickly lest he fall under Gerick's power but he was already so weak... so tired. He felt the sword in his mind slowly dissolve.

"That's it, my pet... go to sleep. When you awaken, you will be my son. Forget about Joshua.

"Forget Joshua?" Vard whispered.

"Yes... forget about him, my son. All you need is me."

"Forget about Joshua?" Vard said now with anger as he sat back up.

"No!" Gerick tried to re-gather his will to strike but too late. Vard, knowing he did not have time to reform the sword in his mind, struck with the dull stub of what will he had left. It was enough, for at the very touch of the young man's power Gerick ran... fleeing into the Void.

Vard fell back onto the sand, darkness almost overcoming him. It would have if it were not for the sound of a man singing.

The sexual frenzy that had taken over Joshua and the birth kin ended almost as quickly as it began, Joshua leaving John and Clive exhausted on the bed.

"Joshua, are you alright?" Tidal asked, concerned.

"He's so close now. I can almost see him," Joshua said as he stared out the window, the glow of his eyes growing stronger.

"Where is he?" Tidal asked but Joshua seemed lost in his own world for he started singing with his warm voice.

Joshua did not remember where or when he had learned the song... only that he had known it all his life. That he did not understand what it was he sang did not disturb him, for a peace would always come over him when he would sing it. It was not a long song but Joshua repeated it over and over, the light in his eyes growing stronger.

"What is going on here?" the leader of the Inquisitors demanded, followed by his followers.

Joshua turned away from the window the bright glow of his eyes flooding the room with a white light.

Tidal, blinded by the light, stood still even as he heard the sound of men screaming. Then the light disappeared, replaced instead by the sound of another man's voice... a deeper voice which sang a complex countermelody to the song Joshua was singing.

During the several minutes it took Tidal to regain his sight he listened to the duet. He did not understand the words being sung... if they were indeed words... for they were the essence of emotions given sound. They gave sound to longing... love... desire... and happiness. It was only when his sight began to return that Tidal realized he was crying.

What Tidal saw were two men... stark naked, staring into each other's eyes. Joshua his eyes white while the other man's eyes were as black as midnight.

"Vard," Joshua's voice broke the silence.

"Joshua," the dark eyed man replied... longing in his voice. "I have come for you."

Tidal watched as the two men slowly walked toward each other, Joshua stopping in the middle of the room while the other man... Vard, Tidal now assumed, circled around him twice, stopping behind Joshua, towering over him. Vard then leaned down and whispered something into Joshua's ear, triggering deep laughs from both men. Vard embraced Joshua from behind, hugging him tightly, dragging Joshua over to the bed.

Clive and John jumped off just as Joshua and Vard fell on the mattress. Tidal and the others then watched as Joshua and Vard began to wrestle, Joshua with his agility against Vard's superior size and brute strength. For a while Tidal thought Vard would win as he would pin Joshua down time and time again but Joshua would always find a way of slipping away. Then Vard seemed to tire, moving even more slowly compared to Joshua. So in the end it was Joshua would ended up on top, Vard trapped beneath him.

"So be it," Vard said without anger or shame.

"So be it," Joshua smiled softly before he lowered himself on top of Vard, entering into a long kiss.

The two then made love, Joshua penetrating Vard with his sex. Each move they made was slow and deliberate like a measured dance. Tidal was amazed by how controlled the two were, knowing how long Joshua and longed for Vard. Then the dance came to an end, the smell of the essence of their maleness filling the air. Tidal then saw Vard close his eyes and fall asleep and for a moment he though Joshua was asleep as well, that was until Joshua stood up suddenly and began to dress.

"We need to get away from here," Joshua said, not as a suggestion but as a firm order.

"Joshua... what just happened?" John asked.

"Vard and I... well we were... we were reaching an understanding," Joshua replied, not sure himself how to explain it.

"Was that what that was?" Clive laughed.

"Will you two get dressed... we don't have much time."

"Why the rush, Joshua... you two did not seem to be in a hurry."

"What happened had to happen the way it did... neither one of us had control over it," Joshua explained as he began tossing Clive and John their clothes.

"Joshua... where are we going to run to?" Tidal asked concerned over Joshua worried look.

"The armada is no longer in orbit... gone to destroy Santor. Vard gave Gerick the scare of his life, so we don't have to worry about him. This might be our only chance to escape without notice."

"I am not even going to ask how you know all this. Just tell me what to do," Tidal gave up.

