The Gospel According to Nate

By Encolpius

Published on Dec 5, 2021



"Professors aren't allowed to have relationships with students," Charlie said. "But you are not a student at the school I teach at. I'm not saying that we have a relationship per se, Nate, but we do in a technical sense. What I am saying -- rather badly, I admit -- is that I've changed my mind. I'm going to sell the condo and keep the house. It has 3 bedrooms and I only need two - one to sleep in, and one for an office. I would like to rent you the other bedroom. I would like the company."

I looked at his face, wondering what to say. "I don't know," I replied. I wasn't in love with him. I didn't want to be his boyfriend or his boy toy or anything like that.

"Most important, although I find you amazingly sexy and desirable and I enjoy being with you sexually, I have no expectations of sex. You are certainly free to have company over. Just no loud partying or drugs. Decent young men. But I think I can count on you for that. You need to live your life and experience all the joys and pains of being young. Falling in love and getting your heart broken. And I don't begrudge you any of that, Nate. I don't. If we never have sex again... well, I hope that from time to time we will. But if we don't, the offer is still good."

"Uh, okay."

"I was thinking $50 a month. Includes utilities. We share food costs on a fair basis. But in exchange for the low rental rate, you are responsible for the housework and yard work."

"Okay, it's a deal!" I said. I surprised myself and made my decision on the spot.

Fifty dollars is a really good deal. It meant I could quit at the store and only work one job. I could concentrate more on school. It really was generous of Charlie. Of course, I suspected that he wanted more than what he was saying he did, but the weird thing was that I didn't totally mind it. I liked him, and giving him pleasure was cool.

The house needed some work and I mostly provided the labor. I was fairly handy and I could do simple repairs. Charlie asked me what colors to paint. We talked, and he listened to what I had to say. Doing stuff like that, projects with my hands, was fine for me. I liked it. It didn't take long to get most of the things on the list fixed. Moving my stuff was easy. I dipped into my savings to buy new bedroom furniture. But moving Charlie's stuff was harder. I took most of it over myself in his Bronco, and unloaded box after box of books. And boxes and boxes of kitchen stuff. He hired one of his students to help, so the two of us got the heavy items moved in half a day.

Charlie enjoyed himself as he sorted his books, getting them placed in the bookcases. We made a lot of trips to Walmart and the Dollar Store for miscellaneous stuff. Pier 1 was his choice for some decorating items. Pretty soon I -- well, I should say WE -- had a home to live in. And that felt nice. At first, we made meals for each other. I enjoyed sitting and talking with him about things, and he enjoyed teaching me about what he knew. He even went with me to church sometimes.

I still had core classes to take, including a bunch of science courses. I could only take 2 classes a semester because of work. I started in the spring semester, and took a psych class (Human Growth and Development) as well as General Chemistry. That's how I met Felix. He was in my psych class. He was kind of short and slight, brown-skinned with big brown eyes. He had short cropped black hair and, at first, I thought he was like 12 years old. He seemed to keep looking at me, and eventually we talked a few times before and after class. But I was the one to make the first move, which isn't like me at all. I guess being taller and beefier than him gave me confidence.

I thought about what would be the coolest thing we could do on a date. So I just asked him one day after class if he wanted to go dancing at Southern Nights. It was an 18+ gay club. As soon as I mentioned the idea, he agreed and grinned. Wow... he had perfect white teeth.

We met up on Friday and went to the club. It was my first time, but he had been there before. Inside was a kaleidoscope of lights and thumping house music. The place buzzed with energy. Even though we had on "underage" wrist bands, they still served us. After a couple of vodka and cranberries, I was feeling pretty loose and uninhibited. We danced. He was definitely a better dancer than me, and he kind of laughed at me a little for being so wooden and non-rhythmic. The alcohol helped loosen me up though.

It was around midnight. He yelled in my ear over the music, "I still live at home... but I don't have to be in until 2."

I nodded.

"You have your own place?"

"I rent a room from an older guy I know."

"Can we go there? Or do you want to go to the sauna?"

"I can have people stay over," I said.

