The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 21, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. If you are interested in my other works, email me for information about them. A big thanks to Bryan a reader and friend who has offered his time to edit my work and make it much better for the readers. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part Three

The morning brought light and the wonderful feeling of Todd Green's arm around me as he spooned my body. My gown was open in the back and I could feel him their, skin against skin, but for his boxers, we were touching everywhere.

I was trying my best to push back and feel his harden bulge against my butt when the door to the guest room came flying open.

Jason filled the doorway, he smiled and I smiled back.

"You boys tuck your dicks away and get ready, it's going to be a busy morning."

Todd shot him a friendly bird, but moved away and out of the bed. Cool air replaced the warmth of his body, but the new view of him confirmed he was indeed a little hard. Todd made no effort to hide it, he just acted as if we had been together forever.

"Bry, I need to get ready for school, but before I do I'll help you get dressed. Mom's taking you to see the doctor today and maybe get your bandages off. Your things have not been picked up from the Johnston's yet, so you'll need to wear some of my stuff okay?

Get into Todd underwear? Stick my hands in the pockets of Todd's pants?

"Yeah, that's cool, thanks."

Todd smiled and headed out the room.

Soon he was back with a fresh pair of boxers, cargo shorts and a tan pullover shirt. Being dressed by Todd was an adventure. He was careful of my wounds and too careful with my dick, touching it only place it back in the boxers when it feel out the front hole. He gave me slippers and everything fit just right

When he was done, I took his hand, our eyes met and he almost spoke, but his dad came into the room and we pulled away from one another.

Mr. Green carried me down the stairs. This was no effort for this man, so large, not fat, just strong, but gentle. I was falling in love with this family, starting with Todd of course.

Once we arrived in the kitchen, Todd insisted on being the one to take me to the car. His mom was waiting in the drivers seat and watched Todd carefully place me in the seat next to her. During the transfer, our cheeks brushed and our sight connected. We looked deep into each other eyes. Todd just inches away, he moved his head and our noses touched just for a second and then he moved away and closed the door. Mrs. Green looked on, not missing a thing.

At the hospital two Aids helped me out of the car and Mrs. Green took over and rolled me into the examining room. She left while I was checked out and the doctor removed my bandages. I was recovering quickly and he said I would be able to return to school by the first of the week.

Mrs. Green stopped by the school to pick up my work so I wouldn't get behind and then we did the drive through for some lunch and headed back to the house.

Mr. Green was waiting in the kitchen and came out to help me into the house. The three of us had lunch while he told me that he had picked up my things at the Pastor's house. He said the Pastor's wife was not very nice, I agreed. He asked me if I was ready to talk about my injuries and what really happened. I turned bright red and Mrs. Green saved me by suggesting that we not cover that now.

After lunch Mr. Green carried me up the stairs and asked if I wanted to rest or start my homework using Todd computer. I liked the idea of seeing Todd's room and asked if I could do that now. They turned on the computer for me and left me alone with all the notes I needed to get stated.

First I wanted to see what it was like to be in Todd's room. Looking around I saw the usual baseball and soccer trophies as well as pictures of him with his family. One was when Todd was about five. He was a cute kid, still is.

On the dresser there was a couple photos of Todd with Kathy. One showed them together when he was about twelve. I didn't know they had been dating that long. It kind of hurt to think of them together, but I had known they were dating, I just needed to deal with it.

I looked around in his drawers, just curious. Below his neat stack of boxers I found a pack of condoms. So that did it, I needed to get him off my mind, get well and get the hell out of here.

I tried doing my homework, but was depressed, so I went back to the guest room. I was able to handle the walk without help thankfully. I got on the bed and closed my eyes seeing Todd. This wasn't working.

I woke to Todd shaking me. My eyes opened to his smile. He could see I was sad. He sat on the bed next to me and pulled me off the pillow, then held me in his arms.

"I missed you Bry, I wish I could have stayed home with you today."

"What about Kathy?" I asked pulling away slightly

"Kathy is Kathy, what do you mean?"

"Well you have her to keep you from being lonely." I knew I was pouting.

"Yes I have Kathy," he said carefully, looking into my eyes, but I missed being with you."

My eyes filled with tears and he gave me an extra hug, before saying,

"Come on Bry I'll help you down the stairs and we'll get a snack."

Together Todd and I made it down the stairs slowly with his arm around me, so close so nice.

We had a soda and some cheese and made idle talk with his mom and Jason.

Shortly Mr. Green came in and everyone started getting ready for dinner. Todd sat next to me and our bare legs rubbed together throughout the dinner. I had to hide my hard bulge when I got up from the table. I don't think anyone saw it, maybe Mrs. Green.

During dinner Todd casually said,

"Mom I'm moving Bryan in with me, that guest room is too big and dark, he'll be better off in my room."

I looked at him and smiled.

Mr. Green spoke,

"Bryan you're about to find out the family secret, Todd snores."

"I do not," Todd protested.

Everyone laughed and Mrs. Green looked right into my eyes, I blushed when she ask me.