"Go get my money out of the safe. We're going to need it. Clive, go pack your things before you help me. John, you should go back to your room and pack as well. We will all meet in the lobby in twenty minutes."

For a brief few second the other men just stared at Joshua... surprised by his assertiveness but when Joshua started giving them a warning glare they hurried about their tasks.

After Clive had finished packing the few things he had, he returned to Joshua room to find him struggling to fit Vard into some of Tidal's clothes, the closest person in size to Vard's towering sleeping body. "Here let me help you," Clive offered.

"Thank you," Joshua sighed.

"Shouldn't we wake him?" Clive grunted as he helped Joshua lift Vard up.

"You can try if you want but it won't do any good... he's well past the point of exhaustion... his will almost all spent."

"What happened to him?" Clive asked as he dressed Vard into a shirt.

"He fought against Gerick and almost lost," Joshua replied.

"Did he kill Gerick?"

"No...but he did give Gerick a wound to remember him by."

"Well, yay for our side," Clive laughed but Joshua did not join in. "What's wrong?"

"What if you known all your life you would have to fight a person... a person you love and respect but when the time comes for the fight that person that person has a broken arm... shouldn't you let that person win."

"Joshua... is that what happened between you and Vard?"

"Yes... but I didn't let him win."

"Could you have delayed the fight?"


"Then you did nothing wrong."


"Joshua... you did nothing wrong, end of story."

After dressing Vard to the best of their ability, the two men first carried Vard over to the lobby before returning for their bags. All that was left now was for John to return.

John hurried back to his room, trying hard not to look at the dozens of dead Inquisitors on the ground. On arriving he found the door barricaded by a sofa, the sound of his sister's sobs coming from inside. "Clare?"

"John... you're all right?" his sister's voice came from the bedroom.

"Yes... can you move the sofa away from the door."

"But the Inquisitors... they're out there."

"It's ok... they're all gone now."

"But..." Clare said, her voice shaking with terror.

"I would not be standing out here if they were still around, Clare," John said impatiently as he looked at his watch. He only had ten minutes before he needed to meet the others.

Clare walked to the door, her face covered with red blotches, her black hair in disarray. "So they're really gone?"

"Yes sis... so please let me in."

The moment the sofa was out of the way, Clare ran to her brother, nearly tackling him to the ground, as she sobbed against his chest. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you."

"It's ok, Clare... everything is going to be alright," John sighed. He did not know what had scared his sister so but he was sure he didn't want to know. "Can you let me go now so I can pack?"

"Sorry," Clare apologized.

Entering the bungalow, John saw it had been trashed, smashed vases, broken chairs, even one of the security windows was cracked. His sister seemed to be in a daze, wandering aimlessly from room to room. Knowing, however, that they did not have much time left, John tore his eyes away from the wreckage and began tossing clothes and his sister's extensive collection of jewelry into the suitcases. Sitting down on the overstuffed suitcases to close them John looked at his watch and saw he was already two minutes late. So only taking his own bag and his sister's purse, John grabbed his sister hand and started running toward the hotel lobby, afraid of being left behind.

It was with great relief John found the others still waiting for them, ignoring Tidal's scowl. "You're late," the protector grumbled.

"Joshua... can my sister come with us," John asked.

"Of course," Joshua said as he looked at Clare's disheveled appearance with concern.

"Let's get moving... we'll take the hover van," Tidal said as he picked up Joshua's bags.

Soon they were racing toward the skyport, Tidal driving with Clive sitting next to him. Behind them were John, who was holding his sister, and behind them Joshua, who was rocking Vard in his arms.

"Will he be awake by the time we arrive at the skyport?" Tidal asked.

"No... it will be many days before he awakens again," Joshua replied sadly.

"Don't you think it will look a little suspicious us carrying him through the port."

"There won't be any need to," John spoke up. "My sister and I came here on our father's private skyship. You can use it if you want."

"Thank you," Joshua said. "I could wake Vard if I had no other choice but I would rather not... he is completely exhausted."

"You care deeply for him... don't you," John sighed.

"I care deeply about all of you," Joshua replied placing a reassuring hand on John's shoulder. "Don't worry, John... I will not forget you."

"Thank you, Joshua. I see the way you hold him, the love in your eyes, and..."

"Come back here, John... help me hold Vard."

John tried to pull away from Clare but she clung to his tightly, not willing to let him go. "Sis... I have to go."

"Don't leave me."

