The Guild


Published on Mar 16, 2005


Well here we are again folks... only nine chps left till the end. Hope you enjoy.


"I don't know what I am doing here... I should have taken the airship back home." John complained.

Clare elbowed her brother. "You're here because I spent the last three hours begging you to."

"I just wanted you to shut up. I couldn't read with all you are whining."

"You keep this up and I will throw all your books into the fireplace."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me."

"Hello," Joshua came up from behind.

"Joshua!" Clare grinned, turning around and giving their dinner companion a hug.

"Hello Clare."

"Is that a Guild cologne I smell on you?"

"Yes..." Joshua blushed, thankful that Tidal had removed most of it.

"So a man with good taste... you think you could share some of it with my brother?"

John, who had been pretending to reach the hotel brochure shiver when he felt Joshua's eyes fall on him.

"Hello John." Joshua said in a rich baritone.

"Joshua... you look... well you look burnt." John said, noticing Joshua's peeling skin.

"I know... I want to scratch the loose skin away but it hurts too much."

"We can go see the doctor after dinner and get you some ointment. I'm sure John would love to help rub it into you body." Clare said to her brother's annoyance.


"Just kidding."

Joshua... who had eaten none of his dinner with Tidal was eager to reorder his meal. "Shall we go eat?"

"Yes... I hope you like Chinese food. We made reservations at a restaurant on the big island."

"Chinese food?" Joshua said... panic growing in his voice. He had assumed they were going to eat at the hotel.

"I know, I know... old Earth food is considered so out of fashion but I just love eating with chopsticks." Clare explained.

From that point on Joshua knew it was going to be a long night.

The drive to the restaurant was pleasant enough, John driving a rental car while Joshua and Clare sat in the back seat... Clare giving Joshua the shorten version of the story of her life which was mostly filled with social gatherings, school, and family conflicts. Joshua was just glad that Clare was not asking him any questions

As Clare continued to chatter, Joshua watched John from the rear view mirror, seeing the thin man give him a pitying look. It was while Clare was complaining how an ex-boyfriend had ruined a dress that had cost six thousand credits when Joshua interrupted her for the first time. "What about you John..."

"What about me?" John asked nervously.

"Tell me about yourself."

"There's not much to tell... I was born 21 years, ten months, and seven days ago. I went to a private boarding school which only good quality was its extensive library. I went to Aquarius National University where I majored in library science, to my family's great disappointment. My father wants me to enter politics."

"He wants you to join the bloody Brotherhood is what he wants." Clare said with distaste.

"The brotherhood?" Joshua asked.

"The Brotherhood of Gerick... or something like that. The new Prelate is trying to gather all the birth kin to him from which new Guild's men will be selected. That is why father wants us to join... he thinks I could become a Guild Mistress and John an Assemblyman." Clare explained.

"Well I don't care what father says... I'm not hooking up with that mad man."

"Good." Joshua nodded.

"Joshua can I ask you a question?" John asked after they had driven for a while in silence.


"Are you also birth kin?"

"John!" Clare shouted.

"It's ok..." Joshua said as he put a reassuring hand on Clare's leg. "Yes... I am birth kin."

"So you already know about the Brotherhood... a man like you must have already been approached by them a dozen times." John said.

"I know enough about Gerick that I don't want to be even near him." Joshua said evasively

"Hear hear!" John cheered.

"I've heard rumors that the Brotherhood has resorted to kidnapping birth kin who say no to them too often." Clare said with less enthusiasm then her brother. "You should be careful brother and you too Joshua. This is a dangerous time to be twenty one."

The dark mood remained until they were seated at the restaurant where Joshua looked down at the lack of fork, spoon, and knife with panic on his face.

"What's wrong Joshua?" John asked.

"When are they going to bring the silverware?" Joshua asked.

"It's right in front of you." Clare giggled as she picked up two thin but long pieces of unpolished wood.

"Alright..." Joshua nodded... feeling he was in over his head as he pretended to read the menu.

"So what are you going to have?" Clare asked.

"I'm not sure," Joshua replied nervously... triggering a raised eyebrow from John.

"Never had Chinese food before?" John asked.

"No," Joshua said honestly.

"What do you like... chicken, pork, beef, duck, seafood?"

"Beef," Joshua replied... really wishing he had not gotten drunk... his prime rib gone cold.

"Well the beef dishes are on page three."

"Alright." Joshua nodded. Thanks to Clive teaching him how to read his watch, Joshua now knew his numbers up to twelve. Still he had to look at his watch to remember what a three looked like. Still... even when he turned to the correct page he did not have a clue what to order as he still could not read.

His face must have been showing his frustration for John started asking him more questions. "Joshua... what is your favorite book?"

"Uhmmmm," Joshua groaned.