The house was dark except for the outside light, so I figured Charlie was asleep. As I got to the hall, I could hear him snoring. I whispered to Felix to be quiet. In my room, we both started to strip off right away, and I got my first real look at his body. He was lean and flat, boyish, but he was hung like a horse down below. It might have seemed bigger because he was short. But it was a really big dick, and already swollen half hard. I peeled off my clothes down to my underwear, and I had an obvious hard bulge in them.

"Damn, you're jacked. Look at those abs!" he said, rubbing his hands on my torso. I had to grin to myself. I sometimes looked at myself in the mirror naked, and I was quite proud of the transformation of my body since moving to Florida. Then he slid his hand down to my crotch. "And that feels good, too!"

I put my hand on his tool and stroked it gently. He was uncircumcised. I thought about this porn that Charlie and I sometimes watched called Bel Ami -- with Eastern European boys who were uncut. It was our guilty pleasure. As I moved my fingers up and down, it was such a turn on that Felix still had his foreskin. I really wanted to play with his cock. I pushed him onto my bed. I stroked him, pushing the foreskin down and then pulling it back up. I put the loose skin between my lips and gently nibbled on it. I ran my tongue around the bright head of his cock, working it in between the foreskin and the head. I gently pumped his shaft and then slowly took it in.

"Suck me!" he said a bit too loudly, grabbing my head.

I wanted to be playful with it and really discover how his dick worked. But he was hot and eager, so I did what he wanted. I sucked him. I went down on it as far as I could. His hard stiffness filled my mouth. He had that odor of stale sweat and pheromones, stronger due to the heat of Central Florida, but a nice earthy smell. His balls, shaved like his crotch, were thick, full, wrinkled and brown. I rubbed those as I worked his cock. He moaned. I worked my tongue on him like Charlie had done to me, and Felix responded pretty much the same. It must have felt really, really good to him. He groaned and he pushed it in my mouth a little further. I was rock hard too. My dick was straining inside my boxer briefs.

I rubbed on his lean body, wiry and flat, all bones and muscle, with next to no fat. He looked so young. When we kissed, I realized how smooth-faced he was. He may have shaved, though it seemed like he didn't need to. But he was so cute -- and he certainly wasn't a 12-year-old where it counted. And he had the same needs I did. I sucked on his balls and rubbed his taint, and he moaned and grunted. I pushed down my underwear and stroked myself, trying to relieve my own pressure.

"Fuck me!" he said.

I reached for a condom in my bedstand, but he told me not to.

"Cum in my ass," he pleaded.

I paused. I didn't really want to do that. But then again, I kind of did. I had done it that way with the married guy at the bathhouse, so I knew it felt really, really good. I had used a condom with Charlie, of course. I started to smear some lube on my hard dick as I looked at Felix, laying on his back with a pillow shoved under his butt. I spread his legs apart and rubbed the lube in his hole. Pushing his legs back, I pushed my cock into him -- all the way. One steady motion. It was an amazing feeling, just incredible.

Every time I have sex, I think about how great it is. It sometimes makes me angry that they tried to tell me it was wrong, that I should be celibate my whole life. That I should never know this pleasure or have these feelings. I think having a dick is the greatest thing. It is so perfect. And I love the sight and feel of a male body.

"Yeah, fuck me, stud. Fuck me hard!" he said. He was pretty vocal. "Give me that big dick."

I had mounted him up and moved in him, back and forth. The muscles of his ass flexed and tightened around my rod as I did it. The sensation of it on my cock was amazing. The sight of him stroking his dick and hearing him moan and grunt and talk dirty was erotic as all get out. And as he gripped his shaft and pumped, his big balls went from loose and low-riding to tight and bunched-up against his body. I moved rhythmically, not super fast but hard. I pounded it into him and he grunted with each downstroke, and moaned with each pullback.

"Oh, shit. Fuck. Big stud. Hot fuck!" he moaned. "Fuck me with that big fuck stick."

I crammed it into him, trying to fight off the need to ejaculate. There was a pressure building, a need growing. I pounded him, the sensations of skin against skin, tightness and friction against my sensitive member. I suddenly grabbed his hard, uncut cock and jacked him as I plundered his butt. I loved the sight of him as I did it. I loved seeing the hair on his legs and his pit hair, reminders of being male. And oh yeah... that hard shaft I had in my hand.

