The Gospel According to Nate

By Encolpius

Published on Nov 21, 2021





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I turned 19. One full year of freedom.

They had a little party at the store, complete with cupcakes, and a card with a gift in it. It was $25. Every little bit helps.

My other birthday present was with Daniel. We had sex for the first time. Real sex.

I sucked him.

I loved to suck him. It made me so hard. I was I throbbing down there when I took him down. I took him all the way, cupping his balls with my hand, tugging on them gently as I worked on his steel hard shaft. I loved the smell of him down there, earthy and rich. The feel of his hard body, the fullness of his balls, the stiffoness of his cock, it was all so perfect. I stroked myself as I did it.

"You make me so hot" he said. "You make me so horny"

I didn't answer. I couldn't. I had a mouthful of dick. But it made me so hot and so horny too. I needed hm and when he bucked his hips, driving himself into my mouth, I let him. I had to come off, gagging once but I dove back on. I was hungry for it. My need for it was beyond control

"Nate?" he asked. I looked up from his crotch. "Do you want to?"

I knew what he meant. "Yeah" I said

I was ready. I had gotten an enema kit and I had cleaned myself out. I figured that this time would be the time and I was looking forward to it. I was anxious, of course. Nervous. I was hoping it wouldn't hurt. It hadn't with Connor but he smaller. I wanted it to be amazing I had some KY jelly. Buying all this stuff was supremely embarassing even iif the clerks didn't seem to notice or care but I had done it. I wanted this moment. I wanted it so bab. I smeared it all in my butt as Daniel fumbled with the condom. I loved looking at him with his dick sticking up Then I got into position, on my hands and knees, my butt up and my head down I pulled a pillow over and bunched it up under my haed.

He was up and over me. I could feel the closeness of his body, the tension he felt. I was tense too. I said a little prayer that it wouldn't hurt. I felt it between my butt cheeks. At the sphincter. I took a deep breath.

He pushed it in. Hard. I gasped

It didn't hurt. It felt amazing. Full and thick, filling me up. I reached down and stroked my ever stiffenting dick, leaking precum It so good, so perfect, so amazing I said another prayer thanking God for making me this way. Every movement inside of me was a new delight. A greater sensation of ecstasy flooding over me. I was wickedly hot, burning, on fire. I stroked myself to relieve my pressure. Daniel was up over me and driving it in hard and fast, passionate and urgent. And it was great. He was lost in his lust and pleasure but he was giving what he was taking because I was lost in mine too I couldn't believe how right it felt.

"Oh God!" I called out, my precum and KY soaked hand flying over my swollen shaft.

I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to. It felt so good. I flailed on it as Daniel violated me back there. He grunted hard with each savage stroke in me. I whimpered

"Oh God" I whispered. That close. So close

The cum came flying out of my dick, thick and rich and creamy, as the electrical tinngle of orgasm, swept over me. Daniel called ot and grunted hard, shoving it in me one last time and I swore I thought I felt it twitch as he filled up the condom.

It was perfect. It was beyond perfect. I was made for that. The greatest pleasure in the whole world.

' I had saved enough money to look for a motorcycle. I couldn't afford a new car but I could a bike. At the library, I looked at Consumer Reports and made a list of the ones I wanted to try out It was too far for me to bike too and I mostly as interested in the Suxuki Bandit. I took a cab and went to the dealer. He was okay to me but not super nice. I did get to try it. I had driven a motorcycle before so I wasn't a complete novice I figured it was pretty good and I wanted it. I was going to be sad to give up my bicycle since it had severd me so well but a motorcycle meant I could go anywhere in the city or other places if I wanted to.

I thought I had enough money but when you factor in taxes and other stuff, I didn't I was crushed.

The guy looked at me like I was crazy.

