The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 30, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. If you are interested in my other works, email me for information about them. A big thanks to Bryan a reader and friend who has offered his time to edit my work and make it much better for the readers. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part Seven

The Green's were having coffee. I sat at the chair between them. They could see a problem coming. And I said,

"It's time for me to go."

Tears formed in Mrs. Green's eyes, Mr. Green turned away and then back saying,

"I saw this coming over the last few weeks Bryan and I want you to know we don't want to lose you, you've become a part of our family and we care deeply for you Son."

Call me a baby, or a wimp, but those words started the tears, not just in my eyes but all around the table.

"Mr. Green, I don't want to lose the both of you, I love you very much and I love this family."

"Mr. Green spoke, "Bryan we want you to be like another Son, but there is one of your habits that needs to stop right now."

I thought, well here comes the control, no more sex? No more drinking out of the milk carton, what is it I need to change?

"Sure Mr. Green, what is it?"

"You'll need to find something other than Mr. and Mrs. Green to call us."

I smiled through my tears, "Sure, but what should I call you?"

Mrs. Green rose from her chair and came over to me, I fell into her embrace, her hug was warm and tender, her cheek damp next to mine and she said with tears in her voice,

"How about Mom?"

This was over whelming; I had lost Todd but gained a family, his family, which I would share with him. This was wonderful and more than I should ever wish for. I still wanted Todd.

With my mother being buried just a few months ago and my difficulty calling anyone dad never really having one, we settled on Mom G and Dad G. Hey that worked for me and they were happy, so that's what they became.

Dad G was prepared as always. He drove me over to a small apartment building holding just four units. Two of the units were upstairs and the other two were below. The one on the left bottom was empty. Dad G had the key and I gave him a strange look.

"I own the place, he said with a smile."

Inside was small but very clean, furnished with older, but nice furniture. The front door opened into a living area with two chairs and a loveseat facing a television on a stand. To the right and rear was a small eat in kitchen area with all the necessities. To the left was a bathroom with a shower and a bedroom big enough to hold a double bed, small nightstand and matching dresser. The closet was also small, but I still didn't have enough to fill it up.

"Bryan if you like this little place, it's yours." Said Dad G

"Can I afford the rent?" I was worried

"Bryan you're family you can afford the rent, it's free."

"I can have this place?" I asked in disbelief

"You can live here rent free until you turn eighteen or finish college."

"I'll take it." I said with a smile and a hug

Todd was awake when I retuned, but not moving very fast. He sat up in bed and watched me put my things in boxes.

"What are you doing Bry?"

"I'm giving you space Todd." You need to figure out who you are and what you want, without me being here will help you do that."

"Todd said sadly, " I'll miss having you near me Bry."

"I'll miss you too, but you and your family will still have to put up with me, I love all of you too much to walk away."

Todd slowly got out of bed and we hugged.

"Thanks Bry, I love you."

"I love you too Todd, more than ever, but we need to find ourselves each on our own."

"Okay Bry, but can I come see you?"

"Todd you made your bed my bed, so my bed is always your bed, and you can always come by to be with me without the bed." I smiled

It was hard to get out of there. Jason begged me to stay; he said he would beat Todd up if it helped. I said no, love him like always, just save a little love for me.

Jason and I had bonded we were brothers.

The school year ended and my summer job began. I enjoyed working with the kids and I was beginning to see a path that might be right for me. Pastor Scott was terrific, so supportive and willing to teach me things about working with people that I never realized.

I was pretty good with the kids and all the teens in the Rec. Center treated me well. What made the job nice was when you first entered the Center there was a wooden sign above the door on it was the one rule.

"Kindness Counts, if you can't be kind, you don't belong here"

All the kids knew if they wanted to hang out here, they had to be kind to everyone. If a kid came in with a bad mood, I would talk to them and if they couldn't get out of it, they had to leave. No one wanted to leave, so everyone went out of their way to show kindness to everyone else. I wish that rule applied to the world at large.

Summer moved on and I became accustomed to living alone. I actually liked my little place. No on hassled me and I could go to bed when ever I wanted, but after a day of work that was never too late. I liked to come home and take a quick shower, throw on a pair of shorts to fix dinner, watch TV or surf the net.

I saw Todd sometimes, he was working for his dad and he and Kathy were back together. I had heard they had finally had their first encounter if you know what I mean.

I always saw Jason in church with Tally; they were going to the local university and would be roommates in the fall. Sunday afternoon was always spent with the Greens. I was part of the family now and we celebrated that together every week. Todd was always nice; sometimes Kathy would join us, which seemed very different. Their relationship seemed okay just not hot, something seemed to be missing..

It was the last Friday of the summer, Monday would be Back to School and I was wrapping up some paperwork in my little office. There was a knock at the door. I said come in.

It was Will and Paul; they were two teens that would be entering their freshman year of high school. They had met each other here at the beginning of summer and became fast friends. All summer if you saw one you saw the other. Both guys were cute as hell and I had to remember why I was here many times just watching them play together.

The boys sat in front of me and looked at each other to see who would begin.