"I'm not leaving you, sis. I will be right behind you."

"It's ok John... stay with your sister. She needs you," Joshua said.

"But..." John said, feeling as if he were being pulled in half.

"We will have plenty of time together once we are on the airship," Joshua said reassuringly.

For the rest of the trip to the skyport there was silence except for the Clare's soft moans. When they arrived, John guided Tidal to his father's airship... a craft about the size of the Sloth, which Joshua had once ridden in. It was a much more luxurious ship, however, with several state rooms. It was to one of those rooms that Joshua took Vard, lowering him on the bed, covering the would-be Prelate with a thick blanket. Joshua then went looking for John, finding him talking to the captain.

"John... I've been looking for you," Joshua said as he wrapped a possessive arm around the other man.

"I was about to look for you to." John smiled, enjoying the feel of Joshua's hand exploring him. "We need to decide where to go next."

"We need to leave Aquarius as soon as possible. Gerick is wounded but he will come back."

"For that we will need to talk to my father. He controls one of the largest fleets of starships on Aquarius."

"Will he help us?" Joshua asked.

"He won't like going up against the Prelate... but I am sure I can convince him that helping you is the only real choice he has."

"I hope so..." Joshua nodded.

"Captain, head for home," John ordered.

"Sir... are you sure you wish to bring such trouble onto your family's house?" the captain asked John even as his eyes were focused on Joshua.

"Captain, for better or for worse, Joshua is a part of my life now. Father always wanted me to make friends with important people. Who in the void is more important than the counterpart."

"As you say, sir." The captain saluted before leaving.

"I hope he does not warn my father," John sighed.

"He won't."

"Why do you say that?"

"I just know," Joshua said, not sure how to explain it. "Come with me."

Following Joshua, John was led to the room where Vard was sleeping. Joshua then began to undress down to a pair of white briefs. "How long till we arrive at your father's?"

"It will take at least eight hours," John replied even as he felt the shudder of the airship taking off.

"Plenty of time for us then." Joshua smiled as he began unbuttoning John's shirt.

"What about Vard?" John asked wishing he had not.

"I want you close to me," Joshua replied. For some reason Joshua felt very protective of the wiry man with the deep blue eyes.

"I want that as well," John replied. He felt so safe around Joshua, like nothing could ever hurt him so long as he was close by. When his pants fell to the floor, John felt Joshua lift him up off the ground and take him to the bed. After a few deep kisses John saw Joshua close his eyes and fall asleep. John, who was underneath Joshua's muscular body, wrapped his arms around the back of Joshua's neck. "I love you, Joshua," he whispered before joining Joshua in a deep sleep where he dreamed of the man he loved.

The surgeons worked rapidly on the deep gash in Gerick's side, the loss of blood almost being fatal... Still, Gerick, through force of his own will, survived. He was left weak, however... too weak to reach into the Void and order the armada back to Aquarius.

"He's going to escape me," Gerick whispered when he was left alone with only Joshua's cousin.

"Why do you care about Joshua... he's an idiot?" Mathew demanded.

Gerick gave the young man a warning glare. "Never insult Joshua in front of me."

"Forgive me, Prelate." Mathew bowed deeply... his body shaking with fear.

Giving the young man's terror-stricken face a second look, Gerick let his mouth form a hungry smile. "Do you trust me, Matthew?"

"With every fiber of my being," Matt replied.

"Good... you don't know how happy that makes me."


"Yes... now come closer. I want to give you a kiss."

Matt made his way toward Gerick with eagerness as he went down to his knees by the bed and kissed the man who had so dominated him. When Matthew stood up again, his green eyes shimmered till they were bright red, an evil smile forming on his lips.

"Now Matthew... take good care of my body while I am away. I will want it back," Gerick's voice came from Matthew's body.

"Master?" Mathew, his soul now trapped in Gerick wounded body, said confused.

"There, there now, Mathew... I need your body if I am going to bring your cousin back... you would like that won't you."

"Yes Prelate."

"Good," Gerick laughed, before opening the door to the void, returning back to Aquarius.

John felt a firm hand shake him awake. "Sir... we are two hours away from landing."

Opening his eyes, John saw the brown eyes of the captain looking down at him. "Thank you, Ryan."

"You're welcome, sir."

John rolled Joshua's body off his own and slipped out of the bed. "Can you bring me a robe?"

"Of course," the captain said more than willingly, going to the closet and pulling out a thick blue robe and putting it over John's shoulders.