"Forgive my brother... he is a book worm," Clare said.

"It's ok." Joshua replied as he started to sweat.

"Well?" John pressed.

"I really don't have one." Joshua replied.

"What about school... what sort of books did you read there?" John pressed on.

"I don't remember."

"You don't remember?" John laughed.

"No..." Joshua replied lowering his head. First Matt now John were making fun of him, Joshua was starting to regret ever coming here. "I need to go use the bathroom," he excused himself.

Once Joshua was gone Clare turned on her brother. "What was that all about?"

"Sister... I know you think Joshua would be a great catch for me but I don't think he is the man you believe he is."

"Why... what's wrong with him?"

"Clare... I don't think Joshua knows how to read."

"Why... because he is not the book worm you are."

"Remember when I told him to turn to page three?"


"There are no beef dishes on page three."

"Maybe he was just being polite."

"Yeah but how do you explain that he does not have a favorite book nor can remember any books he read in school."

"But what about his money and his clothes?"

"Believe it or not sister there are dumb rich people... not that I think Joshua is stupid. I think he is really intelligent. He is just illiterate."

"Well you did a real good job embarrassing him then."

"I know... do you think I should go apologize?"

"Would you prefer I stick my foot up your ass?"

"I get the hint," John said, getting up to go to the bathroom.

When he opened the bathroom door John saw Joshua glaring at him from the bathroom mirror. "Joshua I would like to say I'm sorry... what I did was rude... and wrong."

Joshua let the harsh look leave his eyes. "No's my fault. I should have been honest and admitted that I couldn't read the menu."

"Can you read anything at all?" John asked... with none of the mockery he had used before.

"No..." Joshua sighed.

"How have you survived so long without learning?"

"What use does a slave have for books?" Joshua explained as he turned to face John.

"You are a slave?"

"I was a slave," Joshua corrected.

"So that explains the scars on your back."

"Yes." Joshua nodded.

"Joshua you can go tell me to fuck off... but who are you?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Joshua asked as he took a step towards John.

"So long as I don't tell my sister. If you haven't noticed she tends to talk a lot."

"So what I am about to tell you has to stay between us...ok."

"I understand."

"Remember when I said I wanted nothing to do with Gerick or his Brotherhood?"

"Yes." John nodded... Joshua was now only three feet away from him.

"I have a very good reason to want nothing to do with Gerick. You see he is after me."

"He is after all the birth kin."

"I know... but he especially wants me."

"But why?"

Joshua leaned forward and whispered into John's ear.

"The darkness take me," John exhaled, when Joshua pulled away. "I don't believe it."

"Want me to prove it to you?" Joshua asked.

"No... it's ok... when I said I didn't believe you I didn't mean I thought you were lying."

"I see," Joshua nodded. "Shall we go back?"

"We better or my sister is likely to come bursting in and Joshua, about not knowing how to read, would you like me to teach you?"

"Is that possible?" Joshua asked hopefully.

"I see no reason why not," John grinned. We'll start tomorrow. As for dinner tonight... I think I will order for all three of us."

"Thanks," Joshua said as he lifted John into a bear hug.

John did not know if it were the bond between birth kin or Joshua's cologne but by the time Joshua let him go, John felt that his sex had indeed hardened.

It took Joshua six or seven tries before he got used to the chopsticks, after that he found it an actually easy way to eat. On the ride back to the resort Joshua insisted that John join him in the back seat... leaving Clare to do the driving which at first bothered her until she looked in the back seat to find Joshua on top of her brother, kissing him relentlessly.

On arrival back to the resort, Clare reminded John to take Joshua to the doctor's before she left them for what she saw as needed time alone. John led Joshua to the resort's clinic only to find that the doctor was missing. A nurse was there though and she gave Joshua a cream to help with the burning but as soon as it was in Joshua's hands it was snatched away by John.

"Hey!" Joshua protested as he chased after John.

"No... not until we agree that you will let me rub it into your skin." John laughed as he struggled to keep Joshua at bay.

"You don't even have to ask." Joshua replied as he caught John, entangling the smaller man with his longer limbs.

For the second time that day John felt his manhood stir. That Joshua could so move him both excited and frightened John. "Joshua there is something you need to know about me," John whispered.

"What is it?" Joshua asked, his hot breath on the back of John's neck.

"I've never been with anyone before."

"I see. Are you frightened?" Joshua asked concerned.

"A little... I know it can hurt."

"It does." Joshua nodded. "It can also be wonderful."

"I know... that is why I want you to be my first. I am sure you will make it wonderful."

"I'll try. Shall we go back to my room?"

"Yes." John nodded.

On arriving at the bungalow Joshua pressed his thumb on the door, triggering the lock. On opening the door Joshua burst into laughter on seeing Tidal on the sofa on top of Clive.

