The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 9, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part One

I was glad it was raining; the water hid my tears, yet I suppose if you looked into my eyes, you could see the pain anyway.

I'm no crybaby, but under the circumstances a display of grief was in order.

My name is Bryan McGrath; I'm fifteen going on forty. I have lived all my long life with my mother; this was her funeral I was attending. Her coworkers from the local HugeMart were there along with the good Pastor Johnston and his bible. My father can't be here today, because he died before I was born.

Good old dad convinced mom, who was my age at the time, that she couldn't get pregnant the first time she had sex. I'm here to prove the myth wrong. My dad, I have been told was not too sharp. He was killed in the service of his country. Nothing dealing with bravery, more like stupidity. Dad walked under a huge container as it was dropping.

My dad had joined the military after he and mom were married in hopes of caring for his family. Actually it worked out that way, because the government checks have done more for us than dad ever could have.

Mom worked for a retail giant and we stayed near the base. There was no reason to return to Kentucky where her and dad had grown up and met. Dad had no family and mom's family had forsaken her and turned their backs, because the bible had told them to. Many times I looked for that passage, but never found it, but nonetheless here I am.

Mom had grown more religious in the last few months of her illness and had signed me over to Pastor Johnston. I was not happy about the plan, but as everyone reminded me, I was just a boy and had no valuable opinion.

That wasn't true, but I kept that thought to myself. I had decided; how bad could it be, my life to date hasn't been wonderful so I had little to lose.

Pastor Johnston finished the payer, closed his bible and we all filed away from the ceremony. I was instructed to sit in the back of his truck because I was wet. He was wet too, but I kept that to myself.

We pulled into the driveway of the Pastor's small brick home. The garage door opened and he ran in and motioned for me to follow. Once inside the garage, the door closed behind us. The side door to the kitchen opened and out came the Pastor's wife. She gave him a nice big towel and me a frown. The Pastor turned to me and said


I stood in my own puddle and realized there was no choice. I kicked off my shoes and leaned against the wall to grab my socks. My shirt needed to be pealed off my back and it dropped to the floor next to me. As I progressed to my nudity, the rest of the family came out to watch. There were two young girls, about twelve and thirteen and Adam the Pastor's son. I knew Adam from school. I was a lowly freshman in High School and he was a junior. Adam was well known as one the better soccer players and as an officer of his class. He was way out of my league and only spoke to me because I attended his father's church. Adam was truly one of the cool kids, and I was just a freshman.

I unzipped my pants and peeled them back showing my white now opaque briefs.

The pants fell heavy with water and joined my shirt. The Pastor looked impatient, so I pulled down my underwear and let them drop to my ankles and float in the little lake around my feet.

The dog came behind me and pushed his nose up my butt, the two girls giggled. Adam had a smirk on his face. I pushed the dog away and the Pastor spoke.

"Bryan you are now part of this family and you will earn the right to live here by caring for yourself. Madam Johnston will teach you to use the washer and dryer and you will clean your own clothes and be given other chores to help us all. I do not have time to supervise you and do the lords work, so I am assigning Adam the duty. You will do as he demands. If you disobey, you will be whipped, for that is the lord's way. Do you understand?"

I thought to myself perhaps I need to go back and read more of the bible again, but I said

"Yes Sir."

"Adam show him your room he will stay in there with you."

"Yes Father"

I walked passed the girls who couldn't take their eyes off my dick, which was cold, wet, shy and very small at this point.

Once in the room just Adam and I, he turned to me and smiled.

"Your shit is in that box, keep it the fuck away from my stuff or I'll tell Father, do you understand dumb-ass?"

I stood there shocked at the language. Not that I hadn't heard all those words before, just not from a preachers son.

"Yeah, sure" I spoke

I quickly found some dry clothes and covered my body. The rest of the day I learned how to use the washer and dryer and the lawn mower, the rake, the broom and the vacuum. This would really be a learning experience; this would really suck.

After a long prayer, a longer bible reading and a bad dinner it was time for bed. No television because the bible says... Oh please, I know the bible doesn't mention TV.

