The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 18, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part Two

This new life became ordinary, school each day, suck off Adam each night, church on Sunday and choirs in-between. None of this was too bad, but then came soccer season.

Now my real life began to be on display at school. I had learned to be submissive and easy going around the house, just to stay under the radar of Pastor Johnston. I accepted that Madam Johnston hated me and that the girls and Adam used me as their sex toy, but no one else knew all of that and I was in no hurry to share theses facts at school.

Once Adam started soccer practice, I was required to wait and come home with him. To me that meant, sit in the bleachers and do my homework, to Adam that meant carry his equipment, bring him water and pack his sweaty jock strap at the end of each day.

Adam was cool and all the boys knew it. The coach loved his ass and he could do nothing wrong. I became his easy way to get a laugh. Soon some of the other guys began to call me "Adam's Boy". Some teased me about it; others just came right out and treated me like crap. It was not fun, but what choice did I have?

One day it turned really bad. After the guys finished showering, Adam told me to get his dirty uniform and equipment packed up. I guess I didn't move fast enough for him because he grabbed his jock strap and pulled it over my head. He made sure the netting where his balls hung was right on my nose.

I reached up to pull it off and he firmly said,

"Leave it"

Everyone was laughing and making fun of me, even the coach, all of them except Todd.

Todd Green was a year between Adam and I, and was probably just as good a soccer player or maybe better than Adam. He was a grade ahead of me, but we shared English because I was in advanced. Todd was the subject of many jerk off sessions once Adam turned his back to me each night. It wasn't that Todd was the best looking or had the biggest dick, yes I checked them all out while waiting for Adam. Todd was just lean and well put together. He had very little hair above his dick, just like me, and we're about the same height and weight, the difference between us was, Todd could run. He ran like a gazelle racing across the field. He also was one of the few soccer players who actually spoke to me. When he spoke his smile filled with white teeth that fell between two beautiful dimples. His brown hair and clear complexion made him special somehow.

Anyway Todd pushed everyone aside and pulled the jock strap off my head. The other guys stood back to watch what would happen next. The coach slipped quietly into his office.

Adam said, "What did you do that for, we were just having fun?"

Todd said, "I don't think Bryan was having much fun"

Wow he knew my name. We did have that one English project where we were in the same group. That was my only B this year in that class, all others A's of course. The B came because I couldn't think of anything but Todd so I lost the context of the project.

So back in the gym you could tell Adam was pissed that Todd was interfering. Adam was bigger than Todd, but I think he was deciding how much he wanted to push this.

Adam smiled and said, "Well boys maybe Todd would like his jock strap pulled off and placed on the boy's head"

At that point a couple of Adams buds grabbed Todd and a couple pulled back on my arms.

I said, "Leave him alone, Adam, or else."

Adam laughed and said. " Or else what dumb-ass?"

All the guys were looking at Todd and me and only he and I could see the "Green Machine" coming up behind Adam.

"The Green Machine" is what everyone called him, he was big and tough and everyone knew not to mess with him. He was the schools top wrestler and had broken his leg during the homecoming football game, but continued to play another quarter until the game was won before he let the coach take him out. He was always around the gym and everyone spoke nicely to him, but kept their distance.

Just as Adam was ready to have the boys remove Todd's jock, The Machine pushed the wide end of his crutch up between Adams legs, turned it and pulled back hard. Adam's eyes bugged out of his head, his face turn red and he fell holding his balls slamming face first against the gym floor.

The Green Machine spoke, "This parties over boys, so let go of my brother or you'll be picking your teeth up off the floor."

"His brother?"

Oh, "Green Machine", Todd Green. They look nothing alike so I never put the two together. Anyway hands dropped quickly from both Todd and I.

"You boys get your skinny dicks covered and head home to mommy, Todd get dressed and meet us outside. You come with me." Commanded the Machine

Man I have never seen the soccer team move that fast. I broke into a cold sweat wondering what he was going to do to me.

Outside the front door of the gym "The Machine" turned and put his hand out, I took it and it swallowed my hand up to the wrist.

"My names Jason Green, sorry we haven't met, but you must be a good friend of my brothers."