"Thank you, captain."

"May I bring you something to eat?"

On the mention of food, John heard his stomach rumble, it being almost a whole day since he last ate. "Yes please."

"I will see to it then." The captain bowed.

Once he was gone John heard a deep chuckle coming from the bed. "What's so funny?" John asked.

"You can't feel it?" Joshua said as he rolled onto his back.

"Feel what?" John asked confused.

"The captain... he's in love with you."

"What... but Ryan is almost as old as my father?"

"Still, he has been in love with you for a very long time," Joshua replied.

John had known Ryan was protective of him... almost to a fault. Always following him around to make sure he did not get into too much trouble, sometimes to John's great annoyance. But it had also been Ryan who had defended John from his father's criticism when he had wanted to become a librarian even though John was sure that the captain had also not been enthusiastic about John's choice of career.

"I don't know what to say... am I that blind?" John asked more to himself.

"No... he has been very careful to hide his true feelings from you," Joshua responded.

"Then how do you know?"

"Because I recognize the look... it is the same one Falcon and Tidal have when it comes to me."

"But what should I do?" John was about to ask when the bedroom door opened revealing the tall outline and the graying blond hair of the captain.

"Have I disturbed you, sir?" Ryan asked when he saw John's face turn red.

"No..." Joshua answered when John did not.

The captain, holding a tray put it on the bed, three large steaming plates on it. "My I have the pleasure of eating with you, sir?" Ryan asked John with hope in his eyes.

"I guess you can," John mumbled, trying hard not to look at the captain.

As there was not room on the bed for all three of them plus Vard, the three men gathered around a small table to eat their meal, Joshua not even bothering to put on a robe.

"I hope you will forgive me, sir, but I must protest again your decision to bring these people with you," the captain said as he put down his fork.

"I will make sure my father knows that." John nodded. "Don't worry you will not get into trouble."

"That's not the point... as captain, you're my responsibility."

"But captain..." John was about to protest but was cut off.

"I'm turning the ship around," Ryan said as he stood up to leave. "You will come home late but at least you and your sister will be safe."

"Sit back down," John ordered.

"And why do you presume to give me orders... you who are nothing but a librarian," Ryan demanded.

"Sit back down," Joshua spoke up in a calm but commanding voice.

John watched as the captain went wide eye, his mouth agape as he sat himself down in the chair.

"I know you feel protective of John... that your fatherly feelings turned into love since the day he told his family he was gay."


"I am a counterpart," Joshua replied as if that would answer everything.

"I see... then can you tell me how John feels about me?" Ryan asked.

"You can ask him that yourself," Joshua replied as he stood up so the two could be alone.

The captain raised an eye brow. "John?"


"Ryan..." the captain corrected. "Now that you know my deepest of secrets I do not feel comfortable with you calling me captain."

"Ryan... I do not know what I feel for you. You are dear to me but..." John's eyes darted to Joshua on the bed.

"But you are already in love with another person," Ryan's shoulders slumped. "I waited too long."

"Ryan... please don't be sad."

"How can I not be?" Ryan said as he stood up to leave.

"How can I make you happy, Ryan... my heart belongs to another?"

"Just being near you was all I ever needed," Ryan sighed as he used the chair to support himself, his knees almost buckling.

"Then be near me," John said as he offered a hand to the captain. "Don't send Joshua back to Gerick."

"I... I can't. I cannot let you risk your life, John."

Just as Ryan was turning around to leave, he ran right into Tidal, who had walked silently into the room. "I am afraid I cannot let you leave," Tidal said, his red eyes glowing.

"And you are going to stop me!"

"Are you telling me you think you can best a Protector?" Tidal dared.

Ryan must not think he could, for he quickly sat himself back down.

"Good... now what would you like me to do with him, Joshua?"

Joshua let out a deep sigh. "Ryan... are you sure you will not help us of your own free will?"

"Not even if John orders me himself."

"That was what I was afraid of," Joshua sighed again. "You know what has to be done, Tidal."

Tidal nodded.

"What is he going to do?" John asked concerned.

"He is going to break Ryan to his will," Joshua said, sadness in his voice.

"But?" John protested.

"It is the only way... we have to have Ryan's help."

"Please, Joshua... there has to be another way."

"If there is another way I don't know it."

For a brief moment John was silent... knowing well what he had to do. "Let me do it then."

"What?" Joshua asked confused.