"Welcome home Joshua." Tidal grinned, his red eyes glowing.

"Thank you Tidal," Joshua replied, pulling John into the room.

"Ahhhhh. Mr. Van'sol." Tidal said when his eye fell on John. "So you're the one who stole Joshua away from me."

"Aren't you the hotel manager?" John asked questioningly.

"Yes... and Joshua's Protector." Tidal said as he wrapped a possessive arm around his nephew.

"I guess that explains the eyes," John nodded.

"So where did you go out to eat to?" Clive asked as he got up from the sofa.

"The Chinese restaurant on the big island." Joshua replied.

"Well that was a little outside our lessons. How did you handle the chopsticks?" Clive asked.

"He did wonderfully," John spoke before Joshua could.

"Good." Tidal grinned as he planted a heavy kiss on Joshua's cheek. "So what are you boys planning to do for the rest of the night?"

"John took me to the nurse for my burns and is going to help me put on some ointment." Joshua answered.

"Sounds like fun... want some help?" Tidal asked.

Joshua seeing the worried expression growing on John's face shook his head. "No... we will be fine."

Tidal's face took on a disappointed look. "You and I will need to think of something to do together tomorrow then."

"I promise," Joshua nodded as he took John's hand and led him to the bedroom.

Once the door was closed, Joshua began removing his clothes till he was down to his jock strap while John stood nervously by. "What's wrong?"

"Just nervous I guess."

"Then let me help you become less nervous." Joshua grinned as he walked over to John and stated to remove his shirt and tie.

Once they had joined Joshua's clothes on the ground, John felt Joshua's warm mouth lick his shoulder blade, running it up his neck and higher still till John felt his ear being nibbled on.

"Joshua..." John moaned

"Relaxed yet?" Joshua grinned before repeating what he had just done to the other side.

"Joshua..." John moaned again just before Joshua slipped his tongue into his mouth while John felt his hands stroked the growing budge in the front of his pants.

As their lips remained locked, Joshua's hands undid the belt and top button of John's pants, sending them down to the floor. Joshua then slipped a hand inside John's underwear, taking hold of the man's already hard sex, he squeezed another moan from John's lips. Breaking off the kiss, Joshua went down onto his knees, taking John's manhood into his mouth. Soon... sooner then either one was expecting... John hit his climax.

"I'm sorry." John apologized while Joshua licked up his spent seed.

"It's alright." Joshua said reassuringly. Standing back up and giving John another kiss, sharing what he had tasted with his new birth kin.

"But." John said concerned looking down at the outline of Joshua manhood sticking out from the jock he was wearing.

"You said you wanted it to be gentle." Joshua said with a soft smile.

"I know but I also wanted you to be inside me."

"We have plenty of time for that." Joshua grinned. "Now how about you help me with the ointment?"

"Alright." John nodded.

Joshua went over to the bed, lying on his back, so that the burnt front of his body was exposed and waited for John to join him.

As John rubbed the salve onto Joshua's skin he started asking questions. "Tell me about your first time."

"That's easy. It was less then a year ago... the day I was freed from the mines."

"Who was it... if I may ask?"

"Gerick." Joshua replied without remorse.

"Gerick... the Prelate Gerick?" John said in surprise.

"Yes... but he was not Prelate back then."

"Did you love him?"

"I was too inexperienced to know what love was." Joshua said honestly.

"He did not take advantage of you did he?"

"I don't know... in a way he did but then in a way so did I."

"How so?"

"I used Gerick's desire for a counterpart to gain the love I so desperately wanted."

"But Gerick took advantage of that desire."

"Yes he did. I am not saying Gerick is innocent... he is a monster who terrifies me... even more so because of all the power he wields but he is the product of the environment which created him."

"Is that why you are scared of him... because of all the power he has?"

"Yes... if power can be maddening... then Gerick is the most dangerous person in all of humanity."

"I see..." John nodded before changing the subject. "How many lovers have you had?"

"Many... there was Gerick, Thomas, Austin, Xavier..."

"Ok I get the picture," John laughed. "Out of all of them do you have a favorite?"

"Yes I do... Vard," Joshua replied to his own surprise.

"Tell me about him?"

"There is very little to tell," Joshua shrugged. "I have never met him."

"But you said he was your favorite lover."

"He is my lover but still I have yet to meet him."

"I don't understand."

"For every counterpart there is a Prelate. Two people whose souls are bound together... or that is the way it is suppose to be. Correct?"

"That is what we are taught in school." John nodded.

"Vard is the person I am bound to. He is the true Prelate. Gerick is really a usurper."

"Where is Vard. Why has he not come for you yet?"

"I don't know." Joshua sighed.

Next: Chapter 28

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