Wow a good friend of Todd Green, I wish.

"Hi I'm Bryan McGrath, I have English with Todd."

"Oh you must be the smart one he always talks about."

Todd talks about me? That's news.

About that time Todd came out dressed and ready to go home.

They both insisted that they drop me off so I didn't have to face Adam. With the broken leg Jason couldn't drive so Todd drove Jason's Mustang and dropped me off in front of the little house. They didn't know I lived with Adam and Todd was concerned.

"It's okay", I said, " He'll be mad, but I can make him forget about it", If they only knew how.

Jason said, "If you need anything, let me know"

Todd and I butted fist and shared a warm handshake, I'll think about that all night.

Fortunately Adam came home and went right to bed and no one asked many questions. I slept with the dog.

The rest of the week was better. Adam didn't want me near him at school because it would remind the other guys that he had been made to look foolish. At home he ignored me, I guess he thought that was punishment, but truthfully Rex the dog and I were becoming friends. Rex and I had bonded. You know sleeping together really brings you closer. I had taught him tricks and shared my dinner with him and he was the only source of friendship the household offered me, so I returned the favor.

The Pastor had been out of town preaching at a different church and so I was happy. Plus there was Todd. Every morning and in the afternoon in English I received a fist butt from him. I know this doesn't sound like much, but when you have no love, no warmth, no caring in your life a fist butt is awesome.

After a morning in church of course, Sunday was not a day of rest for me. Madam Johnston had me do the family's entire laundry. Then it was the yard work, followed by house cleaning. It was a warm day and I had gladly lost my shirt and found a pair of shorts. The shorts were old like all my stuff; the girls seemed to enjoy the extra skin to look at. I had given up caring much about them. Adam checked me out a few times. I wondered about that, he had never touched me or seemed interested in any sex other than what I could provide him. Adam seemed pleased with himself that day, as if he held a secret from me. Madam Johnston was never nice, but today she seemed meaner, even the girls acted like I was lower than the dog.

Sunday night the Pastor returned.

It was late evening when the Pastor called me into the family room. His bearded face looked tired and I almost felt compassion for the man. He rose when I entered and Adam stood next to him.

"Young man the lord calls me to rid his world of sinners."

"You have sinned. You have brought shame upon my Son and this family."


"The lord tells us that those who are not worthy shall be whipped and stoned. They shall be made unable to spread thy seed and make more devils of their own."

I'm no bible expert, but I swear he makes this stuff up.

"Pastor Johnston, I have done nothing to Adam but bring him pleasure." He made me look foolish in front of the soccer team and that's why he had problems."

"Silence young devil" "You will not speak to me, for I am a man of God."

"Pastor, a man of God forgives."

"Do not tell me God's will, I am the vessel that carries his word." He shouted

"Okay, then I'm sorry, can we move on now", I try

The room fills with the rest of the family.

"You must be punished to learn, it is the lords way."

The Pastor pulled off his belt and said,

"Remove your shorts."

The girl's smiled and stared as I do as he says. By now I have been naked in front of this family enough that my dick does not shrink, but hangs loosely over my hairless ball sack. I'm not very hairy; my pubes are light brown matching the hair on my head. My clear face and skinny body has tanned from working in the yard and is in contrast to the white skin hidden by my shorts. My dick is a normal size, cut and clean. I have nothing to be bashful about, so I stand their naked and a little proud.

I know I'm going to be beaten; I know the family enjoys the show. This has happen before; it's just this time something is different.

"You have hurt my son Adam, you have brought pain to this family through him and we must stand with him and make you pay for your evil." Peaches the Pastor.

"I've done nothing wrong." I protest

"Silence and take your punishment." The Pastor commands

I know the drill, I walk over to the Pastor and turn my back bend over and grab my ankles.

I feel the first strike of the belt and it brings tears to my eyes. The second and third hit below my butt and against my legs, it feels like they have broken the skin. The next two land on my back and I almost fall over.

Adam pulls me upward by my hair, that hurts, but not like what he does next.