"Do you want to sleep with Todd, Bryan?"

Todd's leg brushed mine, he looked at me hopefully and I said,

"Yes I do."

Jason gave me a wink that only I could see and Mrs. Green gave me her smile.

This was a cool family; all parts of it cared deeply for the other parts. Everyone did their best to look out for the others and they as a total made my life so much better. I had never really experienced family life. Mom was so busy, with work, cleaning the house, getting groceries; she barely had time for me. I cannot recall her telling me she loved me, I just assumed it was so. Todd's family was certainly different. They hugged, and laughed and showed great affection for one another, and for the first time in my life I was on the receiving end of something warm called love. After dinner I did my best to help clear the table without breaking anything and Todd helped me up to his room. Jason had already taken my old box over to Todd's room and Todd began to make room in his dresser and closet for my things. He said,

"You don't have very much stuff, we'll need to go shopping, until then please help yourself to anything of mine."

We watched TV together and played games on his Play Station. This was not against the lord in their house. Bedtime came, it was a bit awkward. Todd removed his shorts and slipped on a fresh pair of boxers. I just kept on the pair I was wearing, not wanting him to see how old and bad my briefs were.

With just our boxers on, we crawled into bed next to each other. Our feet tangled a bit, our legs rubbed one another's and we talked and soon both found sleep.

The next two days just moved by. I did my lessons during the day, rested, had lunch with Mrs. Green and waited for Todd to come home. He was always a little tired because of soccer practice, but seemed to perk up once we were together.

Waiting for Todd to return each day allowed me some time alone in our room. We slept together each night, but there was nothing more than leg brushing and handholding and a hug goodnight. I took my private time and turned it into my wish list of things I'd do with Todd. After a raging explosion of cum flying over my body and onto our bed, I would clean up and try to come down before he came in the door.

The most fun we had came from Todd helping me with my wounds. The bandages were off, but ointment still needed to be applied. Todd suggested that we shower together so he could make sure the area was clean. The bathroom was attached to Todd's room; it had a large shower area with two showerheads.

Todd would strip in front of me and me in front of him. It was a scene like any gym, just two guys across from one another talking and cleaning their bodies. The view was great as I watched Todd soap his body and clean all his parts. I paid special attention to him pulling on his dick and rolling his balls as he cleaned his pubes. Todd had a nice bush of dark hair above his dick and some peach fuss on his sack. A slight line of little dark hairs marched up his body to his navel, all very nice. Todd was cut like me and the head of his dick was a pretty pink ending a shaft of about four inches soft.

After the shower we would dry off and then came the fun. Todd would sit on the toilet lid and have me stand in front of him so he could apply the lotion. Todd would carefully rub the cool feeling cream into my wounds just below butt. His fingers ran along the inside of my leg and just up to my crack. He would then move me around so that he could view my front. The first time this happened I was blushing and very conscious that I was hard. Todd moved his hand carefully over the small scar made by the knife blade just under my ball sack. He performed his duties professionally and gave me a smile at the end. I became more relaxed when I looked down and saw Todd had sprung a semi hard himself.

When Todd was done we would just slip on our underwear and play some games before we went to bed. Bed time was nice, our toes would play as we teased each other about winning or losing the last game and in the end Todd would move toward me, place his arm around me, our warm flesh melting together in a wonderful embrace. Todd would then tip the top of his head forward and touch mine as he said good night.

The next few days rolled out fine until Friday, date night.

I knew about the date, Todd had told me right up front. He and Kathy were going to a party. Its a party I would have never been invited to in the first place and in the second place I was not ready to be seen by the outside world. My bruises were getting better, but I still looked like hell.

I knew all that, but was still moping around not wanting Todd to leave me. There was no soccer practice on Fridays, so Todd and Jason came right home. I heard him running up the stairs and quickly pulled my shorts up interrupting a good jerk session. Todd came bounding in the door as I was climbing out of bed. He gave me a funny look and asked,

"Were you sleeping?"

"Just chilling out" I said a little red faced.

He gave me a smirk and said, "I'm going to jump in for a quick shower and head back out to pick up Kathy for an early dinner. Do you want Jason to help you with your lotion?"

"No" I pouted

"Do you want my help real quick before I leave?"

" I don't need your help", more pouting

"Okay" he smiled and closed the bathroom door behind him. I heard it lock.

Todd was in the bathroom a longer time than usual and he came out red faced. I wondered about that.

He saw I was pouting and said, "Look you knew I had this date, I promised Kathy I would take her, I hope you understand."

"Yeah, well don't forget your condoms." I cruelly remarked

Todd looked hurt and I began to wish I could take that back.

Todd sat next to me and said, "It's not like that between Kathy and me and those condoms were a gift from my dad on my thirteen birthday right after I hit puberty and we had our little talk."

"I'm sorry, I just missed you and well you're leaving again." more pouting

"Yeah I know, but I'll be back later to night" A great big smile from Todd

"I smiled back and said, wake me up and let me know you're back okay?"

"Sure" and with that he gave me a hug, got dressed and headed down the stairs.

