The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 23, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. If you are interested in my other works, email me for information about them. A big thanks to Bryan a reader and friend who has offered his time to edit my work and make it much better for the readers. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part Four

The word had gotten around that a dog had attacked me, so everybody asked a lot of stupid questions. Did you get rabies? Did he really bite my balls off? What did you do to the dog? I deflected most questions with yes and no answers and tried to make it through the day.

It was after lunch before I saw him. At first he didn't see me and then his blue eyes locked in on me. He walked with such grace, carrying himself with great confidence. His blonde hair was combed just right to frame his fair skin and clear face.

My eyes naturally traveled down his frame and focused in on the bulge pushing out his jeans. He adjusted himself and I looked back up to see him smiling at me. There were no words between us, but he knew what I was thinking and I knew his thoughts as well.

I didn't expect Adam to be able to do this to me, but all those nights sleeping with that perfect nude body, holding that beautiful long dick, sucking him to completion, being his sexual release, It all came rushing back and took my breath away.

Somehow I made it to my next class, English and my best bud Todd. Todd was funny, he treated me like his little brother or something making sure to get my papers from the teacher for me and holding my chair and helping me take my backpack off. It was a bit much, but what's a guy to do?

The next few days allowed the questions to deplete and things began to go back to normal. Thursday night was the first soccer game. I went with Jason and his folks showed up after us. I liked watching soccer but it was much better with Todd in the game. He was so quick so sleek as he ran the field. I couldn't help eyeing Adam in his soccer shorts as well; the boy had a great body.

Anyway it was the second half, we were ahead by three points. Both Todd and Adam had scored during the game; both were playing their best. This time Todd had the ball and was making his way down the field when a jerk from the other team crossed in front while sweeping the feet out from under him. Todd went skidding along the wet grass on his side. He lay on the field with his shorts pushed up to the point that you could see his jockstrap. The coach ran out and helped him off the field and he sat out the rest of the game.

Jason and I waited for him at the gym and he came limping out in his sweatpants. This time it was my turn to help Todd.

Once we were home, Ms. Green had him remove his sweats and pull up the leg of his boxers; he had a bad bruise on his upper leg with a few scratches as well. Mrs. Green asked if Todd wanted her to put something on it and Todd said,

"No thanks Mom, Bryan can take care of me." I got the look and the smile from Mrs. Green.

Todd and I headed up to his room where I helped him take off his shirt and boxers. We took a shower together and I made sure the area was clean just like he had done for me. Once we had dried, I sat on the toilet lid and had the ointment ready to apply.

Todd came up very close to me. His tan skin stopping at a line consistent with his shorts, smooth milky white skin surrounded the strawberry bruised area. I carefully applied the ointment moving along his butt cheek. His skin was warm and clean, fresh from the shower. He had an aroma that was just Todd, sweet and fresh. My rubbing of his tender area had an affect on him; his dick grew and pointed up and out away from his body and so close to my face. The pink head flared and turned a shade or purple. The shaft, now about six inches became fuller and the large vain running along the underside filled and increase the overall girth of his dick. His balls pulled up tight in thier-protected sack and Todd was totally hard.

My hand moved around with the lotion and I touched his pubic hair for the first time. They were soft, dark and curly. His dick was an inch from my face; there was a small bead of moisture on the tip. I couldn't help; I tried, but just couldn't stop myself. I leaned forward and let his dick rub against my cheek the bead moistened my skin.

Todd pulled back and said,

"Bry stop, I can't let you do that."

"Please Todd, I want to"

"I know," he said.

"You know? You know I'm gay?"


"That doesn't bother you?"

"Bry you're my best friend, I love you for who you are, I hope you love me for who I am too."

"I do Todd, and I'll do whatever you want, I don't want to lose you."

"You'll never lose me Bry, but I can't do that. Kathy and my parents are counting on me. Just help me if you can, or I'll get mom to do it."

"No Todd, you helped me, I'll help you, and thanks for understanding."

I finished applying the ointment as difficult as it was, I did it for Todd.

Later in bed we touched hands. I told him everything. I told him about jerking Adam; I told him I had sucked his dick and enjoyed having his cum tickle down my throat. He listened quietly and kissed away my tears when I shared the part about the knife.

Now Todd knew it all, He knew what had happened and he knew I enjoyed providing sex to Adam and he was still my friend, truly a good friend. When I was done, Todd's lips touched mine. He said he loved me and I returned a small kiss. We hugged and he turned to go to sleep.

I loved sleeping with Todd, the head tap, the small little kisses, the warmth and spooning, but I knew it was getting to me. I knew I wasn't any more satisfied than when I slept with Adam. I knew I had a problem.

Friday came and it was the afternoon. Todd and I and a few classmates headed for the library to do some research for our new English project. I had finished before the rest and had to pee, so I headed back to class stopping by the restroom first. The hall was deserted when I entered and I quickly finished by business as I heard the door open behind me. It was Adam.

I froze at the urinal as he came up next to me. He smiled and pulled his dick out and began to pee. I stood there my dick still out and growing hard just looking at Adam's long cock. Adam said,

"You still want it don't you?"

I shook my head yes.

I know I'm weak, but all this touching and kissing and being so close to Todd's dick had driven me to a new horny high. Adam shook the last drops off his dick head and turned to give me a full view of his pubes and soft balls hanging low in their hairless sack.

"Go ahead, suck it." I heard

I dropped to my knees, my face moved forward, my lips opened and I took him in. The feel of his hard dick moving across my tongue, the head rubbing the top of my mouth, the musty smell of his groin, I sucked him, I sucked him for all I was worth. I felt him getting harder; I heard his breathing change to a rapid pace. I felt the heat of his dick increase and the door opened again.