"Let me break him."

"But you are not a Protector."

"No... but I have something more powerful... Ryan's love."

"You are willing to give yourself to a man you do not love."

"I can learn to love him."

"John..." Joshua warned.

"I just don't want him hurt," John said as he wrapped his arms around Joshua.

"He won't be... he will be a much happier man I promise you. So will Tidal."

"I don't understand."

"Watch," Joshua said as he pointed to where Tidal and Ryan were standing.

John looked where Joshua pointed and saw that Ryan was sweating profusely while Tidal sat across from him.

"What is it you want from John?" Tidal asked.

"I want him to love me," Ryan replied.

"But you know he does not love you or at least love you the way you want him too."

"I know."

"You know you are a very attractive man... you should have no problem finding someone who can love you."

"Thanks... but John..."

Tidal slammed a fist down on the table causing Ryan to jump. "He does not love you, Ryan... get that through that thick head of yours."

"I know..." Ryan hung his head in shame.

"When was the last time you had sex?" Tidal asked after a moment of silence.

"A long time," Ryan replied sullenly.

"Too long it seems to me."

"Yes." Ryan nodded while Tidal stood up.

Joshua then left John's side, going behind his Protector undressing him.

"What is going on?" Ryan asked his eyes going wide.

"I am offering to share myself with you," Tidal chuckled

"But... we don't love each other."

"But are we not men... do we not lust?"

Ryan, his breathing picking up speed, only nodded.

After Joshua had let Tidal's pants fall to the ground, Tidal walked behind Ryan and started massaging the other man's shoulders.

"Come John... we should leave them alone," Joshua said as he took John's hand.

"But..." John said just as Ryan was lifted up from his chair by Tidal and pulled into a kiss.

"John?" Joshua asked questioningly.

John's eyes were frozen on Ryan, his heart fluttering as he noticed how handsome the captain was for the first time.

"Joshua... I... I want to stay."

"You know what will happen if you do."

"I know... but just like Tidal said... I'm a man."

"I understand..." Joshua nodded. He turned to look back only once to see John had joined the other two men I their love making. Smiling Joshua left the room, closing the door behind him.

Going into the main cabin, still only in his underwear, Joshua saw Clive nursing a drink by the bar. "May I join you?"

"Sure... what would you like to drink?" Clive said as he waved the barman over.

"Not Southfield Red," Joshua laughed.

"Yeah... I should have warned you about that," Clive chuckled. "How about a soda?"

"Fine with me."

After Joshua had his drink, Clive let a hand slip down the back of Joshua's white briefs, cupping the other man's ass. "So where are John and Tidal?"

"They're..." Joshua blushed.

"Ahhh... I see." So I have you all to myself." Clive grinned as he peeled the top part of Joshua's underwear down, exposing the round white flesh.

"Clive!" Joshua laughed.

"Yes." Clive grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Come on... I want some Joshua in me."

"A little or a lot?" Joshua asked.

"More the better."

"Hahahaha... what am I ever going to do with you, Clive?"

"That's not for you to decide. It's what I am going to do with you is the question."

"Oh?" Joshua asked.

"I have always enjoyed serving people... I guess that is what made me such a good butler, but I have never been happier than serving you, Joshua. So from this day forth that is what I am... your servant."

"But I assumed John and you would remain here on Aquarius. Once I'm gone Gerick would have no reason to go after you. You could go back to your old lives."

"But that's the point, Joshua... I don't want to go back to my boring life. I want to be with you till the very end."

"Even if that means following me to Gerick?"

"If it comes to that, you will need every friend you can possibly get."

"I don't want to put your life in danger, Clive."

"Joshua I have always lived my life by following my heart and right now my heart is telling me I need to be with you."

Joshua reached over and stroked Clive's unshaven cheek. "First John, now you... why do people love me so?"

"You are the counterpart," Clive replied. "You are the missing piece in so many people's lives... and I think we fill your life as well."

"You do... all of you do." Joshua nodded.

"Well... I could do with some filling up if you know what I mean." Clive winked as he left the bar and started making his way to the sleeping quarters, leaving a trail of clothes behind him.

Joshua, while he finished his drink, watched Clive's pale body disappear into one of the bedrooms. Letting out a soft chuckle, he put the glass down, and followed after the redhead, picking up articles of clothing as he went.

The final chps of the Guild are now up on the Yahoo group. Read them and enjoy.

Next: Chapter 30

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