"See how you like having your balls smashed." He says

Adam grabbed me, touching my stuff for the first time, his strong hand pulls my balls down and closed in on them. I scream in pain for the first time. He slaps my face and my cheek begins to burn and my lip starts to bleed. Then Adam hits me hard in the belly and I can't get a breath, I go flat on my back and the girls grab my feet, and spread my legs far apart. I think they are going to pull them off, but I can't move. All this and now the worst, Madam Johnston comes forward with a sharp butcher knife and says,

"You have harmed the body of my boy and could have prevented him from producing God's children, now I will see that you never bring children into this world."

The Pastor has my arms; Adam looks on smiling as his mother reaches for my balls. This is not good. The knife comes down; I feel it scrape my inner thigh. I can only think one thing and scream,


My only friend comes running into the room flying past the Pastor over my body and straight into Madam Johnston. The knife goes flying and I kick hard with both legs and the girls fall backward away from my feet. This is all happening in seconds and somehow I pull away from the Pastor. Adam had turned to help his mother and I leap up in pain, blood running from several parts of my body, I make my way to the back door.

I hear the Pastor yell,

"Stop him."

I make it to the six-foot fence; I am five seven and make a leap. I feel something dragging me back and can hear the dog barking in the house. Then as I feel myself falling back into Adam, we both hear a blood-curtailing yelp from the dog. That gave me the adrenalin rush I needed to pull away from Adam and spring over the fence falling naked into the rose bushes on the other side.

My body is in pain, I am bleeding, but I know what waits for me back in that house, so I get up and run. I can hear footsteps behind me and they are gaining on me. I think of Todd and see him in my mind running like a gazelle. I pattern my run like his and bring distance between me and my would be capture.

It's dark and I have nothing resisting my flight other than bare feet and a bleeding body, so I run.

I see a few people as I make it through the neighborhood, but they are so shocked at seeing a naked boy streaking across their lawns, they do nothing to stop me.

Somehow I make it to the High School. I run towards the gym, I see a high window opened just a small way and I head for it. There is a garbage can and I drag it over and pull myself up to the window. Again as I crawl in I feel strong hands pulling me back. I can hear Adam swearing at me and calling me names. I give a kick and connect with his jaw. I hear a snap and his hands let go as he cries out in pain. I make it into the window and use a broom to close it behind me. I hear Adam swearing to cut my balls off in the morning.

I make it to the showers. I am covered in blood, sweat, and tears. I slip down against the shower wall.

It's interesting how little streams flow forth, then connecting making a giant river. The river flows with gravity and finds the lowest point, the drain; the river is my blood.

I watch my life leak away from me, thinking this is better than living and so I close my eyes.


The Angel Gabriel shall pick you up and take you to heaven. My body and soul were floating light as a feather in the warm embrace. The Angels sang their siren songs as my chariot carried me toward the bright light.

All is quiet now and I am at peace. My heart must be out of me as I can hear it beeping above my head. The light is in the tunnel before me, but then it eclipsed behind a huge dark figure. I open one eye. Before me is the largest being I have ever seen. Is this God?

He has a warm smile and a kind face, his large hand rest on my arm. He speaks in a soft but thundering voice.

"Hey, he's awake."

My left eye does not open, but I hear movement in that direction. I try to turn my head and my brain hammers at me to stop. The movement comes closer and replaces the giant figure with yet another. So heaven is filled with giants, interesting.

No it's Jason Green who takes my hand and swallows it in his own.

"Hey buddy, welcome back." This is my dad and Todd will be in shortly, he's down giving more blood to help you."

I must of given him a strange look, because he explains.

"You lost a lot of blood and Todd has the same type as you, he insisted on them using his blood to replace yours."

Todd's blood is in me and I feel warmer. I fall back into a dream like state filled with visions of Todd. More visions come later and then seem so real I have to open my eye to get a better view and then I see it's really him. He has my hand and I can feel his heart beating with my palm.

Why would he have tears in his eyes? Perhaps the light is too bright.

"Where am I?" I didn't know I could speak

"You're going to be fine Bry." Todd's voice cracks. "Jason found you in the gym this morning and he carried you out and called for help. You're now in the hospital, and we're here to help you."

