The Guild


Published on Feb 24, 2005


Hello all... hope everything is going well for everyone. We're getting close to the midway point. Did a poll on my yahoo group and while no one story had a clear majority of the votes, the one to get the most support was for me to continue this story line in a sequel. As it is only in the planning stage any input from y'all would be greatly appreciated.


Gerick was in a fury. Trapped... trapped on a fallout contaminated planet, the Void too unstable to transverse, all because Prelate Lorien had been too much a coward... too vindictive to allow an easy transfer of power.

"How long till we will be able to travel the Void again?" Gerick asked from his desk of Admiral Felix as he had every day for the past month.

"There is no way of knowing Prelate. It could be days... months... years even."

Gerick slammed his fist on the table. "That is not good enough!"

"My lord... we are doing everything we can. Every day we have a Guild Mistress enter the Void only for them to come out violently and in a coma."

"Have them try three times a day!"

"My lord... we would quickly run out of Mistresses if we did that!"

"They are not serving much purpose at the moment."

"My lord?" Thomas's voice spoke up from the doorway.

"You are dismissed General." Gerick said with a wave of his hand. At least from Thomas there was a chance of good news.

Once the general was gone, Thomas entered, dressed in a tight leather outfit Gerick had specially made for him. "Any luck." Gerick smiles as he slapped his thighs.

Walking around the desk, Thomas slid into Gerick lap as the Prelate hugged him tightly. "I think I know where Joshua is." The young man smiled smugly.

"Really?" Gerick grinned as he nipped the skin of Thomas's neck.

Letting out a deep moan, Thomas ran a hand down between both their legs. "He is on one of the prison worlds."

"Yes... but which one." Gerick asked as he unzipped the back zipper of the leather jacket Thomas was wearing.

"That is the problem... no one knows... they don't keep records of such things. When the Inquisitors want a man to disappear, the computer picks the world by random."

"I see... then I don't know how your information helps us."

"Well this might help," Thomas chuckled as he took out a data pad from his back pocket."

"What's on this?" Gerick asked cheerfully knowing Thomas would not had made such a big show of it if it did not have something important.

"It has the star coordinates of the eighteen Inquisitor prison worlds."

"Really... and how were you able to get the hardened High Inquisitor to give you this information?" Gerick laughed as he took off Thomas' jacket, revealing the man's muscular body.

"I took a friend with me." Thomas giggled as Gerick twisted his left nipple.

"Oh?" Who may I ask?"


"I see." Gerick grinned before bursting into laughter. Yes... just the sight of what he had done to the counterpart would terrify any man.

Weeks ago Gerick had finally bored of the counterpart. If he still did not need him as the key he would have had him killed. That might have been a kinder fate. Instead Gerick had found a new amusement... molding and reshaping Thomas into his own image. The fact that Thomas was an eager and obedient student had only enamored Gerick even more to him.

"You've done good Thomas... you should be rewarded."

"Thank you my lord."

Gerick reached over and opened one of his drawers, revealing an array of sexual devices. "This time... and this time only you may pick which toy you want to play with."

"I can?" Thomas said, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yes you may."

Thomas let his hands explore the drawer, while his eyes remained glued to Gerick face. A few times Thomas made to pick up an item only to see the slightest of shakes of Gerick head. It was only when Thomas's hands touched the cat of nine tails that Gerick gave his head a deep nod.

"I pick this one," Thomas said as he took hold of the whip.

"Very good choice Thomas. I might let you pick more often if you continue to show such intelligence."

"Thank you my lord."

Joshua, his skin covered in sweat and marked by several bruises, ducked again as Falcon made to strike him, blocked as a foot aimed for his head and jumped back when he faced both from the former Protector before trying to punch Falcon in the stomach that was when Falcon saw the opening he had been looking for, bring his elbow down hard on Joshua's shoulder, knocking him down to the stone floor. Falcon then stood over his son... and waited. Waited to see if he would yield... or worse, cry. He did not have to wait long nor was his disappointed for Joshua soon stood back onto his feet, his fists raised.

"Enough... enough." Falcon said as he lowered his own fists, ending the spar.

Long believing that a Protector's job went beyond just defending their charges but also teaching them how to protect themselves, Falcon had made it his goal to toughen Joshua up. At first this had proved hard if not embarrassing for Joshua started off cringing from every blow, and crying each time he was hit. Today however had shown how far Joshua had come... he was willing to defend himself... take a punch... and even strike back. Today he had made Falcon proud.

Seeing Joshua reach over to hold his injured shoulder, Falcon went over and rested he head on Joshua's forehead. "You ok?"

"I think so... going to have another bruise though."

Falcon reached over to Joshua's already bruised arm, caressing it lovingly. "I think they're beautiful."

Joshua blushed red. "Brail won't be too happy."

"I can handle Brail... you just be sure to do a better job defending yourself."

"I'll try papa." Joshua promised.

"Good." Falcon laughed as he gave his son a hard slap on his ass. "Shall we wrestle?"

"Can we?" Joshua asked eagerly.

"If you're up to it." Falcon nodded.

Joshua nodded his head, kicking off his shoes and peeling off his shirt, to toss them into a corner of the cell. Falcon followed in kind. The two, hunched over then circled each other as each waited to see who would make the first move. That person was Falcon whose longer arms quickly took hold of his son, pushing him down to the ground. Falcon soon joined Joshua on the ground however as his son tripped him with his legs. Joshua then jumped on top of his father, laughing, as he made to tickle Falcon's sides. Falcon would have none of that. Quickly he rolled over, grabbing Joshua by his bare waist. The two then rolled around the room as each tried to come out on top. But as Joshua was already exhausted from fighting, he eventually gave up, pinned by Falcon's muscular arms and thighs.