I sat at the computer awhile just surfing the net until Jason came into the room.

"Hey Bryan stop your moping and come help me with the grill."

I got up and the two of us went down to the kitchen. Todd's folks were having a glass of wine together.

Jason and I went out back and fired up the grill and Mrs. Green brought out ten large hamburgers.

I asked who else was coming and Jason just laughed.

There was salad and fruit, and veggies along with big buns and cheese and pickles for the burgers.

Jason and his dad ate three each, Mrs. Green had one and I had two. Leaving one for Todd if he was hungry when he came home.

The conversation was friendly and we all laughed a lot mostly about nothing, just family stuff. After dinner we all cleaned the kitchen and moved to the family room to watch a DVD. It was really nice. Jason sat next me and I felt very comfortable in this house with this family. I still missed Todd.

The movie ended and I was beat. Jason and I went up to our rooms. Before Jason said goodnight he put his muscular arm around me and said,

"Bryan you'll need to get used to the fact that Todd dates Kathy. He has always dated Kathy and probably will for along time. So deal with, get over it and let Todd off your hook."

I knew what he meant and I knew he was right. Todd wasn't mine and he never would be. I needed to realize that and let Todd be the friend he wanted to be.

I hit the bed and went to sleep.

Later in the dark I felt the bed bounce and turned towards Todd's side. Todd's warm body met me in the middle of the bed. His hand caressed my arm and he said my name softly.

"Hey Todd", I answered quietly. "Was it fun?"

"Yeah I guess, but not the same as being here with you, I'm sorry if I hurt you by leaving Bry."

He moved closer and our head tapped, but this time he moved in and kissed me on the nose. My dick suddenly went hard.

I said, "Todd I'm sorry I was such a dick."

Todd laughed and said, "Bry I love you, and if you were a dick I'd still kiss you again."

At that Todd kissed my cheek, gave me a hug and said good night.

Holy cow! He loves me, he kissed me, and I hear his soft snore begin as he drifted off to sleep. I quietly get out of bed, go into the bathroom, pull my briefs down jerk my dick twice and watch my cum shoot against the shower wall. This was just too intense. I cleaned the wall and pulled up my underwear getting back into bed next to Todd who in minutes spooned my body. Holy cow!

Saturday everyone slept in and after breakfast Todd and I took Jason to have his cast removed. Jason's leg looked funny, it was totally white where his cast had been, Todd and I started calling him Casper. Once out of the doctors office Todd and I continued the teasing until Jason reached out and in a second had us both in a headlock. Each of us under either arm, he pulled us around and pressed our faces together and said,

"You two boys kiss and be nice."

Our faces were touching, Todd's eyebrows tickled my cheek and then Todd just kissed me right on the lips Jason laughed and let us go. My face was burning and Todd just smiled and ruffled my hair before we all got into the car.

I sat quietly in the back, Jason wanted to drive home, he took the long way home by the lake and we all got out and skipped stones over the water. It was a nice day.

Sunday morning I woke early and listened to Todd snore. I was missing something. Oh yeah church. I had not asked them where they attended services. I didn't even know what religion they were. I smiled thinking to myself. How can you kiss a boy and not even know his religion? Come to think of it I hadn't seen a bible all week. I wondered about that. I nudged Todd and he buried his head under the pillow. I pulled the pillow away and he opened one eye and said,

"This better be important Bry, I want to sleep."

"Don't you guys go to church?" I asked

"No, why?"

"Oh I guess I was just accustomed of getting up on Sunday and going that's all."

Todd turned and looked at me and said, "Do you want me to get up and take you to church?"

I could tell by his voice he was hoping I said no.

I said, "No"

"Aren't you guys religious?"

"Okay Bry, I guess we're having this conversation huh?"

"Oh sorry you can go back to sleep", I said

Todd propped his head up on his pillow and spoke.

"Dad's Jewish, Mom's Baptist. We get to celebrate every holiday. My folks didn't want to choose one religion over the other for Jason and I, so they taught us the basics of each. We don't attend services except on important holidays, using Sundays as a day to celebrate the family."

"What's that mean?"

"You'll see"

It wasn't long before the smell of sausage and pancakes drifted into the room. I was enjoying the warmth of Todd's body next to mine, but the food was calling. You know there are more important things than sex to a fifteen-year-old boy. Maybe.

We both pulled on some shorts and a shirt, and headed to the end of the aroma. Jason was having coffee with his dad and Mrs. Green was fixing a big breakfast. I sat next to Jason and Todd jumped in and helped his mom. In a few minutes everything was on the table and we all joined hands in what they called a silent moment to be thankful. No long prayers no bible reading, just good food and family. Mrs. Green got to sit down after breakfast and read the paper while all us guys cleaned the kitchen.

The rest of the day was filled with family events. We play catch in the backyard and a fun game of cards when it was too hot to be out. Lunch was just cold cuts and dinner was pizza. Nobody over did it; everybody was able to enjoy the day. This was better than church.

Monday meant I had to return to school.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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