Wow the feeling of Todd's hand made me feel much better, than the room grew smaller as two women entered. One I recognized as Kathy, Todd's girl friend and a really cute cheerleader.

Kathy took Todd's hand. I wanted to hate Kathy, but she was always nice to me and well I really just wanted Todd's hand back. In its place a small women who looked a lot like Todd took over. I felt warmth when holding Todd's hand, but this was more than that. I really can't describe it. I have read about a mother's touch, but mine never was very touchy feely. However Mrs. Green made me feel better somehow just by holding my hand. I liked her right away and her smile said a lot to me.

I saw Todd kiss Kathy, ouch! Then he took his parents aside for a quiet talk. Soon things started happening.

The doctor came in as well as a police officer.

The doctor spoke first.

"How are you feeling Bryan?"

"I'm not sure, a little dizzy and tired right now, and I think I have pain in every part of my body." I said

"Well when you're better The Green's have offered to take you back to their home to get some rest and figure out what comes next. Is that alright with you?"

Let me think, would I like to sleep in the same house as Todd Green and have Jason Green around to make sure no one hurt me?

"That would be great" I smiled.

"Well Bryan first if you're up to it the police have a few questions. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure", the doctor leaves us alone

"Bryan I'm Officer Williams and I've been told by Pastor Johnston that their dog attacked you and gave you all these scares. They killed the dog helping you get free, but you must of run away out of fear. Now before you answer Bryan, I want to remind you, Pastor Johnston and his family are well thought of in this town and I would hate to think that you would be the one to spoil that, okay?"

I see how this is going to work. Poor Rex gets the blame. I'm sure I've seen this guy at church.

"Sorry Officer I don't remember what happened right now, are we done?"

"Well Bryan we're done for now, but remember if you press charges, you'll need to go to court and tell your story in front of Pastor Johnston."

"Thanks Officer Williams I got the message. Now I'd like to rest thanks". At that I closed my eyes and he left.

The Green family came back in and Todd explained to me that his dad was an attorney and had already spoken to the judge about having me stay with them. His mom had been a nurse and was in charge of fund raising at the hospital so the doctor was glad to allow her to supervise my care. If I seemed better I could get out of the hospital tomorrow and stay with them until we figured out a plan.

I slept well that night and the next morning Mr. Green came into the room.

"Bryan I heard the story about the dog and I think its bull. My wife and the doctor agree that your wounds are not consistent with dog bites, but we'll get to the bottom of all that soon enough. I spoke with Pastor Johnston and they think your current condition would interfere with their family life, so he has agreed to allow you to stay with us if that's okay with you."

"I don't want to be a bother to you folks Mr. Green, but if you don't mind I'll take you up on your offer."

He smiled and the doctor released me. With no effort Mr. Green picked me up like a baby and placed me in a wheel chair. Once in the car the two of us drove to the Green's home.

The house was huge, like Mr. Green and Jason. It had high ceilings and every room was big. Mrs. Green met us at the door and followed Mr. Green who carried me into the guest bedroom and placed me in bed. Mrs. Green gave me my meds and I moved into a peaceful sleep.

"Shiss, you'll wake him. "

My eyes opened and there was Todd, Jason and his mom. I smile at them, each returned one. You have no idea how nice it is to see a smile, my eyes naturally scanned Todd's body, I can't help it. He had come home straight from soccer practice and was still in a small pair of soccer shorts and an open mess shirt, very cute.

Next to me is a TV tray and a covered platter. Todd sits on the bed beside me and says,

"Hey Bry, are you ready for some food?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Todd tells the others he'll handle my care and they both smile at each other as they leave the room. The food is the best I have tasted in my life. Hot soup, small bites of steak and peas along with a cool glass of milk. Todd feeds me like I'm a baby. I don't complain.

He tells me about his day and about all the things going on in school. He tells me that Adam has a few broken teeth, and is spreading the word that I went nuts after the dog attacked me. I just smile.

Dinner wrapped up with us sharing a candy bar. I fed him and he fed me, it got messy, we laughed until my wounds made sharp complaints.

