The Gospel According to Nate

By Encolpius

Published on Nov 26, 2021





Author's Nate: I am in search of a proofreader. If interested let me know.

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I met Charlie pretty soon after I started working at the university and it was all pretty weird but Charlie ended up being a really, really important person in my life. When I started, I had broken up with my boyfriend Daniel and I wasn't real sure why. I hadn't thought I had done anything wrong except that I kind of beat myself up because maybe I had been too clingy and needy and maybe had been too willing to be the passive partner in bed. Stuff like that. I blamed myself for his issues. I later found out that he had decided to go to his mother's Pentecostal chruch and tried celibacy. I found that out a lot later and it didn't help me feel better at the time.

The problem for me was that I had begun to be a sexual person and I liked it. I really liked it. I didn't want to stop being a sexual person. But I did someting bad. There was this place next to the store that I worked at and it was sort of like a gym. I guess I was naive because I didn't understand for a long time why people would want to go work out on Friday or Saturday night. I was red faced with embarassment when somebody explained it to me. They have a gym and a pool and a hot tube and a sauna but that wasn't why people - guys - went there. It was where they went to have random anonymous sex. I passed by the place for months and I had thought about going but I didn't have the courage. Going into an adult bookstore to buy dirty magazines took a lot of courage But once I did it the first time, I did go back later and get some more magazines. I was embarassed when I bought lube and condoms but I went back a second time and it was easier. As long as I was with Daniel, it didn't matter. Going there was something I thought about sometmes but not really. Then when we broke up, I thought about it more. When I started working out, I really did think about more and more. I would get excited just thinking about it.

So I went. On a Friday night after closing at the store. I was pretty tired since I had worked 7-3 at the University and 3-11 at the store but I was also pumped and excited. My heart was racing as I went inside. There was a small hallway and a glassed in window. The guy asked for my ID and I gave it and he asked me if I wanted a room or a locker.

"I don't know" I said

"18-21 admission is half price. On Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, lockers are free" he said "Get the 6 month membership, cutie. You;ll be back. All told 17.50. Come back tomorrow and it only be 6 bucks."

"Okay" I said

I was totally shy about undressing in the locker area even with my new body. Not shy exactly. I kind of wanted people to see but I had mixed feelings about being totally naked. I stripped off and put things into the locker and locked it. I wrapped the towel around me tight. Stupid me, I hadn't thought through any of it. I didn't have flip flops or anything. I kind of got lost a little bit and wandered around where the rooms were. There were gyys with the doors open, laying in the beds stroking there dicks, masturbating where everyone could see them. There were other guys laying on the small beds face down, naked. I found the sauna and went in but I didn't like that. It was hot enough all the time here without sitting in a hotter and more humid version. Outside was the pool. It had been a really long time sine I had been swimming so I dropped the towel on one of the chairs and went skinny dipping. And that was totally fun. I was swimming around, alone, having a good time. Some naked men came by once in a while and I did look.

There was this dark area, like a labyrinth or a maze. It was sex central. I stood there, amazed, watching two guys having sex, right out in the open. One of them was in a sling and the other, an older muscular, bearded guy, stood there shoving it in. And they didn't care if I watched them do it. I got really hard, too. I watched them. There were men passing by, looking me over. One or two touched me. By the tme I moved on, I was fully erect. By the time I got to the next space, there was a guy - an older guy in his 40's or 50;s maybe - sitting on a benh, naked, jacing off slowly.

"Come here, twink" he said

I did. I went over to him and stood there. He reached up and undid the towel. I was nervous as the towel hit the floot.

"Goddamn it. Now that's a fucking dick" he said

He reached out and took it in his hand and I flinched a little, still surprised at how bold a thing it was to do to grab someone's penis, especially when you don't know them. But I also realized that I didn't really mind it either. He gave it a sroke or two, a lot more rough than I would have done to myseelf, before putting it in his mouth.

"Uhhh" I grunted, almost involuntarily.

It did feel good. It felt realy good. His mouth was wet and his tongue slightly rough and his lips soft and his hand was strapped around the root tight, stroking , And that was when I discovered that neither Daniel nor Connor, my only other sex partners, were very skilled at fellatio. But this man was. He was clearly experienced. I felt a bit weird, more than a bit weird, standing there right out in the open getting my dick sucked bu a strange guy, even though that was what happened there. A person passed by me and I briefly panicked, just for a split second, and thought about asking the guy if we could go somewhere more private. But he was into what he was doing and I liked what he was doing and he was masturbating his own hard dick.