"We can finance it" he said

"Really? I don't really have any credit" I said

"Bad credit or no credit, we can get you approved"

He did the numbers and the payment was a bunch. I asked what would happen if I paid a thousand down. That made the payments a lot more manageable and I would still have most of my money. But then came the issue of insurance, something else I hadn't counted on. But the guy helped me with that. In the end, I roared off on my new Suxuki Bandit.

Now I could go anywhaee and do anything.

I had checked out a book from the library called "Who Wrote the Bible" by Richard Eliot Friedman. It was about the first 5 books of the Bible. I never really thought about who wrote the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. The New Testament was easy. But who wrote Genesis? I hadn't thought about it at all. It was the Bible. God wrote it. But he didn't actually. It was a somebody that wrote. What this guy said was that it was a bunch of somebody's. Four of them. And they were telling different stories, or the same stories in different ways.

I didn't quite understand it all but the thing was that I had always assumed that the Bible was one book, telling one story. Well, maybe two stories. One Old Testament story and a New Testament story. But four stories? And as soon as I opened up the Bible to read it, there was it was. There was a story of creation in Chapter 1 and then there was another in Chrpter 2. And they were not the same. And I could totally see that they weren't written by the same person.

I asked Revered Sherry about it.

"Yea, the Documentary Hypothesis" she said, with a little smile. "Scholars believe that the Pentateuch was written by four writers or groups of writers and then an editor or redactor pieced them together. And that is what happened, probably. We can even see it in the Bible. In 2 Kings, Josiah finds the scroll of the Law in the Temple and has it read and we know that is the book of Deuteronomy. We even know when the editing takes place. Ezra reads the Torah, our Pentateuch, to the Israelites for the first time after the Exile. It's not that surprising that there are four sources being melded into one. The Gospels are the same way. There are four sources for the same events and they are different in the details and we accept that. We just call them four gospels. In fact, someone tried to do the same thinng with the Gospels as the Redactor did with the Pentateuch, which is combine them into one narrative. It was called the Diatessaron. It was the same thing"

That made me think. The details of the Old Testament are different and I didn't like that to begin with. That one writer thought the law was given at Mount Sinai and the other at Mount Horeb might not seem like a big deal but I was told that the Bible was inerrant and literally true. And that meant that it wasn't inerrant and literally true. And now Reverend Sherry was telling me the Gospels didn't agree. That was a really big deal too.

I mean it just is.

When I bought my motorcycle, I took up jogging instead. Since I wasn't peddling as much anymore, I didn't want to be fat agains so I bought a decent pair of running shoes and went jogging. Pretty soon, I was doing 3 1/2 miles in less than 30 minutes and it was easy. . I was beginning to feel pretty good about myself. I was also beginning to want to not work at the Burger King anymore The pay wasn't great and they treated you like dirt and there was constant pressure. Plus, I didn't really like the people I worked with. At the store, I was told what to do and I ddi but I could just go do it. At the BK, it was a team thing and some people on the team didn't pull their wieght. All in all, it wasn't a good job.

After me and Daniel had real sex, we did it again. And agina. He liked it and I liked it and we did it. But then he started being harder to get ahold of. Not as nice. More distant. I wondered what I had done wrong. Whatever it was, I was willing to do better. I wanted what we were doing to go on. But it didn't. He didn't break up with me in person. He did it on the phone. I asked him why.

"It's my fault, not yours" he said

"But I don't understand why"

"The problem with that church is that it's all gay, all the time. Being gay is not the only thing about me, you know. I think there's something more to life than jsut sexual attraction"

I was confused "The church has nothing to do with me. That's just where we met"

"No it's everything. I don't want to be gay anymore. Well, it's not that I don't want to be gay, it's that I don;t want being gay to be all that I am. I'm willing to be celibate if it means I am closer to God. I just don't think I can have a relationship now. It;s not you. It's me."

"Yeah, I guess it is" I said. I hadn't understood a word of it.