Falcon... looking down at his son could feel Joshua's heavy breath on his face. Seeing his son being a man, his face marked by sweat and dirt, smelling the stench of hard work, and feeling the beat of his strong heart Falcon felt his manhood hardening. Joshua must have felt it as well for he slipped a sweaty hand into Falcon's pants, not knowing it was his father's sex he was taking hold of.

"Joshua..." Falcon whispered as he tired to will himself to pull away.

"Please Falcon." Joshua asked, his eyes watering out of desire.

"Son..." Falcon tried again.

An expression of sad disappoint grew on Joshua face as he let his hand go and closed his eyes, tears filling up the grooves. Falcon let out a deep sigh as he rolled off Joshua. He did not move to get up however.

"Joshua we all have urges... sometimes very strong urges. That does not mean we should play them out."

"I know." Joshua whispered. He had heard these words before.

"You know I am very fond of you Joshua... you would not have the effect you have on me if did not. In fact I love you... but as a son."

"I know." Joshua repeated as he made to stand up.

"Joshua?" Falcon said... pain thick in his voice.

"I think I am going clean up now." Joshua said in a flat voice, not bothering to face Falcon.

This time it was Falcon who was left crying on the sparring floor. At least that was how Brail found him.

"Want to tell what the light is going on?"

"I think I hurt Joshua's feelings." Falcon said as he wiped his running nose.

"No joke... so tell me why won't you give him what you both clearly want and don't give me that damn story that you feel only fatherly toward Joshua."

"But I am his father."

"I know you are the first person to take on that role but..."

"No you don't understand I am Joshua's father."

"Are you losing your mind... Joshua's father is dead."

"No... you are just not listening to me. I was Protector to Guild Mistress Terra on Wor. I was the Guild's man who married Estelle, Joshua's mother. As the saying goes a Guild's man knows his own seed. I knew Joshua was mine from the first day he entered this prison!"

"Impossible..." Brail whispered even though he knew deep down what Falcon had just said had to be true. "Does Joshua know?"

"No he does not."

"You need to tell him. It is the only way to stop his infatuation for you."

"I do not know if that would make much of a difference to him."

"What do you mean?"

"Joshua had never had a father so how are we to expect him to understand that parent and child must not do what he clearly wants."

"And what about yourself?"

"Joshua is an adult... or almost one. He should be free to make his own choices. If I did not know he was my son I would readily make love to him."

"But you do know... and so should Joshua."

"Will you tell him if I refuse to?"

"No..." Brail said after a while.

"I will tell Joshua... I just have some difficult decisions to make."

"Make them soon Falcon. The boy is confused enough as it is," Brail said as he left.

Alone again Falcon slowed his breathing and entered into a meditative trance... turning his thought inward letting visions of his past fill his mind... the crimes he had committed, the people he had killed, the lives he had ruined with his sexual exploits. When his eyes opened Falcon had reached a decision.

Joshua had just finished his trip down the soup line, returning back to the cell he shared with Falcon and Brail when he saw Falcon.



"We need to talk."

"What about." Joshua said as he tried to move past the former Protector.

"Come with me." Falcon said sternly, not liking how Joshua was still trying to avoid him.

Joshua let out a deep sigh, nodded his head, and followed Falcon back to the abandoned cell that had become the Conclave's exercise room.

"Joshua there is something you need to know."

"I know you only think of me as a son," He said bitterly.

"You don't understand Joshua."

"What do I not understand... I love you, you love me, but we are not allowed to show it."

"Joshua shut up!" Falcon shouted... sending out a mental barb "Joshua... what do you know of your real father?"

"I know almost nothing other then he was a Guild's man killed during Prime Minister Toran's revolt."

"I see... then you don't know how your father was a killer... a seducer...a rapist... a torturer. You don't know that your father was evil."

"My father was not evil."

"He was."

"How do you know? Did you ever meet him? Did he ever do you wrong?"

"Yes Joshua... yes. Did he ever wrong me? Every chance he had. Did I ever meet him? Every time I looked in the mirror. How do I know him? I am him. Joshua I am your father."

"No..." Joshua said as he took a few steps back from Falcon.

"Joshua it was I who seduced your mother. It was my seed that gave you life. It was me who abandoned your mother during the revolt."

"No, no, no." Joshua cried as his legs buckled under him.

"Joshua... I am an evil man without redemption save one... you. That is why I can not make love to you. I do not want to ruin the only good thing in my life. A father must not sleep with his son."

"But..." Joshua whimpered.

"But Joshua?" Falcon asked as he went down on one knee.

"But you are not my father."

"Joshua have you not listened to a word I've said?"

"Yes... I understood it all but you are still not my father. A father sees to the needs of his child... no one feed me bread when I was hungry. A father teaches his child... I still don't know how to read or write. A father protects his child... no one protected me from the whips of the foreman. Falcon it might have been your seed that gave me life but you are not my father. I have no father."

"Then what am I..." Falcon asked, tears running down his face.

"Falcon... in all things but the physical act you have been my lover. Not Thomas, Gerick, Austin, or Brail have brought such feelings from me. Only one other person has... and he is Vard."

"My sister's son... I would expect that." Falcon whispered.

"Yes," Joshua nodded before continuing. "You say you are an evil man... but that did not stop you from doing right by me."

"Joshua... I... I don't know what to do now. I brought you here to tell you that I was your father but you just proved that I am not. I do not know if I should feel happy or sad. I don't know if I should make love to you or run away."

"Then let me make the decision for you." Joshua said as he moved his lips in for the long desired kiss.

Next: Chapter 18

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