Then another guy came up and stood there, watching. I felt uncomfortable. "Hot damn. Work that fine cock, dude"

I didn't know what to do. His standing there made me anxious, at least some Should I invite him in? Should I reach out and touch him? Let him touch me? He pulled off his towel and started to jack off. I decided to just close my eyes and concentrate on the good feeling in my crotch. And it definitely was a good feeling. He was very good at it. It was tongue and suction and lip and hand, tugging my balls, going down and sucking my balls, rubbing my taint. As he sucked me, he reached unerneath and legs and worked a hand back to my butt cheeks. His finger rubbed my butthole.

"Oh, yeah" I said.

He stopped. "You want me to fuck you?" It was almsost a leering question, a command

"No" I said "Suck it"

He was fine with that and he took me all the way down to the root and slowly, teasingly slid off my dick, tonguing me the whole way. The guy taht had been watching ahd moved on and we were kind of alone again. And he was working it> I was beginning to feel really good. Really sexually driving and asculine, dominating. I pushed it in his mouth, forceing him to take it He didn't choke or gag. He took it. And he worked it. His tongue went wild as I drove myself into his mouth, over and over agian, loke a pistor. It was totally great. If felt tthat feeling. That feeling of losing control. Of needed release I ket going and he grabbed me by the butt to draw me into him so I could ram it down his throat.

"I'm cumming!!" I announced.

He didn't let go or let me loose. I threw my head back and unloaded. Then, even as the last spurts were ozzing out, he was licking and sucking, tyrng the get the last taste. It was supersensitive and I had to pull out. It almost hurt.

I didn't knw what to say/ Did he expect me to do that same thing to him? I didn't want to and I grabbed my towel and beat a hasty retreat. I didn't know what the right thing to do was, the polite thing (if you can be polite in place like this) but I realy just wanted to leave. I went to the locker area and got dressed and was trying to leave when I remembered I needed to give them the towel back and get my license. I felt like an idiot.


Stupidly, I felt like I ought to confess to somebody. And I wasn't going to tell Reverend Sherry. After I got done cutting the grass that Saturday and Fred was through with weed eating along the back fence, I told him what I done.

He kind of laughed "Don't worry, kid. You haven't done anything that a lot of other guys haven't also done"

"I don't know: I said

"Look at it like this. Everybody that went there knew what the deal was. You were probably the most innocent person in there. Everybody went there for a reason, for the same reason, right/ You didn't force him to do anything, right? He was willing and you were willing, right? You weren't breaking any rules or laws or anyting while you were in there. Turns out you're human. You're a guy. You wanted your dick sucked. It happens."

I nodded.

"But, chick, here's the thing. You need to be careful. You can get hurt and I mean actually hurt. You are a good kid but you are naive. Not very street wise. People will take advantage of that. You are better looking thna you think you are. And you are young. There are lots of predators out there. Go out and have fun. Be young. It only happens once in your life and enjoy it. But be careful. And alway, always, always use a condom. Understand?"

"Yeah" I said

The guy had said that lockers were free on Tuesday too. So I went back on Tuesday. It was a different guy at the window but I was more experienced this time. I got my locker and got undressed. Again, I went for a swim. I liked the cool water around me and I liked skinny dipping. After a while, though, I got out and dried off and decided I would see if I could find some trouble. Some nastiness. This time, though, it wasn't nearly as busy and I was a little disappointed. I went back inside and there was a guy comeing the other way. He was older, grey haired. He was acting self confident. He was in good shape, I think, for a guy his age. I stopped to let him pass in the hallway. He didn't pass

"I have a room" he said "There's not a lot going on and I will give you the best blowjob in your life"

"Okay" I said

I followed him into a room. It was tiny, There was a wooden platform with a thin mattress on it, the size of a twin bed. He dropped his towel and he wasn't hard. His pubes were gray too. . I just sort of stood there like a dummy.