I wanted to cum so bad!

I kept on.

He took over jerking himself as I pushed my dick into him over and over again. Back and forth. I could see his face, and knew he was so close to orgasm. His body was tight, tense. And I was having trouble breathing. The sensation was so powerful, the feeling so massive. I pushed it in, harder and harder, faster and faster, losing control. He jacked himself furiously. We were both whimpering. When he exploded, covering himself in thick white cum, I couldn't stand it anymore. I rammed my cock in and unloaded in his butt, just like he'd asked.

There wasn't much time to cuddle or talk. He said he had to get going because he was supposed to be home by 2:00 am. I went to sleep pretty darn satisfied and happy. I thought he was a really cute boy and it had been really good. The next morning before Charlie was fully awake, I got up and went jogging. When I got back sweaty, he was in the kitchen.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked. He was making waffles and I hoped one was for me.

"Yeah, I did. Were we loud?"

"A little bit, but it's fine. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he said, handing me a plate with 4 waffles on it. I hesitated. "Eat the waffles, Nate. You're too skinny."

"I'm sexy and ripped!" I said, grinning. "Plus I'm sweaty."

"I like the smell of you all sweaty."

I sat at the table and tucked in -- and those waffles did taste good. "Charlie? When you were my age, you were dating women?"

"Yes. It was the 1950's. I don't know that there was another option. I didn't have one, that's for sure. Good little Presbyterian boy!" he said with a sigh. "I wasted a lot of years not being who I truly am. Unintentionally, I hurt other people. My ex-wife, my children. I have a lot of regrets. And then, in my 40's, I tried to recapture a lost youth. Fortunately, by the time AIDS came along, I was settled and boring."

"Did they -- your family or your church -- try to change you?"

"Not like you," he said. "I was an adult when I came out. It was a totally different set of consequences. Personal and professional. But it was the right thing to do."

Charlie paused a moment before asking, "So, do you like this boy?"

I shrugged. "I want to have sex with him."

Charlie laughed. "Well that's a start, right? It IS a SEXUAL orientation!"


Since I was now only working one job, Saturdays and Sundays were really good days. For one thing, I could do a lot of studying then. But I also took care of the housework and yard maintenance. And I could work out extra long, and enjoy jogging in different parts of town. I usually went to help Fred with the flowers at the church, even if I didn't always go on Sunday to the morning service.

Of course, I didn't mind when Felix came over on Saturdays to hang out. He wasn't rude to Charlie -- not exactly, but maybe kind of dismissive. He did ask if I was Charlie's boy toy, which I thought was kind of insulting. I definitely didn't think of myself that way, and I genuinely liked Charlie. Felix and I spent most of our time in my room. And we mostly hung out naked.

One Saturday when I had to go help Fred, Felix agreed to tag along. He hopped on the back of my motorcycle when I picked him up at his house, and wrapped his arms around me to hold on. Fred didn't actually have much for us to do, and it didn't take super long. We decided to go out dancing, so I drove Felix back to his place so he could shower and change. As I dropped him off, he made a strange comment.

"Man, you know a lot of old fags," Felix said with a smirk.

I shrugged. Fred and Charlie both had been really good to me, and they were my friends. I guessed that Felix had just not met many older gay men in his world. But there was something odd about the way he said it.

Later that evening, I met him at Southern Nights and we went in. I could smell marijuana smoke in the bathroom when I went to pee, but I didn't think a lot about it. We were hanging around with a bunch of his friends. I couldn't remember their names. Felix made a couple of jokes about me being the naked houseboy for a rich old fag. I didn't really like his tone, but I passed it off. Then he and this other really slim Cuban boy dragged me to the bathroom. The three of us went into a stall to make out and share a joint. I had never smoked one before. It felt like my lungs were on fire! I coughed and coughed, and tried to cough up a lung.

"Virgin lungs!" Felix said, and the other Cuban boy snickered.