Paul reached over and took Will's hand. I didn't expect that. Will looked into Paul's eyes and I knew where this was going.

"Hey guys do you want to talk?" I encouraged

"Yeah Bryan, we're hoping we can talk to you and maybe you can help us you know figure some stuff out." Paul began

"Sure guys, that's why I'm here, what's up?"

Will took over, "Well Bryan, you know Paul and I met here at the church and all and we have really become good friends over the summer and ah."

Paul broke in, "Bryan, we need your help, Will and I have been sleeping over at each others house for the last two or three weeks and well the truth is we've been doing more than sleeping."

Will jumped in, "Bryan please don't tell anyone, I don't want people to call us fags or gay or stuff like that, please Bryan, just help us figure out what to do, Please?"

"Okay Guys don't worry, I'll do my best to answer some questions and no one here is going to call you anything, you're safe with me and take my word for it Pastor Scott is very cool and understanding about things like that too."

"Can we just talk to you, we need to just get your input now because you're you know." coming from Will

"You mean because you heard I'm gay?"

"Yeah, but we're cool with that, I mean you are so cool Bryan and cute and I mean both us think you're great Bryan." Spoke Paul

"Okay enough about me, how can I help you guys." Smiling

Will began "We're worried what is going to happen in high school when everyone finds out, you know that Paul and I are doing it together."

"Yeah and well Bryan, we did meet here at church, what's God going to think, I mean are we going to hell for this?" "I really love Paul, but neither one of us want to go to hell." Pleading voice from Will

I thought for a moment and I knew how they felt. Their worries were no different that lots of boys entering this stage of life, wanting to be together but not wanting to be apart from their crowd of friends they have always known.

"Guys lets start with the high school problem first okay?" I said

They listened carefully, Will's hand on Paul's bare knee, Paul leaning against Will's shoulder.

"I know both of your parents and they are good loving people would you agree with me?"

"Sure" from both the boys.

Okay, both of you have sisters and a brothers right?"


Then you realize your parent have sex right?"

"Ooooh" with disgusting looks on their faces.

I laughed, "Okay how would you like it if your parents came to the breakfast table and told you all about their sexual encounters from the night before?"

"No way! That is so gross." Paul with Will agreeing

"Okay so its possible for two willing partners to have sex together, enjoy it and not let it interfere with the rest of their lives right?"

"Oh, I get it", said Paul "Don't ask don't tell"

"Well sort of", I said. "If you two have found each other and are safely engaging in sex with just each other and both of you want that to continue, but don't want it to become a problem, then keep it to yourselves."

"So what you're saying Bryan is we can be together, but find time to also be a part and live a normal life and still have each other, right?"

"Well guys, all I'm saying is you'll have less problems if you keep your sexual pleasures between the two of you."

Will said, "Wow thanks Bryan, that really helps with school and life, but what about God, we think he already knows."

"He does Will", he does."

"So what about it?" concern from Paul

I looked deep into their eyes, "Guys think about this, the bible tells us that we're made in God's likeness, but when you look around the earth, we all appear different."

"Yeah, that's true, they agreed."

I went on, "I think we've been given a road map to follow, but there is no expressway to heaven, just separate pathways. Some people find their way and others go in another direction. Each of us must choose our own path, while keeping an eye on our desired destination."

"So what are you telling us?" They weren't sure where I was going with all of this.

"Well Guys I'm telling you to pick your path, others may join yours, some may stray away and return to meet yours again, but someday one will stay. The point is, if you stay faithful to yourself and keep your eye on your destination your journey well likely take you there."

"Its okay to be gay?" they asked together

"Its okay to find love and share it with a willing partner. Its okay to be true to yourself and live within the guidelines of your roadmap." I replied

"So if we stay true to our selves and each other, God will understand is that it?"

"That's it?" I smiled

"Wow Bryan, you're really smart", thanks from Paul

"We I had some help, but thanks". I smiled

Will put his arm around Paul, Paul kissed him in front of me, they smiled sweetly and said, "don't tell."

Smiling they went out the door together.

I sat back in my chair and realized I had found my path. I was sure leading others and helping the lost find their way was the direction my life would take. I wondered if I would travel that path alone.

It had been a great but long day and I was glad to me back to my little place. I jumped into the shower and let the water roll over me. I thought about the showers with Todd and that brought a smile to my face. I'm alone now, but still have great memories.

Once I was dried I found a pair of shorts to slip on and contemplated what I would do about dinner when I heard a knock at my door.

It was unusual for me to get guest. So I opened is slightly to see who is might be.

It was Adam.

I must have looked shocked to see him because he easily pushed the door open and entered my living area. Adam must of just come from the gym. He was in running shoes and shorts and nothing more. To be frank, he looked really good. I had not seen him much after the bathroom scene and seeing him now brought back some bad and some good memories.

"Hey Bryan, how have you been?' he said smiling his great smile, checking me out in my shorts with his blue piecing eyes.

"Adam, I didn't expect you, how did you find me?"

"Well Bryan" looking at my all but naked body, "I find you hot."