"Let me see what you got, twink" he said. I undid my towel "Well, well, well. That's a piece"

He sat on the bed and moved me in front of him. I was only half hard when he put it in his mouth but it stiffened up pretty well. Like the guy last time, this guy knew how to work it. His lips and the suction and the hand and the tongue. It was the right mix of rough and tender I just had to close my eyes and put my head back, He worked, worshipped it. It felt amazing. He reached down to rub himself down there but I couldn't really see if he was hard or not I didn't reallly care. I was enjoying what he was doing to me.

There was a TV in the upper corner over the bed and I could see it. It waas playing porn. I hadn't really watched a lot of porn but it kind of fascinated me. I couldn't imagine being so bold and unashamed as to do that, to have sex with a bunch of people around filming you. That was wild.

"Oooohhhhh" i moaned when the older began sucking on my balls. That felt wonderful. Really good

Then he was back on my cock, licking and sucking. I began to try to push it into his mouth, sort of pumping. He let me and he took it. I held rubbed his head, his shoulders. I didn't think he was hot or anything but it was affection. I loved what he was doing to me and I drank up how into me he was. That was a turn on.

"You're getting too hot, chick, and I am going to want you to fuck me" he said, leaning back a bit. He was hard.

I got on my knees and got between his legs and took his tool in my hand, pointed up I took that down in my mouth. He was breathng hard as I did. Moaning almost silently. I sucked him and I new I wasn;'t as god at it as he was but I tried to do what he had down. His hands were on my body and he was telling me how sexy I was, how hot I was. That kept me hard. Well, I guess the fact that I had a dick in my hand and mouth too. I like dick

"Fuck me" he said

I was anxious. I had never done that before. I had always taken it. He fished out a condom and I must have hesitated. He opened it and rolled it on my hard dick. KY went on and he rubbed some betwen his butt cheeks. On his hands and knees, head down and butt up, I got behind and over him. I could see the porn on the RV from where I was. I had my hard dick there. I took a deep breath and I pushed in.

"Uhhh" he grunted, half pained. "Slow. You're big"

I got it in. And wow. His butt arond my dick felt really, rerally good. I staarted to move in him. Back and to. It was an instinct that took over. My body knew what to do. I might nto have been that good at it my first time but it felt realy, really perfect. I moved back and too and I grunted some as he moaned. It was perfect and he reached down and storked himself as I did my thing The actors on the screen wree dong something similar and it looked right. Totally hot and totally erotic. How couild anyone not be turned on

"Uhh" he exhaled "Fuck me"

I was doing the best I could. It felt so hot and perfect, moving in his butt but it wasn't rhythmic. My brain got in the way. I was overwhelmed by the notion that I was doing this to another person. How wild is that? that somebody let me? Wanted me too? Amaazing. The novelty of it and then the anxiety that I wasn't good or experienced and all that talkng in my head messed dme up. But I was loving it.

"Oh yeah, that's it. Fuck me"

He was flailing on his dick, pushing his butt back onto my dick, I guess trying to get me in deeper and harder. I pounded him hard, a couple of fast and deep strikes and he cried out, this time not in pain. No, not pain. Or I guess the pain that comes from so much pleasure. I did that and I felt the pressure builfing in me, the onset of pure ecsasty. That sensasion. You know it coming. The pressure is building. The volcano is ging to blow and then, suddenly, there is nothign you can do but go with it. I poinded him hard, the sounds of bodies slapping together filling the small, shabby room. Then, with a loud grunt, there it was.

I came in a blaze of light.

When it was done, I stood there naked, a litle bit ashamed and guilty.

"It was lovely" he said, rubbing hsi hands on my body, "You really are a beautiful boy, very sexy"


Stupidly, I just stood there. I didn't leave

"You live here? or go to school? Traveling?"

"Um, I live here" I said

I looked off into the distance, trying to process what had happened. It was strange This older guy, maybe old enough to be my grandfather, definiely older than my father and I had done that to him. And that was the first I had done that.

"My name is Charlie"

I leaned over and I kissed him. I dion't know why. I just did. I thought I should. "I'm, I'm Nate"

"It was nice to have met you, Nate"

I nodded and I got my towel and left. I didn't want to stay. I went and got rid of my towel and got my ID and got dressed and said that I wouldn't come back.

Next: Chapter 6

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