I took another toke or two. The three of us made out a bit, kissing and groping, as we shared the marijuana. After a while the pot hit me. I felt real locked in, and lost in my own head. I was super aware of everything going on around me, though, and what they were saying. Some of it just seemed petty and childish. But I was also super aware that I was being silent and boring. And I was really, really, thirsty.

Felix got my attention, looked me in the eyes and told me, "We're going to the bathhouse. I don't want to do it at your place, with the old guy in the other room listening."

I drove my motorcycle to the bathhouse, following Felix in his car. Driving was a really stupid thing to have done, since I was high on the pot. But I did it. All three of us got lockers, and I stripped down as they did, too. The other boy, Fico, said something to Felix in Spanish that I didn't understand. Felix answered him in Spanish and they both laughed. I turned crimson red, embarrassed because I assumed it was about me. But Fico was already rubbing on my body right there at the lockers.

We made our way to the man cave area. My two Latin boys walked without taking their towels, showing off their butts and cocks. I wrapped a towel around me. It was quite warm in there from the heat of bodies -- and the action of guys getting it on. But when we got over in the far corner, it was just me, Felix and Fico. They were both shorter and thinner than me, black-haired and brown-skinned. All three of us were kissing and touching, fondling dicks and balls while licking and teasing nips. They both had their hands on me. On my crotch, on my butt. Our bodies were pressed together. When one of them gripped my penis, I reached over and took a cock in each hand. We all stroked each other as we got hot and hard, the lust building and the effect of the pot fading away.

I sat down on the padded bench, trying to maneuver them into position so I could taste their uncut flesh. Both of them had very pretty cocks, veiny and hooded over. I really wanted to play with their foreskins.

"No, papi!" Felix said. "You got two asses to fuck!"

Fico said something to Felix in Spanish, and they both laughed before Felix answered. Neither of them told me what they were saying. But they made very clear what they wanted. They turned and got on the bench on hands and knees -- and presented their butt holes to me. I stared at their pink puckers, ringed with black hair. My dick throbbed. I smeared some lube on my shaft and cock head, then put some in their holes. First I got behind Felix and rubbed a bit between his ass cheeks, and then pushed my rod in. I did feel kind of weird to be doing this when people could walk by and watch. But man, it was kind of exciting too! I slid my dick in and moved it around, holding on to his hips before starting to really pump into him. Something clicked in my head, so I went for it, hard and fast. There wasn't a lot of reason to be slow and playful or anything. This was pump and dump sex, take what you want. And it felt really good. His butt muscles spasmed around my cock. That drove me wild, feeling how tight it was when his ass walls clenched.

"Me!" Fico exclaimed in his thick Latin accent. "Fuck me!"

I pulled out of Felix and took a step to the side. In less than 5 seconds, I was balls deep in Fico's chute. And ohhhh, he was even tighter. I slapped him on the butt and railed on him -- again going at it hard and fast. He was jacking himself as I did my piston moves in and out. Felix was watching intently and really pulling on his meat. An older guy stopped and watched us. I kind of wished he would have moved on after a minute. He tried to make a move on Felix, but got shot down rudely. Felix was actually more rude than he needed to be. But then I had to quickly admit that he was completely focused on the action in front of him: me fucking his friend. I glanced to the side to see Felix bent over, fingering his hole as he stared at my crotch pumping back and forth. I knew he was needing what I had. So I pulled out of Fico and went back to Felix. I just slammed into him. I kept pounding on him, and I slapped his butt a few times, too.

Then we rearranged and took turns -- Fico, Felix and then me. It was rather awkward, and we didn't keep it up too long. But for at least some of the time, both boys were getting what they really wanted up in them. We went back to me trading off between the two of them. While I was inside Fico, I lost control and unloaded.

Afterwards, it seemed to get weird. I felt a strange vibe, and I didn't want to be where I was. Felix and Fico were being catty, laughing at the guys cruising the place looking for dick. I said goodnight and suspected that they would be laughing at me after I left. But I honestly didn't care. I was sober enough by then, so I drove home and went to bed alone. Charlie was snoring in the other room.

Next: Chapter 8

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