The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 25, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. If you are interested in my other works, email me for information about them. A big thanks to Bryan a reader and friend who has offered his time to edit my work and make it much better for the readers. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part Five

The groceries were in the kitchen and while Mrs. Green and Jason unloaded the bags, I asked Mr. Green if I could talk with him. We went into his office and closed the door. Mr. Green was behind his desk and I sat in front a little nervous. I wasn't sure how to begin. So I said

"Mr. Green, I want to tell you I'm gay!"

"Well Bryan its not that I don't think your cute, but I'm straight and spoken for." He smiled

"No, no I just wanted you to know I'm gay."

"You brought me in here to tell me that, or was there something else?'

"Yes sir, I would appreciate your help."

"With being gay?" Another smile

"Come on Mr. Green this is hard enough without you kidding around."

"Sorry, Bryan, I was just having some fun. So you're gay, so I have a great career, I have a loving partner and together we are raising a family and I'm straight, but you could have the same things as me and so you're gay." How can I help you Son?"

"You just did, but I want your help with Pastor Johnston and the church. My mother gave them everything including me and I want to be free of them and I want what's mine back."

I gave Mr. Green a quick run down about my life with the Johnston. I didn't go into all the things I had done, he knew I wasn't perfect.

"So Bryan you're ready to face Pastor Johnston?"

"Yes sir, but I'm not going to press changes against him. I think that would come back to hurt me and possibly Todd, I just want what's mine."

"Okay Son, I'll make some calls and put some paperwork together and we'll go get your life back."

I gave Mr. Green a big hug and we went to find some food. After dinner I found out that we had an appointment with the Pastor first thing in the morning.

I was asleep when Todd came rolling over to hug me that night. My mind was on the other things going on in my life and I gave him a quick hug and went back to sleep.

The next morning Mr. Green woke me he had me sign some papers and he and I headed to meet the Pastor. We arrived at the church and were told The Pastor was in his office. My hands were sweating, my heart was beating like a race horse and I began to have second thoughts about this plan. Fortunately Mr. Green handled himself with such confidence I didn't look too bad.

The Pastor told us to come in after our knock at his door. There were two chairs in front of his desk and we sat down facing the Pastor. The look I was getting made me want to run out of there and go pee, but Mr. Green started right in.

"Pastor Johnston we have a problem."

"Really Mr. Green and what would that be?"

"Well sir you are currently holding ownership to property that rightfully belongs to Bryan and we're here to have you sign it over to him."

"Well Mr. Green I can't do that, after all young Bryan is still an minor." Devious smile

"Not anymore Pastor, Mr. McGrath signed papers this morning to become Emancipated and in control of his own finances and able to take care of his own business."

"Oh really", big frown from the Pastor. "Well Bryan may be free to make decision, but so was his mother and she decided to give all her belongings and her small nest egg to the church."

"Pastor you know you could give all that back to Bryan and you know it's rightfully his. Surely as a man of God you'll want to do the right thing." Tried Mr. Green

"The problem Mr. Green is if I give the money to young Bryan it would be like giving it to the devil. This boy has acted against my family and the church and as I recall he had your Son's help in his evil actions. So I have no reason to give you or Bryan anything, perhaps you should leave. The Pastor stood to show us out.

Had we lost? I can't let that happen I thought.

"Sorry Mr. Green, but the Pastor is right", I said

The Pastor smiled, Todd's dad looked at me like I was crazy, I winked at him.

"Pastor tells you that I am devil and I am evil and have sinned against the church and he is correct." I went on

"You see Mr. Green the young man makes sense, so please find your way out and have a good day." Encouraged the Pastor.

I continued. "The Pastor tells us that when we are sinners we should come before God and the congregations and tell of our sins, that is the only way to find forgiveness, right Pastor?" I asked

"Yes, yes Bryan, now be on your way."

"Yes Pastor we will and I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled

"What?" The Pastor stopped

"Well sir I need to stand in front of the church tomorrow and share my sins. I need to tell them that Adam and I slept together and about our sexual relationship. I'll need to confess my sins about being naked at your command in front of your daughters. I'll need to share with them how I used the dog to stop you wife from cutting my balls off."

Mr. Green picked up on what I was doing. The Pastor was standing there with an open month and a face as red as a beet.

"Yeah Bryan I guess you're right, confessing in front of the whole church is a good idea, you know to get forgiveness and all, like the Good Pastor says."

"I just wonder which service you'll be attending so I can ask the Mayor and Judge Wentworth to be here and witness your confession?"

I said, "All of them!"

"Now wait a minute there's no need to get everybody involved in this, perhaps I can reconsider and give you some of the money." Now the Pastor looked nervous.

"All of the money, the checks from the Government from his father and Mrs. McGrath's car as well." "Oh by the way how many services do you have on Sunday?" Now Mr. Green was smiling.

"Yes, yes the car all the money you're right, young Bryan needs it for his education and it would be the right thing for the church to help him move forward and find a better life for himself. Yes, yes I could do that." I didn't know the Pastor stuttered.

"Fine Pastor I have taken the liberty of drawing up the papers for your signature and I'll be dropping them by Judge Wentworth's home on the way back." Said Mr. Green

"Yes lets sign those papers and Bryan there is no need to share your plight with everyone consider yourself forgiven."

"Oh thank you Pastor, but only God can do that, but no I won't be returning to this church again."

Papers were signed and we hit the road.

"Bryan you were terrific if you ever consider law as a profession I'll find a home for you in my firm."

"Thanks Mr. G, but I'm not sure that's the field for me, but I'll keep it in mind.

As we drove home Mr. Green and I just talked.