But that was the way it was. You can't force somebody ot love you, I guess. I was pretty devastated by it though. Something I had really liked, someone I had treasured just went up in smoke. Of course, i wasn't totally sure that it was Daniel I loved or the sex

I kept on going to the church, though. It wasn't so much that I liked it since it was a service I wasn't used to and never got completely comfortable with. If somebody had been Methodist or Episcipal or Presbterian, then they could related. I really couldn't. But I liked the people I had met and I liked Reverend Sherry. And I liked Fred. He had been a rock for me when Daniel broke up with me.

"Young love stinks" he said "Love is like a bunch bodies being flung around in a cylinder. Sometimes you latch on to another for a second or two or maybe longer and they you are pulled apart. It's only after you grab tightly and you both get flung free do you really find your mate"

"It definitely sucks" I said

The thing I liked about Fred was that he didn't mind sharing the garden. Sometimes people are very protective of their space but he was generous. And he taught me a lot. And he was nice to me. When Reverend Sherry would come out and give us lemoade, he would listen as I questiioned her about this or that and he never said much.

As summer turned from August to September and my broken heart started to mend, Fred made me an offer.

"I work at the University. I'm the head of landscaping. We have a position for a junior landscaper" he said

I looked at him. I nedded. I didn't know if he was asking or not.

"If you want to apply. It doesn't pay a ton of money but probably more than you are making now. You're reliable. You do what you are told and you work without complaining or shirking. The job has benefits"

I needed references. I asked Reverend Sherry and my landlord. I went to the University and found the Human Resources Dept. I had to admit the grounds were really, really nice. I filled out the application and I got a call, I dressed in my best clothes and went for the intervew, which was with Fred and two other guys. They seemed really nice and we just talked, not like a real interview. They asked me about my landscaping experience.

"Just at the church" I said. "Well, I mean I ws in FFA for a while and I always worked in our flower beds at home. Stuff liek that. I don't mind dirt"

"You ever taken care of roses?" one of the guys asked

"Yeah" I said with a sigh. "That's a lot of work. You have to know how to prune them and keep them dead headed. But I guess stuff that needs a lot of work neans a lot of gardeners to work on them, huh?"

"Ture" he said

About 2 weeks later, I got a call. I got the job. I was making more than half again what I was making at the store. I went ahead and quit at the BK and I was glad of that. But I hated quiting the store since they had been good to me for the most part. When I told my manager, he said it was a job, not a marriage and he wished me luch He also said that I was a good worker and he didn't want to lose me. So, I stayed on part time, whuch I was happy about.

Within a couple of weeks after that, I was in a room with a bunch of other people, doing orientation. They talked about the university and it's mission and a bunch of stuff like that. There were a bucnch of policies, a lot of which had nothing to do with me. They talked about benefits, insurance and returement. It was weird. I was going to have health insurance. Me, myself. And retirement. They matched 2%, so I signed up for 2%. It wasn't even $10 a week and I was making a lot more money than I had been making. It was like I had a real job and not just a kid job. Like I was actually a grown up. And I could use the fitness center. I liked that a lot.

I was totally cool with the work. I was outside, mostly by myself, doing my thing I just had to do what Fred told me to do and that was easy.

And I started going to the fitness center.

I was really nervous the first time. I hesitated the first time before I went in. I didn't know anything about lifting weights. I'd never been in a gym before. In hiigh school, I had avoided PE like the plague, for obvious reasons. There was all this stuff inside there I didn't know how to use and I didn't want anybody to laugh at me. But I found my courage and went in.

Most of the machines were pretty self explanatory as it turned out and I avoided the ones that weren't. There were a few muscle clad gym bunnies there, and the weird thing is that I didn't find them all that sexy, but they were messing around with the free weights. I wasn't that into that just yet. But nobody laughed and nobody paid me any attention, whcih was great.

Pretty soon, I was addicted to working out. I even got brave and did some free weights.

And the results began to show pretty quick too. I was getting pretty proud of my body.

Next: Chapter 5

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