I pulled back just as Adam let go of long strings of cum slamming against my face. I turned to see who was the witness to this. It was Todd.

I was heartbroken. What had I done? What would Todd think of me? I had never had a friend like him or been shown so much love, by him and his family, and I let my horny behavior throw it away. Needless to say Todd looked pissed. Adam smirked and tucked his dick into his pants and said,

"Hey Todd, you're next, Bryan loves to suck cock, but I guess you already know that."

"Shut the hell up Adam and get away from him or I'll call Jason, he can be here in a minute." Todd pulled out his cell phone.

Adam pushed me back and away; I fell against the restroom wall and landed on my butt. Adam moved quickly out of their brushing passed Todd in the process.

What will he say? What will he do? Will he walk away and leave me or kick my ass?

Todd came towards me; he looked down and into my face now covered with Adam cum. Todd pulled some towels from the box, ran water over one and gently cleaned my face. Then he dried me and threw the towels in the trash. Todd turned again and put his hand out and said,

"Come on Bry, before the teacher sends someone looking for us."

Fortunately class ended shortly and Todd headed in a different direction to his next class.

I met Jason after school at his car. He looked at me and could tell something was wrong, but before he could ask Todd came up and said.

"Let's go, I need to get home and change before I pick up Kathy." We road home with little conversation, Todd headed to his room and I followed. By the time I got there he was already in the shower, the sound of splashing coming from there could only be made by the hand of a lonely boy.

I waited for him to open the door and when he did he came into the room naked holding the ointment. His dick was soft and hanging gently over his balls, it was a little red.

"Bry would you put the ointment on for me?" He asked shyly

"Sure, but can we talk a little before you leave?"

"Of course Bry, go ahead."

"Todd I am so sorry you saw that today, I owe you better than that."

As I applied the lotion doing my best to stay professional Todd said,

"Bry I haven't been very fair to you. I know you have needs, so do I and just because I chose to suppress mine doesn't mean you should."

"No Todd this is not your fault, I can control myself better than that. I hope you don't want me to leave your house, I don't want to live without you, I love you Todd."

Todd placed his hand on my face, his dick stirred.

"Bry, I don't want you to leave this house, or my life or my bed unless you're ready to move on. Okay?"

"Okay Todd, thanks."

I finished applying the ointment on his leg and he got dressed and we went down to the kitchen together.

It was just too good to be true. Todd knew I was gay, he saw me sucking Adam's cock and he still wanted me in his life. I was so lucky to have him as a friend and so lucky to have him in my life.

I walked Todd to the door, or hands touched and he squeezed my fingers. I watched out the window as he drove off to his date with Kathy.

Jason and his dad had headed to the store to pick up some chicken for the grill, leaving Mrs. Green and I alone in the kitchen. I turned to see her looking at me and she smiled and motioned for me to come sit next to her. With her arm around me she said,

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

I wanted to tell her, I wanted her to know what happened, I wanted her to understand, so I told her all about Adam, Pastor Johnston, and the church. With tears rolling down my face, I told her that Todd had saved me and I felt stronger being with him.

"You love him don't you?"

Here we go I thought, "Yes, yes I do."

"He loves you too, but it may not be exactly in the same way."

"I know and I'm dealing with that, but I don't think you can understand."

"Really? She said, "Why not, I now know you're gay, my son is gay and I'm dealing with that."

"Your Son is gay? Todd is gay?" I ask in disbelief

"No, Jason is." She replied quietly.

"Jason is gay? I had no idea, "Why haven't I ever seen him with another guy?"

Mrs. Green began, "When Jason was your age he had a close friend. Jason invited him over for the night in hopes something would work out between them. It did, but the sex accelerated and Jason hurt the poor boy. The boy screamed and I went running into the room to see blood coming from his backside. I tried to help him, but he grabbed his clothes and ran from the house."

Mrs. Green continued, "Jason was devastated, he didn't mean to hurt him, but Jason is big everywhere and he didn't realize that his love could hurt. After that Jason said he would not have sex again until he found someone he knew he couldn't hurt."

"Mrs. Green said, "I guess you might know by now that being gay can be painful?"

"Yeah, and I don't want to hurt Todd and I don't want God to hate me."

She took my hand and looked deep into my eyes, "Bryan think about this, the bible tells us that we're made in God's likeness, but when you look around the world, we all appear different."

"Yeah, that's true, I agreed."

She went on, "I think we've been given a road map to follow, but there is no expressway to heaven, just separate pathways. Some people find their way and others go in another direction. Each of us must choose our own path, while keeping an eye on our desired destination."

"So what are you telling me?" I wasn't sure I knew where she was going with all of this.

"Well Bryan I'm telling you to pick your path, others may join yours, some may stray away and return to meet yours again, but someday one will remain.

The point is, if you stay faithful to yourself and keep your eye on your destination your journey well likely take you there."

"Its okay to be gay?"

"Its okay to find love and share it with a willing partner. Its okay to be true to yourself and live within the guidelines of your roadmap."

"What about Todd?" I asked

"Todd loves Kathy, Todd loves you. Todd needs to find his path." She smiled

"What if he picks me?"

"We hope both our boys find someone to love and care for their needs. Todd knows we would love grandchildren, and that he is the only hope of that, but he also knows we'll support him no matter where life takes him."

"What about God?' I asked quietly

"Well Bryan before you can be right with God, you need to right with yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"It sounds to me like you're letting Adam, Pastor Johnston and the church guide your path. When will you take control of your own life?"

I thought about this and heard the car pulling up with Mr. Green and Jason and the groceries. As I got up to help bring the bags in, I turned to Mrs. Green and said,


Next: Chapter 5

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