"Well Bryan I'll bet you're glad to have that part of your life behind you."

"Yeah, I won't miss the Johnston's, but I will miss the church."

Mr. Green looked like he was going to say something, but dropped it as we pulled into the driveway.

Todd came running out of the house smiling and asking how things went. I told him we had won and I was getting everything back that belonged to me including my mom's car.

"Cool your birthday is in what, about two weeks, you'll be sixteen and able to drive the thing."

"Just ten day Bud." I replied with a smile."

"Mr. Green said he would help me get my learners permit and he and Mrs. Green would teach me to drive. Life was starting to be much better.

It wasn't a lot of money but I would now be able to afford a few nice things, have money to care for myself and still be a part of this great family. Although the money would be an improvement, nothing was better than having Todd.

We just goofed around most of Saturday, Todd had a copy of the driver's book and I began to study. At the end of the day Todd just said,

"Bry are you ready to get cleaned up?"

It was really no longer necessary for us to help each other, both of our wounds were healing on their own, but we both still enjoyed taking a shower together."

The water was warm and we splashed about. Todd still cleaned my back and I cleaned his. He had a cute bubble butt, well defined thanks to soccer and running. The water beaded on his tan skin making his muscles all bright and shinny. My hands wrapped around his arms as I slowly squeezed against their form. Todd leaned back and I could smell the sweet aroma of his freshly shampooed hair. I moved my hands to the small of his back, kneading the muscles along his spinal cord. I placed each hand on his cloudy white lobes and the water made a stream running down his crack. It seemed like Todd was enjoying this and that was confirmed by the shadow of his hard dick reflecting against the wall. He wasn't the only one hard under the rain of water flowing upon us.

I gently turned him around and we were so close the tips of our dicks touched. Todd smiled, but pulled away, the water turned cold.

We dried ourselves with smiles and small talk and headed back into the room getting ready for bed. Todd slipped on a fresh pair of boxers when I realized all my briefs were in the laundry.

"Darn, I don't have any clean underwear." I said

Todd smiled and said,

"That's okay, we just won't wear any tonight."

At that he slipped his boxers off and we climbed into bed naked for the first time.

This boy sent so many mixed signals, I didn't know what to think, but with his warm body next to me I decided to take what he offered and just enjoy all Todd was willing to give

The warmth, the softness of spooning, the hardness of Todd against my back, I tried to push back slowly hoping to feel more of him against my body. There, there it is, and the door opens.

Mr. Green comes over to the bed; luckily the covers were over Todd and I. He smiles and tells me to get dressed and meet him down stairs.

I want to stay, I want to rub my butt up against Todd's extending hardness, I want to love Todd, but I want to do what Mr. Green has asked, so I quietly get up and get dressed, leaving Todd naked and alone.

Mr. Green waits by the back door and without a word opens it for us to leave. I have no idea what's going on, but I trust him and follow. We drive a short ways and a few blocks from the High School. We enter a warehouse area. It's Sunday and all the small construction and service companies have their trucks closed behind high fences. The normal workday traffic is missing and then we turn the corner and see one of the larger warehouses with people standing around outside and cars parking and all kinds of action.

We parked and entered the building. Inside there were long tables and round tables filled with people talking and sharing small platters of doughnuts and pitchers of juice. We find Two seats at one of the tables near the front. Mr. Green reaches out his hand and shakes one belonging to a thirty something man with a trimmed beard and says,

"Hey Scotty"

"Hey John, I wondered if you'd ever show up during business hours." Big smile

Mr. Green laughed and said, "Yeah I figured I better know what kind of action who had going in one of my warehouses."

I looked at Mr. Green and he realized I have no idea what was going on.

Mr. Green smiles at me and then looks at Scotty and says,

"Pastor Scott this is Bryan, the young man I was telling you about on the phone yesterday."

"Bryan this is Pastor Ryan Scott and this warehouse belongs to me, but the church using it belongs to Scotty."

"Wrong John, the church belongs to God, I'm just here to tell his story." Smiled the Pastor.

Now I looked around and saw bibles in front of some people, one was in front of the Pastor. I recognized some kids from school and gave a nod in their direction.

Soon things begin to happen. A girl I have seen around the halls got up on stage and read a very nice poem. Then a small quartet played some cool music, after which Pastor Scott walked to the podium. The Pastor was young leaving his young wife and small baby at the table with us.

Pastor Scott spoke; "Good morning, it is truly a good morning and we have visitors today and hopefully a new member will come of their visit with us. Please welcome them."

Mr. Green and I stand,and there is kind smiles and bless you from a number of the others.

From the Pastor, "Life isn't always what you think it should be. As we grow up, we learn that the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. Others will think that you are different, you are, so be proud of yourself. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend miserable is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Try to remember, not to be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Wow! It was like he was speaking to me and everyone else was in the room to witness it.

The Pastor stepped back and a young man that looked like a Sumo Wrestler came on to the stage. He was built like the side of a short house. However his face was soft and angelic. The Pastor had introduced him as Tally, and said that he had joined the congregation just a month ago and had asked to perform today.

Well when he began to sing the room went quiet. His voice was clear and much higher than you would have thought possible from such a big guy. His song was "Amazing Grace" and wow did he do it justice. I had never heard it sound so good. I knew I wanted to meet him before we left the church.

Then Pastor Scott picked up his bible and he said,

"Now a few words from The Good Book."

It was quite different. I was accustomed to hearing all the parts of the bible associated with fear, punishment and despair, but Pastor Scott read only uplifting verses about love and family.

After Pastor Johnston I wasn't sure I liked the Bible, but now with Pastor Scott I knew I loved "The Good Book".

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 6

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