Mrs. Green came into the guest room to see how we were doing. She had a large basin of hot soapy water on a rolling tray and two large towels in her hand. She asked Todd to take the platter of food down to the kitchen. I watched him leave the room enjoying the view of him in his shorts. I became conscious the Mrs. Green was looking into my face, so I pulled my eyes away from Todd and smiled; she smiled back and said,

"Todd had said he wanted to give you the sponge bath, but if you would prefer, I'll be happy to do it. We don't want you to be uncomfortable or uneasy. Which would you prefer?"

I had seen Todd in all sorts of undress over the last few weeks of soccer practice, but he had never seen me in anything but street clothes other than in the hospital. I had to think about it, but of course I chose Todd. And Mrs. Green just smiled.

I felt good around her. She could have been demanding or controlling and I would have gone along, but she was always nice and gave me a smile.

Todd came back in and she told him to make sure I was clean and gave him a fresh gown to place over me, and then she left the room.

Todd slipped off his shirt so it wouldn't get wet. He was so close to me I could see the hair under his arms and a shadow where someday he would have a small patch on his chest.

I was a little nervous, but he looked very professional as he rolled me over and unsnapped my gown. I felt it pull away as the cool air in the room met my backside. Todd just continued small talk while he cleaned my shoulders and back. He moved down to my legs skipping my butt. He moved the sponge around the bandages that covered the welts where the belt had broken my skin. After moving from my feet slowly up my legs to just below my butt, Todd gently pushed my legs apart. I knew he was looking at my butt and probably the back of my balls. The warm water and sponge had its affect on me; especially knowing they were being applied by Todd. He was very good at this, taking his time to make sure I was very clean.

Then he turned me over. I was completely naked and hard. I saw his eyes focus in on my groin and watched his face become distorted and turn away. My dick quickly downsized and my face turned red. Todd found me disgusting and unworthily of his gaze. I felt like shit and tried to cover up. I said,

"I'm sorry my dick isn't very big and I know I'm ugly."

Todd looked back with tears in his eyes and said,

"You're beautiful and your dick is perfect, it's seeing what those people did to you that makes me mad."


Todd returned to my side and his hand moved to my face. His warm hand held my cheek and his other hand took my hand in his.

"Bry, I care about you, my family cares about, and we'll make sure those people never do this again, okay?"

I say, "I care for you too, thanks for helping me."

I wanted to tell him how much I cared for him and all the things I wanted to do with him, but those words just didn't develop and Todd returned to the job of cleaning me.

He made more small talk about the upcoming weekend and the party he and Kathy had been invited to. All this conversation while he cleaned under my arms, along my chest and down my belly. Then he came to my groin. I watched his eyes while he moved my dick aside and using the sponge cleaned my ball sack and pubic hair. Then he took my dick and wrapped it in the sponge squeezing it as he moved up and down. He smiled and pretended that it was nothing. My dick sprung up and I could see he had a bulge in his shorts as well. The only thing between us were those shorts he was wearing. I wished I could rip them off and take his dick into my hand. I know how I'd like to clean him.

Soon he finished, using the towels to dry me off and then placed the gown on me without snapping it closed I thanked him. Todd wandered off with the basin and I was left reliving those recent events. Todd having my dick in his hand, Todd saying I was beautiful, wow this was so cool.

I had fallen asleep and woke to a dark room. Shadows moved across the window and my mind began to see strange things in the low light. I became frighten and broke into a cold sweat. I heard a noise and the shadow moved across the large room coming towards me.

No, no don't hurt me, please don't hurt me. I began to cry when the hand came down to cover my face. They were back!

"Bry, its me, Todd, don't cry."

My tears rolled down my cheek my body shook out of control, fear had overtaken me and I couldn't stop.

Todd left my side and moved around the bed. He pulled the blanket and sheet up and crawled in next to me. He took me in his warm embrace, a bear hug if you will.

"Bry no one is going to hurt you, they'll have to go through me first."

I felt his warm body next to mine, my gown was completely open in the back, Todd had only his boxers on his body, I felt his hands caressing my chest, I felt his warm breath on my neck and I became calm.

Todd slept with me that night.

Next: Chapter 3

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