"Look Bryan, I haven't been the same since I lost you. I get blow jobs all the time, but none as good as yours, and well Bryan all that time we were together, I realized I never had the chance to give you one back, so I thought I'd come by when I heard you lived here alone and offer to make up for lost time." Big smile from Adam, and then Adam pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them.

It had been awhile. I had gone months since my birthday and that wonderful night with Todd. I had found a few websites that let me look at teen boy bodies, but let's face it. There is nothing like being in the room with one. One that is naked, long and willing.

I was horny, looking at Adam I could easily see he was too. He came forward and put his hands on my hips. He gently pushed my shorts down. I felt them pass over my pubes and my dick sprung out the top, the shorts fell to the floor. Adam looked at me and smiled more.

"First I'll do you Bryan and then you can do me." he said and went to his knees.

Adam's lips moved forward, open ready to take my hard dick into his month. Looking down I could see his dick was more than ready for me, so long so ready.

I felt his breath blowing into my pubes and then I stepped back and said,


"Come on Bryan, you know you want me to do it and you know you want to suck me big time. No one will know, let's just do it."

Adam, I'll Know, and I can't live with that. Get out; get out now my voice came out stronger than I thought it would

Adam's dick went down. It wasn't very pretty limp and small. I handed him his shorts and opened my door. Adam slipped his shorts quickly over his shrinking dick and pushed me aside as he left.

I sat with my hands over my face for a few minutes just replaying the events that had taken place and wondering what might have been if I had not been so strong.

Again a knock at my door, I think to myself if this is Adam, I'm not sure I can send him away twice. I pulled it open and begin to tell him no when I see Todd standing there.

The was Todd's first visit to my place, we always met at his house. He gave me a large pizza and a smile.

"Bry, are you okay you look a little flustered?"

"Yeah fine, hey what are you doing here it's date night?"

"Not any more. Kathy and I broke it off this morning."

"What happened Todd?"

Sitting the pizza down, he looked sadly at me and said,

"We were together last night. We've been getting together for a few weeks and well Bry" his face turns red his eyes began to water.

"Tell me Todd, I'm here for you buddy."

"Bry, I can't do it, I mean I can do it, but it's just not the same, it's not as good as when, well when you and I did it."


"Look Bry, I figure by now you've found someone, I think I saw Adam leaving, man I hope you do better than that, but I know there is no way that I or we...

"Bry I am so sorry that I treated you so badly. Bry I am so sorry I lost you, I love you, I miss you and well I just came to say that and that I'm sorry."

I thought to myself,

"Pick your path, others may join yours, some may stray away and return to meet yours again, but someday one will stay."

I gave Todd a hug; he gave me a smile; that's how it began that's how it will end. Todd stayed the night and the next night. We shared our pizza, our bodies and our love. Todd was back and it was better than ever because this time he wanted to be here with me.

Sunday morning came and this time Todd used some of my things and we dressed for church. Todd had never been there with me, but this was an important day, Jason was going to be joining the church today.

We arrived at the church and headed for a round table near the front. Two seats waited for us joining Jason and Tally and Mom and Dad G, everyone smiled seeing us together. We joined our family completing the circle as the service began we rested our hands together on The Good Book.

The Rest of The Story

Todd and I remained together making it through high school and on to college. We went different ways only in our studies. Todd headed towards law and I the ministry, no surprise there right?

With school behind us, we moved back to our hometown and our family. Todd went to work with his father in the law firm; I had been offered a position as Associate Pastor under Pastor Scott at my church. I was so pleased when the offer came I jumped at the chance.

The church had grown during the years that had past. It was now a large sanctuary with a wing of Sunday school and bible studies rooms along one side, and offices and community out reach center along another, with a new Recreation Center complete with Basketball and Tennis courts. All this was on a large wooded parcel of land at the edge of town donated by none other than The Green's.

It was peaceful and beautiful out there among nature and the trees surrounding our space, all giving off the feeling of openness and freedom, which complemented the very ministry provided here.

Todd and I bought a home and settled in. The first few years allowed us to grow and build a strong and meaningful relationship filled with so many wonderful memories. One day I'll always remember was just last year.

I was working in my office and needed a break from my desk. I stepped outside into the warm air and sunshine of summer. Just then I saw a car pull up and Todd began walking towards me along the sidewalk. With the sun behind him and the breeze flowing through his hair, I was taken back to the days I would watch him running like a gazelle kicking the ball toward the goal. Todd had stayed so warm and wonderful now deep into manhood.

My mind was brought back to real time by the tapping of little sandaled feet on baby brown legs below little shorts, his shirt being pulled upward by waving arms, the mop of black hair over a dimpled smiling brown face made me smile. The small figure ran past Todd and towards me. His little arms reached for the heavens and when he was within a yard he jumped and flew into my arms and said,


With my arms around our adopted Son and Todd's arm around me, Pastor Scott opened the door of the church, seeing us together, a family; he smiled widely, raising his hand in a friendly gesture. In his hand was "The Good Book"

The End

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