Anyway Adam told me to shower before I came to bed. I did, knowing I must smell a little after the slave labor of the day. I really didn't mind doing all the work, it was better than thinking about mom and how she gave all of our money go to the church.

After the shower I ran into the bedroom, the girls giggling at my backside. There on the floor next to my box was a blanket and warn out pillow. Adam was already in his big double bed. I could see he was shirtless and guessed that there was less than that covering him.

He said, "you can sleep on the floor, or you can join me."

I pulled the blanket up and around me, but soon the fleas began to jump all over me and I sheepishly crawled into bed with Adam. At first I thought he had fallen to sleep, but he reached over and found my hand and placed it right on his dick. It was long, hard and hairy. I pulled my hand away. Adam pulled it back with more force and held it on his dick. I pulled away. Adam pushed me off the bed. I laid next to the bed long enough for a flea to bite my ass and then crawled back under the covers next to Adam.

Adam was tall with dark blonde hair. He was muscular and strong. His blue eyes were piercing, his light skin glowing, he was hot, and let's face it, I knew I like boys, I had known for a while that I might be gay. I knew I thought Adam was sexy and had thought about holding his dick during many church sermons, so I really wasn't being forced and what can a little dick holding hurt?

I held Adam and pulled softly on his dick. It grew and became even harder. His pubes had been clipped, but he still had more hair than I. His dick was long and cut. It was jetting upward from a flat but well defined body. It felt warm and wonderful to hold a dick, especially one attached to a body like this one. I played with his balls, he made friendly sounds and I figured, hey no big deal, I get to have a little fun while providing Adam with a little along the way. He let me play until he came all over my hand and then he turned away from me leaving me hot and horny.

That's the way the rest of the week went. Adam ignored me at school, and let me jerk him off every night.

Sunday came and of course we had to go to church. The Pastor left early and Adam drove the family. Madam Johnston sat up front leaving me to deal with the two girls. Sister Ruth and Sister Mary as I was instructed to call them sat on either side of me. These girls were way over sexed. I had gotten used to them waiting for me outside the bathroom each night so they could catch a peek of my naked body running to the bedroom. In the car they always made sure to capture me in the middle. They knew I would say nothing, because I simply choose to go along to get along. Anyway within the first minute of travel one of them slid over and placed her hand on my leg. I moved away, but that sent me into the next set of hands waiting to grope my groin.

It's not that the girls make me horny, because they didn't, its just being fifteen, you understand. Anyway by the time we got to church I was hard as a rock and the girls had weird smiles on their faces.

I made sure to sit next to Adam during the service and jumped into a window seat to go home. Once we're back at the house, Adams took me into his room.

"Did you listen to the sermon today dumb-ass?"

"Please, Adam don't call me that, and yes I listened why?"

"The bible says you are here to serve, that's what you heard right"


"Well good, because you're here to serve me."

"What do you want? I already do you know at night for you."

"That's getting old, get on your knees now" he demanded

I didn't want any trouble, so I got on my knees. That's when Adam pulled out his dick and pushed into my face. This was new, not that I hadn't thought about it, it just was something I hadn't done before. I opened my month to object a little, and he pushed his dick over my tongue.

"Suck" he said

I did. The smell was okay and the feel of his dick in my month really wasn't bad, but I didn't like the pubic hair up my nose. I tried to tell him, but Adam just pushed the back of my head forward and his dick pushed deeper into my month. Well with his dick down my throat and his hair up my nose I couldn't get a breath of air. My eyes watered and I tried to pull back but Adam wouldn't let me. I panicked and bit down on his dick.

He yelled, "Fuck"

Madam Johnston came running into the room and saw her son bent over with blood dripping down. She looked at me with anger and slapped me across my face. My cheek burnt with pain and then she kicked me in the groin. I went down, now completely unable to get a breath.

Adam ran to the bathroom and locked the door. He wouldn't tell her what happened so she asked me.

I just said I had hurt Adam and I was sorry. She yelled at me and said I would go to hell, but before I would be punished and in pain, so it is written.

I don't think I like this bible, I know I don't like my life. That night the Pastor beat me badly and allowed Adam to have a few hits too, something about an eye for an eye.

I slept out with the dog that night.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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